Regular Meeting
September 4, 2013, 7:00 p.m.
Conference Room A, City Hall
Commissioner Friedland called meeting to order at 7:04 PM
Commissioners present: Peter Friedland, Rod Livingood, Wallace Iimura, Shishir Chavan,
Beverly Siegel
Commissioners absent: None
Staff Present: Rick Kitson, Stephen Rose
Visitors: Rob McCoy from the Public Safety Commission
1. Commissioner Iimura made a motion to approve the July 10 minutes. Commissioner Livingood
seconded the motion. Vote 5-0
2. Commissioner limura made a motion to approve the revised August 14 minutes. Commissioner
Chavan seconded the motion Vote 5-0
3. This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any
matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes a person. In most cases, state
law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on
the agenda.
- None
4. -8/1/13 Letter from AT&T regarding possible U-Verse Programming Changes
-8/1/13 Letter from AT&T regarding Franchise and/or PEG In-Kind Fees
-8/2/13 Letter from Comcast regarding digital network enhancement to an all-digital system
-8/15/13 Letter from AT&T regarding possible U-Verse Programming Changes
5. —KMVT, Commissioner Chavan reported that after his announcement regarding KMVT at the
Commissioner's Dinner three other commissions showed interest in participating in Shelly's
future TICC presentation. Commissioner Friedland discussed that the next steps should be:
viewing Shelly's video online, scheduling a time for Shelly to attend a TICC meeting, discuss
what TICC would like to convey to the City Council, inviting other Commissions to a TICC
meeting and possibly sharing KMVT's video, and finally a joint presentation from KMVT and the
TICC to the City Council.
6. —Technology Workshop, Mr. Kitson identified access and coverage key issues of the workshop.
Commissioner Chavan reported on what he fell:were the main actionable items that should be
considered for pursuing based on the workshop were, further investigation of City technology,
information and communication infrastructure, City services to city citizens and City wide
infrastructure for the"Smart City of Cupertino"'. Commissioner Siegel reported her main action
item was universal fiber options in terms of City accessibility. Commissioner Livingood's action
item was the access of the City Web outreach program and the services offered to provide more of
a unified presence in relation to the City of Cupertino. Commissioner Friedland's action items
were investigating fiber,what exists now and what are the potential major options, city usage of
technology in a mobile sense,the issue of Access Cupertino, and City's outreach more specifically
the new City mobile app for communication. Also the issue of 3D printing was a key topic at the
workshop. Commissioner Friedland's final key issue was whether TICC would be more involved
in creating a better environment for technology incubation within Cupertino. (in relation to City
7. Comcast encrypting signals-Commissioner Livingood reported that Comcast will encrypt basic
cable which was authorized by the FCC. This was previously not permissible for carriers to
encrypt basic digital capabilities. Commissioner Livingood identified this as a benefit for the
providers not the consumers. Commissioner Livingood had discussed this with representatives
from the CPUC and State Franchise Restriction regarding Comcast's ability to do this. It was
explained that the change would require new Comcast subscribers to purchase additional
equipment to view digital signals. Current subscribers using current technology would have to pay
an additional monthly fee to continue using their current technology. Commissioner Friedland
discussed how seeing this as a rate increase should result in this being discussed with the State
CPUC as they have previously reviewed rate increases. Commissioner Chavan suggested a letter
on how Comcast can be allowed to do this. The Commission edited a drafted letter to the
California Public Utilities Commission CPUC requesting consideration of the proposed changes
by Comcast's implementation of encrypted digital cable transmission. Commissioner Livingood
moved that the letter as drafted will be cc'ed to City Council and Comcast and with the approval
of the City Manager that the Commission authorizes the sending of said letter to the CPUC.
Commissioner Chavan seconded. Vote 5-0
8. City staff member Stephen Rose reported on the status of active, recently approved and anticipated
wireless cell tower proposals. He discussed the Civic Center and Sports Center cell tower
locations. The group discussed Cupertino carrier coverage areas. Commissioner Friedland
discussed TICC attending Planning Commission meetings to stay active with this topic.
Commissioner Chavan asked about the capacity for the proposed cell towers. Mr. Rose reported
that the highest LTE equipment will be used accounting for future generation advances. The
Commission discussed the importance of having City Council support in this. Mr. Rose reported
additional goals were using the towers for disaster communication. Current potential subscribers
currently are AT&T and Verizon.
9. Commissioner Livingood reported on September 3 Mayoral meeting. Topics included: Mayor's
goals for Lehigh, Fall Festival,Apple's upcoming public meeting.
10. Review Activities Calendar
-Correction made to 1115 Mayor's meeting-Commissioner Iimura to attend
11. Review Action Items List
-Reviewed and updated Action Items List
Commissioner Livingood moved for adjournment. Commissioner Siegel seconded the motion.
Vote 5-0 Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm
Andrea S d s, Recording Secretary Peter Friedland, Chair