10 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255
TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3111
Meeting: February 18, 2014
Approval of an agreement for consultant services for the Stevens Creek Boulevard to
McClellan Ranch Preserve Corridor Master Plan.
Staff recommends that the City Council approve the following:
1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a consultant agreement with MIG to
provide services to the City that will result in a comprehensive master plan for
the corridor and associated Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), for an amount
not to exceed $425,000.
2. Appropriate an additional $180,000 to provide for the expanded EIR cost and
alternatives and expanded noticing ($425,000 plus $55,000), for a total budget not
to exceed $480,000.
3. Authorize the City Manager to approve Contact Change Orders (CCO) for Items
1 and 2 above to the extent that total expenditures do not exceed the total amount
of the project budget.
The Capital Improvements Program Budget for FY2013/14 appropriated $300,000 for
the Corridor Master Plan, which included a CEQA initial study technical memo. The
main objectives of the entire process, from data gathering to the culmination of the Plan
itself, was to identify the values of the community, provide a City‐wide vision for
Stevens Creek Boulevard to McClellan Ranch Preserve Corridor, and establish a
strategic direction for delivery of programs.
A consultant selection process was initiated in September 2013 to select a consultant to
provide the professional services necessary to undertake the master plan.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued on December 11th to firms having specific
experience in preparing park master plans for cities with similar characteristics to
Cupertino in size, demographics or project scope. The City received two RFPs by the
January 6th due date. A four‐person selection panel reviewed and ranked the firms
based on selection criteria and the firms were invited to interview. Interviews were
conducted on January 22nd. The firms were evaluated and ranked based on selection
criteria with MIG having the best overall proposal.
After consultation with the consultant and legal counsel, the proposed scope of work
was expanded to increase the level of CEQA review from an initial study/mitigated
negative declaration to a complete Environmental Impact Report. This will require an
additional budget appropriation of $180,000.
Since it was founded in 1982, MIG, Inc. has focused on planning, designing and
sustaining environments that support human development and active lifestyles. Their
professionals have assisted public, private and nonprofit organizations throughout the
country in projects that protect sensitive resources, enhance community livability,
support revitalization and connect people with places.
If approved, the consultants will start work in February with the scope of the work
projected to be completed within 12 months. The project will be organized into four
phases, and public engagement is incorporated in each phase as follows:
¾ Phase 1: Opportunities and Constraints will result in a detailed analysis that
incorporates technical information, quantitative assessments and feedback from
the community;
¾ Phase 2: Needs Assessment and Alternatives Development includes a citywide
parks and recreation needs assessment using industry best practices, the creation
of a menu of design program elements for the corridor and the development of
different alternative scenarios for the corridor.
¾ Phase 3: Master Plan Development will build the elements of the master plan
one by one, with community, staff and City leader feedback.
¾ Phase 4: Plan Refinement and Adoption includes the preparation and
refinement of the Corridor Master Plan document, the CEQA documentation and
the review and adoption process.
Staff recommends that Council approve the agreement with MIG for the Corridor
Master Plan in the amount of $425,000.
Fiscal Impact
The FY2013/14 appropriation for the Corridor Master Plan CIP was originally set at
$300,000. Approval of this project, which includes an expanded EIR, will require an
additional appropriation of $180,000.
Prepared by: Carol Atwood, Director of Parks and Recreation
Reviewed by:
Approved for Submission by: David Brandt, City Manager