12100003 - MISC1�CUIPERTINO UNREASONABLE HARDSHIP EXEMPTION FORM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - BUILDING DIVISION ALBERT SALVADOR, P.E., C.B.O., BUILDING OFFICIAL MFILE 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3228 - FAX (408) 777-3333 - build ingecupertino.org /Cnr Tcnnnf Imnrnvcmcnfc �nrhara fhc (:na+ oft :nnstrnrtinn rfnPS not Pxceed $136-060.001 SITE ADDRESS �'�% t` r4 �3Eri APN BP# . �r�pl� 74® CITY �(% ZIP � COST A $ ........... U.r.D/.!.......................... ��,0�,,!! rTOTAL�C"O,N/STRUCTION DESCRIPTION OF WORK: �' V l ► iL r�� e The following is a list of costs to provide access features in order to comply 100% with the current State Title -24 Disable Access Standards.(AII ..mss;. ♦.. Ln .Ann .—f -A by .,,h —I WA. nr nfhar inf—firm nr•r•anfarf by the- RedIrlinn (1ffir-ini 1 Accessible Features Complies with If not, list required upgrades in order for Cost to make feature Description of access features to be provided: current standards? features to fully com I ? fully accessible? 1. Path of travel to accessible entrance. TOTAL COST OF PROPOSED UPGRADE $ 2. Cost of providing a primary entrance. (Including but not limited to, thresholds, landings, door hardware,L� PERCENTAGE (20% minimum ex enditu s to wired) / J $ max. door pull,. etc.) Pj b �I ` V 3. Cost of providing the primary path of travel to the or n fjat1 v specific area of alteration, structural repair, 4�d /' 7 addition. - 4. Cost of providing accessible restroom facilities. ^42 V1 $ 5. Cost of providing an accessible drinking fountain. (If A $ required or if a drinking fountain is provided.) 6. Cost of providing accessible public telephones (if - $ provided) 7: Cost of providing other accessible features, including but not limited to; parking, storage, alarms etc. VV TOTAL COST O ACCESS FEATURES (B): -7 $ �O 77 Has the same tenant performed work in the same tenant s ace within the las three ears? Y too Calculate (B / A) x 100% b Description of access features to be provided: p> �1� s � � r� �� eTr VR 6o . �t PATS Of TRA 136 -5�V�W Tb W AW AlS (01V TOTAL COST OF PROPOSED UPGRADE t $�� PERCENTAGE (20% minimum ex enditu s to wired) ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD INFORMATION: I certify that the abov ormation is true and correct. Name (print): �i ©r''� Si nature: Date: 7/3�/a Firm address: �10 j` �AJ,1`/�, ter r/,� `S 1 " `� a - W Title: �� j Phone ----�-- --- -FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY ❑ The above named project has been denied an unreasonable hardship exemption under 2010 CBC Section 113413.2.1. The above named project has been granted an unreasonable hardship exemption from the requirements of the State of California CCR -Title 24 (Regulation for the Accommodation of the Disabled) pursuant to 2010 CBC Section 1134B.2.1. COMMENTS:�-51 Building Official Designee (print): r 144[Y Signature: ate: J 3 HardshipExemptionForm 2012.doe revised 06/25/12 :P A V f N h --V a €�. E T E•:. May 22, 2013 Page 1 of 3 Mr. Jason Sowards Coates & Sowards, Inc. 1725 S. Bascom Avenue, Suite 104 Campbell, CA 95008 Subject: Seagraves Plaza, 10675 South De Anza Blvd., Cupertino 2013 ADA Upgrade Dear Jason, Outlined below is our quotation for the work you requested at the above referenced property. SCOPE OF WORK A. Remove entire existing handicap asphalt parking area and corresponding asphalt path of travel totaling approximately 800 square feet, 4-8" deep. B. Haul excavated spoil off site. C. Re -grade and re -compact the existing base and base. D. Apply a tack coat of SS1h oil to the excavated pavement edges. E. Replace the area with 4" of hot asphalt plant mix in two separate lifts, compacting after each lift, ensuring ADA compliant slopes in van accessible parking area, loadinglunloading area, and corresponding path of travel. F. Tack patch edges with SS1 h oil and cover with Arizona black sand. G. Layout and paint (2) ADA compliant parking stalls, corresponding crosshatch, and path of travel with traffic quality paint. H. Provide and install (2) new T wheelstops in handicap parking spaces, re -install (2) ADA compliant r-99 parking stall sign on new poles set to correct height, and re- install (1) ADA compliant r-1 00b entrance sign on pole in landscaping at parking lot entries. PACIFIC SURFACING, INC. WILL PERFORM ALL THE NECESSARY WORD TO COMPLETE THE SCOPE OF WORK ABOVE INCLUDING LABOR, MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE SUM OF FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY SEVEN DOLLARS ($6,777.00). Our Contract terms and conditions are as follows: Any obstructions such as garbage bins, cars, etc., in the area of proposed work must be removed before 2066 Warm Springs Court Fremont CA 94539 510-040-9494 ph 510-440-9553 fax May 22, 2013 Page 2 of 3 Mr. Jason Sowards Coates & Sowards, Inc. Seagraves Plaza, 10675 South De Anza Blvd., Cupertino Pacific Surfacing, Inc. arrives on site. If we must return because of one of these obstructions, there will be an extra charge of a minimum of $850.00 for each additional move -in necessary to complete the contract. All landscape foliage such as trees, shrubs, ground cover, etc. that may