07100050 CIT�' OF CUPERTINO `> ' BUILDING DI �. �s�o�v PERMIT C�},'�TJ����� I����TI4�N' : ,;<, ;. .:.. ,... _. : ,; BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 21366 AMULET DR FAST WA`['ER HEATER 07100050 • OW NER'S NAIqE: PERMIT LSSUE DATE YU KOU AND LEE—CHUN 12601 1.32 AVE NE 10 7 NE: SANITqRY NO. CONTROL NO. (800) 4�4-8955 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUiLDING PERMiT 1NF0 BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH � � 0 0 i p p LICENSED CONTRAC7'OR'S DECLARATION JOb DeSCTlpt1011 � V� t hcrcby aCfrm that I am ticcnsed undcr provisions oC ChaQicr 9(commencing ; z� wim SccGon 7000) of Division 3 of thc Busincss and Profcssions Code. and my license is REMOVE /: ZE PLAC E CiA S WATER H EATER � j y in full Corcc and cf q. � v� Z Licensc Class L�. � : F p Dam Contraclor � ARCHITECI'S DEC ON i a a i understand my plans shall t�c uscd as p ic rccords )yU ' u. y Liccnscd Pn�fcuional � y � OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hcrcby alTirm thnt 1 am cxcmpt Crom �hc Comractor's Liccnsc Law for thc � p O (ollowing rcason. (Scctian 7031.5, Husincss and Profcssions Cak: Any ci�y or county e,°, Qi which requires a permit to cnnswct. altcr. improvc. dcmolish. or repair any swcture '? z y pnor ui i1s istuancc, alsu tcquicrs ihc applicant for such permit w filc a signcd statcmeni -< tha� hc is liccnscd pucsuanl to thc provisions oC thc Contractur's Liccnsc Law (Chap�cr 9 )C�. Ft. F�001' Ar01 Valuation ,� t �(commcncing wi�h Secdon 7000) of Division 3 oC ihc Busincss �nd Profcssions Codc) or $ 4 4 9 i�� tha� he is exempt thciefrom and the basis Cor the allegcd exemptioa Any violation o[ Secdon 7031.5 by a�ry applicant tor a permit subjecu ihe applicant to a civil penalty of Number Oeeupaney Type nat morc than fivc hundred dollazs (5500). 3 2 6 4 3 0 1��� ❑ I, u owncr o( the properry, a my cmployces with wages az their solc compensadon, will do thc work, and the suucture is rsat intended or o(faed for salc (Sec. 7044. Husiness Re u ired Ins ections and Pro[essions Cadc: llu Conuactors License Law docc not apply to an owner of Q P property who builds or improves ttiercon, and who does such wwk himulf or Wough his own employces. providcd that such improvements are not in�ended or oliered (or sala If, howevu, the building or improvement is sold wittiin one year of compleuon, the ownv- builder wiR have the burden oC proving that he did not build or improvc Cor purpose of sale.). ❑(, u awner of the property, am uclusively conuacting with licensed convactors w wnsuvct Uie peojett (Sec. 7044. Business and ProCessions Code:) The Contraccor's Li- ccnse Law docs not apply �o an owncr of propeny who builds or impmves thneon, and , who conuacts Co� such projects with a contnctar(s) liansed pursuant to �he Convactor's License Law. ❑ I am exempt under Sec. , B& P C for this �cason Owner Date _ .. _ WORKER'S COMPENSAI'ION DECLARAI'lON I hereby affirm under penalty ot perjury onc of the following declarations: ❑] hsve and will main�ain a Certificate of Consem to self-insure for Workcr's Compen- sation, as provided for by Section 3700 oC the [abor Code, far �he pertormance af ihe work for which this permit is issucd. ❑ I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation (nsunnce, as required by Scction 3700 0[ thc Labor Codc, for �hc perfarmance of the work (or which �his permit is issued. My Worke�s Comp nsauon lnsumnce c�'cr d Policy num are: /' Cartier. oticy No.: �/ ��/�/ n� C?RTIF[CATE F XEMP'C10N FROM WORKERS' CO PENSATION INSURANCE (This scction necd not be complctcJ if the permit is for onc hundred dollazs (5100) or Icss.) ' I certify tl�at in the perfortnance of Ihe work for which ihis permit is issucd. [ shatl not employ any person in any manncr so u w beeomc subject ta the Workcrs' Compcnsation Laws of Califomia. Datc Applican� NOTICE TO APPLICAM: If, aftcr making ihis CcniGca�c o( Excmption, you shoulJ bccome subjcct lo �hc Workcr's Compcnsation provisions of ihc La6or Codc. you must � O fonhwi�h comply with such provisions or this permit shall be dcemed cevoked. z '"" CONSTRUCf10N LENDING AGENCY ( r I herehy aCfirm Wat there is a conswction tending agency Cor the perCormancc uf _ a., � thc work for which ihis pcmiit is issucd (Sec. 3091, Civ. CJ W� A Lendcr's Namc ' a � Lcnder's Address (� � t cenify that I havc rcad Uiis application and siatc that thc abovc infortnapun is w ►" cortcc� I agree �o comply with all city and county onlinanc�s and sute Iaws