660I S A N T A 10 I In OWiVE�e.5 Cf".P7-11`1_ CA 7_Z�- 7he u�rdersiyneorhere6y cer7`iy fho/ we orc> a// r he ,00r7°ies hovii7y ony recoi-d fig`/e rnfe�i^es�` in and fo fhe /-ecr/ orooei fy roc/uc/Pd wifhiir The sr/bdrvision s`iow.r croon fhe wi�`hin mao; 7/7ar we arc fhe on/y roerso/7s whoso eoirserds crr-e necessary crr7d 7`i7of we hereby do co ,serf �0 7�he pre7ooizdion a,1701 r'ecoro'ofio�r o�soio' �rroo, o fo/rd siir/ii'in/. >Lhe cdis7i%>c�ivP .6or�dcr /ize inar.��d ".Qofde'r." ,. Owr7ei- owner c� Go/oen S/crfo Tip`/e Coirr,�ony of Socfo C/oro G"caur�fy, p 7rusr`eP, a Co/i�orriie Corporo7rion ti lice fires/o'er S7A7-.E OF C.AL/�"O.2N/A ss '` Cou�7� of Sonfa Coro of i%rs -s" doyy of Jcriruczry J97G, 6e�ore rrre, ��� u� a rUo¢crry Gr✓6/ic 117 and foi- said Cou�rfy 4r7 Sfo% ,oei~sor�a/!y ca,opecr�ed .G1/i//iar� � J><euerrsor� and Oorof%7y SfeYcnson, �/70W,-2 fo ine fo be>`�ie oPrso�s WAO-SW nair7es ale subscribed r`o fhe Gl7ir�rin ri7s7ircrrr7eir7` and oc �i�ow/edyeo' fo me r`ho�iey e t-ccufed sarr�s. Mofory Pub/rc OFFICIAL SEAL Beth sasiseir 7'z NOTARY V.GLIC - CALI7ORN1A• eSTT.E f // Q /� / y PRINCIPAL OFP! T IN ARA A OF , C/�iGL I- � �`J OOYMTY OF BAYTI. CLARA COU/7fy 07� SO/7T0 C/QlO rs, My Commission Expires January IT, rg7z on fh�s t* L _ ---- — �_doy ors fP.fr-uory /97�, 6efo e 7`6e [ii7���^5%J�d _a r(/oi�ory nub/ic o ardor sold Coun/y orrd Sfo7`e, persona//y ao,oeoreQ' Fred � ri�ei7io/7e ffi ,mown fo me fo ,Ae f/7e vice dresidenf of >L% corporafion fhof execufeo fire wir�hin insfrur77eri7� or7d.�nown fo me fo be f/ie ,oersan who exe c cr/ed r`he scrrrre croon 6eho/f o>< r�fie coroororGior Homed fhereirr arrd czc,�rrow/ed9�d /o ina Thor` s�rch cor- porar�iorr execur�ed yhe �,,if/-rii� ri7s>`rumeraf,oursuor�f /o r/s by-/orws or a reso/ufion of'ir`s /3oard o><' Dri-ecfors _ a aslS!!!Pl0li6lECOpNf6lpNleneexeeewlNxeaeewrae C - O,r'PICIAL 'SEAL KAY TARANGO -� NOTARY DUBITC - CALIT011NIA DRINUDAL OFTICE IN THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA e My COmmisslOn Eaprra September 24, 1979 aoecuonenuenue of y Pub/ic. ueeTnnrenmEeummeEeroenToe6 A/p T,•S r. ,9n encroochmen>< pei-rrirf foi- /fie• consr�ruci�ian of o Cour7/,y .sr°andord driuewo connection /A, �onfo rr'au/o '4me»oe wi%/ d r eQU/rCd O//O/ 7`0 %dl rS15741CnCB oT a bur%ii7y ro�/rnrJ� z Any ufi/i/1es o,- ser