CC 07-16-2013, Exhibit C, Item 1 CC
Grace Schmidt f
From: Rick Kitson I
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 3:04 I'M
To: Grace Schmidt
Subject: FW: Reference: September 5th Workshop on Lehigh Cement Plant
Attachments: letter to the City2.pdf;Andover Tech noIogies_Dr_Staudt_Report_on Lehigh.pdf; STAFF
REPORT -0913_stfr_072012.zshx.pdf;chart document.pdf
Dear Grace,
Attached is a correspondence about the Lehigh study session.
Best regards,
Rick Kitson I Public& Environmental Affairs Director
City of Cupertino
10300 Torre Avenue I Cupertino, CA 95014-3255
w: 408.777.3262 1 f: 408.777.3366
rickk(o) ( www.cur)
From: Barbara Kelsey [loma.prieta.chapter]
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 12:18 PM
To: Cupertino City Manager's Office; Rick Kitson
Cc: City Council; 'Gary Latshaw'; heywardmail(&
Subject: Reference: September 5th Workshop on Lehigh Cement Plant
Dear Mr. Brandt and Mr. Kitson:
There are several questions that we feel should be answered at the upcoming workshop about the air quality impacts
from the Lehigh Cement Company.The answers to these questions have direct implications to the health of the
residents in our community.We feel they should receive a full public discussion. Please find the attached letter with our
comments and three additional informational attachments.
If by some chance you are unable to read the informational attachments, here are the links to web document versions:
https•//dl stfr 072012.ashx.pdf
https://dl Dr Staudt Report on%20Lehigh.pdf
We are also sending a hard copy to the City Manager's office.
Best regards,
Gary Latshaw, Ph.D.
Chair of the Air Quality Committee
Sierra Club, Loma Prieta Chapter
3921 E. Bayshore Rd, Suite 204
Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter
Celebrating 80 years of protecting the planet
S 1 E RRA 3921 East Bayshore Road, Suite 204, Palo Alto, CA 94303
CLUB loma.pri,
TEL - (650) 390-8411 I FAX - (650) 390-8497
City of Cupertino July 14, 2013
David Brandt, City Manager
Rick Kitson, Public Information Officer
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Cc Mayor and City Council Members
Reference: September 5th Workshop on Lehigh Cement Plant
Dear Mr. Brandt and Mr. Kitson:
There are several questions that we feel should be answered at the upcoming workshop about the
air quality impacts from the Lehigh Cement Company. The answers to these questions have
direct implications to the health of the residents in our community. We feel they should receive a
full public discussion.
During the past year the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District) has issued
regulations[on the plant and those regulations have resulted in a lawsuit between Lehigh and the
Air District. In parallel to those regulations being d.eveloped and adopted, the Cities of Los Altos
and Los Altos Hills provided funds to Breathe California of the Bay Area to contract with an
independent emission-control consultant. The consultant, Dr. Jim Staudt, principal at Andover
Technologies Partners, has made several recommendations that could potentially reduce
emissions at minimal costs below the current Air District Regulations.
Several of the consultant's recommendations were unresolved among the parties. Therefore
several of the questions involve requests for operational tests to determine the efficacy of the
recommendations. Most of his recommendations did not involve additional capital equipment,
but impacted operations.
We have also included a graph of the monthly emissions of S02, NOx, and mercury based on the
records available from the Air District.3
In view of this background, we suggest the following questions be answered at the Workshop:
I BAAQMD Regulation 9, Rule 13: Nitrogen Oxides, Particulate Matter, and Toxic Air
Contaminants from Portland Cement Manufacturing, Staff Report by Robert Cave, Senior Air
Quality Specialist, July 2012
2 Emission Control Options for Lehigh Hanson Cement Plant, Report C-12-021, by Dr. Jim
Staudt, Andover Technology Partners, January 22, 2013
3 Chart from data provided by the Air District's Public Records
I. Will the Air District Regulations go into effect on September 9`h, 2013 as described in the
Staff Report of July 20121 and approved by the Air Board? Note: The regulations are
more stringent than the minimum legal requirement as set forth by the Federal EPA.
However, the Air District does have the legal authority to impose stricter regulations.
Since this is a very large plant near a large metropolitan area, the Air District utilized
their authority in this manner.
2. Will a tall (250-300 foot) stack be put in place for all effluents? Such a stack was strongly
indicated in the consultant's report and in public discussions at Air Board meetings, but
an unambiguous statement on the stack has not been made.
3. Will there be engineering tests on the operation of the Lime Slurry Injection device to
determine its maximum performance in reducing toxic pollutants such as hydrochloric
acid and SO2? Note: The consultant suggested that the LSI could reduce sulfur dioxide
emissions by as much as 50%. The current regulations do not address SO2 other than to
call for monitoring and the statement"District staff will utilize this data (monitoring) in
determining any future SO2 standard." Lehigh's emissions averaged 1.9 lb/ton of clinker
in Jan 2012-May 2013. At full licensed clinker production, reducing emissions by 50%
would result in a health savings of nearly 30 million dollars annually.
4. Will there be engineering tests on the operation of the Selective Non-catalytic Reduction
(SNCR) device to determine its maximum performance in reducing toxic pollutants such
as nitrogen oxides while maintaining other pollutants below the emission standards? The
consultant suggested that the SNCR could be operated to reduce NOx emissions to 2.0
lb/ton of clinker rather than the 2.3 lb/ton of clinker in the current regulations. This
relatively modest improvement would reduce health costs by about 2 million dollars
annually. The consultant made other recommendations on reducing NOx as well.
We sincerely hope these questions will be incorporated into the planning of the workshop.
Moreover, we would like to distribute the questions to the Air Board and Lehigh Cement
Company in advance of the workshop so their responses can be well thought out.
� - G
Gary Latshaw, Ph.D.
Chair of the Air Quality Committee of the Loma Prieta Chapter of the Sierra Club
e %
Emissions Control Options for Lehigh Hanson
Cement Plant
Report C-12-021
Breathe California of the Bay Area
1469 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA 95126
On behalf of grantors:
Town of Los Altos Hills City of Los Altos
26379 Fremont Road One North San Antonio Road
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 Los Altos, CA 94022
January 22, 2013
Andover Technology Partners
112 Tucker Farm Road, North Andover, MA 01845
phone: (978) 683-9599; e-mail: s,taudtC"?
www. n over ec no
Andover Technology Partners
112 Tucker Farm Road, North Andover, MA 01 845
Confidentiality Notice
This report was prepared for the use of the client identified on the cover and may be subject to
confidentiality requirements.
Sections Page
1. Background 1
2. Objectives 3
3. Program Results 4
Lehigh Cement operates a precalciner Portland cement kiln rated at 1,497,000 metric tons
of clinker per year(4535 metric TPD) in Cupertino, CA. Actual operation is roughly 6897 hrs/yr
and a total 1,399,692 tons of clinker per year. The kiln, shown in Figure 1, was placed into
service in 1981. Its primary air pollution control device has been a reverse-air fabric filter for
dust collection which has compartments vented to the atmosphere. Gaseous emissions (NOx,
CO, SO2) and flow are monitored from some of the 32 vents on the fabric filter or in the
ductwork. There is also a fabric filter on the clinker cooler.
The kiln is subject to US EPA's National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants (NESHAP), which requires installation of Maximum Achievable Control Technology
(MALT)by August 2015 as well as Bay Air Quality Management District(BAQMD)rules.
Recently proposed BAQMD Regulation 9, Rule 13 sets limits shown below along with
monitoring requirements.
• 2.3 pounds NOx per ton of clinker produced averaged over 30 days
• 0.04 pounds PM per ton of clinker produced averaged over 3 source test runs
• 10 ppmv ammonia above baseline, dry at 7% oxygen averaged over 24 hours.
• 0.2 nanograms Dioxins/Furans (TEQ)per standard cubic meter, dry at 7% oxygen
averaged over 24 hours
• 55 pounds Mercury per million tons of clinker produced averaged over 30 days
• 3 ppmv HCI, dry at 7% oxygen averaged over 30 days
• 24 ppmv Total Hydrocarbons (THC), dry at 7%oxygen averaged over 30 days, or
alternatively, 12 ppmv Total Organic HAP, dry at 7% oxygen averaged over 30 days.
These limits have motivated Lehigh to install additional controls. Controls that have
been installed or will soon be installed include: selective non-catalytic reduction(SNCR) for
NOx control, activated carbon injection (ACI) for mercury and dioxin control, lime injection
(LSI) for acid gas control, mercury monitoring, modifications to the dust collector and
modifications to the vents to reduce the number of monitoring points and a 300 foot chimney.
[liJ G�
The objectives of this effort are to provide the following:
Evaluate the plant to see if lower emissions are possible for the following pollutants:
• NOx
• S02
• Mercury
• Particulate Matter(PM)
If additional reductions are likely to be possible, determine what methods would be used
and their estimated cost.
Program Results
The Lehigh Cement plant is a 1981 vintage;precalciner cement plant that has baghouses
as its sole pollution control devices. The kiln baghouse, which is integral to the Kiln Mill Dust
Collector KMDC system, is used to collect kiln dust that is recycled back to the kiln pyro
system. Recycling cement kiln dust in this manner reduces solid waste that might otherwise
have to be disposed of and also more efficiently utilizes feed materials. The mill recently
installed a KMDC shuttling system that bleeds some of the kiln dust from the pyro system,
which has the benefit of reducing mercury emissions. Table 1 shows average 2010 emissions
compared to the new BAAQMD limits that will take effect in September 2013 and the New or
Modified Source NSPS and the New Source NESHAP limits. Another source of PM emissions
is the clinker cooler baghouse, although this is not a source of other gaseous emissions.
To meet the new emission limits, Lehigh plans to (or has recently) install(ed) the
• One activated carbon injection system for mercury(Hg) control
• A hydrated lime injection(LSI) system for HCl control
• A selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) system for NOx control
• A 300 foot chimney to improve dispersion of pollutant gases
Table 1. Emissions Rates for Lehigh Cement, New BAAQMD limits, NSPS and New NESHAP
Avg. 2010 New BAAQMD New or Modified
Emissions) or Title V limits NSPS or NESHAP
NOx 4.0 lb/ton clinker 2.3 lb/ton clinker 1.5 lb/ton clinker N
S02 1.15 lb/ton clinker 481 lb/hr 0.40 lb/ton clinker S
2.3 lb/st** P
PM 0.014 lb/ton clinker 0.04 lb/ton clinker 0.02 lb/ton clinker S
Hg 305 lb/million ton 55 lb/million ton 21 lb/million ton clinker N
clinker clinker E
Dioxin/Furan 0.2 ng/dscm 0.2 ng/dscm
Total HC 24 ppmv 24 ppmv S
Total Organic HAP 12 ppmv 12 ppmv
PM 0.0141b/ton clinker 0.04 lb/ton clinker* 0.02 lb/ton clinker A
HCl 7.63 lb/ton clinker I 3 1►pmv 3 ppmv
* The final Portland Cement NESHAP established a PM limit on existing kilns of 0.07 lb/ton clinker
**estimated by dividing by 4535 metric tons per day and 1.1 short ton per metric ton and multiplying by
24 hrs per day
BAAQMD,`Bay Area 2010 Clean Air Plan Stationary Source Control Measure SSM-9—BAAQMD Regulation 9,
Rule 13,Nitrogen Oxides,Particulate Matter,and Toxic Air Contaminants from Portland Cement Manufacturing,
Staff Report", July 2012
Executive Summary of Results
In reading the results of this report it is important to consider that this was a high level
study that did not perform detailed engineering analysis. The objective was to examine if there
are any technical options for additional reductions that might be examined further or if there are
emission reductions that could be had at low or no cost that may not yet be reflected in the
permit. This is not intended to "second guess"the work that others have done so far,but to look
for opportunities that may be available for additional reductions, and when additional reductions
will require significantly more cost, to explain why.
It is my opinion that improvements (reduction) in the emission limits for the Lehigh
Cement plant might be possible for the following pollutants and at the following cost.
Some improvement in the NOx emission limit may be possible through the following means:
• SNCR emission reduction will vary, but is roughly 50% on average for cement kilns. It
may be possible to achieve slightly lower NOx emissions than 2.3 lb/ton clinker. This
would not require any additional capital cost, but would entail modest additional
operating cost.
• Mixing Air Technology—This could potentially improve emissions somewhat at a capital
cost of roughly$520,000. It can also improve CO and SO2 emissions.
• Use of natural gas in the precalciner—It is not possible at this time to determine the
capital cost,but it would likely be quite modest since gas is already fired for start up.
The increase in operating cost would result from the differential cost in fuel. This would
also contribute to a modest reduction in PM and SO2 emissions.
For this reason I believe that there are a few options to examine that might offer low capital
cost approaches to a reduction in NOx emission rate to perhaps about 2.0 lb/ton clinker or
The use of lime injection for control of HCl will also reduce SO2 emissions. This is not
currently captured in the emission limit of the plant. It would be reasonable to expect
roughly 50%reduction in SO2 emissions with the roughly 75% reduction in HCl emissions.
These emission reductions are available at no additional cost beyond what is committed to
for compliance with the NESHAP limit for HCI.
Current plans are to use activated carbon injection and a bleed of kiln dust to reduce
mercury emissions. It is my opinion that achieving the new or modified source Hg emission
rate of 21 lb/million ton clinker would likely require either an additional baghouse (at a
substantial capital cost) or bleed of nearly all of the kiln dust. I do not know what the
economic impact of bleeding 100% of the kiln dust would equate to,but it might make it
necessary to landfill some of the kiln dust because there are limits to how much kiln dust
may be used in the final cement product. For this reason significant additional reductions in
emissions beyond the limit for existing kilns (55 lb/million ton clinker) cannot be achieved
without a substantial additional capital investment.
BAAQMD has established an emission limit of 0.04 lb/ton clinker, and this is being
challenged by Lehigh Cement. The 2010 emissions rate was well below this limit(0.014
versus 0.04 lb/ton clinker) and therefore the limit appears to be achievable already.
Although addition of lime injection and activated carbon injection will result in a slight
increase in the solids loading to the kiln baghouse, these generally have negligible impacts
on outlet emissions for a fabric filter. It is recommended that some form of continuous
monitoring be used for PM emissions—either in the form of opacity monitoring or a PM
In the following sections, more detailed examination of each of these pollutants will be
provided which will describe why these conclusions were reached.
1.0 NOx Emissions
NOx emissions from cement kilns are primarily the result of the combustion of fuel in the
kiln. To a lesser extent they are related to nitrogen compounds in the feed material. Feed
materials may also play a role in impacting NOx through the pyroprocessing necessary for the
particular feed materials. Figures 1 and 2 show NOx emissions (in lb/ton clinker) for precalciner
kilns based upon year on line and annual clinker capacity, respectively. The data is based upon
2002 National Emissions Inventory(NEI) data and capacity data from the Portland Cement
Association (PCA). As shown, there is significant scatter in the data with a handful of outliers;2
however, some trends can be observed. For precalciner kilns that commenced operation in the
time frame of the Lehigh Cupertino kiln, emission rates average around 3.5 lb/ton clinker. For
facilities in the size range of the Lehigh Cupertino plant, emission rates average around 2-3
lb/ton clinker. At roughly 4.0 lb/ton of clinker(the average for January—June 2012), the Lehigh
Cupertino kiln is somewhat above average. The new BAAQMD limit will be 2.3 lb/ton of
clinker, which is less than 50%reduction of NOx.
Figure 1. NOx emissions (lb/ton clinker) Figure 2. NOx emissions (lb/ton clinker)
versus year on line.3 versus capacity.3
__-� -- _.....................I
10.00 --------------------------------------------------- ............. ------------- .. i 10.00
9.00 1............_---.......