relaang to 0 U building conswction, and hcreby authori�e represcnutivcs of ihis city �o cntcr upon tAc � W abovc-mcntioncd propccty for inspccUOn purposea. �y (We) agree to save, indcmai(y and kccp harmless ihe City o( Cupcnino against �� liabilities, judgmcn�s, costs and expenses which may in any way accruc agains� said City V z in consequence oC the granting of ihis permi� Date � ►+ APPLI M UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY W17'H ALL NON-POINT Issued by: f � SOU ATIONS. �"' Re-roofs n rn� uco��«o� ° atc Type of Roof �� HAZARDOUS MATERIALS D[SCLOSURE wll � applieant or future building occupantstorc or handle harardous matcrial u defincd by Ihe Cupenino Municipal Codc. Chap�cr 9.12. and the Health and Sa(cty Calc, Scction 25532(a)? � All roofs ;>hall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. oY� �� , Will �he applican� or future 6uilding accupant use eyuipment or devices which If a roof i;� installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove cmit haiardous air conuminan�t as dcfincd Ay the Bay Arca Air Quali�y Managcmcnt all new m aterials for inspecrion. nisaict? ❑Ycs Nu 1 havc rca�i ihe ha�ardous matcrials rcquircmcn�s undcrChap�cr6.95 of Uic Califor- nia HcalU� & Safcty Co�, Scctions 25505, 25533 and 25534.1 undcrstand �hat i(thc building docs not cu nUy havc a Icnant, 1ha[ it is my rcsponsibility W noaly thc occupant of Ihc rcyuirc m� x�� P�a� a�u��� or a c��r�a� or a����r. S ignature of Appl icant Date p �� . All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better aulhorizcd agcnl From: 10I04/�007 15:13 �493 P.OD3/008 ' 388140 �7/�� C�� C� CITY �F C�I7�'ERTI�iO �ATER ��EATER CUPEI�„TINO PERMIT A►PPLIt;ATIUN FORM APN # �v� C.O � O` • O v Daoe: j 5.. G` Buildiag A@diess: 2'1366 AMULET DR Qwne�c's Name: - Phone # YU KOU 408 773-1608 Comtractor. Phone # FAST WATER HEATER COMPANY 800-454-8955 Cupertino Busiaess License # State Licease # 29100 877489 Bu;�lcting Permit Info: _-� Bl lum Me' Iob Description: Remove/Replace Gas Water Heater � Resid�n ' g] Commercial ❑ Cost of Pr�jcct: 449.00 Strapped On Platform Boaded New Lflcation � Iacement � QtY• � A licable Fee ID Fe� Descri 'on Fee � PRWHEATR Resic le�ntial Watcr �Icater Nent BiJ1LDING PCWHEATR ComnGC+ciai WatarHaaber/Vent BUII,DING 1 PP�RMITFEE PIumbing Permit Isstiance PLUMBIlVC3 1 TRAVDOC Trav�:l dt Documentation Fee BUII.DING BUSLIC $usv �e.ss License BUILIDNG . � CITY OF CUPERTINO 3 ITEMS OF 6 PERMI`� RECEIPT OPERATOR: patg COPY # : 1 Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Bl:c: Lot: APN ......... 32�i43019.00 DATE ISSUED.......: 10�05/2007 RECEIPT #.......... BS�)00002899 REFERENCE ID # ...: 07:L00050 SITE ADDRESS .....: 21:366 AMULET DR SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............. CU:?ERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OWNER ............: YU KOU AND LEE-CHUN ADDRESS .... ....... 21:366 AMLTLET DR CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CU:?ERTINO CA, 95014-1301 RECEIVED FROM ....: FW]i ACQUISTION CO CONTR.ACTOR .......: JE:?F JORDAN LIC # 29100 COMPANY ..........: FA�3T WATER HEATER ADDRESS ........... 12i01 132 AVE NE CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: KI:ZKLAND, WA 98034 TELEPHONE ........: (8)0) 454 FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY .�'IOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- PPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 PRWHEATR UNITS 1.00 24.48 0.00 24.48 0.00 TR.AVDOC FLAT R.ATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT : 106.06 0.00 106.06 0.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER ----------------- --------------- -------------------- CHECK 212.12 #3333 --------------- TOTAL RECEIPT : 212.12 �-W "',, Community Development r .' 10300 Torre Avenue "' . � �;s; ,' Cupertino CA 95014 yr Telephone (408) '177-3228 CITY OF Fax (408) 777-3333 �'UPE�,TINO Buildin De artment JOB�DDRESS: PERMIT # � � � ����� OWNER'S NAME: PHONE # _ GENERAL CONTRAC R: f FAX # I am not using any subcontractors: Si;;nature Date Please check a licable subcontractors and com �lete the followin information: SUBCONTRACTOR BUSIrIESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets & Millwork Cement Finishing Electrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting Linoleum / Wood Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting / Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock Tile _ �(� �C� s'—�? _ er/Contractor Signature Date