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CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS, 21.523 CONRADIA CT OWNER'S NAME` VENKATESH GANTI OWNER'S PHONE: 6509639759, ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION License:Class� Lie.;# d Contractor Date I hereby'affirm that I am licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section:7000) of Division 3 of the Business & Professions Code and that my license is' in full force and effect. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjuryne of thefollowingtwo declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is, issued.' APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit. Additionally, the applicant understands and will comply with all non -point source regulations per the Cupertino Municipal Code, Section 9.18. % Signature, Date J/3 ❑ OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby 'affirm that I am. exempt from the.Contractor's License Law for one of the following two reasons` I, as owner of the property, or myemployees:with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work,:and the structure is'not intended or offered for sale (Sec.7044, Business & Professions Code) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project ($ec, 7044, Business & Professions Code). I hereby affirm under penalty of p rlury one of the following three declarations: I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self -insure for Worker's Compensation, as providedfor by Sectiou 3760 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as provided for by Section i3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in, any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Compensation laws of'Califomia ' ',If, after making this certificate of exemption, I become subject to the Worker's Compensation' provisions of the Labor Code, I must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. APPLICANY CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction; and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon, the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save indemnify and'keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities, judgments, costs, and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting;of this. permit. Additionally,: the applicant understands and will comply with all,'non point source regulations! per the e'rtino Municipal Code, Section 918 '�',; Signature., Date, CONTRACTOR: MR ELECTRIC PERMIT NO: 13050026 2218 OLD MIDDLEFIELD WAY DATE ISSUED: 05/03/2013 MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 95014 PHONE NO: (408) 725-8380 JOB DESCRIPTION: RESIDENTIAL 0 COMMERCIALS INSTALL EV CHARGING STATION OUTSIDE OF GARAGE AREA Sq. Ft Floor Area: I Valuation: $1600 APN Number: 35623050.00 1 Occupancy Type: PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITIHN7180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR 180 D S ROM LAST CALLED INSPE TON. Issued by: Date: .� RE -ROOFS: All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If.a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Signature of Applicant: Date: ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS "A" OR BETTER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the California Health & Safety Code, Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534. I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.11and the Health & Safety Code, Section 25532(s) should I store or handle hazardous material. Additionally, should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District I will maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12 and the Health & Safety Code, Sections 25 0 3, and 25534. Owner or authorized agent: Date: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of work's for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ C.) Lender's Name Lender's Address ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used as public records. Licensed Professional CUPERTINO ALTERNATIVE ENERGY PERMIT APPLICATION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT • BUILDING DIVISION 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3228 • FAX (408) 777-3333 • building(o cupertinG.Grg 1. I PROJECT ADDRESS /!� ` APN# O � OWNER NAME ✓eA kaf eS k QV\ 4 1 (r PHONE �65.) q 6 3- G9 ?� E-MAIL Ma n I ^ V e11 ks 6) Ms n STREET ADDRESS 'a l 23 6044W f' Q CITY, STATE, ZIP Cc► 14-t-; o CA 9 S 61 If FAX CONTACT NAME a ✓ PHONE ! j C [ `�E-MAIL pkah; + v e N ((1 0 VA5VV, G61*% J V J STREET ADDRESS CITY. STATE. ZIP FAX ❑ OWNER ❑ OWNER -BUILDER ❑ OWNER AGENT ❑ CONTRACTOR ❑ CONTRACTOR AGENT ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ ENGINEER ❑ DEVELOPER ❑ TENANT CONTRACT R A E �• L '1 + ► 4L LICENSE NUMBER LICENSE TYPE BUS. LIC if COMPANY NAME E-MAIL FAX STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP PHONE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER NAME LICENSE NUMBER BUS. LIC # COMPANY NAME E-MAIL FAX STREET ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP PHONE USE OF ❑ SFD or Duplex ❑ Multi -Family STRUCTURE: ❑ Commercial PROJECT IN WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE AREA ❑ Yes ❑ NO PROJECT IN FLOOD ZONE ❑ Yes ❑ NO ❑ SOLAR PANELS '% ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION I Cl SOLAR WATER HEATING ❑ OTHER: FOR.SOLAR PANEL S: NUMBER OF PANELS/UNITS: # KILOWATTS: N DA TOTAL VALUATION. