MRTF 19941) CALL TO ORDER 2) ROLL CALL CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of June 23, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGJ~NDA 3) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 4) OLD BUSINESS • Discussion regarding installation of a Ropes Course facility at McClellan Ranch Park. • Discussion regarding responsibilities of McClellan Ranch caretaker. • Discussion and adoption of Committee/Master Plan objectives. 5) NEW BUSINESS 6) APPROVAL OF MINUTES • Approval of May 26, 1994 minutes. 7) WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 8) ADJOURNMENT • Adjournment to regularly schedul(:d meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on July 28, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of December 15, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:06 p.m. meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4. None NEW BUSINESS Lonnie Toensfeldt, Bob Hopkins, Howard Johnson, Ralph Eddy Randall Binkley,, Charles Liggett None Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist ( 5: 10 p.m.) 5. The Task Force discussed various strategies for compiling an improvement plan for the park structures. The discussion centered on the pros and cons of preparing a strategy based on the priorities of each building or a strategy based on task (roof repairs or foundation repairs). The Task Force discussed the desirability of converting the McClellan house into the caretakers residence and removing the mobile home. No decision was reached on this issue. H. Johnson moved and R. Eddy seconded a motion to pay for a structural analysis of the structures. Motion failed. H. Johnson moved and R. Eddy seconded a motion to obtain roof evaluations on the structures. Motion passed. B. Hopkins opposed. Task Force concluded that before an improvement plan can be adopted, more information regarding improvement costs was necessary. Staff to return to the January meeting with costs estimates on roof repairs, A.D.A. access, and structural repairs. 6. Staff reported that interviews of the five finalists for the caretaker position had been completed. 7. Staff reported the Parks and Recreation Commission was recommending to City Council that the Simms portion of the McClellan Ranch Park was preferred over Linda Vista for the installation of a ropes course. Several members of the Task Force~ expressed concern with the recommendation. 8. Task Force member H. Johnson informed the group that the volunteer corp. was removing concrete blocks from the field, but would seek appropriate authorization before removing concrete from the creek. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8. B. Hopkins moved and R. Eddy seconded the motion to approve the minutes of November 18 meeting. B. Hopkins moved and H. Johnson seconded t:~e motion to approve the minutes of October 27 meeting. 9. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None. ADJOURNMENT 10. B. Banfield moved and C. Liggett seconded th«~ motion to adjourn at 6:05 p.m .. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on January 26, 1995. CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL 2. CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of November 18, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 7:30 a.m. AGENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3. Members of the audience regarding matters not on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 4. NEW BUSINESS 5. Tour and assessment of McClellan Ranch buildings with Chief Building Official. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. Approval of October 27, 1994 minutes. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 7. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on December 15, 1994. CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS October 27, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGENDA 3. Members of the audience regarding matters not on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 4. Continued discussion regarding park signage. NEW BUSINESS 5. Discussion regarding buildings evaluation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. Approval of September 22, 1994 minutes. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 7. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on November 17, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL 2. CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of September 22, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3. Members of the audience regarding matters not on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 4. NEW BUSINESS 5. Discussion regarding park signage a. Educational b. Functional c. Restrictional APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. Approval of August 25, 1994 minutes. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 7. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on October 27, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL 2. CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of August 25, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3. Members of the audience regarding matters not on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 4. Finalize Caretaker job description. NEW BUSINESS 5. Brown Act update. 6. Discuss and determine a short-term work plan. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7. Approval of July 28, 1994 minutes. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 8. ADJOURNMENT 9. Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on September 22, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL 2. CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Me:eting of July 28, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3. Members of the audience regarding matters not on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 4. Discussion regarding appropriateness of a Rop1~s Course at McClellan Ranch Park. 5. Review job description for McClellan Ranch caretaker. NEW BUSINESS 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7. Approval of June 23, 1994 minutes. 8. Approval of June 30, 1994 minutes. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 9. ADJOURNMENT 10. Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on August 25, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL 2. CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Adjourned Regular Meeting of June 30, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3. OLD BUSINESS 4. Discussion regarding installation of a Ropes Course facility at McClellan Ranch Park. 5. Discussion and adoption of Committee/Mast1~r Plan objectives. NEW BUSINESS 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 7. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on July 28, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) ROLL CALL CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RA~CH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of June 23, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGENDA 3) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 4) OLD BUSINESS • Discussion regarding installation of a Ropes Course facility at McClellan Ranch Park. • Discussion regarding responsibilities of McClellan Ranch caretaker. • Discussion and adoption of Committee/Master Plan objectives. 5) NEW BUSINESS 6) APPROVAL OF MINUTES • Approval of May 26, 1994 minutes. 7) WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 8) ADJOURNMENT • Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on July 28, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ROLL CALL 4) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 5) OLD BUSINESS May 26, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGENDA • Report on Parks and Recreation Commission action regarding parking lot configuration. 6) NEW BUSINESS • Tour of Simms house • Presentation regarding installation of a Ropes Course facility at McClellan Ranch Park. • Discussion regarding responsibilities of McClellan Ranch caretaker. 7) APPROVAL OF MINUTES • Approval of April 28, 1994 minutes. 8) WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 9) ADJOURNMENT • Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on June 23, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. WINWORD\TASKFORC\MCCLELLA\AGENDA \MAY .DOC CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3) ROLL CALL 4) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 5) OLD BUSINESS 6) NEW BUSINESS April 28, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGENDA • Review and recommend parking lot configuration. • Discussion regarding Master Plan objectives. 7) APPROVAL OF MINUTES • Approval of March 31, 1994 minutes. 8) WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 9) ADJOURNMENT • Adjournment to regularly scheduled mc~eting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on May 26, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. WINWORD\TASKFORC\MCCLELLA\AGENDA\APRIL.DOC .·.·.·.·-:· .. · .. ·.·.··. ··:-:-:-:-:-:-:· . . . .. ·:-:-·.·.·.·.·.··· .. . . ..... ......... .. ······· ·.·.·. .·.·.· ... · .... ·.·.·...... ... . ·····:···· ·.>.·.·:-:-:-::-· .. · .. ·.···:: .. ·.·.·.·.············ •••·MeClella•n••·•·•·ia•n•c•1t ....... 'l•asi••••••lor•ee•••····· · ···conrerence.··Room ....... . 1. Introductions 2. Discussion of Task Force scope and responsibilities 3. Review Master Plan objectives 4. Review property boundaries 5. Review and recommend parking lot configuration Notes:/·· CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of May 26, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:09 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Staff present: Bob Hopkins, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Ralph Eddy, Charles Liggett, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist (arrived 5: 10 p.m.) Charles Liggett informed the committee that Jim Gilmore would now represent the Historical Society on the Task Force. ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS 4. None NEW BUSINESS 5. Task Force members walked through the Simm's house and walked the former Simm's property grounds. 