Exhibit CC 6-10-14 Item #9 report �o Item 9
Fall Transportation Measure
The Silicon Valley Leadership Group has recently conducted polling to test support for a
new transportation measure, and based on an overwhelming 73 percent level of agreement,
strong consideration is being given to putting;the measure on the fall ballot. Carl Guardino
has noted that no previous transportation measures in the county have polled this High. The
proposed measure would be a 1/4% increase to the sales tax (raising to 9%) for 30 years,
generating approximately $3.55 billion dollars.
The SVLG has been meeting with various groups to develop potential allocation percentages
for the types of improvements to be funded by the measure. Very generally speaking, at this
point the breakdown is such:
• Silicon Valley Bart Extension 81.3B
• County Expressway System $700M
(inc. Central (Lawrence to Mary), Foothill (El Monte to San Antonio) and San
Tomas (Homestead to Stevens Creek)
• Street Maintenance . $600M
• Caltrain $500M
• Interchanges $300M
(inc. 85/280)
• Bike/Ped Improvements $loom
• Seniors/Disabled Improvements $50M
It would ultimately be up to either the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority or the
Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors to place a measure on the fall ballot. The deadline
to do so is August 8.