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Ccv- C6r ; S fiaf � do RECEIVEDBY:.. - - - er's behalf. I have read this By my signature below, I certify to each of the following: I am the property owner or authorized agent to act on the prop7ntifii application and the information I have provided is correct. I have read the Description of Work and verify it is accurate. t comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relating to buildin construction. I authorize representatives of Cupertino to enter the above- ider perty for inspection purposes. Signature of Applicant/Agent: Date: _ �/ �13 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED - OFFICE USE ONLY Iff'O'VER-T a r E- U ❑ EXPRESS U x ❑ STANDARD U. J❑ LARGE a ❑ MAJOR PVApp_2012.doc revised 06120112 CITY OF CUPERTINO FEE ESTIMATOR - BUILDING DIVISION 1AADDRESS: 21523 conradia ct DATE: 05/03/2013 REVIEWED BY: mendez APN: BP#: `VALUATION: 1$1,600 *PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit PLAN CHECK TYPE: Alteration / Repair PRIMARY . SFD or Duplex USE: PENTAMATION PERMIT TYPE: SOLAR-RES WORK INSTALL EVC STATION OUTSIDE OF GARAGE SCOPE hfech. Plan Check Plumb, Plan Check Elec. Plan Check :llech. I'errnit Fee: Plumb. Permit Fee: Elec. Permit Fee: Other` illech. Aup. Oihclr Plumb Insp. Other f1ce. Insp. llech. Insp. Fee: Plumb. Insp. Fee: Elcc. Insp. Fee: NOTE: This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments (Le. Planning, Public Works, Fire, Sanitary Sewer District, School District eta). Theseees are based on the prellmina information available and are only an estimate. Contact the De t or addn'l info. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution 11-053 E . 711112) FEE QTY/FEE MISC ITEMS Plan Check Fee: $0.00 1 # Alternative Energy System $102.00 ICHRGSTA EV Charging Station.` . Suppl. PC Fee:: Q Reg. Q OT 0.0 hrs $0.00 PME Plan Check: $0.00 Permit Fee: $0.00 Suppl. Insp. Feeig Reg. O:OT 0.0 hrs $0.00 PME Unit Fee: $0.00 PME Permit Fee:. $0.00 Construction :Tire: Ailininistrative :Fee Work Without Permit? ® Yes Q No $0.00 Advanced Planning Fee: $0.00 Select a Non -Residential 0 Building or Structure i Travel Documentation Fees: Strong Motion Fee: IBSEISMICR $0.50 Select an Administrative Item Bldg Stds Commission Fee: 1BCBSC $1.00 $1.50 $102.00 .. U , R $103.50 Revised: 04/29/2013 bink� Level 2 Wall Mount Charging System Installation Manual Simply Smart, -I - Intelligent EV solutions 02011 by Electric Transportation Engineering Corporation. All rights reserved. Ink No part of the contents of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written permission of Electric Transportation Engineering Corporation, dba ECOtality North America TM. The contents of this document have been verified by the manufacturer to be consistent with the described components; however, inconsistencies sometimes occur. Such inconsistencies should be brought to the attention of an ECOtality North America representative. Changes to this manual may be made at any time without notice. Disclaimer of Consequential Damages ECOtality North America is not responsible for the use or application by any person of the materials in this manual. ECOtality NA is not responsible for damages, either direct or consequential, arising out of or relating to the use or application of these materials. bfink, blink, blink Network, and the blink logo are registered trademarks of ECOtality, Inc. ECOtality North AmericaTm is a trademark of ECOtality, Inc. ANSI®is a registered trademark of the American National Standards Institute. Fluke is a registered trademark of Fluke Corporation. IEC® is a registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission. IEEE TM is a trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. SAE J1772TM is a trademark of SAE International®. TOW is the registered trademark of Textron Inc. The current version of this manual is available online at www.blinknetwork.com/help Z OAI t aIity NORTH AMERICA Electric Transportation Engineering Corporation dba ECOtality North America 430 S. 2'' Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2418 888-998-BLINK www.ecotaliyna.com n IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 Intelligent EV solutions Contents Ink IMPORTANTSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS............................................................. 1 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement............................................................. 3 Guidelines and specifications...................................................................... 4 Applicable codes and standards............................................................................................ 4 Installer/contractor notes....................................................................................................... 4 Customerresponsibility......................................................................................................... 5 Toolsrequired for installation................................................................................................. 5 Meters............................................................................................................................. 5 Handtools....................................................................................................................... 5 Installer -supplied items....................................................................................................... 5 blink features and specifications............................................................................................. 5 Features........................................................................................................................... 5 Specifications................................................................................................................... 6 Charger assembly layout............................................................................ 