Ordinance 1601• • ORDINANCE NO. 1601 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ADDING TITLE 19, ZONING, TO THE CUPERTINO MUNICIPAL CODE, AND RESCINDING PREVIOUS ZONING ORDINAN(~~:~·-=-----·-· ·.·....,.·-............... "!'! __ .,....,...-~ WHEREAS, the City of Cupertino has reserved Title 19 of the Cupertino Municipal Code for the codification of zoning ordinances; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the City Council of the City of Cupertino have conducted public hearings to receive public input and review proposed zoning ordinances; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO HEREBY ORDAINS that zoning and land use regulations as per Exhibit "A" are to be codified as Title 19, Zoning, of the Cupertino Municipal Code and that previous zoning ordinances as listed on Exhibit "B" are hereby rescinded. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 17th day of August , 1992 and ENACTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this .J!ili._ day of September , 1992, by the following vote: ~ Members of the City Council AYES: Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Szabo, Sorensen NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: l~ ~~AW ~ofCupertino ATTEST: • ~ dm.b1M« City Clerk ORDINANCJ~ NO. 1601 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ADDING TITLE 19, ZONING, TO THE CUPERTINO MUNICIPAL CODE, AND RESCINDING PREVIOUS ZONING ORDINANCES WHEREAS, the City of Cupertino has reseived Title 19 of the Cupertino Municipal Code for the codification of zoning ordinances; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and the City Council of the City of Cupertino have conducted public hearings to receive public input and review proposed zoning ordinances; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO HEREBY ORDAINS that zoning and land use regulations as per Exhibit "A" are to be codified as Title 19, Zoning of the Cupertino Municipal Code and that previous zoning ordinances as listed on Exhibit "B" are hereby rescinded. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 17th day of August , 1992, and ENACTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this Bth day of September 1992, by the following vote: ORDINANCE NO. 1601 Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Szabo, Sorensen NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 2 aJAPl'ER 19.01 GJlNERAI.. PJ;OVISIOO'S Sections: 19.01.010 ~icm of zonirg lDap arrl zonirg regulations 19.01.020 19.01.030 Ccl'lpliance with regulations 19.01.040 o::mf lict with other regulations 19.01.050 Non-canpliance arrl ]~lie nuisarre 19.01.060 Remedies cunulative 19.01.070 Penalty for violatii:>nS 19.01.080 Chapter 19.01 Page -1- "EXHIBIT A" 19.01.010 Adoption of Zoning Map ani Zonirg Regulation '!his title establishes carprehensive zoni.rg regulations for the city, which regulations shall consist of the follawin;J: a) A map, or set of maps, knc7tm as the zoni.rg map, establishin:;J ani delineatirg various classes of districts within the incorporated territory of the city. b) Regulations, knc7tm as the zonin;J regulations, governing the use of lani ani the placement of ruildi.r:gs ani inprovements within the various classes of districts. 'lhe zonin;J map ani zonin;J regulations shall govern the use of lani, inclu::l:i.n;;J the construction, alteration, IOOVement, replacement, or maintenance of ruildings; the height, b..tlk, ani placiement of ruildi.r:gs ani uses on each site; the provision of open space, amenities, off-street park.irq ard load:i.rg; the relationships bebNeen b.ti.ldi.r:gs ard uses on adjoinirg sites or within adjoinirg classes of districts; ard such further aspects of lard use ani develop:nent as are appropriate to attain the purposes of this title. 19.01.020 Purposes '!he purposes of this title shall be to praJ:Dte ani protect the public health, safety, peace, ioo:ra.ls, canfort, convenience, ani general welfare, inclu::l:i.n;;J ~ followirg mre particularly specified purposes: a) To further prcm::rt:e, ani acxxrcplish the objectives, policies, ani programs of the OJpertioo General Plan. Chapter 19.01 Page -2- b) To protect the character ar.rl the social ar.rl ec:x>ncmic stability of agricultural, residential, ccmnercial, ir.dustrial; ar.rl other areas within the city; to assure the orderly an:l beneficial developnent of such areas; an:l mare particularly, to lessen con:Jestion an:l assure CXXIVenience of access; to scacure safety fran fire, flcxxl, an:l other dangers; to provide far adequate light, air, sunlight, an:l envirornnental amenities; to prarote an:l encourage CXll1Sel."'Vation of scarce resources; to prevent over-c:rowdirg of lan:l an:l un:iue corn:m:ration of pop.llation, to facilitate the creation of a oonvenient, attractive, ar.rl ha.noonious ocmm.mity, to attain a desirable balance of residential an:l enployment cpportun.ities; to facilitate the adequate provision of transp:>rt.ation, water, SE!Wage, drainage facilities, schools, parks, an:l other p.iblic develcpnents, to protect the fcxxl supply, to oonserve property values, to prarote efficient urb:ul design an:l arra.rgement, an:l to sec:ure econany in gove:rrnnental expen:litures; c) To mitigate the negative impacts to p.iblic safety resulti.rg from the location of b..rlldirgs, am the uses of b..rlldirgs an:l of lar.rl, adjacent to streets an:l highways while at the same tine facilitati.rg existi.rg or prospective traffic ioovements throughout the city. 19.01.030 compliance with Regulations No lan:l shall be used, ar.rl no facility, structure, or Wilding shall be erected, constructed, enlarged, altered, noved, or used in any district, as shown upon the zoni.rg maps, except in accord with the regulations established by this title. Chapter 19.01 Page -3- 19.01.040 Conflict with other Regulations Where oonflict occurs between the regulations established by this title an::l the provisions of any other law, title, ordinance, ccx:ie or other regulation effective within the city, inclu:lirg, rut not limited to Title 16, Buildirg Regulations, an::l Title 18, SUl:divisions, the more restrictive of any such provision shall apply. It is not int:erxled that this title shall interfere with or abrogate or annul any ea.sercent, covenant, or other agreement D:JW' in effect, provided, however, that where this title imposes a greater restriction than inp::>sed or required by any other law, title, ordina:nce, ccx:ie, or other regulation, or by any easement, covenant, or agreercent, the provisions of this title shall apply. 19.01.050 Non=Ca:rplianoe an::l Public Nt1isance Any l:u.ildirg constructed, altered, :rocwed, replaced., or otherwise maintained, or any use of property in a manner contrary to the provision of this title, is unlaw.ful am. a plblic nuisance, an::l the city attorney shall cxmne:nc::e, such action or actions, prooeedin;J or ~ as may be dee.med, apprq;riate by the city attorney for the abatement, removal, an::l enjoinin;J thereof in the manner provided by law, an::l shall take such other steps an::l shall apply to such court or courts as may have jurisdiction to grant such relief as will abate am. rem:we such l:u.ildirq or use an::l restrain an::l enjoin any person, firm, or corporation from construct:in;J, alter:in;J, :m:w:in;J, replac:in;J, or athe:cwise maintain:in;J any l:u.ildirg or us:in;J any property in a manner contrary to the provisions of this title. Chapter 19.01 Page -4- 9. 01. 060 Re.rrEdies a.mulative All reroodies provided for in this title shall be cunulative and not exclusive. 19.01.070 Penalty for Violations Any person, firm, or corporation violatin;J any provision of this title is guilty of a misdemeanor p.mishable as proscribed by Section 1.12 of the City's Ordinance Code. 19.01.080 Amerrlments All ~ to the provisions 1of this title shall be adopted in conf onnance with the applicable priocedure contained in the Plamll.n;J and Zonirq law of the state of calif,omia ( cxmnencin:J at 65000 of the california Goverrment cxxie). zonirq/z1901 <l1apt.er 19.01 Page -5- aJAP:I'm 19.02 DEFlNITIOOS 19.02.010 Purpose an:i AJ;plicability 19.02.020 General :Rules for construction of I.arguage 19.02.030 Definitions 01apter 19.02 Page -1- 19.02.010 Purpose an:l Applicability 'lhe p..u:pose of this chapter is to prarote consistency an:l precision in the interpretation of the zon.irg regulations. 'lhe meanirg an:l construction of words an:l phrases defined in this chapter shall apply throughout the zonin;J regulations, except where the context of such \oJOrd or phrases clearly irrli.cates a different meanirg or construction. 19.02.020 General Rules for Construction of I.amuage !he f ollowirq general rules of construction shall apply to the text of the zon.irg regulations: a) '!he particular shall control the general. b) In case of any difference of meanirg or inplication between the text of any provision an:l any caption or illustration, the text shall control. c) 'lhe \oJOrd "shall" is always mandatory an:l not discretionary. 'lhe \oJOrd "may" is discretionary. d) References in the masculine an:l feminine gen:lers are inte.rc.hanJeable. e) Words used in the present tense include the future, an:l -words used in the si.rgular include the plural, an:l the plural include the si.rgular, unless the context clearly irrlicates the contrary. f) 'lhe \o.10rds "activities" an:l "facilities" incluie any part thereof. g) Unless the context clearly irrlicates to the contrary, the followin;J conjl.D'lCtions shall be interpreted as follows: (1) "Arrl" irrlicates that all oonnected items or provisions shall apply. C11apter 19.02 Page -2- (2) "Qr" :i.n:licates that the connected items or provisions may apply si.rgly or in aey canbination. ( 3) "Either .•. or" :i.n:licates that the connected i terns or provisions shall apply si.rgly rut not in canbi.nation. h) '!he v.iords "lot" arxi ''Plot" are i.nte:rcha.ngeale. i) '!he lNOCd "l:Juil~" inc:ludes the lNOCd "structure." j) All p.lblic officials, bodies, arxi agercies to which reference is made are those of the City miless otherwise :i.n:licated. k) "City'' means the City of OJpertioo. 19.02.030 Definitions '1hroughout this title the followi.rlg v.iords arxi phrases shall have the nean:i.n1s ascribed in this section. ".AbarDn" means to cease or discontinue a use or activity without intent to resume, rut excluclirq teq:x:>raz:y or short-tenn interruptions to a use or activity duri.rg periods of re-mcdelin;J, maintain.irg, or otherwise :i:mprovir.g or re-arrargin;J a facility, or durin;J nonna.1 periods of \ra.cation or seasonal closure. "AbJtt.int' means havin;J property or district lines in cxmnon. "Ao ''ISSOlf:Y bii Jdin:j• means a l:Juilding whicn is inc:idental to arxi custanarily a.sscx::iated with a specific princ:ipal use or facility arxi whidl meets t:he applicable conditions set forth in <l1apter 19.18. Chapter 19.02 Page -3- "AD e;sxy dwp] J inj' means a dwellirg rmit incidental to a principal use on a site an:l interded for occupancy by persons residirq therein by reason of enploynent of one or mre occupants on the saJDf::! site. '' __ __.__,, ..;i_,,., fence, ,...,.,.+-,,.~ .... ;......... walls, ..... ---~-~ DIL.Ll&.ifo.UL'l:ll::ll ~ ·-~W"':::I l.A:l.111...U:l> cnn:ts, trellis, carport. "Addit:i.cn" means arrt construction which increases the size of a l:uildirg or facility in terms of site coverage, height, length, width, or gross floor area ratio. "MJ.l.t Bock stace'' is a l:uildirg or portion thereof used by an establistnnent havin;J as a substantial or significant portion of its stock in trade for sale to the p.tblic or certain members thereof, books, magazines, an:1 other p.tblications which are distin;Juished or characterized by their enpmsis on matter depictin:J, describin:J or relatin:J to "Specified sexual Activities" or "Specified Anatanical Areas", as hereinafter defined. "Milt CEll:m:et" is a builcli.rg· or portion thereof used for dancirg p.rrp::ses thereof or area used for presentation or exhibition or featurin:J of topless or bott:anl.ess dancers, strippers, male or female inpersonatars or similar entertainers for ol:servatians by patrons or custaners. Chapter 19.02 Page -4- "ldJ.lt 11:Jti.cn P:i.ct:m:e 'Jheat:er.. is a b.rlldirg or p:x:tion thereof or area, open or enclosed, used far the presentation of notion pictures clistirguished ar characterized by an eq:tlasis on matter depictirg, describinJ or relati.IYJ to "Specified SeXUal Activities" or "Specified Ana.tanical Areas", as hereinafter defined, far observation by patrons or custaners. "Agria1l:b.n:.·e" means the tillinJ of the soil, the raisinJ of crops, horticulture, aviculture, small livestock fra.mirg, dairyinJ, or animal husbandry, iooluiirg slaughter houses, fertilizer yards, l::x:>ne yard, ar plants for the reduction of animal matter ar any other similar use. "Alley'' means a public or private vehicular way less than thirty feet in width af f croirg a secorXla:ry means of vehicular acr.ess to al:uttinJ property. "Alt:erat:i.al" means any 00I1struction or physical change in the internal arrargement of rtQDIS or the supJ;XJrtirg nenbers of a b.rlldirg ar structure, or change in the relative position of b.rlldirq.; ar structures a:t a site ar substantial change in a:ppearanoes Of any b.rlldirg Cir structure. "Inc:ident:al. alt:erat:i.at'11 means any alteration to interior partitions ar interior supportin;J members of a structure whidl does not in:::recise the structural st:rerqth of the structure; any alteration to electrical, plumbinJ, heatirg, C1lapter 19.02 Page -5- air CX>J"ldition.in;, ventilating, or other utility services, fixtures, or ~lian::es; any aalition, closing, or change in size of doors or wirrlows in the exterior walls; or any replacement of a building facade which does not increase the structural strerqt:h of the structure. "Sb:uctura1 a1terat.i.cn'' means any alteration not deemed an incidental alteration. "Jm ....... tt park'' -a ccmnercial facility which supplies various forms of irrloor and outdoor entertainment and refresl'noonts. Anim1 (Adult) -Any animal four ( 4) m::nths of age or older. Anim1 -(linge) -Any equine, bovine, sheep, goat or swine or similar danestic or wild animal as det.ermined by the Pla.nnin3" Comi ssion. Ani:atl (fWlll) -oc:mnonly found in sirgle-family residential areas such as chickens I ducks I geese, rabbits I dogs I cats I etc. "Animal care'' means a use providi.ng groanin;J, housi.ng, m:dical care, or other services to animals, including veterinary services, animal hospitals, oveznight or short tenn boardirg ancillary to veterinary care, irrloor or outdoor kennels, and similar services. "Apttla:stt" means a roan or a suite of two or nv:>re roans which is designed for, interded. for, and occupied by one family doi.ng its. oooJd.n:J therein. O:.lapter 19.02 Page -6- "Apat:la!ilt house'' means a l:uildin;J designed ard used to house three or nm:e families, living in::lependently of each other. "Apat:t:aslt pcoject:.11 a rental housir:g developoent oonsistir:g of two or nm:e dwellir:g l.lllits. ".An:.bi:t:ect:ura.1 fea:tm:e" 'Arrj' part or appn:tenan:Je of a l:uildin;J or structure which is J"kJt an integral portion of the livir:g area of said l:uildin;J or structure. Examples include: cornices, canopies, eaves, awn.in;s, fireplaces or projectir:g window' elements. Patio covers or any projection of the floor area shall J"kJt constitute an architectural projection. "Atrim' means a cx:iurtya:rd OC1Ipletely enclosed by l:uildin;J walls a.rd/or fences. ".Aub:mltive se.rv.ice st:atialt" means a use p:rovidin;J gasoline, oil, tires, small parts an::'l. accessories, a.rd services incidental thereto, for autaoobiles, light trucks, a.rd similar not.or vehicles. Autarotive maintenance a.rd repair (mirx>r) may be con:lucted on the site. 'lhe: sale of focx:l or grocery items on the same site is prohibited EECcept for soft drinks, a.rd snack foods either fran autanatic ven::lir:g machines or in shelves. 'Ihe sale of alcoholic beverages on the site is governed by 01apter 5.44 of the City's ord.inarre COde. 01apter 19.0:2 Page -7- "Aub::mJtive repair and -.a.i.nt:enance (-.in::r)" means the supplyirg of routine autcm:>tive services such as lubrication, er:qine tune-ups, snDg certificates, servicirg of tires, brakes, batteries, and similar aooessaries, and minor repairs invol virg er:qine aooessaries. 'AnY repair which requires the er:qi.ne, drive train, transnission assembly, exhaust system, or drive train parts to be renvJVed. fran a not.or vehicle or requires the rerroval of internal parts shall oot be c:x:nsidered minor. Body and paint shop operations are oot minor repairs or maintenance. 11Avecm:Je Slq>e'' 'Ihe ratio between vertical and horizontal d.istan:E expressed in percent; the mathematical expression is based upon the fonmla described below: S= I x L x 100 A S= Average slope of ground in percent I= Contour Interval in feet L= CDnbined lergt:h in feet of all cantairs on parcel 1ti= Area of parcel in square feet "Baflli • ut" means that portico of a tuildirg l::Jetween floor and ooilirg, which is partly below and partly above grade, bJ.t so 01apter 19.02 Page -a- located that the vertical distan=e fran grade to the floor belOW' is less than the vertical distance fran grade to ceilirg. A basement shall be, deemed to be a "story'' if the vertical distance above grade to the ceiling is over five feet or if used for l:usiness purposes or if used for a dwellirg p.u:pose by other than a janitor or dalestic servants enployed in the same b.J.ildirq. "Blcx:.k" means any lot or group of contiguoos lots bounded on all si~ by strelets, railroad rights-of-way, or waterways, and not traversed by any street, railroad right-of-way or waterway." "Bcm:di.nJ hem!'' means any b.J.ildirq used for the rentirg of roans or providirq of table board fran three to five persons, inclusive, over the age of sixteen years, who are not members of the same family. "Ddlding'' means any struc::b.Ire used or intended for supportirg or shelterirg any use or ocx::uparcy when any portiai of a l::uildin;J is CC111pletely separated fran every other portion thereof by a masomy division or fire wall without any wimow, door, or other openirg therein, which wall exten:ls fran the grain:i to the uwer surface of the roof at every point, then each such portion shall be deemed to be a separate tuildin;J. "Dii ldiDJ attadied" b.J.ilding which are i;tiysically cxmnected by any st:ructural members or wall, exclud.in;J dec:ks, patios or fen:es. Cllapter 19. o~~ Page -9- "Rni Jdin;J CCJVIE!!l"aglf' 'lhat portioo of the net lot area eno:mpassed within the rutermcst wall line which defines a l::uilding enclosure. 11Businesls• er 11c 1 crce'' neans the p.xrchase, sale, or other t:ransactioo involvirg the handlirq or dispnsitioo of any article, sul:stance or cxmuodity for profit or livelihood, :in::ludir:g, in addition, offia! l::uildi.rgs, offices, shops for the sale of personal services, garages, outdoor advertisirq signs an::l st::ructures I hotels an::l motels I an::l :recreatiooa.l an::l a:muse.rrent enterprises c::xr.rlucted for prof it. "Business er b:a1e srtxx>l" neans a use, except a college or tmiversity, providing education or train.in;J in b.Jsiness, cxmneroe, lan;Juaqe, or similar activity or p.IrSUit, an::l not otherwise defined as a bane ocx:upa.tioo. "Cancg" neans any roof-like structure, either attached to another structure or free-st:an:iirq, or any extension of a roof line, canst:ructed for the p.xrpose of protection fran the elements in connection with outdoor li virq. "car flJe.1.ter'' a roofed structure or a part of a l::uilding not enclosed cy-walls, intended an::l designed to accc 1111o:da.te one or nore vehicles. "card Club'' an establishment offerirq play or observation of play of licensed gaIOOS of chance, l:ut not :in::ludir:g participation in the califomia state I.ottery. Qiapter 19.02 Page -10- "Oellarn means that porticn of a ruildin:] between floor an:i ceili.r:g which is wholly or partly below grade an:i so located that the vertical distance fran grade to the floor is equal to or greater than the vertical dis:tances fran grade to oeili.r:g. "Cent.er line'' -the oente:r line of a street means the oente:r line as established by the County surveyor of Santa Clara county, the City Fn;Jinee:r, or by the state Division of Highway of the state of ca.Iifornia. "<l:Bnge of use'' means the: replacement of an existi.r:g use by a new use, or a d'lar¥'Je in the nature of an existi.r:g use, blt not inc:ludi.r:g a c:baDJe in ownership, ~, or management where the previous nature of the use, line of b.Jsiness, or other function is sul:stantially und:larged. "Child day ca:ce faci 1 i'ty'' means a facility, licensed by state or county, which provides l'al-'IIledical care to children \lirler 18 years of age in need of persa1Cll. service, supervisors, or assistance essential for sustaini.r:g the activities of daily living or for the protection of the irxtividual on a less than 24-hcm" basis. <lrlld day care facility includes day care centers an:i family day care hale an:l inc:luie the followirg: a) "Large <lrl.ld Care Facility'' which means a facility which provides child an:l daycare to 7 to 12 children inc:lusive. b) "Small <lrlld care Facility'' which means a facility which provides child day care for 1 to 6 children inclusive. Chapter 19.02 Page -11- "O:m:t:h" means a use providirq facilities for regular organiza:::l religious worship an:l religious education incidental thereto, rut exclu:lirg a private edu.c.atiooal facility. A· property tax exercption obtained pursuant to section J{f) of Article XIII of the Consti'b..ltion of the state of califamia an:l section 206 of the Revenue an:l Taxation Code of the state of california, or suCX!e.SSOr legislation, constitutes prima facie evideno:! that such use is a churcl1 as defined in this section. "O>l1ege'' or "rmiversity" means an educatiooal insti'b..ltion of higher learnin:J which offers a course of studies designed to a1Jmfriate in the issuance of a degree or defined by section 94302 of the Ekiucation Code of the state of califamia, or successor legislation. rec:r:eat:i.cn" neans a use providirq recreation, anusement, or entertairnnent services, i.nclu:lirg theaters, l:x::lwlirg lanes, billiard parlors, skatirg arenas, an:l similar services, operated on a private or for-profit basis, b.It exclu:lirg uses defined as outdoor recreation services. 11 0 •• n area" an entire residential project except all dwellirg tmits therein. means a place, structure, area, or other facility used for an providirq religious, fraternal, social an:l/or recreatiooal programs generally open to the public an:l designated to aexx111ux:rlate an:l serve significant segment of the cxmrunity. aiapter 19.02 Page -12- in:ity Jxwmirg project" a cor:daninium project as defined in section 135 of the califoznia Civil COde, a cx:mmmity aparbnent project as defined in section 11004 of the califarnia Business a.rd Professions Code, contad.ning two or D¥Jre rights of exclusive ocx::upan:::y, or a stcx::k ooopei:rative, as defined in section 11003.2 of the califarnia Business: a.rd Professions COde, oontainirg two or D¥Jre separately owned lots:, parcels or areas. "Cl::nval.e:sc.a faci 1 it.y" meail'lS a use other than a residential care bane provid:irq in-pat~ient services for person requir.irg regular medical attentiat, rut oot provid:irq surgical or emergency medical services. "a:nvarl.alce .meet" n:eans a use or activity that include the retail sale of food, beve~, a.rd small personal convenience items, inclu:lir:g sale of fclOd in disposable containers prinarily for off-premises oonsunption, a.rd typically founi in establishments with laq ca:-late ha.J.rs of operation a.rd in relatively small b.rlld.i.BJs; rut excluiin;J delicatessens a.rd other specialty food sbq;ls a.rd establishments which have a sizable assortment of fresh fruits, ·vegetables, a.rd fresh-a.It meats. "Olrrllers:ian" a cha.n;Je in the type of ownership of a parcel, or parcels of lard, together ·with the existin.;J attached structures, to that defined as a cx1m1Jnity hals.irg project regardless of the present or prior use of such lard an::l structures a.rd 'Whether sulJstantial inproveltwants have been made or are to be made to such structure. "Cbt:1:ec Tria:nJ].e'' n:eans a triargular-shaped area bounded by: a) '1he intersection of t:he targential. extension of front a.rd end property lines a.e1 formed by the intersection of two public rights of way ahrttirg the said property lines; a.rd b) '1he third bou:rdary of the trian;Jul.ar-shap area shall be a line oonnectin] the front and side property lines at a distance of forty (40) feet fran the intersection of the targential extension of front and side property lines. Cl1apter 19.02 Page -13- "o:urt" means an open, unoccupied space, other than a yard, on the same lot with a b..rll~ or b..rlldir:gs am which is b:Jun:1ed on two or mcire sides by sudi b..rlldirg or b..rlldir:gs, including the open spa.ce in a house CXJUrt or CXJUrt apartment providirg access. "ClM!l:'ed pm::k:inJ'' means a carport or garage that provides full overhead protectioo fran the elements with ordinary roof cover.i.n;1s. canvas, lath, fiberglass, am vegetation are not ordinarily roof cover.i.n;1s and cannot be used in providin:.; a covered parkirq spa.oe. "Diy care center'' means any child day care facility, licensed by the state or eamty, other than a family day care hane, am inclu:ies infant centers, p!C'e-SChools, am extended day care facilities. "Dly care lx:IE family" neans a bane, licensed by the state or eamty, which regularly provides, care, protection, am supervision of 12 or fa.ier children, in the provider's own home, far periods of less than 24 halrs per day, while the parents or guardian are away, am inclu:ie the following: a) "large family day care bane" which means a bane which provides family day care to 7 to 12 children, inclusive, including children under the age of 10 years who reside at the bane. b) "Small family day care bane" which means a bane which provides family care to six or fa.ier children, including children UOOer the age O,f 16 years who reside at hane. Chapter 19.02 Page -14- "Dewil.q>er'' the ~ or sutdivider with a oontrollirg propi:ietary interest in the prop::ised OCllllllllity 0015.i.rg project, or the person or organization makir:g awlication thereunder. "Di.strict" means a portion of the territory within the city within which certain uses of larxl, premises ar.d :t:uildirgs are pennitted ar.d certain other uses of larxl, premises ar.d :t:uildirqs are prohibited ar.d written which certain yards arrl other open spaces are required arrl certain :t:uild:i.rg site areas are established for :t:uildirgs, all as set forth arrl specified in this title. "llriDd:r.g est.ablisws:tl" means an activity that is primarily devoted to the sellirg of alocholic beverages for consumption on the premises. "Drlve-t:lm:ujb estahJisws:tl" means an activity where a portion of ret.ailirg or the provision of service can be cxn:iucted without requiring the custaner to leave his or her car. "Drlvairay aJrW!d'' a driveway with acx::::ess to the fra1t property line which ent.ers the garage fran the side at an argle of 60 degrees to the fra1t a.irb line ar.d Which contains a functional twenty (20) foot deep parkin;J area that does not ove:rhaR3' the front property line. "D4>J.ex'' means a b.rlld:i.rg oontaining not mare than two kitchen.s, designed ar.d used to OOl5e not mare than two families li vi.rg indepen:1ently of ea.ch other. "I:Mall irlJ mrl.t" means a roan or group of roans inclu:lin:J li vi.rg, sleeping, ea.ting, CXlOking, ar.d sanitation facilities, oonstituti.rg <llapter 19.02 Page -15- a separate ard in:iependent hcusekeepirg unit, cx:cupied or inten::led for occupancy by one f amil.y on a rxn-transient basis ard havirg not ioore than one kitchen. "ED::l.osed" means a covered space fully surrcun:led by walls, ioolu:li.rg wir:dows, doors, and similar openirgs or architectural features, or an open space: of less than 100 square feet fully su:rroon:Jed by a tuildin;J or wa11s exceedin;J 8 feet in height. "ED::l.osed ga:mge'' an intenial area encarpa.ssin:J two (2) parkirg spaces measurin:J 10 ft. l:~ 20 ft. ea.ch ard shall provide unobstructed space i.e. , by walls, applian:les, etc. Centel'4' a facility for the shelter, display, exhibition, keepin:J exercise or ridin;J of horses, ponies or m.tles, or vehicles drawn by Sl.ldl animals, with related pasture lards, oorrals ard trails. "JqnipEu.t yard" means a use providin;J for maintenance, servicirg or storage of m::1tor vehicles, equipnent, or supplies; or for the dispat:drlrq of service vehicles; or distrib:rtion of supplies or oonstruction materials required in connection with a l::usiness activity, plblic utility service, transportation service, or similar activity. "lqnipwut yard" iooludes a oonstruction material yard, corporation yard, vehicular service center or similar use. Chapter 19.02 Paqe -16- "Faci J i:ty'' means a structure, l:u.ildirg or other physical contrivaroe or object. a) "Acoeseacy facility'' means a facility which is incidental to, an:l custanarily associated with a specified principal facility an:l which nwaets the applicable ccn:litioos set forth in <llapter 19.18. b) ''Ncrra:llplyinJ filcili:ty'' means a facility which is in violation of artJ of the site develqment regulatioos or other regulatioos established by this title, but was lawfully exi.stirg on october 10, 1955, or artJ amerrlment to this title, or the application of artJ district to the property involved by reascn of which the adoption or applicatioo the facility becnnes non-ca:iplyirg. (For the definition for "non-oooformin;J use" seie sul:lsection 102. (B)) c) "Pri.ncipll faci J ities" means a main l:u.ildirg or other facility which is designed an:l oonstructed for or ocx::upied by a principal use. "Fall.i..lY'' means an in:lividual or group of persons livirg together who CX>l1Stitute a bona fide sirgle hrusekeepirg unit in a mvellirg unit. "Fam.ilY'' shall mt be construed to inclu::le a fraternity, sorority, club, or other group of persons ocx::upyirg a hotel, lodgirg-hoose, or institution of artJ kini. Chapter 19.02 Page -17- II "First Flcac'' that :portion of a structure less than or equal to twenty (20) feet in height, through which a vertical line ~ fran the highest point of exterior CXll'lStruction to the appt~iate adjoinirg grade, passes through one story. FJ.ccr area. :ratio'' means the maximJm ratio of gross floor area on a site to the total site area. "F.ralt 11Bll" means the wall of a building or other structure nearest the street upon which the building faces, b..tt excluding certain a:rdlitectural features. as specified in Chapter 19.64. "Foll c:asb. vallle'' has the meanir:q assigned to it in the calif o:rnia :Revenue and Taxation code for property taxation ?J?.'POSE!S. "Garage'' means an aooessory building (cx:arpletely clc:sed) used primarily for the storage of not.or vehicles. "Grade'' or "Finished Grade" means the lowest point of adjacent g:roon:i elevation of the finished surface of the g:roon:i pavin;J, or sidewalk, excludirg areas where grade has been raised by means of a be.rm, planter lx:Jx, or s.imilar l.arDscaping feature, unless required for drainage, with.in the area between the building and the property line, or when the property line is DDre than five feet fran the building, bebeen the building and a line five feet fran the building. CJ1apter 19.02 Page -18- "Gccss :flcc:r area" means the total area of all floors of a b..rllding measured to the artside surfaces of exterior walls, and includi.r.g the followin.1: Halls stairways Elevator shafts service and mec:hanical equipnent roans ~ or roofed porches, arcades, plazas, balconies, can.ts, walkways, breezeways or p:rtiCXJS if locat.E!d above the grourd. and used far required aooess Pennanently roofed, bit either partially en:::losed or unenclosed, b..rllding fea:b.J:res used far sales, service, display storage or similar uses; "Gccss :flcc:r ai:ea" shall not include the followirg: Basement, cellar or attic areas de ene:i usable by the chief b..rllding official Gccss lat area" means the horizontal area included within the property lines of a site plus the street area boun:J.ed by the street centerline up to thirty (30) feet distan:le fran the property line, the street right-of-way line and the ext:erded side ya:cd to the str:eet centerline. <llapter 19.02 Page -19- In residential districts, all roofed porches, arcades, balex>nies, portioos, breezeways or similar features when lcx:ated above the groun:l floor. Parkirg facilities acx::essary to a permitted or cx:>nditionaJ. use an:l lcx:ated on the eia:me site. Roofed arcades, pl.a.2:as I walkways I porches I breezeways I portioos, an:l similar 1'.eatures not substantially enclosed by exterior walls, an:l c:ourts, at or near street level, when acx:iessible, to the general plblic an:l not devoted to sales, service, display, staragre or similar uses. "Gctq> care activities" a residential care facility providirq oontinuous care far six (6) ca:-fewer persons on a bventy-four (24) hour basis which requires licerisirg by a governmental agency. "Q.Est ml:laje'' means an acoessary buildirq ccnta.ini.rg a lodgirg 1.D'lit wit.halt kitc::hen facilities, an:l used to house ocx::asional visitors or non-payirg guests of the ocx:::upants of a dwellirg unit on the smi:e site. "Q.Est n:oa" means a room which is inten:Jed, arrarged or designed to be occupied by occasional visitors or nonpayirg guests of the occupants of the dwellirg 1.D'lit in which the rcx:m is located., an:l which contains m kitc::hen facilities. ''Habitable Fla:r" the horizart:al. spaoe between a floor area of at least seventy square feet an:l the oeilirg height measurirg at least 7 feet 6 irr.hes above it, except far a kitc::hen which shall have a oeilirg height not less than 7 feet above said floor. 018pter 19.02 Page -20- 'tflei'1Jt" means the vertical distance above grade to the highest point of the cq>irg of a flat roof or to the deck line of a mansard roof or to the peak of the highest gable of a pitched or hipped roof. '!he measuremant may be taken fran the highest adjoin.i.rg sidewalk or gramd surface within a five-foot horizontal distance of the exterior wall of the J:::uild.in; when such sidewalk or g:rou.ni surface is not more than ten feet above grade. 'lhe height of a ~ or terraced J:::uildir.g is the maximum height of any segrrent of the J:::uildir.g. ''lbE ocx:qati.m" means an acx:iessary activity con:lucted in a dwelling unit solely by the oocupants thereof, in a manner incidental to residential cxx:u:parx:y, in accord with the provisions of the title. (Far further provisions, see regulations for home occupations in Cllapter 19. 21. ) ''lb=pital" means a facility providing medical, psyd:l.iatric, or surgical services far sick or injured persons primarily on an in-patient basis, and including ancillary facilities for rut-patient and e.mergeIK::Y treatment, diagmstic services, trainin:J, researdl, administratim, and service to patients, employees or visitors. "Jbtel" means a facility c:x>nt:a.inllv; roans or groups of roans, generally wit.halt .in:lividual kitdlen facilities, used or inten:ied to be used by tenpJrary overnight oocu:pants, whether on a Cllapter 19.02 Page -21- transient or residential oc:cupan::y basis, and whether or not eatin;J facilities are available on the premises. ''Hotel" includes ll'Dtel, IOOt.or hotel, toorist. ca.u:t, or similar use, tut does not include Dd::>ile hane parks or s~i.milar uses. ''lfcusehold Pets" IDelaJ1S small animals o 1111n1.l.y fourd in residential areas such as chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, dogs, and cats, tut excludirg aridmal s such as any bovine or equine animal, or any goat, sheep, or swine. 'lhis Title does not regulate the keepin;J of small hoosehold pets, such as fish, birds, or hamsters which is incidental to any permitted use. ''llcl1s.in:J :anket a:r::m." tha.t area boun:Jed by Frellrni Avenue located in the city of sunnyvale, to the north, Iawrenoa Expressway to the east, Prospect Road to the south, hence alorg a line generally followirg the westerly baJn:1ary of the CUpertino Urban servioo Area northerly to Highway 280, henc:e easterly alorg Highway 280 to Foothill Ba.lllevard, henc:e northerly alon:J Foothil Boulevard to Hanestead Roadl, henc:e northerly alon:J stevens creek to F.remcnt Avenue, as generally shown on the followirY;J map. ".:nmk yard" IDelaJ1S the use of nare than 200 square feet of the area of any lot far the storage or keepirg of junk, includirg scrap metals or other ~' material, ar.d/ar far the dismantlirg or ''wreckirg'' of autaoobiles ca: other vehicles or machinery. "I.an:lscap:iDJ'' IDelaJ1S an airea devoted to or developed and maintained with native or exotic pl.antirg, lawn, grouni cx:Ne:r, gardens, trees, shrubs, an:ll other plant materials, decorative outdoor landscape elements, pools, famtains, water features, paved or decorated surfaces; of rock, stale, brick, bloc:k. or similar material ( excludi.rg dtri veways, parkirg, loa.d.ir.g or storage areas) , and sculptural element:s. " "late EwninJ .Activities means an activity which maintains any "IBJBJ sul:&lai:datd lat" neans any parcel of lard or lot recorded an:l legally created k1zr Ca.mty or City prior to March 17, 1980, which lot or parcel is of less are than required in the zone; or lots or parcels of record ~hich are reduced to a substandard lot size as a result of required street dedication unless othetwise provided in the City of OJpert.i.oo General Plan. '!he owner of a legally created, substandard prcperty which is less than 6,000 sq. ft. tut equal to or greater than 5,000 square feet may utilize said parcel for residential p.n::poses. '!he owner of a legally created parcel of le.es than 5, ooo sq. ft. may also develop said site as a sirgle family residential l::uildirg site if it can be demonstrated that the prqerty was mt un.:Jer the same ownership as any contiguous prq;:ierty on the same street f :rontage as of or after JUly 1, 1984. 111.jc;pxr st:ca::e'' means a USE~ requirirg a state of califomia "off-sale general license" (ela.l.e for off-site OJl'lSl1Jiption of wine, beer, ard/or hard liquor) ard havirq 50 percent or 11Dre of the total dollar sales ao:::xJUI'ltE!d for k1zr beverage covered un:ier the off-sale general license. Chapter 19. o:? Page -23- "I..oadi rq fPICe'' means an area used far load.in;J ar unloa.din:;J of gcxx:ls fran a vehicle in cxrmectioo with the use of the site on which such space is located. "Uldg:in;t' means the furnish.in;;J of roans ar groups of roans within a dwell.irq mtlt ar an ao:iessary :t:uildin:;J to persons other than nenbers of the family residence in said dwell.irq mtlt, far overnight ocx::upancy oo a residential ocx::upancy basis, whether ar not meals are provided to such person. J.Jxlg.irq shall be subject to the residential density requirements of the district in which the use is located. "I.