TC 10-04-00 Telecommunications Commission Regulm' M~ting · '"' October 4, 2000 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair L. T. Guttadauro at 7:03 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: L.T. Guttadauro, Sal Algori, Ernest Tsui, David Eggleston, Reginald Dub6 Staff: Donna Krey, Lin& Lagergren De Anza: Bob Haber Guests: Linda Grodt APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 6, 2000 MINUTES Algeri made a motion to accept tho minutes as amended, Tsui seconded the motion. All in favor. Eggleston and Duh6 abstained. Motion passed. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: Linda Grodt said her show on the Democratic convention was 98% completed. It will premier on Oct. 15. Written: None. OLD BUSINESS Activities Calendar. The incorrect calendar was included in the packet. Linda Lagergren will mail the correct activities calendar to each of the commissioners. Kroy mentioned the WAVE awards in Sacramento is tho same date as tho Comnluniiy Congress. The commissioners decided not to attend the WAVE awards this year. Haber will attend and pick up any pertinent information. Update on Antenna Ordinance - Kroy said Jung informed her the planning Department is in the process of finalizing thc contract with thc antenna consultant and the meeting schedule has not yet been set. The Planning Commission approved the Nextel antenna request. They had an expert at the meeting who said the radiation levels were acceptable. Tsui said he would like to attend the Planning Commission meetings when antenna requests are on the agenda so he can express his opinions. Krey said she would check the Planning Commission agendas and let Tsui know when an antenna request was scheduled. Tsui felt that some concerns may disappear when the antenna ordinance is in place, but most would probably need case-by-case review. Updates on Pae Bell, RCN Proposals - Krey called Pac Bell regarding their design p!an~. The city hasn't seen any plans as of yet. Krey has not received a call back from Pac Bell. Krey said the meeting with RCN is scheduled for Oct. 12. The city people will m~'ot at 10:15 a.m. to strategize and then meet with RCN at I I a.m. The meeting will focus on the franchise agreement. Krey said by law the city can ask for anything it currently receives from AT&T, but not more. Duhe volunteered to attend the meeting. The other people attending the meeting are City Manager Dave Knapp, Donna Krey, Attorney Cheryl Kershner and the RCN representatives. Krey said the City Channel would like to request RCN provide some bandwidth. Tsui suggested RCN provide free cable modems to each of the schools. Krey said we can ask for things ora similar value that the city currently has. She said AT&T gave us $1.6 million and we will ask RCN for the same. RCN has said they will package their services to include intemet service, local phone, long distance and cable and that they will meet requirements in the current AT&T franchise. Krey said she has received feedback from other cities on RCN and it is good. It was suggested RCN be invited to future commission meetings. NEW BUSINESS Presentation from AT&T Call Center director Mike Farias - Krey said she received a phone call from Eddic Garcia, who was sick in bed saying that he would like to be present when Mike Farias gave his presentation. He was requesting commission to continue the item. Commission agreed to reschedule the presentation for thc November meeting. Krey distributed customer service reports from AT&T. Reports from: AT&T: None. City of Cupertino: Krey announced the swearing-in ceremony for the new mayor would occur on Nov. 149. It's customary the Vice Mayor becomes the Mayor, so the Mayor will probably be Sandy James. Krey said the skate park is generating a lot of controversy at Wilson Park. Council will look at Jollyman Park and a site near Vallco as other possibilities. De Anza College: Haber said the WAVE award nominations would be announced this week. The Producer meeting on Monday, Oct. 2 was a great success. A new non-linear editing system should arrive the end of the week. An extensive list of new training classes for public access producers and crew will be available this quarter. The quarterly newsletter is due out next week. Another episode of Vegetarian Indian Gourmet utilizing the new JVC Mini DV Camcorder and Mini DV recording deck was taped. Bob Haber will get a list of available training classes for Krey to share with the Gove~f, ment Channel. Haber said the classes are on the web site. Tsui made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m.; Algeri seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ATTEST: APPROVED: City C Chairperson