7 Installation................................................................................................. 8 Shippingbox contents.......................................................................................................... 8 Charger housing assembly and cord reel.............................................................................. 10 Charger housing installation................................................................................................ 11 Cordreel installation.......................................................................................................... 13 Connecting power to the blink.................................................................. 16 Inputpower....................................................................................................................... 16 Connectingthe blink........................................................................................................... 16 Converting pluggable models.............................................................................................. 20 Connecting the blink to a LAN via Ethernet (optional)............................................................. 21 Calibrating the blink touch screen........................................................................................ 22 IM0001 L2 R WM USAv2.l iii Intelligent EV solutions Figures Figure 1 — blink Installations, Typical.......................................................................................... 7 Figure 2 — Shipping Box Contents............................................................................................ 8 Figure 3 — Hardware Packet Contents........................................................................................ 9 Figure 4 — Charger Housing Assembly and Cord Reel................................................................ 10 Figure 5 — Charger Assembly Installation.................................................................................. 12 Figure 6 — Cord Reel Installation.............................................................................................. 13 Figure 7 — Cord Reel Cover Installation.................................................................................... 14 Figure 8 — Cord Reel Vehicle Connector................................................................................... 15 Figure 9 — Housing Cover Removal.......................................................................................... 17 Figure10 — Supply Circuit Port................................................................................................ 18 Figure 1 1 — Service Wiring Terminals...................................................................................... 18 Figure 12 — Bezel Installation............................................................................................•..... 19 Figure13 — Security Seal........................................................................................................ 20 Figure 14 — Location of RJ45 (Ethernet) Port .............................................................................. 21 Figure 15 — Closed RJ45 (Ethernet) Port .................................................................................... 21 Figure 16 — Open RJ45 (Ethernet) Port..................................................................................... 21 iv IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 Intelligent EV solutions Ink IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Before using the blink charging system, read all of these instructions, as well as the WARNING and CAUTION markings in this document, on the blink unit, and on your vehicle. Consult the following symbols and related instructions for the actions necessary to avoid hazards. WARNING: Used when there is a risk of personal injury WARNING: RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK — Used when there is a risk of electric shock ® WARNING: RISK OF FIRE — Used when there is a risk of fire ACAUTION: Used when there is a risk of damage to the equipment 0 WARNING: RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK Basic precautions should always be followed when using electrical products, including the following: a. Read all the instructions before using this product. b. This device should be supervised when used around children. c. Do not put fingers into the electric vehicle connector. d. Do not use this product if the flexible power cord or EV cable is frayed, has broken insulation, or any other signs of damage. e. Do not use this product if the enclosure or the EV connector is broken, cracked, open, or show any other indication of damage. f. MODEL WE-30C/48C GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS: (Cord -connected models) This product must be grounded. If it should malfunction or break down, grounding provides a path of least resistance for electric current to reduce the risk of electric shock. This product is equipped with a cord having an equipment grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances. IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 Intelligent EV solutions g. © WARNING: RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK Improper connection of the equipment -grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or serviceman if you are in doubt as to whether the product is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the product — if it will not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician. h. MODEL WE-30K/48K GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS: (Permanently connected model) This product must be connected to a grounded, metal, permanent wiring system; or an equipment -grounding conductor must be run with the circuit conductors and connected to the equipment grounding terminal or lead on the product. 