<dgirq unit" means a rcx:m ar group of roans not inclu::l.irq a kitchen, used ar interxJed far use by overnight occupants as a s.irqle mtlt, whether located in a hotel ar a citell.irq mtlt providin:;J lodg'.irq M1ere designed ar used far ocx::upancy by more than two persons; each two-person capacity shall be deemed a separate lodg'.irq mtlt far the pnp::se of determ.in.i.rg residential density; each two lodg'.irq mtlts shall be oonsiderecl the equivalent of one dwellirq mtlt. "lat" ar "site'' means a parcel of l.a:rrl oonsi.stin;J of a s.irqle lot ar record, used ar interxJed far use unier the regulations of the title as one site far a use ar a group of uses. Cllapter 19.02 Page -24- a) 11 a:a:11eC let." means a lot situated at the intersection of two or ncre streets, or 1:a.mded al two or ncre adjacent sides l:7j sb:eet lines. b) "FlaJ let." means a lot havin;J acx:iess to a street l:7j means of a private driveway or parcel of land not otherwise meetin:J the requirement of this title far lot width. c) "r.nter:iar: let." means a lot other than a oorne.r lot. d) ''Key let." means the first lot to the rear of a oorner lot, the front line of whi.ch is a oontinuatial of the side line of the corner lot, am frontirg al the street which intersects or intercepts the street al which the oorner lot fronts. e) "lot m::ea.11 means the area of a lot measured horizontally between bamdary lot lines, bJt exclu:iirq a portion of a flaq tut providin:J access to a street ard lyin:J between a front lot line am the1 sb:eet, ard excluding any portion of a lot within the lines of any natural water course, river, stream, creek, waterway, dlannel., or flmr control or drainage easellEilt ard exclu:lirq any partial of a lot within a street right-of-way whether acquired in fee, easement or otherwise. Chapter 19.02 Page -25- "lot <XM!Cagle'' erxx:mpasses the followirq definitions: a) "Single :fcmily residential use'' means the total land area within a site that is oovered by b.lildings, i.nc:lud.i.n;J all projections except the exterior or outer:u:xJst four feet of art:/ cove or roof overhand, bJt excludirg g:rour:d level, pav:irg, lan:lscape features, and open recreational facilities. b) "All other uses except s:i:ng:le :fcmily :r:esidE!nt:i.a" means the total land area within a site that is oovered by b.lildings, excludirg all projections, grouni level pav:irg, lar:dscape features, and open recreational facilities. "lot dE!pt:b." means the horizontal distar¥Je fran the midpoint of the f:rait lot line to the midpoint of the rear lot line, or to the most distant point al art:/ other lot line where there is rx> clear rear lot line. "I.at I.in!'' means art:f l::x::Junjary of a lot. a) "Fl:alt lat I.in!'' means al an interior lot, the lot line abJttin:J a street, or al a OCJrl'Vin" lot, the shorter lot line abJttin:J a street, or al a flag lot, the interior lot line most parallel to and nearest the street fran which acx::ess is obtained.. Chapter 19.02 Page -26- b) "Interior lot line'' means any lot line not al::uttirg a street. c) ''Rear lot line'' lllf::a11fl the lot line not intersectirg a front lot line which is the mst distant fran arrl the mst closely parallel to the front lot line. A lot boun:Jed by only three lot lines will not have a rear lot line. d) "side lot l:ine'' meane~ any lot line which is not a front or rear lot line. e) "Sb:eet lot line'' means any lot line ab.J:ttirg a street. "I.at of za::x:a:d" means a lot which is part of a sul:x:li vision recx>rded in the office of tl:ie COllllty recorder, or a lot or parcel described by metes arrl lxlun:1s which has been recx>rded. "I.at w.i.dt:b.11 means the hot·izart:al distance l:::lebNeen side lot lines, measured at the required front set.back line. ''Millufacb.D:in' means a use ergaqed in the marrufacture, predaninantly fran previously prepared materials, of finished products or parts, includilig prcx::essir.g fabrication, assembly, treatrcent, pa.ckagirg of such products, arrl incidental storage, sales arrl distril:utioo of such products am incidental storage, sales, arrl distril:utioo of such products bJt excludir:g basic in::lust:rial prcx::essirg of atracted ar raw materials, processes utilizirg inflamnable or explosive material (i.e., materials which ignite easily un:ler normal marrufacturirg conditions), arrl processes which create hazardous or co111or.tly recx:ig:nized offensive conditions. Chapter 19.02 Page -27- ''Mmsage Parlor'' is a l::uildin; or portion thereof or a place where massage is administered for a:upensation or f:ran which a massage business or service for cx:npen.sation is qiera.ted. •'lfcbiJe Hem!'' means a vehicle, other than a lIDtar vehicle, designed or used as semi-permanent halsirg, designed for human habitation, for carryirg persons and. property on its own structure, and. far bein;J drawn by a lIDtar vehicle, and. shall include a trailer coach. ''ll:Jbi le bme pa:dt'' means art:f area or tract of lard where lots are sold, rented, or held out for rent to one or nme owners or users of ioobile .banes, exclt.:dil'g travel trailers, for the p.rrpose of permanent or semi-permanent halsirg. "Rilt:iple-fmil.y use" means the use of a site for three or mre dwellirg units which may be in the same buildirg or in separate 'blild:in;Js on the same site. "Net f1ccr m:ea" means the net enclosed floor area used or capable of use for art:f activity, exclt.:dil'g walls, stairways, elevator shafts, service or medlanical equipnent roans, oorridors or halls proviclirg cxmnon acx:iess to :nx:u:e than one use, and unenc:losed parches or balcxrdes. Chapter 19.02 Page -28- "Net lat area" means the total horizontal area included within the prqierty lines of a site, exc:lud.:inj the followin;: a. Any p:xrtian of a site within the right of way of an existing µJblic street. b. '!he p:xrtian of a f~r lot oonstitutirg the acxiess corridor ly:in;J between the front prq>erty line and the frontage line of the corridor at the ert:reet. c. '!he full width of any legal easemPnt used far acxiess p.n:poses. ·~· means an establishment providing alocholic beverage service and late evenirq (pcast 11:00 p.m.) entertainment, with or without food service. "Of'f ioe: " a) Wnistrative er Elrecu.tive offices includ.:inj those pertain.i.nq t.o the management of off ice operations or the direction of enterprise tut not includ.:inj :merchaniis:in;J or sales services. b) PJ:afessia:Bl offices such as those pertaining t.o the practice of the profE!SSions and arts includ.:inj, tut not limited t.o, architecb.u:e, dentistry, ergineer:in;J, law, and medicine, b.lt not in:::lud.:inj sale of dru:"::Js or prescriptions except as incidental t.o the principal uses and where there is external evidence of such incidental use. Cbapter 19. o:! Page -29- c) office'' lllf:i\al'lS a use provid.:i.rg consultation, diagra;is, therapeutic, preventative, or oorrective personal treatment services by doctors I dentists I medical an:} dental lab:Jrataries, an:l similar practitialel:'S of medical an:l heal.irg arts for humans, licensed for such practice by the state of calif ornia an:l includirg services related to medical research, testirg an:l analysis. "q,en'' lllf:i\al'lS a space an the ground or an the roof of a structure, un::iovered an:l \ll'llE!n::losed. "Ocganiza:tiana1 dnatt d::s" the declaratian of restrictions, articles of inoorporatian, by-laws ard arr:t contracts for the ma.intenanoe, ma.nagensit, or operatian of all or arr:t part of a ccmrunity hals.irg project. "out::docr :ceccea:tim use'' lllf:i\al'lS a privately awned or operated use provid.irg facilities for outdoor recreaticn activities, includirg golf, termis, swi:nmirg, rid.irg, or other outdoor si.x>rt or recreaticm, operated predcminantl.y in the open, except for accessory or incidental enclosed. services or facilities. "Paa:." lllf:i\al'lS arr:t open space, rese:rvaticn, pla:ygra:arl, swi:nmirg pool, golf course, recreaticn center, or arr:t other area in the city owned or used by the City or ca.mty ard devoted to active or passive recreaticms. "Park:i.ng Al:ea" an un:roofecl, paved area, delineated by painted or similar ma.rkirgs, interrled an:l designed to aocc 11111Crlate one or mre vehicles. Olapter 19.02 Page -30- "PaddnJ :faci li:ty'' means an area on a lot or within a tuildin;J, or both, iooludirg one or m:xre parki.r.g spaces, together with driveways, aisles, tu:rnin;J and maneuve:rirg areas, clearances, arrl similar features, arrl nvaetirg the requirements established by this title. "Parking facility" ioolu3es parking lots, garages, arrl parking structures. a) "~my parkirg facility'' means parki.r.g lots which are not required under this title arrl which are intended as interim .i.nprovements of property subject to renDVal at a later date. "PaddnJ fP'CE!'' means an area on a lot or within a hlildin;J, used or intended for use for parkirg a motor vehicle, havirq permanent means of ac:D;!SS to arrl f.ran a plblic street or alley in:lepe:ndently of any other pa.rkirg space, arrl located in a parki.r.g facility nvaetirg the requirements established by this title. "Parld.:n:J fP'CE!'' is equivalent to the term ''parki.r.g stall" arrl does not ioolude driveways, aisles, or other features carprisirg a parki.r.g facility as previously defined in this dlapter. "l\:!t:saa:el fitness t:rainhq center'' means a facility providin;J space arrl equipnent, with ,or without supervision, for group or in:lividual athletic developnent, increased skill develqm:mt in sports activity, or rehabilitative therapy for athletic injucy. Cl1apter 19.02 Page -31- "Picnic m:ea" means a facility providirg tables and CXlOkirg devices for preparation ard CXXlSUllption Of meals out of doors or within an \ll'lE!lX'!losed shelter structure. "P.ractk:e range'' means a facility providirg CX>Jlt:rolled aooess to fixed or DJVable objects which are used to test and measure acx::uracy of d.ischa:rge fran a weapcn. "Private EdJcaticnl1 facility'' means a privately-owned school,includirg schools owned ard operated by religious organizations, offerirq instruction in the several brarx::hes of lea.rnir.q ard sb..xly required to be tal.J1ht in the public schools by the El:iucation COde of the state of califa:rnia. "Profea::da:al office'' means a use pravi.clirg professional or consultirq service in the fields of law, architecture, design, ergineerirq, ac:xx:iuntirg, ard similar professions, includirg assooiat.ed product testin;J ard prototype developnent, b.1t excludirg product-manufacturing or assembly. "P.roject ~" all public road inprovements, under-g:rcmrlirq utility il1provements, ard inp.rovanents to the on-site utility networks as required by the City of CUpertino for a cxmmmity halsirq project. "P.rojecticn" means architectural elements, not part of the nain l::u.ilding support, that cantilevers fraD. a single l::u.ilding wall or roof, involvirg no sui:ports to the groord other than the one l::u.ilding wall fran which the element projects. "Pl:q>e.tl}"' means real prq>erty which includes lard, that which is affixed to the lard, ard that which is incidental or app..ntenant to the lard as defined in Civil COde Section 658 t.hrCU3h 662. Cl1apter 19.02 Page -32- "Pu4Jerty" adjoining'• means art:f unit of real property, exclud.i.rq larrls used a µ.iblic streets, shar.in;J one or mre c:x::moon points with another property. "PUbl..ic Dance Ball" is a l::uildinq or part.ion thereof used for danc.in;J p.u:poses to and in which the general µ.iblic is admitted and permitted to darx:le, upon payment of art:f fee other than compensation, or upon payment of a charge far admission, or for 'Which tickets or other devices are sold, or in which a charge is made far the privilege of danc.in;J with art:f other person employed far such p.irpose by the q>m:ator of such establishment, includ.irq tut not limited to taxi dances, tut excl'l:lii.rq restaurants, hotel d.i.n.in:] roans am night cltibs in which the danc.in;J is incidental only to d.i.n.in:] or to other ent:ertainment. sb:eet" means all streets, highways, lanes, places, avenues am part.ions the:rec1f and incl'l:lii.rq extensions in the le:r:gth and width, which have1 been dedic:ated by the owners thereof to µ.iblic use, acquired fer µ.iblic use or in which a µ.iblic easement for roadway p.xrposes exists. ''Bect"ea.t.i.m vehicle'' means a vehicle towed. or self-propelled on its own chassis or attached to the chassis of another vehicle and Chapter 19. o~: Page -33- designed ar used far tenpJrary dwellin;, recreational ar sportirg purposes. '!he term recreation vehicle inclu:ies, tut is not limited to, travel trailers, mt.or coach banes, converted. trucks ard ruses, ard l:x:Ja:ts ard boat trailers. ''Becl:'ea:t.:im ~ Space'' open space within a OC11111Jl'lity housin; project (exclusive of required frCl1t set back areas) which shall be used exclusively far leisure ard recreational purposes, far the use ard enjoyment of occupants (ard their visitors) of units on the project ard to which such occupants (ard their visitors) have the right of use ard enjoyment. Al:xRssory st::ructu:res such as swilrming pools, recreational buildir.gs, ard lardscaped areas may be included as open space. ''Re-cyclirg center'' means facilities appurtenant ard exterior to an otherwise allowed use, which are utilized far oollection of recyclable materials such as metal, glass, plastic, ard paper stored in nd>ile vehicles ar trailers, permanent storage units, ar in bulk reverse vendirg machines exceedirg fifty cubic feet in size. ''Hal igia& i.nstitllt.:kn'' means a seminary, retreat, monastery, c:onferen:ie center, ar similar use far the cx::n3uct of religious activities, inclu:iing aoc:essory housin; incidental thereto, tut exclu:li.rg a private educational facility. Aey such use far which a property tax exenption has been obtained pursuant to section J(f) of Article XIII of the o:nstitutiCll of the state of califarnia ard section 206 of the RevenUe ard TaxatiCll COde of the state of califarnia, ar su.cxJeSSCt", le;islation, ar which is used in connection with any church whid:l has received such an exemption, shall be prima facie presumed to be a religious institution. <l'lapt:er 19.02 Page -34- "Restam:ant (fast fcxxl)" means a retail food service establishment in whidl prepared foods ar beverages are served ar sold on ar in disposable containers, in::lulirg those establishments where a subst:antial portion of pa.trans may serve themselves and may consume said food and beverages off-site. A separate bar facility far servirg alcx:iholic beverages is not pennitted. Any area, tables, or roans reserved far servirg alCXlholic beverages shall l::e CX>11Sidered a separate bar facility. Specialty food stores, such. as ice cream stores, bakeries, or donut shops shall not be CX>l1Sidered fast food restaurants. ''Restaurant (full service)" means any restaurant which is not a fast food restaurant. Alcd:lolic beverages may be served with neals at a custaner' s dinirq table; however, a separate bar facility far servirg alcx:iholic beverages is not permitted without a use permit. ''Heseardl and ~" means a use en;iaged in sbxly, design, analysis, and experimental developnent of products, processes, or services, in::lu:lir.q in::idental ma.nufacturirq of prcxiucts or provisions of services to others. ''Residential. cm:e hme'' neans use of a dwllirq unit ar :portion thereof liamsed by the state of calif ornia ar coonty of Santa Clara, far care of up to, six persons, inclulirg overnight cx::cu.pancy ar care far exten:ied time periods, and inclu:lir.q all use defined in Section 5115 and 5116 of the california Welfare and Institutions COde, ar legislation. Chapter 19.02 Page -35- ''Reverse VIDling :mcirlne'' means a lllSdlanical device which accepts one or more types of enpty beverage cxrrt:ainers am issues a cash refun:l or credit slip. ''R:Jt.a:t.:i.r. hweless sbe.lter.. means shelter located in an existirx} churd1 structure. Shelter provided rm: to exceed two 1tDJrt:hs in Mrf twelve (12) month period at Mrf sirx}le location. Number of oc::cupants rm: to exceed twenty-five (25), hours of operation rm: to exceed 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. "Sct:eened'' means shielded, cxn::iealed, am effectively hidden fran view at an elevation of up to 8 feet above grrund level on adjoinin;J sites, or fran adjoinirx} sheets, within 10 feet of a lot line, by a fence, wall, hedqe, berm, or similar structure, architectural or lan:1scape feature, or CXIDbination thereof. "Seti:Jadt line'' means a line within a lot parallel. to a oorrespan:li.rg lot line, which is the bam.:iary of any specified front, side, or rear yard, or the bam.:iary of any public right-of-way whether acxiuired in fee, easenent, or otherwise, or a line otherwise established to govern the location of buildirx}s, structures or uses. 'Where no mini.nun fralt, side, or rear yards are specified, the setback line shall be oatermincus with the oorrespan:li.rg lot line. "Set.back cmea, Required" means open space, tmCCCUpied am ~ fran the grrund upward, except as provided in this title, between the lot line am the set.bade: line on the same site. 01apter 19.02 Page -36- a) "Se!tl:edt m::ea., Requ:h:ed frcnt. yard'' means the setback area extending across the front of a lot between the front lot line arrl the setback line. Front yards shall be measured either by a line at right argles to the front lot line, or by a radial line in the case of a curved front lot line, except f laq lots which is the area extending across the full extent of the bJ.ildable particm of the f laq lot measured fran the property line which is parallel to arrl nearest the street line arrl at which point the lot width equals a minim.ml of sixty (60) ft. '1he Pl.amrl.rg Camnission shall have the discreticm to mdify the provisions of this def initicm when it improve the design relationship of the proposed buildirgs to adjacent buildirgs or parcels. b) "Se!tl:edt m::ea., RBJrl,red. nlilill:' yard'' means the area extending across the full width of the lot between the rear lot line arrl the nearest line or point of the main bJ.ild:i.rq. c) "Se!tl:edt m::ea., REq.rlred side ym:d" means the area between the side lot line and the nearest line of a bJ.ild:i.rq, arrl extending f ran the front setback line to the rear setback line. "ftqpir.g a:!llt:ecH means a group of o 1111er cial establisJ:nnents, planned, developed., owned, or managed as a unit, with off-street parkin;J provided cm the site, arrl having a total gross floor are of not less than l,000,000 square feet arrl a total site area of not less than 50 acres. Chapter 19.02 Page -37- "SinJle :faail.y use'' means the use of a site far only one c:i'iNell:i.rg unit. "Sp=cialty food sta:es" includes uses such as bakeries, donut shops, ioa cream stares, produce markets an:i meat markets, ar similar establishments Where food is prepared an:i/ar sold primarily far oonsunptiai off the premises "Specified Anatxaical. Areas" are: 1. less than CX11Pletely an:i opaquely covered human genitals, p.lbic :regiai, b.Jttock an:i female breast belCM a point im:nediately above the tcp of the areola; an:i 2. Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if CX11Pletely an:i opaquely covered. "Specified Smcnal .ld:ivitiss'' are: 1. Human genitals in a state of sexual stm1lation ar araisal; 2. Acts of human masbJ:rbaticn, sexual int:erccm."se ar sodany; 3. Fcn:ll:i.rg ar other erotic tcu::hlrg of human genitals, p.lbic region, bJ:ttoc:ks ar female breast. 11SpeciaHty Foc::dEi;ta:e'' includes uses such as bakeries, donut shops, ioa cream stares, produce markets an:i meat markets, ar similar establishments where food is prepared an:i/ar sold primarily far oonsunpticn off the premises. Chapter 19.02 Page -38- "st:acy' means that portion of a :t::uildirg included between the surface of any floor an.:J. the Slll"face of the next floor above it, or if there is oo floor above it, then the space bebve!en the floor an.:J. the oeilin;J next above it. In oo event shall a story be greater than ten feet in height. a) ''Ba.lf-stacy" means a story with at least two opposite exterior sides meetin;J a slq>in;J roof oot more than two feet above the floor of such story. "Sb:eet" means a p.iblic or private tl'.lal:.'a:KJhare the design of which has been approved by the City which affords the principal means of a~ to a.b.J.tting prcparty, includirv;J avenue, place, way, drive, lane, bculevard, highway, road, an.:J. any other t:h.orol.r;Jhfare e:xaapt an alley as defined in this chapter. "Sb::uct:m:e'' means that which is :t::uilt or CXJnStructed, an edifice or :t::uildin;J of any kirrl, or any piece of work artificially :t::uilt up or cunposed of parts joined. together in sane definite manner. "'l\lo falli.l.y use'' means the use of a site for two cbNellin;J writs, which may be within the same tuildin;J or separate :t::uildin;Js. "TJseahle rear ycmi'' means that area l:oJl'x:led by the rear lot line(s) an.:J. the rear :t::uild.ing line exterded to the side lot lines. '!he side yard adjacent to a proposed minor addition (e.g., add.itioo equallin;J ten pe:rcer1t or less of the principal structure) may be included. in calculation of usable rear yard area. Qlapter 19.02 Page -39- ''Ole'' means the con:luc:t of an activity, or the performance of a function or q>eratian, an a site or in a b.rllding or facility. a) 11~ use" means a use which is incidental to an:1. custanarily associated with a specified principal use. b) ''Rc:n-amfc:a::ain;J use'' means a use which is not a permitta::I use or cxn:litiaial use authorized within the district in which it is located, bJt which was lawfully existin;J on october 10, 1955; or the date of any amen:bDents thereto, or the application of any district to the prq:>erty involved, by reason of which adopticn or applicaticn the use became J'QHXl'lfarmirg. [see "nan-o::mplyin:J facilities" in this Olapte:I" for a definiticn] c) "Prin::::iptl use'' means a use which fulfills a primary function of a halsehold, establishment, institution, or other entity. d) "Pemitted use'' means a use listed by the regulations of any particular district as a permitted use within that district, an:i permitta::I therein as a matter of right when oorrlucted in aCXlOI'd with the regul.atims established by this title. Olapter 19.02 Page -40- e) "anlit:iJ:mal. use'' means a use, listed by the regulations of any particular dist:.rict as a ocn:litiona.l use within that district ard allowablE~ therein, solely en a discretionary use ocn:litiona.l basis, subject to issuar¥Je of a c::on:litiona.l use :permit, ard to all other regulaticns established by this title. ''Vehicle'' means any boat, bus, trailer, motor bane, van, camper ('Whether or not attached to a pick.-up truck or other vehicle), canp trailer, nd:>ile bane, m::itorcycle, autaoobile, truck, pick-up, airplane, boat trailer, trl.;ICk tractor, truck trailer, utility trailer or recrea.tiona.l vehicle, or parts thereof, or any device by which any perscn or property may be prq>elled, DDVed, or drawn upon a p.iblic sb::eet, exceptirg a device DDVed exclusively by human pciwer. ''Visual Privacy rnt:rusicn" means uninterrupted visual access fran a residential dwelli.n;· or st:rucb..Ire into the interior or exterior areas of adjacent residential structures, which area is either oa:rpletely or partially private, designed for the sole use of the cxx::upant, ard/or which serves to fulfill the interior ard/or exterior privacy needs of the i:npacted residerx::e or resi~. <llapter 19.02 Paqe -41- "Yard" means an area within a lot, adjoinirg a lot line, and measured horizattally, and perpendiailar to the lot line far a specified distan:le, q>en and unobst:ructed except. far activities and facilities allowed therein by this title. a) "Front yani" means a ya:rd measured into a lot fran the front lot line, ext:errllrg the fUl.l width of the lot between the side lot lines intersectirg the fra1t lot line. b) ''Rear yani" means a ya:rd measured into a lot fran the rear lot line, ex:tend.irq bet.ween the side yards; provided that far lots havil'XJ no defined rear lot line, the rear yard shall be measured into the lot fran the rear.roost point of the lot depth to a line parallel to the fra1t lot line. c) "Side yani" means a ya:rd measured into a lot fran a side lot line, extend.i.n;J between the fralt: ya:rd and rear lot line. zonin'J/chap1902 <l1apte:c' 19.02 Page -42- Sections: 19.03.010 19.03.020 19.03.030 19.03.040 19.03.050 19.03.060 ~-19.03 DESIGNATIOO"S AND ESTABLISHMENI' OF DISlllUCI'S Designation Of general districts References to districts z.atln;J map and district l:a.JrDaries Areas not shown an zcrrlrq map Use an:l interpretaticn of zcrrlrq map lg>licatioo of regulatiais to sites divided by zone l:a.JrDaries Chapter 19.0:1 Page -1- 19.03.010 nie several classes of general districts into 'Which the City is divided a.re designated as follows: Zonirg :Map Designaticn am District Name Olapter No. A Agricultural Zale 19.04 A-1 Agricultural-Residential Zale 19.05 R-1 Sirgle-Family Residential Zale 19.06 R-2 Residential DJplex District 19.07 R-3 Multi-Family Residential Zale 19.08 RHS Residential Hillside District 19.09 RIC Residential Sirgle Family Cluster Zale 19.10 PD Planned Developnent Zale 19.11 C-G General carmercial Zale 19.12 M-L Light :rmustrial Zale 19.13 B-A Public Build..in;J Zale 19.14 T Transportaticn Zale 19.14 B-Q Quasi Public Buildin;J Zale 19.14 PR Park am Recreation Zale 19.15 p Private Recreation District 19.16 0-A Administrative am Professiooal. Office District 19.17 Cl1apte:r 19.03 Page -2- 19.03.020 References to Districts Reference within the title to residential districts generally arrl as a groupirq, inclu:ies all districts identified in the section. Where references are made to more restrictive or less restrictive residential districts, such references shall awly sequentially between the m:ist restrictive arrl the least restrictive. Residential District RHS RIC R-1 R-2 R-3 HJst restrictive I.east restrictive Olapt:er 19.0:J Page -3- 19.03.030 z.onim Map am District Boutdaries a) '1he bam:laries of districts established by the title shall be shown upon the zcni.rg map. '!he zcni.rg map, am all amendments, charges, am extensions thereof, am all legen:Js, symbols, n::>tations, :references, am other matters shown therecrl shall be a part of this title. b) '!he zonirq map, as currently effective, am a record of all amendments, changes, am extensions thereof, shall be maintained as a public record in the off ioe of the Director of Camunity Develq:ment. c) '!he bam:laries of each district as shown upon the zcni.rg map, or amendments thereto, are adopted by the ardinaJxle codified by this title, am the specific regulations established by this title for each general district am all other regulations awlicable therein as set forth in the title are established am declared to be in effect upon all l.anJs .irx::luded within the bam:laries of eadl am every district as shown upon the za1i.n;J map. 19. 06. 040 Areas not shown en z.onirg Map All lands now or hereafter .irx::luded within the inco:cporated territory of the City, Which l.anJs are not .irx::luded within a general district shown on the zonirq map of the City or are not shown as pre-zcmed to a general district i.11. aocard with awlicable provisions of this title, shall constitute R-1 single family residence districts. 19. 03. oso Use am Intel:pretation of Zonirg Map '!he f ollo;,rinq rules shall awly in the determi.natien of the bam:laries of any district shown en the zcnin;J map: Chapter 19.03 Page -4- a) Where boundaries are irdicated as ~tely followirg street and alley lines, or other identifiable boundary lines, such lines shall be construed to be the district boundary. Where such boundaries are imicated as within sb:eet or alley lines, or within identifiable rights-of-way or creeks, the center line thereof shall be construed to be the district boundary. b) In unsul::divided property, and where a district boundary divides a lot, the location of the district boundary, l.Ulless the same is irdicated by dimensions, shall be determined by use of the scale appearirq on the zon.irq map. c) A symbol, or symbols, indicatirq the classification of property on a zon.irq map shall in each instarre apply to the whole of the area within the district boundaries .• d) Where a p.lblic street, alley, or right-of-way is officially vacated or abarrloned, the regulatiais applicable to this ab.rttirq property shall apply equally to each half of such vacated or abandoned. street, alley, or ri.ght-of-way. e) Shoold any l.llr.ertainty rema.in as to the locaticm or mean.irq of a boundary or other feature indicated up::11 a zon.irq map, said locaticm or mean.irq shall be determined by the Director of cama.mity Develqment. 19.03.060 ADPlicatiat of Regulation to Sites Divided by Zone Baun:Jaries Whenever it is fourd, p.n:sua.nt to Sec:ticm 19.06.050, that a lat or site is divided by a boundary between die:t:ricts, the provisiais of the zon.irq regulations applicable within each di.strict shall apply to each portion of this site situated in a separate district. zon.irq/zdistric Oiapter 19. 03 Page -5- Sections: 19.04.010 19.04.020 19.04.030 19.04.040 19.04.050 19.04.060 19.04.070 19.04.080 19.04.090 19.04.100 Purpose Chapter 19.04 AGRICUUIURAL ZONES v~> AJ.:plicability of Regulation Permitted Uses Con:iitional Uses EKclu:ied Uses Site Developnent Regulations Permitted Yard Encroachments Additions to Existir:g structures Solar Designs Interpretation by Plarlili.rg Director Cl'lapter 19. ()4 Page -1- 19.04.010 Purpose Agricultural ZaleS are int.erxled to preserve agriculture or forestry in areas best suited for that purpose ariJ./or to provide corridors of agricultural or forested areas lJeb.leen cities or neighborhoods, in order to avoid urban sprawl an:l facilitate the establishment of distinctive neighborhoods. 19.04.020 Applicability of Requlatiais No buildirg or structure or lan:l shall be used, an:l DJ buildirg or structure shall be hereafter erected, structurally altered, or enlarged in an agricultural (A) zooe, otherwise than in oonf~ with the provisions of this Olapter. 19.04.030 Permitted Uses '!he f ollowirg uses shall be permitted in the A zatlrg District: A. Agriculture, horticulture, vitaculture· an:l forestry, iooludirg the followirg an:l similar uses: 1. Field an:l truc:k crops, ioolu:lirg dryirg an:l storage; 2 • orchards ariJ. vineyards I ioolu:lirg bJttlirg ariJ. storage; 3. Tree farms, botanical cxJnserva:tories ariJ. arboreta; 4. Barns an:l sheds i 5. Keepirg of draught animals, animals providirg products used 011 the prq>erty I ariJ. household pets j 6. Livestock ran:::hes an:l dairy farms depen:lin;J mainly on grazirg on the prcperty; 7. Proalssirg of dairy products produced on the prcperty; 8. Animal breedirg; 9. Tree farms; 10. Poultry raisirg an:l hatcheries; 01apter 19.04 Page -2- 11. Apiaries; 12. Nurseries, greenhcuses, and la:r.dscapin:J gardens; 13. Board.irg kennels; 14. Animal breedin:J B. Sin:}le Family Dwellin:J unit c. Residences of farm 'WOJ:."ker&i and their families whose primary errployment is inc:idental and necessary to agricultural operations conducted on the same parcel of land on which said residences are located; D. A secorrl dwellin:] unit which conforms to the procedures, sta:ndaJ:ds and requirements of <l1apter 19.14 except for a secon:i dwellin:J unit requirin:J a Cor.ditiai Use Permit; E. Non-cxmne:rcial stables, ancll the keepin] of rid.irg horses; the rnnnber of horses ai each lot at any time shall be limited to three (3) except that additicr.ial foals may be retained for a period of six (6) narths; F. Iv::cessory facilities and uses custanarily incidental to pennitted uses and otherwise oonfarmdrg with the provisions of Chapter 19.18 of this title; G. Hane cxx:upations, when accessory to pennitted use and otherwise conformi.rg to the provisions of Chapter 19.21 of this title arrl subject to any Condition Use Permit requirements of that Chapter; H. Day. care bane family-small; I. Group care activities. 19.04.040 carrlitional Uses 'Ihe followir.g uses may be coniitiona.lly allowed in an A zonir.g District subject to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit: Chapter 19.~~ Page -3- A. Issued by the Director of carmmity Develcpnent: 1. Tenp:>rary uses subject to regulatiais established by Chapt:er 19.29; 2. Hane cxx:upa.tions requirir¥] a Can:litiona.l Use Permit p.tt:'SUallt to Chapter 19.21 of th.is Title; 3. Buildin:Js or structures whidl i.ralqxlrate solar design features that require variation fran setbacks upon a determination by the Director that said design feature, or features, will net result in privacy inpacts, shadowirg, or intrusive noise, odor, or other adverse inpacts to the surroondir.g area. B. Issued by the Pl.a:nni.rq Ccmn.ission: 1. Transmission lines, transformer statiais, television a.rd radio towers, a.rd other p:ablic utility and cxmrunicatian structures; 2. Non-ccmnercial stables for ridirg horses in excess of the munber permitted by section 19. 04. 030 (E) of th.is Chapter. C. Issued by the City C'OUnCil after oaisideration Of the Plannirg ccmn:i ssion reo 1111ermtion: 1. Retail sale of wine, fruit or berries produced on the property; 2. cerretaries, crematarias, mausolea, a.rd oolumbaria; 3. Mines, quarries, a.rd gravel pits; 4. Ridirg aa:tdenies, oemne.rcial stables, and the boardi.rg of horses; 5. Guest Rard1es; 6. Boardin;J Kennels Chapter 19.04 Page -4- 7. Golf cx:iurses an::l Ori vin;· Rarges; 8. 9. Public an::l quasi-p.iblic b.lild.in:Js an::l uses. 19.04.050 Excluded Uses '!he follc:Mirg uses shall :oot be permitted in A zones: A. Hog fanns; B. cattle fanns mainly depend.i.n;J upon feed brought onto the property; C. Slaughter halses, fertilizer yards, feed yards, bone yards, or plants for the re:luction of animal matter; D. CClrlltercial feed sales; E. other semi-agricultural uses mainly deperdirXJ upon raw materials, semi-finished products, or feed brcu:.;Jht onto the property; F. other uses which, in the q>iniCl'l of the Director of carm.mity Developcent, create a private or i;:ublic J'lllisanJe. 19. 04. 060 Site Develocment Regulations A. I.ot area zon.in;J designations: '!he m.i.ninum. lot area shall oarresparrl to the numb:o...r (Illlltiplied by 1000 square feet) follc:Min;J the A zon.in;J symbol. Exanples are as follows: Zonim symbol A A B. Mi.n.i.num lot area: Number 215 400 Mi.n.i.num lot area square feet 215,000 400,000 1. 'Ihe m.i.ninum. lot size far a lot in an A zon.in;J District is 215,000 sq. ft. An incidental :residential use m.i.ninum. lot size is 43,000 sq.ft. per d\\lellirg unit CJlapter 19. ().(l Page -5- (dwellirg units in farm labor ca:np; for tenporary laborers, an:i secx:ni dwellirg units shall not be ocunted for the p.n:pose of ~ required lot area urv:ier this sectioo) ; c. Required lDt Shape Each lot in an A zonirg District shall have such shape that a square with a side of two hun:ired feet (200 ft.) can be inscribed in this lot. D. lDt coverage aIXi Buil.dirg setbacks. 1. lDt Ccve:rage 'lhe max:i.nun l:W.ldirq ooverage is forty percent (40%) of the net lot area. 2. Mininum sethacks a) First aIXi secx:ni floors 1) 'lhe m.i.niDun fratt setback is thirty (30) feet; 2) 'lhe m.i.niDun side-yard setback is twenty (20) feet; 3) 'lhe m.i.niDun rear-yard setback is twenty-five(25) feet. E. Height of Priooipal Buildirgs am structures 1. 'lhe max:i.nun height of a priooipa.l l:W.ldirq or structure is twenty-eight (28) feet (fireplace drlmney, antennae, or other app.rrtena.nces are e:xclu:B:l fran the restrictioo). 2. 'lhe City COJ.rx:il may prescribe that all l:W.ldin;Js in a designated area be limited to ooe (1) story in height {not to exceed eighteen (18) feet) by affix:inq to the A zonirg district symb:>l the designa.tioo (i) 3. Exceptioo for hillside areas: Not withstan:lirg arry provisialS of subsectioo 19.04.060(E) OJapter 19.04 Page -6- to the cont:rary, upon reocmnerdation of the architectural and site cxmnittee, the City Camcil may approve b.tllding heights in an A zonirg district greater than twenty-eight {28) feet upon makin:J all the followin;J determinations: a) '!he subject prep~ is in a hillside area and has an average slope of 10 percent (10%) or greater; b) Topograprical features of the subject property make an exception to the s;tan:Jard height restrictions ne.cessary or desirable; c) In no case, shall the maximJm height exceed thirty-five {35) ft. for a priooipa.1 structure or twenty (20) feet for an accessory sttucb.Jre; d) In no case, shall the maximJm height of a structure located on a prcminent ridge line, as defined by section 19.09.050(0){6) relatirg to R.H.S. zonirg Districts, on or alxJVe the 450 foot contour, exceed twenty (20) feet. 19. 04. 070 Permitted Yard Fncroadment:s Where a b.tlldirg legally const:ncted ~ to existirg ya.rd and setback regulation at the time of' a:r.istruction encroaches upon present required yards, cne encroachi.rg side of the ex.ist.irg structure may be exten:ied alorg existirg l:W.ldirig lines even when the existirg first floor setbacks do not meet the requirements of the Qiapter. Only one Qiapter 19. ()4 Page -7- such extension shall be permitted for the life of such l::uildi.rq. '!his section shall not be construed to allow the further extension of an encroadnnent by any l::uildirg which is the result of the grantirg of a variance, either before or after such property bKxmes part of the city. '!his section awlies to the first story only. 'lh.e extension or addition may not further encroach into any required setback e.g. a sirgle story may be exterded alorg an existirg five foot side yard setback even t:hcu;;ih the other side yard does not equal ten (10) feet. ~, in oo case shall any wall plane of a first story addition be plaoed closer than three (3) feet to any property line. Architectural features (not irx::lud.i.rq patio covers) may extern into a required yard a distan::e not exceedirq three (3) feet, provided, that oo architectural fea'b.Jre, or CXIDbination thereof, whether a port.ion of a prirx::ipal or aocessacy structure, may extern closer than three (3) feet to any property line. 19.04.080 S01ar Design 'lh.e setback ar.d height restrictiais provided in this Chapter may be varied for a structure utilized for passive or active solar p.xrposes provided that oo such structure shall infrin;Je up:ri solar access or property rights of adjoinirg property owners. 'Arr:/ solar structures whic::h vary fran the setback or height restricticris of this Olapter shall l;ie allowed only up:ri ~ of a ocnlitional use permit by the Director Of O:mrunity Develcpnent p:rrsuant to Section 19.04.040 A(3) of this Olapter. Chapter 19.04 Page -8- 19.04.090 Inte+pretation by Planning Director '!he Director of camunity DeVelopnent shall be enpowe:recl to make reasonable interpretations of the regulations and provisions of this Ordinance, consistent with the legislative intent thereof. Persons aggrieved by an interpretation of the Ordinance by the Director of Ccmmmity Developnent may petition the Plannirg o:mnission in writin;J for review of said interpretation. Z-AGRI-A Olapter 19.04 Page -9- ~. 19.05 Sections: 19.05.010 PUrpose 19.05.020 Applicability of Regulations 19.05.030 Permitted Uses 19.05.040 COrrl.itiCXlal. Uses 19.05.050 Excluded Uses 19.05.060 Site Develop:nent Regulations 19.05.070 Permitted Yard Encroadments 19.05.080 SOlar Design 19.05.090 Interpretation by the Pl.annirq Director <llapter 19.0!5 Page -1- 19.05.010 Pu:r:pose Agricultural-residential (A-1) zonirg districts are :i.nten:ied to preserve agricultural or forestry activities in areas suited to that purpose, and to include therein residential develcpnent of a semi-rural character. 19.05.020 Applic:ability of Rsgula.tiais No b.rlldirg, structure, or land shall be used., ani no b.rlld.i.n:J or structure shall be hereafter erected, strucb.Jrally alt.ered or enlarged in an Agricultural-Residential (A-1) district other than in oonfontlal'XJe with the provisiais of this dlapter and other awlicable provisiais of this title. 19.05.030 Permitted Uses 'lhe f ollowirg uses shall be permitted in an A-1 district: A. Agricul'b .. 1re, horticulture, viticulture, ani forestry, includirq b..lt not limited to, the foll~ uses: 1. Field and truck crops, includirg dryirg and storage. 2. orc:hards and vineyards, includirg bottlirg and storage. 3. Tree farms, botanical. cx:.n;ervataries, and arboreta. 4. Barns and sheds. 5. Keepirg of draft animals and animals providirg prcxiucts used at the property I and haJsehold pets. B. Sirgle family dwellirg unit c. Residerx::es of farm 'WOJ::"kers and their families 'Whose primary enployment is incidental and necessary to agricultural operations ccn:luct.ed at the same pa.reel of lard at which said resid.ero:s are located. D. A second dwellirg unit oonfarming to the provisiais, starrlards, and proa9dures described in Chapte:r 19.19 of this title except for a second dwellirg unit requirirg a o:nlitional use permit. Chapter 19.05 Page -2- E. Non-ocmnercial stables ani the keepirg of no more than three ridin;J horses, except that additiooal foals may be retained for a pericxi of six (6) nart:hs after birth. F. Ao::essary facilities am uses, cust:anarily iooidental to permitted uses ani otherwise oonformi.rg with the provisions of Chapter 19.18 of this title. G. Hane oc:cipatim when acx:essory to other permitted uses am otherwise oonfonninq to the provisions of Chapter 19.21 of this title ani subject to any use permit requ.irement.s continued in that chapter. 19.05.040 Coniitional Use 'lhe followirq uses may be cxn:litiooally allowed in the A-1 zcning district subject to the issuaJx:le of a cxn:litiaial use permit. A. Issued by the Director of Cclonunity Develq:ment 1. Temporary uses subject to regulations established by sectim 19.29. 2. Animal breedirg. 3. Hane ocx:upatians requirirg a oonditiooal use permit p.irsuant to Chapte:r· 19. 21 of this title. 4. Buildirq.s or structures which iooarpol:ate solar design features that reqµire variations fran setbacks upon a determination by the Director that said design feature or fea'b.Jres will not result in privacy i:npacts, shadowirq, or intrusive noise, oder, or other adverse :i:npacts to the surrain:tirg area. Chapter 19.0!5 Page -3- B. Issued by the Planning o:mnissioo 1. Livestock ran:::hes ard dairy farms. 2. Prooessirg of dairy products produced en .the property. 3. P\Jr farms. 4. PcW.try raisirg ard hatcheries. 5. Apiaries. 6. Nurseries, greenhooses I ard l.an:1scapirg gardens. 7. Boardi.rg kennels. 8. Transmissioo lines, transformer statiais, television ard radio towers, ard other plblic utility ard OCIJ.llllllication structures. 9. Nal-oalmereial stables far ridin:J horses in excess of the :numk>P..r permitts:l by secticn 19. 05. 030 (E) of this Chapter. c. Issued by the City OJuncil after caisideraticn of the Planning O'mnissicn's recxmoermticn: 1. Retail sale of wine, fruit ard berries produced on the property. 2. cemeteries, crematoriums, :mausolea, ard columba.riums 3. Mines, quarries, ard gravel pits. 4. 'D~A~...... :aden' WWW"'::jl a~1es, O:Jiliet'Cial stables 1 ard the boarding of horses. 5. Guest ran:::hes 6. Golf ccurses ard dri'Vin:J rarqes. 