07100209 CITY OF CUPERTINO ' ' � BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT �����"��� ���������� ' �: _: , : :.:, ..... . _. PERMIT NO. BU(LD � v � n �4� ss �ALIFORNIA OAK WAY BOTHWEL:� CONSTRUCTION CORP. 07100209 . PERMIT LSSLIE DATE JER'S NAME: PG&E 1590 IN:�USTRIAL AVE � 10/30/2007 SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. PHONE: (408) 2�8-8049 . BUI[.DING PERMIT INFO ARCHITECC/ENGiNEER: BLIX; ELECT PLUMB MECH a o 0 0 i p � LICENSED CON7RAGTOR'S DECLARATION IOb DeSCflptlOfl i V� 1 hcrcby aCfirm �hat I am licenscd unckr provisions aC Chaptcr 9(commcncing ; z� wi�h Scction 7000) of Division 3 of ihc Business and Profcssions Code and my Iicense is T E L E C OM �IUN I C AT I ON FAC I L I TY �� y in lull force and cffect � ( 5 � v� Z Licensc Class /3 Lic. � . E „ � Da�c /r� --3o•—a'7 Conuactor � ARCHITECTS DECLARATIO i� Q 1 undcrstand my plans shall bc uscd as public rcconis 1yU ° u. y Licenscd Pmfcssional ' � < OWNBR-BUILDER DECLARA'CION j a� 1 hcrchy a17rm that 1 am excmpt (rum thc Conuaccofs Liccnsc l.aw for ihc . p O (ollowing mason. (Section 7031.5, Busincss and Profcccions Codc: Any city ar mumy �°„ � which rcquires a pertnic to conswc4 ��r, improvc, dcmolish, or repair any suuctucc ? Z} prior ui i�s issuance, also requires the applicant Cor such pertnit to file a signed s�amment �, Ft. Floor Area Valuation �_ � �hat hc is liccnscd pursuant to thc provisions of thc ConUacwr's Liccnsc Law (Chap�cr 9 � 5 0 O O u F- �(commencing with Scction 7000) of Division 3 0( thc Busincss and Profcssions Cadc) ur ,, �.. that he is ezempt thcmfrom and the basis Cor the allegcd ezempdon. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by airy applicant fo� a pertnit subjecu U�e applicant �o a civil penalty o( 3 4 2 6 3 0 01A� Number Oeeupaney Type not more than fivc hundred dallars (5500). ❑ I, as owncr of tl�e property, or my cmployca with wages u the'v solc compensation, will do the worlc, and the suuctum is not inter.dcd or cllered for sale (Sec.7044. Business Required Inspections and Professions Code: The Conuactor's License Law daes not apply to sn ownec of propeny who builds or improves thereon, and who does such �xork himselt or thtoagh his own employecs, provided that such improvements are not imm�ded or o((ered Cor sak. IC, however, the building or improvemenl is sold within one year of comptction, d�e owner- builder will have the burden of proving that hc did not build ar improvc (or pmpose of salc.). ❑ I, as awner of the property, am eacclusively conuacting wi�h licensed rnnuxtors to construct the pmject (Sec. 7044. Busincss and Professions Cade:) The Conuaanrs Li- cense Law docs not apply w an owner of propeny who builds or impmvrs the�eon, and , who contracts for such projects wi�h a contractor(s) licensed pursuant w the Convxto�s r ;cense Law. am exempt undu See , B& P C for tdis reason „wner Da�e _ . WORKER'S COMPENSA'i'[ON DECLARAT[ON I hercby afficm under penalty of perjury one af �he following declarations: ❑ I hsre and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self-insurc for Workcrs Camprn- sation, as providcd for hy Section 3700 of the Iabor Code, for thc performarax oC thc work for which ihis permit is issucd. 0 I havc and will maintain Workcr's Compensation Insurance, u�cquired by Scction . 3700 of �hc Labar Codc, Cor thc performance of the work for w6ich �his pecmit is issued. My Worker's Campensadon Insucance carticr and Poliry numbcr are: Cartier. 5 7Y.Ye- t+ Policy No.: ]� 3 o E LG � t 3 CER7'I CATE OF EXEMPI70N FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ('Chis sectian necd not 6c completcd i(the permit is fwonc hundred dollus (5100) ar Icss.) I cenity that in ihc performancc af thc work (or which Uiis permit is issucQ I shall na omploy any person in any manner so u to bccomc subject to the Workcrs' CompensaGoa Laws of California. Datc Applicant NOTICE TO APPCICANT: If, aficr making ihis Certificate of Ezcmptian, yau should bccome subjcct to thc Workcr's Compcnsation provisions o( thc Lal+or Codc, yau muu � O forlhwiih comply with such provisions or this permit shall bc dccmcd ccvokcd. z "'" CONSCRUCf10N LENDING AGENCY (� �-�. 1 herchy affirm that thcre is a consuucuan Icnding agcncy Cor thc perCormanoe o! - p�., � ihc work for which this permit is issucd (Scc. 309'1, Civ. C.1 W Q Lendcr's Namc � z Lender's Address V � I certify Ihat 1 have rcad Ihis applieation and sta�e Ihat the above in[ortnauun is w � cortcct. I agrce w comply with all ci�y and county onlinances and siate Iaws relating m 0 U 6uilding conswction, and hcrcby au�hori�e represcntativcs of this ci�y to cn�er upan �hc � a alwvrmcntioncd property (or inspccuon purposes. (Wc) agree to save, indcm�ify and kccp hartnless ihc City of Cupenino against r ,H„� � IiabiliUes, judgments, cos�s and expenses which may in any way acerue agains� said City („) ,Z in consequencc of the granting of ihis permit. Date � APPLICA DERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: SOURCE G ATIONS. . - �-� Re-roofs Signuum of App icanUConuac �� T e of R�of HAZAR� MATERIALS DISCLOSURE yP �11 �hc applicant or building occupant storc or handlc harardous matcrial �cfined by 1hc Cupertino Municipal Codc. Chaptcr 9.12, and �hc Hcatth and SaCcly ,.ode, Sccuon 25532(a)? All roofs :,hall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. aY� �e� . Will the applicant or futurc building accupant usc equipmcnl or dcvices which If a roof i:, installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emit harardous air coniaminants az Jcfincd by the Bay Arca Air Quality Managcmcnt all new m�terials for inspecr,ion. Disirict? � ❑ Ycs I havc read ihe haiardous ma�crials requircmcn�s undcrChap�cr6.95 of thc Califar- nia Hcalth & Satcry Codc, Scctions 25505.25533 and 25534.1 uncicrs�nd �hu iCihe Gu►diaS docs �ot curtently a tcnant, iha� it is my rcsponsibiliry to nodfy Uu oocupant o( �hc reyuircmcn�s wh� m 6c me! pri � uancc of a Ccnificaie of Occupancy. Signature of Applicant Date - - d All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Owncr or authori•r.cd agcn� Datc —