0 WARNING: RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK • Do not touch live electrical parts. • Properly install and ground this equipment according to this installation manual, as well as national, state and local codes. • Incorrect connections may cause electric shock. • Disconnect input power before installing or servicing the equipment. jffi WARNING: Models WE-30C/48C — Indoor use only Cord -connected models of this equipment are intended for indoor use only. These models can be converted for permanent connection for outdoor use. See page 20 for details. AS WARNING: This equipment is intended only for charging vehicles that do not require ventilation during charging. Please refer to your vehicle's owner's manual to determine its ventilation requirements. ACAUTION: Incorrect connection may cause damage to the blink charging system. • For permanently -connected installations, use wire size and temperature rating as required by local code. Ground blink properly using equipment ground lug. Refer to the label in charger housing identifying service wiring terminal connections. • For cord -connected installations, use cord set supplied with the unit only. Use only NEMA 6-50R receptacle (WE-30C and WE-48C only) for cord connection. 2 IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USMJ Intelligent EV solutions Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Statement 19 Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with these instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver. • Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference. 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. 3. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 3 Intelligent EV solutions Ink Guidelines and specifications This Installation Manual describes how to properly install blink Model WE-30C/K and WE-48C/K Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), referred to as the "blink" throughout this document. Applicable codes and standards The installer or contractor is responsible for obtaining and becoming familiar with the following publications. Installer or contractor work and material shall comply with the local municipality's currently adopted versions of: • National Electric Code • Municipal, county, and state building codes and standards • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) • Uniform Building Code • Other relevant codes and standards that apply to the installation of structural components and electrical equipment Installer/contractor notes The installer or contractor selected to install the blink Model WE-30C/K and WE-48C/K charging systems, including electrical connections, shall conform to the following general notes: • Installation shall be performed as described in the electrical plans and approved drawings. • All work shall comply with the local municipality's currently adopted version of the National Electric Code and Building Code. • Labor and materials not specifically described, which are incidental to installations and without which a satisfactory job cannot reasonably be completed, are a part of this installation work. • All materials used in the installation shall be new and UL-listed and labeled where required. • The installation of AC power circuits and circuit disconnects is not included in this work. Such work must be performed by a certified electrical contractor. • It shall be the installer's or contractor's responsibility to carefully read this entire installation manual and associated drawings and sketches to determine his/her responsibilities. Failure to do so shall not release the installer or contractor from doing the work in complete accordance with this document. 4 IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 Intelligent EV solutions Ink • During performance of the work and after all requirements of this installation manual and associated details are fully completed, ECOtality NA and/or the customer shall have the option to inspect the work. • The installer or contractor shall not modify or otherwise alter blink equipment in any manner other than specifically authorized by this installation manual. Unauthorized modification to the blink equipment voids the manufacturer's warranty. Customer responsibility The customer is responsible for contracting with a certified electrical contractor to perform all electrical work, including connections at the blink, supply circuit, and main service panel. Tools required for installation Meters • Current Clamp Meter (with 600 A MAX AC/DC) (Recommend: Fluke 336) • Digital Multimeter (1000V MAX DC/AC) (Recommend: Fluke 87V) Hand tools • Drill bit, 3/16-inch • Hammer • Pencil/marker • Slotted and TORX® head screwdrivers • Wrench, 10 mm • Torque wrench Installer -supplied items • Service wiring to blink • Conduit and fittings (1-inch trade size), except for cord -connected units blink features and specifications Features • Certified to UL 2594 — Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment • Charge circuit interruption device (CCID20) • Ground monitoring circuit • Nuisance -tripping avoidance and auto re -closure IM0001 L2 R WM USAv2.1 5 Intelligent EV solutions • Cold load pickup (randomized auto -restart following power outage) • Certified energy and demand metering • Wireless IEEE 802.11 g • LAN capable • Web -based bi-directional data flow _7 0.7 • Cord management system • Power cord