07100068 CITY OF CUPERTINO ` ' ' BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT �fi1�Rti�+�� �������� - >;.:.. .,< ...::.... . ...:. ,: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10260 TULA LN GODMI�N S CONSTRUCTION 07100068 . OW NER'S NAME: PERMTI' LS6UE DATE HOFFMAN JENAY A AND JAMES C PO BOX 8017 � 11/21/2007 PHONE: SANI'I'ARY NO. CONTROL NO. (530) ��10-8583 tCHI7ECT/ENGiNEER: BUILDING PERMITINFO HLDG ELECT PLUMH MECH � � � � y o p LICENSED CONfRAGTOR'S DECLARATION � 1 hcrcby �cm that I sm liccnscd undcr provisions oC Chaptcr 9(commencing Job Description �z �'���cuon7000)ofDivision3ofthcBusincssandProfcssiunsCodc ADD WAI�LS & ROOF ABV EXSTNG STAIRWELL OUTSIDE �� y in full force and effect ��? Licensc Class [.ic. x ENTRNC TO BA S EMENT � �,,, p Daic Conusctnr ARCHI7ECI'S DECLARATION ��� 1 undcrstanJ my plans shatl 6c used as public recorda e. L O y Licensed Prufcssional n, � OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION � i� I hcrcby alTirm �hat I am raccmpt from ihc Con�ranor's Liccnsc Law Cor thc p O following rcason. (SccUon 7031.5, Busincss and Profcssions Cafc: Any city or caunty K,°, �i which ccqui[cs s pcmiit to conswct, altcr, improvc, dcmnlish, or icpair any swcw�c y Z� prior W ils issuancc, alsu tcquircs �hc applicam for such permit io filc a signcd sialcmenl < that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions oC Uic ConvacWr's License Law (CTapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation Y t = -� �(commcncing wi�h Scction 7000) of Division 3 af Ihc Busincss and Profcssions Codc) ur $ 6 4 4 8 y�� ihat he is exempt thercfrom and ihe basis Cor the stleged exemption. Any violaUun of SecGon 7031.5 by any applicant tor a permit subjecu �he applicant to a civil penalty o( Number Oeeupancy Type not more �hw five 6undicd dollars (5500� 3 5 9131( i 4�� � I, u owner o[ ttie property, ar my cmployces with wages az the'v solc wmpensadon, will do ihe wark and ihc s�uctum is not inten�d or ofCered for salc (Sec. 7044, Business Re uired Ins ections and Professions Code: The Conuacmr's License Law daes not appiy w an awner of 9 P pmperty who builds or improves thereon, and who das such work himulf ar ihrough hia own emplayces, provided tha� such improvemrnts are not imm�ded or oRercd (a sala ff. however, �he building or improvement is sold within om year o( complcGon, the owna- buildu wiR have ihe b�uden o[ proving ihat he did noi build ar improvc for purpose of sak.). .. �as owner of die propeny. am wectusively conuacting wilh liansed rnnuactors W conswct the project (Sec. 7044. Business and ProCessions Code:) The Contracmr's Li- cense Law does oot apply w an ownv of property wha builds or improves theieon, and , who comracis Cor such pmjects with a conuxtar(s) licensed pursuant to �he Convacrors License Law. ❑ I sm mpt under Sec. , B 8 P C for this rcason oW �� I 1'!f/� �l'jlll�lv' o .,� fl - , 7 i� • G' W R ER'S C P ATION DECLARATION 1 hereby sflimi under penalty ot pery'ury one af the fallowing declarations: ❑ I hsve and witl mainuin a Cenificate of Consent lo self-insure for Workcr's Compen- �tion, u providcd for by Section 3700 of �he Iabor Code. [rn the pedormance of thc irk for which lhis permit is issued. ❑ I have and will maintain Workcrs Compensation lnsurana, u �equited by Scction 3700 of U�e Labor Code. for �hc pc�formurcc o( the work for which ihis permit is issued. . My Worker's CompenaaGon Insurana carticr and Policy number a�c: Cartier. Policy No.: CER'i1F7CATE OF EXEMPI'ION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE • (This section Med not be canple�ed it ihe permit is for onc hundred dollars (S 100) or Icss.) . f anify ihat in thc perfomiancc of thc work for which ihis permii is iscucd, l shall not employ any pceson in any mannc� so u to betomc �w Ihe Workcrs' Compcnsation Laws of Califom L �-' 21 Applicant +.! i� i� Q-$ � � � a/'L N077CE 7'O APPC.ICA�f, aticr making this CcniCca�e of Fncmption, you shoulJ become subject to thc Worlccr's Compensation provisions af �hc Latwr Codc, you muu � O fonhwith comply with such proviaions or this peanil shail be dccmcd revokcd. z �"'� CONSTRUGTION LEND[NG AGENCY [— � I hc�cby atTirm ihat thcrc is a consuucGnn Icnding agc�y Cor thc perfortnance uf pi � We wurk (or which this permit is istued (Scc. J097, Civ. CJ ' W A Lendcr's Name . � z Lcnder's Addmss () 0 I certifY ihu 1 have cead this applicuion and state Ihat �he abow info�malion ia � ►-� cortcc� I sgrce w comply wiih all city md county oNinances md auie Iaws mlating w 0 U buildinb consuuction, and hereby authoria representaGvcs of ihis ci�y to cnter upon p�e � W alwve-mentioned property (ar inspec�ion purpoxs. �y (We) agree to save, indcmnify and keep harmless ihe Ciry of Cupertino against �� liabilitiu, judgmcnls,costs and expenses which may in any way acccuc against said City V z in canaequence of the granting of �his permi4 �"� APPLICAM' UNDERSTANDS AND W1LL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by Date � Z� - SOURCE RECULATIONS. // � / - G� � Re-roofs `��� Si uro otApQlian onuacwr Da�c HAZARDOU ATERIALSDISCLOSURE Type of Roof Wip ihe applicant or futurc building oaupan� storc or handlc ha•rydous matcrial az defined by Ihe Cupenino Municipal Codc. Chap�cr 9.12, and thc Hcallh and Safety c� Section 25532(a)? All roofs �hall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. ❑ Ycs [�140 Will the a�licant or future buiiding occupant use cyuipment or dcvices which If a roof i; � installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove cmit ha•rardaus air conuminanu u dcfincd by lhe Bay Area Air Quality Managcmcn� all new m aterials for inspection. '�isuict? ❑Y� � 1 havc rcad �he hasardews ma�crials rcqui�cmcn�s undcr Ctwp�er 6.95 of ihc Calitor- nia Ficalth & Safcty Codc, Secuons 25505, 25533 and 25534.1 undcrs�vtd Uia� i[ ihc building docs not currcntly havc a tcnan4 ihat it is my maponsibitity W noufy ihc occupant nf ihc rcyuircmcnu which must bc mel pcior to i �� or e c�r�a� or o�NP��. S ignature of Applicant Date • //-1/-0�' oW��� o� ori�ed agcnt p„� All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better