7. CCmnercial swinmirg p:x>ls ard picnic areas. s. Public ard quasi-plblic l:Juil.di.n;p; ard uses. Chapter 19.05 Page -4- 19.05.050 Exclu:led. Uses '!he follOVli.n;J uses shall not be permitted in an A-1 zaU.n:J district: A. Hog farms B. cattle farms mainly depen:ient upon feed brought onto the property. c. Slaughter houses, fertilizer yards, feed yards, bone yards, or plants for the reduction of animal matter. D. Ccmnercial feed sales. E. other semi-agricultural uses mainly depending ai raw materials, semi-finished products or feied brought onto the property. F. other agricultural uses which, in the opiniai of the Director of carm.m.ity Develqm:::nt, create a private or p.Jblic ~- 19.05.060 Site DevelfJl'!l!FITTt Regulation~ A. Lot area zarln;J designations '!he :m.i.n.i.num lot area shall ex>rrespeni to the number (llDJ.ltiplied by 1,000 square feet) follorirg the A-1 zadn:J symbol. Exa.nples are as follows: Lot Area in Symlx>l Square Feet A-1 43 43,000 A-1 :215 215,000 B. MinimJm lot area 1. '!he mininLnn lot :size for a lot in an A-1 zonirg district havi.rg no incidental residential use is 215,000 square feet. ampter 19. OEi Paqe -5- 2. '1he m.ini:m..nn lot size for a lot in an A-1 district havin;J incidental residential use is 43,000 square feet per dwell.irg unit oo the lot. (Dwell.irg units in farm labor canps for tenpara.ry lalxlrers a.rd second dwell.irg units shall not be ocunted for the pn:pose of determinir¥] required total area under this sectioo) • c. Required lot shape -each lot in an A-1 zaie shall have a shape that a square with a side of two hurdred feet (200') can be inscribed in the lot. o. I.ot coverage, l::uildirg setbacks, a.rd height restrictiais 1. '1he maxinum l::uildirg coverage is forty percent ( 40%) of the net lot area. 2. '!he maxinllln floor area ratio is forty-five percent ( 45%) of the net lat area. 3. Mininum setbacks a.) First floor 1) '!he minilll.nn frait setback is thirty ( 30) feet. 2) '!he m.ininalm side yam setback is t:wenty (20) feet. 3) '1he m.ininalm rear yam setback is t:wenty (20) feet. b) Secx:n:l floor l) '!he mininum frmt yam setback is thirty (30) feet. 2) '1he mininum side yam setback is t:wenty (20) feet. 3) '1he mininum rear yam setback is t:wenty-five (25) feet. Cllapter 19.05 Page -6- E. Height of principal buildings./structures l. 'lhe max:i.m.nn height of a principal b.rlld:in;J ar structure is twenty-eight feet. (Fireplace chimney, antenna.e, ar appurtenances a:re excluded fran this restrictioo.) 2. Heights exc:eedin;J twenty (20) feet shall be subject to the setback regulations in sectioo 19.05.060(0). 3. 'lhe City Council may prescribe that all buildings in a designated area te limited to ooe ( 1) story in height (DJt to exceed eighteen (18) feet) by affixirg to the A-1 zonir:g district symbol the designatioo (i). 4. Exoeptioo far hillside areas any provisions of SUbsection 19.05.060(0) to the cart:rary, upon recxmnelrlatian of the Architect:ural am Site o.:mnittee, the City Council may approve b.rlldir:g heights in an A-1 zonir:g district greater than b.'enty-eight (28) feet upon makir:g all the follc:JWirq determinations: a) 'lhe subject prqmty is in a hillside area am has an average slope of 10 percent (10%) ar greater, b) 'l'q)ogra.ph.ical features of the subject p:rcparty make an exc:eptioo to the st.a:rx1ard height restrictions necessa:cy ar desirable; am c) In no case, shall the maxinum height exO*!d thirty-five (35) feet far a principal structure or twenty (20) feet far an acoessary structure. C11apter 19.0!> Paqe -7- d) In no case, shall the maxinlJm height of a structure located en a praninent ria;Je line as defined by secticn 19.09 relating to RHS zon:i.n;J districts I or ab:Jve the 450 foot contour I exceed twenty feet in height. Section 19.05.070 Permitted Yard Erg:'oa.chments Where a b.tlld.i.rg legally constructed acx:arclirq to existing yard and setback regulatiCllS at the time of canstructicn en::road1es upon present required yards, cne erx::roac:hlr:g side of the existing structure may be exterrled alag existing blildirq lines even when the existirg first floor setbacks do oot meet the requirements of this d1apter. only cne such extension shall be permitted. for the life of such blildirq and shall only apply to the first story. 'lbis secticn shall oot be construed to allow the fUrther ext.ensicn of an en::roadmaent by any blildirq which is the result of the granting of a variance, either before or after such property becanes pa.rt of the City. '!he extension or addition may oot further erv::roach into any required setback; e.g., a single story may tie ext:erded alag an existing five (5) foot side yard setback even tl:lcu;Jh the other side yard does oot equal ten (10) feet. HaNever, in no case shall any wall plane of a first story addition be pl.a.aad. closer than three (3) feet to any property line. Architectural features (oot including patio oovers) may extern onto a required yard a di.starra oot exceeding three (3) feet; provided that no architectural feature, or oanbinaticn thereof, whether a portion of a priooipal or acoesso:ry st:.ructu:re may ext:erd closer than three (3) feet to any property line. Olapt:er 19.05 Page -s- Section 19.05.oso solar Desicm '!he setback an:l height restrictions provided in this chapter may be varied for a structure utilized f1:xr passive or active .solar p.xrposes provided that no such structure shall infringe upon solar access or property rights of adjoinin:J ~~owners. 'Arr:f solar structures which vary f ran the setback or height :restrictions of this chapter shall be allowed only upon issuaJ.1Ca of a oomitianal use permit by the Director of camnunity Develop:nent p.irsuant to Sectiat 19.05.040 (A) (4) of this chapter. Section 19.05.090 Inte:cpretation kl the Pl.annina Director '!he Director of Ccmllmity DeveloplEllt shall be ~to make reasonable interpretations of the regulatitoos an:l provisions of this Ordinance oonsistent with legislative intent thereof. Persons aggrieved by an interpretation of the Ordinarx::e by the Director of Chrmmity Develop:rent may petitiai the Planninq Omnissiai in writirg for review of said interpretation. zon.ing'/zagrres Qiapter 19. 0!) Page -9- aIAPrER 19.06 SINGLE F1iMILY Rl!:SIDENl'IAL ZCHES (R-1) sections: 19.06.010 Purposes 19.06.020 Applicability of Rl3glllations 19.06.030 Permitted Uses 19.06.040 Corrlitianal Uses 19. 06. 050 Site Developnent. Rl:gulations 19.06.060 IDt OJverage, Build.irg Restrictions 19. 06. 070 Permitted Yard Erc::oadmlents 19.06.oso solar Design setbacks, am Height 19.06.090 Interpretation of J?la.mirg Director Chapter 19.06 Page -1- 19.06.010 Pur:poses R-1 s.irqle-family residenoe districts are int:.enjed to create, preserve, an:1. enhance areas suitable for detached clwellin:ls in order to: 1. Enhance the identity of residential neighl::lo:rhoods. 2. Ensure provisiai of light an:1. air to inilvidual residential parcels. 3. Ensure a reasmable level of cx::mpatibility in scale of structures within residential neighborhoods. 4. Maintain spatial relatialShips between structures an:1. within neighl::lo:rhoods. 5. Reinforce the predaninantly lOW' intensity settirq of the camunity. 19.06.020 Applicability of Regulations No blild.i.rq, structure or lan:l. shall be used, ard no brl.ld.i.rq or structure shall be hereafter erect.ed, structurally altered or enlarged in an R-1 single-family residence district other than in oonformana! with the provisions of this d:lapter ard other applicable provisions of this title. 19.06.030 Permitted. Uses '!he f ollow.irq uses shall be permitted in the R-1 s.irqle-family residence district: A. S.irqle family use B. A SElCOlld clwellirg unit oonformi.rq to the provisions, st.arda:rds, except for those seoorrl clwellin;J units requiring a oanditicntl use permit. c. Accessory facilities a.rd uses custcmarily in::idental to permitted uses a.rd otherwise oonformin;J with the provisions of Chapter 19.18 of this title. Chapter 19.06 Page -2- D. Hate oocupations, when acx:essary t.o permitted residential use as provided in Cbapter 19.21 of this title an:i subject t.o any con:litional use permit requirements ocmtained in that dlapt:.er. E. Hortic::ulture, ga:rdeni.ng, an:i g:rad.rg of fcx:xi products for consunption by oocupants of the site. F. Residential care banes. G. Day care family bane-small. H. '!he keepin.;J of a max.iJrum of fcur (4) adult hcusehold pets; provided that no IOOre than two adult dogs or cats may be kept on the site. I. utility facilities essential t.o provisicn of utility services to the neighborhood, :but exclu:linq l::usiness offices, canst:ruction or storage yards, maintenaJre facilities or oor:poration yards. 19.06.040 Con:litiona.l Uses '!he followin;J uses may be conditiOJrally allowed in the R-1 sin;Jle-family residence district, subject to issuan::e of a ocnlitional use permit: A. Issued by the Director of camamity Developnent: 1) TenpJrary uses subject t.o regulations established by Cl1apter 19.29. 2) Day care bane family-large. 3) Buildirgs or structures which incxn:porate solar design features that require variations fran setbac:ks upon a determination by the Director that said design feature or features will not result in privacy inpacts, shadcMin.;J, or intrusive noise, odor, or other adverse inpacts t.o the sunn.md.ir.g area. 4) seoorn dwellin;J \mits which require a conditional use permit p.irsuant to secticn 19.19. 5) Hane oocupations requirin;J a ocnlitional use pennit p.u:suant to Olapt:e:t~ 19.21 of this title. Chapter 19.06 Page -3- B. Issued by the Plannirq Camnission: 1) TW:>-stor:y structures in an area designated for a aie-sta:cy limitation pursuant to sec:tion 19.06.060 (E)(2) of this chapter provided that the Pla.nnil'q ecmnjssion determines that said structure or structures will not result in privacy inpacts, shadowing, or intrusive noise, odor, ar other adverse inpacts to the sur.ram:ling area. 19.06.050 Site Devel~ Regulations A. lot area -zon.i.rg designations 1) lot area shall oorrespord to the rrumber (nultiplied by 1,000 square feet) followirg the R1 zonirg symbol. Exanples are as follows: Za'ling Minim.ml lot area sYmbol NUmber in SCJIJ!!I'ft feet R1 6 6,000 R1 7.5 7,500 R1 10 10,000 R1 20 20,000 '!he mininum lot size in an R-1 zone is 6,000 square feet. 2) Lots which oontain less area than required by Section 19.06.0SOA(l) but not less than 5,000 sq. ft. may nevertheless be used as b.J.ildirg sites provided that all other awlicable requirements of this title are fUlf illed. B. lot width -the mininum. lot width shall be sixty (60) feet measured at the front yard setback line. Olapter 19.06 Page -4- 19.06.060 I.at ooyerage Wild.i..rg setl:acks an:i height restrictions for non-aooessory b.rlldirgs and structures A. I.at c::ove:raqe -a b.rllcling or b.rlld.irgs may oover no DDre than forty percent (40%) of the net lot area. B. Floor Area Ratio -a b.Jilcling or b.rll~ may have a maxim.nn floor area ratio of forty-five percent (45%) of the net lot area. C. setback -First Floor 1) Front yard -the minim.mt fratt yard setback is twenty (20) feet, provided that far a c:mved driveway the setback shall be fifteen (15) feet as lor.g as there are no m:re than b.io (2) sudl 15 foot setbacks ocx::urring side by side. 2) Side yard -the minim.mt side yard setback shall be five (5) feet provided that there llllSt be a m.i.n.i.mJm of ten (10) feet side yard set:l:ack en at least one side yard. In instarx:es where an additicn is prqxised to an existing structure where both side yard setback are less than ten (10) feet, the wider side yard shall be maintained. said additicn may ex:ten.:i as close as five (5) feet fran the side lot line en the narrowest side of the b.rllcling cnly. In i.nst:an::es where a side yard ab.1ts the rear yard of an adjoi.n.i.rg R-1 property, a min.im.mt setback of ten (10) feet is required. In the case of a oorner lot, a minim.mt side yard setback of t:welve (12) feet. on the street side of said lot is required. 3) Rear yard -the minim.mt rear yard setback is twenty (20) feet except that in the event that the usable rear yard Olapt.er 19 .1)6 Page -5- equals, or exceeds, twenty times the lot width, the m.ininllm rear yard setback is ten (10) feet. O. setback. -secon:l ·Floor 1) Mininum froot am rear setbacks are twenty-five (25) feet. 2) Mininum side setbacks are ten feet (10) provided that in the case of a flag lot the mininum setback. is twenty (20) feet fran arr:f property line arxl in the case of a oorner lot a mininum of twelve (12) feet fran a street line arxl twenty (20) feet fran arr:f rear property line of an existin;J, develq>ed sin;Jle family dwellin;J. 3) setback. surcharge. A setback d.ista.ra! equal to fifteen (15) feet shall be added in whole or in arr:f canbination to the froot or sideyard setback. requirements specified in 19.06.060(0)(2) of this sectioo. A mininum of five (5) feet of the fifteen (15) feet shall be applied to the side yard(s). E. Additiooal site requirements 1) Maxinum height -the height of arr:f priooipal dwellin;J in an R-1 Zale shall RJt exceed twenty-eight (28) feet. Not iooludin:;J fireplace chimney, antennas or other ai;pn:tenances. 2) Heights exceedir.g twenty (20) feet shall be subject to setback regulations in sectioos 19.06.060(0). Qlapter 19.06 Page -6- 3) Areas restricted to one story: 'lhe City <.:nmcil ma.y prescribe that all b.rlldin:]s within a designated area, within an R-1 zcnin;J district be limited to one story (not exceedinq ei.ghteen (18) feet) by affixir.g to the R-1 zonir.g distri.ct, the designatioo (i) provided, however, that sa.i.d limitation may be removed through use permit approval, as provided in Section 19.06.040 (B) by the Plannin;r Omni ssion. 4) ~,...... for ,...;lls'de ~...... _ """' . 11 areas: provisioo of &;imectiai 19.06.060(e)(l) to the oart:raey I upon J:'EICXlllllel1datial by the .Architecture an:i Site CCIJ.trol ccmrdssion, the Planninq Omnission may, by Use Permit, ~ b.rlldin;J heights in an R-1 zonir.g district c;rreater than twenty-eight feet upon making the followirg determinatiais: a) 'lhe subject property is in a hillside area a:rrl has slopes of 10% or greater. b) Tq>ographical features of the subject property make an e>aptiai to the star.dard height restrictions rieoessary or desirable c) In IX> case, shall the maximJm height exceed thirty-five (35) feet far a principal dwellin;J or twenty feet {20) far an a.c:DeSSary b.rllclin;J or dwellin;J. Chapter 19.06 Page -7- d) In no case, shall the maxim.mt height of a structure located on prani.nent ridge lines, on or al:Jove the 450 foot ccl'Italr exceed twenty feet in height. 19.06.070 Permitted Yard Erproa.ctJments Where a sin]le-family dwellin] legally oc:nstructed aoc:xn::dirg to existin] yard an:1 setbac.k regulatia'lS at the time of ocnst:ruction erx::roa.ches upon present required yards, one encroachin:;J side of the existirg structure may be extended alag the existing buildin] lines even when the existirg first floor setbacks do nat meet the requiranents of this chapt:er. only one such extension shall be permitted far a life of such buildin]. '!his section applies to the first story only and shall not be construed to alla.r.r the further extension of an ~ by any buildirg which is the result of the grantir.g of a variance, either before or after such property b:!c:cmas part of the City. '!he extension or addition may nat further encroach into any required setback; e.g., a sirgle story may be ext:erded alag an ex:i.sti.rq five (5) foot side yard setback even t.halgh the other side yard does nat equal ten (10) feet. However, in no case shall any wall plane of a first story addition be placed closer than three (3) feet to any prcpe.rty line. <l1aptel:' 19.06 Page -a- 19.06.080 Solar design '!he setback arrl height restrictions provided in this dlapter may be varied for a structure utilized far pass:i ve ar active solar purpc>ElleS, provided that no such structure shall infrin;e upon solar aOClE!SS ar prcperty rights of adjoini.rg prq>erty owners. 'Any solar structure which requires variation fran the setl:ack ar height restriction, of the dlapter shall be allowed only upon iSSlJalX'le of a oooditianal use permit by the D.i.rector of Cormm.mity Developnent. 19.06.090 Inte:t:::gretation by the Plannim Di.rector '!he Director of carm.mity Developnent shall be eDpJWered to make reasonable interpretations of the requlatita'ls arrl provisions of this Ordinance cxnsistent with leqislati ve intent thereof. Persoos aggrieved by an interpretation of the Ordinance by the Di.rector of Cc:mnunity Developnent may petition the Pla.nniJrg Ctmnission in writing far revier.r1 of said interpretation. zonirg/R1ch19 Olapter 19.06 Paqe -9- sections: 19.07.010 Purpose CHAPl'ER 19.07 RE5IDE.Nl'IAL [JUPLEX ZCNES (R-2) 19. 07. 020 Applicability of Regulatioos 19.07.030 Permitted Uses 19.07.040 Conditialal Uses 19.07.050 Height of Bui~ a:rd structures 19.07.060 I.at Area a:rd Width 19. 07. 070 Buildin;J OJverage a:rd SE!tl:acks 19. 07. 080 Permitted Yard Fnc:roa.chlnents Chapter 19.07 Page -1- 19.07.010 Pul:::pose '!he Residential Duplex z.oo.irg District is inten::1ed to allOil a SE:lCOIXi dwellinq mtlt under the same ownership as the initial dwellinq mtlt on appropriate sites in areas designated far nlll.tiple family use by the CUpertino General Plan. '!he residential duplex district is intended to increase the variety of halsinq q:pnttmities available within the community while mai.ntainin:J the existirg neighbar.hood character. 19.07.020 At:plicability of RegulatiaJS No l::uild.i.rq, structure, ar lam shall be used, a.rd no l::uild.i.rq or structure shall be hereafter erected, structurally altered or enlarged in an R-2 residential duplex district other than in confor.marx:e with the provisions of the chapter a.rd other C3R?licable provisia1S of this title. 19.07.030 Permitted Uses 'lhe follOi/inq uses shall be permitted in the R-2 :residential duplex district: A. Two-family use under aie ownership. B. Accessory facilities a.rd uses custanarily incidental to permitted uses a.rd otherwise confarmin.;J with the provisions of Chapter 19.18 of this title. C. Hane oocupatia1S in each mtlt of a residential duplex dwellinq subject, when aooessory to permitted :residential use as provided in Chapter 19.21 of this title, a.rd subject to any use permit requirements contained in that chapter. 01apter 19.07 Page -2- o. '!he keepirg in eadl dwellirg unit of a max:imJm of four (4) adult household pets; provided that oo nx:xre than two adult dogs and two adult ca.ts may be kept in eac:h unit. E. utilities facilities essent::ial to provisioo of utility services to the neighl:lorhood, tut ext::ludirg tusiness offices, a:aistruction or storage yards, :mai.ntenruD~ facilities or corpora.ti.at ya.rd. 19.07.040 Corrl.itional Uses '!he f ollawirg uses may be conditionally allowed in the R-2 residential duplex district subject to issuan::ie oj: a ccn:liti.ona.l use permit: A. Issued by the Director o:mu.nu:ty Developnent 1. Tenp:u:ary uses subject to regulations est.ablished by 01apt:er 19.29. 2. Hane ~ti.ans ~lhidl require a ocnliti.ona.l use permit pirsuant to sectia1 19.21 of this title. 3. oay care bane family -small in eac:n unit. B. Issued by the Pla.nn.i.rg CCl'lltlli;sioo i. oay care bane family-large in ea.di unit. 2. Residential care hclll:!S in each unit. 19.07.050 Height of Buildims am Structures '!he height of l:uil.din:Js and struct:ures in R-2 ZalSS shall be restricted as follows: 01apt:er 19.07 Page -3- A. 'lhe max:inum height shall be two stories mt exceedi.r:g a total of thirty (30) feet. B. ~ l:uildings shall be limited to a height of one story mt exceed.i.n;J a total of fifteen (15) feet. c. 'lhe City O::U:X::il may prescribe that all l:uildings in a designated area be limited to one story in height (mt to exceed eighteen (18) feet) by affixirg to the R-2 zarirq district symbol the designation (i). 19.07.060 lot Area ard Width A. lot area shall oorrespani square feet) followir¥:J the R-2 symbol. Exanples are as follows: lot Area in R-2 8.5 0,soo R-2 10 10,000 R-2 12 12,000 R-2 15 15,000 'lhe m.i.nimJm lot size in an R-2 zone is 8,500 square feet. B. Notwithst:andin:J the restrictiCX'lS cart:ained in Section 19.07.060(A) above, a reduction in the minin'llln lot size of no more than five percent (5%) of the net lot area is permitted for a lot when fifty percent (50%) or more of the net lot area is adjacent to a curvilinear sb:eet. <llapter 19.07 Page -4- c. 'Ihe mininum lot width in an R-2 zatl.ng district is seventy (70) feet at the b.ti.ld.in;i setback line, except that with respect to lats Which have a net lot area of 9,000 sciuare feet ar ll¥:lt"e an::i Which face a cul-de-sac, the m:ininum lot width is sixty ( 60) feet. 19.07.070 Buildin:J Coverage. setback:~ Buildin;J coverage am setback regu.latialS in R-2 zatl.r:g districts are as follows: A. 'Ihe maxim.mi lot oaverage Joy all permanent b.ti.ldirgs on a lot in an R-2 zone is forty (40%) pa:roent of the net lot area. B. 'Ihe minim.nn frart: yard setloack is twenty (20) feet provided that said minim.nn may be reduced to fifteen (15) feet with respect to lats havin;J curved driveways 'Whidl enter the side of a garage. c. 'lhe mininum side yard setblCk area shall be twenty percent (20%) of the lot width measureci at the frart: setback line. No side setback may be less than six (6) feet. 'Ihe minim.nn side yard setback shall be in::reasecl by three feet far ea.di story al:love the first story on any b.ti.ld:i.ng. 'Ihe minim.nn side yard setback on the stxeet side of a c::crner lot is twelve feet (12) • o. 'lhe minim.nn rear yard set:l:ack shall be twenty feet (20) ar no less than twenty percent (20%) of the lot depth, Whidlever is great.er, provided that thl~ miniDun rear yard setback may be reduced to ten feet (10) on cxniition that the required rear yard setback area is no less than 850 square feet ar twenty (20) times a duplex b.ti.ldi.rg be clOSeJ~ to a rear lot line than the distarce equal to twenty percent (20%)1 of the lot depth. Chapter 19.07 Page -5- 19.07.080 Permitted Yard ED::roadnnents Eheroachments into requ.irec1 yard setback areas in R-2 zaies are permitted as follows: A. Cornices, canopies, coves, decks (more than eighteen inches above finished grade), ard other a:rd:rltectural features may extend into a required yard setback area no more than two feet six inches. a. unenclosed patio covers may exterd into the required rear yard setback area, provided that it shall not be closer than ten (10) feet fran the rear prq:erty line. Olapt.et" 19.07 Paga -6- Sectiais: Cl'lapter 19.08 MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENI'IAL ~ (R-3) 19.08.010 Purposes 19.08.020 AR;>licability Of Riegulatia'lS 19.08.030 Permitted Uses 19.08.040 ccn:liticmal. Uses 19.08.050 OXlcepbJal Plan Required 19.08.060 Site Develcpnent Riegulatia'lS 19.08.070 Park.in'J 01apter 19.oa PB1J8 -1- 19.08.010 Purposes 'Ihe purpose of this dlapter is to provide a zatin;J district permittirg mW.tiple family residential uses and to establish the regulations pertainirg thereto. 'lhese regulations are interded to guide future mW.tiple family residential develq:nent and ensure a healthy functional environment for future residents within the prqJOSed develq:nent and for and between adjoinin;J ~· 19. 08. 020 Awlicability Qt Regu.latia'ls No blildirg, st::tiJcture or land shall be used, and no hlildirg or structure shall be hereafter erected, st:ructurally altered or enlarged in a M\lltiple Family Residential (R-3) zarlnq district, otherwise than in cx:mf onnarx:ie with the provisions of this Cllapter and other ai;plicable provisions of this title. 19.08.030 Permitted~ 'Ihe f ollc:Min;J shall be permitted in an R-3 zarlnq district: a) Multiple family residential dwellings b) Aa:Jessary facilities and uses, cust:anarily in::idental to permitted uses and ot:hm:wise CXl'lfarmirg with the provisions of 01apter 19.18 of this title. c) Hane OCX!Up!tions, when accessary to permitted residential use, as prcvidecl in Olapter 19.19 ot this title and subject to aey cx:n:li.tiaial. use permit requirements oa1t:ainecl in that -chapter. d) Horticulture, gardening, and grcwirg of fcxx:l products far oc:msunptiat by ocicupants of the site and l.imited to a maximJm of 10% of the lot area. Qmpter 19.08 Page -2- e) 'll'le keeping of a maxim.DD of foor(4) adult household pets per dwelling mrlt provided that no mre than bt1o adult dogs may be kept therein. f) 'l'errp:>ra.ry b.l.ildin;Js fer oonstructioo purposes ( i.rx::ludirg trailers) far a peric::d not to exceed the duratioo of such oonstructioo. 19.08.040 canditialal Uses 'Ihe followin:} uses may be oarlditialal.ly allowed in an R-3 nlll.tiple family residential district, subjec:t to issuanc:e of a oarlditialal. use pennit: A. Issued by the Director of 02Jmmity Develq:ment: 1) Tenporary uses subjec:t to Rsgul.atia'lS established by Olapt.er 19.29. 2) Hane ocx:upatiais whictl require a o:n::litiaial use pennit p.JrSJant to Olapt:er 19. ~!l of this title. B. Issued by the Pl.annirg Q=mnic1&ioo: 1) Child day care facilities 2) Day care heme family-smet.11 3 > Residential care heme. c. Issued by the City Q:uncil up::n :reccmnen:iatioo fran the Pl.annirg Q=mnj ssiai: 1) cay care heme family-l.al"ge 2) Utility facilities essEl'ltial to provisioo of utility service to the neighl:arhood, bJt excludin;J blsiness Offices, oonstructia'l ar storac;ie yards, maintenance facilities ar carporatia'l yards Olapt.er 19.0I~ Page -3- 19.08.050 Cqpeptual Plan A. A property owner initiated rezarln;J shall be acxxrrpanied by a Q:n::leptUal Developnent Plan. B. A city initiated rezatlrg need l'KJt be acxxwrpanied by a Concep..rtal Developnent Plan. Prior to devel.qma.nt a.rd use of the property, the owner shall subnit a OJncepb.1a1 Develq:ment Plan. Said plan shall be approved, ocnlitiaally approved. or denied. c. No l:JU.ildin;J permit may be issued for devel.opuent pn::posal of a vacant property presently za1ed Hlltiple Family Residential until a OJncepb.1a1 Devel.opnent Plan is approved by the City of OJpert.ino in oatjuncitai with a p.lblic hearirg. D. 'lbe infarmaticn required to be shewn en or attached to the Q:n::leptUal Developnent Plan shall, in aaliticn to the infarmaticn required by an other~. include the follawin;J: 1. 'lhe archlt:ecbJral theme of the devel.opnent, i.nclud.irg the locaticn of buil.d.i.rJ3S en the lot, lJuil.dirg CCl'lfiguratic:ns, l:JU.ildirg heights, private patio an:i l:aloc:my areas, fen::e lines a.rd general win::1cw loc:at.icrs. 2. A descripticn of the private outdcar area for each dwelling' unit a.rd a descripticn of the degree of visual int:rusicn into adjoinirq prq:mties which may result upon inplementaticn of the project. 'lbe visual analysis shall include scale cross-sect:ia1a if demad essential to interpret the degree of visual im:rusicn into private outdcar or in:kxr space. CJlapteJ:' 19.08 P89B -4- 3. A grading plan desc:ribirg existin;J oontou:rs ard finish gradin;J in relation to ptqiosed ocnrtructiai. 'llle gradirXJ plan shall denote the location of all I1Cl'l fruit treies with a trunk diameter as icJe;rrtif ied in the tree ordinance. 4. 'll1e location of arieas ptoposed. for vehicular circulation ard for landscapirg. 19. 08. 060 Site peyajq11ent;. Regulatic:xw A. Density 1) Each lot in an R-3 :!':onin;J district shall be permitted the followin;J rnlltlber of dwel.lirg units depeniin;J on the cmrespc.nlirq lot size: m1Plbp,.r Qt dwel.lirg YIJ.ij;;§ 3 over 3 2) In 9300 sq.ft. 2,000 additional sq.ft. per dwel.lirg unit in a Dl.lltiple family zatin;J district exceed the density provisims of the Gene:tal Plan. ('llle R-3 zatin;J district is applicable all.y to t:bcse areas designated in the General Plan as ha.virg an allowable density rarge exceeding eight (8) dwel.lirg units per gJrCSS acre) • 3) In a case where a densi.ty rarge is designated in the General Plan, the allowable 11umber of dwelling units shall be established by the Planning O:mrtission ard City CQ.nx:il as a part of the zatin;J ordirlance W:lic:h zaws a particular pi:cperty as be.irg withlr11 the R-3 zatin;J district. <llapter' 19.oa Page -s- B. Visnal Privacy !ntrusia'l -all structures in an R-3 zoni.rg district shall be l::uilt, designed, or situated in a manner which, in the opiniai of the Director of Chmunity Developnent, will: 1) Provide cutdcxlI' space far each dwellin; unit equali.rq approximately twenty percent (20%) of eac:h units' gross first floor area and ten percent (10%) of the gross floor area far units above the first stary. Private a.rt.door balcx:lli.es may be provided to :fulfill this st:ardard. 2) Minimize visual privacy intrusiai into all or a significant :portiai of private cutdoar yards, balcx:lli.es, or interior spaces t:hraql the use of wirdcwless walls, win;Jed walls, atria, enclosed ccurt yards, and brl.~ oriented to plblic and private stzeets, or other t:eamiques which rely upcrl st::rucbJral design rather than to mitigatiai relyirg solely upcn a l.arxlscapirg solutiai. 3) Minimize noise intrusiai thl:."cu:Jh a(4ll'opr: iate design an:l canstructiai tectm.iques to ensure i.solatiai f:ran excessive noise scm:oes outside of the project b:Jl.D'dary and to ensure aOOJStical privacy between adjoinirq dwellin; units. c. Height 2' Buil.di.ms 'lbe max:im.nn height Of aey blildi.rq shall be two (2) stories not to exoaed a total height of thirty (30) feet. O. I.Qt Width 'lbe miniDun lot width shall be seventy (70) feet at the front brl.ldirq setback line. Chapter 19.08 Paga -6- E. Lot Cqyerage 'lhe maxim.mt lot CXJYerage for bJ.ildirgs or structures shall be forty percent (40%). F. Front ~ setback 'lhe frait yard setback shall be a m:i.n:i:aun of twenty (20) feet. G. Side IAm. Setback 'lhe side yards shall equal at least six (6) feet for a sin;le-st:ary element, and nine (9) feet for a second story element, and eighteen (18) feet far structures exceedin; two stories or twnty-four (2·1) feet in height. In all cases, the Directer of Omll.m.ity Developoen:t shall review the relatiaiships of bJ.ildi.ngs to adjoinirg :structures, and my require additiaial side yard setback dist:a:nces in order to meet the requirements of sul:secticn B of the secticn. 'lhe side yard en the street side of a comer lot shall not be less than twelve (12) feet. H. Corner Triaml,e No particn of a bJ.ild.i.rq shall be located within a corner trian:;Jle (as defined in secticn 19.02.030 (31) of this title). I. Bag ~ setback 'lhe mini.nun rear yard setback distance for a sin;le story dwellin; unit shall be twenty (20) feet, ar twenty percent (20%) of the lot depth, whicbeYer is greater; or shall ccntain a useable rear yard setback area of not less than twenty (20) times the width of the lot in which case the min l:W.lding my be permitted to en::rcach as 1close as ten (10) feet to the rear lot line. 01apter 19.()8 Page -7- As used herein, the term ''useable rear yard setback area" means that area bamded by the rear lat line(s) an::1 the rear b.J.ildi.rg lines ext:errled to the side lat lines. '!he m.ini.num rear yard setback far a two story element of a dwellirg unit shall be twenty (20) feet ar twenty per cent (20%) Of the lat depth, whichever is greater. A two-story element may be pl.ac:a:l on a sirgle story strucb.Ire which satisfies the criteria far a ten (10) foot m.ini.num setback distance if said two story element maintains a min.i:rm.nn rear yard setJ:ack of twenty (20) feet ar twenty percent (20%) Of the lat depth, whidlever is greater. 19.08.070 Parking A. In ro case, shall park.i.rg be pmni.tted in the rear yard setback where the lot adjoins property lcx::atirq in a single family (R-1) zatlrg district. zonin;J/zrJ-'Dlllt Chapter 19.08 Page -8- Sections: 19.09.010 19.09.020 19.09.030 19.09.040 19.09.050 19.09.060 19.09.070 OIAPI'Elt 19. 09 RESIDmrIAL HIILSIDE ZQm; (RHS) PW:po&e AR;>licability of l~tioos Permitted Uses ccn:litiaal Uses Sit.e Develqnent l~tioos Fenci.rq Permitted Yard ED:::roac:hment 19.09.080 Geologic and soil Reports P.rclotrin-e 19. 09. 090 Private Roads and Driveways 19.09.100 solar Design 19.09.110 Interpretation of Pl.annin;J Oirectar Chapter 19.09 Page -1- 19.09.010 PU:cpose '!he purpose of the RHS Zalin;J District is to regulate develcpnent commensurate with CX111J1mity goals, as described in the General Plan, to preserve the natural set:tirg in the hillsides. 'Ihi.s d1apter utilizes perf ~ starda.rds an::l specific ra;JUlatiais to ensure that the utilization of lan::l far residential. uses is bal.an:8:l with the need to conserve natural resources an::l protect life an::l pi:ope:rty fran natural hazards. Specifically, this chapter is intermd to 8C'XXllJ>li.sh the follow'irg objectives: A. Enhance the identity of residential neighborhoods B. F.nsure the provisiai of light an::l air to i.ndiv:i.dua.l residential parcels. c. F.nsure a reasaiable level of cx:mpatibility in scale of structures within residential neighborhoods. o. Maintain spatial relatiaiship between structures an::l within neighbor.t¥xx:l. E. Reinforce the predaninately low intensity settinq of the cxmm.mity. 19.09.020 AJ;plicability of Reau1atiais No bJ.ildirr;J or st:rucblre or land shall be used, an::l no bJ.ildirg or structure shall be hereafter erected, st:r:uct::urally altered or enlarged in a residential hillside (RHS) zaie, ot:heJ:wise then in caifarmance with the provisiais of this chapter an::l other aR;>licable provisicr.ts of this title. Cllapter 19.09 Page -2- 19.09.030 Permitted Uses 'lhe following uses shall be permitted in an RHS zarln;J district: A. Sirgle family dwellirg uni.ts with not ncre than one (1) dwellirg tmit per lat. B. A secord dwellirg tmit which conforms to the procedure, standards, ard requirements of Olapter 19.19. c. stan:iards I arx:l requirements of Olapter 19. 21. o. 1v:x:liJ:ssary b.rl.ldirgs which oanfarm to the p:cocedures, st:a.n:lards, ard requ.i.rements of Olapter 19.18. E. Day care J:x:ne family-small. F. Group care activities. G. Q:q;>, tree or horticultural far:mirg. H. sale of products grown ac-produced ai the property, in::ludin;J, l::ut not limited to, agri•:::ultural products, honey, milk, eggs, etc. , to the extent this use does not h!a 111e the primacy .in::x:me producirg activity of the ha~ld. I. 'll'le keepirg of anbels as follows: 1) Household pets limited. to one animal per J,ooo square feet of lat area. 2) Adult dogs are limited. to a maxinun of two (2). 3) Small household pets. 4) Large animals, sJCh as harses, OCllllS, sheep, ard goats, limited as follows: a) Q1e large airrlmal far the first 40,000 square feet of l.an:i ar&:t, except n11Jes ard donkeys which require 80, OOtJ square feet far the first animal. b) Q1e additicntl large animal far each 20, ooo square feet of l.an:i ill"eao Olapter 19.Cl9 P81CJB -3- 5) 'lbe required lot area far a large animal shall oot be in:::lu:ied in the :required lot area far a hrusehold pet ar vice versa, except that a max.ilraJm of two ( 2) ha.Jsehold pets may be kept with large animals. 6) All animals DIJSt be kept a:rd maintained in a.cxx.n::da.rx: with other OlpertirX> ar Banta Clara CQmty cxxies and ordinances. 7) No anima 1 s kept a:rd maintained in an RHS zon.irg district may be raised far o 1•11ercial p.IrpOSeS. 19.09.040 Cggiltiona.1 l.JsOS 'll'le f ollowin;J uses may be cxrditia"lally allowed in the RHS zcnin:J District subject to the issuance of a ocn::liticnll use permit: A. Issued by the Director of Chrmmity Develc::pent: 1) TenpJrary uses subject to regul.atias established by Chapter 19.29. 2) Day care heme family-large. 3) '!be keep.in:J of any animal net otherwise permitted in sectiai 19.09.030(!) 4) Halle ocnJpatialS that require a oc:niitiaial use permit pursuant to Chapter 19.21 Of this table. 5) Bu.i.l.din;s ar stJ:ucturm mic:h incxlrpacat.e solar design features that require variatiaw fran setbacks upon a determinatiai by the Directar that said design feature ar features will not result in privacy inpacts, shadcwin:J, ar intensive noise, m:der, ar other adverse i:apacts to the surrom:lirq area. 6) 5ecXni dwellirq units which require a ocn:litiaial use permit pursuant t.o Chapter 19 .19. Q1apt.at" 19.09 Paga -4- B. Issued by the Planning camrlssioo: 1) Limited c:mmercia.l rec:rea.tioo uses, such as ridin:.:J clubs and related stables and trails / golf courses, swinmin:J and picnic g:ram:Js. 2) other uses which in the opinioo of the Planning Omnissioo are ca'lSistent with the d1aracter of the hillside zcnes and are of the same galeral d1aracter as the use described in sectioo 19.09.030 and 19.09.040 of this chapter. 19.09.050 Site Oevelg;mer.lt Regulatiol)! A. Dwellim unit Density 1) 'llle residential density far develq:mant within an RHS zarlrq district shall be determined by the General Plan l::esed upon slope density standards described therein. 2) Upon recon:litiai of a sutxlivisiai map ar parcel map in an RHS zarlrq district, density credits derived fran a.R;>licatioo of a slope density farnula to a lot ar graJp of lots may rtt be transferred to property outside the sub:livisicn ar parcel map 1x.llnDary. B. General Performarpe stan::!ard§ 'llle f ollarlnq guidelines are a cx:mpilaticn of policies descri.bed in the General Plan and are intended to gcvem the preparation of developi:ent plans in RHS zmes: 1) Site Gr]tdjrg a) Site grad.irg shall be minimized. b) A licensed landscape architect shall review grad.irg plans Chapter 19.09 and, in OCl1SU.ltatiCl'l with the Page -s- applicant ani the City ED;Jineer, shall sul:mit a plan to prevent soil erosiai ani to screen out ani fill slopes. 2) I.andscapirg a) A licensed larDscape architect shall prepare a tree planting plan far the site which will screen grad.inq areas, an:l residential st:rucblre, to the greatest possible extent, as well as to reint:roduoe t:l: ees cm barren slopes which 'l#el:'e deraldecl by prior agricultural activities. b) I..andscapirq .inprtMament:s shall be installed prior to occupancy unless such installatiai is bp:acticable in 'Whidl case, the applicant shall pest a lxn::l, cash, ar other security to insure installatiai within an 18-month period fran All such landscape areas shall be prqe::-ly maintained. c) st:ructur:es shall be sited in a manner which retains significant native t:l:ees; refer to tree preservatiai ardinarD!, Qiapter 14 .18. 3) Ri<Xleta:!s st:ructures shall net substantially disrupt the natural silhcuette of the praninent ridges as viewed frail the valley floor. 4) Views a:rd Privacy It is net the respa11111ibility of City Government to ensure the privacy protectia1 of the l::W.ld.irg permit applicant ar owners of surn:iunding properties that ma.y <llapter 19. 09 Paqe -6- be affected by the structure un:3er canstr:uction. However, the Di.rEICtar of Omnmity Develq:ment may confer with the b.rlldirg permit ~licant to disrnss alternate means c1f p:reventirq privacy intrusion ard p:reservi.n;J views. C. lot Area ard Width 1) lot Area a) '!be m.i.nim..Dn lot area for a specific property shall cm:respond tc1 the smallest lot size permitted by the density provisia1S of the land use element of the General Pl.an. b) '!be m.i.nim..Dn net lot area in a 0-5 General Plan density rar.ge shall be 7,500 square feet. c) In the event~ that a property is designated by the General Plan for ~licaticn Of slcpa density regulations, the m.i.nim..Dn lot size shall be the average lot area oc:mp.rt:aticn for a 0% slope gradient. ('!be 0% slq:e gradient for the slope density farDLJlae is CXl'ltained within ~ A of the General Plan.) d) In slope density CX11pilatia1S, the average lot area is the grcss lot area. Acx::lard:ixgly, the m.i.nim..Dn lot area measuranent may include the street area :bOJn:B:l by the sb:eet center line, the stteet right-of-way line, and the extenjed side yard to the street center line. 2) IDt Width Minim.ml '!be m.i.nim..Dn lot width in an RfS zaU.rg district is seventy (70) feet measured at the fJ::aJt setba.ck line; Ola.pteJ:' 19.0!J Page -7- provided, however, that there is 00 minim.nu lot width for lots served by a private driveway ani wh.idl do not adjoin a plblic street. D. Buildirg coverage, setbacks, ani height :restrictioos 1. Buildim coverage: 'lhe maxi nann b.rlldirg/ st::ructure coverage is thirty percent (30%) of the net lot area. 2. F1oor area ratio: 'lhe max.iDIJm f loar area ratio is forty-five percent (45%) of the net lot area. 3. Setbadcs -First Floor a) FraJt yard 'lhe mi.nimJm f'ralt yard setback is twenty feet (20 feet) except that if the elevaticn or grade exceeds twenty peroa:tt (20%) within the first twenty feet fraD the sb:eet elevaticn to the setback elevaticn, the miniDun fra:tt yard setback may be ten (10) feet. Garages DllSt be designed to enable vehicles to park off-st::r:eet. b) Side yard 'lhe min:i:nllm side yard setback is ten (10) feet provided that a m.iniDun of fifteen (15) feet shall be provided en the street side of a earner lot. c) Rear yard 'lhe min:i:nllm rear yard setback shall be twenty ( 20) feet. 4. settBcks -seccni flogr a) FraJt yard 'lhe minim.ml trmt yard setback shall be twenty (20) feet. QlBpter 19.09 Page -a- b) Side yard '!he mininum side yard setback shall be fifteen (15) feet. c) R@f!r yard '!he minim.ml rear yard setback shall be twenty-five (25) feet. d). ld:litional setbacks CSecx:n:l Floor SUrchatge) A setback distance of fi.:fteen (15) feet shall be addfri in wh:l1le, or in an:/ oanbinati<X'l, to the :fra1t arxl side yard setback of the seccni floor. A miniDLun of· five (5) feet of the fifteen (15) feet shall be ar;plied to the side yard setbac:k. 5. Set:J:ac.k -Habitable~ 'lhim Floor '!he m.ininun setbacks far a habitable third floor shall be the same as those far a seccni floor, except that the :m.ini.num sideya?d setback shall be twenty (20) feet. 6. Height of Principal Buildirm arxl st:rucbJres a) 'lhe maxinum height of a principal :t:uilding in an :RBS zone shall be thirty-five (35) feet (excludin;J chimneys, anb!!llnaS, ar other appurtenances) • b) Heights excelE!ding' twenty (20) feet shall be subject to t:he setback regulaticns prescribed in 19.09.050 (4 Ii 5). c) structures lcx:::atsd CX'l ar adjacent to praninent ridqe crests, arxl CX'l ar aJ::iave the 450 foot cx:mtair shall l'XJt ext::eed twenty (20) feet as measured fran the average adjacent finished grade. 