Exhibit CC 2-18-14 Item No. 11 A - Draft BudgetCUPERTINO PARKS AND RECREATION I STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD TO MCCLELLAN RANCH PRESERVE CORRIDOR MASTER PLAN Fehr & Peers KPFF Hours @ $170 Hours @ $140 Hours @ $155 Hours @ $190 Hours @ $125 Hours @ $95 Hours @ $85 1.1 Project Initiation Meeting 4 $680 8 $1,120 4 $620 4 $760 4 $500 $0 1 $85 17 $3,765 $700 $4,465 1.2 Draft and Final Public Engagement Plan 4 $680 $0 $0 $0 16 $2,000 $0 1 $85 21 $2,765 $2,765 1.3 TAG Meeting #1 6 $1,020 8 $1,120 $0 $0 8 $1,000 $0 1 $85 23 $3,225 $700 $3,925 1.4 MPAC Meeting #1 $0 8 $1,120 $0 $0 8 $1,000 $0 1 $85 17 $2,205 $700 $2,905 1.5 Stakeholder Interviews (16) & Focus Groups (3)8 $1,360 16 $2,240 $0 $0 32 $4,000 $0 8 $680 64 $8,280 $1,200 $9,480 1.6 Community Intercepts (2)1 $170 $0 $0 $0 2 $250 20 $1,900 4 $340 27 $2,660 $1,200 $3,860 1.7 Base Map $0 4 $560 4 $620 $0 $0 40 $3,800 $0 48 $4,980 $100 $5,080 1.8 Field Tour and Site Analysis Mapping 4 $680 12 $1,680 12 $1,860 12 $2,280 $0 24 $2,280 $0 64 $8,780 $3,000 $450 $12,230 1.9 EIR Baseline Traffic Study: Data Collection & Field Observations $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 1.10 Opportunities & Constraints Analysis 4 $680 4 $560 16 $2,480 30 $5,700 $0 100 $9,500 $0 154 $18,920 $100 $19,020 1.11 Technical Memo 8 $1,360 24 $3,360 $0 8 $1,520 $0 $0 $0 40 $6,240 $6,240 1.12 Public Information Update 1 $170 $0 $0 $0 2 $250 8 $760 $0 11 $1,180 $1,180 1.13 Phase 1 Project Management and Coordination (3 Months)12 $2,040 24 $3,360 $0 $0 $0 $0 6 $510 42 $5,910 $5,910 Subtotal 52 $8,840 108 $15,120 36 $5,580 54 $10,260 72 $9,000 192 $18,240 22 $1,870 528 $68,910 $5,000 $3,000 $5,150 $82,060 Phase 2: Needs Assessment and Alternatives Development 2.1 Mapita Interactive Online Survey 4 $680 4 $560 $0 $0 $0 32 $3,040 8 $680 48 $4,960 $4,000 $8,960 2.2 Demographic and Recreation Trends Analysis 8 $1,360 2 $280 $0 $0 $0 24 $2,280 1 $85 35 $4,005 $4,005 2.3 Needs Assessment 16 $2,720 8 $1,120 $0 $0 $0 60 $5,700 1 $85 85 $9,625 $100 $9,725 2.4 Preliminary Design Program 4 $680 8 $1,120 4 $620 $0 $0 8 $760 $0 24 $3,180 $3,180 2.5 TAG Meeting #2 6 $1,020 8 $1,120 $0 $0 8 $1,000 $0 1 $85 23 $3,225 $700 $3,925 2.6 MPAC Meeting #2 $0 8 $1,120 $0 $0 8 $1,000 $0 1 $85 17 $2,205 $700 $2,905 2.7 Refined Design Program 2 $340 2 $280 2 $310 $0 $0 4 $380 $0 10 $1,310 $1,310 2.8 Alternatives Charrette & Development 16 $2,720 24 $3,360 24 $3,720 16 $3,040 $0 $0 $0 80 $12,840 $2,000 $1,500 $16,340 2.9 Interactive Public Workshop #1 8 $1,360 8 $1,120 $0 $0 16 $2,000 $0 8 $680 40 $5,160 $1,200 $6,360 2.10 Online Public Workshop #1 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $500 24 $2,280 8 $680 36 $3,460 $3,460 2.11 Public Information Update 1 $170 $0 $0 $0 2 $250 8 $760 $0 11 $1,180 $1,180 2.12 Phase 2 Project Management (3 Months)12 $2,040 24 $3,360 $0 $0 $0 $0 6 $510 42 $5,910 $5,910 Subtotal 77 $13,090 96 $13,440 30 $4,650 16 $3,040 38 $4,750 160 $15,200 34 $2,890 451 $57,060 $0 $2,000 $8,200 $67,260 3.1 TAG Meeting #3 $0 8 $1,120 $0 $0 8 $1,000 $0 1 $85 17 $2,205 $700 $2,905 3.2 MPAC Meeting #3 $0 8 $1,120 $0 $0 8 $1,000 $0 1 $85 17 $2,205 $700 $2,905 3.3 Parks and Recreation Commission Update 8 $1,360 8 $1,120 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $85 17 $2,565 $700 $3,265 3.4 City Council Update 8 $1,360 8 $1,120 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $85 17 $2,565 $700 $3,265 3.5 EIR - Notice of Preparation, Scoping Meeting $0 $0 $0 24 $4,560 $0 48 $4,560 $0 72 $9,120 $9,120 3.6 Preferred Alternative 8 $1,360 16 $2,240 24 $3,720 12 $2,280 $0 60 $5,700 $0 120 $15,300 $1,500 $16,800 3.7 Draft Recommendations Memo 24 $4,080 24 $3,360 $0 24 $4,560 $0 24 $2,280 $0 96 $14,280 $1,500 $15,780 3.8 Funding and Implementation Options Memo 12 $2,040 $0 $0 $0 $0 24 $2,280 $0 36 $4,320 $4,320 Professional Fees Totals MIG Project Associate Laurie Matthews John Baas/Laura Moran CEQA/EIR Project AssistantProject Manager Ellie Fiore e s t i m a t e d p r o j e c t c o s t MIG, Inc. Landscape Architect MIG Totals MIG Outreach Lauren Schmitt Matthew Gaber Direct CostsPrincipal-in-Charge Phase 3: Master Plan Development Phase 1: Opportunities and Constraints CUPERTINO PARKS AND RECREATION I STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD TO MCCLELLAN RANCH PRESERVE CORRIDOR MASTER PLAN Fehr & Peers KPFF Hours @ $170 Hours @ $140 Hours @ $155 Hours @ $190 Hours @ $125 Hours @ $95 Hours @ $85 Professional Fees Totals MIG Project Associate Laurie Matthews John Baas/Laura Moran CEQA/EIR Project AssistantProject Manager Ellie Fiore e s t i m a t e d p r o j e c t c o s t MIG, Inc. Landscape Architect MIG Totals MIG Outreach Lauren Schmitt Matthew Gaber Direct CostsPrincipal-in-Charge 3.9 Capital and Operations Cost Model 8 $1,360 $0 24 $3,720 8 $1,520 $0 $0 $0 40 $6,600 $2,000 $8,600 3.10 TAG Meeting #4 $0 8 $1,120 $0 $0 8 $1,000 $0 $0 16 $2,120 $700 $2,820 3.11 MPAC Meeting #4 + Public Open House $0 12 $1,680 $0 $0 16 $2,000 20 $1,900 4 $340 52 $5,920 $700 $6,620 3.12 Public Information Update 1 $170 $0 $0 $0 2 $250 8 $760 $0 11 $1,180 $1,180 3.13 Phase 3 Project Management (2 Months)8 $1,360 16 $2,240 $0 $0 $0 $0 4 $340 28 $3,940 $3,940 Subtotal 77 $13,090 108 $15,120 48 $7,440 68 $12,920 42 $5,250 184 $17,480 12 $1,020 539 $72,320 $0 $5,000 $4,200 $81,520 4.1 Draft Master Plan Document 8 $1,360 16 $2,240 12 $1,860 $0 4 $500 80 $7,600 4 $340 124 $13,900 $500 $14,400 4.2 TAG Meeting #5 $0 8 $1,120 $0 $0 8 $1,000 $0 1 $85 17 $2,205 $700 $2,905 4.3 Online Comment Form $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $125 $0 8 $680 9 $805 $805 4.4 Public Information Update 1 $170 $0 $0 $0 2 $250 8 $760 $0 11 $1,180 $1,180 4.5 EIR Studies and Technical Reports (traffic, air, noise, biology)$0 $0 $0 18 $3,420 $0 60 $5,700 $0 78 $9,120 $14,250 $23,370 4.6 EIR - Administrative Draft Program EIR $0 $0 $0 120 $22,800 $0 320 $30,400 208 $17,680 648 $70,880 $70,880 4.7 EIR - Screencheck and Draft EIR $0 $0 $0 36 $6,840 $0 80 $7,600 40 $3,400 156 $17,840 $17,840 4.8 EIR - Final EIR, Mitigation Monitoring, Notice of Determination $0 $0 $0 36 $6,840 $0 120 $11,400 80 $6,800 236 $25,040 $25,040 4.9 EIR - Hearings (3)$0 $0 $0 40 $7,600 $0 24 $2,280 8 $680 72 $10,560 $10,560 4.10 Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting 8 $1,360 8 $1,120 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $85 17 $2,565 $700 $3,265 4.11 Planning Commission Meeting 8 $1,360 8 $1,120 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $85 17 $2,565 $700 $3,265 4.12 City Council Meeting 8 $1,360 8 $1,120 $0 $0 $0 $0 1 $85 17 $2,565 $700 $3,265 4.13 Final Master Plan 1 $170 4 $560 1 $155 1 $190 $0 32 $3,040 4 $340 43 $4,455 $500 $4,955 4.14 Project Closeout Digital Files $0 2 $280 $0 $0 $0 4 $380 4 $340 10 $1,000 $100 $1,100 4.15 Phase 4 Project Management (12 Months)12 $2,040 24 $3,360 $0 16 $3,040 $0 $0 4 $340 56 $8,780 $8,780 Subtotal 46 $7,820 78 $10,920 13 $2,015 267 $50,730 15 $1,875 728 $69,160 364 $30,940 1511 $173,460 $14,250 $0 $3,900 $191,610 252 $42,840 390 $54,600 127 $19,685 405 $76,950 167 $20,875 1264 $120,080 432 $36,720 3029 $371,750 $19,250 $10,000 $21,450 $422,450 5%Administrative Mark Up $963 $500 $1,073 $424,985 252 42840 390 54600 127 19685 405 76950 167 20875 1264 120080 432 36720 3029 371750 19250 10000 21450 422450 Optional Tasks Video Series $6,000 Statistically Valid Survey $25,000 Additional MPAC or TAG Meeting, 2 MIG Staff $2,800 Additional Workshop, 2 MIG Staff $6,400 Total Project Cost Professional Time and Costs Subtotal Phase 4: Plan Refinement, EIR and Adoption