Exhibit CC 11-19-13 Item #14 Emails and news articles113
Karen B. Guerin ! l
From: O'Brien, Chris [chris.obrien @latimes.com]
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2013 12:09 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney
Subject: Apple Campus 2
I hope this finds you well. In advance of the final vote tomorrow night, I was reading through some of the latest
documents filed for Apple Campus 2.
Among the documents was this "extension of consulting" agreement:
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p6kylogez8fd52k/wrotFlGV-D/` xtension of Agreement for Consultation Services.pdf
If I'm reading it correctly, it's saying Cupertino will refund 35% of sales tax to Apple. The previous rate was 50 %, 1
believe. So it would seem Apple agreed to a reduced refund rate in this case, yes?
Was hoping to get a comment from you about this. It seems the city's tax impact from the new campus as a result would
be higher than Apple had previously project.
Chris O'Brien
Los Angeles Times
415- 298 -0207
Twitter: @obrien
Gc- �i -19 -i3 � ICI
Letter ID 500195
Name caterina cuccurullo
City, State Zip
Email catecuccurullo @yahoo.it
Comment and what about the birds that will crash onto the windows?
To Whom It May Concern:
Re..... The, complaint department for APPLE.
I live in SUNNYVALE and I know I don't have much clout, BUT, that
fence going around APPLE is UGLY and tall. I live across the street and it
is just unbelievable they can build such a high fence.
Reading an article in the paper a week or two ago Apple said they were
going to have a fence around their campus #2, so it doesn't seem like it will
go away.
Also, I am upset that they (apparently with YOUR permission) are closing
Pruneridge Ave. It is going to be a nightmare. A lot of people go down
Pruneridge Ave. instead of staying on Wolfe and going down Homestead
when they get off of 1280. I use Pruneridge Avenue more since Kaiser was
LOT. There are so many cars on the road that I have to take surface streets
to get around. Can you imagine what it will be like with so many more
people on the road after Apple is built. That thing is going to be so HUGE
and I can't get over the fact that you agreed to this big white elephant.
Also, in closing, this project is something that is going to be an
inconvenience for our whole neighborhood for a few years to come with all
of the construction trucks and dust and noise. And we are not getting
anything in return. It is not a park, restaurants, or Shopping. So I am
disappointed in your judgment. The whole time I was reading about the
"spaceship" I thought it was just going to be in the same area HP was in, not
go sprawling across our Pruneridge Avenue.
Suzanne Voeller
11 -12 -2013
Apple 2 EIR
Date Received
NOV 13 2013
Pmmssed by "16
Rei Delgado
From: Karen B. Guerin
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 2:O8 PM
To: applecampus2
Subject: FW: quick question
From: Liam Simon [mailto:lsimonl300 @hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 7:44 PM
To: Mark Santoro
Subject: quick question
dear Mr. Santoro,
my name is Liam Simon, and i attended the most recent city council meetings on October 15th and November
4th. my question for you is this. What were your thoughts and feelings on the results of these two meetings in
regards to the vote on the Apple building and the Amicus Brief in the No Toxic Air v. Santa Clara county case?
will be writing a report to my teacher and your answer will effect what i write so please be honest and answer
as quickly as you can. i look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Liam Simon
Rei Delgado
From: Karen B. Guerin
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 9:27 AM
To: applecampus2
Subject: FW: Thank you - Campus 2 - Transit
From: Jeremy Cheng [mailto:acopandCabgmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 9:18 AM
To; Mark Santoro; Mark Santoro
Subject: Re: Thank you - Campus 2 - Transit
Hello Mark,
This is Jeremy, checking in regarding next - generation transit. I hope all is well with you. I'd still love to get
your perspective and advice on a concept I think you'll find interesting.
Is there a good time to catch you in the next week? I could also catch you before or after next week's council
meeting, if convenient.
Thanks for your work for Cupertino,
aeopland@gmail.com ,
(650)387 -1546
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 1:08 PM, Mark Santoro <cupertiriomark @gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Jeremy,
I am tied up for the next couple of weeks. You might want to email David Brandt the city manager
(davidb @cupertino.org). If you still want to chat shoot me an email in a few weeks. If you have a website I
can take a look at your stuff that might help.
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 12:33 PM, Jeremy Cheng <aco land @gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Mark Santoro
I am writing first to thank you for your well crafted motion on the Apple campus 2 at the last council meeting.
