E-311 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES, ORANGE AVE AND LOMTA AVE RQturn to: c" ;,"f~# ("'~r.: C~ ~~~nTI~IO 'r, ,:), ~ ,~,,'C l " ~,J-' .' - t:.: ="\. , ' NO FEE l]f l {; 3 4 PA GE 0823 ~ - 3 I J 10824578 ~,c.~ ",'" \.."..." "-' .. ; ~ ";} ,~~') f t"3'!~ ~.'-.";,; ~~...~ :;W> 014 GPJuJT OF EASE1lENT I ' " 1'1 ,-" Ii'" v\.;~~O j,.. : t- I ..II\. ,\""'" '_ "'Rt:f'\IJo-c ,.::,-r nF \ i ;r r:.._ . -J I .... ~~~l) KAcr'5 8 OJ M~ '~, -<\ '. ,'; ... .("--\ "~':l''' tJ W ",.,;, , ,} ~ ',:,l< T ;,') [..\\/(2': n u e FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES "'''; ..,; : ~'.:..~;:,~ ~ ;'.j 1.'.<,- <_~ _~ i '" ~J 14[-"~ t..:. ~ WITH 60V CeDE 6103 ,.., bnp,i3; (7 ~FLL A Ilj (J Off'CAt R[t'}j~\Y~ SANTA CLAm" ~~\JNn l6.URIE t,A.. i-.:> , -';) '"'C> ~,r (' ,~ . < KI~f:' BEl_l._ grant(s) to the CITY OF CUPEnTI~-.JO, for public road\vay purposes, together with the right to construct, repair, operate, and maintain any and all public utilities and improvemen ts \vhich shall be or become necessary for preservation of the public safety, welfare or convenience, the hereinafter described property which is situated in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and as described as follows: (Description attached) Ci.'~ IN WITNESS WHEP~OF, executed this L' day of J.a~,..:. 19 e1i . /Jd~ ,If ~ ~i;u 1{. Dc l C (Notary acknowledgment to be attached) 61/''30 SI:11C 01 California } 55. On this the .-atbday of January . t9-2..]. befolc me, ~, I ( I I Counly 01 Santa Clara Helen K. Yates f- the undersigned Notary Public. personally appeared Bobbv G. Bell and Rita R. Bell Ol ell> .r::- -" ;r..:JiJJ (;") rq I ~GGGG~GGC{f)GG~~~~~llI(Sl ~ .' .:." OFFICIAL SEAlJ ~ person!l"Y known to me :) ~ HELEN K. YATES rJ proved to me on the basis of satlsfactory evidence ~I ~t1r~ NOT ARY PUBLIC. CALifORNIA to be the person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to Ihe RA COUNTY wllhillll\slrument, and acknowledged that the V executed it, , ~~ 'C'~ . ~ANETA ,CLAM I Y ommlS'Slon xplres ay 10, 1991 WITNESS my hand and olliclat seal. ~~~~~~GG~GG~~~~~ I! I:k~ /C~~ Notary's Signature t/' ~~~~~~~...aa~,*,e@e.lO';>~@~a:ee~~~a~~e~~ ';I '"'''l ^r;:MIlOWlf.l1G"'ENl fonM '''OO~l <:,:j t';;/j l"V ..- ...,~ ... DRAWN: 1.1'1. CHKO.: /. N. DEPT.: ""na2.C t'! r "". s ~ c '.J l t' ^ L 0" ". ',,' '0 'j ~'l ,1.'-' ,I' N 89056'57" W, 10.00' '- /5' L1J I'- ,::>, C\J (\J 2: ......... ~ C -l 't WJ <I: c \..) - -../ ~ ~ 0:: <:t ~ 0.. CL. lJ.J <..!) 2.1 <I: ,> " Cl: 0 t = 20.00' .. A:. 9000.:3'03" ~ L = 3/.4.:3' , ..-.-..,....- -'.--- , ' N $9056'57" W 30.00' c f1') LOMIT A A VENUE: + -'"-" \ PLA T FOR STREET DEDICA TJON \\EXHJB1T A" T .... . . LOUIS and DIEDERICH ,inc. SCAI.E: ,"= 20' .un.. .n'.i~eerlnQ · .'- M In g . _ur.evlng PArE: .b1z2,/O:1L1 "~ 77.... "I..... _,. . _..:.-::u. CA fll:I1'. . p_:::..oall:t"'7~:a~ JOe NO. 8912 !Jl I 6 ':II PI' r:;: 0,' 8? 6 '- v If . I-i ""'- v ... phonc'4Qa)297*~100 LOUIS and DIEDERiCH :>!nco ~ " ; 1 ~"~..f i r'i (~ ~'~ r : 11 , ; ~ t,~\; or t ~ , ", i ~ '.: t; 778 N. First; St. San .Jose. CA 951'" 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR STREET DEDICATION FOR PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP 614-27 Beginning, at the most North\'Jesterly corner of Parcel 2 as sho\'m on Parcel Map recorded in Book 614 of Maps, at Page 27, Santa Clara County Records; thence running S 89 561 57" E, a distance of 10.0 feet; thence running SO~lth, a distance of 91.0 feet to the beginning of a curve tothe left with a radius of 20.0 feet, a central angle of 90 03103u and an arc length of 31.43 feet; thence running N 89 561 5711 w, a distance of 30.0 feet; thnce running North, a distance of 111.0 feet to the Point of Beginhing. Containing 1,196 Square Feet more or less. :.....'" . . '" Lr~,.Pi1r.;:-nq?l .OVl.i"~f,,,,,,,"-VU~ "NO FEE" City of CUpertino CERI'IFICA'IE OF ACCEPI'ANCE is hereby given in order to comply with the provisions of Section 27281 of the Goverrnnent Code. This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated January 8, 1991, from OOBBY G. AND RITA R. BELL to City of CUpertino, a goverrnnental agency, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council on February 19, 1991, and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: Februarv 22. 