101-Draft Minutes 1-28-14.pdf
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
6:45 P.M. JANUARY 28, 2014 TUESDAY
The regular Planning Commission meeting of January 28, 2014 was called to order at 6:45 p.m. in the
Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA. by Chair Don Sun.
Commissioners present: Chairperson: Don Sun
Vice Chairperson: Paul Brophy
Commissioner: Margaret Gong
Commissioner: Winnie Lee
Commissioner: Alan Takahashi
Staff present: City Planner: Gary Chao
Planning Intern: Kaitie Groeneweg
Asst. City Attorney: Colleen Winchester
1. Minutes of the January 14, 2014 Planning Commission meeting:
MOTION: Motion by Com. Gong, second by Com. Takahashi, and carried 4-0-1, Chair Sun
abstained, to approve the January 14, 2014 Planning Commission minutes as
Kevin McClelland,Cupertino Chamber of Commerce, announced the following upcoming events
for the City of Cupertino:
• State of the City Address, January 29, 2014
• Lunar New Year Lunch, February 14, 2014
• Quarterly Star Awards recognizing community leaders and local businesses
Cupertino Planning Commission January 28, 2014
2. Election of Chair, Vice Chair and Committee Representatives:
Gary Chao, City Planner, reviewed the process for election of Chair and Vice Chair, and assignment of
Commissioners to committees.
MOTION: Motion by Com. Lee, second by Com. Gong, and carried 4-0-1, Com. Brophy
abstained, to nominate Com. Paul Brophy to serve as Chairperson for 2014.
Newly elected Chair Paul Brophy chaired the remainder of the meeting.
MOTION: Motion by Com. Sun, second by Com. Takahashi, to nominate Com. Winnie Lee
as Vice Chairperson for 2014; carried 4-0-1; Com. Lee abstained.
The following committee appointments were made; it was decided that alternates not be appointed to each
committee. If a representative is unable to attend the meeting, the administrative clerk will be notified
and she will contact commissioners for an alternate rep for that meeting.
Environmental Review Committee: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 9:30 a.m.
Chair Paul Brophy will be the representative on the ERC, subject to City Council approval.
MOTION: Motion by Com. Gong, second by Com. Sun, and carried 4-0-1, Chair
Brophy abstained, to nominate Chair Brophy as representative to the ERC
Design Review Committee: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 5:00 p.m.
The Vice Chair of the Commission serves as Chair of the Design Review Committee (DRC);
Vice Chair Winnie Lee will serve as Chair of the DRC for 2014; Com. Alan Takahashi will also serve on
the DRC for 2014.
MOTION: It was moved, seconded, and carried 4-0-1, Vice Chair Lee abstained, that
Vice Chair Lee serve as Chair of the DRC.
MOTION: It was moved, seconded, and carried 4-0-1, Com. Takahashi abstained, that
Com. Takahashi also serve on the DRC for 2014.
Economic Development Committee: Meeting Dates to be determined
Com. Gong volunteered to serve on the Economic Development Committee.
MOTION: It was moved, seconded and carried 4-0-1, Com. Gong abstained, that
Com. Gong serve on the Economic Development Committee for 2014.
Housing Commission: 2nd Thursday, 9:00 a.m.
Com. Sun volunteered to serve on the Housing Commission.
Cupertino Planning Commission January 28, 2014
MOTION: It was moved, seconded and carried 4-0-1, Com. Sun abstained, that
Com. Sun serve on the Housing Commission for 2014.
Mayor’s Monthly Meeting: Second Wednesday, 4:00 p.m. Conference Room A
Attendance at the monthly meeting as follows:
February 12 Com. Lee July 9 Vice Chair Lee
March 12 Com. Takahashi August 13 Com. Takahashi
April 9 Com. Gong Sept. 10 Com. Gong
May 14 Com. Sun Oct. 8 Com. Sun
June 11 Chair Brophy Nov. 12 Chair Brophy
Gary Chao:
• Reviewed dates for upcoming study sessions: February 12 Housing Element; February 18 General
Plan Amendment, City Council/Planning Commission Study Session; March 4 Joint City
Council/Planning Commission Housing Element Study Session.
3. U-2013-09 Use permit to allow the operation of a weekly mobile food market
Benjamin Himlan in the parking lot of an existing commercial establishment.