6. Rich Knapp, F.U.H.S.D., presented the concept of installing a rope's course in the north east section of McClellan Ranch (near Blackberry Farm) for use by F.U.H.S.D. and Northwest Y.M.C.A. Task Force members asked questions and continued the item to the June 23 meeting. 7. Dowling distributed current listing of caretaker responsibilities and Task Force was to return to next meeting with additions/modifications. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8. Ralph Eddy moved and Randall Binkley seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the April 28, 1994 meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 9. Task Force received compiled list of park priorities with comparison to Master Plan, from member Hopkins, to be discussed at the June 23 meeting. ADJOURNMENT 10. At 6:07 p.m. the committee adjourned to Thursday, June 23, 1994 at 4:00 p.m. in the Conference room at McClellan Ranch Park. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of July 28, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:07 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Bob Hopkins, Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Committee members absent: Lonnie Toensfeldt Staff present: Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS 4. The Task Force analyzed the Ropes Course com;ept in terms of its' consistency with the McClellan Ranch Master Plan. The majority of the Task Force members did not feel that such a program was compatible with the mission of the park. By consensus, the Task Force could not recommend the Ropes Course to the Parks and Recreation Commission because the program is not in keeping with Ordinance No. 710. 5. The Task Force reviewed and discussed the Caretaker job description and suggested several changes to the text. NEW BUSINESS 6. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7. Howard Johnson moved artd Randall Binkley st:conded the motion to approve the minutes of the June 23, 1994 meeting. 8. Howard Johnson moved and Randall Binkley seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the June 30, 1994 meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 9. None. ADJOURNMENT 10. Howard Johnson moved and Ralph Eddy seconded the motion to adjourn at 6:10 p.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on August 25, 1994. City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of March 31, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park 5:00 p.m. MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER At 5:00 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. 2. ROLLCALL Committee members present: Staff present: 3. ORAL COMMUNICATION None 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None 5. NEW BUSINESS Bob Hopkins, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Ralph Eddy, Charles Liggt::tt, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist + Committee members introduced themselves. + Director reviewed the purpose and scope of the Task Force. + Task Force reviewed the Master Plan objectives and presented their individual views on park priorities. + Task Force reviewed a map of the park property boundaries. + Task Force discussed the existing parking lot ,~onfiguration and made several suggestions for re- alignment. Staff to return at the next meeting with several options for review. 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. ADJOURNMENT At 7: 15 p.m. the committee adjourned to Thursday, April 28, 1994 at 4:00 p.m. in the Conference room at McClellan Ranch Park. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RAN1CH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of April 28, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES CALL TO ORDER At 4:00 p.m. Director Dowling ,. / ROLL CALL \~ \ no:\eJ Committee members present: I -, I c Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION None WRITTEN COMMUNICATI None NEW BUSINESS y, Jhnson Recreation :10 p.m.) + The Task Force reviewed five different options for the re-configuration of the McClellan Ranch parking lot. After discussion, the Task Force recommended to the Parks and Recreation Commission, Option 4 (attached), with the following condition; the work on the west end begin as soon as feasible and the work on the east end be further evaluated. + The Task Force discussed the Master Plan ot~ectives and made additions to the list. The Task Force decided to: (1) tour the Simm's house at the next meeting, and (2) personally prioritize the list and discuss at the next meeting. 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. APPROVL OF MINUTES Approved the minutes of the April 28, 1994 minutes. 8. ADJOURNMENT At 6:10 p.m. the committee adjourned to Thursday, May 26, 1994 at 4:00 p.m. in the Conference room at McClellan Ranch Park. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of May 26, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:09 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Staff present: Bob Hopkins, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Ralph Eddy, Charles Liggett, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist (arrived 5: 10 p.m.) Charles Liggett informed the committee that Jim Gilmore would now represent the Historical Society on the Task Force. ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS 4. None NEW BUSINESS 5. Task Force members walked through the Simm's house and walked the former Simm's property grounds. 6. Rich Knapp, F.U.H.S.D., presented the concept of installing a rope's course in the north east section of McClellan Ranch (near Blackberry Farm) for use by F.U.H.S.D. and Northwest Y.M.C.A. Task Force members asked questions and continued the item to the June 23 meeting. 7. Dowling distributed current listing of caretaker responsibilities and Task Force was to return to next meeting with additions/modifications. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8. Ralph Eddy moved and Randall Binkley secondt:d the motion to approve the minutes of the April 28, 1994 meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 9. Task Force received compiled list of park priorities with comparison to Master Plan, from member Hopkins, to be discussed at the June 23 meeting. ADJOURNMENT 10. At 6:07 p.m. the committee adjourned to Thursday, June 23, 1994 at 4:00 p.m. in the Conference room at McClellan Ranch Park. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular M1~eting of June 23, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:05 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS Bob Hopkins, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist 4. Discussion regarding installation of a Ropes Course facility at McClellan Ranch Park was continued to the meeting of June 30, 1994 5. Committee Chair Toensfeldt provided draft of caretaker job description. The committee discussed the description and recommended changes for review at the July 28 meeting. 6. Director distributed a summary of each member's priorities. This item to be reviewed at a future date. NEW BUSINESS 7. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8. Bob Hopkins moved and Jim Gilmore seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the May 26, 1994 meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 9. None. ADJOURNMENT 10. At 5:00 p.m. adjournment to adjourned regular meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on June 30, 1994. City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Adjourned Regular Meeting of June 30,, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES CALL TO ORDER 1. At 4:00 p.m. meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: Staff absent: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS Bob Hopkins, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Ralph Eddy, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Jim Gilmore Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation 4. Committee toured the suggested locations for installing the Ropes Course structures. No decision was made. 5. Agenda item #5 (Discussion and adoption of Committee/Master Plan objectives) was continued to a later date. NEW BUSINESS 6. None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 7. None. ADJOURNMENT 8. At 5: 10 p.m. adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on July 28, 1994. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of July 28, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:07 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Bob Hopkins, Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Committee members absent: Lonnie Toensfeldt Staff present: Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS 4. The Task Force analyzed the Ropes Course com;ept in terms of its' consistency with the McClellan Ranch Master Plan. The majority of the Task Force members did not feel that such a program was compatible with the mission of the park. By consensus, the Task Force could not recommend the Ropes Course to the Parks and Recreation Commission because the program is not in keeping with Ordinance No. 710. 5. The Task Force reviewed and discussed the Caretaker job description and suggested several changes to the text. NEW BUSINESS 6. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7. Howard Johnson moved and Randall Binkley seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the June 23, 1994 meeting. 8. Howard Johnson moved and Randall Binkley seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the June 30, 1994 meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 9. None. ADJOURNMENT 10. Howard Johnson moved and Ralph Eddy seconded the motion to adjourn at 6:10 p.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on August 25, 1994. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of August 25, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:06 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS Bob Hopkins, Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore, Randall Binkley, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Howard Johnson (4:38p.m.) None Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist 4. Bob Hopkins moved and Barbara Banfield seconded the motion to adopt the McClellan Ranch Park caretaker job description. The Task Force voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Chairperson Toensfeldt volunteered to serve on the interview committee. NEW BUSINESS 5. Steve Dowling reported on clarification amendme:nts. 6. After discussion, the Task Force established the following short range work plan: a) By January 1995, prepare an evaluation and preservation plan for optimal use of the existing buildings. It is the intent of the Task Force to provide recommendations to City Council for the 1995 -1996 Capital Improvements Program. b) Prepare a park signage program that will be based upon three aspects: a) educational, b) functional, c) restrictive. By consensus the committee authorized the Naturalist to proceed with the native plant garden signage. c) Identify potential partnerships for the purpose of implementing the Master Plan goals and objectives. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7. Jim Gilmore moved and Ralph Eddy seconded th~: motion to approve the minutes of the July 28, 1994 meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 8. None. ADJOURNMENT 9. Bob Hopkins moved and Jim Gilmore seconded the motion to adjourn at 6:06 p.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on September 22, 1994. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of October 27, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:07 p.m. meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL . Committee members present: Lonnie Toensfeldt, Bob Hopkins, Randall Binkley, . Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS Howard Johnson (4:37 p.m.) Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist 4. Task Force reviewed sample park signs for the entrance, trail heads, community gardens, and Simms property. • Entrance sign -engraved wood, add "City of ... " to Environmental Center and change "Organic" to "Community." ,, • Trail Heads -decided metal sign on wood post, beige background with brown lettering. • Community Gardens -decided metal sign, beige background with brown lettering. • Simms property -engraved wood. Also add a second sign indicating "Pedestrian Entrance" and "Private Residence" next to house. Task Force also recommended (Randall Binkley moved and Bob Hopkins seconded the motion) expending from the McClellan Ranch Trust to him a consultant to design the "kiosk" information center. NEW BUSINESS 5. a. Task Force set November 17, 3:30 p.m. to wa:lk-through park buildings with Chief Building Official to evaluate/identify renovation issues, b. Task Force suggested relocating garbage dumpster in garden area to the south side of access driveway. c. Task Force suggested consideration be given to a plan for replacing pines in the parking lot. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. Continued approval of minutes to November meeting. 7. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment at 5:02 p.m. to the regularly scheduk:d meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of September 22, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4: 13 p.m. meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS Bob Hopkins, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Randall Binkley,Howard Johnson Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist 4. Director reported on Parks and Recreation Commission action regarding the Ropes Challenge Course proposal. NEW BUSINESS 5. The Task Force discussed a park signage program for the park and directed staff to bring back draft examples of specific wording, based upon input from the group. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. Barbara Banfield moved and Bob Hopkins seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the August 25, 1994 meeting. Motion passed unanimously. 7. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment at 5:48 p.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on October 27, 1994. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of November 18, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 7:45 a.m. meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS 4. NEW BUSINESS Lonnie Toensfeldt, Bob Hopkins, Howard Johnson Ralph Eddy, Randall Binkley, Jim Gilmore (resigned) Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist Joe Antonucci, Building Official Greg Casteel, Building Inspector 5. Tour and assessment of McClellan Ranch buildings with Chief Building Official, Joe Antonucci. Task Force did a walk-through evaluation for all structures except Simms house. The discussion focused on A.D.A. requirements and structural code issues. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. No action taken, lack of quorum. 7. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment at 9:45 a.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on December 15, 1994. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of December 15, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:06 p.m. meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4. None NEW BUSINESS Lonnie Toensfeldt, Bob Hopkins, Howard Johnson, Ralph Eddy Randall Binkley, Charles Liggett None Stephen G. Dow ling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist (5:10 p.m.) 5. The Task Force discussed various strategies for compiling an improvement plan for the park structures. The discussion centered on the pros and cons of preparing a strategy based on the priorities of each building or a strategy based on task (roof repairs or foundation repairs). The Task Force discussed the desirability of converting the McClellan house into the caretakers residence and removing the mobile home. No decision was rea,;::hed on this issue. H. Johnson moved and R. Eddy seconded a motion to pay for a structural analysis of the structures. Motion failed. H. Johnson moved and R. Eddy seconded a motion to obtain roof evaluations on the structures. Motion passed. B. Hopkins opposed. Task Force concluded that before an improvement plan can be adopted, more information regarding improvement costs was necessary. Staff to return to the January meeting with costs estimates on roof repairs, A.D.A. access, and structural repairs. 6. Staff reported that interviews of the five finalists for the caretaker position had been completed. 7. Staff reported the Parks and Recreation Commission was recommending to City Council that the Simms portion of the McClellan Ranch Park was preferred over Linda Vista for the installation of a ropes course. Several members of the Task Forcie expressed concern with the recommendation. 8. Task Force member H. Johnson informed the group that the volunteer corp. was removing concrete blocks from the field, but would seek appropriate authorization before removing concrete from the creek. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8. B. Hopkins moved and R. Eddy seconded the motion to approve the minutes of November 18 meeting. B. Hopkins moved and H. Johnson seconded the motion to approve the minutes of October 27 meeting. 9. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None. ADJOURNMENT 10. B. Banfield moved and C. Liggett seconded the motion to adjourn at 6:05 p.m .. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on January 26, 1995. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of November 18, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 7:45 a.m. meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS 4. NEW BUSINESS Lonnie Toensfeldt, Bob Hopkins, Howard Johnson Ralph Eddy, Randall Binkley, Jim Gilmore (resigned) Stephen G. Dow ling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist Joe Antonucci, Building Official Greg Casteel, Building Inspector 5. Tour and assessment of McClellan Ranch buildings with Chief Building Official, Joe Antonucci. Task Force did a walk-through evaluation for all structures except Simms house. The discussion focused on A.D.A. requirements and structural code issues. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. No action taken, lack of quorum. 7. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment at 9:45 a.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on December 15, 1994. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of October 27, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:07 p.m. meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS Lonnie Toensfeldt, Bob Hopkins, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson (4:37 p.m.) Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist 4. Task Force reviewed sample park signs for the entrance, trail heads, community gardens, and Simms property. • Entrance sign -engraved wood, add "City of ... " to Environmental Center and change "Organic" to "Community." • Trail Heads -decided metal sign on wood post, beige background with brown lettering. • Community Gardens -decided metal sign, beige background with brown lettering. • Simms property -engraved wood. Also add a second sign indicating "Pedestrian Entrance" and "Private Residence" next to house. Task Force also recommended (Randall Binkley moved and Bob Hopkins seconded the motion) expending from the McClellan Ranch Trust to hire a consultant to design the "kiosk" information center. NEW BUSINESS 5. a. Task Force set November 17, 3:30 p.m. to walk-through park buildings with Chief Building Official to evaluate/identify renovation issm:s. b. Task Force suggested relocating garbage dumpster in garden area to the south side of access driveway. c. Task Force suggested consideration be given to a plan for replacing pines in the parking lot. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. Continued approval of minutes to November meeting. 7. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment at 5:02 p.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of September 22, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4: 13 p.m. meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS Bob Hopkins, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Randall Binkley,Howard Johnson Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore Stephen G. Do\\' ling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist 4. Director reported on Parks and Recreation Commission action regarding the Ropes Challenge Course proposal. NEW BUSINESS 5. The Task Force discussed a park signage program for the park and directed staff to bring back draft examples of specific wording, based upon input from the group. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. Barbara Banfield moved and Bob Hopkins seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the August 25, 1994 meeting. Motion passed unanimously. 7. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment at 5:48 p.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on October 27, 1994. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of August 25, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:06 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS Bob Hopkins, Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore, Randall Binkley, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Howard Johnson (4:38p.m.) None Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist 4. Bob Hopkins moved and Barbara Banfield seconded the motion to adopt the McClellan Ranch Park caretaker job description. The Task Force voted unanimously in favor of the motion. Chairperson Toensfeldt volunteered to serve on the interview committee. NEW BUSINESS 5. Steve Dowling reported on clarification amendments. 6. After discussion, the Task Force established the following short range work plan: a) By January 1995, prepare an evaluation and preservation plan for optimal use of the existing buildings. It is the intent of the Task Force to provide recommendations to City Council for the 1995 -1996 Capital Improvements Program. b) Prepare a park signage program that will be based upon three aspects: a) educational, b) functional, c) restrictive. By consensus the committee authorized the Naturalist to proceed with the native plant garden signage. c) Identify potential partnerships for the p llrpose of implementing the Master Plan goals and objectives. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7. Jim Gilmore moved and Ralph Eddy seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the July 28, 1994 meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 8. None. ADJOURNMENT 9. Bob Hopkins moved and Jim Gilmore seconded the motion to adjourn at 6:06 p.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on September 22, 1994. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of July 28, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:07 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Bob Hopkins, Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Committee members absent: Lonnie Toensfeldt Staff present: Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS 4. The Task Force analyzed the Ropes Course concept in terms of its' consistency with the McClellan Ranch Master Plan. The majority of the Task Force members did not feel that such a program was compatible with the mission of the park. By com.ensus, the Task Force could not recommend the Ropes Course to the Parks and Recreation Commission because the program is not in keeping with Ordinance No. 710. 5. The Task Force reviewed and discussed the Caretaker job description and suggested several changes to the text. NEW BUSINESS 6. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7. Howard Johnson moved and Randall Binkley seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the June 23, 1994 meeting. 8. Howard Johnson moved and Randall Binkley seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the June 30, 1994 meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 9. None. ADJOURNMENT 10. Howard Johnson moved and Ralph Eddy seconded the motion to adjourn at 6:10 p.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on August 25, 1994. City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Adjourned Regular Meeting of June 30, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES CALL TO ORDER 1. At 4:00 p.m. meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: Staff absent: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS Bob Hopkins, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Ralph Eddy, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Jim Gilmore Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation 4. Committee toured the suggested locations for installing the Ropes Course structures. No decision was made. 5. Agenda item #5 (Discussion and adoption of Committee/Master Plan objectives) was continued to a later date. NEW BUSINESS 6. None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 7. None. ADJOURNMENT 8. At 5:10 p.m. adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on July 28, 1994. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of June 23, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:05 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS Bob Hopkins, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Stephen G. Dow ling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist 4. Discussion regarding installation of a Ropes Course facility at McClellan Ranch Park was continued to the meeting of June 30, 1994 5. Committee Chair Toensfeldt provided draft of caretaker job description. The committee discussed the description and recommended changes for review at the July 28 meeting. 6. Director distributed a summary of each member's priorities. This item to be reviewed at a future date. NEW BUSINESS 7. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8. Bob Hopkins moved and Jim Gilmore seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the May 26, 1994 meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 9. None. ADJOURNMENT 10. At 5:00 p.m. adjournment to adjourned regular meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on June 30, 1994. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of May 26, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:09 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Staff present: Bob Hopkins, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Ralph Eddy, Charles Liggett, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist (arrived 5: 10 p.m.) Charles Liggett informed the committee that Jim Gilmore would now represent the Historical Society on the Task Force. ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS 4. None NEW BUSINESS 5. Task Force members walked through the Simm's house and walked the former Simm's property grounds. 6. Rich Knapp, F.U.H.S.D., presented the concept of installing a rope's course in the north east section of McClellan Ranch (near Blackberry Farm) for llSe by F.U.H.S.D. and Northwest Y.M.C.A. Task Force members asked questions and continued the item to the June 23 meeting. 7. Dowling distributed current listing of caretaker responsibilities and Task Force was to return to next meeting with additions/modifications. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8. Ralph Eddy moved and Randall Binkley seconde:d the motion to approve the minutes of the April 28, 1994 meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 9. Task Force received compiled list of park priorities with comparison to Master Plan, from member Hopkins, to be discussed at the June 23 meeting. ADJOURNMENT 10. At 6:07 p.m. the committee adjourned to Thursday, June 23, 1994 at 4:00 p.m. in the Conference room at McClellan Ranch Park. City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of April 28, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER At 4:00 p.m. Director Dowling called the meehng to order. 2. ROLLCALL Committee members present: Staff present: 3. ORAL COMMUNICATION None 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None 5. NEW BUSINESS Bob Hopkins, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Ralph Eddy, Charles Liggett, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist (arrived 5: 10 p.m.) + The Task Force reviewed five different options for the re-configuration of the McClellan Ranch parking lot. After discussion, the Task Force recommended to the Parks and Recreation Commission, Option 4 (attached), with the following condition; the work on the west end begin as soon as feasible and the work on the east end be further evaluated. + The Task Force discussed the Master Plan objectives and made additions to the list. The Task Force decided to: (1) tour the Simm's house at the next meeting, and (2) personally prioritize the list and discuss at the next meeting. 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. APPROVL OF MINUTES Approved the minutes of the April 28, 1994 minutes. 8. ADJOURNMENT At 6:10 p.m. the committee adjourned to Thursday, May 26, 1994 at 4:00 p.m. in the Conference room at McClellan Ranch Park. City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of 1. CALL TO ORDER March 31, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park 5:00p.m. MINUTES At 5:00 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. 2. ROLLCALL Committee members present: Staff present: 3. ORAL COMMUNICATION None 4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None 5. NEW BUSINESS Bob Hopkins, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Ralph Eddy, Charles Liggett, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist + Committee members introduced themselves. + Director reviewed the purpose and scope of the Task Force. + Task Force reviewed the Master Plan objectives and presented their individual views on park priorities. + Task Force reviewed a map of the park prop1~rty boundaries. + Task Force discussed the existing parking lot configuration and made several suggestions for re- alignment. Staff to return at the next meeting with several options for review. 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. ADJOURNMENT At 7:15 p.m. the committee adjourned to Thursday, April 28, 1994 at 4:00 p.m. in the Conference room at McClellan Ranch Park. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of December 15, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINLTES 1. At 4:06 p.m. meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4. None NEW BUSINESS Lonnie Toensfeldt, Bob Hopkins, Howard Johnson, Ralph Eddy Randall Binkley, Charles Liggett None Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist (5: 10 p.m.) 5. The Task Force discussed various strategies for compiling an improvement plan for the park structures. The discussion centered on the pros and cons of preparing a strategy based on the priorities of each building or a strategy based on task (roof repairs or foundation repairs). The Task Force discussed the desirability of converting the McClellan house into the caretakers residence and removing the mobile home. No decision was reached on this issue. H. Johnson moved and R. Eddy seconded a motion to pay for a structural analysis of the structures. Motion failed. H. Johnson moved and R. Eddy seconded a motion to obtain roof evaluations on the structures. Motion passed. B. Hopkins opposed. Task Force concluded that before an improvement plan can be adopted, more information regarding improvement costs was necessary. Staff to return to the January meeting with costs estimates on roof repairs, A.D.A. access, and structural repairs. 6. Staff reported that interviews of the five finalists for the caretaker position had been completed. 7. Staff reported the Parks and Recreation Commission was recommending to City Council that the Simms portion of the McClellan Ranch Park was preferred over Linda Vista for the installation of a ropes course. Several members of the Task Force expressed concern with the recommendation. 8. Task Force member H. Johnson informed the group that the volunteer corp. was removing concrete blocks from the field, but would seek appropriate authorization before removing concrete from the creek. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8. B. Hopkins moved and R. Eddy seconded the motion to approve the minutes of November 18 meeting. B. Hopkins moved and H. Johnson seconded the motion to approve the minutes of October 27 meeting. 9. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None. ADJOURNMENT 10. B. Banfield moved and C. Liggett seconded th 1e motion to adjourn at 6:05 p.m .. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on January 26, 1995. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of December 15, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:06 p.m. meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 4. None NEW BUSINESS Lonnie Toensfeldt, Bob Hopkins, Howard Johnson, Ralph Eddy Randall Binkley,. Charles Liggett None Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist (5:10 p.m.) 5. The Task Force discussed various strategies for compiling an improvement plan for the park structures. The discussion centered on the pros and cons of preparing a strategy based on the priorities of each building or a strategy based on task (roof repairs or foundation repairs). The Task Force discussed the desirability of converting th1~ McClellan house into the caretakers residence and removing the mobile home. No decision was reached on this issue. H. Johnson moved and R. Eddy seconded a motion to pay for a structural analysis of the structures. Motion failed. H. Johnson moved and R. Eddy seconded a motion to obtain roof evaluations on the structures. Motion passed. B. Hopkins opposed. Task Force concluded that before an improvement plan can be adopted, more information regarding improvement costs was necessary. Staff to retum to the January meeting with costs estimates on roof repairs, A.D.A. access, and structural repairs. 6. Staff reported that interviews of the five finalists for the caretaker position had been completed. 7. Staff reported the Parks and Recreation Commission was recommending to City Council that the Simms portion of the McClellan Ranch Park was preferred over Linda Vista for the installation of a ropes course. Several members of the Task Fore~: expressed concern with the recommendation. 8. Task Force member H. Johnson informed the group that the volunteer corp. was removing concrete blocks from the field, but would seek appropriate authorization before removing concrete from the creek. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8. B. Hopkins moved and R. Eddy seconded the motion to approve the minutes of November 18 meeting. B. Hopkins moved and H. Johnson seconded the motion to approve the minutes of October 27 meeting. 9. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None. ADJOURNMENT 10. B. Banfield moved and C. Liggett seconded the motion to adjourn at 6:05 p.m .. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on January 26, 1995. MCCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Building Improvements •!• Denotes Master Plan Item McClellan Ranch House • Modify existing handicap parking stalls to comply with current A.D.A. • Review approach (including ramp) to building for A.D.A. compliance and modify accordingly • Replace roof -Do not overlay • Exterior handrails must be replaced for A.D.A. compliance • Replace fixtures in # 1 bath and kitchen • Replace furnace grate in hallway to reduce hazard • Evaluate integrity of parking overhang •!• Add climate control system to areas housing historical artifacts •!• Install room security system to area designated for social/natural history exhibits •!• Install metal shelving in basement for storage •!• Add signage indicating historical significance Nature Museum * Evaluate false ceiling supports and consider removing • Evaluate raising floor in museum space (7" separation currently) to make both • Replace door hardware for A.D.A. compliance • Consider opening/reconfiguring the wall separating the two rooms (may be load bearing) • Install G.F.I. outlets at all sinks •!• Install child-height sinks and toilets •!• Install a security system •!• Improve plumbing fixtures, lighting, and turtle tank filtration system •!• Install professionally designed and constructed interactive, seasonal exhibits and live animal habitat displays Blacksmith Shop • Evaluate structural integrity • Install sprinkler system • Modify forge flue • Install fan/exhaust system • Trim tree limbs away from flue •!• Add standpipe (exterior) and two sprinkler heads (in compliance with NFPA codes) •!• Install additional metal floor plate next to forge •!• Repair bellows •!• Inspect all electrical systems •!• Improve security •!• Extend front ramp to allow for wheelchair accessibility •!• Add signage indicating historical significance: •!• Repair roof, adding gutters and drains Milk Barn • Renovate bathrooms for A.D.A. compliance • Consider installing child height fixtures in bathroom • Consider raising walkway between bathrooms and milk barn to assist with A.D.A. compliance • Install water-tight baseboard in bathrooms • Upgrade signage for bathroom designation • Consider closing doorway on east end of milk barn for safety reasons •!• Install plumbing to provide water to sink and trough •!• Improve drainage in milking parlor (saw cut/concrete floor) •!• Check electrical system and make necessary repairs for outlets •!• Add signage indicating historical significance Garden Shed • Upgrade for A.D.A. compliance • Install natural light (windows/skylights) Big Barn • Upgrade for A.D.A. compliance • Remove existing electrical wiring or restore with low voltage system • Analyze structural integrity • Obtain historical evaluation and designation • Install lighting and electrical outlets • Install smoke detection and fire alarm system:;; • Add several fire extinguishers • Repair stall gates • Improve door mechanisms • Develop maintenance program to preclude deterioration of building Tack Room • Upgrade for A.D.A. compliance • Consider "switching" location of the door on the north side with the window on west end • Evaluate electrical service • Analyze presence of asbestos • Replace roof • Repair dry rot and sheet rock interior • Ramp and extend concrete to sheep stalls or curb cut ramp •!• Complete installation of interior electrical system in tack room •!• Install smoke alarms •!• Replace tack room roof (installed in 1974) •!• Improve water pressure •!• Cover sump •!• Add informational signage •!• Design and install vehicle drop-off area for gardeners and 4-H participants, by 4-H entrance •!• Schedule regular grading of hillside firebreak McClellan Ranch Task Force Building walk-through McClellan Ranch House • Modify existing handicap parking stalls to comply with current A.D.A. • Review approach (including ramp) to building for A.D.A. compliance and modify accordingly. • Replace roof -Do not do overlay • Exterior handrails must be replaced for A.D.A. compliance. • Replace fixtures in # 1 bath and kitchen. • Replace furnace grate in hallway to reduce hazard. Nature Museum • Evaluate false ceiling supports and consider removing. • Evaluate raising floor in museum space (7" separation currently) to make both. • Replace door hardware for A.D .A. compliance. • Consider opening/reconfiguring the wall separating the two rooms (may be load bearing). • Install G .F .I. outlets at all sinks. Blacksmith Shop • Evaluate structural integrity • Install sprinkler system • Modify forge flue • Install fan/ exhaust system • Trim tree limbs away from flue CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of November 18, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 7:45 a.m. meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS 4. NEW BUSINESS Lonnie Toensfeldt, Bob Hopkins, Howard Johnson Ralph Eddy, Ra111dall Binkley, Jim Gilmore (resigned) Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist Joe Antonucci, Building Official Greg Casteel, Building Inspector 5. Tour and assessment of McClellan Ranch buildings with Chief Building Official, Joe Antonucci. Task Force did a walk-through evaluation for all structures except Simms house. The discussion focused on A.D.A. requirements and structural code issues. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. No action taken, lack of quorum. 7. WRITTENCOMMUNICATION None. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment at 9:45 a.