8.00 ._.....__..,__♦.._,..__.._. 9.00 — ♦-- -
8.00 ----------...._.............-------------...---........._...__..... -,-------------- _--__------------------
7.00 .......................
♦ NOx -----------------
son —Power(NOx}
7.00 ♦ NOx
6.00 - =14+1(,6x--- ♦ y- 9820x015' ♦ —Power(NOx)
5.00 ... --.. ♦------------------------------------------------------. - _..
Rt 0.1817
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ s 00 *__ _�_.____._...__....__...........
a.00 ♦ ... ♦♦ ~♦ 4.00
3.00 .-. ♦ .. i. 100 ♦ ♦♦
M - -
2.00 .... ♦... ♦ 2.00 ±R-♦-' ! ! _----_.
-_ +_�
1.00 .... ----
0.00 - — ----r- n- 0.00
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
500,000 1,000,000 3,500,000 2,00 0,000 2,500,000
year online 1 -
___......__._._.........................._...___. —__ -.---------___-� capacitytpy
NOx emissions may be reduced in one of two ways—
• Reducing the amount of NOx formed in the combustion process, or
• Reduction of the NOx after it has been formed through post-combustion methods
2 As shown,some of these outliers have unreasonable emission rates(like zero)and generally should be ignored
because they are likely the result of errors in the input data.
3 US EPA Industrial Sector Integrated Solutions model documentation, Memo from J. Staudt to R. Srivastava,S,
Vijay and E.Torres,Re:NOx,SO2 and CO2 emissions from Cement Kilns(Emissions Memo)—revised
from comments,March 10,2009
1.1 Reducing the amount of NOx formed
Combustion occurs in two places in a precalciner cement kiln: 1)the precalciner section;
and 2) the rotary kiln.
Roughly 60% of the fuel is burned in the precalciner of a modern precalciner cement kiln.
For older kilns this amount may be less,perhaps in the range of 50%. Because the precalciner
combustion is at a lower temperature, most of the NOx formed in the precalciner is fuel NOx.
In the rotary kiln, thermal NOx plays a more significant role in total NOx formation because of
the higher temperature. Methods to control NOx formation are described in more detail below:
Rotary Kiln -
Low NOx Burner with Indirect Firing
The primary burner in the rotary kiln typically fires coal, petroleum coke, or natural gas.
In some kilns (not in the Cupertino kiln) alternative fuels (such as tires, solvents, or other waste
materials)may also be burned in the rotary kiln, but not through the primary burner. Because
thermal NOx plays an important role in NOx forration in the rotary kiln, coal is actually
preferred to natural gas from the perspective of NOx control. Natural gas requires firing to a
higher gas temperature to heat the materials because the flame is not as luminous. As a result, a
conversion to natural gas is unhelpful with respect:to NOx control.
The primary burner utilizes an indirect firing system, where the pulverized fuel (coal or
coke) is not sent directly from the fuel mill to the burner,but to an intermediate fuel bin and
feeder system. The advantage of indirect firing for NOx control is that it permits lower primary
air levels in the near burner field, which reduces the amount of NOx formed when using a burner
that permits lower excess air for lower NOx (this :is also known as a low NOx burner with
indirect firing). Based upon discussions with BAAQMD,4 the Lehigh kiln is equipped with
indirect firing. So, further reductions by this method are not possible.
Mid Kiln Firing(MKF)
MKF is when fuel is introduced to the rotary kiln at the mid-point of the kiln. Although
tires are commonly introduced in this manner,s coal, coke or other fuel may also be introduced at
this point. MKF has been shown to reduce NOx emissions in the rotary kiln on the order of
30%, and sometimes more. This is possible because it reduces the amount of firing needed in the
4 Telephone call with Robert Cave and Thu Bui, 1/10/13
5 The advantage of tires are that they can be used to offset purchased fuel(coal)and a tipping fee may be received.
primary burner, thereby reducing NOx formation at the hottest part of the kiln where thermal
NOx formation is the highest. The Lehigh kiln does not employ MKF.
Mixing Air Technology (MAT)
MAT is the introduction of burnout air downstream of the primary burner or downstream
of MKF. With MAT it is possible to operate the primary burner and MKF at lower excess
oxygen levels, thereby reducing the formation of NOx. MAT also offers the potential for lower
CO emissions and lower S02 emissions (through promotion of sulfate formation and the CaSO4
reaction)because it can promote a more oxidizing environment. MAT can reduce NOx
emissions by roughly 30% and it can be used to enhance NOx reduction from other technologies
such as a low NOx burner with indirect firing. The Lehigh kiln does not employ MAT.
Figure 3. Mixing Air Technology 6
2600 r .
Gas Rotation`
_ �..
u�,-Carbon ' , Mixing of all
.,1550 ;a:i;,* c:1,'•'t n Gasses
"r 1
Without mixing arc With mixing air
6 Hansen,E.,""Staged Combustion for NOx Reduction Using High Pressure Air Injection",IEEE/PCA Conference
Figure 4. Staged Combustion Calciner?
Staged Combustion Calciner
SCC reduces NOx through
staged combustion in the
precalciner, where a fuel-rich __ ii _ Tertiary air duct
(oxygen deficient) zone is - (from clinker cooler)
followed by a burnout zone as
Ok{�5 p
shown in Figure 3. This
technology results in a reduction of Cooler
NOx that will vary by application,
but is on the order of 30%. On an existing kiln it is necessary to modify the precalciner to allow
for both the fuel rich zone and the burnout zone. This apparently was considered at the Lehigh
Cement plant but was ruled out due to cost, estimated at roughly$15-$20 million.' Table 2
summarizes experience with SCC on some U.S. kilns.
Table 2. Summary of NOx Performance of SCC in U.S. Kilns
Source/Location NOx Uncontrolled NOx Controlled Efficiency
lb/t) (lb/t)
11 US kilns(from Table 7-2) NA 2.2-3.3 NA
(avg. 2.7)
Florida Rock 3.5 3.0-w/o tires 17%-w/o tires
1.5-2.5 (midpoint 2.0)-w/tires 43%-w/tires
Suwannee American NA 2.2-2.6(range) NA
Titan American NA 2.0 NA
Lone Star 2.8 1.8 35%
Cemex Santa Cruz 9 NA 2.5 (0%coal to reducing zone NA
1.7 (50%coal to reducing zone) 32%
1.4(100%coal to reducing zone) 44%
1.8(midpoint) 28%
Alternative Control Techniques Document Update-NOx Emissions from New Cement Kilns,EPA-453/R-07-
006,November 2007
7 Alternative Control Techniques Document Update-NOx Emissions from New Cement Kilns,EPA-453/R-07-006,
November 2007
8 BAAQMD,`Bay Area 2010 Clean Air Plan Stationary Source Control Measure SSM-9—BAAQMD Regulation 9,
Rule 13,Nitrogen Oxides,Particulate Matter,and Toxic Air Contaminants from Portland Cement
Manufacturing,Staff Report", July 2012,p 21
Fuel Change in Precalciner
Because most NOx formed in the precalciner is fuel NOx,NOx may be reduced though
fuel changes to natural gas. The level of NOx reduction will depend upon a number of variables
relating to how the facility is currently operated,but since up to 60% of the fuel is typically
burned in the precalciner, a significant reduction may be possible. This will also reduce S02 and
PM emissions. The capital cost would likely be fairly modest since the plant already burns
natural gas. The operating cost will depend upon the difference in fuel cost between natural gas
and coal or other fuel (pet coke)burned in the precalciner.
1.2 Post Combustion NOx Control Methods
There are two methods of post combustion NOx control, Selective Catalytic Reduction
(SCR) and Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction(SNCR)
There is very little experience with SCR on cement kilns, and utilizing this technology at
Lehigh Cement would be costly and will not be examined further.
Lehigh Cement is planning to install an SNCR system. SNCR systems are capable of
roughly 50%NOx reduction on cement kilns, although there may be some variation from kiln to
1.3 Options for NOx reduction at Lehigh Cement Cupertino
The facility already has committed to reduce NOx emissions to 2.3 lb/ton clinker from
roughly 4 lb/ton clinker.9 It may be possible that a lower emission limit could be justified,but it
would not be dramatically lower since NOx reduction of 50%would be about 2.0 lb/ton clinker.
This would not require any additional capital cost, but would require a modest amount of
additional reagent. Assuming urea as a reagent, $600/ton of urea and 35% chemical utilization,
the incremental cost is about $1,100/ton of NOx controlled.
Other options for NOx reduction that are moderate in cost may include mixing air
technology and perhaps burning natural gas in the precalciner. Mixing Air Technology
equipment and installation is estimated to cost roughly$520,000 in 2008 dollars, or$521,000 if
9 A review of source test data showed a range of emission rates. 4 lb/ton clinker is the average for 2010.
escalated to August 2012 using the Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI). 10 In
addition, there would be an allowance for down-time on the kiln necessary to install the
equipment. Recent operating data shows 6897 hours per year of operation, which means that
installation of mixing air technology would likely be possible without impact to kiln operation.
Utilizing natural gas in the precalciner(but not in the rotary kiln, however) could
possibly be performed with little or no capital expense, depending upon the current design of the
precalciner burners and the natural gas supply to the kiln.
A more expensive approach for reducing IJOx is perhaps Mid Kiln Firing(MKF). Using
the cost estimating approach used in US EPA's ISIS model", the capital cost can be estimated as
roughly$4.5 million (2005 dollars) or using the CEPCI to escalate to August 2012 dollars $5.6
million, to provide a roughly 30%reduction in NOx. The MKF system includes mixing air
technology. Because of the cost and the fact that tires would not be burned to reduce fuel costs,
MKF is not a technology that is likely to provide reductions at low cost.
In summary, I believe it may be possible to find ways to achieve a somewhat lower NOx
emissions, of perhaps 2.0 lb/ton of clinker or less., without a large capital outlay. But, large
reductions in NOx emissions are not possible without a significant capital outlay. Although
some of these methods, such as mixing air technology, are expected to provide 30%reduction on
average, in those cases where other measures have already been taken to reduce NOx, the
emission reduction may be less than 30%. So, from the perspective of establishing an emission
limit we might not want to take the full 30%. It is unclear what the impact would be on fuel cost
to burn natural gas in the precalciner and the level of NOx reduction is also unclear at this point.
10 US EPA Industrial Sector Integrated Solutions model documentation, Memo from J. Staudt to R. Srivastava,S,
Vijay and E.Torres,Re: Costs and Performance of Controls—revised from comments s,March 10,2009,p 10
11 Ibid,p.7
2.0 S02 Emissions
S02 emissions are primarily released by the raw materials as they are heated. Most of the
sulfur in the fuel is captured in the product as the flue gas from the kiln comes in contact with
free lime in the precalciner. For this reason the sulfur in the raw materials has a significant
impact on the S02 emissions. The kiln type also has an impact. As a precalciner kiln, the S02
emissions are lower than for long kilns (kilns without a separate preheater) because the S02
released by the raw materials comes in good contact with the alkaline material in the preheater
and calciner. As shown in Figure 5, which shows average Portland Cement kiln S02 emissions
as a function of market location and kiln type, S02 emissions from Portland cement kilns in the
San Francisco market as EPA has defined it in development of the NESHAP12 are generally
lower than in other markets. This is no doubt a result of the sulfur content of the raw materials.
Figure 5. Average S02 emissions (in lbs/ton clinker)by kiln type and location 13
■ PC ■ PH
20.00 ------- -- -----
Dry ■Wet
0.00 r r T r_�
7 i T 7
d O Sic
C, a i� G� 0
Since it is not practical to change raw materials, especially limestone, reducing S02
entails add-on controls. Tail-end S02 control systems include lime injection, which is already
12 The San Francisco market as it is used here is all of northern California—not just the Bay Area.
13 US EPA Industrial Sector Integrated Solutions model documentation, Memo from J. Staudt to R. Srivastava, S,
Vijay and E.Torres,Re:NOx,S02 and CO2 emissions from Cement Kilns(Emissions Memo)—revised
from comments,March 10,2009,pg. 15.
planned for HCl control, and scrubbers. Because of the high capital cost of SO2 scrubbers, they
will not be examined.
Reduction of SO2 emissions is a cobenefit of the planned HCl control approach—lime
injection. Experience with lime injection has demonstrated that it captures HCl somewhat more
efficiently than SO2. This is because HCl is a more reactive acid. Thus, a 75% capture rate for
HCl with lime injection14 will result in an SO2 capture rate that is somewhat lower than 75%.
There are a number of factors that impact this, such as injection temperature and the relative
concentrations of HCl to S02; however, an SO2 removal rate of 50% seems like a reasonable
estimate of the likely SO2 emission reduction if the HCl emission reduction is in the range of
75%. The actual SO2 emission reduction can be verified once the lime injection system is
installed. At this time this improvement in SO2 emissions is not captured in the plant's emission
limit, and therefore, these reductions in SO2 emissions are at no cost since they are a cobenefit of
the HCl reduction system.
The ambient SO2 levels should also be improved by the new 300 foot chimney. So,
between the reduction in SO2 emission rate and the impact of the chimney, ambient SO2 levels
should see an improvement.
SO2 is therefore an area where there will be some significant gains as a result of what is
already planned for HCl control. For this reason a significantly lower SO2 limit could likely be
implemented with little or no cost to the Lehigh Cupertino cement plant. My review of
emissions tests since 2007 confirm that at the moment, SO2 emissions tend to be well below the
current emission limit of 481 lb/hr.
is 75%is roughly what is expected for HCl based upon past HCl levels and the required emission rate per the new
Portland cement NESHAP.
3.0 Mercury Emissions
Mercury that is emitted from the chimney comes from mercury contained in the fuel and
mercury contained in raw materials. A simple mass balance will show that mercury that
originates in the fuel or the raw materials must go into the product, become a solid waste, or go
up the chimney,but the mass balance in the process is complicated by the fact that mercury at
high temperatures is volatilized. Figure 6 demonstrates the complexity of the mercury mass
balance. The high temperature pyroprocessing necessary to make clinker ensures that the
mercury is in a vapor state and does not become part of the clinker. As a result, mercury
captured in cement kiln dust that is returned to the kiln for pyroprocessing eventually goes up the
chimney, and the mercury emissions to the air equals the mercury introduced by the fuel and raw
materials.15 This returned mercury actually contributes to a concentrating mechanism that will
result in more mercury actually being circulated through the kiln in any period of time than
actually is input in that time. This concentrating mechanism is a function of the degree to which
the mercury that enters the kiln dust collector(baghouse) passes through the kiln dust collector
(and into the atmosphere) or gets returned to the kiln. If, for example, half of the mercury that
enters the baghouse exits the baghouse with the exhaust gas and the other half ends up in the kiln
dust, then the mercury returned to the kiln must equal the amount of mercury that is introduced
from fuel and raw materials as well as the mercury that is released up the chimney.
The mercury capture plan for the Lehigh Cement plant involves capturing the mercury
that is in the cement kiln dust in the baghouse. Activated carbon injected upstream of the kiln
dust collector will increase the proportion of mercury that ends up in the kiln dust. A portion of
the cement kiln dust is then bled off from the kiln dust collector and not reintroduced to the kiln
—it might be disposed in a landfill16 but it is preferably used in the concrete product.l7 This
reduces the amount of mercury that is sent back to the kiln, as in Figure 7. If all of the kiln dust
were reintroduced to the kiln, then the mercury entering the kiln dust collector would increase to
the point where there would be no actual reduction in mercury emissions to the atmosphere. So,
bleeding off some portion of the kiln dust is necessary to achieve a reduction in mercury
emissions to the atmosphere. The percent reduction in mercury emissions to the atmosphere will
15 In fact,this is how the cement kiln NESHAP limit was developed—by measurement of mercury in the input
materials rather than by stack tests because more and better data was available on the mercury inputs. This
also assumes all kiln dust is readmitted to the kiln,which is a good assumption for most Portland cement
16 This is a safe way to dispose of it,because lots of testing has shown that the mercury is immobilized.
17 CALTRANS permits up to 5%limestone or kiln dust in the cement product
therefore depend upon both the capture efficiency of the activated carbon system and the amount
of kiln dust that is not reintroduced to the kiln.
