TC 10-06-99 Teleeommunieatlons Commission
Regular Mooting
October 6, 1999
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair L.T. Guttadauro at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners present: L.T. Guttadaum, Bill Mannion, David Eggleston
Commissioners absent: Sal Algeri, Ernest Tsui
Staff: Donna Krey, Linda Lagergren
AT&T (formerly TCI): David Walton
Guests: Linda Grodt, Kathleen Tully
Mannion made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Eggleston seconded and the motion
Oral: Linda Grodt announced she had four finalists in the WAVE awards (tWO in the children
category, two in thc youth category and one in the documentary category). She also said she had
received publicity in several local newspapers - Campbell Reporter, Cupertino Courier, Sunnyvale Sun
and the Metro. She received a letter from Assemblyman Jim Cunneen who had seen the article in the
Campbell paper.
Written: Krey distributed to commission a news article from the Mercury regarding the release
of a three-month moratorium on AT&T's expanded cable-modem service in the Peninsula and South
Bay. She also distributed a Mercury News article in which Fremont unveiled a proposal Thursday to
establish customer service stand_~rds for the ~Home service. Among the written material Krey also
distributed was a Coramunity Media Connection newsletter and the Society of Cable
Telecommunications En~neer's newsletter.
Commission agreed to take New Business item - grant request from Kathleen Tully - out of order.
Grant request from Kathleen Tully - Krey reported Bob Hsher called her earlier that day to
give his support of Kathleen Tully to the conunission. He said she was a very hard worker and Haber
hoped the commission would approve her request. The commission asked Tully to describe her
program and they reviewed the budget of $731. Eggleston said this program was a very novel, creative
idea and he had never seen anything like this done on public access before. Commission noted that
typically $250 is the amount they grant but in this case, they felt the normal grant amount should be
doubled. After a brief discussion, Mannion made a motion to approve the grant application for $500.
Eggieston seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion approved.
Krey said the grant request would go to City Council on October lith for their approval. A
check would be released two weeks after that date.
Activities Calendar. There were no changes or additions to the calendar.
Review and updste of producer guidelines and agreement form with De Anzs College
access director - Commission requested the reference to AT&T be removed and changed to read
"Public Access Channel 15." Commission reviewed the grievance procedure and everyone agreed to it
as written. Mannion and Eggleston said there were several typos in the document and Mannion agreed
to mark up a copy for Haber. Commission will receive a clra~ in the November commission packet and
vote on it at that meeting.
Review of educational ~rants program - Tsui and Eg~leston met with Mike Isbutt from
Fremont Union High School District to discuss the educational grant program and exchange ideas.
Isbutt would like Fremont High School to be the focal point in the district. Cupertino High School is
not as active, he said, and typically things are done at Fremont and taken to Cupertino. Tsui and
Eggleston were interested in helping Fremont but the school is in Sunnyvale. Krey said she could give
Isbutt the name of the Snnnyvale r~ department representative, Shawn Hernandez. Krey said she could
make the Sunnyvale representative aware of our grant program and possibly, F~mont can initiate it.
TCI is already involved and working with Fremont High School. The commission can be a resource
for Sunnyvale.
Resource for planning applications (antennas) - Krey said the planning commission was
looking to the telecommunications commission as a resource for applications they receive regarding
antenna height exceptions. It was suggested that a couple of commissioners act as consultants to the
plannlng commission when these applications come in and that Tsui and Algeri would be the best
choices. Since Tsui and Algeri were not present at the meeting, Krey will e-mail both of them to see if
they are interested in participating in this endeavor.
TCI representative - I~Home service - Walton infom~ed commission the technical
representative was unable to attend the meeting to give a report on the ~Iome service but would be in
attendance at 'the November commission meeting. Walton reported (~-Iome is up and running.
Commission asked Walton about the customer service standards that Fremont has put in place and if
TCI would be amenable to an addendum to Cupertino's franchise agreement to apply these standard~..
Walton said he thought the standards were a good idea and that he would check into a franchise
Reporls from:
TCI: Walton reported TCI's completion of the Rancho Rinco~adn area was projected for the
end of the year. TCI decided not to seek pole attachment agreements and so they have applied for
permits for trenching. As soon as the p~.,,its are approved and they have a date for construction to
begin, Krey would like to relay that information to the residents through the Scene.
- The city did not receive a report from TCI this month. Walton reported TCI exceeded customer
service standards and outages were reduced dramatically for the month of September. The letter
commission received from Jelinch last month regarding his disconnect was a physical mistake on
TCI's part and he was reconnected immediately.
City of Cupertho: Krey reported the City Chnnnel was a/hal/st/'or two WAVE awards. The
first was for their SWING video "Close Encounters of the Cupertino Kind" in the p~ofessional
-- children's pro~mnxing category and the second was for the Y2K preparedness video in the public
education category. Krey also reported the City Channei was working hard on election coverage and
the candidate's forum would air soon. Kt~y mentioned there were over 500 participants in the citywide
garage sale.
De Anza College: Haber was not in attendance at the meeting and his report will be
included in the next packet.
Eggleston made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:17 p.m.; Mnnnion seconded and the
motion passed u~nnimously.