TC 09-01-99 Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
September 1, 1999
The meeting was called to order by Chair Sal Algeri at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners present: Sal Algeri, L.T. Guttadauro Bill Mannion, Ernest Tsui,
David Eggleston
Staff: Donna Krey, Linda Lagergren
De Anza College: Bob Haber
Guests: Linda Cn'odt, Hema Kundargi
A correction was made in the minutes on page two, line S to read "Add the phone number 864-
8766." Guttadauro made a motion to approve the minutes as amended; Mannion seconded and the
motion passed. Eggleston abstained.
Oral: Linda Orodt announced that last Wednesday she attended a luncheon at the Fairmont
Hotel in which the U.S. Secretary of Education was the guest speaker. Linda took a brand new Silicon
Kids host with her and the host interviewed the Secretary of Education. Grodt also handed out copies
of articles regarding the event that appeared in several newspapers (Campbell Reporter, San $ose
Mercury and Business Journal).
Written: Krey mentioned she received a letter today in the mail from Frank Jelinch, a Parks
and Recreation Commissioner and President of the Chamber, stating his cable service was
disconnected for reasons he did not understand because he had a credit balance on his invoke. Krey
said with approval from the Chair, she could draft a response to Selinch's letter.
Krey said she received information on thc ACM Regional Conference that will be held on Oct.
22 and 23 in Palo Alto. Guttadanro, Tsul, Eggleston and Mannion asked to attend.
Commission agreed to take New Business item - grant request from Hema Kund~rgi out of order.
Grant request from Hema Kundargi - After a brief discussion Outtadauro made a motion to
accept the grant as submitted. Algeri seconded the motion. All in favor.
Krey said the grant request would go to City Council at the second meeting in September for
their approval. A check would be released by the end of the month.
Activities Calendar. There were no changes or additions to the calend_~x.
Review of educational ~'ants program - Commission reviewed thc educational grant
guidelines and grant application procedure. It was suggested to add "and school" to lb under the Grant
Award Evaluation Factors section. It also was suggested to possibly use the grant money for helping
with faculty computer literacy, paying for ~Home in all schools, purchase of student videos and
training tapes. Algeri said the school district needs to submit a request for the grant money and the
Commission would respond. Tsui would like to meet with Karen Bumett at FUHSD and the
representative at CUSD before they submit their grant applications. Eggleston said he also would like
to be included in those meetings. Krey will contact CUSD to find out who the new representative will
be. Krey will contact Bumett to talk about the educational grant process and set up the meeting for the
commissioners. She also will make the changes to the grant guidelines and application.
Tsui re.adc a motion to accept the Educational Grant Guidelines and Grant Application
Procedure with the change to paragraph lb. Mannion seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion
Review producer guidelines and agreement form - Haber had a few more changes to the
Producer Guidelines so Krey told Haber to make the changes and make copies to be distributed in the
next month's packet.
Website - Commission asked why only City Council and Planning Commission minutes and
agendas arc on the city web site. Lagergren will report back at the next meeting. It was suggested to
put the grant application fo~m, educational grant application form and COPA award winners on the
· - web site.
Appoint members to COPA subcommittee - ~ mentioned the job of the subcommittee
would be to review the applications and make a recommendation to the commission. Eggleston and
Guttadauro volunteered to be on the subcommittee. Krey said two applications have been received and
the deadline is on the l0* of Sept~,~bcr. Haber said he put a notice in the Public Access Producer's
newsletter. The subconunittee will be prepared to make a recommendation at the November
commission meeting.
Reports from:
TCI: No report -- TCI was not present at the meeting. Krey reviewed with Commission the
written report she received from TCI. She said TCI said they would be attending the October meeting.
A request was made to have a representative from TCI discuss the launch of ~Home.
Mannion asked if it would be ok to invite representatives from TCI's competitors to speak at
our meetings. Krey said we could invite one per month if there was an interest. Possibly Pacific Bell
could come in Nov¢ix-~ber to speak about high-speed solutions.
Krey hoped commission had all received .their coupon voucher from TCI. Some people had
tossed out the coupon thinking it was an advertisement for digital services. Commission suggested that
possibly TCI could credit customeis in two months if they hadn't used their voucher.
City of Cupertino: Krey reported that regarding the issue of Sunnyvale and access
programming, the Cnperiino city manager met with the city manager from Sunnyvale and Sunnyvale is
not ave~ze to paying for the use of the access programming. Krey met with the Cupertino city manager
and Willie Pritchard from De Anza to come up with cost estimates. All three city managers will review
the figures and the Sunnyvale city council will make a decision.
The City Channel pwduced a Y2K show that will air Sept. 2 at 7 p.m., Sept. 8 at 6 p.m., Sept.
22 at 8 p.m. and Sept. 27 at 5:30 p.m. It has turned out to be a ve~ popular program. A total of 50 dubs
of the tape have bean ordered. Krey reminded Commission of Cupertino niEht at the San Jose Giants,
De Anza College: Haber reported their new Macintosh G3 is now equipped with
Macintosh's latest version of non-linear editing soilware "Final Cut Pm" and "Adobe Photoshop 5.5."
Forty-seven antries were entered in the WAVE awards this year. Cupertino Community TV will
produce the WAVE award video this year. On Sept. 8 another show of the Lndian Vegetarian proEram
will be taped using the remote cart. The Aul~ust newsletter is out and on the web site. A new black
curtain from Musson Theatrical has been installed in Studio A. They are hoping to donate the old
curtsin to a high school in the area. The work to improve safety inside the TV Canter is near
Mannion made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 p.m.; Guttadauro seconded and the
motion passed unanimously.
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