TC 02-02-00 Telecommunications Commission Regular Meeting February 2, 2000 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair David Eggleston at 7:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Sal Algeri, Ernest Tsui, David Eggleston, Reginald Duh6 Commissioners absent: L.T.. Guttadauro Staff: Donna Krey, Linda Lagergren Guests: Linda Grodt APPROVAL OF JANUARY 5, 2000 MINUTES Algeri made a motion to accept thc minutes as submitted, Tsui seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. Dub6 abstained. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: Krey introduced newly appointed commissioner Reginald Duhe. Linda Grodt introduced herself to the new commissioner and mentioned she was working on a taping featuring the Kids Vote Eggieston spoke to the commission about the NASC (National Association of Student Councils) event at Monta Vista high school. Dc Anza College will be involved in filming portions of the event. It Was suggested the commission could possibly provide grant money to a producer who would produce a video about the student leadership conference and it could then be shown on access TV. Eggieston will talk to Haber and report back next month to the commission. Eggieston suggested AT&T fax its rePort if representatives will not be attending the commission meetings. Written: Tsui's e-mail correspondence regarding DSL Internet connection was included in the packet. It was brought up that a large percentage of people are not able to get DSL service. Duh6 suggested the commission talk to Pacific Bell regarding DSL service. He will make contact with Pacific Bell and see if they can attend a future commission meeting, bring coverage maps and be prepared to discuss the DSL issue with the commission. OLD BUSINESS Activities Calendar. Assignments were made for future attendance at the Mayor's breakfast meetings: Duh6 - March, Guttadanro - April, May- Algcri, June- Tsui. Review and update of producer ~uidelines and a~reement form with De Anza College access director - Krey distributed a final draft of the producer agreement. The item was continued until Haber could be attelldnrtce to answer any questions and note to commission the changes that were made. NEW BUSINESS Fremont ~ltome customer service standards - Krey said F~einont is the only city that has been able to get customer service standards for the (tilI-Iome service included in their franchise agr~'mcnt. The five bullcted it¢i~is in the customer service summa~ arc the items that Cupertino Telecommunications commission would like to add to its franchise. The commission's intent would be to get AT&T to include the same customer standards that Fremont has and have them put into an addendum or a side letter. (Cupertino's cable ~anchise comes up for renewal in 2010). Krey said the commission could also recommend that the council adopt an ordinance amending part of the franchise agree~f~ent. She said she would draR a letter f~om the city manager to David Walton. Discussion of additional information in AT&T report (internet) -.Commission agreed on requesting the following additional information in the AT&T monthly report. 1. Number of ~I-Iome subscribers 2. Number of people waiting for installations 3. Waiting period for those requesting installations 4. Number of nodes that are activated for ~I-Iome service Review of goals for 2000 - Krey reported Colin Jung said the Planning Cowmission and Telecommunications Commission will come together in a joint meeting to discuss the antenna siting Master Plan. She distributed to Commission infoi-ittation about antenna placement. Commission asked that their four goals be placed on the agenda each month. Review of annual report - Commission requested the negotiation of penalties from AT&T be added to the annual report. Tsui made a motion to accept the annual report, with the addition of the penalty negotiation, Duh6 seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. City Council Goals - Krey reported that at council's goal setting workshop they looked at all the commission's goals and incorporated them into council's goals. Goal #13 included the Telecommunications Commission's goals. The next step in this process is for the Department managers to get together to review the goals, assign a time line and process for can-ying out the goals. The depa~i~,,ent managers will then go back to council with this information. Krey mentioned the department managers would meet to review the goals on March l, which is also the date of the next commission meeting. She said she would not be able to attend the commission meeting and asked if the commission would like to cancel the next meeting, postpone it or can'y on without her. The commission elected to continue with the meeting on the 1't of March, but requested a light agenda. Krey said the mayor requested that each commission report at the city council meetings twice per year for a 5-10 minute presentation and update. The Telecommunications Commission will report to council on May 1. Reports from: AT&T: AT&T was not present at the mooting. De Anza College: Haber was not present at the meeting. City of Cupertino: Krey reported the meeting took place with AT&T, Don Brown and herself to discuss the rebate coupon that went out to all thc cable subscriben. Thc city saw thc coupon as a marketing piece and AT&T thought it was a great rebate coupon. Twenty-five percent of the Cupertino subscribers turned in the coupons. The city suggested the subscribers get one more chance to redeem it by putting it in the Cupertino Scene and extending thc period that customers can return the coupon. AT&T requested a chance to see what the city anticipated putting in the Scene. The city forwarded the text to AT&T. The city gave AT&T two weeks to respond. After the two weeks passed AT&T responded by saying they were waiting to hear from the AT&T Division office. Krey volunteered to contact the Division office herself and AT&T said they would try to push it through. Krey reminded commission about thc upcoming Commissioner's Dinner. Krey also reported Michael Xsbutt dropped off the animation videotape created by the students from Cupertino High School. After adjournment, the commission viewed the tape. Algeri made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:53 p.m.; Tsui seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ATTEST: APPROVED: