TC 11-01-00 Telecommunications Commission Regular Meeting November 1, 2000 M1NUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair L. T. Guttadauro at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: L.T. Guttadauro, Sal Algeri, Ernest Tsui, Reg~nold Duh6 Commissioners absent: David Eggleston (arrived 7:04 p.m.) Staff: Donna Kl'ey, Linda Lagergren De Anza: Bob Haber Guests: Linda Grodt, H~ma Kundargi APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 4, 2000 MINUTES Algeri made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, Duhe seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: L'mda Grodt said an article will be in this week's Courier about the "Silicon Kids" show with guest Diane F¢instein at the Democratic show. (David Eggleston arrived) Grodt said she had two finalists in the WAVE awards and both first-place awards won. The two categories included Best Documentary and Best Community Event. Written: Krey distributed an article fi'om the Mulfichannel News on the AT&T breakup. Commission took the item on Hema Kundargi's grant request out of order. NEW BUSINESS Consideration of grant request - Indian Vegetarian Gourmet - Hema Kundargi - After a brief discussion Algeri made a moti°n to accept the grant request as presented. Tsui seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried. Krey mentioned the recommendation would go to council on Nov. 6 and if approved a check would be released within two weeks of that date. OLD BUSINESS Activities Calendar. Commission reviewed the activities calendar. The deadline for educational ~ants was changed to Nov. 10. Algeri agreed to attend the November Mayor's breakfast meeting and Tsui will attend the meeting in December. Update on RCN proposal - Krey said the meeting with RCN was to be held the next day, but RCN had cancelled the meeting. She distributed to commission RCN's proposed construction schedule. Krey also said RCN gave a completion date of six years, but anticipated completion in four years. She said RCN uses all their own crews and their notification schedule is very elaborate. Krey said a fi-anchise agreement with RCN had not yet been negotiated. RCN is due to contact Public Works with encroachment permits and to suggest dates for future meetings. Krey said Pacific Bell had not returned her calls. Eggleston asked if we could ask RCN to put everything underground. Krey said we can suggest that they don't go overhead, but the company has pole attachment agreements with other utilities. Krey will send to the commission the date of the next meeting with RCN. NEW BUSINESS Presentation from AT&T Call Center reprentative - Krey reported Eddie Garcia called to say the Call Center representative would not be attending the commission meeting because the representative was getting replaced that evening. Gareia asked to reschedule the presentation. Krey said the phone statistics dropped to 77% from 90% the previous month. She said we have to give AT&T a chance to comply since they were at an acceptable level the previous month. The chair suggested Krey write a letter to AT&T stating that four out of the last seven months AT&T had not complied with their standard of answering 90% of their incoming calls within 30 seconds. Algeri mentioned except for service calls the rest of AT&T's service report was excellent. The commission asked to put the AT&T Call Center representative on the agenda for the month of Dec~nber. Eggleston also asked if Eddie Gareia could provide them with an organization chart for the Call Center. Recommendation from COPA subcommittee - Guttadauro made a motion to recommend Andrew Willyoung for the COPA award. Duhe seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried. Krey will order the plaque and the commission can present it to Andrew Willyoung at the Producer's meeting on Monday, Dec. 4.' Haber mentioned Willyoung also won a WAVE award and a Hometown award this year. Review of annual report draft- Commission made additions to the annual report in items 1, 2 6 and 10. In item one they added the sentence, "A summary of the event appeared in the Scene." The word "ordinance" was added to item number two - develop a Master Plan "ordinance." Andrew Willyoung's name was added to it¢ii~ number six, identifying the winner of thc COPA award. An additional item was added to the annual report - Item 10: "Expanded monthly report to include additional telecommunication information from A T&T.' G. uttadauro will make an appointment with Haber to produce a video of the annual report. Consideration to cancel or re-schedule January meeting - After discussion the commission at,/¢ed not to cancel or reschedule the meeting on January 3, 2001. Repom from: AT&T: None. City of Cupertino: Krey announced she will be retiring l~om the City at the end of December and her last day of work will be Dec. 1:5. She will pursue pm-time work in the field of writing. Krey announced the Mayor's swearing-in ceremony would be Nov. 14. She said the Commlmity Congress was very successful. Two years ago at the last community forum, diversity was at the top of everyone's list, however, this year it wasn't one of the congress focus areas. The biggest issues this year were affordable housing, transportation and traffic and development. The City Channel videotaped portions of the Congress and the 30-minute show will air three or four times in November. De Anza College: Haber said Channel 1:5 received 11 WAVE finalist nominations, and four received first-place awards. Access Director Bob Haber and Technical Coordinator $ohn Margherita were among the finalists for Cupertino Channel 1:5. There were over :500 entries for the WAVE 2000 competition. A total of 63 non-professional and 86 professional finalists from six states were honored at the ceremony this year in Sacramento. Haber said the new non-linear editing system is now installed in the control room. A record 31 crews were trained during the month of October. Haber also said he is in the pwcess of redesigning the web site for Channel 1:5. ADJOURNMENT Tsul made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 p.m.; Algeri seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ATTEST: APPROVED: