07110173 CITY OF CUPERTINO ° ` PERNIIT , �������TR.��Q������ BUILDING DIVISION ' ;: ;. >: ..::. :. .. . ;: ... _. _. .. BUILD(NG ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 19710 DRAKE DR ANDERSC�N-NISWANDER 07110173 . OWNER'S NAME: PERMIT LSSUE DATE MACIAS ROBERT M AND ELVIA M 3620 HF.VEN AVE � 11/30/2007 )tYE� SANTTARY NO. CONIROL NO. (650)3E9-9443 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUiLDINC PERMTI' INFO BLDG ELECI' PLUMB MECH � O p LiCENSED COMRACTOfl'S DECLARATION O O 0 � � I hcrcby afGrm thal 1 am liccnscd undcr provisions of Chap�cr 9(commencins Job Description � z� ai � h S c cGo n 7 0 0 0) o f D ivisi on 3 of thc Busincss and Protcssions Codc, and m y liccnse is V O L N T A F . Y P R E S C R I P T V S E I S M I C U P G R A D E �� a in full force and c P � � ,Z� Licensc Class �- " � � Lic. 8 �;L.� �` � � _ �, � Da�c 11 — e=�"'( Conlnctar ARCHITECI'S DECLARA �� U I undcrstand my plans shall bc used u pu6iic rccords d i O y Gccnsed Rufcssional n y � OWNER-HU(LDER DECI.ARATION �`� I hcrcby allirm that I am excmpi Gum ihc Contractor's Licensc Law for U�c , y p o foliowing icazon. (Scction 7031.5, Busincss and Profcssions Caic: Any city or county y$ Pi which rcquires a pc�mi� to consuuc� altcr. im�xove. demalish, qr �epuir any svucmrc _ Z} prior w i�s issuancc, alsu rcquircs thc applicant for such permit io filc a signcd s�ammcnt �_ � tha� he is lice� d pursuant to ihc provisions oC ihc Conuactur's Liccnsc Caw (Chaptcr 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area $ 610 0 Valuation Y F (commcncin wi�h Scction 7000 of Division 3 of ihc Business and Profcssions Codc) or y�� thal Ae is exempl themfrom and the besia for �he allcgcd exemption. Any violadan of Secuon 7031.3 by uty applicant (or a peimit subjecu the applicant w a civil penalty of Number Occupancy Type rwt more than five hundrod dollars (5500). 316 3 2 0� 0.` ❑ I, aa owncr o[ t(ie prope:ty. or my employca with wages u the'v solc compensaUon, wilt do �he worlc, and the stnuwre is not intended or oftered for sale (Sec. 7044, Businrsa Re uired Ins eetions and Ptokssions Code: The ConUactor's License law doa not apply W an owner of �] p pmperty who builds a improves UKrcon, and who does such work himsel[ or through hu own employccs, provided that such improvemenLS are not inm+ided or oRered for sala If, however, ihe building or impiovement ia sold within one yeu o[ compleGon, ihe owner- builder will have the burden of prnving �at he did no� build or improve tor pu�pose of sakJ. ❑ 1. as awner o[ the propeny. am enclusively contruting wi�h Iicensed conuactors w wnstma the pcnject (Sec. 7044. Business and Profcssions Cade:) The Coavuwr's Li- ccnse Law docs not apply w an owner of propeny who builds or improves the�eon, md . who conuacls for such p�ojects with a conuactar(s) licenxd pursusnt w �he Convactors License Law. ❑ I am aempt under Sec. , B& P C for ihis reaaon Owner Date WORKER'S COMPENSAT[ON DECLARATION 1 Aemby �rtn under penalty of perjury one o[ �he folbwing declantions: ( have and will mainuin s Cenificate of Conaent to xlf-insure [or Workefs Compen- satian, at providcd for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for �he perfarmanx o[ the work for which Ihis permit is issucd. ❑ I havc and will maintain Workers Compensation Insurana, as �cquired 6y Scction 3700 of thc Labor Codc. Cw thc pcdormmce of �he wak fw which �his pecmit is istued. ' My Workers Compensation Luunnce carrier and Policy number aze: Cartier: ��'r�e r"'��'� Poliey Na.: 7L4- C:C�D ?S? �i CER7'IFlCATE OF EXEMP170N FROM WORKEItS' COMPENSATIONINSURANCfi . (This section need not be completed if the permit is for onc hundrcA dotlsca (S 100) or Icss.) . i cenify ihat in tdc performancc of the work for which ihis pertnit is iuucd, 1 shall not eenploy any peeson in any manncr so u m beeomc subject to the Worke�s' Compensalion Laws o( Califomia. Dam Applicant NOTICE TO APPL[CANT: If, aftcr making �his Certifica�c o( Faccmption, you ahaulJ becane subjcct a �hc Worker's Compcnsatian provisions of ihc Labor Codc, yau muu . ,`� foMwit6 comply with such provisians or this pewnit shall bc dcemcd revaked. z O CONSTRUC170N LENDING AGENCY .� N (-r ►-� I hc�c6y alTirm Uut �hcre is a consuucunn Icnding agcncy [or �hc perfortnancc uf Qi � ihe work for which this pertnit is issued (Scc. 3097, Civ. C.) ' W� Q Lendefs Namc , � z C.ender's Address V � 1 certifY Ihu J have rcad ihis application and statc ihu thc above informstlun is w�" cortcc� I ag�ce w comply wiih �II ciry and county ordinances and suk laws relating w � U building consuuction, and hereby amhoria represenutives of this ci�y to entcr upnn ihc � w above-mcntioned propcny !or inspcciion purposex a (Wc) ag�ce to save, indcmnify snd koep harmless the Ciry af Cupcnino against �� liabilitla, judgmcnts, cosls and expenscs which may in any way uccue againsl said City V,'� in cansequeMe of ihc granting aC Ihis permit. �"� APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND W1LL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-PO1N7 Issued by Date �i— 3�� S E REGULA ONS. ��- 3 0- c^:-'� Re-roofs �..__.. Signaturo of Applianl/Contracwr � Da� HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DlSCLOSURE Type of R oof Will the applicant or futurc building occupant uorc or hendle ha•raMous ma�crial u defincd by the Cupenino Municipal Codc, CF�ap�r 9.12, and thc Hcalth and Safety c«k Section 25532(a)? All roofs �hall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑ Y� �U�/ Will �hc applicant or fuwec building occupant usc equipmcnt or Jcvices which If a roof i; installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove t harardous air con�aminanLS az dcfincd c Bay Area Air Quslily Managcmcnl all new m aterials for inspection. _,s�;��� � ❑ vcs 1 havc rca�i ihe ha�ardous mamrials requiremcnu undcr Chap�cr 6.95 of dic Califor- nia Hcal� & Safcry Cade. Smiong 25505, 25533 anJ 25534.1 un�rsmnd that iCthc building does not curtcn�ly havc a icnant, �Aat it ia my msponsilriliry w notiCy the accupant of the � �� Ww�e m� x�� �;o w��� ar, c�r� oro���r. Signature of Applicant Date '`^�` � �(''`'� ��� All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better O�u tt i or autharixed agcm Datc '