'llle resb:icticns shall be established by "cuttint' the structure. structures may not exceed a height of twenty ( 20) feet above the average natural grade for artt sectial. see A{:perdix A to this .Cl1apter for an exanple of hew' this N&trict.ial is inplemented. As used in this Cllapter, the phrase '9praninent ridge crest" are these which are identified by the map in ~ B to this chapter. 19. 09. 060 FENCilG All fe:rres in an RHB zcni.n;J district shall be qaverned by the followirg regulatiais: A. SOlid Board fen:::ixg shall: 1) not limited al lots of less than 30,000 square feet net area. 2) be limited to a 5000 square feet area (excludinq the principal bJild:iJ'g) for lots exoeed:iJ'g 30 I 000 square feet in net lot area. B. Open fen:::iJ'g (cutp:.ed of materials which result in a m.ininum of 75% visual t:::ranspa:r:er) shall be m1testricted except that such fen:::iJ'g over three (3) feet in height may not be cxmst:ructed within the fra1t yard set back. 19.09.070 A. Architectural feablres (not includinq patio oove:rs) may exter¥:l into a :nqu.ired yard a distance not exceeding three (3) feet, provided that no architectural feature ar CXIDbination thereof, whether a partial of a principal ar aoiessary structure, may exteRi closer than three (3) feet to art/ p:opm.ty line • .Cl1apter 19.09 Page -10- 19.09.080 B. Additions to Existim str:vctures Where a sirgle f'.amily dwell.in;J legally oonstructed ac:x:::ordin;J to existin:.J yard am setba.ck regulations at the time of cx::instructiai en::roaches trpan present required yards, one en:::roa.c:hln;J side of the ex.i.stirg structure may be extemed alorg the existin:.J blild.inq lines even when the existi.rg first floor setbacks do not meet the reqt:Lirements of this dlapter. only one such extensiai shall be ~ermitted far a life of such blild.inq. '!his cq;:plies to the sirgle s;tory aily. 'lhis sectiai shall not be construed to allow the ftllrt.her extensiat of an erx::roachment by any blild.inq whidl is the result of the grantin:.J of a variance, either before or after sum blil.dirg :tecaJes part of the city. 'lhe extensiai or additiai may not further en:::roa.dl into any required set back; e.g. a sirgle stary may be extemed alorg an existi.rg five (5) foot side yard setback even thc:u;Jh the other side yard does not e:iual ten (10) feet. lfof#lever, in no case shall any wall plane of a first stary additiat be placed closer than three (3) feet to any pccperty line. Prior to the issuarx:a of a b.Jil.dirg permit far OC11Structiai of aey blild.inq or structure at prqlerty in an RHS za1in;J district whidl has been designated by the General Plan to be within a geologic hazard area, the a,wlicant shall subnit a geologi.c report prepared by a certified erginee.rirg geologist and a soils iepc:n:t prepared by a :registered civil erginee.r qualified in soils mechanics by the state of califarnia. Qiapter 19.09 Page -11- 'Ihese reports shall be filed in cxnjun:tien with a site develqment plan arrl shall contain: 1) All pertinent data, inte:rpretaticns, ard evaluatiais, based upcn the most current prof essicnal.ly rec:x>gnized soils and geologic data. 2) '1he significan:ie of the inte:rpretaticns ard eva.luatiais with respect to the acblal develc:pnent or ilrplementaticn of the intended land use through identificatien of any significant geologic problems, critically expansive soils ar other unstable soil cx:n::litiais which if net cauected may lead to structural damage ar aggravatiai of these geologic problems both en ard off site. 3) Reoarmerdaticns far OJtrective measures deemed necessary to prevent ar significantly mitigate patential damages to the pr;q:csect project ard adjacent properties or to otherwise insure safe develc:pnent of the pr;operty. 4) Recc:mnendatiais far additicnal. investigatiais that shaJ.ld be made to insure safe develqneiit of the pr;operty. 5) :Mtf other informatien demed appr;opriate by the city engineer. No brllcli.rq pemit shall be issued far the cx:nst:ructien of any brlldirg or strucbire en property Wh.ich is subject to regulatien ur.der this sectien, unless the b.rlldirq and site plans incmpatate the above described corrective measures ard unless said plans are ~ by the city engineer. Chapter 19.09 Page -12- 19. 09. 090 Private Roads• an:i Driveways A. Pavement Width~ Design. 'Ille pavement width ard design far a private road ar oc::moon driveway servin; two to five lots an:i a single lot driveway shall carply with developnent standards oantained in the Hillside SUb:li visioo ord.inan:::le. B. Reciprocal Dm.'ess/Egress An applicant far a buildinq permit far a lot served by a private road ar CU"'la'1 dri vewa.y shall recard an t\R]r:'qxt iate deed restrictioo gua:rant:eeirg reciprocal in;ress/egress easement to adjoining pr:q:ierty owners wbo utilize said private road ar oc::moon driveway far the primary a.ooess to theUr lot(s). c. Reciprocal ffainbmanpe ~ 'Ille applicant far a l:Juil.dir.g permit far a lot served by a private road ar 01111ai driveway shall record an 2ARltq>Iiate deed restrictioo guaranteeing pa:rticipatiCl'l in a reciprccal maintenance agreement with other lot owners utilizing said private road ar cc 1111• n dri ve~y far primary ao:::iess. D. Gates Gates may be used b:> cx:art::rol access to private roads an:i driveways provided that 1t:he design of the gate, in:::lu:lirg lcxatiCl'l, d.imnsiCl'l, an:i tha locld.nq devices, are approved by the Directar of Qm1unity DEM!l.q:m::nt after CXl'.ISUltatiCl'l with the central Fire District. Chapter 19.0!~ Page -13- 19.09.100 19.09.110 OOIAR Dg;Igf 'lhe setback ani height restrictiais provided in this dla.pter may be varied for a structure utilized for passive or active solar p.IrpOSeS, provided that oo sudl structure shall infril'ge upon solar access or property rights of adjoinin;J property owners. Art:/ solar structure whicn requires variaticn fran the setback or height restrictions of th.is dlapter shall be allowed atly upon~ of a corditicnll use permit by the Director of CClmlDtlty Oevelqnent. 'lhe Direct.er of CClmlmity Oevelopuent shall be ~ to make reasaiable interpretatia1S of the regulatiais arrl prcvisicris of this ordinmxe, ocn;istent with the legislative intent thereof. Persa1S aggrieved by an Develcpnent may petitial the Plaminq Q'J'mtissicn in writin] for review of said interpretaticn. zanirq/zreshill Q\apt:er' 19.09 Page -14- sections: 19.10.010 19.10.020 19.10.030 19.10.040 19.10.050 19.10.060 19.10.070 19.10.080 19.10.090 Chapter 19.10 RESIDENI'IAL SIN:;I...E FAMILY ClllSTER zcms (RIC) Purposes AR;>licability of Regulatiais Olara.cteristics of RIC:: 2.aleS Permitted Uses o:rditiaia.l Uses Site Oevelq:ment Rsgulatiais Oevelq:ment Plan Mcdif icatialS of the Devel.q:ment Plan Ardtltectural and Sib! Review- Chapter ~~.10 Page -1- 19. 10. 010 Pln:pose 'Ihe intent of a cluster zcne is to ptawte neighbarhood identity a.ro e:nhan:e t.he quality of life for City residents by enca.n-agirg developers to use a nore creative approach in lani develcpoent, to provide a means for redud.n;- the rnmt of st?:eet .i:aprovements arxl p.Jblic utilities required in residential developnent, to CCl1SeI'Ve natural features, ard to facilitate the provision of ioore desirable, aesthetic a:rd efficient use of open space. 19.10.020 ""1?licabilit;y of BegulntiCIJS 'Ihe requirements of this ordinance, \.D'lless waived or modified, mJSt be :rret with respect to all real prq;>ert.ies intended to be develq.ied as, or oonverted to, a sirgle family residential cluster developuent as described in this ordinance, in::ludin;J the oonversicn of existinq apartment hcuses to corrlaniniums. '1h.e requirements of this ordinance can be waived or DK:.ld.ified if the Plannin:] o::mnissian a:rd City COllreil make artJ' cne of the followin:;J fi.rrlirgs: (a) Alth~ aie or mre specific standards cannot be cxirplied with because of ptcperty size caistrai:nts, existinq buil.din:;J DDJ:phology, tcpograprlcal problems, or other ocn:liticms :beya'd the control of the property aimer/developer, the proposed project sul:stantially CXl!t;>lies with the general starda:rds cx:rrt:a.ineCl within this ordinance. (b) 'lhat the ptoposal provides far low-mx1erate incxme am. senior citizen housirg in a manner caisistent with the housirg element of the General Plan. Q1apte:t" 19.10 Page -2- canpliance with the requirements of this Ordinance does not relieve the owner or developer of prq:>erty intended to be included in a single family Residential Cluster zaie fran OClllplying with all other awlicable City ordinances or confonni.rg to the provisions of the City's General Plan. No b..rlldin;J, structure or land shall be used, ard no b.Jildin;J or structure shall be hereafter erected, strucb.lrally altered or enlarqed in a Residential Cluster zone, otherwise than in ccnformanof! with the followirq provisions; except that uses, l:uild..in;Js ard structures lawfully in existence at the time this ordinance takes effect may remain as lav;r as no alterations take place (except those alterations pemitt:ed. bf santa Clara cmn:ty ordinance NS-1200, section 30, as it existed at octater 10, 1955, which has been adopted by the City of CUpertino) • 19.10.030 Qiaract.erist:ics of RIC 2.ales A Residential Sil'gle Family Cluster zaie is a l.an:l use designation for a sirqle family residential use upai. a parcel of real property, a portion of which consists of: A. An urxlivided interest in a ocmncn area ma.inly used far open space, recreatiaial, parkinq, vehicular ard pedestrian circulatiat bf residences of the parcel. 01aptex' 19.10 Paqe -3- B. Separate prcpnty interests owned by each family resid.irg on the parcel. Said separate property interests may include: 1. Irrlividual sub-parOels which oarprise buildinJ areas atl.y or l:uildirq areas plus private yards or atria, Qr 2. Separate property interests in space in a residential l:uildi.rg on the parcel, or 3. Both types of separate property interests enumerated above. 19.10.040 PeJ:mitted Uses '!he f ollowirg uses shall be permitted in a sin;Jle family Residential Cluster zcne without the requiranent of a Use Permit: A. sin;Jle family dwellin;J units with rDt. mare than ale (1) dwellin;J tmit per lot, or in the case of a ca:D:lninium, rDt. mre than ale (1) d.welli.rg unit within a defined air space. B. Hane oocupatiais subject to approval pJrSUant to the Hane OOCU:pation ordina.rD! (No. 321) of the City of OJpertino, as it l'X7tf exists or may be hereafter amerded. c. Day care family hane-sma.11. o. '!he keepin;J of rDt. to exceed two (2) dcgB ard two (2) cats over fcur (4) nart:hs of age, or other small m:asebold pets rDt. to exceed fcur (4) adults four (4) m:nths of age or mre. O:lapter 19.10 Page -4- 19.10.050 corxiltic>nal Use Permit '!he f ollCMi.ng uses may be permitted, subject to the securing of a c:xn:litional Use Permit in each separate case, in locatiais where they, in the opinion of the Planning O:mnissioo, are oarpatible with existing arxi planned uses within the develcpnent area: A. Day care family bane-large. B. Group care activities providing cxritinJcus care for six (6) or fEMer persons on a twenty-four (2·~) hour basis which requires licensing by a goverrnnental aqercy. 19.10.060 Site 0eyelcp:nent RegnJotiaw A. Initiation of Cluster 2.ale by Property omet:' 1. '!he owner of a pz:cperty w:lthin the City of OJpe.rtino or the City's spiere of influence may ctR~ly for sirgle family Residential Cluster zonirg or rezcnirq, to the PlCll"Ulirg Omnissioo of the City of cu:pertino as specified in the City of OJ)~ Prooedural Ordinance No. 652. 2. 'llle ClR;>lica.tioo shall be aa:x:npanied by a Oevelc:pneut Plan, contents of which . are described in sectLoo 14 of this Ordinance. said develop:nent Plan shall be made a cxn::litioo of the rezcning ~. 01apte:c' 19.10 Page -5- B. Initiation of Cluster :zone by the City Council ar Pl.anni.rq Omnission 1. 'Ihe City COlll"cil and/ar Planning Omnission may· initiate a p..lblic hearin;J to :rezcne specific prq:>erties to a sir.gle family Residential Cluster zcne when it is determined that residential cluster developnent will preserve ar enhance mrl.que lard features and vegetation such as stream oc:urses and groves of specimen trees, historic build.llY;Js, ani unique scenic vistas, and will enhaR::2 older neighlxD:h:xx1s which have W'developed pcq>erties which have an access problan ar a parcel configu:ratiai which precludes develq:ment utilizing' conventional street and lot starda:rds. 'lhe permitted density shall in each case be determined; by the density provisiais of the lard use element of the adc¢ed General Plan. 2. A DevelqlDellt Plan is not required far a City-initiated sir.gle family Residential Cluster zatlrg District. Prior to actual developnent ani use of pcq>erty within a City-initiated sir.gle family Residential Cluster zatlrg District, the property owner or developer shall sul:ln.it a Develqm:mt Plan as described by sectiai 19.10.070. Said plan shall be reviewed and~ by the Pl.amin;J Onnissiai and City COlll"cil in the same manner as a zaiir.g hearing'. Qiapt:er 19.10 Page -6- c. Density 'lhe total number of dwiellirg units per acre shall be defined by the density provisions of the current lard Use an:1 HaJsin;J Element of the General Plan. In a case where a broad density ran;Je is designated, the allowable number of dwellin;J units shall be determined based upon the follawi.rg criteria: 1. 'lhe relatiaiship to the developoont character of the imnediate nei~JhlxJrlxxxi. 2. 'lhe inpact of the proposed develcpuent en piysiograptlc factors of the site such as slope steepiess, ~ieoloqic stabi 1 ity, an:1 vegetatioo. 3. '!he inpa.ct of the proposed dEMllcp:uei1t en CXJ1111mity, utility an:1 social se:cvices such as sanitary !sewer, st.arm drain, water, fire an:1 police emergency se:cvices, an:1 school!; 4. 'lhe inpact of the proposEd developuent at the capacity of the neighborhood stx:eet system. s. '!he quality of the project de!iign relative to btlld.irq lcx:::atiat, design, an:1 materials an:1 the livability of the dwellirg units far its fub..rre residents. '!he performance standards CCl1tained within this orcl.inanaa shall provide a means to neasuJ:'8 the livability of the dwiellirg units. 6. 'lhe relaticmship of the prcpcsed develqnent to the halsin;J goals contai.necl within the HaJsirg El.anent of the General Plan. Chapter l!~.10 Page -7- D. In hillside areas, i.e. those areas delineated as hillside in the General dwellirg wtlt.s permitted in a cluster develqnent·shall be calculated in acx::ardan'Je with slope density fornulas a.rd/or other mechanically or mathematically approved methods to determine dwellirg wtlt intensity as outlined by the General Plan. E. 'Ihe lard area utilized. to CXllp.It:e the ma.xilllJm allowable mmibP..r of dwellirg wtlt.s shall be the gross size of the p:q:erty less: 1. Non-street areas which have been, or will be required to be, dedicated or a~, in fee, far p.Jblic purposes such as flood control ard water oaise:rvatiat, parks, ard p.Jblic schools. 2. Areas ai the site which canrm. legally or physically be utilized for b..ti.ldirg or recreatiais uses; e.g., areas directly urDerneath tra:n.smissiai tCMars or areas CXl1tai:nirq easement right.s which prohibit use of a F. General Develcpnent stardards 'Ihe followirg standards shall be utilized. to evaluate the site a.rd ardti.tectural design of a residential cluster develcpuerrt: Q1apter 19.10 Page -8- 1. Private outdoor space shall be provided for each unit. 'Ihe anomt of space shall be determined in eadl case by the size of the unit, type of tern.Ire ani aJID.D1t of canllD"l open space. 2. 'Ihe relatiaiship between .a.::Ijoinin:J units shall be designed in such a manner so as to preclu:Je visual intrusiai into private a.rt.door yards or interior spaces. 3. Appr:q:o: iate site design ani CXl'lStructiai tectm.iques shall be utilized so as to ensure isolaticn :frail excessive noise sources outside of the project boun:3ary ani ensure accustic:al privacy between adjoinin:J units. If Director of J?l.amin;J ani Devel.opneut determines that an excessive external noise source will exist within the project area, the developer shall reta:i.n an aocustic:al ergineer to evaluate the noise :inpact ai the pzqXJSed residential develqnent ani develop mitigaticn DEasUreS. ~licable City orclinancen relative to sound transmission oontrol to ensure accustic:al privacy b!'tween adjoi.n:i.rg dwellin;J units. G. ccn:litions 1. In approviig a Cluster Zone, there may incl\D! such cxn:litions as are deared reasaiable ani nec:essa:ry under the circumstarx::es to preserve the integrity ani character of the district ani to secure the general p.i:rposes of this ordinance am the General Plan. ~ ~9.10 Page -9- 2. 'Iha Developnent Plan shall be in:xnporated in and made an cq;pm:lix to the Resolutial qrantirg a rezarl.r.q to aey Cluster Zone, am conf~ to the Developnent Plan shall be a condition to the rezon.irq. Arr:! ~ charges in the Develop:uerJt Plan shall be in:xn:porated in the Final Map. H. Developnent Plan Unless waived or deferred by the Plami:rg Ccmnissial al mctial adopted, the inf ormaticn required to be shown al or attached to the Develop:nent Plan shall, in acklitial to the infarmatia'l required by the SUb:livision Ordinance, and to other infarmatia'l 'Wtlidl my be prescribed by the Plami:rg canmission, includes the followi.rg: 1. O:ttttun Area that is to be maintained and cart:rolled by the owners of the property and their successors in interest, b.rt is to be available for the recrea.tiaW. and lei.sure use of the ocxupants of the cluster develc:poent. 2. A gradirg plan describi.nq existi.rg cx:rrt:curs and finish g:radirg in relatia'l to the pcqnsecl bdld.ing p:ogiam. 'lhe plan shall contain cxmplete cress sectias. 'lhe gradirg plan shall denote the location of all native tI ees over 4" in diameter and the iDpact of the g:radirg plan en said tr es. Qiapter 19.10 Page -10- 3. Parcels of land inten:led. to be dedicated or reserved for p.lblic parks, playgrcunds, school sites, or otherwise dedicated or reserved. to the p.Jblic in qeneral. 4. A map showin;J the proposed system of p.Jblic and private streets, includirg cross-section far all types of stteets. 5. A descripticn of jDITIEdiately adjoi.nllg land use types inclu:i:i.rq the location of structures. 6. '!he a:rdrltectura.l theme c1f the developnent and the location of hlil~' hlildi.rg cx:mfiguratia1S I DJj] dirg heights, bJil.d..in;J square footaqes, fen:Je lines, private patio and balcai.y areas, and lot lines. A oodin;J system shall be used to delineate l.ll'l.it types 19.10.070 relative to distril:ution table shall be prepared set:tinJ forth the net prq:>erty size and the land area devot:ed to varia.JS land use activities. 1. 'lllere is n:> mi.rWnJm develcpne11t area far a residential cluster zon.i.rq district. <llapter l~» .10 Page -11- 2. Setbacks: 'Ihere is not specific requirement for setbacks other than a requirement that a distance of twenty-five (25) feet shall be a setback be provided cri a oorner lot to the extent that a 40-foot sight triargle is provided, a.rd that units iDITlfldiately adjacent to the developnent boun::1ary shall have the same setbacks as required in the adjacent. zcries. 3. Height: irtle :max.i:mJm height shall be thirty (30) feet measured as the vertical distance fran the average of the highest a.rd lowest finished grade adjacent to a tllildin;J to the highest point of said l:IU.ildin;J. An increase in height shall :be permitted if the Plannirg Omnissicri or City council determine that said height increase will rK:Jt have an adverse inpact upon the i111l'lf!!diately adjaoent neighbar.hood. Generally, units i111l'lf!!diately adjacent to the developnent area b:lJndary shall rK:Jt exceed the height of existing dwelling units adjacent. to the develqwnt area. A. Site Design 1. Front entryways shall :be private by either orientating them in a different directiai fran adjoining units, by utilizaticri of an erx::losed patio, by utilizaticri of win; walls, by utilizatiai of a recessed foyer, or thraJgh other design ted:miques. 2. All dwelling units (a.rd tllil.d.ir91 CDJtaini.ng ocn:bninium units) shall be int:ercainected by pedestrian walks fully separated fran mcvin;J vehicles. Cbapter 19.10 Page -12- 3. Each rm.it shall have direct access to <X111•u1 open spa.ces. 4. In family-oriented planned ret;idential cnrmmities, play fields shall be in::xll:potated into the cx1ma1 open space to aocu11•cdate g:rrup play activities. 5. Small sittirq areas or tot lots shall be provided 1:h.ralghoot each project to provide infarmal D:aeetirg space to enable hrmediate neighl:m'S to interact with eadl other whE!ll they so desire. B. streets 1. 'lhe pavement, cm:ts, gutters ard st.arm drains an:l water mains of the private st:J:eet shall be caistruct:ed to the standards of City streets, subject to the cq:p:oval of the City En;Jineer, except that the City Engineer, may permit noiificatiais reo:1111eded by a licensed e:n;ineer. 'lhe minim.ml width of a private sb:eet shall be twenty-fem-(24) feet curb to curb, with curb am gutter a'l both sides of the sb:eet. 2. All private sb:eets shall be inspected by the City durirq oaistruction. 3. Sidewalks shall be a :miniirum of fem-an:l aie-hal:f (4.5) feet in width. Chapter 19.10 Page -13- 4. 'Ihe private street an:l the ma.jar walkways shall be lighted to an intensity awroved l:1j City F.rgineer. '1he type ard lcx::atioo of electroliers are subject to awrovaI l:1j the Ardlitectural ard Site Approval O:mnittee. 5. 'nlere shall be a system far the namirg of the private street ard for address numbers I subject to awroval l:1j the Buildirq Deparbnent after consultations with the Postmaster, the central Fire District an:l the O:llmty O=ammicatiais Office. 6. A bicycle circulatioo system design in a manner 'Which, to the greatest degree possible, separates bicycle mvements fran 1ll:Jtar vehicles ard pedestrians. '1he bicycle system shall interface with e.xistirq ard plamed City-wide systems. 7. 'Ihe owner of the develq:ment will be required to participate in the initiaticn of City ardinance to make the private sl:tel!t subject to the Vehicle O:>de, under the provisiais of sectia1 21107. 7 of said CCxie; provisiais of said ordinance subject to the 8AJI"OY8.l Of the enf orcin;J agercy. s. The roadways of the private street plus a 5-foot wide strip on either side shall cxristitute a p.lblic service easenent; other p.lblic service or Cllapter 19.10 Page -14- 9. Adequate blrn-aroun:I space e;hall be provided at the termini of the private streets subject to the ~ of the Central Fire District. c. InproVement:s and OJvenants for carm::n Area 1. Inprovement of the o '"'!Q'l areas shall be CX11pleted by the developer an:l shall be subject to boncli.rg and other pi:\Xedn:res in the same manner as required for street iJiprcvere.nts by the SUbdi vision ard.inance. '!he a 1111•Tl areas shall be deeded to an associatioo of the hc:meowners for whose benefit the cxmnan area. is set aside; develcpeut rights shall in this case be dedicated to the City. 2. Maintenance of the ~ 1111on areas shall :be the respc:l'lSibility of the haneowners association to which the a11111121 areas are deeded. In the event the private road, driveways, parkinq areas, walkways, lan:lscapin] or tW.ldin;s are not maintained to ar;plicable City starm.:rds, the City may, after mtice ani advertised public heari.rg, effect the necessary maintenarx:e, with the OJSt therefor to be a lien an the prq>erty. 3. To assure that the open space shall be available for the entire developnent, the develqment. rights to the 011••-xt area shall be dedicated to the City of CUpertirx> in advance of the recardation of a final sulxlivisian map. Qlapter 19.10 Page -15- 3. Prior to reciordatioo of the Declaratioo of o:M!nants, Caniitions and Restrictions by the developers, said declaratiCll shall be reviewed by the City Attorney to determine its c:x:IIpitibility with the intent and cx:n:titiC11S as set forth he.rein. Art:/ changes in said declaratie11 shall be subject to the 8RJI'OWl of the City OXmcil. 4. 'Ihe articles of ino::a::pJtatioo of the HaDeowners Association and any other instrument related to said associatiai shall be subject to the 8RJI'OWl of the City Attorney. 19.10.080 ~ after Granting of a Cluster Zen! In the event that the applicant shall desire to make art/ c:ban;Je, alteration or amerrlment in the approved Developnent Plan ar CCVenants after a Cluster zone has been granted by the City OXmcil, a written request and revised Developnent Plan shall be sutmitted to the Buil.ding Deparbnent. Alag with the plans, a letter of ~ f:ran the a&P=opriate architectural board shall be sutmittsd. haneowners associaticn or If the number of dwellin;J units is net increased, and the City Planner makes a fin:ilrg that the charges are minar ard do net affect the general a~ of the area ar the interests of owners of prcpe:rty with.in or adjoin.in:J the Develq:meut Area, the :building permit will be issue:!. If the haneowners associatiai fails to act, the Pl.anning Di.rectar may make a Olapter 19.10 Page -16- detennination of signif icarre. 'Itie Plann.irg Direct.or may issue a b.rlldi.rq permit or require that the applicai'.'lt receive Arc:hit:ectu:ral an:l Site approval. If the hanecwners association is::;ues a statement cgx:isin;J the proposed m:xlifications the prq:ierty owner n:ust subnit far Ardli.tectu:ral an:l site AWroval· Buildin;J permits will not be issued until City Q::Jl.Jn::il ~ the request (Resolution No. 4128). A material charge in the Develq;rnent Plan includinq charge of requirements or coniitions, or an increase processed as a Zale charge. 'lhe requirements of this ardi:nar~ can be waiwd or mcxli:fied if the Plannirg Qmnjssicn ar City Q::Jl.Jn::il make any ae of the followirg findirgs: A. Although ale or :um:e specific st::anda:rds cann:Jt be oai:plied with because of property size <Xl1Straints, exli;tinq l:uil.dirg morphology, topograJ;trical problems, or other cxnlitias beycnd the oart::rol of the property owner/developer, the proposed project substantially cx:nplies with the ge.neral standards cxrd:ained within this ard.i.nan:::e. B. '!bat the pcqns;a.l provides fen~ lOW'-fllJderate irmne an:l senior citizen halsin;J in a marmer cx:aisistent: with the HaJsin;J Element of the General Plan. carpliance with the requirements of this Ordinance does not relieve the owner or developer of p::q>erty interded to be included in a sirgle family Residential Cluster Zale fran catplyirg with all other applicable City ordinances or conformi.n;J to the provisiais of the City's General Plan. No b.1.ildirq, structure or land shall be used, and no b.1.il.ding or structure shall be hereafter erected, structurally altered or enlarged in a Residential Cluster zone, othet:wise than in ccnformarx:ie with the followi.rg provisions; except that uses, blildin;Js an:l st:rucb.J.res lawfully in existence at the time this Ordinance takes effect may remain as lag as m alteratiais take place (except those alteratiais _permitted by 5ant.a. Clara County Ordinance NS-1200, section JO, as it existed Cl'l oct:ober 10, 1955, '41.ich has been adcpted by the City of OJpert.im) • 19 .10. 090 Architectural and Site ReViEllf An approval of zaUrg under the provisiais of this Ordinance does not relieve the develq>er ar owner fraD cbtaini.n;J ardti.tacblral and site approval as required in Ordinance No. 468. zoni.n:J/1910 Cbapter 19.10 Page -18- ~. 19.11 Sections: 19.11.010 PUrJ;XISe 19 .11. 020 .AR>lic:ability of ~egu.laticns 19 .11. 030 Establishment of Districts-Permitted and Ctn::litional USes 19.11.040 Ccn::lepbJal Develqment Plans 19 .11. oso Acticm by the Pmn.irg Omnissicm 19 .11. 060 Acticm by the Ciq' Courci.l 19 .11. 070 USe Permit Required -Definitive Devel.q::ment Plan 19.11.080 Actiat by the Plarn.irg CXJm>issicm 19.11.090 Acticm by the ciq• eouncil 19.11.100 Archltectural and Site Review 19.11.110 Mcdificaticm of ttie Definitive Develq:ment Plan Cbapter 19.11 Page -1- 19.11.010 Purpose 'Ihe planned developnent zonir.g district is intended to provide a means of guidin;J land developnent or redevelopnent of the City that is uniquely suited for planned coo:rd.i.natioo of land uses and to provide for a greater flexibility of land use intensity and design because of acoessibility, OiN'I'lerShip patterns, tqx>g:raphi.cal considerations, and CXJDDmity design objectives. 'Ihe planned developnent zonir.g district is specifically i.nterdad to encourage variety in the developnent pattern of the cnmunity; to pt:awte a ioore desirable li vin;J envira11Dent; to encc:urage creative approad1es in land developuent; to provide a means of reducirq the anrll.lllt of improvements required in developnent thrQJgh tiet:ter design and land plannirg, to ocn;erve na.'blral. features, to facilitate a mare aesthetic and efficient use of open spaces and to erm:irage the c:reatioo of plblic or private co111on open space. 19.11.020 Applicability of Regulations No buildirg, structure ar land shall be used and no l:ld ldi.rq or structure shall be erected, enlarged or strucbJrall.y aJ.terecJ., or dem:>lished in aey Planned Developnent zaiin;J district, except in ac:xxJrda.nce with the provision set forth in this dlapter. 19.11.030 f§tahlj$ppent of Districts-Pennitted aa:i o:ulit.ia1al Uses A. Planned developoeut zonir.g districts may be established, llDilf ied, or ranaved fran the zaiin;J map aa:i the regulations awlicable to aey P1anned Oevelopnent District may be established, llDilf ied, or deleted. in accord with the procednres descril:led in this chapter. Cl1apter 19.11 Page -2- B. All PD districts shall be identified an the zcnin;J map with the letter c:x::din;J "PD" followed by a specific :ref erenoe to the general type of use allowed in the particular pl.anni.rq developnent zcnirg district. Far exanple, a planned develcpnent zonirg district in which the uses are :i.nter.ded to be general cx:mnercial in nature it wal1.d be designated PD (CG). A planned developnent zcnirg district in which the uses are inten:1ed to be a mix of general cnrmercial an::l residential walld be designated PD (CG/R). c. Permitted uses in a PD zonirg district shall CX11Sist of all uses which are permitted in the zcnirg district which canstitutes the designation followil'I] the letter oodirq ''PD." Far exanple, the permitted uses in a PD (CG) zan1rq district are the same uses which are permitted in a CG zcnirg district. D. Con:litianal uses in a PD zanin;J district shall OCl'lSist of all uses which require the issuance of a cx:n:litianal use permit in the zarl.rg district which constitutes the designatian follO'orirg the letter oodirg "PD." Far exanple, the ccn:litianal uses in a PD (CG) zanin;J district are the same use which require a oorxtitianal use permit in a CG zanin;J district. Each cx:n:litianal use in a PD zanin;J district requires a separate cx:n:litianal use permit. E. 'lhe general category of uses in a PD zcme shall be defined at the time of the cxn:iepbJal plan and shall be OCl'lSistent with the adcpted general plan relative to the prq>erty in the awlicatian. 'lhe develc:pnent stan::lard and regulatiais of the permitted and oc:n:litianal uses shall be established in conjurd:ian with the approval of the c::x:n:apblal and definitive plans. 01apter 19.11 Page -3- 19 .11. 040 Q:mc.:ieptual Develcpnent. Plat)§ '!he awlicant for a PD zonirg d:istrict shall, at the time of the awlication, a oorx::eptua.l developnent plan, which will inclu:Je a general description of the pi:cp:ised uses, the pt:oposed traffic ci:rc:ulat:lon system, a 1:q>og:raprlc::al map of the site arxi the neighbarirg prope:rt.iE:is, a l.ardscapirg plan, an:l any other inf ormatiat Plannirg o=mni ssion, or the City OJuncil. 'Dle Director of Qmnmity Developnent shall provide the applicant with a detailed list of informatiat required for a c:xnJepblal develcpneut plan. 19 .11. 050 Actia'\ l;& the Plannirg ~ A. '!be Pl.amirg Omni ssiat shall hold a public hearirg on any awlication for zaUrg or 1:xre-zatl..nq ptq>eI:ty initiated pursuant to this cbapter in the same mamer as prescribed by Olapter 19. 27 of this o:rdi.nmxle cx:Jde arr:i by state law for the zalirg, , pre-zalirg, or re-zcrdrg of property. B. In addition to the requiremHrrt:s of Olapter 19.27 regardirg zalirg of pi:cparty, the Pl.amirg o=mni ssiai shall reviat an:l CXl'lSider all materials subuitted by the applicant pursuant to this Chapter, an:l shall prepare ard rec:u'l!end to the City OJuncil, as ~iate, the specific cx:niltiaw of approval, an:l state the reasa1S for the recc 111•er.da.tic:11. If the reccmuendatiat is ale for approval of the application, the followirq f~ ard determinatic:ins llllSt be made by the Pl.amirg Crmni ssiat: Chapter 19.11 Page -4- A. '!hat the cx.n::eptual developnent plan attached to the application is consistent with both the general plan and any specific plan whi.ch regulates the site. B. '!hat the caioeptual developnent plan provides for an organized and unified system of land uses and land use intensities which would be cai:patible with the su:rroun:lirg neighOOrhood. c. '!hat a cx:n:::eptua1 developnent plan for a residential use insures that the pl"oposed develcpnent provides adequate active and passive oriented open space within the devel.opnent to satisfy the needs of :fUture residents and fU:rt:her, that the prqn;ed develcpnent provides adequate l.an:1scapinq that will furd:ioo in a manner which will enharx::e the in:lividua..l developuent and the cxmm.mity as a whole. o. '!hat the caioeptual plan ensures that the locaticm of the site with respect to major t.harc.u#l:fares and uses outside the zone would not create ur.due and un:reascmable traffic OCl'1gE!Sticm in the area. E. '!hat the oc:n:ieptual plan make provisiC11S for adequate parkirq, waste dispxsal, an::l underg.ramd.inq of utilities. 19.11.060 Actiqi by the City Council Upon receipt of the reo 1111ematicm of the Pl.arming Onni ssicn, the City Council shall hold a public heari.n:J pmsuant to the ~rres described in Olapter 19. 27 of the orclinaroa cxxJe an::l p.rrsuant to state law, to consider the reccmnendaticm. '!he City Council may approve, modify, or ~ a recr 1111er.datiai of the Plarm.ing Onni ssicm, provided that any nxxlificatioo of the proposed 8R;>licatiai, which was not cx:nsidered by the Olapter 19.11 Page -5- Planning" Commission, shall first be referred to the Planning Commission for re:port arrl. recormnerrlation (which does not require the holdin;J of a public hearing). Failure of the Planning Commission to issue a re:port arrl. recommend.ation on said proposed modification within forty (40} days after referral, or such lon;:rer period as ma.y be prE:!SCri.bed by the City Council, shall be deemed to be an approval of the propa;ed modification. U:pon final approval of the application, the City Council shall enact an ordinance zoning or pre-zoning th.E! subject property or properties as planned development zone incorporating within said ordinance the conceptual plan arrl. corxlitions of approval. Any modification of the conceptual plan requires the sub:nission of a re-zoning application. 19.11.070 Use Permit Required -Definitive Development Plan A. Prior to any development within a planned development zoning district, the applicant nUJst obtain a conditional use permit approving the development issued by the Planning Commission, except that in the event that the application is for development of 5,000 square feet or more of commercial or 10,000 square feet or more for i:r:dustrial arrl/or office use, the conditional use permit may only be issued by the City Council upon recommend.ation of the Planning" Commission. B. Any application for a conditional use Permit shall be accompanied by a definitive development plan which shall include architectural drawings of the proposed development, maps showing' the locations of buildin;Js., ren:lerings showing buildin;J heights, arrl. square footages, maps 1mowing the precise location of roads, sb:E!Ert:s, alleys, arrl access p::>ints, a traffic analysis, a construction plan, arrl any other infarma.ticn required by the Director of CQlncil. 'Ihe Director of eamunity Develq::ment shall provide the applicant with a detailed list of informaticn required for a definitive develq::ment plan. C. A definitive develcpnent plan shall ermrpass the entire property, unless, in the c:piniai of the Director of CDrmmity Develq::ment, the iq:>lementatiai of a definitive plan for a portion of the site will not delay, hin:ie:r or otherwise be in conflict with the iq:>lementatiai of the conceptual develqment plan for the remain:3er of the site. D. Nothirg in this dlapt:er is .intermcl to prx.:tiibit a <Xlllbined a.R>licatiai far zatlrq arrl use permit to be cx:t1Sidered at the same p.lblic hearing. HaNever, the ClR)licant, in that event, shall prepare 1xJth a conceptual develq::ment plan ani a definitive develq::ment plan far consideratiai. 19.11.080 Agtiai llf Pl.am:i:rp camrl.ssioo A. 'Ihe Pl.anninJ c:mmi ssiai shall hold a p.lblic hearing ai any a.R>licatiai far a oc:n:iitional use permit issued urmr the provi.siais of this d1apter in the same ma.mer as prescribed in Chapter 19.28 of this ordinance code. B. In aa:liticn to the requirements Of chapter 19.28 rega:rd.irq the issuance of ocn:litional use permits, the Pl.a:nnin;J Qmnissiai shall review ani cxnsider all materials sutmittecl by the Chapter 19.11 Page -7- a.i:plicant an:l in cases where .it is the decisia1-1Daker may approve or deny the awlicatian. 'Any such approval shall contain specific cxntitiais of aR;JI'l:JVa.l am shall include all necessary firdings ard reasons for the~-Any final decision by the Plan:nir.g Omnissicn un:1er this secticn is subject to arpeal to City COUnc:il p:rrsuant to chapter 19.28 of this title. With respect to any acticn by the Plan:nir.g Omnissian which constitutes a recxmnerDati.cn to the city COUnc:il, the reo 1111eniaticn shall cx:>nt:ain, as ~q:a: iate, the specific canditiais for approval, arid the reasai far the :reoc:mne.rdatian.s b3sed upon the required fj.rr:iirgs far the granting of any use permit un:1er Chapter 19.28 as well as a dete:rminaticn that the definitive develq;:ment plan is cxnsistent with the c:aioeptua1 develq;:ment plan. 19.11.090 Actim b'f the city eomcil Upon receipt of a recamnerdation f:can the Pl.annirg Omnissicn, the City council shall hold a p.lblic bearilJJ pursuant to the proc~dures described in Chapter 19.28 of the ordinance code to cxnsider the reoai:merdation. 'lhe City COUnc:il may cq:prave, nn:lify, or disai;prcNe a :rec:uli!ernaticn of the Plan:nir.g Omni ssicn provided that any mcdificaticn of the prc:.p:eErl applicaticn, which was net caiside~ by the Pl.annirg Omnissicn, shall first be referred to the Pl.annirg o:mmissicn far :np:a:t and rea:mnerrla.ticn (whidl does net require the hol.d.llq of a p.lblic hearin;J). Failure of the Pl.annirg Omnissia1 to issue a repent an:l rea:mnerrla.tion within forty (40) days after refE~, ar sudl lager period as may be prescribed the city OOl.n::il, shall be deaned to be an approval of the proposed nalificaticn. Chapter 19.l.l Page -a- 19.11.100 Architectural and Site Review Unless otherwise determined by the Director of Cornnrunity Development, all conceptual and definitive development plans, prior to consideration by the Planning Commission, shall be reviewed by the Architectural and Site Conunittee for adviso:r:y conunents on the proposed site planning, architectural theme, landscaping, or other design related matters. Notwithstanding initial review by the Architectural and Site Committee, the Planning Commission or the city Council, as the case may be, :may require, as corrlition of approval for any conceptual or definitive development plan, review of the plan, or any portion thereof, by the Architectural and Site Committee. 