Figure 6. Mercury mass balance in a cement kiln with 100%kiln dust returned to the kiln
Mercury out
Mercury in
kiln Kiln dust
(baghouse) Li
Mercury in kiln dust
Figure 7. Mercury mass balance with activated carbon and bleed of kiln dust from existing kiln
dust collector for mercury control
Mercury out
carbon in
Mercury in
kiln Kiln dust
carbon and
Mercury in kiln dust kiln dust
Another option is to have a second dust collector(baghouse) downstream of the primary
kiln dust collector, with an activated carbon injection system between the two dust collectors, as
shown in Figure 8. The second dust collector does not need to be as large as the primary dust
collector since it is only for capturing activated carbon. This would avoid the need to bleed off a
portion of the kiln dust from the primary kiln dust collector and would also allow for higher
mercury capture rates. It would also likely result in lower PM emission rates since there are two
dust collectors. The disadvantage of this approach is that it has a significantly higher capital cost
and requires operation of two dust collectors—each of which has a pressure drop and requires a
booster fan and the associated electrical load. But, a significant advantage to this approach is
that there is no concern about mercury or activated carbon contamination in the product.
Figure 8. Mercury mass balance using activated carbon and a second baghouse to control
mercury emissions
Mercury out
carbon in
Mercury in
kiln Kiln dust
it L
(baghouse) chimney
Mercury in kiln dust Mercury and
activated carbon
To disposal
Reducing mercury emissions from the current rate of roughly 305 lb/million ton clinker
to 55 lb/million ton of clinker is an 82%reduction in mercury. By my estimates, this could be
achieved using the single kiln dust collector by
• An 82% capture rate of mercury by activated carbon, and a bleed of 100% of the kiln dust
from the kiln dust collector, or,
• a 90% capture rate of mercury by activated carbon and a bleed of roughly 51% of the kiln
dust, or
• a 95% capture rate of mercury by activated carbon and a bleed of roughly 24% of the kiln
dust, or
• A 97% capture rate of mercury by activated carbon and a bleed of 14% of the kiln dust
from the kiln dust collector, or
• some other combination of capture efficiency and bleed of the kiln dust that will result in
a net 82% capture efficiency
On the other hand, reducing mercury emissions from the current rate of roughly 305
lb/million ton clinker to 21 lb/million ton of clinker is just over 93%reduction in mercury. By
my estimates, this could be achieved using the single kiln dust collector by:
• A 93% capture rate of mercury by activated carbon, and a bleed of 100% of the kiln dust
from the kiln dust collector, or,
• A 95% capture rate of mercury by activated carbon and a bleed of 70% of the kiln dust
from the kiln dust collector, or
• A 97% capture rate of mercury by activated carbon and a bleed of 41% of the kiln dust
from the kiln dust collector, or
• some other combination of capture efficiency and bleed of the kiln dust that will result in
a net 93% capture efficiency
So, higher activated carbon injection system capture efficiencies will result in lower
bleed rates. Higher activated carbon injection system capture efficiencies are achieved through
higher activated carbon injection rates; however, activated carbon injection systems have
practical limitations to the level of emission reduction that is possible. There is no accepted
industry-wide number for this. It is my opinion that something above 90% mercury capture with
activated carbon can reliably be achieved, but it is less certain if capture efficiencies of 95% or
greater can reliably be achieved day in and day out.18 Therefore, a mercury emission limit equal
to the New Source limit of 21 lb/million tons of clinker would likely be possible only with a
second baghouse or with bleeding nearly all of the kiln dust. As will be shown in the next
section, a second,polishing baghouse would cost in the range of$20-$24 million.
Lehigh Cement's current plans do not include another baghouse. They are modifying the
structure of the kiln and clinker cooler baghouses and the vents to form a common exit location
that will be ducted to a 300 foot chimney, and according to the BAAQMD Staff Summary
Report, the estimated cost for this modification to the kiln mill dust collector and modifications
to the clinker cooler dust collector is roughly$28.5 million.19
18 This is not to say that it can't be done;however,there simply is not a lot of published data available for long-term
operation of activated carbon systems at such high capture efficiencies. Moreover,the measurement
methods have been evolving as well. So,with tim.-there should be more information available to assess
whether or not very high capture rates of over 950/)can reliably be achieved.
19 BAAQMD,`Bay Area 2010 Clean Air Plan Stationary Source Control Measure SSM-9—BAAQMD Regulation
9,Rule 13,Nitrogen Oxides,Particulate Matter,and Toxic Air Contaminants from Portland Cement
Manufacturing,Staff Report", July 2012
4.0 Particulate Matter (PM)
There are two sources of PM—the kiln baghouse and the clinker cooler baghouse. At
this time the plant continues to operate the existing kiln baghouse(the primary fabric filter) and
the clinker cooler baghouse. According to BAAQMD, the facility has been able to maintain PM
emissions below the new rate of 0.04 lb/ton clinker and my review of several stack testing
reports confirms that.20 I have not been able to determine the details of the filter media.
Assuming that the fabric filter uses "state of the arts21 filter media, the only alternatives for
further PM reductions are: 1) a polishing fabric filter(usually used to capture sorbent, such as
activated carbon), or; 2) improved monitoring of the existing fabric filter to assure that periods of
high PM emissions (such as from leaks in filter media) are quickly identified and corrected.
4.1 Polishing Fabric Filter
This is really something what would be considered to gain other benefits, such as higher
mercury removal,but the cost is shown in any event. The estimated cost of a polishing 22 pulse-
jet fabric filter that could be used to capture the activated carbon as well as PM that escapes the
primary fabric filter is shown in Table 3. Assumptions used in this estimate are:
• 360,000 dscfin
• 10%moisture
• Net Air to cloth ratio of 6.0 23
• Gas temperature of 3207
• Duct runs of 50 feet each way(short ductwork) and 220 feet each way(long ductwork)
As a result of the high cost of a new fabric filter shown in Table 3, this is not an attractive
option for reducing PM emissions.
20 I reviewed stack test reports from 2007 to 2012 made available by BAAQMD through a Public Records request.
21 Based upon what BAAQMD reports they have been told by the plant. See Footnote 4
22 Used after the current,primary baghouse that removes most particulate matter and it therefore has a much higher
air to cloth ratio than the primary baghouse.
23 This is net of compartments being out of service for cleaning
Table 3. Estimated cost of a polishing fabric filter
Short ductwork Long Ductwork
ACFM 594,000 594,000
Baghouse(installed including steel) $9,099,016 $9,099,016
Ash Handling $1,099,741 $1,099,741
Booster Fans $462,692 $462,692
Electrical $805,076 $805,076
Ductwork short $674,830
Ductwork—long $3,619,482
Foundations $529,046 $529,046
TPC $12,670,400 $15,615,052
Gen Facil $633,520 $780,753
Eng.Constr Mgt $1,267,040 $1,561,505
Proj Contingency $2,185,644 $2,693,596
Total Plant Cost Estimate(2006$) $16,756,604 $20,650,906
Pre Production Costs $73,262 $80,623
Inventory Capital $253,408 $312,301
Total Capital Requirement(2006$) $17,083,273 $21,043,830
2012 Total Capital Requirement $19,719,623 $24,291,387
Maintenance(Fixed Operating Cost) $380,112 $468,452
Variable Operating Cost 1 $499,028 $499,028
Estimated using algorithms developed for US EPA's Clean Air Markets Division to
estimate cost of polishing pulse-jet fabric filters.24
4.2 PM Monitoring Options
PM emissions are currently measured with periodic stack tests rather than continuously,
and the final EPA NESHAP for Portland Cement:kilns only requires periodic stack tests.25
Periods of high PM emissions may result from leaks in filter media or plant transients that cause
unusually high PM excursions that are not captured during the periodic stack tests that are
performed when the plant is generally well controlled. Continuous monitoring will enable plant
personnel to quickly identify temporary periods of high PM emissions and address any problems
that cause these temporary high PM emissions. Options for providing improved PM emissions
assurance include:
• Opacity monitors—these measure the:optical density or transparency of the flue gas
typically in percent and provide a relative indication of PM emissions. They have
been widely used for providing an indication of PM emissions. The output of these
24 Andover Technology Partners,"TOXECON Cost Estimates for Coal-Fired Boilers"DRAFT,December 2006
25 This is a revision from the proposed rule that required PM CEMS. The decision was based upon ability to
correlate emissions against stack samples for very low emitting sources.
devices are in terms of percentage of optical transmittance. Because they do not
correlate as directly to the PM emission rate as PM CEMS, PM CEMS have become
favored recently, at least for power plants. BAAQMD has recommended an opacity
limit of 10%.26 Therefore, an opacity monitor should be required as a minimum
measure for monitoring PM emissions.
• PM CEMS—more recently, EPA has been requiring PM CEMS for power plants.
These can provide an output that is directly correlated to PM emissions concentration
(such as milligram per actual cubic meter) and are therefore favored for measuring
PM emissions. The originally proposed Portland cement NESHAP required PM
CEMS but the final rule did not.
• Bag leak detectors—While not used for compliance reporting, these are used by
facility owners to quickly identify leaking filter media.
As a result, opacity monitoring should be required as a minimum, with PM CEMS to be
examined further. Based upon conversations that I have had with some CEMS suppliers, a PM-
CEMS is expected to cost in the range of$200,000 to cover equipment, installation, and start up
testing/calibration. Opacity monitors will cost a fraction of that.
26 BAAQMD,`Bay Area 2010 Clean Air Plan Stationary Source Control Measure SSM-9—BAAQMD Regulation
9,Rule 13,Nitrogen Oxides,Particulate Matter,and Toxic Air Contaminants from Portland Cement
Manufacturing, Staff Report", July 2012
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
939 Ellis Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Bay Area 2010 Clean Air Plan
Stationary Source Control Measure SSM-9
BAAQMD Regulation 9, Rule 13:
Staff Report
July 2012
Prepared by:
Robert Cave
Senior Air Quality Specialist
Planning, Rules and Research Division
The following District staff members participated in the development of the proposed
amendments to this rule, and deserve recognition for their important contributions:
Brian Bateman — Compliance and Enforcement
Scott Beaver— Planning, Rules and Research
Thu Bui — Engineering
Kristina Chu — Communications and Outreach
Tony Gambardella — Compliance and Enforcement
John Marvin — Compliance and Enforcement
Dick Rodriguez— Compliance and Enforcement
Adan Schwartz— Legal
Eric Stevenson —Technical
Tim Underwood —Technical
1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..............................................................................................................3
2.0 BACKGROUND..................................................,..........................................................................4
3.0 TECHNICAL REVIEW................................................................................................................10
4.0 REGULATORY PROPOSAL......................................................................................................14
5.0 EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS.......................................................................................................18
6.0 ECONOMIC IMPACTS...............................................................................................................20
7.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS...................................................................................................25
8.0 REGULATORY IMPACTS..........................................................................................................26
9.0 RULE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS...........................................................................................27
10.0 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................35
11.0 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................36
A. Comments and Responses
B. Socioeconomic Analysis
C. March 29, 2011 Letter from Jack Broadbent, Executive Officer of the Air District, to
Supervisor Liz Kniss, Santa Clara Board of Supervisors
D. California Environmental Quality Act Analysis
1.0 Executive Summary
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District ("BAAQMD" or "District') is proposing
adoption of Regulation 9, Rule 13: Nitrogen Oxides, Particulate Matter, and Toxic Air
Contaminants from Portland Cement Manufacturing ("Regulation 9-13" or "the rule"). This
source category was identified for potential emissions reductions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and
particulate matter (PM) in the Bay Area 2010 Clean Air Plan, Stationary Source Control
Measure SSM-9. The proposed rule sets emissions standards for NOx, PM, and toxic air
contaminants (TACs). The rule also proposes modifications to the emissions stack of the kiln
based on analysis of health risk effects to the surrounding community, and would impose
fugitive dust control and mitigation measures at the facility to further reduce particulate
Portland cement manufacturing is a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States, with annual
domestic consumption of over 500 pounds per person. One hundred plants across the country
produce 85 to 90 percent of this total with imports accounting for the remaining portion. In
August of 2010, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued final
amendments to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for the
Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry. The revised NESHAP significantly reduces emissions
of TACs from new and existing Portland cement kilns, but it has been challenged in Federal
Court, and the effective date of the emissions standards may be delayed or the standards reduced
in stringency, pending the final version to be issued in December of this year. In order to ensure
that emissions of TACs from the manufacture of Portland cement are significantly reduced in the
Bay Area, the 2013 effective date of the 2010 amended NESHAP has been retained in the
proposed Regulation 9-13.
The Lehigh Southwest Cement Plant (Lehigh) located in unincorporated Santa Clara County,
west of Cupertino is the only Portland cement manufacturing facility located in the District. One
of the few cement plants in the country located in an urbanized area, it has been in operation
since 1939, and has undergone many changes as the surrounding community has developed
around it. The cement kiln at Lehigh currently represents the largest single source of NOx
emissions in the District without modern add-on controls, emitting an average of 1700 tons of
NOx per year. Emissions of TACs and PM, along with others from the plant have generated
significant concern from the surrounding community. The most recent renewal of the Title V
permit for the facility included a public hearing and two separate public comment periods from
which the District received oral comments from 30 individuals and 75 written comments from
individuals and organizations.
Adoption of the proposed rule would reduce emissions of NOx, PM, and TACs, and ensure
environmental health protections for the surrounding community. The costs associated with the
controls and other equipment modifications necessary to meet the standards and other provisions
of the rule are not insignificant, but analysis shows the standards of the rule to be cost-effective
and feasible considering their synthesis with impending federal standards. An independent
analysis found the proposed rule to pose no adverse environmental impacts and a California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)Negative Declaration is proposed.
2.0 Background
Portland cement is combined with water, gravel, sand, or other aggregate to form concrete,
which is used in road building and a variety of other construction projects. Portland cement
manufacture is a $10 billion per year industry in the United States. In 2008, Americans
consumed 104 million tons of cement nationally, or 675 pounds per person for the year.
Between 85% and 90% of that is produced in the United States with the rest imported primarily
from China, Canada, Colombia, Mexico and Korea.
There are 108 Portland cement manufacturing plants operating in 36 states, with 11 in California,
three in Northern California, and one in the Bay Area. Lehigh Southwest Cement Plant
(Lehigh), located in unincorporated Santa Clara County, west of Cupertino, is the only cement
manufacturing facility in the District. Consistent with national trends, Lehigh has reduced
production annually since 2006. Their BAAQMD permit limits their production of clinker (a
preliminary stage of cement) to 1.6 million tons per year, but in 2010 Lehigh produced 847
thousand tons of clinker, a little over half the permitted amount.
