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Simon Vuong `���'7I/3 �(�
From: Beth Ebben on behalf of City of Cupertino Planning Dept.
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 9:43 AM
To: Planning Dept.
Subject: FW: 20840 McClellan Road re-Zoning Application
Categories: 24-Hour Response
From the Planning Depnrtment's general mailbox:
From: Larry Harrison []
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2013 8:48 PM
To: City of Cupertino Planning Dept.
Subject: 20840 McClellan Road re-Zoning Application
I would like to submit the following comment regarding the subject application. I am a home owner at 7601 Erin Way and
the back side of my property is adjacent to the back side of 20860 McClellan Road (the next lot west of the subject lot)
Regarding electrical and telephone service utilities for the proposed housing development: I understand that these
senrices will be underground: It is feasible for the development to initiate the extension of underground services to some
of the existing residences adjacent and nearby to the existing back property line, thereby eliminating the telephone poles
currently required? If feasible, what would be the procedure and cost for interested home owners to incorporate
underground utilities to their property.
Arthur Harrison
7601 Erin Way
Cupertino, Ca
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Simon Vuong ��-��1.3 /�('1
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2013 12:59 AM
To: Simon Vuong
Cc: Larry Yee; Ava Wu; Julie Pan;
Subject: Re zoning of 20840 McClellan Road
Categories: 24-Hour Response
Dear Simon,
Thank you for meeting with us and for taking the time to hear our concerns regarding the proposed
subdivision of 20840 McClellan Road. We appreciate your explanations of the various building
requirements and regulations. We have several concerns regarding the construction of the proposed
structure in Parcel C. As you may recall, we have a solar photovoltaic system that was installed on
the roof of our wesfinrard facing first level back in 2007. The 40 solar panels are exclusively facing the
west, and receive meaningful direct sunlight only after noon. We have no panels facing the south
because of the smaller roof footprint available, and because of existing trees. Since our solar panels
are on the first level roof, not our second level (there is no wesfinrard facing second level roofl, we are
concerned that the construction of a two story home to the immediate west/southwest of our panels
will create a significant shadow and impact our solar energy production. Although it may appear that
the footprint of the proposed home is slightly to the southwest of our solar panels, we must remember
that Cupertino is located at 37 degrees north latitude, meaning that the sun will alwavs be to our
south, more so during the Fall, Winter, and Spring months. The path of sunlight will come from the
southwest in the afternoons, exactly where the proposed second story of the Parcel C home will be
located. This solar interference from the proposed structure is of utmost concern to us because we
rely heavily on solar power to provide the clean renewable energy for the two electric cars we use
daily. Please note that these are not plug-in hybrids with gasoline engines but true 100% electric
vehicles that have been acknowledged by the State of California. Establishing a solar easement to
provide a clear path of sunlight to our panels is requested. Whether this requires additional setback
from the fence beyond the minimum requirement and/or a revision of the second story plans should
be discussed and/or studied. We are writing to you to ask for your support of the California Solar
Rights Act and to be sympathetic to our concerns.
Other concerns with this subdivision proposal include privacy, adequate fence height, and impact of
the inevitable growth of root systems of the proposed landscaping on neighboring fences and
Once again, we appreciate your time and for listening to our concerns. We have discussed this as
well with our immediate neighbors Julie and Patrick, whom you might have already met last week.
We look forward to tonight's Planning Commission meeting, and to our continued dialog.
Lawrence Yee &Ava Wu
McClellan Place, Cupertino