(Whole Foods Market)
20955 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Kaitie Groeneweg, Planning Intern, presented the staff report:
• Reviewed the application for the operation of a weekly mobile food market in the Whole Foods
Market location, which will provide a collection of individual food truck vendors weekly, as well as
seating and live entertainment for the customers. There are similar markets located in the Oaks
Center and Vallco Shopping Center. She reviewed the project location, mobile food market
operation, parking/traffic analysis, outdoor live entertainment, restroom locations, parking agreement,
as outlined in the staff report. An automatic one-year review period shall be conducted by staff after
approval. The Planning Department will make adjustments if problems are observed.
• Staff recommends the Planning Commission approve the application in conjunction with the
proposed conditions of approval outlined in the draft resolution.
• Staff answered Commissioners’ questions regarding the application, including impact on traffic while
event is going on, customer parking, and location of food trucks. Gary Chao said that if the church
decided after a year not to allow shared parking any longer, the city reserves the right to conduct
either adjustments to the setup, whether circulation, location, to allow more parking or to curtail the
use, or reduce the number of vendors or food trucks. Relative to the live entertainment, originally
there were concerns with the amplified music, but the project location is not adjacent to any sensitive
receptors, and the noise ordinance addresses certain times of the day and maximum decibel reading.
If complaints are received, staff will respond accordingly and the music level will have to be lowered
or curtailed. If it becomes a problem again, the Commission has the ability to bring the item back for
review, and a condition could be added to prohibit amplified music. Com Gong suggested a
condition that for the first month or first four sessions a parking attendant directing traffic flow be
Com. Sun:
• Expressed concern about potential traffic congestion around the dinner hour. He questioned the
possibility of an alternative, have they had the issue before; what is the alternative to putting food
Cupertino Planning Commission January 28, 2014
trucks at the corner next to the church where there is light traffic? Said he wanted to know of any
other concerns.
Gary Chao:
• Said that when the trial run was done along Stevens Creek and Stelling, the event was in the middle
of the aisle and it would seem the further away they set up from Stevens Creek, it would allow for
additional circulation, more free flow, etc. but the reverse is true, because what happens based on the
consultant’s observations, is people drive into the parking lot and immediately slow down to look for
parking stalls. The fact that there are available parking stalls in the first couple of aisles, makes that
situation worse, because they queue up and wait to make a left hand turn and find out there isn’t any
down the line which slows down traffic. The traffic engineer suggested having the event at the first
row, block it off, and have a traffic attendant stand near the entrance of the first aisle; and direct
people to continue if they enter the site, to seek their parking stalls further down into the parking lot
so they won’t queue up the initial queue area and that will allow the circulation to be improved.
Alternatively consider having the event in the last row as well. If there are any issues observed or
complaints received, staff can meet with the applicant and strategize with them if there needs to be
additional determination or consideration given. Based on the consultant’s recommendation, the
proposal is shown on the drawing as the most ideal location.
Matt Cohen, Owner of Off the Grid:
• Provided a review of operations, with 24 locations in the regional Bay Area, and 8 locations in San
Mateo County. Stated that all markets have two staff onsite; this location one staff would be located
at entrance to event, allowing people to be flagged on and not stop in middle of the street. If needed,
they could dedicate a second person to the street on Stevens Creek to help with queuing on Stevens
Creek because there is a right turn off Stelling and backup can occur.
• He provided an overview of the advertising of events, menus and costs of food sold. Explained the
operations; every other week the same businesses would return for a period of 6 months, after every 6
months there is a rotation in the businesses that are there to keep the market interesting and fresh.
Not all the businesses go away but there is a substantial percentage that change over to keep people
interested and attract new customers.
Com Sun:
• Asked for more information about the site alternative, whether on the front of Stevens Creek or next
to the church on the other side.
Matt Cohen:
• Said they didn’t explore all the way back against the church, because if they shut down that much
parking in the lot because the way the aisles are positioned, it would be challenging for people to
navigate through the actual lot by shutting that much space down in the back aisle of the lot.
• It was the first draft and there were some concerns about visibility; they moved to the second aisle in
and experienced the same sense of confusion about when they made the first right turn in; they were
looking for parking and even we had three people on site for that event and one person flagging
people on. There was still an inclination on the part of people to want to make that left turn and if
someone was pulling out of the first five spaces in that first aisle, it created a backup that cascaded
onto Stevens Creek.