Portland cement manufacturing is the third largest industrial source of emissions of NOx and
sulfur dioxide (S02) in the nation at 180 thousand tons per year. Lehigh is the Bay Area's
largest source of NOx emissions without modern NOx controls such as ultra-low NOx burners or
add-on controls such as catalytic reduction. This facility emitted 1,798 tons of NOx and 181
tons of SO2 in 2008. The plant has been in operation since 1939, and is subject to a variety of
District, State, and federal air quality rules and. regulations. District staff has evaluated more
stringent standards for NOx, PM, and S02. In addition, U.S. EPA has adopted amendments to
federal rules affecting this facility, initially with compliance due in September of 2013; however,
in June of this year, EPA proposed revisions. to some of the emissions limits, monitoring
methods, and compliance dates for the rules with final approval for these revisions set for
December 20, 2012. Staff has evaluated the standards and compliance deadlines of these federal
rules to ascertain their application to this facility and to determine what additional technologies
and/or methodologies could be employed to reduce emissions of air pollutants in a cost effective
Portland Cement Kiln Overview
Portland cement is a fundamental ingredient: of concrete, consisting of calcium, silicon,
aluminum, and iron. These materials are combined in a number of steps requiring careful control
to ensure that the final product meets specific chemical and physical specifications required for
building and construction needs. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of Portland cement
Figure 1 —Schematic of Cement Manufacturing Process
Dust Collection Preheat Tower
mill B;Ak
Cement Loading
Was te Sr7os
Un T
- cernent Miffs
��ng Cooling
Storage Citnker S
Manufacturing Steps
Portland cement manufacturing is a series of steps which take place at a large industrial facility
usually located adjacent to a source of raw materials. Raw materials consist of limestone, shells
or chalk, clay, sand, alumina and iron ore. The bulk of these are mined at a quarry, blended, and
ground to a powder. This blended material is subjected to intense heat in a kiln to cause a series
of chemical reactions, transforming the powdered raw materials into something called cement
clinker. Cement clinker consists of grayish-black pellets the size of marbles or golf balls, which
is cooled, ground and mixed with gypsum and other additives to form powdered Portland
In the initial manufacturing step, limestone is mined from a quarry near the plant. At the quarry,
the material is reduced to a manageable size (from chair or desk size to softball size) by a two-
stage primary crusher before stockpiling and transport to the kiln. The limestone is crushed for a
third time and then pre-blended to homogenize the quality of the limestone. It is then mixed
with bauxite (a source of alumina) and iron ore before being ground inside a ball mill and further
blended to create the required proportions necessary for the desired end product.
In older cement manufacturing plants water is added to the raw materials to form a slurry, and
grinding and mixing operations are completed in a slurry form. This aids in conveying the
material, but the dry method is ultimately more energy efficient. The Lehigh facility converted
from wet to dry process in 1981. In order to produce clinker the material must be heated to at
least 2400 degrees Fahrenheit and this is much easier when the raw materials are dry. At modern
plants, the materials are preheated before entering the kiln and at many facilities the process of
making cement is begun at this stage in a process called precalcining. A preheater/precalciner
tower is utilized at the Lehigh facility to heat the material to approximately 1650 degrees F, and
begin the cement manufacturing process prior to the material entering the rotary kiln.
At the heart of the manufacturing process is the cement kiln. The blended mixture of raw
material is fed from the preheater/precalciner into the upper end of a tilted rotating cylindrical
kiln where it will reach temperatures of 2400 to 3000 degrees F. This intense heat causes the
material to fuse and undergo chemical reactions to create cement clinker. The clinker is
discharged from the lower end of the kiln where it is cooled and then ground into a fine powder.
Some of this heat is recovered at this stage and routed to the preheater. The ground clinker is
mixed with gypsum and ground one final time to make the final product.
Emissions from Portland Cement Manufacturing
The manufacturing of cement requires the movernent and processing of many tons of material as
well as the combustion of large amounts of fuel in order to heat that material to extremely high
temperatures. Emissions of pollutants are directly attributable to both the fuel combustion and
materials processing. The formation of NOx during the manufacture of cement is due to the high
temperature, oxidizing atmosphere necessary for clinker formation. Emissions of TACs arise
from the presence of these compounds predominantly in the raw materials and to a lesser extent
the fuel to fire the kiln. Predominant TACs emitted include mercury, hydrochloric acid (HCl),
benzene, dioxins and furans, and dependent on the raw materials used, metals such as lead and
hexavalent chrome. Particulate emissions arise from crushing, mixing and storage of raw
materials, clinker production and cooling, finish grinding, packaging, and from vehicle traffic.
NOx is linked with a number of adverse effects on the respiratory system. It is a major precursor
to the formation of ground level ozone and also a precursor to secondary fine particulate
formation. Ozone can worsen the effects of bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma, and is the
primary component of photochemical smog. Exposure to fine particulate matter is by far the
leading public health risk in the Bay Area, accounting for more than 90% of premature mortality
related to air pollution. Coarse particulate can exacerbate respiratory ailments in addition to
nuisance complaints.
For the most part, emissions of metallic TACs are limited at Lehigh due to low levels in raw
materials and fuel used at the plant, combined with the high level of control from fabric filtration
systems in use at the plant. Mercury emissions are more significant than other metallic TACs
due to relatively high mercury levels in the limestone quarried at the facility and because the
metal is volatilized by the high temperatures of the kiln. Mercury can damage the central
nervous system, kidneys, and liver. Short-term or acute exposure can cause skin rashes, diarrhea
and respiratory distress. Chronic exposure can cause muscle tremors, irritability, personality
changes, and nerve damage ranging from loss of sensitivity in hands and feet to difficulty in
walking, slurred speech, and in severe cases paralysis and death. Mercuric chloride has caused
increases in several types of tumors in rats and mice, and methyl mercury has caused kidney
tumors in male mice.
Other TACs emitted from the kiln include hydrochloric acid (HCL), dioxins, furans, and
benzene. HCI may cause eye, nose and respiratory tract irritation and inflammation at acute
exposures and chronic exposure at lower concentrations may lead to gastritis, chronic bronchitis,
and skin problems. Exposure to dioxins and furans can cause skin disorders, liver problems,
impairment of the immune system and effects on the developing nervous system. Long term
exposure to benzene causes harmful effects on bone marrow, a decrease in red blood cells, and
can impair reproductive organ function in some women. Dioxin, furans, and benzene are all
recognized to cause carcinogenic effects from long term exposure.
Federal Regulations
Two federal rules address air emissions from the manufacture of Portland cement: New Source
Performance Standards (NSPS) and National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants
(NESHAP). EPA generally promulgates NSPS for specific industrial operations to address
emissions of criteria pollutants from new, modified, and reconstructed sources. NESHAP
addresses emissions of TACs (also known as hazardous air pollutants) from both new and
existing sources, and may have separate standards for each case.
The NSPS for Portland cement manufacture was originally promulgated in 1971, and has been
amended many times. Clean Air Act amendments of 1977 require a quadrennial review of all
NSPS and, if deemed appropriate, EPA revises the standard. The most recent amendments to the
NSPS were proposed in June of 2008 and finalized in August of 2010. The previous standard
remains in effect for all sources constructed after 1971. For facilities constructed, modified or
reconstructed after June 6, 2008, emissions standards have been made more stringent, and the
monitoring methodology has been modified. EPA is requiring continuous emission monitoring
systems (CEMS) for each of the three pollutants covered under the NSPS (PM, NOx, and SO2).
Because the Lehigh facility has not been modified or reconstructed after June 6, 2008, it is not
subject to the new emissions standard (modifications to the kiln in 1981 make them subject to
the 1979 standard).
EPA initially issued the NESHAP for Portland cement manufacture in 1999 to limit emissions of
PM as a surrogate for certain toxic metals contained in cement kiln and clinker cooler PM, to
limit dioxin/furan emissions, and to set a hydrocarbon limit for new kilns. Several organizations
filed petitions for judicial review of that rule. In 2000, the US Court of Appeals remanded parts
of the 1999 standard and instructed EPA to consider standards for hydrochloric acid (HCL),
mercury, total hydrocarbons, and metallic hazardous air pollutants. In December of 2006, EPA
issued final amendments to the NESHAP to set limits for mercury and total hydrocarbons for
kilns built after December 2, 2005 and to require that existing kilns meet "work practice"
standards to reduce emissions of mercury and hydrocarbons. In a separate December 2006
action, EPA announced that it would reconsider the emission limits for mercury and total
hydrocarbons for new cement kilns. Prior to that action, EPA had been sued by the cement
industry, environmental groups, and state environmental agencies on the final amendments, and
also received petitions to reconsider the existing source standards for mercury, hydrocarbons,
and the decision not to regulate HCI. On April 21, 2009 EPA proposed to amend the NESHAP
to reduce emissions of mercury, total hydrocarbons, HCI, and PM from both new and existing
cement kilns.
On August 6, 2010, EPA issued final amendments to both rules. These were then appealed
directly to EPA, and further challenged in Federal Court. On June 22, 2012, as part of a
settlement agreement, EPA revised its proposed emissions limits for PM and Organic HAPs, and
made changes to monitoring requirements and extended the compliance date to September 10,
2015. The revised NESHAP significantly reduces hazardous (toxic) emissions from new and
existing Portland cement kilns, and the NSPS further limits criteria pollutant emissions from new
and modified operations. Table 1 illustrates the standards in the federal NSPS for NOx, S02, and
PM; and Table 2 shows the NESHAP limits.
Table 1 —2012 New Source Performance Standards
Pollutant Emission Limit
Oxides of Nitrogen(NOx) 1.5 lb/ton of clinker, averaged over 30 days
Sulfur Dioxide (S02) 0.4 lb/ton of clinker, averaged over 30 days
Particulate Matter(PM)* 0.02 lb/ton of clinker, averaged over 30 days
Table 2—2012 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
Pollutant Existing Facilities New and Modified Facilities
Mercury 55 lbs/million tons of clinker, 21 lbs/million tons of clinker,
averaged over 30 days averaged over 30 days
Dioxins/Furans* 0.2 nanograms/dry standard 0.2 ng/dscm(TEQ)*, averaged
cubic meter(ng/dscm)(TEQ), over 24 hours
averaged over 24 hours
Total Hydrocarbons 24 parts per million by volume 24 ppmv, averaged over 30
(ppmv), averaged over 30 days days
Total Organic HAP* 12 parts per million by volume 12 ppmv, averaged over 30
(ppmv), averaged over 30 days days
Particulate Matter(PM)* 0.07 lb/ton of clinker, averaged 0.02 lb/ton of clinker, averaged
over 30 days over 30 days
Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) 3 ppmv, averaged over 30 days 3 ppmv, averaged over 30 days
*NOTES: The PM standards were raised from 0.01, and 0.04 to 0.02, and 0.07 in the June 2012
proposed revision. The Total Organic HAP standard was raised from 9 to 12 in the June 2012 proposed
revision. The Total Organic HAP standard is an jilternative to the Total Hydrocarbon Standard. The
Dioxin/Furan standard is unchanged from the previous NESHAP standard. Toxic Equivalent (TEQ)
weighs the toxicity of less toxic compounds as fractions of the most toxic compound of the group.
The amended NESHAP will reduce emissions of mercury, total hydrocarbons, HCI, and PM
from both new and existing kilns. EPA estimates that by that date the NESHAP will result in
national emissions reductions from cement kilns of 92% for mercury, 83% for total
hydrocarbons, and 97% for HCl. The federal regulation would reduce emissions at the Lehigh
facility by approximately the following amount,: 93% for mercury; 91% for total hydrocarbons;
and 70% for HCI. The Lehigh facility is not "new or modified" and so only the amended
NESHAP limits would apply and not the amended NSPS limits.
Legislation has been passed by the US House of Representatives and been introduced in the
Senate to stay or rescind these federal regulations. As stated previously, the NESHAP was
challenged in Federal Court, and a settlement agreement was reached in April of this year
between EPA and the Portland Cement Association and several cement manufacturers. The
agreement stayed the litigation and stipulated that EPA publish a notice of proposed rulemaking
that addresses the concerns raised regarding the standards and will either propose a two year
delay, or leave the NESHAP unchanged and solicit comments on potentially extending the
compliance deadline to 2015.
On June 22, 2012, EPA proposed revisions to the emissions standards for PM and Organic
HAPs, the methods of determining compliance for PM, and the compliance date. The PM
standards were changed from 0.01 pounds per ton of clinker for new kilns, and 0.04 pounds per
ton of clinker for existing kilns, to 0.02 pounds per ton of clinker, and 0.07 pounds per ton of
clinker. In addition, these limits are no longer averaged over 30 days, but rather over three
source test runs, since the revised rules do not rely on a PM CEMS. The standard for Organic
HAPs was raised from 9 ppmv to 12 ppmv, but the averaging period remains the same. The date
of Compliance was changed from September 9, 2013 to September 10, 2015, to allow facilities
more time to install emissions controls in order to comply with the rule requirements.
California Regulations
All cement kilns operating in California are subject to permitting by the local air district. Major
sources of air pollution like the Lehigh facility are required to obtain Title V operating permits
which incorporate the applicable NESHAP, NSPS and District regulations. There are currently
no State rules that specifically regulate cement manufacture, other than greenhouse gas
emissions reporting requirements and those rules governing the use of scrap tires as fuel.
Several air districts (Antelope Valley, Amador, Kern, Mojave, and Monterey Bay Unified) with
cement kilns operating within their jurisdiction have adopted regulations to address emissions of
NOx and/or PM from these sources. South Coast Air Quality Management District has adopted
several cement manufacturing regulations addressing emissions of NOx, PM, and CO, as well as
hexavalent chromium and fugitive dust. At least two of these regulations were adopted to
address specific conditions at individual cement manufacturing facilities.
Applicable BAAQMD Regulations
While there is currently no BAAQMD rule which specifically addresses cement manufacturing
operations, these operations are subject to a number of District regulations that govern permitting
(e.g., Regulation 2-1, 2-2), emissions of toxic or hazardous compounds (Reg. 2-5), and some
general or miscellaneous regulations for individual pollutants (Reg. 6-1 for PM, Reg. 8-2 for
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Reg. 9-1 for S02, and Reg. 11-1 for lead). Requirements
of these rules are incorporated into the Title V permit for Lehigh along with the applicable
federal requirements of the NESHAP and NSPS.
3.0 Technical Review
Controlling Emissions from Cement Manufacturing
The manufacturing of cement requires the movement and processing of many tons of material as
well as the combustion of large amounts of fuel in order to heat that material to extremely high
temperatures. Emissions of pollutants are directly attributable to both the fuel combustion and
materials processing. Any improvements to the efficiency of the material handling processes as
well as the delivery of heat can result in a reduction in emissions to the atmosphere. Over many
years of operation Lehigh has implemented efficiency related modifications to their process as
the state-of-the-art of cement manufacturing has developed. The facility has switched from a
wet to a dry process, introduced heat recovery methods, and installed a precalcining tower. The
driving force behind these modifications has been financial, but the improved efficiency has also
reduced emissions. There do not appear to be any obvious additional modifications of this type
that might be undertaken at this time. Add-on emissions control or improvements to existing
emissions control devices hold far greater potential to reduce emissions in a cost effective
NOx Emissions Control
The formation of NOx during the manufacture of cement is due to the high temperature,
oxidizing atmosphere necessary for clinker formation. NOx is primarily formed by two
mechanisms: the oxidation of molecular nitrogen in the combustion air or "thermal NOx"; and
the oxidation of nitrogen compounds in the fuel or "fuel NOx". Although the contribution of
fuel NOx cannot be discounted, in the high temperature zone of cement kilns, thermal NOx is the
dominant contributor to NOx formation. Additionally, some NOx may be formed by oxidation
of nitrogen compounds from the raw materials or "feed NOx", and a small amount of NOx is
formed instantaneously at the flame surface or "prompt NOx." The predominant nitrogen
species in cement kiln exhaust gas is NO, at typically up to 90-95%, with NO2 accounting for the
A number of post-combustion or add-on control techniques have proven successful at removing
NOx in exhaust streams from a variety of industrial combustion sources. These include
scrubbing technology utilizing various chemical additives, oxidation technology utilizing
hydrogen peroxide, and selective reduction technology utilizing ammonia or urea injection either
with or without a catalyst present. The applicability of these add-on NOx controls to the exhaust
from cement kilns is somewhat limited by high temperature, high flow rate, and high level of
particulate in the exhaust. The cost, availability, and handling requirements of the chemical
additives can further restrict their usefulness in this application. The two post-combustion
techniques that present the greatest likelihood of successful NOx reduction from cement kiln
exhaust are selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) and selective catalytic reduction (SCR).