19.11.110 Mcrlifications of the Definitive Development Plan A. Minor mcxiif ications In the event that the applicant or subsequent property owner wishes to make a minor alteration, change, or amendment of the approved, definitive development plan, he shall sutmit a written request to the Director of Community Development, together with a proposed revised definitive development plan. If the Director determines that the mcxiification does not result in a change in the general appearance or function of the project, he may approve the.mcxiification in a manner specified in O'lapter 19.31. B. other Mcx:tifications If the Director of Community Development determines that a proposed mcxiification to a definitive development is not minor, then the applicant must seek an amendment to the underlying corditional permit which may cnly be oaisidered by the City b.xly which granted the original cX>J"lditiaia.l use permit. In the event that the City <::aJI¥:il is thE! bc:dy which will oanside:r a prcp:serl amen:iment to a conditional l.lf;e permit, the p:qx:sal will first be referred to the Plannirg Q=mni ssiai for hearirq arrl reccmnen::latiai. c. Charge of Use zpldev 1. A c:han:Je fran a ocnlitian use or a permitted use to arvJther permitted use within a PD zarln;J district does l'X1t require a m::xlificatian of the definitive plan unless the c:han;Je of use will also change the general appearance or char~ hew the definitive develq:ment plan functions vis-a-vis neighboring p:q>erties. 2. A change fran a permitted use to a ocnlitiaia.1 use requires the issuar~ of separate oc:niitiaial use permit issued by the City bccly which WCIUlcl ordinarily oansider such a pennit in other zaies within the City. 01apte1:' 19.11 Page -10- Qiapter 19.12 SectialS: 19.12.010 PUcposes 19.12.020 AR;>licability of Rsgul.atiat 19.12.030 Permitted uses 19.12.040 o:n:liticmal Uses 19.12.050 Excluded Uses 19 .12. 060 Site Developneut Rsgul.aticns 19.12.070 Ardrltectural and Site Revia1 Qlapter 19.12 Page -1- Section 19.12.010 Putp:!se '!be p:a:rpose of the General Camnet'cial 1.crlirg District is to establish regulations for retail:i.rq1 offices, arrl service establishments offerirq goods arrl services to the general p.iblic which will assure maxinum c::arpatibility with su:r.ro.md.irg residential areas as well as minimiz:i.rq adverse traffic inpacts result:i.rq fran cxmnercial develqnent. section 19.12.020 Amlicabilit;y of REgulatial No b.tlld.in;J, structure, or l.clni shall be used, arrl no b.tlld.in;J or structure shall be erected, structurally altered, or e.nla:cqed in a GC zone, otherwise than in CXll'lfarmana:t with the provisions of this chapter arrl other applicable provisions of th.i.E; title. section 19.12.030 Permitted uses '!be follCJW'ixg uses shall be p:!I'Dlitted in a General Q:mnercial (GC) zonirg district, provided that tliey are cx:n::hJcted entirely within b.tlld..in;Js or enclosed patios, exc~ for parJd.n;J, and provided a corditional use permit is not ot:hel:wise required for any portiCl'l of the b.lsiness: A. Retail b.lsinesses, such as fcx:d stares (excludi.rq cxrivenienoe markets) , drug stores, apparel shops, variety stores, and hardware stares; C1Japter' 19 .12 Page -2- B. Professional, general, administrative ard l:usiness offices; except that said uses shall not cx:mprise nare than 10% of spaces in a shappirg center; c. Banks' f ina.rx:ial institutiais' insu:raroa a.rd real estate aqencies, travel agencies, phatog:rai;:ily, a.rd similar studios which directly serve the public; D. Business services, such as advertisirg b.J:reaus, credit report.irg, aCXX'JlllltiJ'g ard similar oonsultirg agencies, st:erx>g:raptlc a.rd duplicatiai services, messenger ard t.eiegrapi offices, carm.micatiai equipnent b.rll.d.ir9i, except that said uses shall not cx:mprise m:re than 10% of blil.di.ng spaoe in a shappirg center; E. Private clubs, lc.x:ges, or fraternal m:ganizatiais as sutxn:di.nate uses in blil.d.ir9i interded primarily for other permitted uses provided for in this section; F. Limited repair services, such as jewelry, danestic C!R>lian:=e, typewriter ard bJsiness machine repair &heps; G. Persalal service establishments such as barber shcps, beauty parlors, shoe repair shcps, a.rd tailor shcps; H. N:x::essory facilities a.rd uses custanarily incidental to permitted uses; Q)apter 19.12 Page -3- I. A max:imJm of four ( 4) video ~iame madl.ines provided these madlines are incidental to the main activity of the tusiness; J. other uses whid'l, in the opiniat of the Oi.rectar of Ccmrunity Devel.opnent, are similar tc> the alxMe permitted uses, an::1 whid'l do not create signif ic.ant adverse inpacts to the su:rro.mdin:J area due to odor, dust, sm:lke, glare, fumes, radiatiat, vibrations, ooise, traffic, ar litter. section 19.12.040 a::n:litiCllal. Uses 'lhe follc::JW'in:J uses may be conliticntlly al.lawed in the GC zai.in;J district, subject to issuance of a conlitia1a.l use permit: A. Issued by the Director of c:cmll.Jl'lity Developnerrt: 1. Tenparary uses subject to regulatiC11B established by Olapte:r' 19.29; 2. laun:lry facilities in::ludinq self-service a.rd full service operatia1S; 3 • Retail dry cleanirg establishments I provided that the solvents used in the ,cleanirg pux:ess shall not be used ar stared in aey manner not approw!d by the state fire Marshall. No dry cleanin) is parmit:ted of clothes other than these delivered to the establistment by retail Qlaptet' 19. i:~ Page -4- 4. alild day care facilities within an established b.Jsiness servin:J that l::usiness only and which does oot generate ac'klitialal. traffic fran that produced by. the l::usiness itself. B. Issued by the Pl.annir:q O:mn.issicn: 1. Aut:.cmlbile repair shops, tire repair shcps, and other repair shcps, except for minor autanoti ve repair and maintenance as defined. by 19.02.030 (13); 2. QJmercial parking an:l parking garages; 3. o:nvenience markets; 4. Hotels, motels, and boa:rdirg hoJSes; 5. Liquor stares; 6. Drinki.nq establishn:ents; 7. FU.ll service restaurants with or withcut a separate bar facility; fast food restaurants, with or without a separate bar facility and any enterta.irment facilities (e.g., dan::in;J, live m.JSic) in associaticm. with a full service or fast food :restaurant; a. o:mnercial enterta..inrren establistmlents, such as inCkx>r theatres, bawlin;J alleys, billiard pool parlors, dance halls, and skatirq rinks; Chapter 19.12 Page -5- 9. Private clubs, lcx:iges, and fraternal. organizations as principle uses of b.rlld.in;is; fraternity and sara.rity ha.lses; 10. OUld care centers, day rrurseries, and playg:rt'JllJD; accessa:ry to a O"J'lllJAt'Cial establishroent; 11. Vocaticnl.l and specializ•:d sch:x>ls, cJar¥Je and D1JSic sb.xlios, gymnasium and health club:;; 12. Limited food processirgs with retail cx.itlets Cl'1 the same premises; caterers; 13. Pet shops and faciliti·es far bathllq, cl@i.ng, tr:i.Jrmirq, and similar services for pets; 14 • McxrbJaries; 15. MiD:u:' autanotive repair an:l maintenance; 16. 'Ibea.tres; 17. Specialty food stares; 18. Aub:m:Jbile service staticans, autam:ibile washing facilities; 19. Aub:m:Jbile, trailer, til:oe and boat sales and rental, limited to new and used vehicles in operable ocn:litiai. 20. 'Any ca11neroial establismae:nts with drive-tllrcu#l facilities; 21. other 0111oe:n::ial uses which are neither pennittecl uses ar excluded uses and whid1 are, in the cpinicn of the Plamin;J o::mnjssicn, o:insistent with the diaracter of a general o:w111ercial (GC Zale) , are of the same general cbaracter as Qmpter 19. u~ Page -6- listed in this section, a.n:i which do not create significant adverse ill'pacts to the surroum.1rg area due to order, dust, SDDke, fumes; glare, radiatiat, vibratiai., noise, traffic, or litter. Section 19.12.050 -Excll.Eed Uses 'lhe foll<::JWin;J uses shall not be permitted in General O'mnercial {00) zones: A. Autaoobile repair shcps, tire repair shops, a.n:i other repair shqls, elCCept for minor aut:cm:Jti ve repair a.n:i maintenarre as permitted in sectiai 19.02.030(13) of this ordinance; B. carpenter a.n:i cabinet shqls, plumbirq shcps; c. LJJJDher yards I warehcuses I storage garages i D. Nurseries ard greenhcuses. E. other uses which, in the opiniat of the Pl..a:nninJ Omnissiai., are objectiooable by reason of oder, dust, SID:lke, glare, fumes, radiatiai., vibratiai, noise, traffic or litter shall be excll.Eed. 19 .12. 60 Site [)evelg 11ent Fegul ations A. Height of hlildin:Js ard st:ruct:ures: Except as otherwise provided by the General Plan, the max:illlJm height of a hlildirg/structu:re in a a:; zaUn;J district is 30 feet. B. Lot area a.n:i c:xJVerage: No miniDum area, elCCept as may be provided in the General Plan, no miniDum lat area ar coverage is required; provided, ~, Chapter 19.12 Page -7- that any lot in a ex; zonirg district shall have sufficient area to satisfy offstreet parld..rq an::l loadi..n; requirements oantained in this title an::l shall othe.J:wise cx:mply with any setback regulations of this dlapter cir the General Plan. c. Required setblcks: l. Front yard: Front yard setbacks for each site ar lot in a ex; zone may be established by the City ccunc:il up:11 :reocmnerdation of the Ardlitectura.1 an::l Site camdttee based up:11 special policies contained in the GenercLl Plan a.rd to insure sufficient space to provide adequate light, air, a.rd visibility at intersectialS; to afaD:e gawra1 cc:l'1fm:mity to yard requirements of adjaaD'lt ar nearby zaies, lots, ar parcels, a.rd to pi:anate excellenc~ of develcpnent. 2. Side an::l rear yard: No side ar rear ya.rd setback shall be required in a ex; zoniJ'g district, except where a lot in a ex; zcne al:uts any residential ar agricultural-residential zcne in which the f ollowi.n;J regulations apply: a) No part of aey blildirg in a ex; zatl.ng district shall be closer to a lot in a residential or agric:ul:b.n:al-residential zme than the height of that particular part of the bd ld.irg; Chapter 19.12 Paga -8- b. 'Ihe side ya.rd adjacent to a lot in a residential or agricultural-residential zcne shall be a m.i.n:lliun of eight (8) feet; c. 'Ihe side ya.rd adjacent to a sb:eet shall be a m.i.n:lliun of br.'el ve ( 12} feet. d. 'Ihe rear yard adjacent to a lot in a residential or ag:ricultu:ra..1-residential zaie shall be a m.i.n:lliun of twenty (20) feet. 19 .12. 070 Architectural and Site Review• Prior to the erectia'l of a new l::uild.i.rg or structure in a a; zonin3' district, or prior to the enlargement or DXlificatia'l of an exi.stirq l::uildin;r, structure, or site (includin:;i l.an:lscapin;J an:l lighti.rg) in a a; zonirg district, or the 8A'licant far a. l::uild.i.rg permit nust obtain architectural an:l site ~ f'ran the Pl.annirg Omni ssia'l upon reoamneroatiais fran the Architectural an:l Site Omnittee. zoni.rg/z19-a; Chapter 19.12 Page -9- Sections: OIAPI'ER 19.13 LIGHI' IlIDUSIRIAL zcm:s (ML) 19.13.010 PUJ:pose 19.13.020 Applicability of Regulatiais 19.13.030 Petmitted Uses 19.13.040 o::niiticnll Uses 19.13.050 Excluded Uses 19.13.060 Restrictiais Related to &nissiaw 19.13.070 Site Develcpnent Regul.atiais 19.13.080 ParJdrg and I.oa.dirg stan:la:rds -o:n:titicrel Use Permit Chapter 19.13 Page -1- Section 19.13.010 l?Ul:J20Se 'Ihe p.:n:pose of the Light Irxiustria.l (ML) zcni.nq district is to provide for, ard regulate, certain irrlustri;tl uses wtlich are i.rxnrp'ltible with canrnercial ard residential uses but perform inp.rtant storage, manufactu:rirg, or se:rvicirg fun::tions far such cxmnercial and residential uses in the City. Light irdustrial uses are al.lawed because of the need for sites for small industries, and because the dlaracteristic:s of the permitted irdustrial uses are likely to be similar to many permitted canrnercial uses. 'lhe uses permitted in th.is Zale often create sane objectionable inpa.cts such as noisei ard large volumes of truck traffic, but are essential uses in an urbarl eccnany. 'lhe prc:pRty in this zone should be locate:i near oentr:al b.Jsiness areas, near arterial traffic routes, ala-q rail:roacl lines, cir where specialized services for residential areas sh:luld be oc::n::a1trab:id. 19.13.020 Ag;;>lirnhllity of Begulatiot"llj No brlldirg, st:rucbire or lard shall be used, and no brlldirg or structure shall te erected, structurally altered, or enlarged in an ML zone other than in OCl'lfarmarx::e with the pr:avisia1B of th.is dlapter ard other applicable provisia1B of this title. 19.13.030 Per:m:itted Uses 'Ihe followin;J uses shall be permitted in an ML zcni.nq district: A. Manufacturirg, pz:ooessirg, aRIE'lllbly, research and develapnent Chapter 19.13 Page -2- factories, l.abJratories, shops, ard other uses which., in the opinioo of the Directar of canmity Develqnent, are similar to the above uses, ard which do DJt create undue adverse :inpacts due to the effects of glare, noise, dust, or any other emissioo within the premises as provided in sectial 19.13.060 of this chapter. B. Autcm:lbile, trailer, tire ard boat sales, rentals, service, repair and storage, in::ludirq body and upx,lstery shops, bJt limited to new ani used vehicles in q>erable cxnlitioo ani new reo:n:litianed and used parts, if stared inside a b.ti.ld.irg. c ChmlerCial pa:ddrg lots and parkin;J garages. o. warehouses E. Wholesale and storage activities within oarpletely enclosed buildirq;. F. Packin;J and cratirg establishments G. Auctioo halses, used furniture sales, feed sales, ex>ld storage facilities, in::ludirq frozen food lockers. H. Hane, garden and farm equipnent and ag;>lian::a sales and rentals. I. Mac:h.inery sales ani rentals, in::ludirq heavy cx:nrtructicn equipnent. J. Repa j r and service shops for light machinery, household appl.iar'D!s and ai:pa.rel. Chapter 19.13 Page -3- K. IJDJJMr yards, l::uildirq material sales, ice, coal and wocx:1 sales, carpenter and cabinet shcp3. L. NU:rseries and greenhalses. M. Dry cleaning plants and similar establishments, provided that the sol vents used in the clean.i..n;J process shall not be used or stored in any manner not approva:l by the state Fire Marshall. N. Animal clinics an::l hospitals, facilities for bat:hirg, clippin;J, tri.mnirq, an::l similar servioee; for pets; kennels, taxidermists. o. Televisia'l, radio an::l nation picblre st:u::li.os an::l statialS. P. Public utility facilities an::l service yards a.rd associated l::uildi.n:;Js, CXJ!l1Ullicatiais, cu'd equipnent l:l1:il.dir91, cxn:patation yards, oontractars and plumbers shqls, an::l storage yards. Q. All uses permitted in a GenE:tral. a:mnercial (00) Zale as provided in sectia'l 19.12.030 of tJtls title, provided. that they are auxiliary or subsidiary to or an essential part of an established operatia'l or use permitted by this d1apter inclu:lirg, b.It not limited to I persaial seJ:vices I retail establishments I and recreatia'l facilities locatE:d al the same lot as the principal use, an::l which exist solely for the oc:nvenience of persons employed in or custaners of tlle principal use. Qiapter 19.13 Page -4- R. Notwit.hst.an:lirg the provision of sectiat 19.13.030 (Q) above, the f ollowirg ccmnercia1 uses are permitted as i.ndeperrlent operatiais: 1) 2) 3) 4) Stenogra.phic or duplicatirq services Messen;Jer or telegraph off ices Delivery services Janitorial services s. Residential d'wellin; for caretakers ar 'lllJatchmen enployed far the protectiai of the principal permitted use provided it is located at the same lat as the principal permitted use. 19.13.040 can:litialal Uses '!he followirg uses may be ocn:li.tionally all0li81 in the ML zarl.rg district subject to the issuance of a cx:n:litional use permit. A. Issued by the Pl.annirg ccmnissiai 1) AutcmJbile servia! st.atiat am a1111er'Cial car washiig facilities; 2) Gasoline ard diesel fuel p.mps whether utilized as a principal use ar as an ~ use. 3) caterers. 4) 0 1111ercial entertainment establishments operated wholly ar partly in the open (e.g., drive-in theatres, golf dri vin:J rarges, arrl minia'blre golf oc:urses) • Chapt.er 19.13 Page -5- 5) SWim clul:s, swini. schools, a.rd c::xmnercial swinmirg pools. 6) Retail sales of mixed oancrete sold in ba:t:c:hes not exoeedi:rg cne cubic: yard. 7) staie cu:ttirg I Jronu:ment marufacture. a) M:Jrb.Jaries. 9) Heliports as acx:esi=oey uses. 10) ManufacbJ:re of radioactive mat.erial, provided that emissicns do not exceed permissible levels established ~ federal or stab:! starDa:rtls. 11) other uses which, in the q>iniai of the Pl.ann.ir.q Qmni ssiai, are c:onsistent with the d1aracter of an ML zale, aJ'd do not: exceed the levels of cdar I OOise, dust, SIDClke, qlc:a.re, fumes, radiatiai or vibration descril::Jed in 19.13 .. 060 of this diapter. B. ISSIJed ~ the Director of cam.mity Develq:ment: t.rrmr the provisicms of sect:iai 19 .13. 030, for artf industrial use where park.irg spaces exceed cne per five hurdred feet of net lot area, upon a determinatiat that the use will not have an adverse .i.npact upon the City's street ard circulation system, ard is consistent with the City's Noise <lrdinarD!. Qmpter 19.l.3 Page -6- 19.13.050 Excluded Uses A. '!he followin;J uses shall oot be permitted in ML zaies: 1) Bag cleanirg, blast furnace, boiler ar tank ~, can::Ue facta:cy, cannery, central m.ixin;J plant far cement, mortar, plaster ar pavin;J materials, ocke oven, curirg, tann.i.rg ar storage of raw hides of skins; distillatiCl'l of b:lles, coal ar 'WOOd; clistillatiCl'l of tar, drillirg far oil, gas ar other hydrocarbon substan::JeS, dunpirg, dj sposal, incineratiCl'l ar reductioo of garbage, SeNage, offal, dead animals ar refuse, fat remerirg, forge plant, fCU'Xky ar :metal fal:ricatiCl'l plant, hog fanns, junk yard ar the balirg of rags ar junk, pmpirg, refinirg or wholesale staraqe of crude petroleum, sl.a\qlterirg of aniJMls, smeltirg of c:x:g;.er, iron, tin, zinc, ar other ares, steam p::iwer plant, stcx::k yard, stone mill ar quan:y, SL¥Jar refini.rg, W'OOl p..tllirg ar socurirg. 2) Manufacture of acetylene, acid, alcohol, alcoholic beverages, anm:m.ia, bleachirg powder, dll.arine, d'lenica.ls, soda ar soda ~, brick pattecy, ter:ra oatta ar tile (except hardcraft products ally), can::Ues; celluloid ar pyraxlin (treatment of same), cement, gypsum, lime ar plaster of paris, c:bewi.rq tobacxx:> (ar treatment of same), disinfectants, dye-sblffs, emery cloth or sanjpaper, explcsives, firewcrks ar gu:rp:JWder (ar storage of same), fertilizer, glass, glue, gelatin, grease, lard ar Chapter 19.13 Page -7- tallow (manufactured or ref .ined f:ran or of animal fat) ; illum.inatioo or heat.i..rg gru; (or storage of same) , insecticides, l.anp black, linoleum, oilcloth or oiled products, linseed oil, pain, oil, shellac, turpentine or varnish (except mi.xin;J); matdles, paper or pllp, p:Lckles, sauerkraut or vinegar, potash products, ru1:tm' or gutta peJ~ products (or treatment of same) , shoe polish, soap (other than liquid soap), starch, glucx:ise or dextrin, stove polish, tar :t"OOfirq or watet:pco:>firq or other tar products, yeast. 3) o '"'lf4:"Cial excavat.i..rg of brildirq or c:xnJt:ructicn materials. 19.13.060 Restrictiais Belated to &nissiais Dnissioos of noise, vibra.tiai, radiaticn, light, smoke, fUmes or gas, odor, dust, a.rd toxic waste shall be l:illlited to quantities inilcated in this sectioo. 'll1S limitatiCX\S shall apply at art/ point outside the bcundary of each lot in an ML zone; the boundary asanned, far the pzrpose of this title, to ax:terd in a vertical plane ab::Ma a.rd tlelcw g:t'QJJ'd. In case of further sub:iivisiat or let. split, the limitatiaw shall apply outside aey resultirq lot. A. Vi.bratiaw -in the nonat.;idible ~ shall nat be of such intensity that they can be pe!t'C'leived witha.lt instruments. B. Radiaticn elect:ranagnetic radiaticn shall nat result in perceptible disturbance of t.E!levisicn or radio recepticn. Cbapter 19.13 Page -8- c. Light -the intensity of light at the boundary of each lot shall not exceed seventy-five foot-I.amberts frail a source of direct light, light. or ale hl..mdred f oot-Lamberts frail a source of reflect 'lhe intensity of light at the boundary of an industrial Zale, or an industrial area in a planned devel.cpnent (P) Zale, shall not exceed fifty f oot-Lamberts frail a source of direct light, or seventy-five foot-Iamberts frail a source of reflected light. o. Sm:lke -no anissiai shall be permitted, frail arry chimney or otherwise, of visible qrey SDrJke of a shade equal to or darker than No. 1 ai the Power's Micro-Ringel.ma.nn. Chart, p.Jbl.ished by Mc:Gra.w-Hill PUbl.ishing O::ltpany, Inc. and ocpyrighted in 1954 (bein;J a direct facsimile reproductia'l of a standard Ringel.ma.nn. Chart as i ssuecl by the United states Bureau of Mines) ; except that a visible CJl:e'f SlIDke of a shade equal to No. 2 ai such a chart may be emitted far four mirutes in arry thirty minltes. E. FUmes and Gas -arry toxic or ir.ritatinq inJredients in emitted fumes or gas shall not exceecl ten percent of the oc:n=entratiai in:licated in "General safety order" issued by state of califamia, Department of Irxlustrial Rel.aticns, Divisiai of Irxlustrial safety (Reprinted January 1964). Olllectiai of heavy gases at g:rcun:J. level shall be prevented. F. Odor -no emissia'l of oc1araJs gases ar other odorous matter shall Qlapter 19.13 Page -9- be permitted in such quantities as to be readily detectable when dilute!d in the ratio of one volume of odarous air of liquid or solid matter to two volumes of clean air. Any process whidl may involve the crea.tiai or emissiai of any odors shall be provided with a seocn:mry safeguard system so that a::11trol will be maintained if the primary safeguard system should fail. '!here is established as a guide in det:el.'minllg such quantities of offensive odors: "Air l?ollutiai Table III "O::Jars 'lhreshclds," in Olapt.er 5 of Abatement Mal'Dlal," cx.ipyrighted in 1951 by Manufacturirg C1anist:s AssocieLtiai, In::., Washi.n;it:al, o.c. G. DJ.St and other Solid Partic:les -no emissiai shall be permitted whidl can cause any damage~ to health, animls, veget:atiai or other forms of property No emi.ssiai shall be permitted in e.iaJess of fifty percent of the stan:lards specified in Table I, Q]apter 5 of "Iniust:rial Hygiene stardards, MaXi1ll.a Allowable cancentraticna" of the "Air J?ollut:ial Abatement ManJal", o::pyrighted in 1951 by Manu:f:actu:rirg Chemists Associatial, In::. I washirgtai, o.c. In no uvent shall any emissiai, fran any chimney or otherwise, exceed cne-t:enth of a grain (O .1 grain) per cubic foot of the ccnveyinq gas. Far measurement of the anamt of particles in qases I'f:sultirg fJ:all oanblstiai, standard oorrecticna shall be appli•:d to a stack te•1erature of five hurdred degr i! es Fahrenheit ard fifty percent e:xx:::ess air. Cl1apter 19.13 Page -10- H. Wastes -no d.isc.hal:ge into any plblic sewer, privat.e sewage di:;p:sa.l system, or stream, or into the gram:I, of any materials of sud1 nature or temperature as c::an cxntaminat.e any water supply, interfere with bacterial pro=esses in sewage treatment, corrode or otherwise damage sewers or pipe-lines, or otherwise cause the emissiai of dangero.is or offensive elements, shall be permitted, e:xcept in acx:ord with standards ~ by the calif omia Department of Public Health or other sud1 governmental agercy as shall have jurisdictiai of such activities. In additiCl'l, solid, liquid or gaseaJS t.CJJCic wastes shall not exceed ten percent of the concentratiCl'l in:licated in the "General Industey safety order" issued by state of califomia, Department of Irdustrial Relatiais, Di visiCl'l of Irdustrial safety. (Reprinted Jaruary 1964) I. Garbage -rem:wal shall be made in such a way that emi.ssiCl'lS fran garbage trucks do not exceed the quantities or cxr.cxe.trtratioos set forth in this secticn. A. Height of Buildirgs and Structures Except as otherwise provided by the General Plan, the maxinLnn height of a principal b.J..ildi.rg/structure in an ML zaU:rg district is two stories not to exceed f arty feet ard of an accessory bdldirg in that zme is one star:y not to exceed fifteen feet. <llapteJ:' 19.13 Paga -u- B. Lot Area Shape and COVerage i. IDt area 'lbe· m.in.i.mum lot area of a lot in a light imust:rial (ML) zatlrq district is ten thousand (10,000) square feet. Each lot in an ML Zale the ML zon.iJrg symbol representin;J the mininum square feet (in thcalsands) allowed for such lot. 2. Lot shape Each lot in an ML zai.irg district shall have sudl shape that .a square with a side of ooe :tnm::tred (100) feet can be inscribed within the lot. 3. Maxi:num blilcling/structure CXJIJ8rag8 '1he maxilll.nn lot c::x::JYeragl8 far blildings an::l st:rucblres in an ML za'lirg clistrict is 40 percent of the net lot area. C. Regui nrl set:l:!a.cks 1. Fralt yard Mininum front yard set1:ack shall be twenty-five (25) feet. Qiapter 19.13 Page -12- 2. Side yard No mininum side yanl setback shall be required where a lot in an ML zcnirq district abJts an:Jthe.?:' lot zone ML or T.ranspartaticn (T) ; otherwise, the min:i:nLnn side yanl set.back is fifteen (15) feet subject, however, to the provisicns cxrrt:a.ined in 19.13.070 C(4). 3. Rear Yard. No mininum rear yard setback shall be required where a lot in an ML zcnirq district abJts an:Jthe.?:' lot zone ML or a lot zae Transpartaticn (T) ; otherwise, the mini.Dun rear yard setl:adt is twe!l'lty (20) feet, subject, h:Jwever, to provisicn CXlltained in 19.13.070 C(4). 4. When acijacent to CRl or (All za'1SS When a lot in an ML zcnirq district is adjacent to or separated by a sb:eet fran an area zaled (R) residential or (A-1) agria.lltural-residential, all min:i:nLnn yanl setbacks shall be fifty (50) feet. '!Wnt:y-five (25) feet of any yard nearest any lot line shall be used and maintained cnly as a l.an:1scapin;J I plantirq ar sc:reenirg strip (except far ways). 01apter 19.13 Page -13- '!he remairrler of arrt such yam may be used ally for off-street parkirgs, or shall be maintained as a landscapirq plant.in;J strip in the same manner as the first twenty five (25) feet. 5. WjtiaiaJ. Set.back Req11jnpmt; No part higher· than twenty (20) feet of a l:Juildirq in an ML zonirq district shall be closer to a lot line than one-l':ia.lf of its height. 19.13.080 Parkim and rooim stamards -CCDlitiaJa! Use Permit Parkin; and loadirq stardards in sin ML za'li.rq district shall be as provided by this title, provided, spaces for arrt lot in an ML zonirg district exceeds ate per five hun:lred square feet of total lot area, the USE~ shall be subject to the i.ssuaJDe of a corx:litiaial. use permit as provided in sectiat 19.13.040 B. zonirq/lightin:i Chapter 19.13 Page -14- Sections: OfAPI'ER 19 .14 PUBLIC BUilDlm (BA), QUASI PUBLIC BUilDlm (BQ) AND TRANSFORI'ATICN (T) ~ 19.14.010 PUrpose 19.14.020 ~licability of Regulations 19.14.030 Permitted Uses in a (BA) ZalS 19.14.040 Permitted Uses in a (BQ) Zale 19.14.050 ccn:litiaial Uses in a (BQ) ZalS 19.14.060 Permitted Uses in a (Br) Za1e 19.14.070 Requirement of a Developnent Plan 19.14.080 Architectural. and Site Review 19.14.090 Site Developnent Regulations Clapter 19.14 Page -2- 19.14.010 f'lI'POSe The BA, B:2 and T zonin;1 districts a.re designed to aoo1111J:ldate gove.rrmental, plblic utility, educational, religicus, cmmmity service, transport.a.tic.in, or recrea.ticmal. facilities in the City. 19 .14. 020 AcPlicability of Rsgulatioru:! The specific regulatiais of this chapt.E!r shall apply to all BA, B';2 am T zonir.g districts. 19.14.030 Permitted Uses in a BA Zone Buildin;Js and other uses cri land owned or uti 1 i zed by a federal, state, county, or city govenment or authori~r, or by a special district created for plblic p:n:poses 1.ll"Dar the laws of the state of califarnia are permitted in a BA zme. 19.14.040 Permitted Uses in a Bl Zone Build.in;J and other uses cri land owned 1:r utilized. by the followin;J types of organizatiais, far the p.n:poses enumerated herein, are permitted in a (8';2) zone: A. Ratatirq Hanel.es& Shelter. Chapter 19.14 Page -3- 19.14.050 conli.tional Uses in a BQ Zone 'Ihe followin;J uses may be c;xn:litianally allowed in the BJ district, subject to the issuance of a can.iltional use permit issued by the Pl.annirq camnission: A. Public utility cnrpmies regulated by the Public utility QmnjssiCl'l far uses restricted to administrative an:l office l:luild.ings, cxmmmicatian equipnent l:luil.d.ings, includin;J parkirg, la.ndscapirg, an:l maintenanc:e within an erci.osed area ar storage yard. B. Reliqia.JS, civic, ard cxmparable arqanizaticns, far uses restricted to ctn.rrch l:luildin;Js, cxmmmity halls, administrative l:luild.ings, sctaool rcxms, rec:reatiaal faci J ities, an:l athletic fields, cxnvents, seminaries, an:l simUar use aJStanarily assooiated with c::tnJrches I includ.irg parkirg an:l l.armcapirg areas; c. arllcl care facility, group care facilities, h:Jspitals, vccatiaal an:l specialized schools i D. I.ai;Jes, clubs, ocuntry clubs, inclu:ii.nq acx:xassary uses such as swiJlmirg pools, piati.c areas, golf ca.irses, driving tees ar rarges, miniature golf courses, (all uses to be restricted to members of! the alxMa arqanizatiais an:l their guests). E. Daycare family bane -large 01aptet' 19.14 Page -4- 19.14.060 Cord:itiona.l Uses in a T Zone 'lhe followi..n.J uses are cx:n:litiona.lly allowed in the '1TanSPJitatiC11 (T) zonin;J di.strict, subject to issuance of a cxn:litiona.l use permit issued by the Pl.armirg Chm!i ssiC11: A. Airports, airfields, an:1 helicopter terminals, inclu:llig administratiCl'l an:1 service bu.ild.i.n;Js, DBint.enanc:e an:1 storaqe yards. B. Rail.roads, includin;J terminals;, am staticns, freight yards, marshallinq yards, storage ya?:'ds, administrative am service b.tlld.irq.s. c. Bus termina.1s am stations, includin;J admi.nist:ratiCl'l an:1 service tuild.irq.s, maintenarr.e am storage yards. D. Freeways, expressways, ard otlter roads with limited ar cx:xlt:J."olled acx:iess, includin;J admi.nistrat:L ve b1.i.ldir'9I an::l ma.int:enan:xe yards. 19.14.070 RfQpj1fJ1¥!It of a Deyelognent Plsm Prior to the issuance of a cx:n:litional use permit, ar artf amerdment thereto, a develq:ment plan shall be siJbnitted to the Pl.anrlil'g camnission. said plan shall inclu:le: A. Types ani heights of b.tlld.irgs/stxuctures ard locati.Cl'l of areas where b.tlldings are to be pla0cm. B. A prq>eeed system of public ard private sb:eets, includin;J cross-secticns far all types of st:ceets; 01apter 19.14 Page -5- c. I.an:lscape plans D. Pa.rkirg a:ni loadin;J plans as required by this title. E. Any other informa.tioo, which the Director of Chrmmity Developnent requires in order to evaluate the effects of the prcpoeed facilities oo the surroun:lirg areas. 19 .14. 080 Architectural. and. Site Review Prior to the issuance of any ocn:litional use pet:mit in a BA, BQ, or T zoninq district, the pi:qx:sed use shall be reviewed by the Ardl.itecbn:al arrl Site Cc:mnittee under the procedures set forth in Olapt.er' 2.44 of Title 2 of the City's ardinance code. 19 .14. 090 Site Devel.a 11«¢ Reau1ations A. ttaximnn Height of Buildirgs/structures Height of b.J.il.din;1s in BA, BQ, and. T zaie districts are regulated by the developnent plan. B. setbacks and. screenirg 1. 'lhere are no mininum setbacks raquira:J. in BA, BQ, or T zatlng districts, provided, J:1cwe'IJer, that the Pl.ann.in;J CDmi ssia'l may establish minilllJm set:l:lacks with respect to each in:lividual awlicatia'l for a oc:n:litiaial use permit in order to provide adequate light, air I and. visibility at intersectioos, and to provide genetal cx:nfarmity with adjacent and nearby za1eS and lots, or to prcm:>te the general excellence of the devel.opnent. Qlapt:er 19.14 Paga -6- 2. hiequate sc:::reenirq to limit noise, to reduce glare of lights, and to prevent otnaxious anissioos shall be provided. \1ii.beJl dee.mErl afP:q:Jr iate by t.he Pl.armin:;J Omnissiai. zoni.rg/zp.lli:>lcg Qlapt:er 19.14 Page -7- secticns: OiAPI'ER 19.15 PARK AND REX::RE'ATIOO' ZCNES (PR) 19.15.010 Purp.::ise 19.15.020 Applicability of Regul.atiais 19.15.030 Permitted Uses 19 .15. 040 Park Master Plan Olapter 19.15 Page -1- 19.15.010 'Ihe prrpose of the Park and .Recreation zaie is to regulate the lan:l uses and recreational activity permitted within publicly owned parks within the City, to ensure the safety run enjoyment of the persais utilizirq the park facilities as well a.i; to protect the rights of adjoinirq prcprty owners. 19.15.020 AJ;plicability 2f Regulations No blildirg, st:ructu:re, ar lan:l shall be used, and no blil.d.i.n:;J ar structure shall be hereafter erected, structurally altered ar enlarged in a Park and Recreatiat zooe other:wise thm in OCl'lfot'IDi!llDe with the provisions of this Olapter. 19.15.030 'Ihe followirq uses shall be permitted within the PR zat.in;J district: A. Parks, playgroun:Js, and recreatiai facilities, as regulated by Title 13 of the city's m.micipal ocxJe. B. Ji.gric:ultural uses such as crop and tree farmirg, and the keepirq of danestic barnyard ani:ma.ls; c. Sirqle-family residerx::e for the pu:rpcse of halsirg a caretaker far the park. As used herein the term "caretaker" means a persai ar persatS whcse duty it is tc1 maintain surveillance of the park areas durirg and after the ho1J1rs of park operatial. '!be residerx::e may take the form of' a m::ibilehalle as well as a permanent residential structure. D. Nr.essory facilities and uses custana.rily .irx::idental to permitted uses and ot:hm:wise oaiformi.rg with the pravisias of Q1apter 19.18 of this Title; C11apt.er 19.15 Page -2- E. Park.irg facilities as necessary far park usage. 19.15.040 ~Master fl.ml A. 'Ihe Director of Parks an:1 Recreation shall subnit deve.lcpnent plans far aey proposed park or recreation facility to the Parks an:1 Recreation Qnnjssion, which shall hold a public hearing a. Prior to sub:nitting its recamaermtion to the City ~il, the crmnission shall sub:nit the proposal to the Planning Onnission far its reo 111•en:Jation to include an envi.rcnuental. assessment of the plans an.:i a fi.nd.ing that the pi:oposal is cxmsistent with the General Plan; c. 'Ihe finiin';Js of the Planning C:cmnission shall thereafter be forwarded to the Parks an:1 Rec:reaticn Onnissicn far presentation to the City o:uncil. park&rec/zoning Olapt:er 19. l~) Page -3- SectialS: 19.16.010 19.16.020 19.16.030 19.16.040 19.16.050 19.16.060 19.16.070 19.16.080 OJAPrER 19.16 PRIVATE REX:REATICN zcm: (FP) Purpose Applicability of Regulatia'ls 1arlrg DesignatialS o:n:litimal Uses Oevelopnent Plan Required SUbsidiary Uses Exclu:Jed Uses Perf armanc:e stan::lards 19 .16. 090 Interpretation by the Directar of Qmnmity Developnent Chapter 19.16 Page -1- 19.16.010 Purtx:!se 'llle p.irpose of c:reatirg a Private F~ecreatioo (FP) z.aie is to facilitate zonirq un:1er use permit cxutrols which prcm.Jte privately-spaisared b.Jsiness enterprise fer the cultural am recreatiaial needs of the cxm:mmity which are distinct fran, and yet serve as an enhan:anent to the organized activity and passive open space USES traditiaially provided by the public sector al City er regional parklan:Js. 'llle FP zatlrg district is inten::led to erJCXJUrage a diverse range of recreational develq:ment by private interests. At the same time, the use intensity of art:/ site in the FP zone ls determined by applicatioo of performance stardards which ensure a c:arpatible fit with the site's geograprlc and envira'lllental setting. 19 .16. 020 Appljrahility 2f. Begulations No l:uilclirg, st:rucbJ:re, or land sh.:Lll be used, and no l:uil.di.n;J er structure shall be hereafter erected, structurally altered, or enlarged in an Administrative an:i P.rofessicnal Offices zcne, otherwise than in conformance with the provisioo of this; 01apter. Ccmplianc:a with this 01apter does oot relieve the owner or developer of ptq>erty intended to be included in an (.AO) zcne fran cx::uplyirg with all other applicable city ordinances or CXl'lformirg with the provisions of the City's general plan. Cbapt:er 19.16 Page -2- 19.16.oJo Zonin:r Designations 'Ihe ~ rezarlrg ea.ch property or paroel to the Private Recreation (FP) zcne classification shall include cne of the.SUffixes in the table belC!.11, in:licated the primary use intent far the site. Uses authorized for any site are interchangeable bet:ween in:klor an:i outdoor activity, an:i may incl\De activities listed unier both sutdivisiat "i" an:i SUl:xiivision "o" of sectiat 6.2, notwit.h.staniin.;r the SUffix designatiat. Activity SUffix O"Jaracterizatian -i catplete symbol FP-i Use Characteristics Uses oriented primarily to activities which take place within an en::losed structure, an:i as list.ed in sectiC11B 19.16.050 A. 19.16.040 Q:nlitiaial Uses -Use Permit ReqpirW; '!he followi.rv:J uses may be pemitted in Private Recreatiat (FP) zaies, subject to the securirq Of a cxnlitional use permit in each separate case. At the in::eptiat Of a rezonirg to the FP classificatiat, said rezonirg shall be aoccmpmied. by a simultanecm request for Use Permit approval. 'lbe Use Permit review procedure shall be similar to that foll~ for use permits in the Planned Developll!ut zaie, as described in Chapter 19. <l1apter 19.16 Page -3- A. ait.dcx>r Uses permitted l7;{' COrrlitional Use Permit issued l7;{' the Plannirg Qmnjssicri: 1) El:;{uestrian center includi.rq riding academies, stables and horse rental; 2) Practice rarge for archery or firearms; 3) Golf cx:urse with or without driving rarge; 4) SWim and raa;tuet club; 5) &Wi.m:nirq, diving or rela.ted sports center; 6) Piadc areas; 7) Raa;{Uet sports center fc>r tennis, raa:).USt:bal.1, badm.i.ntal and similar activities; 8) Specialty out.door activity center eno111aass:i.rg aw ar mre of the follcwirq or similar uses: a) Roller skatirg; b) Skateboa:rdin;J; c) Iawn txJwlirg, Bcx::ce ball; d) Miniature golf; e) waterslide. 9) C't111•ercial athletic field far cne ar mre of the follcwin;J or similar uses: a) Baseball, softball or ba:ttirg cage t:ra.inirg; b) Foatl::all; c) d) Volleyball; e) Field }xx:::key; f) Basketball. Chapter 19.16 Page -4- 10) AnllSement parks with or without rides or live enterta:i.nment; 11) Bicycle motar-cross course/go-cart track or similar specialty raceway, rut exclud.irq facilities for racir.g of autancbiles or JOOtorcycles; 12) Air sports field for hang glidirg, ultralight aircraft or balloarl.rg, bJt excluding cum:ucn ca:n-ier passen;ier aircraft service; 13) other alt.dear recreation uses which are fani by the City CCJuncil or Pl.ann.i.ng Commission to be of similar intensity and dlaracteristic:s of use to these erunerated in this sulxlivisian. a. :rn:loar uses per:mitted by con:iitional Use Pm::mit issued by the Pl.ann.i.ng Qmni ssian: 1} MUsem& and galleries; 2) '!beaters far film, stage or nusic ent:erta.irment; 3) Specialty in:loar activity center en> "\IBSSir.g ane ar Dm"e of the follc:iwirg ar similar uses: a) Bowlir.g; b) Video games; c) J?ool, Billiards; d) Martial arts; e) Ice ar Reller Skating Rink; 4) Persalal fitness or sports t:ra.ininJ center with primary locatian of facilities and equipneut enclosed within a structure; Olapter 19.16 Page -s- 5) Dance hall or facility for dance inst:ructiai; 6) other in:kJar recreation uses which are fcun.:i by the City CC'llmc:il or Pl..armirg Canmissian to be of similar intensity am cha.racteristics of use to those enmierated in this 19 .16. 050 Pevelrpner¢ Elim Required: A Develcpoent Plan shall be approved in conjunct.ian with each request far rezaning to the FP district, or with each separate use permit applicatian sutsequent to such rezoning. 'lhe Develcpoent Plan shall i.oolu:le, tut shall not be limited to the followin;J CCl'Itent: A) ArchitecbJ:ra.l theme of the dE~velcpoent; the lccatian of tu.ildin;Js, tu.ild:irg heights, allocatian of floor area;. B) Definitian of uses within said b.rlld.in;Js, a use distritutian table settirg forth the propE2ty size, ard the amount of lard devoted to the principal recreation use or uses and support activities; C) Depictian of su:rrtllll"dir uses at least 100 feet in each direction fran the perimeter of the project; existi:rq am p:cposed private am p.lblic sb:eets which provide in;Jress and egress to the site; the lcx::atian of driveway aprons and pedestrian paths; D) A draw:irg describin;J the areas to be l.an:Jscaped within the develcpoent inclulirg areas adjacent to streets. 'lhe functiooal aspects of lardscapin;J design shall be described, includin;J tut Qiapter 19.16 Page -6- not limited to haN la.rrlscaping is used to screen parked vehicles, to enharx:le the enjoyment of activity areas or separate activity areas fran adjoinin;J uses, and provide an aesthetically pleasin;J design element. E) A desc:riptiai of the i;:hasirg of constructiai far the develq.uent, in::ludi.rg a tentative time schedule and plan describin;J the extent of build.i.rq square footage and land area involved. with eadl P°laSe Of the developnent. 19.16.060 su.bsidiary Uses 'lhe followi.rq uses may be permitted with a ccn:litia'lal Use Permit issued by the Plannin;J Qmni ssion when sudl uses are intended: A) To serve primarily the convenience of perscns drawn to the site to ergage in the activities authorized therecn as the prin::ipal use; B) To operate in CCl'ljmx::tion with, and be subsidiary to any of the prin::ipal uses described in Secticn 19.16.050: 1) a:mpetitiai and tournament facilities includi.rg stadimn sea:ti.rg, cacessiai starrls and l:xJx office/ticket sales far Cll premises events only; 2) Restaurant wit:hcut separate tar facility; 3) REp' i r Shop servicin;J equipnent associated with the . activities authorized 1..Urler the principal use pe:r:mit; Chapter 19.16 Page -7- 4) Retail sales of equiprrent arrl supplies custanarily asscx:iated with the activities authorized ur.der the princi:pa.1 use permit; 5) caretaker's or Security Officer's :Residence; 6) other uses cJeemed by the Pla.nnin;;J O"lnmissiai or City cnJrx::il to be sul:sidiary to the principal use authorized ai the site. 19 .16. 