vrce connec7`ions are fo be ri7s>`o/%or unorErgroui7d Per- Envii-on.nsnfo/ Ai/anagemen7� A ency ,S'7rcrnaroi'ds s rv/inimuin s/onoior'ds �eQured by /� /oca/ >ire Gruf,Li rvi2 • re/a>`iirg fo wo%r suoo/y 7`or' �re ,ov���• oses and access r000's 7`or >�ic e�cip - menf sfio// 6e me/,orvor• /0 i`iira/ 6vi%ii�y crooi-ouo/ and occuraa�cy. a prior /0 /0s rssuonce o� 0 6ui/oiiry rmif the 6vi%in9 /nsroec7�iarr Division wr%/ r�Quire o soi/s r-eoo7f .6osear on minimum suf>sur7coce rrives><,yyofiorr 0 e O y O.V. 00' P A U L A 0 0 % Skeel �esi 2 BO L2DE R 1 i A V E;N U E i ;F ,o,EAaiC.q T/ory /os. rz PARCEL 1 0254 AC,. GR, 0.024 AC. RD ,' 0,230 AC. NET .3 la9 0 53 ' ,E' PARCEL 2 ,0;321' AC.,CR,' 0.005 AC, 'RD, , ,0316. AC NET /2 N 89d 53'" W 0' 0 0' N1 1 A aoizoE12 el Z�S�ost" 14S/S Orc• B E{9 2/.C/G S Art/,D L �GE/. 11 The 7earvr7 ors' cd-/? /ir�� a7�' I'ou/a Aueriv� (iV89'as s120wr2 4r001-7 a record oi� .�ur�vey %d ir7 /300% •28-9 0,74, Jc,,os, pope �8 /s fhe bass rv/ cz// 6eQ�i�ys s%row1 upor� phis rrraP. o /ndicar_es % ' iron pipe sef • /ndico7`es iron roipe r`ou17o' • 117o5cofos /70I% und�fJ. . cor-r-rerr of foor-c�/ /wore t'ea/acted w,%`h 2" s e/ pos/s and ffr� frame cor�ens /E Wlll/1/77 7�%eii ,aerri»P rs_ A// ds><onees ano' c/imer7srons are shown in 7�eT crid dac�r77a/s ic/ierevf 20 Y 20' LU J LU 0 Z .S'L/.21/ YO,PS C ,2 T/F/CA TE 7"hrs mao was� repored .by ine• or under• my = diiecfion ri{ conr`•ormance wi//� The reguiieineo/s of /ham <Subdivision r14op Ac/ a/ /he reyues>` o� Wr %/icrm C .5'fevei�soo rn .Occe�ber, /�75,- /hQr^chy cep/icy r`hzf rf cor��or^ms fo /he aopravod 7`en%five snap and Ah-e co17.21I ripoirs 01 G , 3 o. 3136 �'/,7"Y. •,�iUG/iV.�",E,P�' CE�2T/f/CA?E 7hr5 />7ov corrforn7s wi/h fhe rsyuiceme�is o/ /.die YS'cr/��� lr�o� Map Ac/ and Loco/ Oroii7once. ooirc T' f � .B�rf ✓ l/,Y,�'o vich .P. C. E No. 2046g Ci/y. ny✓rr ,/� CuAer-r`ii�o, Cc�/.f .E',EC0,2U.E�2-5� �CE,27'/rC'ICAT.E _C2 4.w. rn f3oo 376 0� r(/JQ,os a poye 3 a/ /% r-cyuos/ of Ed. .Surrrrn�rs. George .9..tilairn Coin .2eco �`' Oeiouft/ P/-� R C EL MA P BEING A RE•SUBDIVISION OF L 0 TS 77 AND 78 A. AND PORTIONS OF LOTS 76 AND 78 LAS PALMAS-MONTH VISTA CITY OF' 'CUPE.R,T1NO SANTA CLARA COUNTY jQALIEQRNIA ,Edwor-or ,E: .S'urnmer's Gond .S'.�rveyor San ✓,osP, Ca/ii�prnicr s'co%.' /"_ 20' December; /975 3 4 2oo