Both SNCR and SCR utilize a nitrogen based reducing agent (usually ammonia or urea) to
convert NOx into molecular nitrogen (N2) and water vapor(H2O).
Use of either SNCR or SCR would require substantial equipment upgrades as well as operational
modifications to any cement manufacturing plant. Operational plans and equipment are required
for the delivery, storage, and mixing of the ammonia-based reagent. The complexity of this
depends on the form of the reagent used. The performance of these systems is highly dependent
on temperature, residence time, and concentration of the applied reagent. Control systems to
monitor these variables as well as CEMS for NOx and ammonia are required to determine the
optimum conditions to maximize NOx control and minimize emissions of unreacted ammonia.
Emissions to the atmosphere of unreacted ammonia resulting from the use of SNCR and SCR are
referred to as "ammonia slip" and can result in odor concerns, stack plume visibility problems
and secondary PM formation. Additional issues associated with poorly managed SNCR systems
at cement plants include the potential for increased emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), and
N2O (more likely when using urea as a reagent).
SNCR has proven an effective means of NOx control at a number of cement kilns across Europe,
Japan, and the United States. The first trial use of this technology in cement manufacturing
occurred in Europe in 1979, with further trials carried out at cement plants in Europe and Japan
throughout the 1980s. As of 2007, over 60 cement plants across Europe utilized SNCR for the
control of NOx emissions achieving control efficiencies in excess of 50%. Higher NOx
reduction efficiencies are possible when SNCR is paired with staged combustion or some other
combustion modification. In the United States, the application of SNCR to cement kilns is more
recent and initially only proved successful on preheater/precalciner kilns. However, there are
currently several cement plants across the country utilizing SNCR including wet kilns, long kilns
and those using waste derived fuels. Reported NOx control efficiencies for the US applications
run from 12%to 65%. Higher efficiencies are generally associated with higher concentrations of
ammonia added to the flue gas, and this often results in greater ammonia slip (emissions of
unreacted ammonia).
SCR has proven an effective means of NOx control for a variety of combustion sources, from
gas turbines at power plants to industrial boilers to diesel locomotives and even automobiles.
The application of this technology to cement kilns is much more limited. Primarily, this is due to
the high levels of dust in cement kiln gas at the temperature favorable for SCR use. In
determining emissions levels for the NSPS, EPA considered lower NOx levels based on
performance of SCR, but determined that SCR was not "sufficiently demonstrated technology
for this industry."
PM Emissions Control
Particulate emissions arise from a variety of activities at cement manufacturing facilities, some
of which are amenable to collection and control by add-on systems and some of which are
fugitive in nature (i.e., not emitted from a stack) but which may be nevertheless reduced by
mitigation methods. Dust sources amenable to collection and control include crushing, mixing
and storage of raw materials, clinker production and cooling, finish grinding, and packaging. Of
these sources, the largest single point of emissions are the stack emissions from the kiln
including the feed system, fuel firing, and clinker cooling and handling systems. Fugitive
emission come from quarrying and primary crushing of raw materials, storage and handling of
raw materials, fuel, clinker, and finished product, and from vehicle traffic.
Fugitive dust emissions are best controlled by efficient site design and lay-out as well as proper
maintenance and operation of equipment to reduce spillage and air leakage from collection
systems. These can be addressed appropriately in a dust mitigation plan and operation and
maintenance plan. Fugitive dust control and mitigation measures may include open pile wind
protection, use of water spray or chemical dust suppressors, paving, road wetting, and
housekeeping requirements, and humidification of stockpiles. Additional measures may include
enclosing or encapsulating dusty operations such as grinding, screening and mixing, covering
conveyors and elevators, vacuum systems to prevent formation of diffuse dust from spillage
during maintenance operations, and flexible filling pipes for dispatch and loading processes.
Particularly dusty operations may require ventilation and collection by a control device similar to
that for stack emissions.
Various systems have been employed in the cement industry to control point source or stack
emissions in the past, but the predominant means, of add-on particulate control currently in use
are either fabric filtration (bag houses), electrostatic precipitation (ESP) or a combination of the
two (hybrid filters). Hybrid filters are often ESP systems that have been modified to include a
bag house in order to extend the useful life of the control device. In some cases a cyclonic
separator may be used to remove larger particulate matter upstream of these fine particulate
control devices.
Fabric filters are very efficient at dust collection, with the basic principle of a fabric membrane
that allows the gas to pass but retains particulate. The most common large scale systems use
hanging bags arranged geometrically across the top of a box or chamber, hence the name "bag
house." Dust is deposited both on the surface and within the fabric, and in time the dust itself
becomes the dominant filtering medium. Periodic cleaning of the fabric membrane is required as
dust builds up and resistance to gas flow increases. The most common cleaning methods are
compressed air pulsing, reverse airflow, mechanical shaking or vibration. Usually baghouses
have multiple chambers that can be isolated in ease of bag failure, and to maintain efficiency
during the cleaning cycle. Filter bags are available in a variety of woven and nonwoven fabrics
with some synthetic fabrics that can operate effectively at temperatures above 500°F.
Monitoring systems such as bag leak detectors can ensure continuous efficient operation of the
control equipment and often detect failures in advance of emissions excesses.
TACs Emissions Control
The TACs addressed in the proposed regulation as well as the federal NESHAP come in a
variety of forms, so that control thereof is equally varied. The addition of adsorptive materials to
the production process can be utilized to adsorb organic compounds, ammonia and ammonium
compounds, HCl and mercury. The removal of toxic compounds that are emitted in solid form
such as lead, beryllium and chrome is also increased slightly by the use of activated carbon.
Acidic compounds can be removed through use of scrubbers which either spray caustic liquid
into the kiln itself or into a separate reaction chamber downstream of the kiln. Alternatively, dry
lime can be utilized in place of the caustic solution. Dioxins and furans are controlled by
activated carbon or through operational controls such as maintaining a lower inlet temperature to
the baghouse or other particulate abatement device.
Adsorption addition refers to adding lime or activated carbon to the cement manufacturing
process in either a wet or dry form when raw materials are mixed prior to entering the kiln, or
directly incorporated into the clinker formation process. The lime may be calcium oxide (CaO)
or any of the various chemical and physical forms of quicklime, hydrated lime, or hydraulic
lime. Dry scrubbing is another term for the addition of dry CaO and this has already been
implemented to a degree at Lehigh. Two raw mills are situated immediately prior to final mixing
of the raw materials and test results show a decrease in emissions when these are operating due
to the increased addition of pulverized limestone into the flue gas. A suspension of hydrated
lime in water may be sprayed into the cement kiln flue gas to reduce emissions and is called lime
slurry injection (LSI). Lehigh obtained a permit from the District in 2010 to add LSI to their
process (injection point at the last stage of the preheater/precalciner) and the system has been
installed and used on a trial testing basis. The facility is awaiting county approval before
beginning full scale operation.
Organic compounds, ammonia and ammonium compounds, HCI, mercury, S02, and to a lesser
extent, residual dust can be removed by adsorption by activated carbon. As stated above,
activated carbon can be injected into the cement manufacturing process (ACI), or alternatively
the kiln gases can be routed to packed beds or filters. In both cases, the saturated carbon is then
added to the fuel mix in the kiln. Lehigh applied for a permit from the District to install ACI
primarily to reduce emissions of mercury. The installation was completed and ACI was fully
operational beginning in May 2011.
4.0 Regulatory Proposal
The District is considering adoption of Regulation 9, Rule 13 to achieve the maximum feasible,
cost effective emissions reductions of NOx and PM in concert with efforts to bring the Lehigh
facility into compliance with limits for TACs consistent with the federal NESHAP. As an
existing facility, Lehigh is not subject to the criteria pollutant emissions standards of the
amended NSPS. Significant modifications will be required to reduce TAC emissions, including
additional controls such as LSI and ACI, as well as enhanced monitoring requirements. The
emission limits proposed in Regulation 9, Rule 13 represent the maximum feasible NOx and PM
controls as applied to an existing unmodified source. The equipment modifications necessary to
meet the proposed NOx emission limit may result in some excess ammonia emissions.
Ammonia is a TAC and a precursor to secondarrf particulate matter formation; for this reason an
ammonia emission limit is included in the proposed rule. Additional requirements of the
proposed rule address concerns over the present configuration of the emission point from the
kiln, and the need for enforceable fugitive dust control and mitigation measures. The proposed
effective date of September 9, 2013 corresponds with that of the 2010 amended NESHAP and
Criteria Pollutant Emissions Limits
Pursuant to the authority granted by Health & Safety Code Section 40001 to adopt rules to
achieve state and federal ambient air standards, the District proposes the following emission
limits for Portland cement manufacturing kilns:
➢ 2.3 pounds NOx per ton of clinker produced averaged over 30 days
➢ 0.04 pounds PM per ton of clinker produced averaged over 3 source test runs
➢ 10 ppmv ammonia above baseline, dry at 7% oxygen averaged over 24 hours.
Where possible, limits and averaging times are- expressed so as to maintain consistency with
federal standards and represent the most stringent limits that Lehigh can achieve for these
pollutants in a cost-effective manner. Staff has evaluated the controls required by the federal
standards and has proposed these standards based on reasonably achievable emission rates for
this facility. These emission limits will require the use of a continuous emission monitoring
system (CEMS) or parametric monitors, as well as a means of monitoring and recording the
production rates. CEMS, parametric monitors, and production monitoring requirements are
detailed in the monitoring and records section of the rule. There is currently no commercially
available CEMS for PM, and since the compliance date for the Federal rules has be delayed until
2015, there is no longer a reasonable expectation that this parametric monitoring equipment will
become available by September 9, 2013. District staff has proposed a standard that relies on
source testing to determine compliance for PM. In order to ensure the operational integrity of
the PM control equipment, the rule specifies parametric monitoring that may take the form of
PM CEMS when they become available, or bag leak detection systems in the interim. Lehigh
has already installed a parametric monitor to measure ammonia and is currently calibrating and
testing this equipment for quality assurance of the measurements. All CEMS and parametric
monitors are required to comply with the provisions of the District Manual of Procedures,
federal requirements, and to maintain records as provided in District Regulation 1. An initial
demonstration of compliance with these emission limits must be performed within 90 operating
days of the effective date of the rule and repeated annually thereafter.
TAC Emissions Limits
Pursuant to the authority granted by Health & Safety Code Section 39659 to regulate TACs, the
following emission limits are proposed:
➢ 0.2 nanograms Dioxins/Furans (TEQ) per standard cubic meter, dry at 7% oxygen
averaged over 24 hours
➢ 55 pounds Mercury per million tons of clinker produced averaged over 30 days
➢ 3 ppmv HCI, dry at 7% oxygen averaged over 30 days
➢ 24 ppmv Total Hydrocarbons (THC), dry at 7% oxygen averaged over 30 days, or
alternatively, 12 ppmv Total Organic HAP, dry at 7% oxygen averaged over 30 days.
The proposed emissions limits are consistent with the revised 2012 NESHAP standards but with
compliance deadlines consistent with that of the previous 2010 NESHAP, September 9, 2013.
These proposed standards will provide protection to nearby communities should the federal rules
be further delayed or overturned either through legislative efforts or pending litigation. Lehigh
has already installed control equipment (LSI and ACI) and monitoring equipment (CEMS and
parametric monitors) in order to meet the compliance date of the federal rules.
Opacity Standard and Dust Control
District staff proposes an opacity limit of 10 percent opacity lasting for no more than three
minutes in any one hour period from any emission point or miscellaneous operation.
Compliance with this standard will be facilitated through the following dust mitigation control
➢ Mitigation measures to minimize fugitive dust emissions from disturbed soil, open
areas and unpaved roads
➢ Surface stabilization methods for material storage piles and dust suppression methods
for material transfer processes, material handling equipment, housekeeping, and
material cleanup
➢ Track-out prevention and control provisions to minimize dust emissions from paved
➢ Vehicle traffic speed limits
➢ Provisions to minimize emissions from material transfer and blasting at rock quarries
➢ Personnel training procedures.
These fugitive dust mitigation measures were derived from the Fugitive Dust Control Plan
(FDCP)that Lehigh developed in cooperation with the District, as part of Lehigh's recent Title V
permit renewal. To provide clarity and improve enforceability, additional definitions and test
methods were derived from the California Air Resources Board Asbestos Airborne Toxic
Control Measure for Construction, Grading, Quanying, and Surface Mining Operations.
Emission Point Requirements
District staff has proposed that emissions from the kiln be monitored continuously, and enter the
atmosphere from a point, or points, that have been demonstrated to not cause an unacceptable
health risk to the community surrounding the facility. Lehigh anticipates making several
modifications to the facility necessary for compliance with NESHAP provisions. The proposed
regulation will require anyone operating a Portland cement manufacturing facility to demonstrate
that emissions from the kiln, when combined with other facility emissions and operating at
maximum permitted throughput, will not trigger the notification requirements of the Air Toxics
"Hot Spots" Information and Assessment Act as codified in California Health and Safety Code
Section 44300
As part of the Air Toxics Hot Spots (ATHS) program, the District required Lehigh to prepare a
comprehensive Health Risk Assessment (HRA) based on recently updated California Office of
Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) guidelines. After District staff noted
several discrepancies and./or errors and requested revisions to the HRA submitted by Lehigh in
September 2010, a revised HRA was submitted in March 2011. The HRA included several
emissions scenarios covering operation before and after implementation of the sorbent (lime and
activated carbon) injection systems, as well as a projected future 2013 scenario considering
additional risk reduction measures necessary to comply with NESHAP requirements (e.g. a
modified kiln dust collector with higher single exhaust stack, and more stringent emissions
standards for toxic air contaminants) and based on maximum permitted capacity (1.6 million
tons of clinker). The HRA indicated that health risk levels associated with operation of the
facility are below the significance thresholds which would trigger public notification under
provisions of the ATHS program. District staff found the HRA to be completed in accordance
with ATHS program guidelines and OEHHA staff reviewed the HRA document and provided
comments,but did not note any significant issues.
After initially proposing a single 300 foot stack for their kiln, Lehigh has requested greater
flexibility to accommodate other potential stack locations, configurations, and number of
emissions points. Structural constraints, dynamic back pressure on the plume, as well as
aesthetics and compliance with local building codes place constraints on the actual height of the
stack. The number of emissions points is constrained by the continuous monitoring requirement
on all emission points, due to the costs associated with installing and operating monitoring
equipment. The proposed regulation is written to accommodate these alternatives while ensuring
that the reductions in health risk to the surrounding community is maintained.
Sulfur Dioxide
On June 2, 2010, EPA established a new one-hour SO2 ambient air quality standard which
became effective on August 23, 2010. The new national standard, 0.075 ppmv, is considerably
more stringent than the existing California ambient air quality standard, 0.25 ppmv. District
staff is examining whether existing sources of S02, including Lehigh, have emissions sufficient
to result in SO2 concentrations above the new ambient standard. Based on preliminary
dispersion modeling according to EPA specified methodology, Lehigh's SO2 emissions may
result in modeled concentrations above the standard; however, monitoring data for several other
facilities indicate that modeling may significantly over-estimate ambient concentrations. This is
likely due to the complex terrain surrounding the Lehigh facility, which is not adequately
accommodated by the AERMOD model. In such instances, the model greatly over-predicts the
likely downwind concentration (between 5 and 10 times the monitored data for complex terrain
versus twice the monitored data for flat terrain). District staff is evaluating the potential of other
models to more closely correlate with existing monitoring and improve the accuracy of the
modeled results. Currently Lehigh is limited by permit condition to SO2 emissions of 481
pounds per hour.