070 Exclt"fd Uses '!he followirq uses shall not be allowed in a Private Recreatiai (FP) zone: 1) card Clute ard similar b.lsinesses q>eratirg games of char¥:e; 2) Nightcluts; 3) other uses which are fam:i by the Plannin;J Omni ssiai or City o:iuncil to be in ocmlict with the objectives of the FP zcnirg district; 19.16.080 PwfgnpanQ@ stan::lards A. General: Irdividual use penitlt requests far devel.opue11t of facilities in the FP zone sh.:tll be subject to ai;:plicatiai of perfo.rmaooe standards. 'lhe Perfo.rmaooe standards ard Potential Mitigatiai strateqies listed in sutsect.iat 19 .16. 090 ( c) shall: 1) Serve as guidellnes applied by the Plannin;J O"lnmissiai ard City o:iuncil in a manner which best aco "\>lishes the intent of the FP ZC11S; Q1apter 19.1.6 Page -8- 2) Ensure adequate mitigation of potentially detrimental illpacts associated with a specific use in a specific locatiat. B. Priority of Recreational Developnent: 'lhe City CCJuncil may approve a private :rec:reational use which is famd to be in:xmsistent with any minimum performance staniard stated in this <l:iapter upal fin:li.rg that: 1) 'lhere is an offsetting factor of need for that use; 2) '!he use is of interest to residents of OJpert.ino over uses which draw fran a regional area. c. Inpact Mitigatiat st.arda:rds: '!he followirg dlart shall be used to determine the level of minimum perfarman::ie appropriate to each category in which aie or rore significant .inpacts may cx::icur to adjoinirg property ard/or to the oTmunity at large as a result of any new or expanied use in the FP zcme. 'lhe City may inpise specific mitigatiat strategies as cxn:litiaw of Use Permit ~ to ensure cxmpliance with the General Perfar:mance st.arda:rds, except as noted in sutsectiCl'l 19.16.090(B) above: P.Emt>RMANCE SI'ANDARDS CATEXDRY auTJ!RIA NOISE General st.arda:rds: Adjoinirg prcpe:rties shall be prot.ectecl fran noise levels exceedirg Noise ordinance stardards QJapter 19.16 Page -9- Potential Mitigation strategies: 1) Provide physical barrier between noise scuroe am sensitive receptor; 2) Limit hcurs of operation; 3) Prepare noise report descril:>irg detailed mitigaticm soluticn;; 'IRAFFIC General st.an:Jard: 1) o:rifarm to E>ctraordina.:ry use Policy far uses located in urban settirgs; 2) Maintain ex.ist:i.rq IDS for nc:n-ud:lan sb:eet system locaticn;; Potential Mitigation str.ategies: 1) Prepare traffic report to ensure cxmpl.iance with 16 trip/acre staroard; 2) Provide off site roadway capacity ~; 3) Limit hours of operation ar peak hcur activity. INIKJSI~ General st.an:Jard: Adjoinil"g prqm:ties shall n::1t be subject to intrusie11 fran dust, ocklr, direct visual access or glare fran artificial lighting; Qlapter 19.16 Page -10- Potential Mitigation strategies: 1) Provide visual barrier between activity area ard adjoinin;J properties; 2) Specify cleanup interval for waste rem:MU./dust ca1trol; 3) CCIJb:ol ventilation of fossil fuels ard other oanblstibles; 4) Eq:>loy shielded lighting fixtures near roadways, banes or parks; I.ANa3CAPE General standard: 1) Provide extensive lan::lscapinq for functiaial ard decorative pirposes wtiere caitext so demands; 2) Maintain ard enhance natural landscape elanent:s in rural ard hillside areas; Potential Mitigation strategies: 1) Use sb:eet frontage lan::lscapinq to reinforce neighborhocx:l settirq (setbacks, plant types, tree spacinq); 2) Use interior perimeter lan::lscapinq to ca1trol visual .intrusicn, separate conflictinq uses, offset large illp!rviCA.JS surface areas; 3) Preserve healthy native tree specimens, especially oaks ard Rsdwcods; 4) Select plant palette to carplement natural materials ard l.andf'arm; 5) HiJtim:ize disturbance of natural grade; avoid ~t.ed pad elevatiais. 01apte:c' 19.16 Page -11- - CXlNl'EXl' General stan.:3ards: Project design should complement the principal activity objective for the site's geograplic settin;J; Potential Mitigation Stra.tegies: 1) Rural cart:.ext: Preserve hillsides as quiet residential. an:l open space areas; 2) semi-Rural context: Preserve delicate natural ecology of floodplain an:l lower foothills; 3) tJrl:an cart:.ext: Maximize recreation potential where pc:pJ] atiat is mcst highly OCllCelrt:rated.; BUILT PORK General sta:n:ia.rd: 1) Establish l:'IUild.i.rg height an:l coverage in scale to surraurdirq structures; 2) Maintain a predaninantly open site far out.dear rec:reatiat use areas; Potential Mitigation Strategies: 1) Define setbacks to control sbadcwin;J an:l to offset l::'IUild.in;J mass; 2) Limit buildirg coverc:tge, parking, dri'YE!lliiaYS to a mimr percentage of lard area for CIU'tdoar recreatiat sites; 3) Dlploy grade depressions an:l bacmin;:J to mitrol visual iDpact:s to streets and other plblic areas; Olapter 19.16 Page -12- 19 • 16. 090 INl'ERPRErAl'ICfi BY 'IHE CCM1UNI'IY DE.VELDP.MENr OIREr.KR 'Ihe Chxm.mity Develqment Director shall be E!ll'pJWered to make reasonable interpretatia'lS of the regulations am prcvisiais.of this Chapter, consistent with the legislative intent thereof. Persals aggrieved by an interpretation of the Chapter by the Chxm.mity Developnent Director may petitioo the Pl.ann.i.ng Commission in writing far review of said interpretatioo. zon.in;J/privrec Cl1apter 19.16 Page -13- Sections: OIAPI'ER 19.17 AIMINISffiATIVE AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICE ZONES (OA) 19.17.010 Purpose 19.17.020 Applicability of Regulation 19.17.030 Pennitted Uses 19.17.040 COr:rlitional Uses 19.17.050 Site Developnent Regulations Cbapter 19.17 Page -1- 19.17.010 Purpose An Administrative arrl Professional Office (OA) zone is created to ac:x:::orocrlate a demonstrated need for development of off ice space together with necessary larrlscaping arrl off-street parkin;J facilities in locations served by primary access, yet inappropriate for camnercial development because of close proximity to purely residental uses. It is intended that the professional off ice uses established in this zone shall be designed arrl larrlscaped so as to be in hanoony with such adjacent residential uses. 19.17.020 Applicability Qf Regulations No building, structure, or larrl shall be used, arrl no building or structure shall be hereafter erected, structurally altered, or enlarged in an Administrative arrl Professional offices zone, otherwise than in confonnanoe with the provision of this Chapter. canpliance with this Chapter does not relieve the owner or developer of property intended to be included in an (AO) zone fran complyirg with all other applicable city ordinances or confonning with the provisions of the City's general plan. 19.17.030 Permitted Uses '!he following uses shall be permitted in an Ad:ministrati ve a.rrl Professional Office zone: A. Administrative or EKecutive offices. B. Professional offices. c. Acoassory facilities arrl uses custanarily incidental to permitted uses a.rrl otherwise confonnin~ with provision of Chapter 19 .18_ of this Title. 01apter 19.l.7 Page -2- 19.17.040 Corrlitional Uses Research laboratories shall be permitted subject to issuance by the Planning Conunission. '!his use may include laboratories which investigate, analyze, or experiment in order to establish new an::l revised. f irrlirgs an::l starrlards. 19 .17. 050 Site Development Regulations: A. Height: Principal blildirgs shall not exceed a height of two stories an::l thirty (30) feet. Accessm:y l:uildirgs shall not exceed on (1) story an::l fifteen (15) feet; B. I.Dt coverage: Buildirgs within foun:iation Hnes shall not exceed forty (40) :per cent of the net lot area; c. Setba.cks: '!he minimum front yard setba.ck shall be twenty (20) feet, no portion of which may be used for required off-street parking; side arrl rear yard setba.cks shall equal those required in the nearest adjacent residential 2:one; o. Off-street Parking: one parking space (10 ft. x 20 ft.) shall be required for every 150_square feet of gross floor area, or one such space for every 1.3 employees, whichever is greater; Chapter 19.17 Page -3- E. LarrlscapinJ a.rd Site layout: Larrlscapi.rg a.rd Site layout shall be approved by the Architectural a.rd Site conunittee; F. Signs: All signs must confonn to Title 17 of the City's MUnicipal Code. admprof /zonirg Chapter 19.17 Page -4- Sections: CHAPI'ER 19.18 AC'CESSORY BUIIDINGS (including Decks arxi Patios) 19.18.010 Application of re!gl.llations 19.18.020 Accessory uses and facilities 19.18.030 site Develop:nent Regulations Chapter 19.l.8 Page -1- 19.18.010 APPLICABILITY OF RmJI.ATIONS '!he regulations established by this Olapter shall be applicable in each district established by this title. 19.18.020 ACCESSORY USES AND FACILITIES A. Accessory uses an:1. facilities shall be permitted in any district where incidental to an:1. associated with a permitted use an:l authorized corrlitional use therein, subject to the provisions of the section. B. Accessory uses an:l facilities: 1) shall be subordinate to the primary activity of the principal use on principal facility, respectively; 2) shall oontrib.xte to the canfort, convenience, efficiency, or necessity of the occupants or the activities of a principal use, or the function of a principal structure; 3) shall be located on the same site as the principal use or structure served. c. Accessory uses an:1. facilities include, b.It are not limited to, the followirq list of examples, provided that each acrsssory use or facility shall canply with all provisions of this title: 1) residential garages, an:l parkin:;J facilities, together with aCC!eSS an:1. circulation elements necessary thereto; 2) custaner, visitor, an:l enployee parkin:;J facilities, an:l off-street load:i.n:;J facilities, together with aCC!eSS an:1. related elements necessary thereto; 3) facilities for storage incidental to a principal use. Cbapter 19.18 Page -2- 4) recreational uses a.n:i facilities for the use a.n:i convenience of occupants or employE:!eS, or guests thereof, of a principal use or facility. 5) J1e'iNSStands, gift shops, drugstores, a.n:i eating a.n:i drinking facilities, or similar service interrl.eci solely for the convenience of occupants or employees, or guests thereof, of a principal use or facility; 6) l:uildirg management offices when lcx::a.ted within the principal facility a:rd limited to the managem:mt thereof; 7) refreshment a.n:i service facilities in parks, playgrounds, a.n:i in pennitted p..Iblic or private recreation facilities or schools; 8) the operation of SE~ice facilities a.n:i equip:nent in connection with schools;, hospitals, a.n:i similar institutions or uses, when lcx::a.ted on the site of the principal use. D. No use or facility pennitted as an accessory use or facility pursuant to this Olapter shall be construed to be pennitted as a principal use or facility unless; specifically authorized as pennitted or con:litional use in the district in which it shall be lcx::ated. Operation, ocx::upa.ncy, a.n:i contirl.UallCe of allowable accessory uses a.n:i facilities shall be oon:titioned upon continued ocx::upa.ncy or use of the principal use or facility being selr\Ted. 19 .18. 030 SITE DEVELOPMENT REritJI.A'.I'IONS A. GENERAL Rmur.ATIONS Except as otherwise provided in this section, accessory l:uildings shall at all times be lcx::atecll in conformance with requirenents for Olapter 19.18 Page -3- principal buildings, arrl shall not be located in any required front, sides, or rear yard setback area. B. RE.SIDENI'IAL AND AGR!CUL'IURAL ~ In residential arrl agricultural zoni.rg districts, accessory bu.ildi.rqs\structures may be located in a req:uired interior yard subject to the following restrictions: 1) With respect to accessory bu.ildi.rqs\structures (includ.i.rq decks and patios) which are attached to principal dwellings: a) All site develcpnent regulations including setba.cks, height, arrl lot coverage regulations 8.R,)licable to principal dwellings in the applicable zone also govern attached accessory bu.ildi.rqs\structures; b) '!hey shall be structurally integrated with the principal dwelling; c) Unenclosed patio covers may exten:i as close as ten(lO) feet to the rear property line; d) Attached aocessory bu.ildi.rqs\structures which are used solely for rec:reation purposes (includi.rg decks and patios), and which have a floor or step height greater than eighteen(18) inches above any point of the adjoining finished grade, must have a min:illB.nn setba.ck of ten(lO) feet fran any property line. e) In agricultural zoning districts attached accessory bu.ildi.rqs\structures which are used solely for agricultural uses are not restricted as to height, provided that said bu.ildi.rqs\structures are of a design and height usual for that purpose; Chapter 19.18 Page -4- f) First floor decks arxi patios, other than those described in subsection d) of this section, may encroach to within three feet of a property line;~ g) First floor decks an:i patios may encroach three feet into front yard setba.cks; h) A secorrl story deck or patio may encroach three(3) feet into the front setba.ck for the principal dwellinJ; i) 'lhe mininann side yard setba.cks for second story decks arxi patios are: (1) fifteen(15) feet -residential zones; (2) twenty(20) feet -aqricultural zones; j) 'lhe mininann rear yard setba.cks for second story decks arxi patios are: (1) twenty(20) feet -n:isidential zones; (2) twenty-five(25) feet -agricultural zones; 2. With respect to detached accessory tuildin;Js\structures (includin;:J an R2 ZoninJ district -(a) & (b) only) a) 'lhe mininann lot coverage is thirty per cent (30%) of the useable rear yard arE?ai b) 'lhe mininann distanoE! fran a principal dwellinJ is five(5) feet (measured bet:WE!Em the eaves) Cl'lapter 19.18 Page -5- RHS, A, an:l A-l zones; however, small, p::>rtable storage b.ti.ldirgs less than six(6) feet in height, which are not attached to a b.ti.ldirg, pennanent fourrlation, or pad, may be located closer than five(S) feet to a principal dwell:in;J, but no closer than three(3) feet fran any property line; c) No detached accessory b.rlldirg\structure shall be located less than three feet fran any property line; d) Detached acoassor:y b.ti.ldirgs\structures shall be limited to a s:in;Jle-story arrl shall not exceed a height of seven(7) feet beginn:inJ at a three(3) foot setback fran rear or side property lines. '!he height enoampasses the entire wall plane nearest the property line, includ:i.rg the roof, eaves, an:l any portion of the fourrlation visible above the adjoinirg finished grade. '!he wall plane height may be increased by one (l) foot for each additional 1 1\2 feet of setback (correspon:iin;J to a thirty-three degree (33) degree argle) , up to a maximum height of fifteen feet (15), as depicted in the follow:in;J diagram. '!he maximum height of construction shall not exceed 20 ft. 01apter 19.18 Page -6- e) Detached accessory b.tlldirqs\structures which are used solely for recreation purposes ( includirg decks an:l patios) , an:l which have a floor or step height greater than eighteen ( lB) inches above any point at the adjoining finished grade, nrust have a mininu.nn setback of ten(lO) feet from any property line; f) '1he mininu.nn front yard setbacks for detached acx::essory l:JUildirqs\structures are: 1) twenty(20) feet in residential zones; 2) thirty(30) feet in agricultural zones. g) With respect to corner lots, the street side yard setback nrust be no less than fifteen(15)feet an:l no less than twenty(20) feet in the event that the corner lot is adjacent to a key lot. h) In R-2 an:l R-3 zc>nes, in the case of an interior lot al:uttirg only one srtreet, no detached accessory b.tllcl:in;J or structure, except a detached garage, ma.y occupy the front 50% of the lot area. zonirg/accbldq Chapter 19.1;6 Page -7- ~: 19.19 SEXX>ND rMELL1NG UNI'I'S m R-1, RHS, A, AND A-1 ZONES Sections: 19.19.010 Purpose 19.19.020 Application of Regulations 19.19.030 Site Dc3velopnent 'Rl::gulation 19.19.040 Parkirg 19.19.050 Occupancy 19 .19. 060 Architectural Revi•:!W' 19.19.070 Non-conformirg an:3. Illegal 5ecorxi Dwellirg Units Cbapter 19.19 Page -1- 19.19.010 Purpose '!he purpose of this chapter is to praoote the goal of affordable housing within the City through provision of additional housing in certain residential am agricultural zoning districts which would otherwise be prohibited in those districts in a manner which :min.imizes ad.verse impacts to neigh.borhcx::rls. 19.19.020 Applicability of Regulations Notwithstan:ling any provision of this title to the contrary, a secon:i dwelling unit is permitted on lots in R-1, RHS, A am A-1 zoning districts, provided that in addition to complying with the site developrent regulations specified in those districts for dwelling units, such second dwellin;J unit complies with the regulations contained in this chapter. 19.19.030 Site Develoµnent Regulations A. A second dwellin;J unit located on a lot containing less than 10,000 square feet must be attached to the principal dwellin;J am integrated therewith except on "A" & "Al" Zoning districts which can have either attached or detached regardless of lot size. B. All second dwellin;J units shall have direct outside acx:ess without going through the principal dwellin;J. c. All accesses to secon:ia.:ry units shall be screened from a public street. D. '!he gross Wilding area of a second dwellin;J unit shall not exceed 640 square feet of livin;J space, exclusive of dec::ks am garages. Cl'lapter 19.19 Page -2- E. lot coverage of all structur~~, including secon::l units, shall not exceed forty percent ( 40%) of the net lot area, except that in RHS zones lot coverage of all structures shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the net lot area. F. A secon::l dwelling unit may be located. on a secon::l story provided that: 1) Entry to said secon::l dwelling unit is not provided 19.19.040 Parking by an exterior staircase, an::l 2) In the opinion of the Director of Community Developnent, said secon::l unit does not result in privacy intrusion to adjoining dwellinJs. In addition to the parkirg requirements in the applicable zoning district for a particular lot, one (1) functionally :in:leperrlent, paved off-street parkirg spaaa (uncovered) shall be provided for the secord unit, provided, however, that said additional space shall not, in the opinion of the Director of Community DeVelopcent, dc:mi.nate the front setback areas of the lot in such a manner as to denigrate those areas preserved as larrlscape spaaa. Drparvious surfaces may not t:oo::ieed fifty (50) percent of the front setback area (ll.29.040(e) 19.19.050 OOcupanqy 'lhe CMner of a lot which oontains a secord dwelling unit must reside either in the principal residence or in the secord dwellirg. Prior to the issuance of a b.lildirg pennit for a secord dwellirg or the issuance of any occupancy or use pennit for an existirg secon:l dwellin:J, the CMner shall record a covenant or deed restriction in a fonn approved by the City Attomey settin;J forth the above described occupancy requirement. In Olapter 19.19 Page -3- addition, the owner of said lot shall execute on an annual basis, an affidavit or declaration urrl.er penalty of perjury that said owner is residing on the premises. 19.19.060 Architectural Review Prior to issuance of a b.Jilding permit for a secorxi dwellirq unit, the Director of c.onununity Develop.nent shall review the architecture of the proposed dwellirq an::l shall detenn.i.ne: A. '!hat the design of the proposed second dwellirq unit is consistent with the architecture of the principal dwellirq. B. '!hat the b.tllding naterials of the proposed secorxi unit are compatible with the naterials, color, an::l textures of the principal dwellirq. c. '!hat the proposed second dwellirq mtit will not require excessive grading which is visible fran a plblic street or adjoini.n;J private property. 19.19.070 Non-COnfonnirg an::l Illegal Secor.rl Dwellirg units A. A second dwellirq which was constructed prior to the enactment by the city of any ordinance which regulates second dwellirgs in R-1, RHS, A or A-1 zonirq districts b.Jt which was constructed in confonnance with applicable site develcpnent an::l tuilc:tirg code regulations in effect at the time of construction are governed by the provisions of Chapter 19.25 (Non-conform.in;J Uses an::l Facilities). Chapter 19.19 Page -4- B. Illegal Secom Units z-secorrl A secorrl dwellirg which was constructed without a :ruild.irq pennit or in conflict with the applicable site development or :ruildin;J regulations at the time of construction may only be pennitted upon the a.Nner of such a unit obtai.nirq a corrlitional use pennit issued by the Director of Community Development. O'lapter 19.19 Page -5- OJAPI'ER 19.20 CONVERSIONS OF APARIMENI' P.RQJEX::TS 'ro cx:JVlMUNITY HOUSING P.RaJEX::TS sections: 19.20.010 Purpose 19.20.020 Application of Regulations 19.20.030 General Regulations 19.20.040 Parking 19.20.050 Application Requirement 19.20.060 Application Prcx::edures Qiapter 19.20 Page -1- 19.20.010 PUrposes 'Ihe purposes of this ordinance are as follows: A. To regulate conversion of aparbnents a.rrl other fo:ans of rental housin;J units to con:lomini\llllS a.rrl other canununity housin;J projects in order to provide for the housin;J needs of all economic segments of the ccamnunity. B. To ensure that said conversions do not conflict with the goals or policies of the General Plan of the City of CUpertino. c. To provide tenant a.rrl buyer protection relatin;J to displacement a.rrl relocation of renters, ensurin;J that purchasers are inforrre:::l regarding the structural integrity of l:uild:inJs a.rrl the on-site utility system, a.rrl ensurin;J said l:uild:inJs a.rrl utility system reasonably CC111ply with all current cxx:ies which may directly impact the health a.rrl safety of future residences including cxxies related to noise a.rrl insulation starxlards. section 19.20.020 Applicability of Regulations No aparbnent project may be converted to a ccmnunity housin;J project otherwise than in confonnance with the provisions of the c:hapter. Chapter 19.20 Page -2- Section 19.20.040 General Regulations A. c.ammunity Impacts 1. Residential Displacement In no case shall an apartment project be converted to a camnunity housing project unless arrl until it can reasonably be demonstrated. that comparable replacement housing exists within the Housing Market Area to accanm:x:tate those residents displaced as a direct result of the proposed Chapter 19.20 Page -3- conversion. 'llle developer shall provide a relocation/ displacement plan which illustrates that sufficient replacement housing is available in the Housing Market Area within a price range which is equal to or is less than 25% of the household income of the tenants to be displaced, or not to exceed the rent being paid for the existing rental milt to be converte.d, whichever is higher. Replacement housing Im..lSt be shown to meet any special needs of disabled tenants, which are presently available in the project proposed to be converted, such as facilities for the handicapped, elderly, families with children, arrl availability of public transportation for the elderly or residents who do not own an autaoc>bile. 'llle plan shall also dem::mstrate that all other provisions relating to tenant protection addressed in the chapter have been fulfilled. A developer may meet the above requirements through the provision of mitigating factors to diminish the number arrl/or aid relocation of, displaced tenants within the project. said mitigating neasures my include, rut are not limited to, discounting the price of project milts to tenant l:uyers, offering a nmrin;J allowance, exte:ndin;;J leases, or providing below market rate milts. Notwithsta.rx:ling the above provisions, in no case shall an aparbnent house be converted to a ccmnunity housing project when the vacanc.Y rate for apartment houses within the Housing Market Area is less than 5% at the t.i.ne of application arrl has averaged 5% over the past six ( 6) m::mths Olapter 19.20 Page -4- as determined by surveys corx:lucted by the Director of Comnrunity Developnent. 2. Conformity with the Gene:ral Plan No cxmversion of apartment houses to ccmmmity housing' projects shall be permitted unless an:i until the City Council of the City of CUpertino f irns that the proposal conversion will not conflict with the housing' goals an::i policies of the General Plan an::i will not adversely impact the local school system. 3. Prohibition of Disc:rimd.nating' Against Prospective Buyers with atlldren In no case shall a CClllmunity housing' project which has been converted, an:i which can reasonably ac:x:x:rmoodate children, as detennined in each case by the City Council, limit initial sales to households or irrl.ividuals withoot children. B. Tenant Protection 1. '!he developer shall provide each tenant an irrevocable, nontransferable, pre-emptive right to purchase a unit or right of exclusive cxx::upancy at a price not greater than the price offered to the general p.tblic for such unit. Such right shall be irrevocable for a period of ninety (90) days after the ca.mencement of sales or the issuance of the final p.tblic report by the real estate camnissioner. Tenants shall have the right to the unit presently cxx:upied an:i then to other units in the project only after they have been declined for purchase an:i vacated by the cx:x:upyin;J tenants. Olapter 19.20 Page -5- In no case shall an existirg tenant have a pre-emptive right to more than one unit. 2. '!he developer shall offer a ninety (90) day extension of tenancy after the expiration of a lease or rental agreement which would expire prior to or at the time of camnencement of sales or issuance of the final p.iblic report by the real estate cx:mnissioner. 3. '!he developer shall pennit a tenant to terminate any lease or rental agreement without any penalty whatsoever after notice has been given of the intention to convert to comnnmity housirg if such tenant notifies the developer in writirg thirty (30) days in ac:lvalx:e of such termination. c. Buyer Protection '!he developer shall furnish each prospective purchaser of a unit, a true copy of the c:xniitional use pennit issued. urder this chapter a.rd a copy of each of the f ollowirg inf onnational docunents (said pennit am dc:x:::mnents shall be printed in Spanish or purchaser's native lar:guage if requested): 1. Property Rep::>rt. 2. structural Pest control Rep::>rt. 3. structural Rep::>rt a.rd Buildirg Depart:nmt Rep::>rt. 4. Buildirg History Rep::>rt. s. statement of carpliance {Fonn 643) p.irsuant to 10 cal. AD. Code, Section 2792. 9, or its sucx:::essor, relatirg to ope:ratirg a.rd maintenance fun:1s durirg start-up. 6. Soils Rep::>rt as determined in each case by the Director of Plannirg a.rd Develop:nent. 7. certificate of Caq>liance. Chapter 19.20 Page -6- D. Building" and Site Improvem:mts 1. All private streets, driveways and park.irg areas for said canununity housing projects shall be improved and constructed with a structural section and site dim:msions in accordance with the st.aroards of the City of eupertino and shall be designed to ensure that access for tm.micipal services shall not be denied any dwelling unit therein by reason of deteriorated or inpassable private streets, driveways, or park.irg areas, (as det.enn:ined by the Director of Public works or his/her designeei). 2. sewage collection and water distribution lines on private property and property unier CCl'!llIDl1 ownership shall be covered by one of the follCMing responsibilities. a). All lines owned cin:l maintained by the corporations shall be constructed to the City of CUpertino stamard Specifications for Public works. Water metering and billing shall be provided at EBch inilvidual toNnhouse lot as well as for the entire develop:nent using a master meter. 'Ihe difference between the sum of the inilvidual rceters and the reading of the master rreter will be billed to the corporate structure. A separab! sewer lateral shall be provided to serve each inil vidual paJ::oal. b) • All lines to be cJWned and maintained by the City of Cupertino, a private water utility and/or the Cupertino sanitary District shall be placed in asphalt concrete driveways, or a covere:i concrete line trenc:h, acceptable to aiapter 19.20 Page -7- the Director of Public Works, or a_wropriate representation of the private Water utility or Sanitary District (with the necessary public utility easement runnin:;J through the project) so as to provide accessibility for the maintenance of the lines. A water meter an:l sewer lateral shall be provided to serve each in:lividual para!l. c). In cases of conversion to a ccmmmity housirq project not involvirq in:lividual ownership of separate para!ls (e.g. ccmmmity apartments, stock cooperatives, pla.nnerl developnents, etc. ) , separate utility services will not be required. In these cases, utilities will be billed to the haooowners association an:l a cash deposit to secure payment of the bill will be required. 3. urrler-groundin;J Requirements. All structures bei.rq converted fran in:li vidual, oorporate or partnership ownership of apartment houses to ccmmmity housirq projects shall within the exterior l::lour:dary lines of such property have all electrical, catm.mication an:l similar distril::ution, service wires an:l/or cables placed u:rxlerground. 4. Cmpliance with Codes. '!he design, inpravement an:l/or construction of a ccmmmity housirq project shall conform to an:l be in full acxx:>?."danaa with all requirerrents of all b.J.ildi.r:g, fire an:l housi.rq codes, zonir:q provisions an:l other a.R?lica.ble local, state or Federal laws or o:rdinances relati.rq to protection of p.lblic health an:l safety, in effect at the time of the filirq of the tentative map. <llapter 19.20 Page -a- Also, any violations o:E the latest adopted edition of the uniform Hous.i.rg Code •:tS prepared by the International Conference of Building O:Eficials, or its sucx::essor, relatin:;J specifically to provisi1:>ns protect.i.rg health an::l safety of residents, shall be corrected. an::l MrJ equipment or facilities which the building official determines are deteriorated or hazardoLJS, shall be repaired or replaced. In particular, the developer shall repair or replace arrJ damaged or infested areas in need of repair or replacement as sholNn in the structural pest report. 'lhe interpretation of what constitutes a hazard to p.lblic health an::l safety shall be made by the Director of Building an::l Plannirq, or his/her d.esignee. 5. Separate Meter.i.rg. 'Ihe consmnption of gas and electricity within each dwellin:;J unit shall be separately metered so that the unit owner can be separately billed for each utility. 'lhe requirer.tMSnts of this sul::section may be waived where the Director of Cc:mnunity Developnent f.iros that such would not be practical cir reasonable. In all cases, a water shut-off valve shall be provided for each unit. 6. Shock Mcunt.i.rg of Mechanical B;tuipnent. All pennanent mechanical equipnent, includi.rg danestic appliances, which is detennined by the l:.uilding official to be a source or a potential source of vibration or ooise, shall be shock :rcounted, isolated fran the floor and ceilin:;J, or otherwise installed in a manner approved by the bJ.ilding official to lessen the transmission <>f vibration and ooise. Chapter 19.20 Page -9- 7. Separate Electrical Panel Boards. Each unit shall have its own panel board of adequate capacity to acoa:rmxx:1ate all electrical outlets which serve that unit. a. IIrpact Soun:l Insulation. '!he awlicant/owner shall dem.:>nstrate that wall a.rd ceilirg assemblies conf onn to the soun::i insulation perf onna:noa criteria promulgated in Title 25, california Administrative Code, Section 1092, or its successor, an:i that any floor cx:iverirq which is replaced similarly provides the same or greater insulation qualities. 9. storage RequireJ.oonts. Private, enclosed, TNeather-proofed a.rd lcx::kable outdoor storage space shall be provided for each dwellirg unit accordirg to the follOW'irg schedule: #Bedrooms Min. Space in Olbic Ft. I.ease dimension studio or 1 150 2 feet 2 200 2 feet 3 250 2 feet 4 300 2 feet '!he above space shall be provided in the garage or parkirg area or contiguous each unit. '!his requirement may be waived by the Director of CClml.mity Oeveloptent if it is determined that SUff icient storage space exists to reasonably fill th.is starxlard. 10. Private an:i CamPn Area Open Space. '!he Plannirg camtlssion an:i City Council shall revie111 the adequacy of open space in tenns of area, an:i privacy stan:Ja:rds. Private outdoor space shall be provided for each unit, where practical. '!he annmt of space shall be determined in each case by the size Chapter 19.20 Page -10- of the unit an::i a.m:::>il.lnt of COllUIDn open space. Adjoining units shall be redesi•;ned or larDscaped in such a manner so as to preclude visual intrusion into private outdoor yards or interior spaces, where practical. 11. Noise Mitigation. Appropriate site design an::i construction tec:hniques shall be utilized. to ensure isolation from excessive noise sources outside of the project boun::3ary an::i ensure acoustical privacy between adjoining' units. If the Director of Commlmity Developnent determines that an excessive external noise source exists, the developer shall retain an acoustical erqineer to evaluate the noise impact on the proposed. residential developnent an:l develop mitigation n-easures. 1he construction shall ccmply with the a,wlicable City ordinances an:l state codes relatirg to SOl.1I'rl transmission control to ensure acoustical privacy between adjoinirg dwellirg units. 12. Interim Maintenance Standards. 'lhe developer shall be responsible for inprovirg an::i maintaini.rg the structures an::i lan:lscapirg in acx::ordance with the approved architectural an:l lan:lscapirg plans an::i good maintenance practices prior to turnir:g them over to the haooowners asscx::iation. A performance boni shall be oollected to ensure ccmpliance with this requirement. Chapter 19.20 Page -11- Section 19.20.050 Parking A. Off-street Parking '!he project shall provide parking oonsist.ent with the multi-family zone an:i the owner shall derrcnstrate that additional spaces exist to reasonably acx::x:arm:x:3ate guest parking. B. Applicability of city ordinance :Regulating Parking of Trailers an:i Recreational Vehicles, etc. C?lapter 19 regulating parking an:i trailers, repairing vehicles, etc. shall apply to the private street an:i to all parking alorg said street. '!he parking of recreational vehicles such as boats, trailers, etc. shall be prohibited throughout the entire develop:nent lmless said parking is within an enclosed area. Vehicular curb parking alorg the private street shall be prohibited except in designated areas. Appropriate ''No Parking'' signs shall be installed by the applicant. Section 19.20.060 Application Requirements A. In addition to the requirements of Title 18 of this Code (sulxiivisions) an:i SUb:livision Map Act, an application for the conversion of rental housing into cxmm.mity housing shall require the sul:mittal of the following data, which data nust be sul:mitted to the Director of c.arm.mity Develop:nent at the same time the tent;ative map is sul:mitted: 1. A cxmplete legal description of the prq;Jerty. Qlapt:er 19.20 Page -12- 2. Cer::tif ication that all tenants in any building or structure proposed to be converted have been notified in:ilvidually arrl in writirq prior to the time of fil.irg · an application hereurder. 3. A bourrlary map showinc:.:r the exist:i.rq topography of the site arrl the location of all exist:i.rq easements, structures arrl other improverrwant.s, an:L trees over four (4) inches in diameter. 4. '!he proposed organizational doc:mnents. In addition to such covenants, con:iitions ani restrictions that may be required by the Department of Rf~l Fstate of the state of California pursuant to Title 6 (corrlanini1.UI1S) of the civil Code or other state laws or policies, the organization dcx::uments shall provide for the followirg: a). Conveyance of mri.ts. b). Assignment of parki.n;J arrl management of CX11UOOI1 areas within the project. c). A proposed annual 1aperatirq b.ldget containirq a sinkin;J fUrrl to acx::umulate reserve :furx'is to pay for major anticipated maintenance, repair or replacerrent expenses. d). FHA Regulatory Agreement, if any. e). 'Ihe m::>st rec:E'lt balance sheet of the Association. 5. A provision that the annual assessments to members of any Association shall provide for penalties for late paynents ani reasonable attarne!y' s fees ani costs in the event of default of said members. Qiapter 19.20 Page -13- 6. AllCM the Association to term.ina.te the COIJtract of any person or organization engaged by the developer to perf onn management or maintenance duties after any Association a.ssune; oontrol of the project or any time thereafter. 7. A property report describirg the condition a.rd estimatirg the remainirg useful life of each of the f ollCMirg elements of each structure situated within the project proposed for oonversion: roofs, fOl.Jlllations, exterior pa.int, paved surfaces, mechanical systems, electrical systems, pll.llllbirg systems, includirg sewage systems, sprinkler systems for landscapirg, utility delivery systems, central or canmunity heatirg a.rd air conditionirg systems, fire protection systems includirg any autanatic sprinkler systems, alar:m systems, or stan:i pipe systems, a.rd structural elements. such report shall be prepared by a registered civil or structural en.;yineer, or a licensed general b..rlldirg contractor or general en.;yineerirg COirt:ractor. 8. A structural pest report prepared. by a licensed structural pest control operator :pursuant to section 8516 of the Business a.rd Professions COde, relatirg to written reports on the a:bsence or presence of wo:xl d.estroyirg pests or organisms. 9. A structural report describirg the piysical elements of the project shall be sul:mitted to the Pla:nn:in;J Deparbrent with the final map. said report shall also identify any structural elen&lts which are known to be structurally defective or unsafe so as to j:mpose a hazard to the health Chapter 19.20 Page -14- and safety of the ocx::L1pants or users of said ilnprovenents. '!he Director of cammun:i.ty Developnent shall maintain a form cx:>ntainin;J a reasonablE~ list of piysical elenents to be described. in said report:, which form shall be made available to the applicant. 'IhE~ applicant shall arrarqe for project inspections by the Bu.ildirg Department to verify the accuracy report. of the deficiencies noted in the structural '!he b..rlldirg official shall prepare a report detailin;J b..rlldirg codE~ deficiencies or other health and safety deficiencies which must be corrected. prior to sale of units of occupancy. 10. A b..rlldirg history report: includirg the followi.rg: a). '!he date of construction of all elenents of the project. b). A statement of trua major uses of said project si.na:! construction. c). '!he date and descJ::iption of each major repair of any ele.roont si.na:! the date of construction. For the purposes of this sub;ection, a ''major repair" shall mean any repair for which an experditu:re of m::>re than $1000 was ma.de. d). '!he date and description of each major renovation of any ele.roont si.na:! the date of construction. For the purposes of this :sul::section, "major renovation" shall mean any renovatio:n for which an experrliture of more than $1000 was made. e) • statement regardirg current ownership of all improvements and urrlerlyin;J land. Cllapter 19.20 Page -15- f). 'Ihe :nane an::l address of ea.ch present tenant of the project. g) • Failure to provide infonnation required by sul::sections (1) through (6), inclusive, shall be acx:::anpanied by an affidavit, given urrler penalty of perjury, settin;J forth in detail all efforts urrlert.aken to discover such inf onnation an::l all reasons why said infonnation cannot be obtained.. 11. A rental histo:ry detailin;J the size in square footage, the current or last rental rate, the nart:hly rental rate for the pre.cedin;J two (2) yea.rs, ard the nart:hly vacancy over the pre.cedin;J two (2) yea.rs of ea.ch rental unit proposed to be converted. B. con:laninium Plan. '1he application ·for final sulxlivision map shall include a COf1i of the con:laninium Plan prepared :p.rrsuant to Civil COdes, Section 1351. said plan shall be sul::mitted for the infonnation of the local governin;J lxxiy an::l nee:l not be part of the sulxlivision map. c. Project Organization. A written description regardirxJ the proposed project organization includirg the use an::l control of the cx:mnon elements ard recreation facilities within the project shall be sul::mitted to the Plannirg Depa.rtnent with the tentative map. said statement shall detail any proposed control of canmon facilities to be retained. by the developer or to be owned or maintained by any other organization other than the haneowners association or unit C1#1J"ler'S. <l'lapt.er 19.20 Page -16- D. A true copy of each application sul:Jnitted for issuance of a Final PU.blic Report to the Depcrt:ment of Real Estate of the state of calif ornia for the project proposed for conversion including all attactnnents arrl exhibits thereto required by the Depa.rtnelt pursuant to Section 11011 of the Business arrl Professions Ccx:le. A true copy of the statement of Carpliance (form 643 as amerrled) pursuant to 10 cai. Ad. ec:Oe, Section 2792. 