• The proposed situation would increase the choke of the entrance substantially which would allow for
a greater amount of backup in front of the aisle where the market is but also encourage people to
move continuously through the space into the first available parking.
Com. Sun:
• Asked what the disadvantage was to put it in the back, since he felt that there would be extra traffic
Cupertino Planning Commission January 28, 2014
delay at the front of Stevens Creek when people turn right into Whole Foods.
Matt Cohen:
• One of the primary concerns expressed to the city has been about parking capacity in the space; if the
aisle is shut down all the way in the back of the space, it uses more parking spaces than were
originally requested in terms of use. He said that 8 or 9 trucks at the event was ideal for a Tuesday
evening event, and he was not opposed to not having a permit for serving alcohol or beer.
Com Sun:
• Asked if the new business coming to the parking lot would generate traffic to the Whole Foods
customer or not; and how will the two businesses be complimentary to each other.
Les Gavado, Asst Mgr Whole Foods Market:
• Said Whole Foods was excited to have the opportunity to partner with the city and Off the Grid, and
are looking forward to being a good neighbor to its customers by sharing and creating a good
environment for their customers and the community. Relative to traffic issues, during the
Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks it is very hectic on Stevens Creek but they feel they have
perfected how to manage the parking situation within their parking lot. There will be store team
members in the parking lot facilitating parking, helping customers, blocking off parkways so they can
continue the flow through the parking lot; store management will observe parking on the hour. The
goal is to not cause disruption on Stevens Creek or backup on Stevens Creek or Stelling, and will
make sure there are ample team members in the parking lot making sure there is a good flow of
traffic. Tuesday evenings is the least amount of business for the week, hence it is a great opportunity.
• Relative to the location of the food trucks, at the October event, the trucks were parked in the middle
of the parking lot which was ideal for customer response and good parking control. The Assembly of
God Church is a good neighbor and allows shared parking when needed. Whole Foods reciprocates
by providing food and beverages to the Church when they have meetings. It is a friendly agreement
between the church and store. On a regular basis there is sufficient parking for the store’s team
Com. Takahashi:
• Asked staff if given there might be some tweaking and optimization based on actual volume of the
event, is there flexibility written in the conditional use permit to be able to make those adjustments?
Gary Chao:
• With city consideration and approval, if for any reason Whole Foods or Off the Grid decide
something is not working out; they could maximize it by shifting it an aisle north. They would have
to bring that plan to the city.
Matt Cohen:
• In response to a comment that the food trucks would take away business from local establishments, he
said that Off the Grid has a substantial customer base in the area; and they don’t see it as an
opportunity to come in and take customers away from existing businesses; but are looking to shift
demand to different times when people might choose to stay at home or be more family friendly.
Their targeted demographic is young couples 25 to 45 years old with families and young
professionals 20 to 40. If the application is approved, it would be about 3 weeks before the operation
would begin, to allow time for compliance with conditions, securing permits, etc.
Les Gavado:
• Said he was confident that the weekly Tuesday event would not have a detrimental effect on their
parking lot and it would provide a benefit to the community.
Cupertino Planning Commission January 28, 2014
The public hearing was opened.
Kevin McClelland, Cupertino Chamber of Commerce:
• Congratulated Chair and Vice Chair on election of new officers for 2014, and thanked the Planning
Commissioners for their hard work and good efforts in the previous year. He said that the Chamber is
conflicted regarding the conditional use permit; While Whole Foods is an amazing business partner in
Cupertino and they wish them success, on the flip side there have been issues and concerns with food
trucks coming into town. If someone is going to Panera Breads or Panda Express and weren’t
attracted to the food trucks, there is no need for a permit, the event should not be occurring. The
reality is it is going to potentially hurt some of the local restaurants. The tax revenue to the city is
going to be much more marginal than the tax revenue that all the other restaurants in the area are
going to generate.
The public hearing was closed.
Gary Chao:
• Commented that the city of Cupertino received the sales tax revenue from the food trucks, although
the trucks may be from other cities.
Chair Brophy:
• Said he was not certain he agreed with the traffic consultant’s idea that it would work better by
putting it up front; Stevens Creek entrance is the slowest one; people enter the parking lot and want a
space in the front row and wait for someone to back out and traffic becomes backed up. It is not clear
if that is the way it is and the way it is going to be for 6-3/4 days a year that for 4 hours every
Tuesday night that people’s behavior will change as a result of suddenly those spaces going away.