Your action to form a community facilities district was a smart, practical, and appropriate strategy to respond to
the traffic concerns of the community. As an engineer I also appreciated your thoughtful and analytical
questions, such as on the traffic model -assumptions. Thank: you for your public service!
My name is Jeremy and I am a mechanical engineer, aspiring entrepreneur, and former Cupertino resident of the
Monte Vista area (now a neighbor). I am working on a project that could be useful to the city of Cupertino and
would love to get your input and ideas. My budding company is developing a next - generation transit system
that is focused on tackling the "first mile problem ". Transit networks are difficult to execute in suburbs
compared to urban areas due. to the lower population density; this makes many residents reliant on cars, often as
single occupant vehicles. My team has a novel solution using emerging technologies and clever optimization
If you have time and interest, I'd very much value the opportunity to share the concept with you and get your
advice. Can I buy you coffee sometime? (Am I allowed to by conflict of interest rules ?)
Thanks once again for your service,
Jeremy Cheng
Jeremy @niceryde.com
(650)387 -1.546
From the Silicon Valley Business Journal cc 0(01,3 #Iy
Oct 22, 2013, 2:47pm PDT
Shuttle diplomacy: Why Mountain View
wants Google., Intuit to ride the same bus
Nathan Donato-Weinstein
Real Estate Reporter- Si/icon Valley Business Journal
Email I Twitter
Corporate shuttle services have mushroomed in the past several years as tech giants such as
Apple Inc. and Google Inc. ferry workers from San Francisco (and other locales) to campuses in
Silicon Valley.
But such services have remained largely separate from each other — and certainly cut off from
your average non-tech-worker citizen.
Now several tech companies and developers are working together to plan a more efficient and
open system, at least within the epicenter of the shuttle world: Mountain View.
San Francisco-based developer TMG Partners announced this week it would team with Google
Inc., Intuit Corp., and fellow developer Sares Regis Group of Northern California to form a
new transportation management agency in Mountain View. The nonprofit organization will devise,
fund and operate a shared-shuttle service that will operate within the city and be available to
members of the public and workers at other companies.
TMG, which is building a new 385,000-square-foot campus for Samsung R&D Institute America at
665 Clyde Ave., was required to set up the agency as a city condition for approval of the project.
But TMG wasn't sure whether other corporate neighbors — many of whom compete for ultra-
valuable tech talent — would join the effort. They did.
"It's not just our company, but regional heavy-hitters who want to collaborate," Denise Pinkston, a
partner with TMG, told me today. "Companies understand we need to start working together
differently than we have before."
Going forward, companies that want to grow in the city might not have a choice.
"We're starting to make it a condition of approval for a lot of these redevelopment plans," said
Margaret Abe Koga, a city councilwoman.
The agency's goals include reducing single-occupant car use, providing more transit options for
employees and the public, and connecting businesses to downtown Mountain View. While the exact
route is being worked out, the system will take riders among corporate campuses, regional
transportation stops and Castro Street, the city's central business district.
Traffic — including from the multiple, separate tech-bus systems themselves — have emerged as a
major concern among Mountain View elected officials and residents. It's a byproduct of the city's
success: Mountain View has seen exceptionally strong commercial real estate absorption thanks to
tech juggernaut Google and others, but it is also seeing much more ground-up development
activity as well.
Another member of the agency, Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management, for instance, is working
with Sares Regis on The Centre @ 700, a 1-million-square-foot campus project at Middlefield Road
and Highway 237. The five-building project is slated for city council approval this coming spring.
Cornish & Carey Commercial Newmark Knight Frank is marketing the project.
Intuit is also planning two new buildings in its North Bayshore home. And the city is contemplating
allowing more intense commercial development in the business area.
Abe-Koga said the city hopes the transportation agency can reduce the need for multiple corporate
bus systems in town. That could help cut down not just on shuttle traffic, but also the problem of a
whole bus filled with only a couple of passengers.
"The idea is these companies shouldn't have all their own programs — they can invest into one,"
she said.
Pinkston said the agency would be open by 2015 at the latest. That's when the Samsung project,
which broke ground last week, should open its doors. The four co-founding members of the agency
will throw in $75,000 each to get the organization up and running, and serve on the board of
directors in leadership roles.
"We need to drill down into the details, but I think the ideas are limitless," Pinkston said.
Nathan Donato-Weinstein covers commercial real estate and transportation for the
Silicon Valley Business Journal.
