06020151 - EXP CITY OF CUPETtTINO ' �: ; � �,c�. :�,��.��,.�:,�� :.,�:u� x �'+� � � °' �, ' LUILDING DiViSION PER1vIIT ��;i,�Ek�������� � . � . x z ; �F ..., ,,::< � :::; -:>i' _ .. .;.;:. . . . _.:::;: , _..:.,::. . _.. BuI ` D " y �b` D �� : JUDY AVE MICHI�EL BASS P � M � N �6020151 . owrr�r�� MOLTNTAIN 9 5 0 I)RY CREEK RD . ����"�4 / 2 0 6 PHONE: C � O O H SANiTARY NO. CDNTROL Nd. ARCH17EiT/INGINEFA: PHONE X: � BUII,D[NG PERMLTINFO BLD ELEiT PLUMH MECtI �o 0 � � F ag� s =o1':i :<:i�5:; �:;: :�ti:''v: Y 'r.''''s':i w :"rj::`:t::;` i::l�: u1 " >'i3:3"�? �S't•'. �:e+ . � .y: �..�:`.ti: . ["`5 C ::�::;' � F z'3:: 70B ES s;=��<' D ,:x::4:.. . �� �• TO ARRANGE INSPE CRIP'LTON >.:rr< •��<::<':- ..:: :,:�:`::;><:>: CTION U rs�i.T�tt�a` .:.`.:cy::..,t5ry:'�u::>`.^ �: �« !��.p�, •Y i < U:;v e $:�:.?3?�`:i`.� :..-rr.?� .,a�Z, n.t�'yt �`.<k,`�f.. F ui �`;�I,w._��ixc �<���i���,� • >z<�.17�a�i",� XF < y �,, ����", 4{ r ��s t , r4 x �� �� ��,�,r� ���+ Call 777-3228 between 7:30 a.m. and 330 p.m., ' F y z f. } F�� -�.�. °°. ��� ""`.�� sJ: '. •:'� `"� '��� t �': Monda ihrou h Frida , at le�st 24 hours before SFDwL ❑ K7TC'��iv REMO�EI y F° FOUNDATION/PIERSlFiD.S. � requir d inspection. Job address and Permit Numb ��DfIION ❑ PLLIMBING R �d � -� ❑ �rT-urnr ❑ srRUC < UFER GROUND are neede 9 when requesting an inspection. 3� F Pqj�/$�' BACK�ERT MODIF{G'TION `a � r�m�rr coMHmzanL ❑[NTEAlOR • 0 CI-IIMNEY REPALR y y� GARAGE SLABSlPREGi.TTiTi'E �R��M�T �❑ SWR+4Mff1G POOLS W� q a•� �;. �, ;�:m»,«v.� �,��� � ���� AA7ARDOUS FiRE AREA a HATH REMODF3JftEPAIR ❑ DEMOLITION % :..:.��-:�.... �.���,�.���:1� .."`�'�-, . .,..,..,���. . +�'e.��. . ...: s . ^ O'i'F�B W - y UNDERGROUNDISLAB � YES If y s- I undersiand ihu a �ass A ma( bly is icquimd. r?� $ x o UNDERGROUND PLUMBING d�� UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL ❑ No m�:�m - �. .o." COMMER . ,., . _ : . �jQ'�j��!��'��',,,�,��Q�,��""$F,��N'��J:�.... :': 7Q G ROOF RIN .❑ NEI�V BLDGJADDfI70N ❑ DEMai.[TIOtJ UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING ' ❑ TENANT � ❑ FOQD SERYICE tJNDERY�00Et MECFiANICAL Number of,zisting co�erings - IMPROVEJvtENT • ❑ OTHER UNDERFI.00R ELECfRICAL Ta be remo� ed To hc recained UNDERFi..00R FRAMFNG VENTS UNDERFLOOR INSULATION • ;::�:<:; ::a;�;<:�>-.:,sw:.:•�>a.«.;>�...:>�x.�^r.<�<;::,::< <:;.x•<:x:.:::::Fv<>. E OE ROOF COVERING �'�. �'#a���'C�.f�.w..�'�'�.�(�?��'+S9•��C#�5��� ; . s: .F< ��:� PROPOSED: . ROOF 3HEATH/DL4PHRAGM � g � ; ��- RooF ❑ Buito-up Roof PLUMBING TUHS k SHOWER PAN ❑ alt Shingics ❑ Asphalt ShineJ�s " MECHAMCAL ❑ o�d Shakes ❑ Waod Shakes ELECTRiCP.LJPOOL BOND Wo�d Shineles ❑ Wood Shinglrs FiLAMING/STAIRSlE EGRFSS �� Od er (SpcaFy) ❑ Otha (Spedfy) INSUI.P.TI�NNEiJ'TILAR'ION �a ��j i No �'��'��P�C�o�s Provide I.C.B.O. Report No. , '����-'��_� ��� 4.s `�`° U�t�iL I�LL RE6'�UIRED �USINESS Mfgs. Inscallauon SQecs. EXTERIOR SHFAR/EiOLD DOWN iNTERIOR SSEAR/tiOLD DOVJN > >NSrECn<�N SPE�IAL INSPECiTON REQUiRED � onrE insp SHEETROCICiSHEEZ'ROCIC SHEAR � � - EX7'ERIOR LATHIW-SCREID � - , �' /� �. 1 SHOWER LATH � I , ' � !rf'[� `�� W � � ��i �'Z' .,.:..:.; • ...:..:..:....: ..;�. <������.�4:Ai�3"�� ,.�� �QY��r�B� .