for connection to NEMA 6-50R receptacle (WE-30C and WE-48C only) Specifications Model WE-30C/K WE-48C/K Input Voltage 208-240 VAC +/• 10% (120 VAC to GND) Input Phase Single (3-wire) Frequency 60 Hz Input Current 30 Amps (maximum); configurable to 12A, 16A, or 24A 48 Amps (maximum); configurable to 12A, 16A, 24A, or 30A Breaker Size 40 Amps; Available settings: 15A, 20A, 30A, or 40A 48 Amps; Available settings: 15A, 20A, 30A, 40A, or 60A Output Voltage 208-240 VAC +/• 10% Output Phase Single Pilot SAE J 1772TM compliant Connector/Cable SAE J 1772 compliant, UL-rated at 30A maximum Cord Length (output) 18 feet (approximate) Cord Length (input) 1 foot (WE-30C and WE-48C only) Exterior Dimensions Charger assembly: 18" wide x 22" high x 5-9/16" deep Cord reel: 18 diameter Temperature Rating_•22 °F (•30 °C) to +122 °F (+50 °C) Enclosure NEMA type 3R sun- and heat -resistant Mounting Wall mount 6 IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 Intelligent EV solutions Charger assembly layout Ink The charger assembly should be mounted on the wall in close proximity to the vehicle stall and at a location where the 18-foot charging cord can be easily connected to the vehicle charging port without the cord stretching taut and/or presenting a trip hazard. The charger assembly must be mounted at a height (minimum 18 inches [460 mm] above floor) where the panel display can be easily seen and monitored by the operator. A height of 60 inches (152 cm) to the center of the display is suggested. The cord reel can be mounted below or in another location near the charger assembly that best accommodates the user's preferences and comfort. The charger assembly and cord reel may be installed on adjacent walls (corner mounted). For cord - connected blinks (Models WE-30C and WE48C), there must be sufficient space allowed between the charger assembly and mounting of the cord reel for installation of the 6-50R receptacle. ® WARNING: RISK OF FIRE This equipment has arcing or sparking parts that must not be exposed to flammable vapors. This equipment must be located at least 18 inches (460 mm) above the floor. Figure 1 - blink Installations, Typical IM0001 L2 R WM USAv2.1 7 Intelligent EV solutions Installation Ink ® WARNING: RISK OF FIRE To reduce the risk of fire, install blink on a wall constructed of a material resistant to combustion such as plasterboard (drywall) over studs, 16 inches on center. The blink kit supports installation of the charger assembly over a wood -framed wall (studs on 16-inch centers), with or without plasterboard (drywall) covering. If the assembly is to be installed on a brick or concrete wall, anchors (not supplied) of an appropriate size suitable for the 1/4-inch lag screws and wall material must be used. WARNING: Suitable wall anchors (not supplied) for brick or concrete walls must withstand a pull-out force of 80 lb (36 kg) per anchor, without damaging the wall mounting. Shipping box contents 1. Cord reel 2. Cord reel cover 3. Cord reel cleat Figure 2 — Shipping Box Contents 4. Charger housing assembly (with 1 charging cord) 5. Hardware packet 8 IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 Intelligent EV solutions Ink • The blink is shipped in an over -pack box containing two cartons, one with the charger housing assembly and the second with the cord reel. • The top carton in the over -pack box contains the cord reel mounting cleat, the cord reel, and cord reel cover. • The bottom carton contains the charger housing assembly (with 18-foot charging cord) and hardware packet. The 18-foot charging cord is attached at the bottom right of the charger housing assembly. In addition, the cord -connected (Models WE-30C and WE-48C) will also have a 1-foot power cord attached at the bottom left of the assembly (not shown). • Contents of the hardware packet include: o P/N 11-031-0564 —'/a-inch hex -head lag screws (qty. 8) o P/N 11-452-0163 —'/a-inch washers (qty. 8) o P/N 11-356-0273 — M6 x 20 hex -head bolts (qty. 3) Figure 3 - Contents IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 9 Intelligent EV solutions Charger housing assembly and cord reel Figure 4 - Charger Housing Assembly and Cord Reel Ann -401 lk Item # Part Number Description 1 1 1-357-0277 Torxhead screw (T30) 2 2 20-030-0001 Bezel 1 3 11-356-0273 M6 x 20 hex -head bolt 8 4 20-180-0001 Charger housing cover 1 5 1 1-031-0564 1/4-inch lag screw 8 6 11-452-0163 1/4-inch washer 8 7 20-180-0001 Charger unit and base 1 8 09-068-0001 Output cord (part of charger unit) (not shown) 1 9 20-071-0001 Cord reel cover 1 10 20-043-0001 Cord reel 1 11 20-349-0001 Cord reel cleat 1 12 — Power cord (part of WE-30C & WE-48C charger units ONLY) (not shown) 1 10 IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 Intelligent EV solutions Ink Charger housing installation To install the blink charger housing: 1. Open the blink shipping box and remove the two cartons containing the cord reel and the charger assembly. Unpack the cartons and lay out the contents (the two cartons are attached by the charging cord; DO NOT allow excess strain on the cord). Check for all contents as listed in the Shipping box contents section on page 8. 2. With the charger assembly set flat on a work table, remove the two Torx-head screws at the bottom of the charger assembly. Carefully pull up on the bezel to remove the bezel from the housing cover. Pull at the top of the bezel to disengage the two pins from the grommets in the base plate. 