Gary Chao:
• Said he could not comment on anything more in terms of what the traffic consultant said, and he was
not present to defend his position. He said it made sense to him because it was a busy intersection
with or without the addition to the lineup, and the traffic consultant said most of the queuing was
because people are trying to make a right turn onto Stelling from Stevens Creek. It is the right turn
lane at the intersection past the Whole Foods site at the gas station.
• It is for the Commission’s consideration; staff suggests that the project be reviewed the first year in,
or a shorter review period if they feel one year is too long. Staff would bring in their observations,
confirm complaints or issues that they have experienced, and at that time potentially consider
additional adjustments or changes; and having conversations with the applicant on additional layout
changes. He recommended that as one of the conditions to add; and should the Commission decide
to move forward with approval, he recommended that they provide clarification by adding a condition
that requires the onsite attendant to direct onsite traffic. The attendant cannot stand in front of
Stevens Creek or on the sidewalk to do the work, but on the private driveway on the property to help
people cross the driveway to free up the circulation as people drive down the main aisle from Stevens
Creek as well, reinforcing blocking off the aisles so that people can get to where they need to go.
Matt Cohen:
• Said Off the Grid does not pay rent for the use of the parking lot Whole Foods likely views it as a
complementary use, that will increase brand loyalty and community at their stores, not a loss of sales.
Com. Sun:
• Relative to sale tax, Com. Sun that he understood there was almost no tax revenue on food and
Cupertino Planning Commission January 28, 2014
Colleen Winchester, Asst. City Attorney:
• Explained that the State Board of Equalization is currently wrestling with the pricing on mobile food
trucks because many times they want to price it as $2 for a particular item as opposed to $2 plus tax;
there are pending regulations before the State Board of Equalization to try and clarify the issue how
much each individual city gets because they are supposed to pay tax based on the location where they
sell the product.
Gary Chao:
• Said that each individual vendor is considered a contractor and must pay sales tax on food sold. The
vendors working with Off the Grid have to have their own individual business license for Cupertino,
including Off the Grid. He summarized items to be incorporated into the motion:
1. Consider adding a condition to clarify having the need for attendants to direct onsite traffic.
2. Reminder to delete Condition 4 as it relates to prohibition on amplified music because they are
going to have to meet city noise ordinance, and that it is permitted.
3. Consider earlier review period as opposed to waiting one year into the business.
4. Noted that Off the Grid confirmed that they are not going to be doing business during
Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks. It would be prudent to memorialize that in the condition of
use period as well to prevent confusion down the road.
5. Clarification for the record that any modifications would have to be approved by the Director of
Community Development which includes tweaking the setup etc.
• Said the Commission could dictate the format for review process; a timeframe for review is set
usually annually, first year or six months into the business; staff will collect data, observations,
complaints or concerns and bring it back to the Commission for the Director of Community
Development report. If there are concerns, it is up to the Planning Commission at the time of the
report to decide through a motion/vote whether they want to open it up formally and agendize the use
permit for review. At that time it will be advertised and applicant will be invited back for discussion.
Com. Takahashi:
• Supports the event; it is a community event and is an element of the city of Cupertino that is an area
of growth; more community events. The farmers’ markets were successful; there was similar
reluctance with regard to noise and concerns but none came to fruition. The food truck event is a step
up from farmers’ market as the farmers’ market tends to attract the shopper only, buys their food and
leaves the site; the dining is a different experience; the customer will go there and shop for foods they
are interested in and there will be a diversity of foods available. There is also the consumption of
foods and music which adds to the community gathering aspect.
• Whole Foods sees the event as a positive and good thing and there is a positive relationship, a
synergistic relationship between the two entities. He applauded Whole Foods in terms of their view of
the community as well as demonstrated by their relationship with the church where they don’t have a
formal written agreement and provide them some things and have access to shared parking when
needed; a mutual benefit.
• There will be an impact from the traffic because you are adding people and there will be more cars.
The traffic cost is well worth the benefit of having the event, and can be mitigated. If traffic becomes
more of an issue, hopefully more people will look for alternate ways to get there or park further away
and walk. Good food and good music are cornerstones to community events that promote community
gathering; the food trucks will make it a positive event. He said he was excited about the event.
