Special Meeting
July 10, 2013, 7:00 p.m.
Conference Room A, City Hall
Meeting called to order at 7:04 PM
Commissioners present: Peter Friedland, Rod Lav
Commissioner Friedland presented an outline of the 'technology workshop potential agenda
(procedures/discussion) and invitees. The tentative agenda included which city staff' members
would present on speciffics related to their departments. Some of the possible presenters
included: Mariah Serratos on the internal use of IT technology* Erin Cooke on enironnental
issues. Rick Kitson on technology from the City to the citizens aided by speakers from Public
work, Sher or Fire. Angela Tsui on economic development. Other presenters 'include
representatives from other conru nission Teen, Public Safety). Rick Kitson discussed inviting
Kevin McClellan from the Chamber of Commerce attend, Commissioner Friedland discussed
that one of the goals could be to collect enough in ornnation to produce a set of
recommendation /plan for the city manager on potential initiatives for the City. The
Commission discussed possible objectives for this workshop. Commissioner Friedland
discussed how the objective would be to conduct a wide - ranging discussion on the 5 -10 year
technology plan for the future of the city of Cupertino, considering internal use of technology,
by the City and the use of technology initiatives. Commissioner Cha an discussed that the
objective should be where we want to be in the future -10 years). Commissioner Livingood
discussed the objective s: what will make the City special in the future, what services do we
(the City) need to be successful t its citizens? Commissioner lim ra discussed, what is the
best possible way to guide the City toward fti ing and not toward decay? Commissioner
Cha an discussed having a part of the workshop include a brainstonning session on how the
citizens of Cupertino can participate in creating the vision derived from the Technology plan-
Possible location of workshop - Blackberry Fann. Tentative dale of workshop September 21,
Commissioners discussed goals for the next commission meeting (Aug. 1 regarding the
Technology workshop should include: a finalized agenda, setting a firm date, who will chair
the various sub sections, creating an assignment list on what commissioner /presenters will he
responsible for.
Commission determined that a staff member should be present at the August meeting because
of the Technology workshop.
Ruck Mtson presented slideshow presentation on the new Cell Tower Proposal. He discussed
there would be a preliminary study session to be held on July 16 at 5:30 pm for presentation to
the City Council. Mr. Kitson. "s presentation included the following items: Key issues of
consideration; study session site plan preferred location; potential tree removal; anticipated
c uipment that carriers would ant; AT&T coverage verses eri on; miscellaneous items.
Commissioner Friedland made a motion that TICC has reviewed City staff plans as they are
being presented to Council and endorse what the city staff is proposing. Commissioner
iingood seconded the motion. Vote 440
Commissioner firnura reported on the July Mayoral meeting, Topics included: what the TICC
was planning for the Technology workshop. The public safety commission reported on the
PulsePoi t .app. The draft policy on the Everbridge or CAS was discussed. Rick Kitson
provided additional information on the status of the CAS policy. Cou.ssioner Livia ood
made a motion that the City utilize the Everbridge services to communicate with the Cupertino
constituents as was intended by our ICC) previous approval on acquiring the system.
Commissioner Friedland seconded the motion. Vote 4-0. Commissioner limura reported that
the planning commission is worldng on the Apple EIR and also working on changing the
General Plan Amendment. Where will be a public meeting on July 18. Commissioner limura
reported that the Fine arts commission is working on the Distinguished Est and the
mer ing Artist. This year they are publishing a catalog of all the fine ads and the GIS
napping of where those Wings are, The Library comnussion reported on Measure A. The
Parks and Rec. commission reported on their business report from the Sports Center. They are
also working with the Autobahn Society. The Mayor discussed moving the Teen Center close
to the Library due to the fact that many of the Teen commissioners mentioned that they had
never been to the Teen Center. Moving it closer to the Library where many teens frequent may
then make teem more inclined to visit the Teen Center.
3. Review Activifies Caiendu
Conunissio .er Friedland moved to cancel the August 7 T CC meeting and have a special
meeting on August 14. Commissioner Livingood seconded the motion
City staff to attend the August TICC meeting
Discussed cancelling the September
meeting due to the Technology Workshop. This was
tabled until the next meeting
Commissioner Siegel to attend the Mayor's meeting on Angst
Corms loner Livingood to attend the Mayor's meeting on September
It will be decided at the August meeting who will attend the October Mayor's meeting
4. Review Action Items List
Reviewed and updated Action Items List
Commissioner Livingood moved for a joumment, Commissioner Emma seconded the motion.
Vote -o
Meeting a j o me . at 9:01 pm
mz.s �r
Andrea Sind s, Retarding Secretary
Peter Friedland, Chair