3. Choose an appropriate place on a wall for mounting the charger housing assembly. Refer to the Charger assembly/ayoutsection on page 7 for guidelines in locating the charger assembly and cord reel. 4. Locate and mark the centers of two studs in the mounting area if the assembly is being mounted on a typical wood -framed wall. (Omit this step if the charger assembly is being mounted on a brick or concrete wall and wall anchors are being used.) 5. Place the charger housing assembly in the desired location on the wall with the mounting holes in the base over the marked studs, if applicable. Make sure the charger housing assembly is positioned level and plumb. Note: For cord -connected blinks (Models WE-30C and WE-48C), space must be allowed for installation of a receptacle below the charger assembly when mounting the assembly and the cord reel (refer to Figure 5 for recommended mounting dimensions). A corded unit requires a NEMA 6-50R receptacle mounted in a metal 5S deep box. Make sure to orient the receptacle as shown in Figure 5. IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 11 Intelligent EV solutions I I 140 WALL STUDS 0 1 I I « I MARK HOLES (4 LOCATIONS) Ink Figure 5 - Charger Assembly Installation 6. Using the housing assembly as a template, mark the centers of the four mounting holes and remove the housing assembly from the wall. 7. Using a 3/16-inch drill bit, drill a pilot hole for each of the mounting holes (wood -framed wall). For brick or concrete walls, metal anchors must be placed in the wall. Follow the manufacturer's installation instructions for wall anchors that provide a minimum pull-out force of 80 Ibs (36 kg) per anchor; install four anchors. 8. Place the charger housing assembly back in position on the wall and install four 1/4-inch lag screws with washers (Items 5 and 6, Figure 4) to secure the housing assembly in place. Tighten the screws enough to remove any gaps between the wall, housing base plate, washer, and screw head. Note: If there are irregularities in the wall surface, it may be necessary to place a shim (not supplied) behind one or more of the mounting holes to avoid distorting the charger housing base plate. AM WARNING: All four lag screws (and anchors, if applicable) must be installed to prevent the charger assembly from pulling out of the wall. 12 IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 Intelligent EV solutions InkA CAUTION: Do not over -tighten the lag screws when mounting the charger housing assembly on the wall. Over -tightening can deform and damage the housing base plate. Cord reel installation To install the cord reel: 1. Choose an appropriate place on the wall for mounting the cord reel assembly. This can be below or to either side of the charger assembly. 2. Locate and mark the centers of two studs in the mounting area, if applicable. (Omit this step if the charger assembly is being mounted on a brick or concrete wall and wall anchors are used.) 3. Place the cord reel cleat (Item 11, Figure 4) in the desired location on the wall with the mounting holes in the cleat over the marked studs, if applicable. 4. Using the cleat as a template, mark the centers of the four mounting holes and remove the cleat from the wall. 5. Using a 3/16-inch drill bit, drill a pilot hole for each of the mounting holes (wood -framed wall). For brick or concrete walls, metal anchors must be placed in the wall. Follow the manufacturer's installation instructions for wall anchors that provide a minimum pull-out force of 80 Ibs (36 kg); install four anchors. 6. Place the cleat back in position on the wall and install four 1/4-nch lag screws with washers (Items 5 and 6, Figure 4) to secure the cleat in place. Tighten the screws enough to remove any gaps between the wall, cleat, washer, and screw head. ACAUTION: Do not over -tighten the lag screws when mounting the Cord Reel Cleat on the wall. Over -tightening can deform and damage the cleat. �E WALLSTUDS 1 I 1 1 MARK I HOLES I (4 LOCATIONS) Figure 6 - Cord Reel Installation IM0001 L2 R WM USAv2.1 13 Intelligent EV solutions Ink IDNote: If there are irregularities in the wall surface, it may be necessary to place a shim (not supplied) behind one or more of the mounting holes to avoid distorting the cleat. 7. Place the cord reel in position on the cleat. Using a socket wrench with extension, install three M6 hex -head bolts (Item 3, Figure 4) to attach the reel to the cleat. Tighten the bolts to 35-38 in -lb (4.0-4.3 Nm). 8. Align tabs on the cover with the seven slots in the cord reel and firmly push in on the cover to attach it to the cord reel. The tabs will snap into place to secure the cover. Figure 7 - Cord Reel Cover Installation l_➢ Note: The cover may be removed by inserting a small screwdriver blade into the slot from the inner side of the reel rim to release each tab. 14 IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 Intelligent EV solutions Ink 9. Wrap the charging cord around the cord reel and place the vehicle connector end in the holder at the center of the reel. DO NOT force the connector strain relief past the cord retention fingers on the reel. lift the connector up and into the reel so that only the cord passes between the retention fingers. VEHICLE CONNECTOR SEATED IN REEL Figure 8 - Cord Reel Vehicle Connector LIFT UPTO CLEAR RETENTION FINGERS WHEN REMOVING OR REPLACING CONNECTOR IN REEL IM0001 L2 R WM USAv2.1 15 Intelligent EV solutions Connecting power to the blink Input power Ink IMPORTANT: Electrical power to the blink must be installed by a certified electrical contractor who is familiar with local codes and standards that apply to the installation of structural components and electrical equipment. Minimum size and color -coding requirements must be in accordance with any applicable state or local code, and the National Electrical Code. Voltage/Phase 208-240 VAC/1 phase (120 