TICC 03-05-2014 TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Regular Meeting March 5, 201_4, 7:00 p.m. Conference Room A, City Hall MINUTES CALL MEETING TO ORDER Commissioner Friedland called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Beverly Siegel, Peter Friedland, Wallace Iimura, Shishir Chavan, Rod Livingood Commissioners absent: None Staff Present: Stephen Rose APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Commissioner Iimura made a motion to approve the February 5"' minutes. Commissioner Chavan seconded the motion. Vote 5-0 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 2. This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes a person. In most cases, state law will prohibit the commission from making, any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. -None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - 10/22/13 Letter from AT&T regarding Franchise and PEG In-Kind Fees - 12/2/13 Letter from Comcast regarding notice of intent to adjust current prices for Xfnity Triple Play Packages - 1.2/12/13 Letter from AT&T regarding possible U-Verse TV programming changes - 1/15/14 Letter from AT&T regarding U-Verse TV programming changes - 2/13/2014 Letter from AT&T regarding,U-Verse TV programming changes UNFINISHED BUSINESS 3. There was discussion about the CPUC letter that had been sent two months prior to this meeting. TICC still has not received any response. Still waiting on a follow up from Rick Kitson;about the letter on Comcast forcing purchase of cable box. OLD BUSINESS 4. Discussion regarding the assignments of the technology workshop follow-up actions - Commissioner Friedland reported no further information on purchase of 31) printer, but suggested he discuss how the 3D printer has been used at the Sunnyvale Library. - Commissioner Chavan led an extensive discussion on various Smart Cities - Commissioners Siegel and Iimura discussed incubators in the context of current City planning activities. 5. Discussion of 2/18/14 City Council item that would authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute an agreement for a new monopole and antenna and associated leases and equipment at the Civic Center which included extensive discussion regarding cell towers and how their implementation has been impeded on multiple fronts. - Stephen Rose of City staff gave an excellent and comprehensive report on the status of all current cell tower applications. He promised to inform TICC as meetings get scheduled with Planning Commission, Environmental Review Board, or City Council on any of the towers. Discussion on possible changes to current wireless ordinance; to promote co-location of carriers on new towers—perhaps raising the height limit for such towers. NEW BUSINESS: - TICC will report to City Council on April 15`h - Commissioner Friedland will prepare a presentation for the April 2',d meeting to be critiqued and modified in order to be presented to council. REPORTS 6. - None MISCELLANEOUS 7. Activities Calendar reviewed. Possible need to change dates of May and July meetings. To be taken up at next meeting. 8. Reviewed and updated Action Items List. Items 7 and 8 were removed ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Iimura moved for adjournment. Commissioner Chavan seconded the motion. Vote 5-0 Meeting adjourned at 8:52 pin SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Co'Ifeen Lettirel/Rec��rding Secretary Peter Friedland, Chair