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on December 15, 1994. CALL TO ORDER I. ROLL CALL 2. CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of December 15, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3. Members of the audience regarding matters not on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 4. NEW BUSINESS 5. Discussion regarding buildings at McClellan Ranch Park 6. Status of Caretaker position. 7. Update on Ropes Course. 8. Creek concrete.(Johnson). APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9. Approval ofNovember 18, 1994 minutes. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 10. ADJOURNMENT 11. Adjournment to the regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on January 26, 1995. Milk Barn • Renovate bathrooms for A.D.A. compliance • Consider installing child height fixtures in bathroom • Consider raising walkway between bathrooms and milk barn to assist with A.D.A. compliance. • Install water-tight baseboard in bathrooms. • Upgrade signage for bathroom designation. • Consider closing doorway on east end of milk barn for safety reasons. Garden Shed • Upgrade for A.D.A. compliance • Install natural light (windows/skylights)) Big Barn • Upgrade for A.D.A. compliance. • Remove existing electrical wiring or restore with low voltage system. • Analyze structural integrity Tack Room • Upgrade for A.D.A. compliance. • Consider "switching" location of the door on the north side with the window on west end. • Evaluate electrical service. • Analyze presence of asbestos. • Replace roof. • Repair dry rot and sheet rock interior. • Ramp and extend concrete to sheep stalls or curb cut ramp. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of September 22, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4: 13 p.m: meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS Bob Hopkins, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Randall Binkley,Howard Johnson Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist 4. Director reported on Parks and Recreation Commission action regarding the Ropes Challenge Course proposal. NEW BUSINESS 5. The Task Force discussed a park signage program for the park and directed staff to bring back draft examples of specific wording, based upon input from the group. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. Barbara Banfield moved and Bob Hopkins seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the August 25, 1994 meeting. Motion passed unanimously. 7. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment at 5:48 p.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on October 27, 1994. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of October 27, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES I. At 4:07 p.m. meeting was called to order. ROLL CALL ,.i , Committee members present: Committee members absent: Staff present: ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS Lonnie Toensfeld:t, Bob Hopkins, Randall Binkley, . Howard Johnson (4:37 p.m.) Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield,. City Naturalist 4. Task Force reviewed sample park signs for the entrance, trail heads, community gardens, and Simms property. • Entrance sign -engraved wood, add "City of ... " to Environmental Center and change "Organic" to "Community." • Trail Heads -decided metal sign on wood post, beige background with brown lettering. • Community Gardens -decided metal sign, beige background with brown lettering. • Simms property -engraved wood. Also add a second sign indicating "Pedestrian Entrance" and · "Private Residence" next to house. Task Force also recommended (Randall Binkley moved and Bob Hopkins seconded the motion) expending from the McClellan Ranch Trust to hire a consultant to design the "kiosk" information center. NEW BUSINESS 5. a. Task Force set November 17, 3 :30 p.m. to walk-through park buildings with Chief Building Official to evaluate/identify renovation issues. b. Task Force suggested relocating garbage dumpster in garden area to the south side of access driveway. c. Task Force suggested consideration be given to a plan for replacing pines in the parking lot. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. Continued approval of minutes to November meeting. 7. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION None. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment at 5:02 p.m. to the regularly schedulc~d meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force. CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL 2. CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of November 18, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 7:30 a.m. AGENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3. Members of the audience regarding matters not on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 4. NEW BUSINESS 5. Tour and assessment of McClellan Ranch buildings with Chief Building Official. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. Approval of October 27, 1994 minutes. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 7. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on December 15, 1994. McClellan Ranch Task Force ROS'TER Parks and Recreation Commissioner BOB HOPKINS 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 255-9679 (home) (415) 857-6072 (work) Director of Parks and Recreation STEVE DOWLING 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 777-3110 (work) Department Naturalist BARBARA BANFIELD 10185 N. Stelling Road Cupertino, CA 95014 777-3120 (work) Cupertino Junior High School RANDALL BINKLEY 1650 S. Bernardo Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94087 245-0303 (work) Audubon Society HOWARD JOHNSON 22560 Alcalde Road Cupertino, CA 95014 255-2422 (home) Rolling Hills 4-H LONNIE TOENSFELDT 21640 Fitzgerald Drive Cupertino, CA 95014 257-4745 (home) Community Gardeners RALPH EDDY 10200 Stonydale Cupertino, CA 95014 739-5337 (home) Cupertino Historical Society JIM GILMORE 10185 N. Stelling Road Cupertino, CA 95014 973-1495 (work) ~ Sif:, 1s at Trail Heads =::::;.Metal sign on wood post, green background with white lettering ~Wooden sign, barn red background with white letters McClellan Ranch Nature Trail + Park open daylight hours to one hour after sunset + Help us keep your park clean, please remove litter • Please observe the following: ~ Park Main Entrance Sign ~ Engraved Wood McClellan Ranch Park Cupertino Environmental Center Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society Friends of Stevens Creek Trail Rolling Hills 4-H Organic Gardens =>Simms Property Entrance Sign => Engraved Wood City of Cupertino McClellan Ranch Park ::::> Main Gate to Gardens ::::> Metal sign, green background with white letters or ::::> Wood sign, barn red background with white letters Community Organic Gardens Plots Available to Cupertino Residents on a Rental Basis For more information call 777-3120 Cupertino Parks and Recreation Department => Signs at Trail Heads => Metal sign on wood post, green background with white lettering => Wooden sign, barn red background with white letters McClellan Ranch Nature Trail • Park open daylight hours to one hour after sunset + Help us keep your park clean, please remove litter + Please observe the following: • II CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of CALL TO ORDER I. ROLL CALL 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS October 27, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 J>.m. AGENDA 3. Members of the audience regarding matters not on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 4. Continued discussion regarding park signage. NEW BUSINESS 5. Discussion regarding buildings evaluation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. Approval of September 22, 1994 minutes. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 7. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on November 17, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. CALL TO ORDER I. ROLL CALL 2. CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of September 22, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3. Members of the audience regarding matters not on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 4. NEW BUSINESS 5. Discussion regarding park signage a. Educational b. Functional c. Restrictional APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. Approval of August 25, 1994 minutes. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 7. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on October 27, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. TO: City of CUpertino MEMO August 13, 1987 FROM: Eert J. Viskovich SUBJECT: PARK SIGN PIAN This is a f ollowup to our meeting related to developing a signing program for the City park system. It was agr1~ that there would be three categ-ories of signs erected in parks, and would follow a certain theme for each of the categ-ories. 1. Park Name The sign would be a large· wooden ::>ign erecte:1 at the entrance to or the IrDst visible spot to identify the park and it would be a sign that would only have the name of the park and no oth~ wording. 2. General Rules of the Park These signs would be located at entry points into the park preferably adjacent to walkways that connect parking lot with the park. These signs would be metal and have brown letters on a beige background. These would be signs that give notice to the patrons of the iules and regulations of the park as outlirurl in the City ordinance. 3. Special Signs These signs would be erected at the specific locations where certain enforcement is needed. These would be metal signs with color dictated by code requirement. If no special color is required, then it would be white letter on green background, in keeping with existing special signs; such as, tennis court rules that exist throughout the parks. BJV:sm cc: City Manager PROPOSED UNIVIERSAL PARK SIGN PARK RULES Cupertino parks are subject to the provisions of City ordinance 5.31 and violations will be cause for citation by Code Enforcement Officers or Sheriff's Deputies. This parl< is closed P.M. to AM. --- * All muni code vehicle regulations enforced at all times. * Alcoholic beverages prohibited in sport~; and playground areas. Beer and wine may be served in conjunction with a meal, in picnic areas. * Dogs must be on a leash at all times. Owner is responsible for removing dog waste. * Golf practice is prohibited. GROUP A The six (6) City of Cupertino Parks listed below have park hour signs that shall read: Park Open Daylight Hours to One (1) Hour After Sunset. 