As mentioned previously, the LSI and ACI systems recently installed at Lehigh will reduce SO2
emissions and the elevated stack will greatly reduce ground level concentrations of this
pollutant. No SO2 emissions standard is being proposed in this rule at this time; however, should
future modeling or monitoring results indicate the need for SO2 reductions from the facility, an
emissions standard will be proposed that ensures that Lehigh does not cause an exceedance of
the new standard. The facility is required to operate a CEMS to continuously monitor emissions
Of SO2 and provide monthly summary reports as part of its Title V permit. District staff will
utilize this data in determining any future SO2 emissions standard.
5.0 Emissions Reductions
Emissions to the atmosphere from the manufacture of cement primarily come from combustion
of fuel to heat the kiln, with additional point source particulate emissions from the kiln, grinding
and mixing operations, and fugitive particulate emissions from transport of materials. Choice of
fuel can impact combustion emissions, whether it is natural gas, coal, petroleum coke, or tires.
Currently no cement kiln in the US is fired by natural gas due to substantially higher cost and
availability concerns. For other source categories, natural gas presents a cleaner burning fuel
option; however, cement kilns have dramatically higher NOx emissions when fired by natural
gas as opposed to coal or petroleum coke. Lehigh currently uses 100% petroleum coke, having
switched from a mixture of coal and petroleum coke in 2007. Generally, emissions of concern
from cement manufacture are the criteria pollutants (NOx, PM, S02, and precursor organic
compounds) and toxic air contaminants (TACs) from combustion. TACs include benzene,
hydrochloric acid, dioxins and furans, as well as trace metals such as mercury, cadmium, arsenic,
nickel, chromium, and manganese. In addition, cement kilns generate large amounts of
greenhouse gases,primarily carbon dioxide(CO;>).
Emissions Inventory
Table 3 shows the average daily emissions From the cement kiln at Lehigh according to
BAAQMD records for 2010. These values are determined by emission factors assigned by
District permit engineers, stack testing, mass balance estimates, and the annual throughput of
fuel used and clinker produced as reported by the facility. Lehigh reported that they produced
847 thousand tons of clinker in 2010, a little over half the permitted amount of 1.6 million tons
per year.
Table 3—Lehigh Southwest Cement Company Kiln Emissions (2010)
Pollutant Average emissions in pounds Average emissions in
per day pounds per ton of clinker
Particulate Matter(PM) 32.62 1.40E-02
Precursor Organics (POC) 59.2 2.55E-02
Oxides of Nitrogen(NOx) 9,:?90 4.00E+00
Sulfur Dioxide(S02) 2,665 1.15E+00
Carbon Monoxide (CO) 5,435 2.34E+00
Benzene 16.1 6.84E-03
Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) 1.79 7.63E-02
Mercury 0.72 3.05E-04
Total Equivalent CO2 4.08E+06 1.76E+03*
*NOTE. Total equivalent CO2 value calculated based on 2008 inventory scaled by the ratio of reported
clinker produced for 2010 and 2008.
Emissions Reductions
The proposed rule would limit emissions of NOx to 2.3 pounds per ton of clinker produced. This
translates to a reduction in NOx emissions from the kiln of 2 tons per day or a 42% reduction
over current levels. Lehigh is subject to the NESHAP emission limits and has already taken
steps to meet these limits through application of the LSI and ACI systems detailed in the
Technical Review section of this report. Operation of this equipment will have a side-benefit of
reducing emissions of S02 over previous levels, although it would be difficult to estimate the
exact reduction in S02 emissions.
Reductions in particulate matter emissions are more difficult to quantify than the NOx
reductions. The Lehigh kiln currently emits at a rate only slightly above the proposed standard
for PM which is consistent with the 2010 NESHAP standard for existing sources. Compliance
with the fugitive dust control and mitigation provisions of the rule will also help to ensure the
continued minimization of fugitive dust emissions. The proposed limit for NOx will decrease
the potential for secondary particulate formation, and the proposed standard for ammonia
emissions will limit potential secondary particulate formed by increased ammonia emissions
resulting from NOx control.
As part of the 2010 Clean Air Plan, District staff developed a multi-pollutant evaluation method
(MPEM) to evaluate the benefits of the proposed control measures contained in the plan. The
MPEM can be used to calculate the reductions in PM2.5 from its precursors, NOx, S02, and
ammonia, based on air quality modeling. The emissions reduction of NOx combined with the
proposed ammonia emission standard would be equivalent to a PM2.5 emission reduction of 8.7
tons per year. This number would be slightly increased by the side-benefit reduction in S02
emissions mentioned previously.
Emissions from the kiln and the expected reduction resulting from the proposed rule are
provided in Table 4:
Table 4—Lehigh Kiln Emissions and Emissions Reductions from proposed Reg. 9-13
Pollutant Average emissions in pounds Average emissions reduction
per day(2010) in pounds per day
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) 9,290 3,900
Particulate Matter(PM) 32.62 3.3*
Precursor Organics (POC) 59.2 54
Benzene 16.1 14.5
Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) 179 125
Mercury 0.72 0.67
*NOTE:Does not include reductions of secondary PM or fugitive dust from miscellaneous sources.
6.0 Economic Impacts
Cost of Controls
Lehigh is undergoing major modifications at their facility to meet the federally-imposed
NESHAP requirements. Regulation 9, Rule 13 is being proposed at this time to integrate
controls to reduce NOx into Lehigh's planning process, as well as provide a backstop in the
event that amendments to the NESHAP are delayed or rescinded. Some of the cost impacts are a
result of the EPA mandates and some are the result of the District proposal. Costs attributable to
federal compliance include capital and operational costs for TAC control and monitoring
equipment, as well as costs for maintenance and reporting of that equipment. Costs associated
with the proposed District rule include capital and operational costs for NOx control equipment,
stack modifications, and possibly operation and maintenance costs for TAC control and
monitoring if the NESHAP compliance deadline is delayed two years. EPA evaluated the cost
impacts of the final amendments to the NESHAP and NSPS in documents issued at the same
time as those final rules. The costs are nationwide estimates, based on 140 existing and 16 new
kilns, and actual costs may vary at individual facilities. Lehigh has provided estimates of costs
anticipated for modifications necessary to comply with both the NESHAP and the proposed
District rule. Staff verified these estimates through comparison to EPA studies and other sources
of information on the Portland cement industry.
In order to meet the emission limits and monitoring provisions of the NESHAP, Lehigh will
need to install control equipment as well as CEMS or parametric monitors for each emission
point from the kiln and clinker cooler. The ba.ghouses at Lehigh are compartmentalized and
have multiple emission points, so Lehigh representatives have told District staff they plan to
manifold these to reduce the number of individual monitoring points. This will allow
consolidation of monitoring equipment that would be required at each emission point, saving the
cost of multiple monitors. Capital costs for modifications to the kiln mill dust collector(KMDC)
and clinker cooler dust collector are $28.5 million. In addition Lehigh anticipates it will need to
modify the clinker withdraw building at a cost of$1 million. Lehigh has installed a hydrated
lime injection system (LSI) as well as activated carbon injection (ACI) in order to meet the
NESHAP emission limits; these cost $700 thousand and $735 thousand respectively.
Continuous monitoring equipment for THC, HG, mercury, and PM are estimated to cost $1.5
million to install. Total capital expenditure for equipment necessary to comply with the federal
NESHAP is then $32.4 million.
There are costs associated with the operation of this equipment including power generation,
delivery and handling of the activated carbon and hydrated lime, and operation, maintenance and
reporting for monitoring equipment. Some of these costs are dependent on the cement
production rate at the facility. ACI operation will cost $1.10 per ton of clinker produced or $1.2
million per year based on average production over the last 10 years of operation ($1.7 million at
maximum permitted capacity). LSI operation will cost slightly higher per ton of clinker at $1.26
million per year based on the same 10 year average ($1.8 million at max capacity). Operation,
maintenance and reporting costs for the CEMs are estimated at $360 thousand per year. Total
operating costs for compliance with the NESHAP are then $2.84 million per year.
The total annualized costs for compliance with the NESHAP is found by annualizing the capital
expenditures and adding them to the yearly operating costs. The equipment costs capitalized
over a 20 year period using a levelized cash flow method come to $5.52 million per year.
Adding this to the annual operating cost provided in the previous paragraphs yields total annual
costs due to compliance with the NESHAP of$8.36 million.
Using the EPA estimates for a similarly sized and configured kiln as exists at Lehigh, NOx
control utilizing SNCR would have a capital cost of$2.3 million, and an annual operating cost of
$922 thousand. Similar to the adsorbent injection systems for control of TAC's, the SNCR
operational costs are dependent on cement production levels. Lehigh has provided an estimated
capital cost resulting from the District proposal that is consistent with this estimate. The
emissions standard for NOx contained in the NSPS is based on control using SNCR combined
with a well-designed preheater/precalciner utilizing staged combustion. The estimated costs of
modifying Lehigh's facility to include staged combustion in the preheater/precalciner would be
$15-20 million. SCR, while well-established as a means of NOx control for other source
categories was not considered by EPA as it is relatively unproven as applied to cement kilns (see
the Technical Review section of this report). CEM measurement of NOx emissions is already
required by District permit conditions so monitoring costs are not attributed to the proposed rule.
Lehigh has provided estimates for the cost to construct a 300 foot stack based on the updated
HRA 2013 emissions scenario as well as the draft rule proposed at workshop. The final
configuration of the emissions stack may change but this estimated capital cost of$2.5 million
remains a reasonable estimate of the costs associated with compliance with the emissions point
provisions of the proposed rule. Lehigh will have to provide an HRA demonstration of the final
configuration, which may entail some costs, but the impetus for the 300 foot stack came from the
updated HRA and ATHS notification provisions. Whatever the final configuration of the
emissions stack, an updated HRA would be required as part of the ATHS program.
The total annualized costs for compliance with the proposed District rule may be found by
annualizing the capital expenditures and adding them to the yearly operating costs. The SNCR
equipment costs capitalized over a 20 year period using a levelized cash flow method come to
$392 thousand per year. The cost for the modified emissions point capitalized over 20 years by
the same method comes to $426 thousand per year. Adding this to the annual operating cost for
the SNCR provided above yields total annual costs due to compliance with the proposed rule of
$1.74 million.
Costs for implementation of the Fugitive Dust Control Measures are considered to be minimal.
These provisions are already in place as a condition of Lehigh's Title V permit. The inclusion of
these measures as requirements of the proposed rule is meant to codify the FDCP and improve
enforceability of the provisions contained therein.
Cost Effectiveness
The cost effectiveness of a rule is the sum of compliance costs divided by the expected emissions
reduction. This analysis will be limited to NOx, since the TAC emissions reductions comprise
several compounds of varying toxicity, and the costs are attributable to compliance with
requirements of the federal NESHAP. The costs for modification of the emissions stack are
included as these may largely be attributable to the proposed regulation, although, as previously
mentioned, manifolding of stacks allows Lehigh to consolidate monitoring equipment that would
be required at each emission point, saving the cost of multiple monitors. Total annualized costs
for compliance with the rule amounts to $1.74 million. The average NOx emissions rate prior to
implementation of controls was 4.0 pounds per ton of clinker produced, and the proposed
emissions standard is 2.3 pounds per ton of clinker produced. Taking the difference and
assuming the same 10 year average of production levels as for the cost analysis above, yields a
cost effectiveness (C.E.) of-
C.E. _ $1.74 million/ {(4.0-2.3) *(pounds NOx/ton clinker) *(70%) *(1.6 million tons clinker)}.
C.E. _ $0.91 / {pounds NOx reduced *(1 ton/2,000 pounds)) _ $1,828 per ton NOx reduced.
$1,828 per ton NOx reduced is among the most cost effective NOx rules considered by the
Incremental Cost Analysis
Section 40920.6 of the California Health and Safety Code requires an air district to perform an
incremental cost analysis for any proposed Best Available Retrofit Control Technology rule or
feasible measure. The air district must: (1) identify one or more control options achieving the
emission reduction objectives for the proposed rule, (2) determine the cost effectiveness for each
option, and (3) calculate the incremental cost effectiveness for each option. To determine
incremental costs, the air district must "calculate the difference in the dollar costs divided by the
difference in the emission reduction potentials between each progressively more stringent
potential control option as compared to the next less expensive control option."
To evaluate the incremental cost effectiveness of compliance with a more stringent option, staff
compared the NOx standard of the proposed rule (2.3 lbs NOx/ton of clinker produced) with the
NSPS standard (1.5 lbs NOx/ton of clinker produced). Compliance with the NSPS NOx
standard would require redesign and construction of the preheater/precalciner. These costs were
provided in the preceding Cost of Controls section ($15-20 million). The annualized capital
costs using the same 20 year levelized cash flow method would come to $3.4 million (using the
high estimate for reconstruction). Using this increment of increased compliance costs for the
rule and inserting the difference between the proposed standard and that of the NSPS into the
cost effectiveness equation above yields and incremental cost effectiveness (I.C.E) of-
I.C.E. _ $3.4 million/ {(2.3-1.5) *(pounds NOx/ton clinker) .(70%) _(1.6 million tons clinker)}.
I.C.E. _ $3.8 / {pounds NOx reduced *(1 ton/2,000 pounds)) _ $7,573 per ton NOx reduced.
Meeting the more stringent NSPS emissions level would come at a cost of more than four times
the cost of meeting the proposed standard in terms of dollars per ton of additional NOx reduced.
The proposed rule appears to be extremely cost effective, as District rules to reduce NOx
typically range between 7 to 20 thousand dollars per ton of NOx reduced; however, the
socioeconomic analysis shows that the cost of District and NESHAP controls is a significant
economic impact.
Socioeconomic Analysis
Section 40728.5 of the California Health and Safety Code requires an air district to assess the
socioeconomic impacts of the adoption, amendment or repeal of a rule if the rule is one that"will
significantly affect air quality or emissions limitations." BAE Urban Economics of Emeryville,
California has prepared a socioeconomic analysis of the proposed rule and it is attached to this
report as Appendix A.* The analysis concludes that the proposed regulation would have a
significant economic impact to the affected industry. BAE Urban Economics found an average
profit margin for the Portland cement manufacturing sector of 6.5% of total revenue. The annual
profit for Lehigh was estimated to be $6.6 million. Compliance with the rule would result in an
18% reduction in established profit, which is above the California ARB 10% threshold used to
determine cost burden.
The cost burden for compliance with emissions standards in the federal rules is even higher. If
the District were to impose the NSPS limit of 1.5 pounds NOx per ton of clinker, compliance
would result in a 30% reduction in profit. As this is three times the ARB threshold, it is easier to
see the infeasibility of such a requirement even given the seemingly low incremental cost-
effectiveness of this more stringent standard. Compliance with the requirements of the NESHAP
already imposes compliance costs representing 43% of Lehigh's annual profit.