1991 I,! J___; By DeputY cityLClerk City ~f ~:i.ilo' _.! /-., \/ _._ ,I,.... , ,- ,-. , !. .'1 ,~ . .(\< '. I ~t" t . '..,' \ ,/1, \. , , , 'I '. -: <.i \ \ . \ I" f e''')' ~1'i"r:nn20 , "" ,t " ' 1j ", ~,~ , ; - VI ........ ""f 1 ~ -' - :;'J ...,J ==- y RESOWI'ICN NO. 8334 A RESOWI'ICN OF '!HE CITY CXXJNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF aJPERI'INO ~1'..L.rG A GRAN!' OF FASEMENT FOR :ROAI:MAY :RJmOSES FRCM OOBBY G. BELL AND RITA R. BELL, cx:>NSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 0.03 ACRE, IDCATED FAST SIDE OF ORANGE AVENUE NORIH OF I!:MITA AVENUE WHERFAS, BcXlby G. Bell ani Rita R. Bell have executed a Grant of Easement for Roadway Purposes which is in good ani sufficient fom granti.n::J to the City of CUpertino, ea~ aver certain real property for roadway pnposes, situate in the City of CUpertino, lOOre particularly described in Exhibit "A" ani Exhibit "B", attached hereto ani made a part hereof which is as follows: All that certain property situate in the City of CUpertino, CCAmty of santa Clara, State of califomia, consistin;J of ~te1y 0.03 acre, located en the east side of oran:re Avenue north of Lanita Avenue. NOW, 'lHEREroRE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of CUpertino acx:epts said grant so teme:red; ani IT IS FURlHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to recom said dedication ani this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPrED at a regular meetiM of the city Council of the City of CUpertino this 19th day of February , 1991, by the foll~ vote: Vote ~rs of the City courx:il AYES: Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Koppel NOES: None ABSENT: None AESTAIN: None APPRJVED: /s/ Barb Koppel Mayor, city of CUpertino kl'l:tSI': /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk ; ," ,-; is TO cE1;trtmf-1l\i\/\ <; C'!,i;t;.'l,,%l.THIN '''', : '.'!Vi E:f'.IT IS~ tRu~;t; ,', ,~:",,';:EC:T COpy [.1'" 1',11.0" ORIGINAL tt~ 'FIL.,,.. ,'1;,:3 OFFICE. ,t,. '~i'" :Z-, ~-' ~y~'~ 9..:t! THf. Pi] '( ,<JF ct;}pERTINO <' ;,,' '~:;'~"~)f'" ~ ') ~ ' 1,_ ~~~ " " . ,..,'1 , ' (fr " A---- ~ L. ~.L:tN 'C'~~ ", ' : ' !#' ~/r- " ' ,\,\ '} ~';'::">'~"",\, '\ ,,' ,.<: gy ... ~. ~ LOUIS and l., b J 4 PtH~E 0 8 2 ~ - ~hon;;) t~03l 287-:;:-;-:;::; ~'nl\ 1fr ......... -~ ~ ";"-.) ''1' ~ ..,... ..... ~ U~~, . j lr< Vi 'r1 ~;-; (~l{ F' ::! \.l-!,; ~, ""..... f!'""> " " '" ;. ~, \'!' _ ~~ \ ',-, 'L\ . .;~ :! ".,. .' .. ....... .-..- ~ - -- ~................ 5 - -~\~;) ; . ; l ~:...f i ,'1 ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ i 1 , j ~ V \: T { ... , "', , I'~ \. ; 778 N. First; St. San Jo;;eJ C~:.. SS"~": 2: LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR STREET DEDICATION FOR PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP 614-27 Beginning, at the most North\'Jester1y corner of Parcel 2 as sho\'In en Parcel Map recorded in Book 614 of Maps, at Page 27, Santa Clara County Records; thence running 5 89 561 5711 E, a distance of 10.0 feet; thence running SOllth, a distance of 91.0 feet to the beginning of a curve tothe left with a radius of 20.0 feet, a central angle of 90 03'03" and an arc length of 31.43 feet; thence running N 89 561 57" VI, a distance of 30.0 feet; thnce running North, a distance of 111.0 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 1,196 Square Feet more or less. . . ...... L ,~~ ~,~>~~~r-J' il.i\i t~iJ~ ~ \:p' D ~r DRAWN: ',N, CHKO,: I, N. DEPT.: L61);f p~g=flQ3n " v 4 ' f-; 'J'C- ;d d ''; " N 89'56'57" W, 10,00' , /5' W '::)\ ~ ~ <::C ll.J ~ :z., ~ a: o C\J --l lJJ \..) 0:: cq ~ " (\1 ........ ~ - \.0 ~ a... ~R = 20;00' ~ A::. 90'03'03'. .. L ~ 3/.43' I N 89"56'57" W 30.00' .. - .-...--- - ...-.. L OMIT A A VEN,Uc -to I PLA T FOR STREET DEDICA TIOlV .. c ft) "EXHIBIT A \' 1/ ' SCA\.e:; I = 20 r ~" ' ,LOUIS and DIEDERICH ,inc. , ;il~D' .n'.i^oor'^o · pl.ool^o · .~rVOV'^O . . ,~."~: 77. "-' ........ a.. . a..", ..oa_, CA au.,.. . ~1""Go,....(.oa'Q""'~~"'IOC - -- CAn:: J;I1 2, J99L: I .ioa :\':1. /1,9123 ' , 'E'''' f'i ... - or_, - ~.c:.1 II l.l J J\w~ii~~ ~ A'