1. Hoover 2. Linda Vista 3. McClellan Ranch 4. Somerset Square 5. Three Oaks 6. Varian GROUPB The four (4) City of Cupertino Parks listed below shall have park hour signs that shall read: Park Open Daylight Hours to 10:00 p.m. 1. Jollyman 2. Monta Vista 3. Portal 4. Wilson GROUPC The one (1) City of Cupertino Park listed below shall have park hour signs that shall read: Park Open Daylight Hours to 10:00 p.m. except by permit. 1. Memorial Park Signs at McClellan Ranch Park • Sign identifying the Cupertino Environmental Center Place above front door or to the side of the front door. Include information about center. • Sign at park entrance Redesign entrance signs. Currently there are two signs. A single sign would be easier to read. McClellan Jianch Park 6:00 a.El. to dusk Cupertino Envil'onmental Center Santa Clara Valley FrieD11ls of Stevens Isaac Walton Audubon Society Cireek Trail League • Signs at trailheads Redesign signs stating park rules. Eliminate:: rule about horseback riding as the likelihood of violation is very remote. Retain prohibitions against bicycle riding and dogs. Consider eliminating prohibition against jogging. Identify as a nature trail. Consider including simple map of trail on sign. Eliminate signs stating park rules along course of trail. It is sufficient to state rules at each trailhead. • Signs identifying structures and special use areas Signs should identify restrooms, nature museum, caretaker's residence, 4-H area, and community garden. A brief description of activities, hours and contact person should included on 4-H, garden and museum signs. Signs identifying historic structures such as blacksmith shop, barn and water tower should not be placed directly on these buildings. Identification of these structures and information about them should be placed on a free-standing sign several feet in front of or to the side of these structures. • Identification of park as nature and rural pre:serve Place a sign indicating the designation of this park as a nature and rural preserve in a prominent place near the parking lot, perhaps on fence near sundial, at trailhead, or near entrance to Cupertino Environmental Center. Include m~ssion statement. • Sign materials and construction Main sign at entrance should be a professionally constructed wood sign. All other signs should be of consistent design and materials. Design s:tiould blend with historic structures and be subdued colors which will not detract from scenic values. CALL TO ORDER I. ROLL CALL 2. CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of Septembeir 22, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conferen~e Room 4:00 p.m. AGENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3. Members of the audience regarding matters not on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 4. NEW BUSINESS 5. Discussion regarding park signage a. Educational b. Functional c. Restrictional APPROVAL OF MINUTES 6. Approval of August 25, 1994 minutes. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 7. ADJOURNMENT 8. Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on October 27, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. CALL TO ORDER I. ROLL CALL 2. CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of August 25, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3. Members of the audience regarding matters not on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 4. Finalize Caretaker job description. NEW BUSINESS 5. Brown Act update. 6. Discuss and determine a short-term work plan. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7. Approval of July 28, 1994 minutes. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 8. ADJOURNMENT 9. Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on September 22, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of July 28, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:07 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Bob Hopkins, Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Committee members absent: Lonnie ToensfeLdt Staff present: Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS 4. The Task Force analyzed the Ropes Course concept in terms of its' consistency with the McClellan Ranch Master Plan. The majority of the Task Force members did not feel that such a program was compatible with the mission of the park. By consensus, the Task Force could not recommend the Ropes Course to the Parks and Recreation Commission because the program is not in keeping with Ordinance No. 710. 5. The Task Force reviewed and discussed the Caretaker job description and suggested several changes to the text. NEW BUSINESS 6. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7. Howard Johnson moved and Randall Binkley seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the June 23, 1994 meeting. 8. Howard Johnson moved and Randall Binkley seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the June 30, 1994 meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 9. None. ADJOURNMENT 10. Howard Johnson moved and Ralph Eddy secondi~d the motion to adjourn at 6: 10 p.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on August 25, 1994. CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL 2. CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of August 25, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3. Members of the audience regarding matters not on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 4. Finalize Caretaker job description. NEW BUSINESS 5. Brown Act update. 6. Discuss and determine a short-term work plan. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7. Approval of July 28, 1994 minutes. WRITIEN COMMUNICATIONS 8. ADJOURNMENT 9. Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on September 22," 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of July 28, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:07 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Bob Hopkins, Ralph Eddy, Jim Gilmore, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Committee members absent: Lonnie Toensfoldt Staff present: Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS 4. The Task Force analyzed the Ropes Course concept in terms of its' consistency with the McClellan Ranch Master Plan. The majority of the Task Force members did not feel that such a program was compatible with the mission of the park. By consensus, the Task Force could not recommend the Ropes Course to the Parks and Recreation Commission because the program is not in keeping with Ordinance No. 710. 5. The Task Force reviewed and discussed the Caretaker job description and suggested several changes to the text. NEW BUSINESS 6. None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7. Howard Johnson moved arid Randall Binkley st:conded the motion to approve the minutes of the June 23, 1994 meeting. 8. Howard Johnson moved and Randall Binkley seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the June 30, 1994 meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 9. None. ADJOURNMENT 10. Howard Johnson moved and Ralph Eddy seconded the motion to adjourn at 6: 10 p.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force on August 25, 1994. COMMITTEE/MASTER PLAN OBJECTIVES BOB + Upgrade Trails + Simms House Environmental Center + Upgrade Nature Museum + $15,000 Historical Grant + Emphasize Riparian Habitat RALPH + Review caretaker job description & fund on- site caretaker + Increase volunteer effort + Preserve/protect existing buildings + Focus on educational potential -¢-Wet lab + Improve signage HOWARD + Habitat -¢-Exotics -¢-Bees -¢-Fish + Public Access issues -¢-signage, creek crossing, garden, 4-H + Buildings/preservation & maintenance LONNIE + Preserve existing building + Improve utilities + Improve signage/education + Upgrade trail + Maximize use without impacting environment JIM + Focus on educational potential -¢-Natural & Cultural History + Preserve/Protect buildings + Increase volunteers + Develop Cultural History program + Develop orchard concept BARBARA + Educational potential -¢-Wet Lab -¢-Nature Museum -¢-Living History + Develop volunteer partnerships + Restore riparian corridor FINAL DRAFT City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH: PARK CARETAKER Job Desicription DEFINITION This is a contractual arrangement whereby the Caretaker lives on-site in City provided housing at McClellan Ranch Park, an 18+ acre public park designated a nature and rural preserve by City ordinance. Located within the park are community gardens, Nature Museum, historical buildings, 4-H farm site, environmental offices, and nature trails. It shall be the duty of the person(s) designated as caretaker(s) to monitor activities within the park and to ensure rules and regulations are enforced. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES 1. Caretaker shall become familiar and interact with groups and individuals using the facility on a regular basis and be alert to activities within the park. If necessary, Caretaker shall approach and communicate with park visitors. 2. Caretaker shall check buildings and grounds on a daily basis at irregular intervals. This includes walking the trails. Caretaker must be familiar with and enforce park rules and regulations and be concerned for the safety of park users. 3. Consult with appropriate supervisory personnel (e.g. Recreation Supervisor, Naturalist) when irregularities are identified. A written report shall also be provided to the Director of the Parks and Recreation Department quarterly with specifics of caretaking tasks and any problems or concerns. 4. Enforce community organic garden rules and conduct orientation to new gardeners. Recommend disciplinary action to the Naturalist for gardeners not in compliance. 5. The caretaker will be held accountable, but not responsible for incidents. Caretaker's presence is intended to be a deterrent to vandalism. Should incidents be more than can be ordinarily handled, or if emergency situations arise, the Sheriffs Department should be called for assistance. The Caretaker is the first point of contact when facility alarms are activated. Completion of an incident report will be required in the event the Sheriffs office is contacted, and the report will be submitted tc the Parks and Recreation Department. 6. Responsible for monitoring and reporting maintenance needs to the Public Works Department through the Naturalist. May be required to perform light emergency repairs and maintenance of park structures. 7. The Caretaker's phone must be made available for emergency use. The Caretaker shall also utilize City, two-way radio when necessary. The Director or authorized representative shall be notified if Caretaker is to be absent for a period greater than 48 hours. CONTRACTUAL STANDARDS AND TERMS In exchange for the above listed duties, the Caretaker shall receive reduced rent in the City owned mobile home (Caretaker to pay utilities). The term of the agreement shall be for two years. The Caretaker is responsible to the Director or Parks and Recreation and any duties not outlined in the job description must come from the Director or authorized representative. The Caretaker must have the ability to establish cooperative and effective working relations with City employees, officials, park users, tenants, and organizations; ability to communicate effectively; ability to learn and interpret park mles and regulations, and tactfully inform park users; knowledge of first aid and emergency procedures; awareness of environmental and natural history issues; knowledge of organic gardening procedures (master gardener status desirable). CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL 2. CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of July 2R, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 3. Members of the audience regarding matters not on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS 4. Discussion regarding appropriateness of a Rop1;:s Course at McClellan Ranch Park. 5. Review job description for McClellan Ranch caretaker. NEW BUSINESS 6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7. Approval of June 23, 1994 minutes. 8. Approval of June 30, 1994 minutes. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 9. ADJOURNMENT 10. Adjournment to regularly scheduled meeting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on August 25, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. 1) CALL TO ORDER 2) ROLL CALL CITY OF CUPERTINO McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of June 23, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park Conference Room 4:00 p.m. AGl~NDA 3) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 4) OLD BUSINESS • Discussion regarding installation of a Ropes Course facility at McClellan Ranch Park. • Discussion regarding responsibilities of McClellan Ranch caretaker. • Discussion and adoption of Committee/Master Plan objectives. 5) NEW BUSINESS 6) APPROVAL OF MINUTES • Approval of May 26, 1994 minutes. 7) WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 8) ADJOURNMENT • Adjournment to regularly scheduled me·eting of McClellan Ranch Task Force on July 28, 1994, 4:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch Park. INDIVIDUAL PRIOIUTIES DISCUSSED ATTHEMARCH31, 1994 McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE MEETING • Emphasize natural, open space • Emphasize natural, riparian element • Improve parking situation • Maximize use without destroying natural, serene environment • Focus on educational potential, including riparian wet-lab concept • Preserve and protect existing buildings • Increase volunteer effort i.e. Partnerships,. "Friends of McClellan Ranch" and school volunteers • Restore neglected amenities • Improve garden storage shed • Investigate hatchery/spawning concept within creek • Upgrade Nature Museum • Upgrade 4-H area • Improve utilities (water & power) • Review caretaker job description • Review on-site garbage needs • Improve on-site signage • Consider funding on-site staff person • Develop plan to preserve/display historical collection • Upgrade/repair fencing where appropriate • Research bee solution to minimize conflict with park users • Upgrade trail • Develop orchard concept Revised April 28, 1994 The TENANT acknowledges and agrees to perform the following duties as Caretaker of McClellan Ranch Park: a. Check around the buildings and grounds at irregular intervals; b. Be alert to activity in the park; c. Be familiar with and enforce park rules and city codes in park usage; d. Notify the Parks and Recreation office prior to any absence for any extended period of time; e. Consult with the Naturalist should anything appear questionable along the nature trail, in the open field, along the creek, or in other areas that Naturalist activities are designated. Also, inform the Parks and Recreation Director; f. Consult with the 4-H leaders should anything appear questionable in their allotted area. Also, inform the Parks and Recreation Director; g. Be concerned about the safety of persons using the park and any misuse of the park, as well as vandalism; h. The Caretaker will be held accountable, but not responsible for incidents. Should incidents be more than can be ordinarily handled or if emergency situations arise, call the Sheriffs Department for assistance; i. Should a break-in occur at any of the McClellan Ranch structures and the Caretaker is notified by the security system, wait for Sheriff to appear and let them into the structures for observance. Lock structures and reset alarm (if applicable) when all is clear; J. The Caretaker's phone should bi;: available for use in case of emergency; k. Completion of an incident rep01i may be required in the event the Sheriffs office is contacted so that Parks and Recreation Department has a record of the incident; 1. The Caretaker is responsible to the Director of Parks and Recreation only and any duties not outlined in this job description must come from his office or duly authorized representative; m. The term of the Caretaker agreement shall be for a period of two years, with re-evaluation by both parties every two years thereafter. 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3220 Telephone: (408) 777-3110 Fax: (408) 777-3333 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT March 23, 1994 Dear Task Force Members: The first meeting of the McClellan Ranch Task Force is scheduled for Thursday, March 31, 1994, 5:00 p.m., McClellan Ranch conference room. Attached for your review is a copy of the agenda for the meeting. If you are unable to attend, please contact Recreation Department Secretary, Linda Lagergren at 777-3110. Also, if you need a copy of the McClellan Ranch Master Plan, contact Linda Lagergren. On behalf of the Cupertino City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission, I would like to thank you for serving on this important committee. Sincerely, Stephen G. Dowling Director of Parks and Recreation SGD:lml Encl: ! [~ -7-_ .. ___ ' .- ! J:/ ~'~··"' .. .. ------------· - I I I I I I I I I I l 1.. .--.----.--[~J L --1----_a"''"'-'-l CALL TO ORDER City of Cupertino McCLELLAN RANCH TASK FORCE Regular Meeting of May 26, 1994 McClellan Ranch Park MINUTES 1. At 4:09 p.m. Director Dowling called the meeting to order. ROLL CALL 2. Committee members present: Staff present: Bob Hopkins, Lonnie Toensfeldt, Ralph Eddy, Charles Liggett, Randall Binkley, Howard Johnson Stephen G. Dowling, Director of Parks and Recreation Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist (arrived 5:10 p.m.) Charles Liggett informed the committee that Jim Gilmore would now represent the Historical Society on the Task Force. ORAL COMMUNICATION 3. None OLD BUSINESS 4. None NEW BUSINESS 5. Task Force members walked through the Simm's house and walked the former Simm's property grounds. 6. Rich Knapp, F .U .H.S.D., presented the concept of installing a rope's course in the north east section of McClellan Ranch (near Blackberry Farm) for use by F.U.H.S.D. and Northwest Y.M.C.A. Task Force members asked questions and continued the item to the June 23 meeting. 7. Dowling distributed current listing of caretaker responsibilities and Task Force was to return to next meeting with additions/modifications. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8. Ralph Eddy moved and Randall Binkley seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the April 28, 1994 meeting. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION 9. Task Force received compiled list of park priorities with comparison to Master Plan, from member Hopkins, to be discussed at the June 23 meeting. ADJOURNMENT IO. At 6:07 p.m. the committee adjourned to Thursday, June 23, 1994 at 4:00 p.m. in the Conference room at McClellan Ranch Park. ~ Signs at Trail Heads ~ Metal sign on wood post, green background with white lettering ~ Wooden sign, barn red background with white letters McClellan Ranch Nature Trail + Park open daylight hours to one hour after sunset + Help us keep your park clean, please remove litter + Please observe the following: • d -- McClellan Ranch Task Force ROS1'ER Parks and Recreation Commissioner BOB HOPKINS 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 255-9679 (home) (415) 857-6072 (work) Director of Parks and Recreation STEVE DOWLING 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 777-3110 (work) Department Naturalist BARBARA BANFIELD 10185 N. Stelling Road Cupertino, CA 95014 777-3120 (work) Cupertino Junior High School RANDALL BINKLEY 1650 S. Bernardo Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94087 245-0303 (work) Audubon Society HOWARD JOHNSON 22560 Alcalde Road Cupertino, CA 95014 255-2422 (home) Rolling Hills 4-H LONNIE TOENSFELDT 21640 Fitzgerald Drive Cupertino, CA 95014 257-4745 (home) Community Gardeners RALPH EDDY 10200 Stonydale Cupertino, CA 95014 739-5337 (home) Cupertino Historical Society JIM GILMORE 10185 N. Stelling Road Cupertino, CA 95014 973-1495 (work)