Exhibit CC 12-03-13 Oral Communications�C 12-l3jr3
12/3113 Council Meetng —Oral Communications by Barbara Rogers 0E-AL.
Honorable Mayor and Council: Preliminary Congratuations, if I may be so presumptive, on your new
positions and thanks to all of you as you have served so well during the last year.
Thank You, officially, for Co- sponsoring the Housing, Community & Longevity Forum on Nov. 5.
It was a great success, and I was happy to see therE: the Mayor who welcomed us as well as the 3
Councilmen who were in town.
Thank You to staff for their assistance —they always make the City look good. And in this instance, I
thank them espcially for arranging a follow -on meeting to the last commuity workshop in order to to
address senior issues and also Vallco. It will be held 5:00 -6:45 p.m. this Thurs. Dec. 5 in the "old"
Council Chambers.
appreciate that staff is welcoming new input since the Forum on Aging in Place was held on Nov. 5.
And that they are bringing this topic to the forefront since it wasn't a major concern when the General
Plan Review process originally was scoped.
I'm responding to Mayor Orrin's request to learn more about new housing options and programs to
serve aging in place:
That is: living in the home of one's choice with .support and connections to thrive as long as
one lives.
I have 3 requests --
1) That the voice of older adults in Cupertino be heard in the update of the General Plan. That they
be recognized as one of the community stakeholders in the GPR process and especially also as one
of the stakeholders in the review of the Housing EIE!ment. And that they be asked what they think is
important —what they believe would make life happier and more meaningful, both for them and to the
benefit of the City and its residents.
2) That there be a "cross- cutting" look at how the City is prepared for its population of older adults to
more than triple in the next 20 years. Council might consider instructing each of its advisory
commissions to assess within their programatic areas the existing programs and practices serving
Cupertino's older adults; to learn about how other communities are preparing for growth of their elder
demographic; and to report their suggestions to Council for next steps in preparing Cupertino for the
demographic shift.
3) That the General Plan Housing Element be a "skate of the art" document incorporating national
best practices. Council should consider amending the consulting contract to allow for the consultant
a) to survey the housing elements of cities which already have included language recognizing the
unique and changing needs of older adults;
b) to consider ways to streamline zoning and approval processes for housing which serves
Cupertino's older adults;
c) to inventory incentives which can be offered to developers; and
d) to educate City staff and Council about innovative options for services that can support aging in
I'd very much like to see the City plan for senior housing, particularly with the looming, burgeoning
elderly population, before all the land use decisions have been made and all the development has
been planned or already has occurred.