Com. Gong:
• Said she agreed that the event offering was excellent for community development. She addressed
Kevin McClelland’s concern about reduction in tax revenue; said she was hopeful that the concern of
tax leakage would not occur from Cupertino residents going to other cities, but would attract residents
Cupertino Planning Commission January 28, 2014
from other cities and mitigate the concern of reduction of tax revenue by having a greater base from
other cities. Said she supported a six month review since it would give residents peace of mind; last
year there was a concern about traffic gridlock and mitigating that is beneficial to the success of that
type of event. She said that having parking attendants guiding the traffic flow is very important.
Vice Chair Lee:
• Said looking at the aesthetics she was not convinced that the food truck business was a perfect fit for
the community. The food truck event would have outdoor entertainment and would be noisier than
the current farmers’ market in the city. She remarked that if they liked it, perhaps other supermarkets
would have more of the events, and there would be farmers’ markets on Fridays, and also have been
approved for Wednesdays and Sundays, and the current one would add Tuesdays. Down the road, the
Planning Commission in Cupertino likes the outdoor activities, if there is one every week, perhaps
supermarkets will follow the lead.
Com. Sun:
• Said that two years ago when there was a second farmers’ market, there were community concerns
and he voted against it. After approval it was there almost every weekend and it is was successful.
He said in general he encouraged all new businesses coming to Cupertino, but was concerned about
the effect on traffic and parking on Stevens Creek.
Chair Brophy:
• Said he was initially reluctant to support the application, but many of his concerns were answered at
the hearing. He felt that Whole Foods would not enter into the agreement for the event if they felt it
was counter-productive to their main store business especially if they are not collecting any rent; but
they feel this will help in terms of additional sales and bringing different customers in at different
times to do their market shopping. He said he did not feel that putting it on the front spot where
traffic is most jammed up was a good idea. He prefers an informal process where the food truck event
be put in their first choice location in the middle of the lot where it was in the test.
Matt Cohen:
• Said it would be their first choice to begin with; and he was willing to communicate with staff on
moving it to an alternate place in the parking lot if the Commission was willing to let them work with
staff to test it out in the way the traffic engineer suggested.
Chair Brophy:
• Said his preference would be to do it on a trial and error basis rather than putting it into the motion;
begin with locating it where preferred and move it further north or south if warranted. Said he felt it
did not need to be created as a formal administrative process.
• Other issues raised: delete the condition relative to the music (said he regretted removing the music
feature in the Oaks case to mollify some of the critics). The music feature of the event turned out to
be a success. If there is a problem that arises with amplified music prior to the six month period, staff
can deal with it on an informal basis. Six month review period is an appropriate review period. Said
he felt that Whole Foods would address the Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks non-operation of the
food truck event rather than include it in a condition.
Com. Sun:
• Addressed the condition regarding the attendant; if moving the site to the back, the condition
disappears automatically. Will Whole Foods take care of their own parking lot so the city and
residents don’t need to be concerned? He said he was concerned that it would cause the city
problems on the street. Relative to his concern of putting the alternate site on the north side of the
parking lot, he questioned how to frame it, to set forth in a condition or put in a motion.
Cupertino Planning Commission January 28, 2014
Com. Takahashi:
• Said he supported deleting Condition 4; the six month review makes sense because it puts it in the
peak July timeframe and a good time to review it. If there is an issue they would hear about it before
then; some self-correcting will occur. Relative to the parking lot attendant, he concurred with Chair
Brophy; don’t need to make it a condition, but if traffic becomes an issue, it would be something they
would want to do. Agree with Chair Brophy in terms of the location; optimizing by trial is the best
way to cement it in terms of what is the best location that mitigates the parking issue and people
coming into the parking lot and improving the flow.
Vice Chair Lee:
• Said she did not support the application. She expressed her opinion on the conditions if the
application passes; because the traffic on Stevens Creek is already very bad, they should have parking
attendants; no amplified noise or music; six month review period with consideration to re-agendize it;
no events held on Thanksgiving or Christmas weeks; modifications should be directed to the Director
of Community Development.
Chair Brophy:
• Said he felt there was a concern that the north side affected traffic circulation.
Com. Sun:
• Said he did not support the project; and shared Vice Chair Lee’s concerns. He was not convinced
with the traffic consultant’s findings on public traffic. Said he welcomed new businesses to
Cupertino as well as increases in business compatibility.
