TC 08-02-00 Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
August 2, 2000
The meeting was called to order by Chair L. T. Guttadanro at 7:01 p.m.
Commissioners present: L.T. Guttadauro, David Eggleston, Reginald Duh6, Sal Algeri
(arrived 7:05 p.m.), Ernest Tsui (present by conference call at 7:18 p.m.)
Commissioners absent:
Staff: Donna Krey, Linda Lagergren, Colin Jung
De Anza: Bob Haber
Guests: Linda Cyrodt
Eggleston made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted, Duh6 seconded the motion. All in
favor. Motion passed.
Oral: Linda Grodt thanked the commission for the grant money. Grodt told the commission
about her experience taping the NASC Leadership conference at Monta Vista High School.
Algeri arrived at 7:05 p.m.
Guttadauro asked how the commission's cable service had been over the past month. All the
commissioners said that their service was fine. Guttadauro explained he called AT&T for service
because of poor picture q~ality. Eggleston said he was having poor (~Iome service.
Written: Krey routed around to the commission a thank you note fi'om Linda Grodt and a
memo fi~m Colin Sung. '
Commission took agenda item "Wireless and Optical Master Plan" out of order.
Wireless & Optical Master ?lan - (Tsui was present at 7:18 p.m. by conference call)
Guttadauro said the Telecommunications Commission met with the Planning Commission. Colin Jung
reviewed the master plan assumptions. He said they are mainly interested in having a doc]~ment that
states where antennas can be placed. Jung said up to this point they have never had a denial and they
have never been challenged in court.
Guttadauro said everyone on the commission is interested in participating on the antenna
committee, but it was suggested there be a subcommittee of two commissioners. Krey suggested they
appoint one person to sit in on the meetings with the consultant. Tsui said he was interested in
attendi.g the meetings. ICrey said she was hopeful they could get an ordinance that spells out the
requirements. Jung reviewed thc dollar amount that thc Planning Commission was requesting from
-- Council for the consultant. Commission asked for a copy of W. xh/bit C, the statement o£ the
consultant's q~_~a!ificati0ns. Tsui said we might want to ask the consultant to attend thc forum.
Jung said there were three antenna applications on the Aug. 14t~ Planning Commission agenda.
Tsui will provide some information to Colin for the Planning Comm/ssion meeting. Tsui will be the
single point of contact from the Telecommunications Commission to thc Planning Commission on
antenna requests. Sal Alger/will be the backup for Tsui.
Jung said the p!Annlug Commission's next step is to go to City Council on Aug. 21. Guttadauro
made a motion to accept the report from Jung on the consultant services as submitted. Algeri seconded
the motion. There was a unanimous decision to accept the plan. Motion carried.
Activities Calendar. Commission updated the activity calendar. Duhe will attend the
September Mayor's breakfast meeting. Guttadauro will attend the October meeting and Algeri will
attend the December meeting. Krey asked the commission to notify her if they were interested in
attending the WAVE awards in Sacramento.
Follow-up on Interuet Access Forum - Krey reported at least one councilmember was
interested in getting DSL in Cupertino. The commission would like to be proactive and have Cupertino
be one of the first communities to have Pac Bell's remote switches. Krey said she received quite a few
e-mails from residents during the forum. She also mentioned the City Channel crew was very happy to
videotape the forum for local programming.
Krey said she sent videotapes and thAni: yOU notes to all the presenters at the forum. Haber
asked for a copy of the tape for rebroadcast at De Anza. Commission requested that Krey draft a letter
to be signed by the Mayor requesting Pacific Bell to make a presentation discussing their plans.
Eggleston said he would like to see a forum on a quarterly basis. Krey recommended having
the forum once or twice per year so it doesn't become too commonplace. She suggested commission
invite a special guest to their meetings for specific presentations.
Commission agreed they liked the panel format of the forum. Suggestions were made for future
forum topics. These will be discussed at the September meeting.
Inter-Commission Telecom Support - Eggleston reported the Library Commission is
interested in getting input from the Telecommunication Commission on thc new library. He said the
commission could be asked to play a role in what happens at the new library. Krey reported there is a
new suggested site location at the Town Center for the new library.
Appointment of COPA subcommittee - After brief discussion, Guttadauro and Duhe
volunteered to be the two members on the COPA subcommittee.
Reports from:
AT&T: Krey reported she did not receive a report from AT&T. She will call and ask thc,- to
mail it to the commission. Algeri asked why AT&T was not attending the monthly
Telecommunications Commission meetings. Krey said she has sent letters in the past end will send
another one asking AT&T to attend. Krey reminded the commission that AT&T is not required by our
franchise to attend the monthly commission meeting, however, they have been regular participants in
the past.
-- Tho commission asked Krey to send a letter Asking AT&T to attend thc meeting and let
them know we have service issues to discuss with them. Krey will also ask for test reports on the
Rancho Rinconada rebuild.
City of Cupertino: Krey discussed the article in the Courier that was included in the packet.
She also announced that the new city manager is David Knapp and mentioned Leadership Cupertino
had openings if any commission member was interested.
De Anza College: Haber said the post-production of "Every FiReen Minutes" is going well.
They have plans to complete the editing in time for the WAVE awards deadline on Aug. 18. The De
Anza station was honored with a first-place award at the Hometown conference.
De ,~,nza received two more mini-DV decks plus a Fv'C mini-DY camcorder. The
Foothill-De Anza Bwadcast Media Center, formerly known as the De Anza TV Center has begun
process of automation of program playback. Haber also mentioned their quarterly newsletter is now in
its second printing.
Algeri made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:21 p.m.; Eggleston seconded. Motion passed