9, or its sucx:essor, relating to operating arrl rnaintenance :furrls during the start up. A statement whether the developer will provide aey-capital contribution to our Association for def erred maintenance of the canrcon areas, arrl if so, the sum arrl date on 'Which the Association will receive said sum. E. A true copy Of the SUpplemental Questionnaire for apartments converted to ccmm.mity housin;J projects sul:mitted to the Deparbnent of Real Fstate of the state of calif ornia for the project proposed for o:>nversion, arrl shall include all attadnnents arrl exhibits thereto; provided, hoWever, that to the extent the information re:;iuired to be furnished pursuant to sub-sections D arrl E is not available at the tine of awlication, any corrlitiona.l Use Permit issued unier this part shall require the developer to furnish such information to the City within ten (10) days of i.ssuana9 by the Department of Real Fstate. F. Rel~tion Displac:envmt Plan. A Relocation Displac:envmt Plan shall detail the rnnnber of residents which will be displaced as a result of the proposed cx:1nversion arrl doCl..ment the "reasonable" availability of canparable! replac:envmt housin;J in the OJpertino crapt.er 19.2:0 Page -17- area within a rental rarqe equal to the rarqe which the tenants have paid as detailed in a rental report (see Section 19.20.060 (11) or within a price rarqe which is equal to or less than 25% of the income ra.rge of each household to be displaced as a result of the conversion whichever is higher. Additionally, replacement housirq must be shown to meet any special needs, which are presently available in the project, of displaced tenants such as facilities for the han:lica.i;:psd, elderly, households with children, arxi availability of public transportation for the elderly or resident ruyers who are t:.enp:>rarily displaced pen:lirq completion of improvements to the units beirq p.rrchased. G. soils Report. A true copy of the soils Report originally prepared for the subject property. In cases where a soils report has never been prepared or when information in previous reports is considered insufficient as determined by the Director of Pla:nnin;J arxi Develcpnent, then the developer shall provide a soils Report prepared by a registered Civil Fngineer, or equivalent, which details information as determined by the Director of Public Works. H. All information required by Chapter 19.11 (Planned Develcpnent Zone) of the City of CUpertino. SUCh information which the Pla:nnin;J camnission or the Director of Omrtmity Develcpnent detennines is necessary to evaluate the prqxx;ed project. Olapter 19.20 Page -18- Section 19.20.070 Application Procedures Any aparb:nent hOUSE:! project proposed to be converted to a cxmmmity housin;J projEct shall be rezoned to the R1C (Sirgle-family Cluster) or P (Planned Develcpnent project with Sirgle-family Residential IntEmt) zoning district. B. Use Pentdt an:l Tentative~ Map or Parcel Map Required. No conversion shall be pennitted unless an:l until a contitiona.l use pennit an:l Umtatiw ID2ip or parcel map has been applied for an:l issued pursuant to an:l in accordance with the provisions of this chapter an:l the requi:re.uents of the sulxlivision Map Act or its Sl.100:!SSOr. c. Property an:l structural Pest Report. After reviewin;J the property I structural anl structural pest reports required to be sul:mitted pursuant to section 19.20.060(8) an:l inspectin;J the structures situated within the project when he deems such inspection necessary, the l:uildirg official shall identify all items if evidenced by such. reports an:l/or inspection to be hazardous to the life, health or safety of the oco.:ipants of such structure within the project, or the general p.iblic. Each pennit issued hereurrler shall require all of such items to be corrected to the satisfaction of the ruildirg official. '!he ruildirg official shall review the property report an:l may require its revision an:l re-sul:mission if he determines that substantial evidence shows that any statement therein is without fOlll'Dation or fact. said report may be revised to reflect improveroo:nt, repair or replacement. 01apter 19.20 Page -19- D. Organizational Documemt ReVier1. 'lhe Organizational Documents shall be sut.mitted to the City Attorney for a determination that such doa..nnents canply with the requirements of this chapter arrl. the applicable state laws. E. Compliance with Housing, Building Codes arrl. Fire Regulations. If the proposed project does not carply with the provisions of the state of california unif onn Building COde arrl. regulations of the santa Clara central Fire Protection District, arrl./or the b.lild:i.ng official identifies it.ems to be corrected as provided in the above, any use pennit issued i:ursuant to this part shall require the developer to furnish a bon:i, in a penal a:o:omt equal to the reasonable estimated cost to bring their project into carplianoe with said codes, said fire regulations ard/or such identified it.ems to be oorreicted. Said bon:i shall run in favor of the in:lividual p.rrchasers arrl. the haneowners association arrl. shall provide for reasonable attorney's fees in the event of default by the principal. 'lhe City shall hold said bon:i pend.irg issuance of the certificate of carq;>letion. F. Public Hearings. 'lhe tentative map, use pennit arrl. rezoni.rg portion of the awlication will be heard in a plblic hearing before the Planning Ccm:nission. 'lhe Pla:rm.irg Ccm:nission will recx:mnen:l either approval or denial to the City Courx::il. If the city Courx::il approves the proposed conversion, the awlicant will be required to sutmit detailed site improvement plans to the Architectural ard site ~ camdttee for any exterior alterations or improvements to the b.rlld:i.ngs arrl./or landscapi.n;J. Olapter 19.20 Page -20- Z-API'PRO '!he Architectural an:l Site AJ;:proval Committeie will make a final recannnerrlation to the City c.ouncil regardin;; said improvements. '!he City Council's final action will be a reviet¥ of the architectural plan an:l final map to determine approval or denial of the project. G. letter Certifying Conpliance. '!he Director of Conmmity Developtent shall caUSE! a final inspection of all b..rllclirgs an:l structures to be made, upon request by the developer, to determine that the require.nents of this chapter have been fulfilled. '!he b.lildinc;J official shall then mark the inspection report to show the corrections, repairs an::l replacenents which have been made. If cxrrplete, the Director will cause to be issued a letter certifying cxrrpliance with all of the cor.ditians an:l approvals an::l with this ordinance an::l authorize sale an::l/or occupancy of said units. No buildinc;J or unit a,wlied for un::ler this part shall be sold without said letter certifying cxrrpliance an::l approving oocupancy. Cllapter 19.20 Page -21- SECI'IONS: 19.21.010 19.21.020 19.21.030 19.21.040 19.21.050 19.21.060 19.21.070 PURFOSE CHAPI'ER 19.21 H<ME OCOJPATIONS GENERAL ~rrs STANDARDS INTERPRErATION OF STANDARDS PERSONS EMPIDYED EXCUJDED oca:JPATIONS NQN-(X)NFORMING US1lS Chapter 19. =~1 Page -1- 19.21.010 Purpose '!he puqx:xse of this ordinance is to :permit and regulate the corrluct of hame c::ccu:pations as a accessory use in a residence, whether owner or renter occupied., and to ensure that such hone c::ccu:pations are compatible with the neighborhoods in which they are located. '!he intent is to protect residential areas from adverse effects of activities associated with hame c::ccu:pations, while allowing residents of the camrunity to use their hanes as a 'Wt>rk place and a source of livelihood un:ler certain corrlitions. '!he City ac.knowledges that charges in technology and canposition of the work force, anong other factors, have contriblted to a growing interest on the part of OJpertino citizens to live and work in their hanes. '!he City also f .i.ms that home b.lsiness enterprises can help reduce cxmruter-traff ic iltpacts, reduce or eliminate child care eJqJenses for peq:>le with you:rq families, and provide the opportunity to "test" creative b.lsiness ventures with greatly reduced start-up costs. 19. 21. 020 General Requirements A. A Home OCx::upation is a b.lsiness, profession, c::ccu:pation or trade activity of a nonresidential nature which is perfonned by the resident(s) of a dwelling writ within that dwelling writ, or a yard area or garage associated with that dwelling writ, for purposes of generating incane or engaging in gainful employment, whether for llDl1etary or similar forms of ca:npensation, by means of the manufacture, provision and/or sale of goods and/or services, rut which activity is clearly incidental to the use of the dwelling for residential purposes. C11apter 19.21 Page -2- B. Ho.me oa::upa.tions conducted in aexx>rdance with the provisions of this chapter shall be permitted in residential zones, arrl in other areas where residential use is allov.red, provided that the oa::upa.tion is clearly incidental arrl secorrlary to the use of the dwell.irg for residential purposes, arrl does not chang'e the residential character there!Of; arrl provided that such oa::upa.tion is not detrimental to the health, safety, public welfare arrl property values in the neighborhood. C. Authorization to establish a heme oa::upa.tion shall be evidenced by paynent of a b.lsiness tax and the issuance of a city of CUpertino Business License Tax Certificate. All hane oa::upa.tions shall be subject to all provisions of the CUpertino MUnicipal OXle regulat.irg the issuance of b.lsiness licenses. 19.21.030 standards '!he f ollow.irg req_uirements must be met at the establishment of the hane oa::upa.tion, arrl must be maintained on a continuir:g basis dur.irg operation of the b.lsiness activity: (Diagram) 19. 21. 040 Interpretation of starrlards A. '!he Director of canmunity Developne:nt shall be empowered to determine if any proposed hane c:x:::cu:pation is consistent with the standards stated in this Chapter. Persons aggrieved by an interpretation of the Director of canmunity Develop.rent may petition the Pla.nni.rg ccmnission in writin;J for review of said interpretation subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.31 of this title. B. '!he Pla.nni.rg ccmnission or Director of canmunity Develop.rent may interpret a proposed use as an acceptable hane c:x:::cu:pation activity, bJ.t may determine that the use is of an unusual nature or intensity such that the applicant may be required to obtain a con:litional use pennit fran the Director of camunity Develop.rent prior to cx:mnencin;J b.lsiness activity, in accordance with the proca:lures outlined in Cllapter 19.28 of this title. 19.21.050 Persons Employed Hane c:x:::cu:pations shall be carried on by members of the household occupyin;J the dwellin;J, with not IIDre than one additional person employed on the premises who is not a resident thereof. '!his shall not exclude the employment of darestic servants, gardeners, janitors, or other persons concerned in the operation or maintenance of the dwellin;J, whether livin;J on the premises or not. 19.21.060 Excluded Oc:D..Jpations '!he c:x:::cu:pations listed belo;,r, shall not be considered incidental and secondary to the use of a reside.nee for dwellin;J pn:p::ises. SUCh uses, by the nature of the i.nvesbnent necessa:cy in equiy;:m:mt or operational Chapter 19.21 Page -5- characteristics, demonstrate a tendenc::y once started to increase rapidly beyon::i the scope of a home occupation,. an::l thus impair the use an::i value of a residentially zone:l area an::l are therefore prohibited in residential zones: A. Autorrobile Repair Shops, includirq paint an::l b:rly work. B. Barber Shops an::i Beauty Parl<:>rs. c. Boa.rd.i.rg an::l/ or Roaming H<::lllE!f; for rrore than two guests. D. Clinics an::l Hospitals, also Veterinacy (Animal) Clinics an::l Hospitals. E. Kennels an::l other b::>al:'din;J for pets, in excess of the rrumber of animals allowed in the base :?:onirq district where specified. F. Medical offices for Physicians, Dentists, osteopaths, an::l other practitioners, but excludirq reception an::l examination of patients. G. Private schools with organiz1:d classes. H. Upholstery, small ergine rep3.ir, 11Jeld.i.rq shops. I. other uses which are fourrl by the camm.mity Developnent Director to be of similar intensity aim characteristics of use to those e:rn.m:erated in this section, .an::l are thus in::x:msistent with the stated purposes of this C'lapter. 19.21.070 Excluded oceupations Notwithstarxlin;J the provisions of this Chapter, all hare occupations which exist as non:-cxmf orm:iiq uses in any residential zone or in other areas where residential uses are allowed, shall be allowed to continue as legal, non-confonnin;J uses subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.23. zoning/haneocc Chapter 19. :a Page -6- CliAPI'ER 19.22 PARKING AND KEEPING VEHICLES m VARIOUS l.ONES S~ONS: 19.22.010 19.22.020 19.22.030 Purpose Application of Regulation Regulations Chapter 19.22 Page -1- section 19.22.010 Purpose '!he purpose of this ordinance is to regulate the parkir:g of vehicles which are unsightly, over-sized, or which are detrimental to property values or the peace an:l enjoynent of neighborin;J property owners or residents. section 19.22.020 Agplication of Regulations No vehicle may be parked, stored, or kept on any parcel of lan:l within the City of CUpertino otherwise than in conformance with the follOW'ing provisions. section 19.22.030 Regulations A. Vehicles permitted in Residential Zones. 1. Front or street side setback area. Vehicles are permitted to be placed, kept., or parked in a front or street side yard set back area (as defined in Olapter 19.02.030(44) of this Title) or within twelve (12) feet of a :public right of way in a rear yard area in all residential zones subject to the follOW'in;J restrictions: a) A maxim..nn of four (4) vehicles are permitted on a lot in residential zone req:u:irin;J a lot size of 10,000 square feet or less, a maxim..nn of six (6) vehicles are permitted in all other residential zonas, unless a greater number is approved by the city in conjunction with a developrent plan. For Olapter 19.22 Page -2- purposes of counting vehicles, a camper lllCllll'lted on a pick-up truck is considered one vehicle an:l other similarly vertically stacked carp:ments which belong together shall be counted as a single vehicle. Horizontal groupings shall be counted as two (2) vehicles. b) Any open vehicle contain.irg trash or debris is prohibited. c) No portion of any vehicle may over.harg any p.lblic right of way. d) All vehicles must be parked on an impervious surfaaa consistirq of concrete, asphalt, or other like materials. Said impervious surf aaas may oot exoaed 50% of the front setback area, unless a greater area is approved by the city in conjunction with a developnent plan. e) All vehicles must be currently registered, where registration is required for legal operation an:l in good operatirq caniltion. 2. Area outside of front or street side setb:ick areas. Vehicles are permitted to be placed, kept, or parked in any yard area, exc:ludin;J those yard areas regulated by 17 .040 (A) (1) provided a three (3) foot m.i..n.i:mum clearance is maintained to any structure. C'lapter 19.22 Page -3- 3. Park.big" within structures. Vehicles are pe:nnitted to be placa:l, kept, or parkied in any legal structure, provided that no more than one ( 1) required enclosed park.big" space is occupied by a vehicle not capable of being propelled urxier its own power. 4. Non self-propelled Vehicles. A maxim.um of two (2) vehicles not capable of l::eing propelled urxier their own power are pe:nnitted to be plaoed., kept, or parked outside a legal structure on a lot. 5. Living or sleeping quarters. No vehicle shall 1::e used for living or sleeping quarbers, except as pe:nnitted l::elow: a) Vehicles located in a nobile hane park and used consistent with any city regulations a.wlicable to mobile hane parks are permitted. b) Trailers, campers, or recreational vehicles may 1::e used by a bona fide guest of a city resident for a period not to exceed 72 hours where the trailer, camper, or recreational vehicle is located on said residents property. 6. Mobile hanes. Mobile hanes, excluding travel trailers, are not permitted within the residential zones of the city, except in a mobile hane park or as provided by state law. Cbapter 19. 2:~ Page -4- B. Vehicles permitted in Non Residential Zones. 1. Parkirg must be oonsistent with allOIN'E!d uses in the zone. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, keep or maintain or permit to be placed, kept, or maintained, any vehicle upon any lot, place or parcel of lan:l within the non-residential zones of the city, except for storage, sale or b.Jsiness use as permitted in such zones. 2. Construction Trailers. Trailers may be used for temporary offices on construction sites provided that a permit is obtained fran the city b..rlldirg department after satisfactocy infonnation has been given that the use is in canpliance with the corrlitions of this acd.inance. c. I..oadirg an:1 unload:in;J an:1 utility Vehicles. '!he provisions of this acd.inance are inapplicable to active load:in;J or unload:in;J of any vehicle or to any i;ublic service or utility carpany vehicles while in the performanc.la of service or maintenance 'Werk. D. Parki.rq on vacant lots. No vehicle may be parked, kept, or store::i upon any vacant or uninproved parcel within the city. E. other parki.rq regulations as outlined in Title 11. zvehpark C1'lapte:r 19.22 Page -5- SWI'IONS: 19.23.010 19.23.020 19.23.030 19.23.040 CEAPrER 19.23 OFF-STREEI' PARKING REGUI.ATIONS Purpose AR;>lication Parkirg Requirenents (Table #1) Exceptions Cl'lapter 19.23 Page -1- Section 19.23.010 Purpose '!be purpose of this o:rdinance is. to establish regulations pertainin;J to the design and ntmlber of off-street parking spaces for land use activities located in various zoning districts. Section 19.23.020 As;>lication of RlegyJ.ations Buildings, structures, and lam uses are required to provide off-street parking in oonfonnanc:e with this chapter. '!be sta.rrlards and regulations contained in this: chapter regulate off-street parking for conventional zonin;J districts: and are inten:1ed also as guidelines for develop:ne:nt projects located in Planned Developnent (PD) zones. Section 19.23.030 Parking Regulations A. Parking Patio and Dinension. Table 1 defines the required ntmlber of parking spaces by size ard type for specific zonir:g districts and use within zonir:g districts. B. Aisle Dinension shall be cLS required by "standard details" adopted by the City Erqineer. c. loading areas. I..oa.dirg areeLS, truck parking spaces, and parking spaces for vehicles other than autcm:>biles shall have ample dinensions for the particular use and type of operation, and be designed or required by the Clty Erqineer. Chapter 19.23 Page -2- D. Planned Development Districts. '!he parldn;J requirement contained. in table 1 functions as guidelines for projects in Planned Develop:nent Zoning Districts. Within such districts, the architectural am site review-ccmnittee, Pla.nnirq camnission, or City Council may approve a development plan which deviates fran table 1 requirements if an applicant provides a parldn;J study which supports said deviation. E. Mixed Use Projects. Where IIDre than one of the activities specified in table 1 is initiated in a b.rlldin;J or on a site not requiring review-by any cx:mnittee, ca:mnission, or the City Council, the Director of camm..mity Develop:nent shall detennine the total parldn;J requirement based upon the application of parldn;J requirements for in:lividual uses as described in table 1. F. Shared Parkin;J. '1he Plannirg Camnission or City Council may approve a shared parldn;J plan for a particular project whereby a parldn;J space is utilized to serve two or IIDre in:lividual lam uses urrler the following con:litions: a) '1he lam use consists of a shopping center, off ice or irdustrial development which is owned or managed by a simple entity. b) '1he lam use urrler simple management are in close proximity to each other am are served by a cxmrr:m parldn;J facility. c) '1he applicant has sul::mitted a detailed parldn;J study which dem:>nstrates that the proposed use is canpatible with the proposed parldn;J supply. C1lapter 19.23 Page -3- '!he proposed shared. parking plan may be approved. in conjunct.ion with a con::litional use pennit application in a Planned Development zone or via an except.ion for a project which is not located in a Planned Develcpnent zone. G. Tan:iem, Valet, and other special parking' arrarqements. Tan:iem, Valet, and other special fonns of parking' may be approved. in oonjunction with a con:litional use pennit in a Planned Develcpnent zone or via an exception for a project not in a Planned Development zone. H. Minimum stall dimension in parking' structure. '!he mininn.nn stall dimension for a sta:rx3ard space located in a parki.rg garage or other enclosed parking' struc±ure and interded for non-residential uses is 9' x 18' • '!he mininn.nn dimensions for a similarly situated cc:mpact space is 8' x 16" I. Hardicapped Parking' '!he han:licapped parking' requirement emlxxlied. in section 7.7102 of the Title 24 of the Administrative cxxle of the state of california, as amen:led, is hereby incorporated into this chapter by reference. Olapter 19.~~3 Page -4- J. Other regulations outlined in Title 11. K. IDts frontin;J on Public or Private streets. If no on-street parking is available, four (4) functionally irrlepe:rrlent off-street spaces in addition to required covered spaces. L. Farm Equipnent, Tractors or farm equip:nent which are regularly parked on-site within t'iillO hundred (200) feet of a public street or road, such parking places shall be screened fran sight of the street. Section 19.23.040 ExO@Ptions After a public hearin;J, the Plarmirg camnission may grant a parking exception for a project not located in a planned develqm:mt zonin;J district upon nakin;J the followin;J firrlings: A. '!here are extraordinary oorxli.tions not generally applicable to similar uses which justify the exception (i.e. unusually high percentage of the lot area is lan::iscaped). B. '!he exception departs fran the requirements of this c.bapter to the minimum degree necessary to allow the project to procee:l. c. '!he exception will not adversely affect neighborin;J properties by causin;J unreasonable m.nnbers of vehicles to park on said neighborin;J properties or upon public streets. '!he decision of the Plarmirg canmission to grant or deny such an exception may be appealed to the City Council p.irsuant to the procedures described in Chapter 19.31. zonin;J/zoffpark 01apter 19.23 Page -5- LANDU SE ZONES PARKING RATIO STANDARD % COMPACT (GROSS SQUARE FEET) DIMENSIONS COMPACTS DIMENSIONS RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY Rl/RHS 4/DU (2 GARAGE + 2 OPEN) 9X 18 Al SINGLE FAMILY CLUSTER RlC 2.5/DU + 1/BDRM FOR EACH BDRM 9X 18 AFTER FIRST BDRM. DUPLEX R2 3/DU (1 1/2 ENCLOSED + 1 1/2 OPEN) 9X 18 APARTMENT R3 2/0U (1 COVERED + 1 OPEN) NOTE 1 9X18 33 8' x 15.6" MULTIPLE FAMILY (HIGH DENSITY) R3 2/DU 9X 18 33 8' x 15.6" PUBLIC/QUASI· PUBLIC/ AG RIC UL TURE CHURCHE<;, CLUBS BQJCG 1/(4 SEATS) + 1/EMPLOYHE + 9X 18 33 9' x 15.6" LOIX:im, lllllA'I'El{S I/SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLE SOIOOLS & SOIOOL OFFICES BA/BQ I/EMPLOYEE + 1/56 SQ. FT. MULTI-9X 18 33 8' x 15.6" PURPOSE RM. + 8 VISITOR SPACES/SCHOOL+ 1/EACH 3 STIJDENTS AT SENIOR H.S. OR COUF.GELEVEL. AGRICULTURE A 2 GARAGE+ 2 OPEN SANITARIUMS & REST HOMES IQ 1/DOCTOR + I/EACH 3 EMPLOYEES) + 9X 18 33 8' x 15.6" 1/6 BEDS AGRICULTURAL/ENTERTAINMENT A-UA 1/4 SEATS + l/EMPLOYEE 9X18 33 8' x 15.6" GYMS, AUDITORIUMS, SKATING BA/BQ 1156 SQ. FT. FL. AREA USED FOR 9X18 33 8' x 15.6" RINKS, wrmour FIXED SEATS CD SEATING PURPOSES + l/EMPLOYEE MEDICAL & DENTAL CLINICS CD 11175 SO. FT. 9X18 33 g• x 15.6" COMMERCIAL MOTELS/HOTELS/LOOOING en I/UNIT + liEMPLOYEE NOTE 2 9XIB 1/3 SEATS + IJEMPLOYEE + 1/36 SQ. RESTAURANT/BAR & NIGHTCLUBS CD FT. OFDANCEFLCXlll 9Xl8 33 8' x 15.6" 1/4 SEATS + liEMPLOYBU + 1136 SQ. RESTAURANTS wrmour SEPARATE CD FT. OF DANCE FLCXlll 9X 18 33 8' x 15.6" BAR 7/LANE + 1/ EMPLOYEE BOWIJNG ALLEYS CD 9X18 33 8' x 15.6" 1/200 SQ. FT. GENERAL CD 9X18 33 s· x 15.6" INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING NOI'E3 ML 1/450 SQ. FT. 8' 8" x 18 so 8' x 15.6" OFFlCFJPROfQ.. TYPE MP/ML/ 11285 SQ. FT. 8'8" x 10 so 8' x 15.6" MANUFACTURING OP OFFICE CORPORATE/ADMINISTRATIVE CG,QP 1/285 SQ. FT. 8' 8" x 18 33 8' x 15.6" GENERAL MULTI-TENANT CD 1/285 SQ. FT. s· s· x 18 33 8' x 15.6" AD MIN/PROFESSIONAL °" 1/150 SQ. FT. OR 1/1.3 m.n>LOYEES 8' 8" x 18 33 8' x 15.6 WHATEVER IS GREATER 1. FOR 10 OR FEWER DWELLING UNITS AT LEAST ONE GARAGE SPACE AND ONE UNCOVERED PARKING SPACE PER DWELLING UNIT. FOR 11 OR GREATER DWELLING UNITS AT LEAST ONE COVERED PARKING SPACE AND ONE UNCOVERED PARKING SPACE PER DWELLING UNITS IS REQUIRED. 2. GUEST PARKING FOR MOTELS/HOTELS/LODGING SHAL.L USE A STANDARD 9' X 18' STALL DIMENSION. TWENTY FIVE (25) PERCENT OF THE REQUIRED PARKING FOR EMPLOYEES AND ANCILLIARY COMMERCIAL SPACE MAY USE A 8' X 15'.6" COMPACT SPACE STANDARD. 3. AT LEAST 50% OF THE FLOOR AREA IS DEVOTED TO MANUFACTURING, ASSEMBLY, AND OR WAREHOUSING. 4. REFER TO PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD DETAILS FOR STALL DIMENSIONS FOR PARKING STRUCTURES 5. REFER TO PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD DETAILS FOR. RJEQUIR.EMENTS FOR. HANDICAPPED PARKING MAC/ZONE/PARKING/5·'2 Cl:IAPI'ER 19.24 ADULT ORIENI'ED <XJ.1MERCIAL ACl'IVITIES Sections: 19.24.010 Purpose 19.24.020 Application of Regulation 19.24.030 Regulations Related to the concentration of .Adult- oriented c.amtercial Activities 19.24.040 Regulations Related to the Proximity of .Adult-oriented c.amtercial Activities to Residential, Public, or Quasi-Public Uses C1lapter 19.24 Page -1- 19.24.010 'lhe purpose of this chapter is 'b::> establish application prcx::e::iures and regulations concernin:;J location •::>f adult-related camnercial activities as defined herein. 'Ihese re:;JU.lations are interrled to guide future adult-related conmercial activities and ensure a healthy, functional envirornnent for existirg an:i future residents within proposed developments and between adjoinirg parcels. '!his Chapter is adopted based on the followirg firdin;Js: '!his council fin::ls that aartain uses of real property, spec:ifically adult lx>ak stores, adult motion picture theatres, adult cabarets, public dance halls, and massage parlors, have serious objectional characteristics, particularly when several of such uses are located in close proximity to each other; that such concentration ten::is to create a "skid row'' atmosphere and has a detrimental effect upon the adjacent area; that regulation of the locations of these uses is necessary to ensure that such adverse effects will not contril:ute to the blight or dowr:gra.dirg of neighborhoods or deter or interfere with the operation and developoont of hotels, 100tels, and lodgirg houses and other b.lsinesses which are neede:i an:l desirable in the City; and that the regulations hereinafter set forth in this ordinance are reasonably necessary and will terd to prevent the clusterirg of such establislunents. '!his council further firrls that, although the control of the concentration or clusterirg of the above uses in aey OD':! area will terd to prevent the creation of "skid row'' and be otherwise beneficial to the people of the city, it will not prevent the deleterious effect Chapter 19.24 Page -2- of blight an:i devaluation of both business, residential, public an:i quasi-public property result:in;J fran the establishment of any of the above-specified uses in a district which is in close proximity to an:i which serves residentially zoned, general plarmed or used property, or property which is zoned, general plarmed or uses for public or quasi-public uses (i.e. churches, schools, civic b.rildir.gs, public or private parks an:i recreational facilities, etc.); that concern for the orderly plannin:;J an:i developnent of a neighborhcxxl should be encouraged an:i fostered in those persons who canprise the business, residential, public an:i quasi-public segments of that neighborhcxxi an:i that the regulations hereinafter set forth in this ordinance restrict:in;J the location of such uses with reference to public, quasi-public or residentially zoned, general plarmed or used property are reasonably necessary an:i will terd tot prevent said deleterious effects. 19.24.020 Application of Regulations '!he provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all uses defined in Section 19.24.030 belo;..r or other uses which in the opinion of the City eouncil are of the same general character as the uses listed in that Section. No b.rlldin;J, structure shall be hereafter erected, structurally altered or enlarged within a zonirg district in the City of CUpertino, otherwise tpan in conformance with the provisions of this <l1apter. '!he regulations set forth in this <l1apter are .inten:1ed to be in addition to an:i not in lieu of other regulations of this COde applicable to any of the above specified uses, an:i, unless otherwise specifically provided, shall not be deemed to repeal or amen:l any other provision or provisions of the CUpert.ino Municipal COde or Zoni.rg ordinarx:=e which are applicable to the <l1apter 19.24 Page -3- above-rrentioned uses or activities, nor l::e deemed to excuse non-campliance with any such other provisions. 19.24.030 Regulations Related To '!he Concentration Of Ad.ult-oriented Commercial Activities A. Notwithstan::lirg a.nyt:hirg elsewhere in this Code to the oontra.ry, no lot or parcel of property in any zon.in;J district or any l:uilding or structure thereon or any portion thereof, shall l::e used for an adult beak stor•:?, adult notion picture theater, adult Q cabaret, public dance hall <::>r massage parlor at a location closer than 1,000 feet to any otl'1e:r such use situate within or outside the City or closer than 1,000 feet to any hotel, notel, or lodging house situate within or outside the City, unless a corrlitional use permit shall have been applied for arrl issued for such use at such location, pursuant to arrl in accordance with the provisions of Clla.pter 19.28. B. In addition to the firrlil'.'g'S required to l::e made by the City Council in issuing a coniitional use permit p.n:-suant to the provisions of Chapter 19.:28, the City Council may issue a corrlitional use permit required by the provisions of this section subject to such corrlitions as it may impose only if it shall make the following fi.n:lin;s. 'lbat the prq>OSed use: 1. Will not l::e contrary to the public interest or unreasonably injurious to the use of nearby properties; 2. Will oonform to the spidt am intent of this Chapter; 3. Will not enlarge 1:>r encourage the developnent of a "skid-row" area; Chapter 19.24 Page -4- 4. Will not be contrary to any program of neighborhood conservation; 5. Will not interfere with any program of urban renewal or redevelopment; an:i 6. Will be in canpliance with all ~licable regulations. 19.24.040 Regulations Related To '!he Proximity Of Adult Oriented camnercial Activities To Residential, Public, Or Quasi-Public Uses. A. Notwit.hst:.a.rrlirq anyth.i.rg elsewhere in this cxxle to the contrary, no lot or parcel of any property in any zonirq district or any l:uildin;J or structure thereon of any portion thereof, shall be used for an adult OOok. store, adult UD'tion picb.J:re theater, adult cabaret, public dance hall, or massage parlor at a location closer than 1,000 feet to any real property zoned, general planned or used for public, quasi-public or residential purpoe;es, whether said parcel of property is situated within or outside the City, unless a corrlitional use permit shall have been ~lied for an:i issued for such use at such location, pursuant to an:i in acx:x>rdance with the provisions of Clapter 19.28. B. In addition to the fi.n:iin;;Js required to be made by the City Council in issuin;J a corrlitional use permit pursuant to the provisions of Clapter 19.28, the City Council may issue a corrlitional use permit required by the provisions of this section subject to such corrlitions as it may ill'ff05P, only if it shall make the follCMin;J fi.n:iin;;Js. 'lhat the prqx:ised use: Cllapte.r 19.24 Page -5- 1. Will not be oontrary to the public interest or unreasonably injurious to the \:ise of p.lblic, quasi-p.lblic or residentially zoned property situated within 1,000 feet of such proposed use; 2. Will not conform to the spirit arrl intent of this Olapter; 3. Will not be oontrary to any program of neighlx>rhood conservation; 4. Will not interfere with any program of urban re:ne!Wal or redevelopercent;arrl 5. Will be in ccmpliance with all awlicable regulations. zoning/adlact Chapter 19.24 Page -6- aIAPrER 19.25 TELEVISION AND RADIO .AERIALS (ANI'ENNAS, MASTS AND ':KMERS) SECr.IONS: 19.25.010 .Pu:qx>se 19.25.020 Applicability of Regulations 19.25.030 Site Developnent Regulations Olapter 19.25 page -1- 19.25.010 Purposes '!he purpose of this section is to collect into one ordinance height regulations pertaining to television and radio aerials for all zones existing in this city. 19.25.020 Applicability of Regulations No receiving television and radio aerials, antenna, masts, and towers shall be hereafter erected, structurally altered or enlarged other than in conf onncrn.ce with the provisions of this chapter and other a:pplicable provisions of this title. 19.25.030 Site Develqpment Regulations A. Television and Radio Aerials 1. Receiving Television and Radio Aerials: a) '!he height of which shall not exceed forty-nine (49) ft. above grourd level. 2. Transmitting Television and Hadio Aerials: a) Shall not exceed a height of fifty-five (55) ft. above grourrl level. 3. An aerial based on the g:courd and exceeding a height of 34 ft. and an aerial based on a bJ.ildirg and exterrl.i.rq oore than 24 ft. above its space shall require a buildirg pennit. Said buildirg pennit requirements shall include adequate details of the location Sl.gX>rt device includ.i.rg footin;J, guy wires and braces to the satisfaction of the Pla.nnirq Director. 4. '!he section of masts and towers mre than thirty (30) ft. above the grourrl shall have a cross section that can be fitted within a square with a side of twelve ( 12) inches. B. Antenna 1. An antenna consisting of a single vertical element not nDre than bNo (2) inches in diameter in lieu of a horizontal arra.rgements shall be acx:epted fran the height restriction. 2. Antennas and/or guy wires shall not overlap adjoinirg properties an::l shall not encroach U[X>ll an easement without the written consent of the owner of said easement. Attached to the application for a buildirg permit. c. Towers 1. Not mre than one ( 1) tower shall be erected on a lot with an aerial less than 20,000 sq. ft. an::l one additional t.aNer for each additional 10,000 sq. ft. above 20,000 sq. ft. WOOd towers shall not be erected. 2. Masts and towers must be located at least 10 ft. to the rear of the front buildirg setbac:k. line and shall not be closer than six ft. to any property bourx:1ary. D. Exceptions a) Height exceptions are subject to PJ.a.nnin;J camnission review and approval. '!he review shall include impacts to adjoinirg properties and to the neightorhood as a whole. zoning/chap1925 Olapt:er 19.25 page -2- SEX:T.rONS 19.26.010 19.26.020 19.26.030 19.26.040 19.26.050 19.26.060 19.26.070 19.26.080 19.26.090 19.26.100 19.26.110 19.26.120 <lIAPI'ER 19.26 NONCDNFORMING USES AND NONCDNFORMING FACILITIES General AR;>lication Non-COnf onning Uses -Expansion Non-COnf onning Uses -<lla.r.ge Non-contonning Uses -Ma.intenance and Repair of Facility Non-contonning Uses -Replacement of Facility Non-carplyi.rg Facilities -Enlargenett Non-carplyi.rg Facilities -Ma.intenance and Repair Non-carply:i.rg Facilities -Replacement Dete:rmi.nation of Value Record of Non-confonning Uses and Non-catplyi.rg Facilities ProceeclirY:Js to Determine if Non-conf onning Use is no I.orqer lawful AR;>eal Cbapter 19.26 Page -1- 19.26.010 General Ag>lication A. Non-conforming' Uses 1) Any non-confonnirg use, as. defined in Section 19.02.030 of this title, may be continued in:lef initely, rut if such use is discontinued or abanioned felt." a period of six (6) 100llths or rcore, it shall thereafter confonn to the provisions of this title. 2) Any non-conformirg use ma.y be c::harged., altered., or maintained only as provided in this chapter or as otherwise provided. by law. B. Non::Cgnplying Facilities 1) Any non--canplyi.rg facility, as defined in Section 19.02.050 may be maintained in:lefinitely subject, however, to the requirements of Title 16 relati.rg to unsafe, dilapidated. arrl abarrloned b.rildi.rgs, facilities corrtaini.rg toxic materials, unreinforced. ma.som:y b.rildi.rgs, arrl otli.er provisions of that title which are interded to protect the health arrl safety of the public. Notwithsta.rrli.rg the above, a non-canplyirg facility may not be maintained as either a public or private nuisance. 2) Any non-canplyi.rg facility D:ay be enlarged, expanded, maintained, or replaced only as provided in this Qiapter or as otherwise provided by law. 01.apter 19.26 Page -2- 19.26-020 Non-COnf ormirg Uses -Expansion A. A non-confonning use nay not be expanded in such a way as to increase the site area, or gross floor area occupied by such use on a site, nor may a non-conf onning use increase the number of structures or the size or height of any structure housin;J such use. A non-confonning use which occupies a portion of a b.rl.ldirg may not be expanded to include additional floor area. 19.26.030 Non-confonning Uses -OJarge A. Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section a non-confonnirg use shall not be charged to any use except to a cx:mfonnirg use. B. A non-confonning use may be charged to any other non-confonning use which ~d have been pennitted unier the IOOSt recent zonin;J classification of the property unier which the existin;J non-confonning use was a cx:mfonnirg use subject to the followirg limitations: 1) '!he charge shall not increase the site area or gross floor area occupied by the existirg non-conf ormirg use nor increase the number of structures or the size or height of any structure housirg said use. 2) "Arly period of temporary vacancy or discontinuance associated. with such charge shall not exoaed six m::mths. 3) SUc.h charge shall be pennitted only if the Director dete:nnines that the b.rl.ldin;J, or portion thereof, presently occupied by the non-confonnirg use is not readily usable as a oonfonning use. In mak.irg this determination, the Director may take into account the time factors described in section 19.25.020 (B) (1). 4) SUc.h charge shall not create, cause, or significantly increase ad.verse privacy, noise, park..in;J, traffic, or similar inpacts with respect to other uses or neighborirg properties. Cl1apter 19.26 Page -3- c. A non-conforming use which is dlarqed to a ronforming use, shall not be re-established, and any portion of a site or any portion of a b..rild.irg', the use of which dlarqes fonn a non-conforming to a ronforming use, shall not thereafter be used except to acccmrodate a ronforming use. 19.26.040 Non-COnf onn:i.ng Uses -Maintenance and Reoair of Facility Facilities occupied or used by a non-conforming use shall be subject to the followinJ' provisions governir:q maintenance, and repairs: A. Nonnal and routine maintenance of any structure for the purpos;e of prese.rvinJ' its existinJ' cordition, retard:i.n;J or el.iminatinJ' wear and tear or physical depreciation or for the purpos;e of camplyinJ' with the requirem:mts of law, shall be permitted. B. Inc:idental alterations shall be permitted, provided that the value of said alterations in any one year period do not exceed 10 per cent of the value of the structure prior to such alterations. c. Alterations of the facility which exceed 10 per cent of the value as described above shall only be permitted to acca:rmo:late a ronf onning use, or when made as a requirement of law. 19.26.050 Non-conf o:nnirs Uses -Rgplac:ement of Facility A facility used wholly or partly by one or more non-conforming uses, which is damaged or destroyed by any means except by intentional acts of the owner and/or tenant of the property may be rea:mstructed for rontinued occupancy by, said non-conforming use or uses provided that: Chapter 19.26 Page -4- A. '1he site area, the gross floor area, the number, size, or height of the facilities occupied by the nan-conforming use, or the intensity of activity, shall not exceed that existirq prior to recx>nstruction. B. '1he reconstruction shall be subject to all applicable laws, regulations, codes arrl procedures otherwise governin:;J construction on the site. 19.26.060 Nong:tnplyina Facility -Enlargeneut EXcept as specifically permitted :try other provisions of this title, no enlargement, expansion, or other addition or iirprovement to a noncomplyirq facility shall be permitted which increases the noncompliance. 