07110128 CITY OF CUPERTINO ' : (� BUILDING DIVISIOiV PERMIT �������� ��""������� ; ,. r ...;� . -.. . ; . .�..::.> . � .. .::: .: .:..:.... � . : .....,.,..,:.. BUiLDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 21597 FLINTSHIRE ST TBD T� BE DETERMINED 07110128 . OW NER'S NAME: PERMTT ISSUE DATE BAUER DAVID E AND MARGOT L � 11/21/2007 PHON6: SANITARY NO. CONTROL N0. ,CH17EC[YEIVGINEER: BUILDING PERMITiNFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH � � � � u p p LICENSED CON7RACTOR'S DECL4RATION JOU DESCilptlOil V I hcreby �rm that I sm licenscd undcr provisions oC Chaptcr 9(commcncinE �z �+��aon7000)ofDivision3ofiheBusinessand ' C , y�iccnseis POOL DEMO/SPA ELECTRIC . LIKENS LANDSCAPE PD BSL �� y in full force and eff � z l,icensc Class [.ic. s 11210 7 '- ^ Da� Contractor = � � RCHITECI'S DECLARAT ON �� I undcrstanJ my plans shall bc uscd u public records �yU L O y Liccnsed Rufcssional � y � OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION � � Meroby aliirm ihat 1 am excmp� Crom �hc Conuactor's Liccnsc Law Cor �hc � p O following rcason. (Scction 7031.5, Business and Profcssions Codc: Any ci�y or cauniy K,°, Pi whicd requi[cs a pcfmit w conswcc, ailcr. improvc. dcmolCsh. or �epair any suucwrc y Z y prior W ils issusncc, alsu icquires ihc applicant for such pertnit to filc a signed s�amment Ft. Floor Area $ Valuation � = 0 Uut he is IicenscJ pursuant to thc pmvisions a( thc Conuactar's Liccnse [Jw (Chaptcr 9 S9 • 13 0 0 0 � t- �(commcncing wilh Scction 7000) af Division 3 of Ihc Busincss and Profcssions Cadc) or y �_. �hat Ik ia exempt themfrom and We basis for �he a�lcged exemption. My violation o[ SecGon 7031.5 by airy applicant tw a pem�it subjecu �he applicant w a civil penaity of 3 5 6 2 0 0 5 3'.°'�� Number Occupancy Type rrot mwe thao five hundrod dollars{5500). ❑ I. u owner of tlie property. or my employcet with wages u their sole compensation. will do U�e work, and ihe swclum is not intended or ollercd far salc (Sa. 7044. Business Re uired Ins ections and Professions Code: The Canvactors License Law das not sppiy w m ownu of Q P property who builds or improves �hercon, and who daes such worlc himsetf or through his own employces, p�mldcd �a� such improvemrnts ue not intended or otkced for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within ane year of wmpkdon, the ownu- builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build ar improvc for purpoae of sak.). 0 I, as awner of �he property, am exclusively conhacting wilh 6cenaed conlrxmrs W conswct We p�ojen (Sec. 7044. Business ana Processions Code:) The Conuactors Li- ccnse [aw does not apply to an ownec of property wha buiids or improves themon, and . who convacts Cor such projecu with a rnn�ractor(s) licensed purswnt to We Convactor's License Law. ❑ I am exempt under See. . B dc P C for this reuon Owner Date WORKER'S COMPENSATlON DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penaity of perjury one of the faltowing declarations: r"J I hsve and will mainuin a Cenificate o( Con�ent lo u!f-insure for Workcrs Compen- ion, as providcd For by Section 3700 af the Labor Code, [or thc pecfarmance of thc ric for which �his pertnit is issued. ❑ I have and will mumain Warkcfs Compensation Insurana, u �cquired 6y SccGon 3700 of Ihe Labor Codc, (w thc pcA'ormancc oC the wrork for which �his permit is issued. My Workds Comp m'on Insuranx arti and Poliry n �� �� / Cartier. Policy No.: ER'CI ICA OF EXIINPIION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE ' (Ihis section necd irot bc complctcd i( t6e permit is for onc hundred dallata (5100) or Icss.) ' 1 cenity �hat in �hc performancc of Wc work for which �his permit is issucd, [ shall nat amploy any person in my man�r m u W bccome mbject w �he Workcrs' Compcnsadon Laws of Cali(omia Datc Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICAM: If, a11cr making Wis Ceniticatc of FxcmpGon, you should become subject w thc Workcr's Compcnsadon provisions of thc L,6or Codc, you muu � O forthwi�h comply with sueh provisions or this pccmit shall be dxrtkd mroked. z "" CONSfRUCT10N LENDING AGENCY (- i-�+ [ hcreby �rm Ihat them is a consuucdon Iending agcncy for �he performance o[ _ (� � thc work for which Utis permit is issued (Scc. 3097, Civ. CJ W A Lendcr's Namc ' r z l•cnde�s Addmss V � I cenifY tha� I havc read this applicadon and siatc ihu 1hc above in(ormatiun is w� cortcc� 1 agrce to comply with all city and county artlinances and su�e laws relaun� w 0 U building conswction, and hercby authori�e reprcscntativcs of this city w cntcr upon �hc � W aAove-mcntioned pmperty for inspenion purposes a (Wc) agrce to uve. indcmnity and keep harmless �he Ci�y of Cupertino against �� liabilitiu, judgmcnts, cos�s and expenses w' h may in any way accn�c agains� seid City V Z in eonsequence oC ihc granting oC Nis pc . �"� APPLICANT UNDERSTAN ND 1LL COMPLY WITH ALL NON o�rr►� Issued by Date i�'� "L�� SOURCE REGULATIONS. �� � e-roofs �� Signature of ApplicanU n wr Da T of R oof � H DOUS MA7'ERIALS DISCLOSURE }�� Will Ihc app ' or future building occupant store or handlc ha•rardaus matcrial ' az defincd by rtino Municipal Codc. Chaplcr 9.I2, and �hc Hcalth and SaCctr c� Section 25 zcen All roofs ahall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑Ycs �o �� If a roof i� installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove wll �he a�licant or fuwre building occupant use eyuipmenl or devices which cmit hai,rdous air coNaminants az dcfincd by the Bay Arca Air Quality Managcmcnt all new m aterials for inspeccion. ��s���� ❑Ycs �u 16avc rea�i �he hvaMcws ma�crisls requiicments undcr Chap�cr 6.95 of �he Califor- nia Hcalih & SafcryCode, Scctiass 25505, 25533 and 75534.1 undcrstand thm iCthc hu' ding dacs irot curtcnUy havc a icnan4 it is my respontibiliry w rwufy the upant �he rcquiremcnts which priorto issuancc of a ccnifica �r • Signature of Applicant Date Owncroraul '� a n� / p„�.. All roof coverings to be Class "B" ar better