VAC to GND) Rated Current 30 Amps (maximum); 12A, 16A and 24A available (WE-30C/K) 48 Amps (maximum); 12A, 16A, 24A and 30A available (WE-48C/K) Circuit Rating 40 Amps; settings at 15A, 20A and 30A available ACAUTION: The blink EVSE's factory default current setting is 30 amps. If the device is connected to a lower current setting, a qualified blink technician must adjust the device settings and reset the unit before use. Connecting the blink WARNING: RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK Verify that electrical power to the blink input power wiring is disconnected. Electric shock can kill! 9 Note: The following procedure covers the installation of a blink that is being hard -wired to the main service panel. This procedure does not apply to the optional cord -connected wall -mount blinks. See the model conversion procedure on page 20. Cord -connected blinks require the installation of a NEMA 6-50R receptacle in close proximity to the charger housing assembly. For these installations, insert the power cord into the 6-50R receptacle and then test the blink using ECOtality's Car -in -a -Box equipment. Refer to the blink Carin-a Box Operator's Manual for more information. 16 IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 Intelligent EV solutions To connect the blink to the power supply: Ink 1. Remove five M6 hex -head bolts (Item 3, Figure 4); then, remove the charger housing cover from the charger assembly, DO NOT remove the four lag screws securing the charger assembly base to the wall. Figure 9 - Housing Cover Removal 2. Slide a 1-inch trade -size fitting (not provided), appropriate to the conduit type used, over the end of the service wiring. IM0001 L2 R WM USAv2.1 17 Intelligent EV solutions Figure 10 - Supply Circuit Port Ink 3. Insert the supply circuit conductors through the knockout in the metal housing bracket. Pull enough wiring through to allow for connection to the knockout and ground terminals. A. Position the 1-inch fitting in the knockout and secure in place using a metal lock ring. Use Copper Conductor Only rn O Service Ground / or Terminal L7 Supply L Wiring 0 �LJ Terminal Terminal Torque Block Serv ice Wire 18 in -lb Terminal Service Ground 35 in -lb Lug Figure 11 — Service Wiring Terminals IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 Intelligent EV solutions Ink ACAUTION: Be careful to not disturb factory wiring when making supply circuit wiring connections within the charger housing. 5. Connect the AC supply conductors (L1 and 1.2) to the upper two terminals in the terminal block (Figure 11) at the lower left of the charger assembly. 6. Connect the ground wire to the service ground terminal (Figure 11) at the lower right of the charger assembly. 7. Remove and discard the protective film on the touch screen. 8. With the service wiring complete, place the housing cover in position on the charger assembly and install five M6 hex -head bolts (Item 3, Figure 4) to secure the cover in place. Tighten the bolts to 35-38 in -lb (4.0-4.3 Nm). 9. Align the pins at the top of the bezel with the two grommets in the charger assembly base plate and seat the bezel over the housing cover. Figure 12 - Bezel Installation 10. Install two Torx head screws (Item 1, Figure 4) at bottom to secure the bezel to the charger housing. IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 19 Intelligent EV solutions 1 1.Test the blink using ECOtality's Car -in -a -Box equipment. Refer to the blink Car-in-aBox Operator s Manual for more information. Figure 13 - Security Seal L'=! Note: The blink will make an audible "click" each time that power starts flowing from the blink to the Car -in -a -Box, and again when power stops flowing. This is a normal sound for the blink to make. 12. When the test is successfully completed and if required, install a security seal (not provided) at the bottom of the housing cover. Converting pluggable models The WE-30C cord -connected or pluggable models can be converted to the WE-30K permanently - connected configuration by removing the pluggable cord and then following the above instructions for hard -wiring the unit. This is accomplished by: 1. Removing the bezel (see page 11). 2. Removing the charger housing cover (see page 17). 3. Disconnecting the two wires from the pluggable cord on the white terminal block and the green wire from the grounding stud. 4. Removing the strain relief lock nut and remove the pluggable cord by carefully pulling the conductors through the knockout hole. ® CAUTION: Be careful not disturb factory wiring when disconnecting and removing factory wiring. When the pluggable cord is removed, the WE-30C model can be permanently connected to indoor and outdoor locations. WE-30K models can be used in indoor and outdoor locations as delivered from the factory. 20 IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 Intelligent EV solutions Connecting the blink to a LAN via Ethernet (optional) A small percentage of blink owners will choose to connect their blink to the Internet over a local area network (LAN). The blink includes an R)45 (Ethernet) port for the physical connection; the connection is then configured during the Network Setup process, which will generally be performed by the blink owner. Refer to the blink Wa//Mount Charging System Owner s Manua/for more information about configuring a blink network connection. W& Figure 14 - Location of RJ45 (Ethernet) Port Figure 15 - Closed RJ45 (Ethernet) Port Figure 16 - Open RJ45 (Ethernet) Port ACAUTION: The Ethernet port delivered with the blink charging system is intended for indoor use only (such as in a garage). Contact the blink Call Center for information on the additional requirements for a safe outdoor Ethernet connection. To physically connect the blink to a LAN via Ethernet: 1. Unplug the black plastic cap on the RJ45 port, located on the bottom of the charger assembly between the two knockouts. Refer to the figures above. 2. Plug in the customer -supplied Ethernet cable. IM0001 L2 R WM USAv2.1 21 Intelligent EV solutions Ink Calibrating the blink touch screen The first time you start up the blink charging system, a calibration screen appears, with a small plus sign (+) in one corner. To calibrate the touch screen: 1. Touch the plus sign (+). A plus sign (+) appears in the next corner. 2. Touch the plus sign (+) and repeat three more times as the plus sign moves to the next two corners and then to the center of the screen. 3. A circle (0) appears in one corner. Touch the circle. Repeat this step three times as the circle moves to each corner. A. A Calibration Complete message appears in the center of the screen. Touch this message to continue. The Welcome to blink screen appears. Configure Your Device. ( hw g N :.- Refer to the blink Wa//Mount Charging System Owner's Manua/to learn how to configure and use the blink charging system. 22 IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 Intelligent EV solutions Index s blink charger assembly - 7 charger housing - 11 cord -connected - 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 16 features - 5 specifications - 6 Building codes - 4 C Calibrate touch screen - 22 Charger assembly - 7 Charger housing - 11 Codes and standards - 4 Converting Pluggable models - 20 Cord -connected unit - 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 16 E Electric shock - 1 Ethernet - 21 H Hand tools - 5 Hardware packet - 9 Height charger assembly - 7 1 Installation bezel - 19 charger housing - 11 cord reel - 13 cord reel cover - 14 L LAN - 21 Local area network - 21 M Meters - 5 N NEC - 4 0 OSHA - 4 P Parts shipped - 10 Phase input - 6 output - 6 Pluggable models Converting - 20 R RJ45 port - 21 S Safety instructions - 1 Service wiring terminals - 18 Shipping box - 8 Supply circuit port - 18 T Touch screen calibrate - 22 V Uniform Building Code - 4 V Ventilation - 2 Voltage input - 6 output - 6 W Warnings - 1 Ink IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 23 tality NORTH AMERICA 430 S. 2nd Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85003-2418 888-998-BLINK (2546) www.ecotalityna.com ©201 1 by Electric Transportation Engineering Corporation. All rights reserved. blink, blink Network, and the blink logo are registered trademarks of ECOtality, Inc. IM0001 _L2_R_WM_USAv2.1 6/3/2011 \/oni<�be6k Gave COMMUNITY DD/El-OPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING D!V'CION - CUPERTINO r'*70P-%l - im ;Aatn 7-21523 Conradia Ct., Cupertino C.At9,51islef4ns MUST be ke ' nt at the job si,'(s duri;m construction. It is Unlawful to make any ch,-,! i ,as or al t%ations on same, or to deviate therairum, without approval from the Building Official. Main House it v, #0 A j 3 w 1 ---, 100A Main Th- �!�tsinring of this plan and specif !cations SH,�LL NOT b,c hc;ld to permit or to be an ��.prxoval of the viciation of any provisions of any City Ordinance or State Law. I BY DA'"E ' lkk - PERMIT NO. 1 3 gu ------ PLOT PLOS Garage ayt 13 DAM Ecotality EVSE pL ING Wt- 15 UJ 004,41 I)STE Driveway W% Conradia Ct. mAy U o 2013 - , - , nr ";'. 1, -11 C-1 E- 1 Project Address: obis 3 Coh 'r-c-J,,s, C.6 C°-n--kno ch- Voltage: 120 / 240v Amps: w a ta+e Single Maid a(tulor; sre EV, -S,I .Sie- NVire Di taw 600f NUR Flectiicol Paul �Vet*N- oxisting pomiding doctir de Coftt Type-. ("0it&t S12P: F Of Wires: Nvire Size: r®nrrrrrw Co(h it Type: ;em r �40R(hbt e. 3 v of Tvures: Wk a Size: I'F — Fqn* e.at Nvb.e Distaice: �O �y M mutf'arhirer,, Di�ca�ute�t Codut Type: FttX COR(ltlir. Size-, Wii a type: T ff-w) f 11 1�r11C k?LG� , Fqtdpmeilt Distance. X f � FN'SF Alail facttuel. F4-6c-[Jy MOM: w6 --3 � 71l vall maimitpil ' Residential Load Calculation - Existing Dwelling Unit (NEC 220.83) Project Address: 21523 Couradia Ct, Cupertino CA 95014 100 Amp Main Fviatinfs nlnc AsIth- l t,natic (lecc HVAC.) Elect. Permit No. 2066 sq. ft. @ 3 watts s . ft a 6198 watts 2 Small Appliance Circuits @ 1500 watts ea. (Minimum is two) 3000 watts 1 Laundry Circuit(s) @ 1500 watts ea. (Minimum is one) 1500 watts Range (Nameplate Ratio) 0 watts Cooktop (Nameplate Rating) 0 watts 8000 Oven (Nameplate Ratio) 8000 watts Electric Water Heater 0 watts 5000 Electric Clothes Dryer (Enter larger: 5000 watts or nameplate rating) 5000 watts 1200 Dishwasher 1200 watts 800 Disposal 800 watts 1200 Microwave 1200 watts Refrigerator 0 watts Range Hood 0 watts Trash Compactor 0 watts 7200 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) @ 125% 9000 watts 0 watts 0 watts Total Calculated Load (less HVAC) 35898 watts HVAC Load Cat niitP the NV A C lnfid anti enter the LARCTFR of these air-conditioning or space heating loads. Air Conditioning Load (Volts X Amps = Watts) Furnace/Air Handler (Volts X Amps = Watts) watts OR Electric Space Heating)Load (Volts X Amps = Watts) (Central electric ftarrtac' lectric baseboard heaters, ceiling radiant heat, etc.) watts OR Heat'ump with Cen _' '- eetrie Furnace (Volts X Amps = Watts) ;^ (Nan e*, afe'rating of -heat pump compressor plus electric furnace) watts HVAC Load 0 watts 1 ® ` Service Demand tl Computed Load (NEC 220.83) w., d4�Tota1 Calc ad (less HVAC) 100% 8000 watts r otal Calc `� ad (less HVAC) 40% 11159.2 watts kHAVACdad � , 00% 0 watts Calculated Service Load 119159.2 watts Calculated Service Load - Service Voltage = Minimum Service Ampacity 19159.2 watts — 240 volts = 79.83 amps