The Portland cement manufacturing industry may be able to pass these compliance costs on to
consumers. An industry's ability to pass through costs is more likely when a product is demand-
" NOTE: The Socioeconomic Analysis conducted by BAE Urban Economics uses a straight line
depreciation method for calculating costs. This divides total costs by time period considered. Capital
costs are annualized over 20 years. For the purposes of calculating cost effectiveness and incremental
cost effectiveness, staff used the levelized cash-flow method typical of District regulatory economic
analyses. The levelized cash flow method incorporates an interest rate into the capital recovery factor for
annualized costs, in this case 5%.
inelastic, but in the case of this industry that ability is somewhat unknown. The United States
imports about 20% of cement to meet construction needs, so the impact on one facility, or the
nation's facilities in the case of the NESHAP, may not be able to be passed through to customers
without increasing imports. For Lehigh to reduce the costs of compliance with the proposed
District rule to the 10% threshold, the cost of cement would have to increase by 0.72% or 72
cents per ton. The NESHAP costs are 43% of Lehigh's annual profit, and to pass these costs
onto consumers, the price of cement would need to increase by $3.18 per ton (3.18%).
Combining the costs of compliance with the proposed rule and the NESHAP, Lehigh would need
to increase the cost of cement by $4.48 per ton to completely offset the costs of both rules, and
by $3.53 to reduce the cost impact to the 10% threshold.
As part of the analysis of their amendments to the NESHAP, EPA examined the economic
impacts in the report, "Regulatory Impact Analysis: Amendments to the National Emissions
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for the
Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry, Final Report" issued August 2010. EPA estimated
that compliance with the NESHAP standards could raise the price of cement $4.50 to $5.00 per
ton (2005 prices). They further estimated that cement imports could rise by 10% to offset
reduction in domestic production and price increases.
On June 22, 2012, EPA proposed revisions to the NESHAP as a response to a settlement
agreement signed by EPA and the cement manufacturing industry. Among the proposed
revisions was that of the effective date from September 9, 2013 to September 10, 2015. As a
result, if the federal proposal is finalized without change, the proposed District rule would result
in two years costs of compliance and monitoring of the TACs addressed in the NESHAP. After
which, all Portland cement facilities in the US would be subject to the same standards.
7.0 Environmental Impacts
California Environmental Quality Act
Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, the District has had an initial study for the
proposed rule prepared by Environmental Audit, Inc. of Placentia, California. The initial study
concludes that there are no potential significant adverse environmental impacts associated with
the proposed rule. A negative declaration is proposed for approval by the District Board of
Directors. A copy of the negative declaration and initial study is attached to this report as
Appendix B and has been made available for public comment.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
In June, 2005, the District's Board of Directors adopted a resolution recognizing the link
between global climate change and localized air pollution impacts. Climate change, or global
warming, is the process whereby emissions of anthropogenic pollutants, together with other
naturally-occurring gases, absorb infrared radiation in the atmosphere, leading to increases in the
overall average global temperature.
While carbon dioxide (CO2) is the largest contributor to global climate change, methane,
halogenated carbon compounds, nitrous oxide, and other species also contribute to climate
change. Gases in the atmosphere can contribute to the greenhouse effect both directly and
indirectly. Direct effects occur when the gas itself is a greenhouse gas (GHG). While there is
relative agreement on how to account for these direct effects of GHG emissions, accounting for
indirect effects is more problematic. Indirect effects occur when chemical transformations of the
original compound produce other GHGs, when a gas influences the atmospheric lifetimes of
methane, and/or when a gas affects atmospheric processes that alter the radiative balance of the
earth (e.g., affect cloud formation).
Adoption of Regulation 9, Rule 13 will not result in any adverse impact on the emissions of
GHGs. The regulation includes an emissions standard for total hydrocarbons that may result in a
reduction of methane emissions, although consistent with the NESHAP, the rule contains an
alternative standard for total Organic HAP emissions which would exclude methane emissions.
Operation of the controls necessary to meet the other emissions standards may result in a
minimal increase in energy demand, but is unlikely to increase emissions of GHGs from the kiln
8.0 Regulatory Impacts
Section 40727.2 of the Health and Safety Code requires an air district, in adopting, amending, or
repealing an air district regulation, to identify existing federal and district air pollution control
requirements for the equipment or source type affected by the proposed change in air district
rules. The air district must then note any difference between these existing requirements and the
requirements imposed by the proposed change.
As stated in the Background section of this report, there are two federal rules which govern air
emissions from the manufacture of Portland cement. The NSPS provides emissions standards for
NOx, S02, and PM from new or modified Portland cement kilns and the NESHAP provides
emissions standards for TACs from all Portland cement kilns with one set of standards for
existing kilns, and one for new or modified kilns. The kiln at Lehigh has not undergone
sufficient modification to be deemed new or modified after the effective dates of either rule, so is
subject to only the existing source emissions standards contained in the NESHAP. All of these
standards for TACs are included in the District's proposed rule. The proposed rule has an
effective date of September 9, 2013 which is consistent with the 2010 version of the NESHAP,
but this date has been proposed to be delayed two years pending EPA's final decision due in
December of 2012. In addition, the proposed federal PM standard has been raised to 0.07
pounds per ton of clinker. The District's proposed 0.04 pounds per ton of clinker standard for
PM would be more stringent. The proposed rule contains a NOx standard that is less stringent
than that contained in the NSPS, but since the Lehigh facility is not new or modified, this
proposed standard is in effect more stringent than what is required by federal rules.
Additionally, the proposed rule contains an emissions standard for ammonia, dust mitigation
measures, and a HRA demonstration for emissions points. These are not addressed in the federal
rules, so these elements may be considered more stringent than federal requirements.
There are currently no State rules that specifically regulate cement manufacture, other than
greenhouse gas emissions cap and trade (AB 32)., and those rules governing the use of scrap tires
as fuel. Several air districts (Antelope Valley, Amador, Kern, Mojave, and Monterey Bay
Unified) with cement kilns operating within their jurisdiction have adopted regulations to
address emissions of NOx and/or PM from these sources. South Coast Air Quality Management
District has adopted several cement manufacturing regulations addressing emissions of NOx,
PM, CO, as well as hexavalent chromium and fugitive dust. At least two of these regulations
were adopted to address specific conditions at individual cement manufacturing facilities. These
regulations are different in format, and include provisions tailored to the facilities in their
jurisdiction. Staff believes that the proposed rule is no less stringent than any of the regulations
governing cement manufacture from other air district in California, and is more stringent in
terms of actual emissions standards for NOx, and TACs.
9.0 Rule Development Process
The District has developed rule language and provided a basis for its provisions in this staff
report. The proposal is based in part on proposed federal regulations and in consideration of
existing regulations in other air districts in California, as well as those of other jurisdictions in
the United States and Europe. Elements of the proposed rule have been tailored to meet
considerations specific to the Lehigh facility. Staff has consulted with officials from Lehigh
Southwest Cement Company, Portland cement industry experts, elected local government
officials, concerned members of the public and environmental organizations, California Air
Resources Board staff, and EPA staff during the preparation of this document.
A public workshop was held December 12th, 2011 in the City of Cupertino to provide pertinent
background information and present elements of the draft rule provisions. Rule Development
staff was supported by staff from Compliance & Enforcement, Communications & Outreach, and
Technical Divisions, with exhibits on air monitoring and health risk assessment efforts in the
local community. The workshop was attended by members of the public, Cupertino City
Councilmembers, staff from Lehigh Southwest Cement Company, representatives of local
environmental organizations, and the local press. Verbal comments and questions were
addressed at the meeting, and the District received several written comments and continued to
accept comments well after the initial comment period ending date. Written comments were
provided by members of the public, Bay Area for Clean Environment, Citizens Against
Pollution, QuarryNo, San Francisco Baykeeper, the Loma Prieta Chapter of the Sierra Club,
West Valley Citizens Air Watch, and Lehigh Hansen, Inc., the parent company of Lehigh
Southwest Cement Company, LLC. Issues raised and staffs proposed resolutions are discussed
Proposed Standards versus Federal Standards
Several comments requested that emissions standards in the rule be as stringent as those applied
to "new or modified" sources under the NSPS and NESHAP regulations. Some proposed that
Lehigh should be considered a "new or modified" facility due to facility modifications dating
back decades (but after the initial promulgation of the NSPS in 1971), more recent changes in
fuel use and emissions control methods installed in anticipation of the proposed NESHAP, or
due to modifications of their Title V permit. Others suggested that Lehigh be subject to "new or
modified" standards due to its proximity to a large, urbanized population. Additionally, some
commenters requested inclusion of an SO2 emissions standard in the rule. Lehigh requested that
the proposed rule mirror the EPA's final NESHAP rule, as they contended that any differences
between the District and federal rules would pose a competitive disadvantage to the Lehigh
Southwest Cement Company as compared with facilities operating outside of the District.
Since their initial adoption, the NSPS (1971) and NESHAP (1999) have undergone several
amendments with standards generally becoming more stringent at each revision. Dates are
provided with each amendment to indicate the applicable sets of standards for facilities modified
or commencing operation before or after said date. The pertinent dates for the most recent
amendments to the federal rules are June 16th, x!008 for the NSPS, and May 6th, 2009 for the
NESHAP. In the code of federal regulations (40 C.F.R. Section 60.14(a)), "Modification" is
defined as "any physical or operational change to an existing facility which results in an increase
in the emission rate to the atmosphere of any pollutant to which a standard applies...Upon
modification, an existing facility shall become an affected facility for each pollutant to which a
standard applies and for which there is an increase in the emission rate to the atmosphere." The
code goes on to exclude from consideration routine maintenance, repair, and replacement. Also
excluded are increases in production rate or emissions increases that do not involve a capital
expenditure in excess of 50% of the fixed capital costs required to construct an entirely new
comparable facility. Furthermore, modifications to permit conditions that do not result in an
increase in emissions do not trigger new or modified standards. Neither do modifications
undertaken to bring a facility into compliance with newly adopted regulations.
The District does not have information establishing that Lehigh has undertaken any changes in
operation or equipment after the effective dates that could be deemed as "modifications" per the
definitions contained in the appropriate sections of the code of federal regulations. The
standards contained in the proposed District regulation represent reasonably achievable cost-
effective emission standards for the facility, and in fact represent more stringent standards than
the applicable federal rules since as an existing facility Lehigh is not subject to the amended
NSPS or NESHAP standards for"new or modified" facilities. Some commenters suggested that
these federal standards have been proven to be feasible and cost effective by the EPA for all
cement manufacturing facilities. However, if this were the case, the more stringent standards
would be applied all kilns, including those at existing facilities, rather than only for those at
"new or modified" facilities.
As stated earlier in this report, the issue of attainment of the recently revised national one-hour
ambient air quality standard for SO2 is currently in flux and as yet undetermined. Should the
District determine a need for SO2 reductions fronn the facility, staff may propose that the rule be
amended to include a standard that ensures emissions from the Lehigh facility do not cause an
exceedance of the new one-hour ambient air quality standard for S02.
The District has authority under California law to adopt emission limits more stringent than
those required under federal regulations; however, any emission standard adopted by the District
must be evaluated for cost-effectiveness and socio-economic impact. These analyses are part of
this report, and staff believes that the proposed rule balances costs with necessary emissions
reductions. The proposed regulation contains e-missions standards that are as stringent as or
more stringent than the applicable standards contained in the federal rules.
Emissions Monitoring
Several members of the public expressed concerns over emissions monitoring equipment,
methodology, and averaging methods, with some commenters requesting that emissions
monitoring data be made more readily available to the public. Some suggested that emissions be
posted on the internet in real time similar to that provided by weather monitoring stations (and
District ambient air measurements) and others felt that the community at large could provide a
resource to analyze the raw data on the District's behalf. Some commenters questioned the use
of rolling averages, the distinctions between parametric monitors and continuous emissions
monitors, and whether all 32 stacks of the existing kiln dust collection system would be
The District is committed to accurate measurement of emissions from all regulated sources and
to providing emissions monitoring data to the public to the extent feasible. Obtaining CEM data
from an active cement kiln is far more complex than ambient monitoring, and measurements
need to be verified for accuracy before they can be made available to the public. Furthermore,
emissions standards are tied to the production rate, and averaged over a 30 day period, so
providing emissions data at or near real time would do little to enable the public to determine
compliance of the facility. Nevertheless, CEM data reported to the District is currently available
for public review, through Public Records Requests by calling (415) 749-4761, or by visiting:
http://www.baagmd_gov/Divisions/Legal/Public-Records-Request.aspx. The District is working
on developing increased accessibility to CEM data by posting these reports on-line for major
facilities, but believes a District-wide approach to this effort to be more appropriate than one
specific to a single facility. The District currently provides real time on-line access to data from
its ambient air monitoring network including the station located in Monta Vista Park in
Cupertino, one mile east of the Lehigh Facility (see: http://gatel.baagmd.jzov/aqmet/aq.aspx).
Unlike CEM data, air monitoring data is a direct measurement of the quality of air typical of
what the surrounding population breathes every day. Staff believes that this data is far more
useful in making judgments about the health effects of the air in the Cupertino area.
The proposed regulation is worded to ensure consistency with federal standards where
appropriate. Rolling averages are commonly used with data measured at uniform time intervals
to smooth out short-term fluctuations and highlight longer-term trends or cycles. A longer
averaging period allows for the standard to be a lower number as compared to a shorter
compliance interval and 30-days was chosen by EPA to allow for variations in Portland cement
production cycles.
District Manual of Procedures Volume V (Continuous Emission Monitoring Policy and
Procedures) addresses the requirements which must be met by CEM installations for those
persons subject to District Regulations. Volume V currently only addresses measurement of
opacity, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. For this reason, the
proposed regulation differs from federal regulations in calling for "parametric monitoring" for
continuous monitoring of ammonia, mercury, total hydrocarbons, and hydrochloric acid. Federal
test methods and performance specifications are cited for these pollutants rather than District test
methods, and in all intents, the parametric monitoring shall consist of a CEM. The CEM
equipment for these latter pollutants has only recently become available, at least in their
application to cement manufacture, and in the case of PM, is not yet commercially available. As
the use of this equipment becomes more commonplace, the District may consider amendments to
the Manual of Procedures for their inclusion in Volume V.
The proposed regulation requires emissions monitoring of each emission point from the kiln and
clinker cooler. Lehigh has indicated that they will be modifying their dust control system to duct
all the 32 stacks to either a single elevated stack, or possibly several stacks (though far less than
32). The multiple stacks from the clinker cooler are also expected to be combined together to
eliminate the need for multiple banks of CEMS. Nevertheless, the regulation is worded so that
continuous emissions monitoring is required on each emissions point regardless of the number.
This presents a strong economic incentive to minimize the number of emission points due to the
expense of duplicative emissions monitoring equi]?ment.
Mercury Emissions
Of all the pollutants emitted from the kiln, mercury is of particular concern for many community
members surrounding the Lehigh facility, along with local environmental organizations
concerned with water quality. Comments pertaining to mercury emissions included requests for
an annual cap rather than an emissions standard tied to production levels, and questions
regarding the potential for increased mercury levels in nearby waterways, as well as increased
mercury content in finished cement resulting from operations of the Kiln Mill Dust Collector
(KMDC) recycling and ACI systems. Additionally, one commenter was concerned that
increased mercury levels in finished cement could impact do-it-yourself consumers, and another
commenter suggested that it could result in elevated mercury emissions from concrete recycling
efforts at nearby Stevens Creek Quarry.
The health impacts from emissions of mercury E-om Lehigh have been addressed in a recently
updated Health Risk Assessment. Lehigh's Title V air permit already contains limits on annual
and hourly emissions of mercury for compliance with the Air Toxics Hot Spots Program. The
emissions standards in the proposed rule are consistent with the federal NESHAP and ensure
efficient operation because emissions levels are tied to the production rate. Compliance with this
standard ensures that mercury emissions would bi-, lower than the Title V cap should production
be lower than the maximum permitted operating limit. Mercury contamination in San Francisco
Bay and other water ways is being addressed by the California Regional Water Quality Control
Board and is beyond the scope of this rule making effort.