overhang any curbs, header boards or work areas must be trimmed by owner before the start of this work. Pacific Surfacing, Inc. is not responsible for any damage or vandalism done to the new concrete during or after the curing process. We recommend that you provide security for the newly poured areas until the curing process is complete. Any automatic sprinklers for your landscaped areas should be turned off at least twenty-four hours prior to, during, and after the start of this work to prevent diluting the asphaltic material. Pacific Surfacing, Inc. is not responsible for the cleaning or cost of cleaning any carpet, concrete, etc., that is stained as a result of people walking through the newly sealed areas and tracking the material onto the surface. This quotation excludes any fees, permits or engineering that may be required by any City or State agency. Pacific Surfacing, Inc. is not responsible for any expense incurred due to damage of any underground lines such as water, gas, electrical, etc., not clearly marked on construction plans or staked out on jobsite. If during excavation we encounter concrete, steel, or asphalt thicker than the total removal depth bid, or if baserock and/or subsoil is saturated with water, the additional cost for further excavation and replacement to stabilize the area shall be determined by negotiation between the owner and the Pacific Surfacing, Inc. representative. Due to the flexible nature of asphalt structures, Pacific Surfacing, Inc. cannot guarantee against cracks reflecting through sealcoating or crackfilling materials. Vehicular traffic, contraction and expansion caused by ambient temperature, and the movement of base and sub -base materials are contributing factors in the reflection of cracks through these materials. This quotation is effective for thirty days. Terms of Payment: 100° of contract due and payable within twenty days after completion of work and acceptance by owner. Your attention is directed to Sections 3097, 3098 and 3111 of the California Civil Code, which requires us to notify you "That if bills are not paid in full for labor, services, equipment or materials furnished, or to be furnished, the improved property may be subject to Mechanic's Liens." Any balance overthirty days past due shall bear interest at the rate of 1112% per month, or the maximum rate allowed by law, whichever is less. If any action is commenced to enforce any terms of this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees. Pacific Surfacing, Inc. carries liability insurance for work we perform on your jobsite. The fee for this insurance is included in our bid price, and upon request we will supply a certificate evidencing insurance at no charge. May 22, 2013 Mr. Jason Sowards Coates & Sowards, Inc. Seagraves Plaza, 10675 South De Anza Blvd., Cupertino If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, PACIFIC SURFACING, INC. .,edam R. Earp Adam R. Earp Project Manager Email aearp@pacificsurfacina.com Direct 510-755-2630 PROPOSAL ACCEPTED BY DATE Page 3 of 3 'j CITY OF CUPERTINO IRV IR F.CTTM A TnR — RI TILLING DIVISION NOTE: This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments (Le. Planning, Public wortrs, rtre, aantrarynewer "tsrrtcr, acnoot ra-�:... .. lm___ t - A......d sAContact the Dent for addn'1 info. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution 11-053 E . 7�f 11112) 10675 S De Anza Blvd DATE: 07/05/2013 REVIEWED BY: Sean IWIADDRESS: APN: BP#: IZ - j *VALUATION: $0 *PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit PLAN CHECK TYPE: Alteration / Addition / Repair PRIMARY Commercial Building USE: 0.0 PENTAMATION 1 GENCOM PERMIT TYPE: WORK PME Plan Check: SCOPE NOTE: This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments (Le. Planning, Public wortrs, rtre, aantrarynewer "tsrrtcr, acnoot ra-�:... .. lm___ t - A......d sAContact the Dent for addn'1 info. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution 11-053 E . 7�f 11112) FEE QTY/FEE MISC ITEMS Plan Check Fee: $0.00 Select a Misc Bldg/Structure or Element of a Building Suppl. PC Fee: (E) Reg. ® OT 0.0 hrs $0.00 PME Plan Check: $0.00 Permit Fee: $0.00 Suppl. Insp. Fee -.0 Reg. ® OT 0.0 hrs $0.00 PME Unit Fee:. $0.00 PME Permit Fee: $0.00 (;onstr action Tax: i4dininistrative Fee: Ali NOTE: This estimate does not include fees due to other Departments (Le. Planning, Public wortrs, rtre, aantrarynewer "tsrrtcr, acnoot ra-�:... .. lm___ t - A......d sAContact the Dent for addn'1 info. FEE ITEMS (Fee Resolution 11-053 E . 7�f 11112) FEE QTY/FEE MISC ITEMS Plan Check Fee: $0.00 Select a Misc Bldg/Structure or Element of a Building Suppl. PC Fee: (E) Reg. ® OT 0.0 hrs $0.00 PME Plan Check: $0.00 Permit Fee: $0.00 Suppl. Insp. Fee -.0 Reg. ® OT 0.0 hrs $0.00 PME Unit Fee:. $0.00 PME Permit Fee: $0.00 (;onstr action Tax: i4dininistrative Fee: E) Work Without Permit? ® Yes (E) No $0.00 Advanced Planning Fee. $0.00 Select a Non -Residential Building or Structure .0 i Travel Documentation Fees: Strong Motion. Fee: $0.00 1 # $182.00 Accessibility Hardship Exemption 1ACCHRDE Bldg Stds Commission Feer $0.00 71 _.Now $0.00 $182.00 QIP a. $182.00 Revised: 07/01/2013