07100173 CITI' OF CUPERTINO , BUILD'tNG DIVISION PERMIT CC1�1��AGTt9R I�Y�UR�ATIOIY•; ;: .:, _ ; _ ; :.: _ BUiLDiNG ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. � a Q nz �-�--�4������ `'�--�—rn ; 'ER'S NAME: PHON . i � T T S��/ 2 O O 7 CONIROL NO. C _ � BUILDING PERM[T INFO ARCHIT'ECClENGI NEER: BLDG �LECT PLUMB MECH � � 0 � > Q LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION JOb DeSCT1�1C10❑ �� I hcrcby afGcm that I am licenscd undcr provisions of Chap�cr 9(commcncine :� wi�h Scction 7000) of Division 3 of ihc Busincss and Profcssiuns Code, and my liccnsc is � y in full force and eff}� � 30 L/e17Z_ REMOVE F. REPLAC E 1 � �� � � � BTU FURNACE � ? Licensc Class ` ` � V Lic. # : p Date �D - Y-y� Conlracwr : � ARCHITECi'S DECLARATION " - � 1 undcrstanJ my pians shall bc uscd as public rccords �< U F' Liccnscd Pmfcssional � a OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION � .� I hcrchy alfirm that t am cxcmp� from thc ConUactors Liccnsc Law for thc j O following rcazon. (Sccuon 7031.5, Busincss and Profc.ssions Codc: Any city or coun�y ;�i which rcquims a pcimit to conswc4 altcr, improvc, dcmolish, or repair any swcturc ;� prior w its issuancc, alsu rcquircs thc applican� for such permit io filc a signcd statcmcnt � � that he is liccnscd pursuant to thc pmvisions of thc Contractur's Liccnsc Law (Chaptcr 9 S q. Ft. Floor Area Valuati on -� (commencing with Scction 7000) of Division 3 of lhc Busincss and Profcssions Codc) or C.. that he is exempt theccfrom and tAe basis Cor the allcgcd exemption. Any violauon of Section 7031.5 by airy applicant Cor a permit subjects thc applicant to a civil pcnalty of APN Number Occupaney Type not more than 6vc hundred dollars (5500). ❑ I, az owncr o( tt�e pmperty, or my cmployces with wages az their solc compensation, 3 6 910 0 3=.. 0 0 will do thc work, and ihe stcucture is not intendcd or oF(ered for salc (Sa.7044, Business Required Inspections and Professions Code: 77u Conuacwr's Licence Law does not apply w an owner of property who builds or improves theccon, and who dxs such work himselt or through his own employecs, providcd tha� such improvemen�s are not in�ended or ollerod for sala IC. however, the building or improvement is sold within one year o( completion, the owner- builder will have �he burden oC proving Ihat he did not build or improvc (or pmpose of salc J. ❑ I, as owner of �he property, am exclusively conuacting with licensed convactors to wnst�vM Ihe pmjett (Sec. 7044. Business and Profcssions Code:) The Convacmr's Li- ccnse Law does aot apply to an owner o( property who builds or improves thereon, and . who conuacts [or such projects wi�h a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Convactor's License Law. ❑ 1 am uempt under Sec , B& P C for �his rcason :r Dak WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION i hercby afficm under penalty of perjury onc of the following declaraGons: ❑ I hsve nnd will maintain a CeniGcate of Consent lo sel4insure for Workcr's Compen- sation, as provided for by Sec[ion 3700 of U�e Labor Code, for ihe performance of 1he worlc tor which Nis permit is iuucd. ❑ I hav� and wi0 maintain Workcr's Compensation Insurana, as icquired by Section 3700 oC the Labor Code, fw the perCormance of the woric for which this pern�it is iscued. My Workers Compensalion Insurance carrier and Policy numb�e are: � Cartier: �� _ �^'� J Poliry No.: �1 / �� � CF,RI7FlCA7E OF EXEMPl'[ON FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION 1NSURANCE � (This section neeA irot be completed if tlx pecmit is for one hunMed dollars (S 100) or Icss.) 1 ccni(y �hxt in thc performencc of thc work for which �his pertnii is issued, l shall not employ any person in any manncr so az to becomc subjec� to the Workcrs' Compensation L.aws o[ Califomia. Datc Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, aftcr making �his CcniCcatc of Ezcmption, you should bccome subjcct to tbc Workcr's Compcnsation provisions of thc LsYwr Codc, you muu � O foMwiW comply with such provisions or this pccmil shall bc dccmcd rewokcd. i "'' CONSTRUCTION LENDWG ACENCY �� 1 herc6y a�rm that there is a consuuction Icnding agency for the performan�x of ;� ihc work for which ihis permit is issucd (Scc. 3097, Civ. C.) I Q L.endcr's Namc � � z L.cnder's Addrcss ) ) � I certiCy �hat I havc rcad this applicadon and sia�c that �hc abovc inlortnatiun is ►-� corrcct 1 agrce to comply with all city and county ordinantts and state laws tclating to j U building conswction, and hcrcby authori�e rcprescntadvcs of ihis city to cn�cr u�n ihc W abovc-mentioncd property for inspccuon purpaus ( ' (We) agrce to save, indcmni(y and keep harmless �hc Cily o[ Cupcnino agains� �� liabilidu, judgmcn�s, c ts and cxpcnses which may in any way acccuc against said City ) z in consequence of granting of ihis permit. � APPLICANT ERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date 1�j .r Z �J7 SOUR E U TIONS. "" lU � �� Re-roofs K ur uanucaiu.ewr �v� - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Rc of �11 Ihe appliant or fuwre building occupant storc or handlc ha•rardous matcrial �icfincd by the Cupertino Municipal Codc. Chaptcr 9.12, and the Hcal�h and SaCcty , SccGon 25532(a)? �, All roofs s: �all be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑ Ycs wll thc applican or fuwrc building occupant usc cyuipmcnt or Jcviccc which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove cmit harardous air contaminants u dcfincd by thc Bay Arca Air Quality Managcmcnl all new ma terials for inspec :IOA. �ISU;��� ❑ Y� l havc rcad Uu ha� s ma�crials �cquiremcnts undcr Chap�cr 6.95 of thc Califor- nia Hcal�h & Safcty Codc, Scctions 25505, 25533 and 25534. f undcrsiand �hat i( Uic building docs rrot curtcnt havc a �cnan4 �ac it is my rcsponsibility w notiCy thc occupam of �hc rcyuircmcn ;�n m�� x me� P �o� w�u��,� or a c��;r�a� or a�P�ry. Signature c f Applicant Date � y' All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better O r or authoroad agcnt Da�c �; �� 100� 7� -,� � -y =�: � CIT'�' OF CUPEI�TINO ��, ��� � ' , F' /�C CUPEf�TINO ��L��IT APl'Ll CA7 li URM APN �# Date: ---- ---� �� 9 d r� 0 31 � 00 -- ---- 1�-z�.� �----------: Buildin� �Address: � r - � _�' 0.,� �,9-�. .D� . - _ � Owner's Na�lle: � Phone #: � � -_�nr� --- ---- - 777� �? --' Eontra��or: ' .� ;= �, , �� Li�ense #: --� f H -�.E �_ � �� _' �' -, �.�' 1 _ � __ 30 � �f az� ----- -- - --. Contt:ct: Phone #: ; _ 1��-L.E P� E�P.s � 7 q-07� a� _— _ � - - --- -- ---, ApplicaiiVC��itractor: ' �� �+� �r'� --- ------ --- -- - ---- - -- ---: _ � Building Perinit Info: - � �, Bld Eie � ' _ _ ��� _ _ ����i _ - — � -- -- � Job Descripti�n -` ��� � Residen�ial: _ I�C ��Z ���� � �� � ���' "��=ommercial: • _ __ _I Sq.Ft. Floor �rea: $/Sc1.Ft.: • ; 'lrchitect/Ei�gineer: - - - -- -- -- Vuly�b���� ---------,� � - -- --; Type of Cor:struction: Occupancy Group: I ti� , ---- ------- ---------------- - —�-------- ------ -: Qt}�. it A�licablc: 1=ee 1D ___ __�ee Descri tiun � Fe� Uro�� __ � BENL _ E �er y _ _ _ BUI LIll:\G __ _� .. BREMFURN_______ _ _ R°location �f FLirnac� _MECI-iAN1CAl._ _� --�— , ', EMACOV ____ _ A U riit > 10 ,0U� cfm vICC I-IAtti ICA I___�I ' B REMA1RHr� N A /C Uiii <= 10, �OU cfm MEC I-lAi�'I CAI .. ; �BREMRECLPT R=cptl, S��itch & Ou�lets ELEC'I'I:1CAL___! -----;-- --- - __ � BSEISM1CRl: S:ismic ��c Res F3UILID\G i --�--;' ---- - - -- - - ------ EPERMI�I'F E �ec Yeri nit lssuailce LLE CTI:ICAL, I - — - —� _�__ � MP�RMITFEE _ _ Iv[ech Per Issuanc MECHA _� �__ ! PPERNIITFEL ___ _ __P umbin�Pei'iliit I�st�e _ PLU�1B!NG ___. - - ' BPEk MFLF ---- - -- Bld� P l�ees BUILIll\C - _-- � B P an Clieck F� BUI LID'��(� �� ---- r BUS1 . lC - -------- - -- F3usines� Licensc — f3UILID:�G ---- �_ _ - ------------ ---��--- --- ---- - CITY OF CUPERTINO 6 ITEMS OF 6 PERMIZ RECEIPT OPER.ATOR: patg COPY # : 1 Sec: Twp: Rng: Sub: Blk. Lot: APN ......... 36�10031.00 DATE ISSUED.......: 10/24/2007 RECEIPT #.........: BSC00003070 REFERENCE ID # ...: 07100173 SITE ADDRESS .....: 19�41 LA MAR DR SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............. CUF'ERTINO IMPACT AREA ....... OWNER ............. DA�'E & SUE RANNEY ADDRESS ........ 19�41 LA MAR DR CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CUF'ERTINO CA, 95014-3310 RECEIVED FROM ....: R F'ERLHEFTER CONTRACTOR .......: PHF;LPS, DALE LIC # 12079 COMPANY ..........: A b: H HEATING ADDRESS ..........: 77(� CHESTNUT ST CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: SAP� JOSE, CA 95110 TELEPHONE ........: (4(ig)279 FEE ID UNIT QUANTITY ��'IOUNT PD-TO-DT THIS REC NEW BAL ---------- ------------- ---------- --�-------- ---------- ---------- ---------- BENERGY PERMIT FEE 1.00 34.86 0.00 34.86 0.00 BREMFURN NO UNIT 1.00 14.31 0.00 14.31 0.00 BSEISMICRE VALUATION 4,700.00 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 EPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 MPERMITFEE FLAT R.ATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 PPERMITFEE FLAT RATE 1.00 40.79 0.00 40.79 0.00 ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- TOTAL PERMIT : 172.04 0.00 172.04 0.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT AMOUNT REFERENCE NUMBER ----------------- --------------- -------------------- CREDIT CARD 172.04 MC --------------- TOTAL RECEIPT : 172.04 VOICE ID DESCRIPTION VOICE ID DESCRIPTION -------- ---------------------------- •--------- ---------------------------- 301 ROUGH PLUMBING 303 ROUGH MECHANICAL 304 ROUGH ELECTRICAL 505 FINAL ELECTRICAL 507 FINAL PLUMBING 508 FINAL MECHANICAL . Community Development �` 10300 Torre Avenue , :�� Cupertino CA 95014 `� � Telephone (408) 777-3228 CIIY OF Fax (408) 777-3333 CUPEi�TiNO Buildi:n De artment JOB D R SS: PERMIT # l� ��� �� � ��- � ������ � OWNER'S NAME: ,/�wNr-� PHONE # 2�� - �G� Z L GENERAL CONTRACTOR: �-� � rL.._ FAX # , I am not using any subcontractors: " r � ~ � ^. � ��� Z` � �' 1 Si�;nature Date Please check a licable subcontractors and com >lete the followin information: SUBCONTRACTOR BUSIrfESS NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # Cabinets & Millwork Cement Finishing IIectrical Excavation Fencing Flooring: Carpeting Linoleum / Wood Glass / Glazing Heating Insulation Landscaping Lathing Masonry Ornamental Sheet Metal Painting / Wallpaper Paving Plastering Plumbing Roofing Septic Tank Sheet Metal Sheet Rock T' ------� ----- � .__ _ /�j- ? ��- v � Owner/Contractor Signature Date