11���(j3 .Council on Tuesday that its Mountain View's 1 MA is
GoogleO j Oin ( GOGGLE shuttles to and from Marine likely to grow as developers and
L P.Continued,from page 1 Way, near Shoreline Park s tech companies are required
�WCWest entrance, are open to the to join as a condition of new
a n s�t a �, VTA,Caltrain and public,though Siegel expressed development in Mountain View.
_ g r y �ur campus, got the mes
uowntown Mountain View," c0ncevi about whether the aoegthat it would probably be
SHUTTLE SERVICE TO BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Said Denise Pinkston, chair of public knew this. g
By Daniel DeBolt the Mountain View agency's Pinkston said Google and required to join the TMA soon
board and a partner with devel- other companies would likely when it propose its first major
oper TMG,which is developing continue to run their own shut- office development in Mountain
oogle is known foroper; empty employee shuttles intown; i a campus for Samsung on the tle programs,but efforts would View to the City Council.
atmg the largest private "while potentially coordinating 600 block of Clyde Avenue. be made with the TMA to make Pinkston said the MTMA has make over
transit;i system in the other efforts to reduce car trips,; Because it is not yet a require- sure as many routes as possible hencomin decisions ear,such as how
world, shuttling -thousands' of Possibilities include paying ment,Pinkston said she couldn't were not`.`duplicated. the buses will be branded,what
employees to and from Mountain fora new shared parking garage- guarantee there would be a pub- exactly the routes and schedules
View on big,white buses that are that keeps North Bayshore` licly accessible shuttle service to will be and how the endeavor
now a symbol-of the company's employees from driving on an and from North Bayshore.Resi- `j think together will be publicized,among other
dominant-role'm Silicon Valley. increasin. 1 ridlocked Shore- dents have long desired a frequent
Y 8 Y g g , , things.The association recently
But soon Google employees may line Boulevard, or new bike bus service to North Bayshore's we re 1"eally going formed as a non-profit that is
share theipuses with employees share facilities. movie theaters, restaurants and not subject to laws requiring
ofother companies andmem- Suchmeasureswillbeincreas other entertainment venues, as to do some publicly accessible meetings,
bens of the public. ingly important as the city is well as Shoreline Park. Council ' Pinkston said,though city offi-
On Oct '24 (after:the 'Voice .now re uirin "mode share" member Jac Siegel said it was interesting stuff:
q. , ,g . g cials will be involved.
goes.to press)Google is expected targets for new offices — on likely to happen soon. DENISE PINKSTON "It's a big deal to have all of
to join Intuit,Samsung and two Tuesday, Intuit promised to "I really believe it will go into these companies with incredibly
developers for the first meeting the City Council that only 45 effect within next six months divergent interests to sit down
of the'Mountain View Trans- percent of its employees would to a year," Siegel said."Nothing
portafion- Management Asso- drive:alone to a new cam us at like that exists now.People want The effort has so far been at the table together to work on
ciation,a City Council created 2600 Marine Way` P to go to the movies,they want to spearheaded b TMG partners, a common solution," Pinkston
requirement of one new office Reduced traffic isn't the only o to Shoreline Park.We think which has experience creating said "Each party brings to the
development in Mountain View way''fhe' ,public will benefit hat's a big benefit to the people such a service in Emeryville table different business practices
The agency will collectively-run The transportation mana ement of Mountain View. beginning in the 1980s called and different transit needs,but I
shuttles for major employers in association(TMA)is required by Siegel said it was likely that Emery Go-Round that connects think together we're really going
the city,and run a new publicly the city`to run a shuttle service such a shuttle to North Bayshore BART with a shopping mall, to do some interesting stuff."
accessible route between corpo- to and from downtown'that is would even operate on nights Pixar, and other employers.
rate campuses and downtown. available to the public." and weekends. He added that The service publishes maps and at mail t @mvl DeBolt
Aside.from keeping solo car "We will create a such an arrangement is some- schedules online.
drivers;.off the road, the asso- accessible shuttle that will link thin Google would not have "We take thousands of cars off
ciation's effectiveness will be.in volunteered to do before. the road everyday,"Pinkston said NlountainView,
reducing the°number of nearly ►See GOOGLE,page 8 "One of the things that is of Emery Go-Round,which she ONLINE
exciting about it is that Intuit said MTMA would be modeled
has already said that anybody after. "It had a huge impact on LET'S Discuss:
can use their shuttles—Google that community.The hope is that Read the latest local news
initially said we're not going to Mountain View's TMA will have headlines and talk about the
do that,"Siegel said. a significant impact on the qual- 1lnounta�v Town Square al
Intuit officials told the City ity of life in Mountain View."