TC 03-01-00 Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
~--' Maroh 1, 2000
The meeting was called to order by Chair L.T. Guttadauro at 7:00 p.m.
Commissiunerspresent: L.T. Guttadauro, Sal Alged, Ernest .Tsui, David Eggleston,
Reginald Duh~
Staff: Linda Lagergren
Guests: Charles Chadwick
Eggleston made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted, Algeri seconded the motion. All
in favor. Motion passed. Guttadauro abstained.
Or~l: None
Written: Written communications in the packet included a letter to AT&T regarding the
commission's request for adding additional information on AT&T's monthly report. It also included a
letter from the city attorney regarding Brown Act implications in use of e-mail to communicate with
other commissioners.
AT&T customer service reports from .the months of November, December, and January were
distributed to the commission.
Duhi reported he has a contact with Pacific Bell in Cupertino who is in charge of DSL and will
try through that contact to secure a representative to attend the next commissioner's meeting.
Commission agreed to take grant request ite~ out of order.
Grant request from Charles Chadwick - Aider a brief discussion, Algeri made a motion to
accept the grant request for $250 as submitted. Eggleston seconded the motion. Ali in favor. Motion
Lagergren said the request would go before the city council on March 20 and if approved
Chadwick would receive a check by the end of Mareh.
Activities Calendar. There were no changes to the activity calendar. Eggleston reported on
the Mayor's breakfast meeting. Duh6 said he might be interested in attending the Alliance for
Community Media conference in Tucson.
Review and update of producer guidelines and agreement form with De Anza College
access director - Bob Haber wasn't able to attend the commission meeting, so the commission agreed
to table this iteiii until the next meeting in April.
Consideration of recommendation regarding AT&T rebate coupon - After discussion, the
consensus of commission was to not solicit Cupertino cable users through the Cupertino Scene, asking
if they had not used the rebate coupon and if they would like another oppommity to do so.
Commission felt that if the results of the survey found there were a great number of cable customers
inconvenienced and the city did not have the support of AT&T to take action, then this would only
create bad feelings between the city and the residents.
Commission also agreed they did not want to generate publicity through local newspapers
regarding the city's attempt to gain fair compensation for its residents and AT&T's unwillingness to
extend the offer for 30 days, Commission felt this would only hurt the working relationship between
the city and AT&T.
Guttadauro made a motion to have the cityattorney review the AT&T settlement agreement for
possible legal action, i.e. breach of contract or settlement agreement,, by the next Telecommunications
Commission meeting. Duh6 seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.
The Commission agreed the chair should meet with David Walton to try to improve the
relationship with AT&T.
Commission requested Krey inform council that it is the commission's considered opinion
there are still a significant number of residents in Cup~tino who have not been pwperly compensated
as outlined in the franchise agreement.
A second motion was made to modify the first.
Guttadauro made a motion that the city attorney review the AT&T settlvment and fi'anchise
agreement for possible legal action, i.e. breach of a~'eement or other actionable causes, by the next
Telecommunications Commission meeting, Eggleston seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion
Report from Eggleston on high school leadership conference - Eggleston reported Linda
Grodt will be doing an interview sequence with student leaders at the conference. She will submit a
grant proposal request to the commission.
Eggleston had not yet spoken to Bob Haber regarding what De Anza College will be doing at
the conference.
Eggleston also mentioned he spoke with a person from Intel who was interested in possibly
providing grant money for the leadership conference. Eggleston put the person in contact with Harry
Bettencourt from the high school district who is overseeing the conference.
Reports from:
AT&T: No report.
De Anza College: No report.
City of Cupertino: Lagergren reported that Eddie Garcia, AT&T representative, called to say
h0 would not bo articling tho mo~ng but said h~ would b~ ~tvnihtbl~ th~ r~gt ofth~ y~r, I-I~ faxcd thc
customer survey reports.
The status on the Rancho Rinconada upgrade according to Garcia:
· Co-ax splicing is 98% complete
· Fiber splicing is 100% complete
· Fiber testing to be completed by March 2, 2000
· All five power supplies are installed
· Hope to have system swept & certified by 3/31/00
Garcia had not yet received word on adding additional ~Home info to the monthly report.
He'll pursue again tomorrow.
Guttadauro made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:43 p.m.; Algeri seconded and the motion
passed unanimously.
Oity Clerk/~ Chairperson