TICC 11-06-2013TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Regular Meeting November 6, 2013, 7:00 p.m. Conference Room A, City Hall MINUTES CALL MEETING TO ORDER Commissioner Friedland called the meeting to order at 6:57 PM ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Commissioners absent: Staff present: Guests: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Peter Friedland, Wallace Iimura, Beverly Siegel, Rod Livingood Shishir Chavan Rick Kitson, Andrea Sanders, Mariyah Serratos Shelly Wolfe, Rob McCoy 1. Commissioner Iimura made a motion to approve the October 2 minutes. Commissioner Livingood seconded the motion. Vote 4-0 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 2. This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes a person. In most cases, state law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. -Commissioner McCoy from the Public Safety Commission reported on the successful activation of the CAS system for the Cupertino Dam Inundation Area Test Drill. It was discussed how the Public Safety Commission will be working on the chain of command for CAS notifications. -Ms. Serratos discussed her continued work on the VDI project. This included new contract negotiations. The project group redesigned the storage infrastructure. The Proof of Concept group has had several technology working groups to give feedback on what was needed. A virtual application software was installed. Trend Micro will be the new anti-virus program. Roll out of approximately 50 users shortly after the Proof of Concept group finishes. -Ms. Serratos discussed that future projects include the CSI permitting system. -Ms. Serratos discussed her desire to hire a consultant that would help facilitate the creation of a City Strategic Plan. She would like to use the consultants to aid in the decision making process and using for the methodology and development of the building in the plan. Commissioner Friedland commented that he felt it was better to have someone internally head the process of a strategic plan and use the consultants as a way to keep on track. Commissioner Livingood commented that a consultant could be costly. -Commissioner Iimura discussed the status and requirements needed for the VOiP with Ms. Serratos and the Commission. Mr. Kitson commented that this issue may need to be tabled for a future time. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS -9/12/13 Letter from AT&Tregarding possible U-verse TV programming changes -Commissioner Livingood to follow up on the letter that was sent to CPUC UNFINISHED BUSINESS 3. -Discussion with Shelly Wolfe of KMVT and the video that was presented at the previous City Council meeting. Ms. Wolfe thanked the council and the TICC commission for their donation to KMVT. Council seemed positive of the video and presentation from KMVT. KMVT was able to show the new equipment that they purchased with funds from the City donation at the May Open House they hosted. Since then KMVT has been doing Cupertino library PSA's, Cupertino High School events, school graduations. Ms. Wolfe would like the TICC's involvement with getting the other Commissions involved and educated on the services that KMVT can offer. Commissioner Friedland recommended that Ms. Wolfe reach out to the Public Safety, Library, Teen and Fine Arts Commissions. Mr. Kitson recommended having a price list with clear identification of services offered. Commissioner Siegal stated that the Better Part show would be a useful and free way for Commissions to promote their events and get out important messages. Ms. Wolfe reported that KMVT was donated four Teradek units which is a unit that can encode/decode at a specific location. It allows for installation at any place that has an internet line. Then a camera can be plugged in and this enables live streaming. In essence it is like a wireless satellite. This unit is also Hi-Def capable. The cost is approximately $2500-5000 per unit. KMVT has also created a resource video with services provided for distribution. She also reported that KMVT scheduling information can be found at www.KMVT15.org. OLD BUSINESS 4. -Technology workshop discussion on follow-up actions that included four main items selected for TICC to work on. First item is the analysis of current fiber in the City. Commissioner Iimura will lead (and will invite Commissioner Livingood to work with him) to provide a plan on the next steps. This will include cost analysis for using existing fiber and potentially providing broadband access to the entire community. Commissioner Friedland would like a report back on information discovered. Commissioner Iimura would like to speak with the City to determine what fiber is available and how much additionally would be required. Second item is the investigation of the "Smart Cities" concept. Commissioner Chavan will lead with Commissioner Friedland's help and provide a plan on next steps. This was postponed until Commissioner Chavan will be present. The third item is to explore the idea of technology incubators sponsored by the City. Commissioners Siegel and Iimura will co-lead and provide a plan on next steps. Commissioner Iimura discussed it would.be beneficial for the City to have a specific guide for what these start-up companies would require. Commissioner Friedland recommended that Commissioner Iimura and Siegal speak with Angela Tsui, the City's Economic Development Manager. The fourth follow up action is to work with the Library Commission on continuing to provide citizen access to new technology through the Cupertino library (including 3D printing). Commissioner Friedland reported that Carol Frost is a good contact for the Library. He reported that Gaythri Kanth is the new Cupertino librarian. It was reported that the Cupertino Library will be getting at least one 3D printer. Commissioner Friedland asked the Commission what emerging technology devices would be good to help promote and research for the benefit of the community. Commissioner Livingood discussed how Apple is creating a program that would allow anyone to design and create an App. Commissioner Friedland reported on new emerging social robotics, which are devices that are capable of interacting with humans. 5-6. Cell tower proposal discussion had no new reports from the City on City Hall or Sports Center proposed towers. Mr. Kitson reported that the cell tower proposal will go to council on February 4, 2014. After council approves, City will implement a standardized process where notice will be given to the community and the City will host a community meeting. Mr. Kitson reported that he discussed the possibility of using the outside vendor Crown Castle with the City Manager. NEW BUSINESS -None REPORTS 7. Commissioner Iimura reported on November's Mayoral meeting. There will be a Mayor's meeting held on December 3. Commissions in attendance at the November meeting were Library, Bicycle and Pedestrian, TICC, Planning, Parks and Rec., Public Safety and Fine Arts. The Library reported on the new Poet Laureate reception, the new Cupertino librarian and the Tech Toolbar. The Public Safety Commission reported on the two successful CAS alerts they had. Fine Arts discussed the catalog with all the artists from Cupertino as well as a hard cover book with local artists. It was discussed if this book could be distributed to the library and certain hotels. The Bicycle Pedestrian discussed their upcoming Bike to Work event. They also reported on the Access Cupertino site. Parks and Rec. reported on the work that has been going on for the Stevens Creek Trail. The Planning Commission reported that Apple has contributed money to a park fund. 8. In regards to the City report section that stemmed from a section from a Parks and Recreation minutes Commissioner Friedland made minor edits that Mr. Kitson will bring back to the planning department. -Mr. Kitson also presented on the Cupertino at a Glance, Next Door, and Open Data initiatives. MISCELLANEOUS 9. Reviewed Activities Calendar 10. Reviewed and updated Action Items List ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Iimura moved for adjournment. Commissioner Siegal seconded the motion. Vote 4-0 Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Wallace Iimura, Vice Chair