��,�; . .. ....:.,. . . .. � . ..... . ...,... . �, SCRATCH COAT SEWER/WATER j TEMPORARYAPPROVALS .I OCCUYANCY � i` / >,Yy....l:.:'t�xi.-�' i.;xa:'<;2Y.:� :r'x" ::Y�^' y.:i3::`�`':Yi' � 0 5 �'��: 2 '��^ s � � �'� `:: � � f��.>. ��'��� . �" . ... ` ' �`: CllPERTINO SANITARY DtSTRICT � ? M PLANNING 777-33o8 � Closed circuit video inspection of properly line cleanout, point of connection x� GAS TFST anc street lateral required prior to passing FINAL CtTY PLUMBING � p GRADE (P.w 777-335a) Ifd:�PECTION. Cail the District (408-253-7071) for an appointmerrt. J O �� - �LL {4p8) 378�0 I0 � .• HANDICAP � � ELECrR'cAL IMPORTANT .��"'„ p�„ PLUMBING _ j Z MECHANtCr�L When a permit has expired, a charge totaling one-half the fees to "" ENERGY obtai�i a new permit must be paid to reactivate the permit. VISUAL FiNAL ONLY BU1LD(NG [f a p�:rmit has been expired for more than oue year, a charge totaling :<.xf:n-�»:;;;;�:,;:,k;.:s..,,y<:;,�:��<>.�Mx:h:>-:<::<:::«.<.:�<;,,,«:.�.>:�:::>,�<::�H.:<:;,;>::«:,_<::;<::,>,::;.��w;:,<�;::av;; ;��;�; the fu fees to obtain a new ermit must be aid to reactivate the E�cc�� ��ct����,T��t�P�RM�� ' ' '� — P P � �b�...��, �. � ��x,�r�� ,��� ���.�`��r;'-i ,� Permit �]`F1��TL B�TNG'��S ��'sZ����'����C�� y�,��� z : . •r.a.ar z v r �,}yr �,�X� � y�r� �rt£ �h`$ e �rk'�3�'�3��nr a zsf °' a�'��, '�`, h c :� � -• �c�P��'Fd��t �; �` �.�% < t . `�°� .;:..,� f i� = '�,� 3: �x CERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY ❑ ., _..,.... .. ..... PRE-INSPECTION: PLYWO00: IN-PROGRESS: It�tSP. DATE �_. jNSP. DATE INSP. DATE ?EAR OFF lNSPECTION: BATTENS: ' FINAL• fNSP. DATE 1NSP. DATE IN57 DATE NOTE: OSWA APPR0I�ED ACCESS l'0 ROOF SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR INSPECTION 10-12-07 Mr. Larry Squarcia Sr. Building Inspector 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA. 95014-3255 Regards 10408 Judy Avenue Cupertino, C'A. 95014 Dear Mr. Squarcia, I retained a contractor named Mike Bass �vho is licensed and he was the manager of the remodel of the Judy Avenue home. Mike has provided to me copies of the pa:�er trail of the work that he did at this property. Mike for health reasons was unable to re�uest a"final permit inspection"He says that he knows that the only inspection needed to �e done is of the tank less water heater and heating system located in the attack of thf; hallway inside the home. He says there is a gas gage on the PG&E meter that needs to be read. He assures me that anything necessary to coinplete the process to satisfy the Building Deparhnent will be done by subs or his staff in accordance with your inspection. He believes that there is nothing left undc ne with your department except for the reading of the gas gage. Had I not called him he would have forgc tten that his gage was still at the home. He is in slow recovery and much discomfort from Cancer in the lungs and airways. Attached to this letter are copies of all thf- work that was inspected. I hope this letter meets the requested topi �s that you asked me to address. � Regards, Gary Mbuntain �) ���� �7 � �-�C ( S � K � -� �-►1�.!ti ��� S � � ��' �-- / � S. +� � �- �. ,� � � � ) h � �.� �_�.'� / �_� �. / !�-� � � L � � sl�l .y(. 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