Desk Item . ��'�1 � � �� � ./ .� /�Y George Schroeder From: Young Kang [ykang@apple.com] ��.� Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 11:24 AM To: City of Cupertino Planning Dept.; George Schroeder Subject: LED sign for Valero Stevens Creek& Deanza Hello, I live across the street from the Vallero station and I object to the LED signage. This area isn't a purely business/retail area, it is also a residential area and having the LED sign will ruin the character of the neighborhood. There is a gas station who put up a LED signage further down on Stevens Creek near or on Santa Clara and it is not a good iinage. If you look at the design of the gas station it is in line with the building next door (Apple office), it has tile roof like the next building and it softens the commercial nature of the gas station but having an bright LED signage will destroy this harmony and will set a precedence to more LED signage in the neighborhood? It will destroy the upscale Cupertino environment. Best, Young Young Kang�Apple Inc.�Corporate Procurement�408-862-1364�vkanq c(D.apple.com 1