Discussion continued regarding the alternative parking space.
Com. Gong:
• Suggested traffic attendants be used in the parking lot for the first month; early review period of six
months; no events during Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks; allow the city the flexibility to
optimize the location; supports music at event; delete Condition 4.
Gary Chao:
• Clarified Condition 11 as the condition that will allow the flexibility for the Director to work with the
applicant to make adjustments. He proposed a modification to the language in the condition: “So
that the Director of Community Development is empowered to make adjustments to the operation and
the location of the food truck setup to address any concerns or issues.” This clarifies that it is not just
the operation but also includes their setup location.
Chair Brophy:
• Said he was not opposed to putting in a condition that stated no alcohol served without coming back
to the Commission. It was unanimous to add it as a condition.
Motion: Motion by Com. Takahashi, seconded to approve the draft resolution for the conditional
use permit Application U-2013-09 with the following revisions:
1. Monitoring period will be changed to six months re-evaluation
2. Parking attendant on premises for the first month
3. Delete Condition 4
4. No food truck events during Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks
5. Modifications to Item 11 per staff suggestion in terms of the Director’s
Cupertino Planning Commission January 28, 2014
looking at location as well as operation
6. Add condition that application return to the Planning Commission for approval
of sale of alcohol, in addition to all other approvals needed
Colleen Winchester reviewed the motion for clarity.
• Under Section 3, conditions administered by the Community Development Department, it refers to
Condition 3 Operations, Subsection C, that the market is approved to operate on Tuesdays between 5
and 9 p.m., that condition would be clarified except for Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks; and an
additional condition would be added to that section that a parking attendant be required at all times of
the food truck operation. Is there a time an hour before and an hour after; perhaps there is some
ambiguity. In that particular condition; and then under Condition 3, an additional requirement that no
alcoholic beverages can be purchased or consumed during the event. Turning to Condition 9, a
permit review will be 6 months instead of one year and Condition 11, the modification that were
previously discussed.
Com. Sun:
• Said he was not clear on the site alternative; prefer in the beginning to put in the condition it is the
first trial period; the site should be on the north of the parking lot, not on the very north one.
Com. Gong:
• Proposed to Com. Sun that they allow staff to view the optimization of the placement, stipulating that
the first month it not be allowed on the frontage of Stevens Creek but at staff’s discretion if moving it
to the first row, as a trial would not inhibit the traffic flow, and in fact optimize the traffic flow, that
they be given the latitude to test the theory.
Colleen Winchester, Asst City Attorney:
• Said there was currently a motion pending that the Director of Community Development has the
option to work with the site conditions under Subpara. 11; Com. Sun is proposing a friendly
amendment to the motion that for the first operation of the market the trucks not be located adjacent
to Stevens Creek Blvd.
Com. Sun:
• Said he was open to the first review period within 6 months.
Gary Chao:
• During the first six months they will make sure that the setup will not be in the first row and staff can
work with the applicant to make adjustments.
Com. Takahashi:
• Discussed the setup. If it is in the second row and is not good because of traffic flow on that first
aisle; even though it is not good and they would look for a more optimum location, would it be held
there for 6 months? In other words optimization; there needs to be enough time for it to settle into a
steady pattern, but once that is achieved if there is a better solution, the sooner they look for that
optimized solution the better.
Chair Brophy:
• Said he was skeptical of the first row solution, but if the initial iteration is something other than that
and during the six month period, let staff see the conditions on the ground as they really are, and
make the necessary adjustments.
Cupertino Planning Commission January 28, 2014
Gary Chao:
• Said it was clear and staff was agreeable.
Com. Takahashi:
• Said he would accept the friendly amendment. He restated the friendly amendment: “The initial
location not be on Stevens Creek but we allow for optimization with the staff as time goes on in that
first six months.”
Chair Brophy:
• Said he would prefer Com. Takahashi’s system, but would agree to go with Com. Sun’s language.
Motion seconded by Com. Sun, carried 4-1-0, Vice Chair Lee voted No.
Environmental Review Committee: No report.
Housing Commission: No report.
Mayor’s Monthly Meeting With Commissioners: No meeting. Next meeting in February.
Economic Development Committee Meeting: No meeting
Written report submitted.
• The meeting was adjourned to the February 11, 2014 meeting.
Respectfully Submitted: ________________________________
Elizabeth Ellis, Recording Secretary