'lhis section shall not be construed to prchibit enlargement or improvenent of a facility, otherwise permitted by this title, which does not affect the particular degree or manner in which the facility fails to carply with one or m:>re provisions of this title. 19.26.070 Noncggplyirg Facility -Maintenance arrl Repairs a) Nonnal arrl routine maintenance of a noncomplyirq facility shall be permitted for the p.n::pose of preservirq its existirq con:litions, retard.i.rq or E~liminatirg war arrl tear or physical depreciation, or for tlle pur:pose of carplyirq with the requirements of law. b) Incidental alterations to a norxnnplyirq facility shall be permitted, provided. such alterations do not increase the degree of :noncompliance, or otherwise increase the discrepancy between existirq con:litions arrl the :requirements of this title. Chapter 19.:::6 Page -s- c) structural alterations to a rxmoa:nplyirg facility shall be permitted when necessary to carply with the requirements of law, or to aCC011u1o:late a conform.in;J use when such alterations do not increase the degree of noncarpliarx:ie, or other.wise increase the discrepancy between existirg con:litions and the requirenent of this title. 19.26.080 Non=Cgnplyi.rg Facilities -Replacarent A. Notwithsta:nd.irg any oont:rary provision of this chapter, any facility which houses a conform.irg use in any residential or agricultural zone in the city, which is damaged or destroyed by any means other than the willful action of the owner or tenant, may be replaced as it existed prior to such damage or destruction even if said facility is non-confo:r.ming with regard to :m:i.n:lllum. lot area, lot coverage, setbacks, parkirg or other prescriptive zonirg requirements. B. Except as provided in Section 19.25.0SO(A), a rx:m-canplyirg facility which is damaged or destroyed by any means, may only be reconstructed as a ca:cplyirg facility except un:=ler one, or more, of the followirg circumstanc:es: 1) When the damage or destruction of a rax:x::llplyirg facility affects only a portion of a facility, which portion does not constitute or oontri.b.Ite to the nonca:tplian::'8, said portion may be repaired or reconstructed to its previous configuration. Cbapter 19.26 Page -6- 2) When the darraged or desb::uction of a non-conply:irg facility affects only a portion of such facility, which portion constituted or contribJted to the non-cnnpliance, any replacememt to such darrage shall be acXX11plished in such a manner as not to re-instill the non-cnnpliance caUSE!Cl by the darraged portion of the facility, and. otherwise in full canpliance with law; provided, howreve:r, that in the event that the cost to replace that portion of the damaged facility to its previous configuration does not exc::eed 10% of the value of the entire facility prior to the damage, then that portion may be replaced or recxmstructed to its previous condition. 3) When the darrage or destruction of a :nonca:iply:irg facility is :nonca:iply:irg solely by reason of failure to canply with regulations for floor area ratio and./or site oovera.ge, and. such :nonca:ipliance does not exc::eed the maxim.nn floor area ratio by nDre than a factor of 10 percent and. the maxim.nn site oovera.ge by nDre than 10 peroent, an::l affects only a portion of said facility, then that porticm may be replaced or re.constructed to its previous condition. Olapter 19.26 Page -7- 19.26.090 Detennination of Value Value, as used in this chapter with respect to value of a facility, or to the value of inprovements on a site, or to the value of reconsb:uction or replacement, means the current cost of construction, or the current cost of replacenent in kim of existirg facilities or inprovements, exclud.irg consideration of the value of lan:i. Estimates or determinations of such cost for purposes of this chapter shall be ma.de by or shall be reviewed an:i approved by the chief b.tllding official. 19.26.100 ReQ.?rd of Nonconformirg Uses an:i Noncx:mplyirg Facilities 'Ihe Director of Cannumity Developnent shall maintain a list of all nonconformirg uses an:i all nor¥Xll1Plyirg b.tlldirqs of which he has knowledge which exist within the City e.xapt thos;e properties in a multi-family residential zonirg district. 'Ihe list shall state the nature of the nonconfonnity or noncanpliance an:i date discovered by the City. 19.26.110 Failure to canply with any of the requirements of this chapter shall render an otherwise valid, nonconformirg use lllllawful. Prcoeedirgs to detennine the status of such norxxmf ormirg use shall be held at the request of the Director of Cannumity Developnent, before the Plannirg -::amm.ission urder the same procedures as described in Section 19. 28 .100 of this title. Cllapter 19.26 Page -a- '!he Planning Conunission may declare a nonconfonnirg use unlawful if it fin.is that one or 11Dre of the follow'irq g:rourrls exists: a) '!hat the nonconfo:rmir.g' use is beirq or has been exercised. contrary to the terms or con:lition.s of the original approval; or b) '!hat the nonconfonnirg use is so exercised as to be detrimental to the public health or safety, or to be a nuisance; or c) '!hat a person has mcdifi·ed. a nonconfo:rmir.g' use in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. 19.26.120 A,J;5;>eal All determinations ani decisions of the Planning canmission or the Director of cormrunity Developnent unier this <l1apter are subject to appeal to the City council unier the prcxmures described in section 19.31 of the title. zonirq/1925-A <l1apter 19.26 Page -9- Sections: Clapter 19.28 AMENIJJIENI'S 'IO 'IHE ZOOING MAPS AND ZDNING RlDJIATICNS 19.28.010 AiterX:D:rents 19.28.020 Charqes in District Boundaries 19.28.030 Application by the Property owner 19.28.040 Initiation by the city 19.28.050 Action by the Director 19. 28. 060 Notice of Public Hear~r 19. 28. 070 Action by the Plannirq Canmi ssion 19. 28. 080 Charqes in Regulations 19. 28. 090 Recx:mnen:lation by the Pl.annirg O:mni ssion 19. 28 .100 Action by the City Counc:il 19.28.110 Pre-zonin;J Chapter 19.28 Page -1- Section 19.28.010 Amerrlments '!his Title may be anerrled by chargin;J the bourrlaries of districts, or by chargin':f the regulations applicable within one or mre districts, or by chargin;J any other provision of this Title, whenever the :public interest or general welfare so require. Section 19.28.020 <llarges in District Boumaries Cllarges in the bourrlaries of districts established by this Title may be initiated by any one of the follc:Min';J actions: a) By application of a property owner, as provided in section 19.28.030; b) By m:>tion of the City Council, or by m:>tion of the Pla.nnirq ccm:nission, as provided in section 19.28.040; Section 19.28.030 ~lication !?i Property owner Application for a charge in the bourrlaries of District by the owner or his agent, shall be made to the Director of camm.mity Developoont, an:l shall contain the f ollc:Min';J: A. A description an:l map showi.r:g the bourrlaries of existin';J an:l requested Districts, an:l identifyin':f the property for which a charge of District is requested. B. A written statement settin;J forth the reasons for the application an:l all facts relied upon by the applicant in Sl1pIX'.lrt thereof. c. SUch additional information as the Director may deem pertinent an:l.essential to the application. D. 'Ihe application shall be acxnnpanied by a fee prescribed by City Council resolution, no part of which shall be returnable to the applicant. Chapter 19.28 Page -2- section 19. 28. 040 Initiation ~ 'lhe C:jj;;y a) Upon its own initiative, eithl~ the City ca.mcil or the Plannirg Ccmn.i.ssion may by nation initiate application am prcx::eed.in;Js for a charge in district boun::t3ri•:!S. b) A nation of the City ca.mcil c::>r the Plannirg Ccmn.i.ssion pursuant to this section may include ar1y public or private property, arrl shall be accanpanied by such lllaps or descriptions as may be necessary to define exist.i.rg arrl proposed boun::t3ries of districts, arrl by a statement, describin;J in general terms, the reasons for consideration of a charge in district boun::t3ries. '!he nation shall be directed to the Director of camnunity Develqmmt, who shall prcx:es:s the application without fee, or otherwise prescribed in this 1Chapter. section 19.28.050 Action 1',Y the Director Upon rea!ipt of a carplete application for chan3'e in boundaries, or upon rea!ipt of the nation of the City council or Plannir.g Ccmn.i.ssion, the Director shall, within thirty (30) days of such rea!ipt, set a date for a public hearing upon the matter at either a regular or special meeting of the Plannir.g o:mnission, unless the application is diverted for administrative approval p.xrsuant to Chapter 19. 30. 'lhe hearing before the Plannir.g Ccmn.i.ssion shall canmence within sixty (60) days of the date the hearin;J is set. section 19.28.060 Notice of Public He~ a) 'lhe Director shall give a ootice of hearing on a proposed charqe of District boun::t3ries in the folle7Nin;J manner: 1) Notice of hearirg shall te given by publication once in a local newspaper of genaral circulation oot less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the: hearirg as provided in section 65090 of the california Goverrmmt axle. Olapter 19.28 Page -3- 2) Additionally, except as provided in sul:section 3 of this section, the City shall mail written notice of such hearing at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing to each owner of record of real property within three hurrlred (300) feet of the exterior bourdary of the property for which classification is sought as such owner of record is shown in the last tax assessment roll p.rrsuant to section 65091 of the ca.1ifornia Government Code. 3) If the number of CJli1l'lif:!rS to whan notice 'tNOUld be mailed or delivered p.rrsuant to sul:section 2 above is greater than 1000, in lieu of mailed or delivered notice, the Director may provide p.lblished notice as provided in Government Code section 65091(3). canpliance with the procedures set forth in this section shall consti'b.Ite a good faith effort to provide notice, arxi the failure to provide notice, arxi the failure of any owner to receive notice shall not prevent the city frcm proceedirq with a hearing or fran taking any action nor affect the validity of any action. b) '!he Notice of p.lblic hearing shall a:ntain the follOlfling: 1) 'lhe exact address of the property, if known, or the location of the property, if the exact address is not known, arxi the existing and requested district or districts awlicable 2) 'lhe time, place, arxi p.irpase of the hearing 3) A brief description, the content of which shall be in the sole discretion of the city, of the cl:lan;Je in district ba.m:laries or regulations sought Cl1apter 19.28 Page -4- 4) Reference to the application or DXJtion on file for particulars 5) A statement that any inti~ person, or agent thereof, may appear and be heard. Typographical and/or publishing errors shall not invalidate the notice nor any city action. 19. 28. 070 Action .Q:{ the Planning camnission a) on the basis of evidence and testimony presented to the camnission at the public hear:i.rg, the Chmni ssion may determine that the public interest will be served either by revisirg the area beirg considered for reclassification to include properties not originally part of the application, or by givirg consideration to district cla:;sifications not originally requested by the application. 'lhe o:mnission may solely at its cption, consider additional piroperties or district classifications, or both. b) If the area proposed for re-classification is enlarged, additional notice shall be given in accord with Section 19. 28. 060, and the hearirg shall be continued, allCMirq public consideration of and cx:mnent 1.1p011 the enlarged prcp:isal. c) If the modifications, if any, considered by the Camnission involve the sarce or a reduced area, no additional notice or heari.rqs shall be required. d) If, fran the facts presented .at the public hearirq, including public testimony an::l reports .a.rd reccmnendations fran the Director of canmunity Developnent or other appropriate city staff, the camnission fims that a dlan;Je of district boun::iaries "W'Ollld be in accord with the purposes of this Title and, in aocord with the CUpertino catprehensive General Plan, the camnission may recanm:erd such C'hange as it deems appropriate to the City council. O:iapter 19.20 Page -5- e) If the Canunission finis that a chan;Je of district boun:laries, either as requestecl by an application or as m:xlified by the Canunission, would not be in accord with the purposes of this Title, or would not be in accord with the CUpertino CCl!prehensive General Plan, the Canunission shall recamnerrl against any such re-classification. f) 'Ihe decision of the Plannin:f Canunission shall be rerrlered within a reasonable time f ollCMirg the close of any public hearirg or hearin;Js arrl the written recx::mner:dation of the Canunission shall be forwarded to the Council within thirty {30) days thereof. '1he recc:mnen::2tion of the Plannin:f Canunission shall set forth fully the f .i.ndirgs arrl determinations of the Canunission with respect to the application. 19.28.080 C1Ja.rges in Regulations C'lar'ges in any provision of this Title, other than the boun:laries of districts, may be initiatecl f:ran time to time, by ·one of the follCMirg actions: a) By motion of the City council on its own initiative b) By motion of the Pla.nnin;J camnission on its own initiative. C'lar'ges initiatecl by motion of the council shall be forwarded to the Plannin:f Canunission arrl may be supplemented by such explanator.y material as the Council may deem a.i:p:copriate to facilitate review arrl recamnen:Jation by the camdssion. 19.28.090 Recxmnen:lations ll{ Planni.rg ccmnission; Notice 'Ihe Canunission shall review any proposed charge in the provisions of this Title, whether initiatecl by the council or camnjssion. '1he Plannin:J Canunission shall hold a public hearirg on any d:la.rges proposed to the zonin;J regulations Notice of such hearirg (publication) shall be given in the manner prescribed in Section 19.27060(a)(1) of this Chapter. Chapter 19.28 Page -6- Additionally, if the proposed change in the provisions of this Title affects the permitted uses of real property, notice (mail.i.rg or publication) shall be given pursuant tc> sections 19.28.060(a) (2) or (a) (3) as the case may be. In the case of proposed changes initiated by the City OJuncil, the a:munission shall forward its recx:.111mendations tc> the OJuncil within a reasonable time period, not tc> exceed e;ix months, unless said period is exterded by the City OJuncil. '!he written recamnendations of the Plann.i.rg Ccmnission shall be sul:Jnitted tc> the OJuncil, and shall set forth thE~ f.in:.i:i.n:Js and determinations of the camnission with respect tc> the prqx:>se.Cl change. 19.28.100 Action ,Qy the City Counc:il Upon receipt of the recaomen:1ation of the Plann.i.rg Ccmnission on a change of district boun:Jaries, or on a change in the provisions of this Title other than a change in district b::iun::Jaries, the OJu.ncil shall hold a public hear.i.rg and provide notice of such hear.i.rg in the manner provided by section 19.28.060(a) or 19.28.070, whidlever is applicable. After consideration of the recaomen:1ation of the Pla:rmin;J Camnission, and the canpletion of the public hear.i.rg, the OJuncil may approve, natify, or disa~ the proposed change of district boun:Jaries or changes of any other provision of this Title. Should the courx:il dete:rm:ine that a change of district boun:Jaries or change of any other provisions of this Title shall be ~opriate, such change shall be acx:x:mplished by ordinance pursuant tc> the procedures described irl section 36931 et seq of the califomia Goverrment o:.xie. Passage of' any ordinance adopted pursuant tc> this Chapter requires an affirmative vclte of at least three OJuncil members. Chapter 19.28 Page -7- 19.28.110 Pre-zoning '!he determination of district classifications an::l district bounjaries appropriate for property located outside the City, bJ.t potent;.ially subject to a.nnexation, ma.y be ma.de in the sama manner as prescribed in th.is crapter for any property within the city, provided that any ordinance duly passed by the City Council establish:i.rq or chargirg such classification shall become effective only upon the effective date of annexation of such property to the City. Upon passage of such an ordinance, the zonirg map shall be revised to show the pre-zoned or potential classification to becane effective upon annexation, an::l shall identify the district or districts applicable to such property with the label or nanen::lature ''pre-zoned". zonirg\amerrlmap Chapter 19.28 Page -a- C1IAPl'ER 19.29 cnNDITIONAL USE PERMrI'S AND VARIANCES Sections: 19.29.010 Authority of the Director of Ccmm.mity Develcptent 19.29.020 Application for Con:titional Use Permit or Variance 19.29.030 Action by the Direc:tar 19.29.040 Public Hear:i.rg an:l Notice 19.29.050 Decision after Hear:i.rg 19.29.060 Action by the City Council 19.29.070 COn:titional Use Permit -Fin:lin;Js an:l COn:titions 19. 29. 080 Variance -Fin:lirgs1 an:l conditions 19.29.090 Effective Date 19.29.100 Revocation, Extension, an:l Duration 19.29.110 Reports 19.29.120 Concurrent Applications Chapter 19.29 Page -1- 19.29.010 Authority of the Director of CommUnity Development SUbject to the provisions of this Chapter a.rd general p.rrpose a.rd intent of this title, the Director of Community Developrrent may grant the following: A. A con.:titiona.l use permit which is authorized to be issued by the Director pursuant to any provision of this title. All other con.:titiona.l use permits shall be issued by either the Planning camnission or the City Cc.Jun:::il, as provided by this title. B. A variance frcm the site developrrent regulations a.rd parking a.rd loadirg regulations (except those han::li~ parking regulations Illal'Da.ted by state law) applicable within any district established by this title. c. A variance frcm the special conditions that ClR?lY to site developrrent a.rd parking a.rd loading regulations (including conditions attached to planned developnents) applicable within any district established by this title. 19.29.020 Application for con:litiona.l use Pennit or Variance A. An application for a corrlitiona.l Use Permit or Variance may be made by the owner of recxn:d, or his agent, of property for which the corrlitiona.1 Use Pennit or Variance is sought. B. AR;>lication shall be made to the Director, on a fonn provided by the city, a.rd shall oontain the follow'irq: 1) A description a.rd map showing the location of the property for which the pennit or variance is sought 2) If the ClR;>lication is for a corrlitional Use Permit, plans a.rd/or descriptions of existing a.rd proposed uses of the property, a.rd describing in detail the nature of the use proposal to be cor.ducted on the property Chapter 19.29 Page -2- 3) If the application is fat: a variance, plans/or descriptions of existirg arrl proposed construction on the property involved, together with a statement of the circumstances which justify the variou:s applications 4) SUch additional informa.t.ion as the Director ma.y deem pertinent arrl essential to the application. C. Application for a Corxlitional Use Permit or Variance shall l::e acxx:anpanied by the fee prescr.i.be::l by City Cowx:il resolution, no part of which shall l::e returnable to the applicant. 19.29.030 Action Qy' the Director Upon receipt of a canplete application for Corxlitional Use Permit or Variance, the Director shall, within thirty days, fran the date the application is deemed by him to l::e cx111plete, set a date for a p.lblic hearirg upon the ma.tter either before him or at a re:JU].ar or special meeting" of the Planning' Commission, as the case ma.y l::e, unless the application is diverted for admi.n.istrative approval, p.rrsuant to Cllapter 19. 29. 030. '!he public hearirg shall CX1I1111e11Ce within sixty days of the date it is set. 19.29.040 Notice of Public Hear:i.rg Notice of any public hearirg under tlW; Chapter shall l::e given in the same manner as provided in Section 19.27 of this Title. 19.29.050 Decision After Hear:i.rg At the tilre iilrx:l place set for hearirg, the Director or Planning' Ccmnission, as the case may l::e, shall hear evidence for or against such application. Within a reasonable time after the ocn:::lusion of the hearing", the Director or Commission shall make fin:lin:Js arrl shall rerrler a Cllapter 19.29 Page -3- decision on the application which is supp::>rted by the evidence contained in the application or presented at the hearirg. In the event that the decision by the Director, or the Camnission, is a final one, then such decision is subject to the appeal procedures contained in Qiapter 19. 32. In the event that a plannirg ca:mnission decision is advisory to the City council its recxmnen:lations together with the fin:iin;Js, shall be forwarded to the City council within fifteen (15) days thereof. 19.29.060 Action kti the City council Upon receipt of a recamnenclation of the Plannirg canmission p.n:suant to Section 19.29.050, the City council may ~, DDilfy, or disapprove the reccmnerrlation of the Plannirg canmission. 19.29.070 Con:litional Use Permit -Firrlirgs and con:litions A. 'Ihe decision maker may grant a oc:n:litional use permit only if all of the f ollCMirg f in:lirgs are ma.de: 1) 'Ihe proposed use, at the proposed location, will not be detrimental or injurious to property or inprovements in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, general -welfare, or convenience. 2) '!he proposed use will be located and cxn:lucted in a manner in aexx>rd with the CUpertino catprehensive General Plan and the purpose of this Title. B. 'Ihe. decision maker may imp=6e with reasonable oc:n:litions or restrictions as he deems necessary to secure the purpose of this title and to assure operation of the use in a manner canpatible with existirg and potential uses on adjoinirg properties and in the general vicinity. Chapter 19.29 Page -4- 19.29.080 Variance -Fin::lin;;Js arrl Con:Utions A. 'Ihe Director may grant a variance fran the site developnent regulations, the parking arrl loadi.rq regulations or the special requirements of this Title applicable within any district, if he firrls: 1) '!here are exceptional or extraordinary circmnstances or corrlitions applicable to the property involved that do not apply generally to property in the same district. 2) 'Ihe grantir:g of the application is necessa:cy, for the preservation arrl enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant, arrl to prevent unreasonable property loss or unnecessary hardship. 3) 'Ihe grantir:g of the application will not be detrimental or injurious to property or iliprovements in the vicinity arrl will not be detrimental to the plblic health, safety, arrl general welfare, or convenience, arrl to secure the p.xrpose of the Title. 19.29.090. Effective Date A corrlitional use pennit or variarx::e shall take effect ten "WOrking days f ollowir:g the mailir:g of the notice of decision, \ll1l.ess an ~ is filed as provided in Cl1apter 19.31. 19.29.100. Revocation, Extension, arrl l:XJ.ration A. In any case where the corrlitions of a corrlitional use pennit or variarx::e have not been OC111plied with, the Director shall set a date for plblic hearirg before the decision maker grantirg the original pennit or variarx::e and notice plblic hearir:g in acx:x>rdance with section 19.29.040. Followirg such hearirg the decision maker shall make finlirgs of whether the corrlitions of Cl1apter 19.29 Page -s- the pennit or variance have not been or are not beirq cx:rnplied with arrl ren:ier his decision to revoke or JJXXlify such pennit or variance. B. In any case where, in the judgement of the Director, substantial evidence .in:licates that the use conducted p.rrsuant to a corditional use pennit is beirq conducted in a manner detrim:mtal to the public health, safety arrl welfare, the Director shall set a date for public hearirq before the decision maker g:rantirq the original use permit arrl notice the public hearirq in accordance with Section 19.29.040. Follc:Min;J such hearirq, the decision maker shall make f irxlin:Js of whether the use has been conducted in a manner detrimental to the public health, safety, arrl welfare arrl render a decision whether or not to revoke or JJXXlify the con:litional use permit. In determin.in;J whether the use is conducted in a manner detrimental to the p.:ablic health, safety, arrl welfare, the decision maker shall CXJ11Sider, tut not be limited to, the follc:Min;J: l) ir¥%eased traffic 2) insufficient parkirg 3) increased ha.Irs of operation 4) increased noise level 5) increased capacity Chapter 19.29 Page -6- c. A corrlitional use permit or variance which has not been used within two years followirg tlt.e effective date thereof, shall become null ard void ard of no effect 1.mless a shorter time period shall specifically be prescribed by the corrlitions of such permit or variance. A permit shall be deercEd to have been "used" when actual sul:stantial ard continuous activity has taken place upon the lard pursuant to the! :pennit or in the event of the erection of a st:ru.cture or structures when sufficient b.rlldirg activity has occurred ard continues to occur in a diligent manner. Any :pennit or variance which hecanes null ard void urrler this subsection is subject tc1 revocation pursuant to the prcx::edures described in section 19.29.100 (A). 'Ihe decision maker grantirg the original permit or variance may, without p.iblic hearirg, exten:l such time for a maximum of one additional year only, upon application filed with the Director before the expiration of the one-year limit, or the expiration of such limit as may be specified by the corrlitions of the :pennit or variance. D. A variance granted pursuant to this chapter shall exist for the life of the existirg structure or such structure as may be const:ructed pursuant to the variance ai;:proval 1.mless a different O:lapter 19.29 Page -7- time period is specified in the issuance of the variance. A variance fran the pa.rkirx;J arrl loa.d.i.rg regulations shall be valid only dur:i.rg the period of contirrued operations of the use arrl/or structure for which the variance was granted. E. All decisions related to revocation, arrl extension of permit am variances contained in this section are subject to the appeal procedures contained in Chapter 19.32. 19.29.110. Expansion of Conditional Uses A. Any significant expansion in b..rlld.i.rg size on site area of a con:litional use shall ~itate the issuance of a new con:litional use permit for the expansion in aocord with the provisions of this chapter. B. No applications for a con:litiona.l use permit shall be :necessary for existirg uses which were lawful conform:in;J permitted uses am which were rerdered con:litional by reason of re-zonirg or charge to the Title, provided that any expansion in the b..rlld.i.rg site or site area of such use shall be subject to the issuance of a con:litional use permit in accord with this chapter. 19.29.120. Reports '!he Director of camunity Develop:nent shall make periodic written reports to the City COUncil am Pl.annin;J camnissions of the action he has taken on each awlication for corxlitional use permits arrl variarces. Each report shall be delivered to the City COUncil am Plannin;J camnission in a manner which will allow time for any Council Member or camnission to appeal any decision l.D'lder this chapter. Chapter 19.29 Page -s- 19.29.130. Concurrent Applications Notwithst:a.niin:J any provision in this title to the contrary, any application for corditional use permit., or variance, which 'WOUld nonna.lly be issued by the Director of o:mm.mity Developnent or the Plann:inj Connnission, may, at the discretion of the Director, be processed concurrently with applications for general plan ame.rxlnents, zonirg charqes, suJ:xlivision maps or other a_wrovals which require City Council approval. zonin;J/coni-use aiapt:er 19.29 Page -9- Sections: CliAP1'ER 19. 30 TEMPORARY USES 19.30.010 Corrlitional Use Permit For Temporary Uses 19.30.020 Corrlitions To Issuance 19.30.030 Required F~ 19.30.040 Review Of '!he Director's Act.ion Clla.pter 19.30 Page -1- 19.30.010 Conditional Use Permit for Terrg;x>rary Uses 'Ihe Director of Cormm.mity Develq;m;mt nay grant a conditional Use Permit authorizing the use of a site in any zoning district for a temporary use as provided in this Olapter. 19.30.020 Conditions To Issuance A conditional Use Permit unier the provision of this Olapter is subject to the follCM'ing conditions am provisions: A. Application for a conditional use pennit 'llnier this Cl1a.pter shall be nade to the Director of camm.mity Developrent am shall be subject to the fee prescribed by City council resolution. B. 'Ihe pennit nay be granted by the Director without a requirement for a public hearing am Notice as otherwise required by Olapter 19.29 of this title. c. 'Ihe pennit nay include authorization to vary fran the specific requirements and regulations of the Title as nay be solely related to the requested temporary use. D. A conditional use permit for a temporary use, if granted by the director, shall be valid for a specifically stated time period not to exceed six ( 6) lIDI1'ths. E. 'Ihe Director nay inp:>se sud:1 reasonable oon:litions or restrictions as he deems necessary to SE:!CUre the purposes of this Title and to assure operation of the use in a manner c::x:m:patible with existing and potential uses on adjoining prq>erties am in the general vicinity. Cl1a.pter 19.30 Page -2- 19.30.030 Required Fin::lings A conditional use permit for a temporary use may be granted by the Director, if, from the application or the facts presented to him, he makes the folla.vin;J written fin:tings: A. 'lhe grantin;J of the application will not be detrimental or injurious to property or inproveaents in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public, health, safety, general welfare, or convenience; and B. 'lhe prop::>Sed use will be located and oonducted in a manner in accord with the OJpertino General Plan and the purposes of this Title. Upon issuance of a cxm:litional. use permit urrler the provisions of this Chapter, the Director shall provide his written fin:tings to the applicant, and any other person, requestin;J a cx:ipy. 'lhe Director shall al.so hmnerliately forward his written f in:tings to the Plann:i.rg Canmission and City Council as an infonnational item. 19.30.040 Review of the D;irect.ors Action Any person may ~l to the Planning a:mnission any decision of the Director to grant or deny a cxm:litional Use Permit urrler this Chapter by f ilin;J a written notice of appeal with the city Clerk within the tine limits prescribed in Section 19.32 of this Title. zonin;J/ten:p-use Chapter 19.30 Page -3- CHA.Pr.ER 19.31 Al:MINISTRATIVE APPROVAL OF MINOR aIANGES IN ~ sections: 19.31.010. Purpose 19. 31. 020. Definition of Minor Charge 19.31.030. Applicability of Chapter 19.31.040. Diversion of Applications for Administrative Approval 19.31.050. SUSpension of Time Periods 19. 31. 060. Review an::l AR;>roval Process 19.31.070. Reports Chapter 19.31 Page -1- 19. 31. 010 Purpose 'lhe purpose of this chapter is to provide a unifonn an:1 orderly proc:edure for expeditious administrative approval of minor c::hanges to existirq projects an:1 plans. 19.31.020 Definition of Minor Olange ''Minor change" means an alteration or nx:x:tification of an existin;J plan, developnent, or project which is substantially inferior in bulk, degree, or importance to the overall dinension an:1 design of the plan, develop.nent, or project with no charge proposed for the use of the lan:l in question, no change proposed in the character of the structure or structures involved, an:1 no variance required. 19. 31. 030 AJ;plicabilit;y of Qiapter A. Type of Applications. 'Ibis chapter shall apply to a minor charge to the f ollowin;J: 1) An awrovecI develop.nent plan in a planned develop.nent zonin;J district or RIC District. 2) An existin;J b.rlldin;J or structure requirin;J site an:1 designs approval. 3) A plan which has received site an:1 design approval. 4) An existin;J b.rlldirq, structure, or plan requiri.rq City Council approval pursuant to a CX>J itractual ag:ree.rm;mt, resolution, notion, action, or urxxxlified ordinance. B. con:litions. No application shall be diverted for administrative approval under this chapter if any of the f ollowi.rq c:orrlitions exist: 1) 'lhe proposed c::hange is not minor when considered in cxmjunction with other minor changes to the same project Cbapter 19.31 Page -2- 19.31.040 approved wxler this chapter or \llXler considerations, even though such changes relate to different plans, l::uildi.n;Js or structures. 2) In the opinion of the Director of camm.m.ity Developnent, the proposed change will be cx>nt:roversial. 3) In the opinion of the Director of camm.m.ity Developnent, the proposed change will probably be denied by him. 4) In the opinion of the Director of camm.m.ity Developnent, the proposed change will prol:>ably be denied by the City Council. Division of @lication for Administrative Approval '!he Director of camm.m.ity Developnent, in his discretion, ma.y divert a qualified application of a minor chang•a to the administrative approval process provided in this chapter, and the applicant shall then pay the fee prescribed by the City council resolution. 19.31.050 SUspension of Time Pericx:ls '!he di version of an awlication shall 1:rusperrl arr:/ time pe.ricx:ls for action by the City Council or Planni.rg ccmnis:;ion for a pe.riod of ninety (90) days or until the application is returned to its normal review process, which.ever is less. 19.31.060 A. Architectural Review Referral. '!he Director, in his discretion, may re:fer diverted application directly to the Architectural arrl Site Review canmittee for review and rec:cmnendation. B. Director of camm.m.ity Develqmant. Upon diversion, or upon receipt of the Architectural and Site canmittee rec:cmnendation, the Director shall expeditioosly approve or disapprove the application in acxxmiance wit:b. the same st.an.:3ards and with the C1'lapter 19.31 Page -3- sa:nll3 poi;Ner to impose con::litions as 'WOU.ld have applied to the Plannin;,J Camnission or city council. c. Decision. '!he Director shall reeder his decision in writing, statirg reasons therefore, am. mail thereof to the applicant. Miy aggrieved or affected person may appeal such a decision in accord with the provisions of C1lapter 19. 32. Unless an appeal of such a decision is filed within ten (10) workirg days following the mailirg of the notice of decision, it shall bec::are final upon the expiration of said time period. 19.31.070 Reports. 'lhe Director of ca.mmmity Developnent shall make periodic written reports to the City council am. Plannin;,J Ccmnjssion on all diverted applications u.rder this chapter. Said :rep:n::ts shall be delivered to the City council am. Plannin;,J Ccmnission in a manner which will allow time for any Council Member or Plannin;,J Ccmnission to appeal any decision u.rder the chapter. zonirg/admapprv C1lapter 19.31 Page -4- Sections: Chapter 19. 32 (APPFAI..S) 19.32.010 Appeal from the Determinations of the Director 19.32.020 Filirg Prcx::edures 19.32.030 Action by the City Clerk arrl stay of Proceedings 19.32.040 Hearirg arrl Notification 19.32.050 Action by the Camnission 19.32.060 Action by the City a:uncil 19.32.070 Appeal fran Actions Taken by the camnission 19.32.080 Hearirg arrl Notification 19.32.090 Action by the City Q:Jllncil Chapter 19.32 Page -1- 19.32.010 Appeal From the Determinations of the Director An appeal may be taken to the Planning Commission by any person, f inn, or corporation aggrieved or affected by any: grant, denial, modification or revocation of any permit, variance, or exception or any detennination or interpretation of or by the Director of Conmrunity Development related to any provision of this Title. 19.32.020 Filing" Procedure A. An appeal shall be in writing on fonns prescribed by the City and shall be filed during regular office hours with the City Clerk within fourteen (14) calendar days after the mailing of notice of City decision or detennination of the Director und.er the Title. An appeal not filed within suc:::h ti.ma shall be barred. 'Ihe appeal shall state the grounds thereof. B. An appeal shall be subject to an appeal fee as prescribed by Resolution of the City Council. 19.32.030 Hearing and Notification Upon notification and receipt of the appeal, a date for public hearing before the Planning Commission shall bE~ set, which will 1:le held within ninety (90) days from the date of the 1:iling of the appeal. Notice of Hearing shall 1:le given in the same manner as provided in section 19.28.060 for notice of hearing by the Director of Comnrunity Development. 19.32.040 Action Qy the Commission Upon the date set for hearing, the Planning Commission shall cx:>nduct a public hearing thereon, unless, for cause, the cormnission on that date continues the matter. Upon cx:>nclusion of the hearing on the appeal, the connnission shall make findings and reccmnend to the City Council that the decision of the Director be affinned, 1:±1.anged, or modified, or in lieu thereof, make such other or additional recommendations as it deems pro:per and shall sub:nit the determination in the form of a recommendation to the City Council. 19.32.050 Action by the City council Upon receipt of the recarmnendation of the Planning' commission, the city council shall consider the appeal within thirty (30} days of receipt of the recommendation by the City Clerk. 'lbe City Council may, at its option, conduct a public hearing on th•: matter. In conformity with the provisions of this Title, the Council may affirm or reverse 'Wholly or partly, or may modify any decision, determination, or requiremant recorrnnended by the planning' conunission and may make such decision or determination or may inp::>se such corrlitions as the facts warrant with respect to the appeal and the decision or determination of the Council shall be final. Any permit or'varianoa by the council on appeal shall be effective inunediately. Notice of the Council's decision shall be mailed to the original applicant, to the person filing the appeal, and to any other person 'Who has filed a written r1=q,tJ.est therefore with the City Clerk. 19.32.060 Appeal from Actions of Carmnissions An appeal may be taken to the City council by any person, firm, or corporation aggrieved or affected by any final determination or decision of the Planning commission or Architecture and Site commission urrler the provisions of this Title. An appeal taken urrler this sect.ion shall be processed by the City Clerk in the samE: manner as provided in section 32. 020 & 19. 32. 30 of this chapter. 'lb.1: time for appeal urrler this sect.ion is fourteen (14) working days from the mailing of the notice of decision of the Planning Conunission or Architecture and Site Conunittee as the case may be. processed by the City Clerk· in the sarre manner as provided in section 19. 021 of this chapter. '!he tine for appeal under this section is ten (10) workirq days fran the mailin;J of the notice of decision of the Planning camnission or Architecture and Site Ccmnittee as the case may be. zonin;J/appeals Chapter 19.32 Page -4- Resci.rrled Ordinances Ordinance No. 1451 Ordinance No. 1452 Ordinance No. 1450 Ordinance No. 1449 Ordinance No. 575 Ordinance No. 779 Ordinance No. 664 Ordinance No. 220(1) Ordinance No. 668 Ordinance No. 1344 Ordinance No. 002(x) Ordinance No. 1484 Ordinance No. 002(y) Ordinance No. 002 (k) Ordinance No. 618 Ordinance Ns-1200, Section 29 Ordinance No. 802 Ordinance No. 220(g) Ordinance No. 1495 Ordinance NS-1200, Section 30 Ordinance No. 1277 Ordinance No. 002(b-1) Ordinance No. 906 Ordinance No. 652 misc/zonirq (Agricultural Residential) (Agricultural) (Residential Hillside) (Sin;Jle :~ly Residential) (Residential Duplex) (Multipl1a Family Residential) (Residential Sin;Jle Family Cluster) (Public Build.irgs, Quasi-Public Build.irgs & Transportation) (Parks & Recreation) (General Ccmnercial) (Planned Off ic.e & Planned In:iustrial Park) (Private Recreation) (Administrative & Professional Offices) (Light In:lustrial) (Planned Develop:nent) (General Provisions) (Adult-oriented Ccmnercial Activities) (Height l~ations) (Hate OCA::upations) (Non-<:onform:i.rg Uses) (Parkin;J) (Veterinary Offices) (Corx:laninimn C.onversion) (Prcx::edural Ordinance)