Regarding the potential for increased mercury levels in finished concrete, EPA has authorized
KMDC dust shuttle systems at several facilities as a method to reduce mercury emissions and
meet pending NESHAP standards. The levels of mercury in the finished cement will be very
low, and unlikely to cause a noticeable effect at concrete recycling facilities. Lehigh is
responsible for complying with all relevant product warning requirements for the finished
Dispersion Modeling
Some commenters questioned the veracity of the updated HRA, given that the workshop report
stated that for the purposes of determining compliance with the federal one-hour SO2 standard,
the AERMOD model does not adequately accommodate the complex terrain surrounding the
Lehigh Facility. Others questioned the HRA in more general terms based on the emissions
inventory, risk factors assigned to various compounds, and possible synergistic interactions for
the various toxic compounds.
AERMOD is the most validated model that EPA has ever approved for use (17 field study
validations); however, for short term concentrations, the model always over-predicts the
measured concentration at a monitor. For flat terrain, this is usually within a factor of 2 and for
complex terrain it can be 5 to 10 times higher than monitored values. The application of
AERMOD to model 1-hour SO2 concentrations is very different from using it to assess the
health impacts due to a lifetime exposure. Modeling short term impacts such as the 1-hour SO2
concentration is inherently difficult because of short term turbulent nature of the atmosphere.
Comparisons to actual monitoring data are almost always better for long term averages. For an
HRA, any over-prediction of actual concentrations actually serves to be health protective, since
the calculated health risk is proportional to the modeled concentrations. That is why health risks
are always reported as an upper bound on health impact such"no more than 1 case in a million."
The District believes that the ATHS program is a health protective risk management program.
The HRA is required to be completed in accordance with OEHHA guidelines and these consider
the effects of different compounds additively but not synergistically. For more information
regarding the District's position on synergistic toxicity, please see the March 29, 2011 letter
from Jack Broadbent to Supervisor Liz Kniss found in Appendix C at the end of this report.
Alternative Fuels
The use of natural gas to fire the cement kiln was suggested as a means of lowering emissions by
some commenters, while others expressed their desire to be notified should Lehigh seek to fire
the kiln by fuels other than those currently in use according to their permit. Some commenters
drew comparisons to natural gas fired power plants in California that have reduced emissions as
compared to coal fired power plants in the Eastern United States.
As applied to power generation, natural gas does result in more efficient burning and less
greenhouse gas emissions; however it results in significantly higher NOx emissions when used
to fire cement kilns. SCR is a proven technology for controlling NOx emissions from power
generation, but is relatively unproven for cement manufacturing due to the dust entrained in the
flue gasses. In order to adequately control the increased NOx emissions, Lehigh would need to
use more ammonia in their SNCR system, and this would likely result in greater ammonia
emissions which would offset any gains in reducing secondary particulate emissions. Natural
gas is also generally much more expensive than either coal or petroleum coke (approximately 10
times the cost per BTU), the costs are much more variable, and delivery in the amounts
necessary to fire the kiln would pose economic and logistical burdens inconsistent with any
possible emissions reduction likely to be gained from its use. Should Lehigh seek to utilize a
new fuel other than what is currently allowed by permit, it would require modification of their
Title V operating permit, and this would entail the notification and comment provisions of that
Opacity Standard
Some commenters raised objections to the use of a Ringlemann smoke chart for determining
opacity readings as insufficient, and others suggested utilizing a "high quality monitor" in place
and use comparisons to the Ringlemann chart as an adjunct.
The opacity standard to be met by miscellaneous sources at the facility are stated in both
Ringelmann number (for dark plumes) and percent opacity (for white plumes), but these are
meant to indicate a set standard to be met, rather than the means of measurement. District staff
is trained and certified to read opacity using the Ringelmann chart, and these readings are more
appropriate for the many sources, such as mining operations, conveyor belts, and roads that do
not lend themselves to in-stack monitors. All emission points from the kiln and clinker cooler
are required by the proposed rule to be measured by periodic source testing. This is consistent
with Federal rules that exempt kilns and clinker coolers from opacity standards since particulate
matter is more accurately monitored by direct measurement. Both the kiln and clinker cooler are
still subject to a 20% opacity limit as per District Regulation 6, Rule 1.
Compliance Dates and Penalties
Some commenters were concerned that the source testing provisions of the proposed rule allow
for up to 30 operating days before an initial demonstration of compliance must be performed.
Other commenters asked for interim deadlines for the installation of specific control equipment
as a means of ensuring progress toward meeting the standards. Several others requested that the
rule contain punitive measures for noncompliance along with other provisions of the proposed
Compliance with the emissions standards begins on the effective date specified in the rule. This
will be predominately determined by emissions monitors that measure emissions continuously.
The source testing requirement is a duplicative verification of compliance. In either case, if the
results show noncompliance with the standards, the violation begins on the date of effectiveness,
not one month after. The standards are stated as a monthly average to be consistent with federal
rules, so compliance with the standard cannot be made until 30 days have elapsed. EPA staff has
indicated that this is consistent with their views regarding initial determination of compliance.
District staff believes that interim deadlines are unnecessary, and compliance with the standards
on the effective date is required regardless of the means of control to meet those standards. The
control equipment for toxic emissions has already been installed. Modifications to the stack, and
installation of NOx control equipment has not yet begun, but Lehigh must comply with the
proposed rule on the effective date or be subject: to enforcement action. Noncompliance with
any District rule is subject to enforcement procedures that may include punitive measures. There
is no need to add provisions to the proposed rule i:or additional punitive measures. It is the view
of District staff that adoption of this rule furthers enforcement powers.
Workshop Comment Process
Some commenters expressed concerns regarding the comment process itself with calls for an
extension of the comment period deadline, and requests for point by point responses posted on-
line. The timing of the workshop in early December may have contributed to these concerns, as
some pointed to the holidays as a basis for requests to extend the comment period. Some
commenters may have been frustrated due to the extended review period for comments related to
Lehigh's Title V permit renewal.
The District has continued to accept comments well after the stated January 3, 2012 comment
period deadline, and made this known to all parties requesting extensions. All comments have
been considered and responses are provided in this document. Responses to Title V comments
were posted on the District website February 16, 2012, along with all other documents provided
to EPA for their review.
Miscellaneous Comments
The district received several comments related to issues beyond the scope of this rule making
effort. Several commenters brought up the Spare the Air program; either requesting that the
facility shut down on Spare the Air days or proposing that emissions from Lehigh were the cause
of the increased number Spare the Air days of this last winter. Some commenters requested that
truck traffic to and from the facility be included in the measures considered in the proposed rule.
Additionally some requested an analysis of the use of urea versus aqueous ammonia for use in
the NOx control system.
Cement manufacturing is not a process that can be run intermittently. The kiln in which
reactions take place is 16 feet in diameter and 250 feet long, and it must be heated to
temperatures in excess of 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit. Shutting down the kiln can take up to 24
hours, and start-up can take up to 36 hours to bring the kiln to operating temperatures. District
Regulation 4, Air Pollution Episode Plans does require major facilities to prepare plans to curtail
operations during advisories, alerts, warnings and emergencies as defined by the regulation;
however, the air pollution concentrations at which a facility must follow its curtailment plan are
much higher than those generally found in the District even on Spare the Air days.
The Spare the Air program was established by the District to educate people about air pollution
and to encourage them to change their behavior to improve air quality. This voluntary outreach
campaign has been operated for nearly two decades with alerts in summer when ground-level
ozone or "smog" becomes a pollution problem and in winter when particulate matter
concentrations are expected to be unhealthy. District meteorologists evaluate the air pollution
levels and meteorological conditions in order to forecast which days may have unhealthy air
quality. Winter Spare the Air alerts are generally called on cold still winter days with stagnant
air. With the passage of the District's Wood Smoke rule (Regulation 6, Rule 3) in 2008, Winter
Spare the Air includes a mandatory curtailment of wood burning on days forecast to exceed the
24-hour National Ambient Air Quality Standard for PM2.5. At this time, the Spare the Air
program provides a means of curtailing sources of particulate emissions that are otherwise not
regulated or controlled through District permitting;of prohibitory regulations.
Emissions from trucks do not fall within the category of stationary sources and are therefore
outside the authority of the District. The California Air Resources Board regulates truck
emissions. Truck traffic to and from the facility is beyond the scope of this regulation, but the
fugitive dust control measures included in the proposed regulation will help control dust
emissions from trucks through on-site speed limits, truck washing, and other track-out
minimization provisions.
The proposed regulation provides emissions standards but does not specify the control
equipment to meet those standards; however the proposed standards do include a limit on
ammonia emissions to ensure that NOx control equipment does not result excess secondary
particulate formations. Aqueous ammonia is a preferred agent for NOx reduction because urea is
hazardous to transport and store. This is addressed in the CEQA analysis.
Comments Received at the May 21, 2012 Board Meeting
On May 21, 2012, the Board of Directors conducted an informational meeting at the Quinlan
Community Center in Cupertino, CA followed by a visit to the periphery of the Lehigh facility.
At the meeting, ten members of the public commented. Most comments echoed those previously
made. One commenter, Gary Latshaw, Ph.D., provided a written comment, "Citizen's Report on
Cement Plant Regulation in the San Francisco Bay Area," describing the health costs and
benefits of alternative scenarios based on the District's Multi-Pollutant Evaluation Method
(MPEM) described in the 2010 Clean Air Plan. Dr. Latshaw's report took the monetized value
of various pollutants and calculated the "health costs" associated with various levels of
emissions from Lehigh, including the proposal, the NSPS and a newly permitted plant in Florida.
However, the MPEM is not meant to be used to calculate the monetized health effects of
emissions from a single source. The monetized values in the MPEM are based on ambient
concentrations which accrue from all sources, both natural and anthropogenic, and are applied
across the entire region. Staff believe that the proposed limits will reduce emissions and benefit
public health, and are the most stringent that are economically feasible.
10.0 Conclusion
Pursuant to Section 40727 of the California Health and Safety Code, the proposed rule
amendments must meet findings of necessity, authority, clarity, consistency, non-duplication,
and reference before the Board of Directors adopt, amend, or repeal a rule. The proposed Rule
• Necessary to protect public health by ensuring reduction in toxic air contaminants to
nearby residents and by reducing ozone and PM precursors to meet the commitment of
Control Measure SSM-9 of the Bay Area 2010 Clean Air Plan;
• Authorized by California Health and Safety Code Sections 40000, 40001, 40702, and
40725 through 40728;
• Clear, in that the rule specifically delineates the affected industry, compliance options,
and administrative requirements for industry subject to this rule, so that its meaning can
be easily understood by the persons directly affected by it;
• Consistent with other California air district rules, and not in conflict with state or federal
• Non-duplicative of other statutes, rules, or regulations; and,
• Implementing, interpreting and making specific and the provisions of the California
Health and Safety sections 40000 and 40702.
A socioeconomic analysis prepared by Bay Area Economics has found that the proposed
regulation could have a significant economic impact or cause regional job loss; however, staff
believes that the costs are necessary to protect public health and make progress towards
attainment of air quality standards and that the proposed rule is cost effective. A California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis prepared by Environmental Audit, Inc., concludes
that the proposed amendments would not result in adverse environmental impacts. District staff
have reviewed and accepted this analysis as well. The CEQA document will be available for
public comments prior to the public hearing.
The proposed Rule has met all legal noticing requirements, has been discussed with the regulated
community and other interested parties, and reflects the input and comments of many affected
and interested parties. District staff recommends adoption of proposed Regulation 9, Rule 13:
Nitrogen Oxides, Particulate Matter, and Toxic Air Contaminants from Portland Cement
Manufacturing; and adoption of the CEQA Negative Declaration.
11.0 Refewences
1. Bay Area Air Quality Management District;Bay Area 2010 Clean Air Plan, "SSM 9—
Cement Kilns", Volume 2, September 15, 2010.
2. Portland Cement Association; Overview of the Cement Industry, Economics of the U.S
Cement Industry, December 2009; www.cement.or
3. National Association of Clean Air Agencies, Andrew Ginsburg, and Ursula Kramer Co-
Presidents of Board of Directors;NACAA comment on Portland Cement NSPS and
attachments; September 30, 2008.
4. Pete Grannis, Commissioner of the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation, "Grannis Hails Clean Air Settlement with Cement Manufacturer",
Envirommnet DEC Newsletter; February 2010.
5. BAAQMD Emission Inventory,base year 2009.
6. Lehigh Southwest Cement, Permanente Plant;
7. US EPA;National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from the Portland
Cement Manufacturing Industry and Standards of Performance for Portland Cement Plants;
Federal Register/Vol. 75,No. 174/ September 9, 2010.
8. US EPA;FACT SHEET for Final Amendment:, to National Air Toxics Emission Standards
and New Source Performance Standards for Portland Cement Manufacturing; August 9,
9. Keith Barnett, US EPA;Final Portland Cement MA CT and NSPS Standards Webinar;
November 17, 2010.
10. Consultation with Mr. Henrik Wesseling, Plant Manager of Lehigh Southwest Cement
Company; July 2010.
11. Zephyr Environmental Corporation; Summary of Control Techniques for Nitrogen Oxide,
SN3049, Portland Cement Association; 2008.
12. US EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards;Alternative Control Techniques
Document Update -NOx Emissions from New Cement Kilns, EPA-453/R-07-006; November
13. European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological
Studies, Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control,Draft Reference Document on Best
Available Techniques in the Cement, Lime and Magnesium Oxide Manufacturing Industries;
May 2009;
14. Al Armendariz, Ph. D; The Costs and Benefits of Selective Catalytic Reduction on Cement
Kilns for Multi-Pollutant Control; Department of Environmental and Civil Engineering,
Southern Methodist University; February 11, 2008.
15. US EPA; United States Announces Two Major Clean Air Act New Source Review Settlements
at 28 Industrial Plants Nationwide; January 21, 2010
16. US EPA; Summary of Environmental and Cost Impacts of Final Amendments to Portland
Cement NESHAP(40 CFR Part 63, Subpart LLL); Docket Number EPA-HQ-OAR-2002-
0051; August 6, 2010.
17. US EPA; Summary of Environmental and Cost Impacts of Final Revisions to Portland
Cement New Source Performance Standards (40 CFR PART 60, subpart F); Docket Number
EPA-HQ-OAR-2007-0877; August 6, 2010.
18. US EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards;Regulatory Impact Analysis:
Amendments to the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants and New
Source Performance Standards (NSPS)for the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry
Final Report; August 2010
19. Consultation with Mr. Henrik Wesseling and Mr. Scott Renfrew of Lehigh Southwest
Cement Company, Mr. Timothy Matz of Lehigh Hanson, and Mr. Shane Alesi of Heidelberg
Cement Group; October 12, 2010.
20. Bay Area Air Quality Management District;Multi-Pollutant Evaluation Method Technical
Document, April 2010.
21. Bay Area Air Quality Management District;BACT/TBACT Handbook, 2002.
22. US EPA;National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for the Portland
Cement Manufacturing Industry and Standards of Performance for Portland Cement Plants;
40 CFR Parts 60 and 63[EPA-HQ-OAR-2011-0817; FRL-9629-9] RlN 2060-AQ93; June
25, 2012.
23. US EPA;Proposed Amendments to Air Toxics Standards and New Source Performance
Standards for Portland Cement Manufacturing FACT SHEET; June 25, 2012.
24. US EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards;Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection
Guidance, EPA-454/R-98-015;September 1997
Jan 2012-Apr 2013 Emissions: Hg,502, &NOx
Chart Area 2000
1800 17.9E
-4-(Hgib/10)/Mton Solid Lines are Air
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