E-312 PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT, MIRAMONTE RD ~"'-:-,' 10916096 ~eturn to: CITY OF C:UPERTINO 10300 Torte Avenue Cwpertin.. CA 95014 ," -" r'-.~ i',.:' ,\ f- .1. -;' ,fiLED FOR RE~ORO ,~T nEQUEST OF crt! l}f CUPERT'NO HAY 2B 8 50 aM '9'1 -.I N -.I -0 :~ GRANT OF EASEMENT for PUBLIC UTILITIES C"., , P'" Orr .::'Al.. PECOROS N N SANT;' CU,RA COUNTY 0 ') FEE IN ACCORDANCE Lr..\.;r~!f. KANE W WITH 60V CODE 6 t 08 ~f/)1. RECOROER Glory Anne Bratton, an unmarried woman, c.+:" hereinafter called Grantor, hereby grant (s) to the ~!.T\:'p~ ~WrflT~~<fi. a ' municipal corporation, hereinafter called Grantee,/t~ ~gRr to excavate \ for, install, maintain and use Public Utilities as Grantee shall from time to time elect within the hereinafter described property of certain premises which are situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and described as follows: (Description Attached) Grantor hereby further grants to Grantee the right and privilege to enter upon his lands contiguous to and along the line of said hereinabove described strip for the purpose of locating, constructing, repairing or maintalning said Public Utilities for the purpose of doing any necessary or lawful act in connection with the con- struction or maintenance of said Public Utilities ~ ; there is also granted the right of the use of sufficient land contiguous to said strip on either or both sides thereof for the purposes of excavation of and deposit of earth and necessary building material during the time of constructing said Public Utilities and any repair thereof. The foregoing is subject to the following express conditions: The Grantee agrees to restore tIle ground surface and any improvements thereon to its original grade or condition insofar as it is practicable and reasonable to do so. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said parties have execu~e9 this Grant of Easement this d;) rd~ day of ~L~ , ' 191,L. (;y i'D, 411()C~ ,o~, / (Notary acknowledgment to be attached.) .. L 727 PA GE , 204 C:RIPTION ,)f L.':::'NDS TO 8E DEC'iC.A.r C::',,; '! ; GLi')I=;Y 6NNE 8FATTl)~,i T (l TH E (IT\' ()f ':UPEPTIt'Jtj FOR MIR..:::.MONT E RCI,':::'[" PUBLIC I)T!L1TY E,A:3E~,iENT BEGINNlrJG p.,T j;., POINT AT THE It.JTEF::3ECTION OF THE E.6.:3TEF;L Y LINE OF lOT 44 AS StoJe. F:OM) ":::'ND LOT ME SHOV,,tJ UPON THE "M,L:.,P ()F 9TH ,.:::.[!DITION MOt'H A Vl:3i,L..", A M,'::"P \o\'H!(:H 12; F:EC(JRDE[.f IN 8l)O~, ~'P" (jF r."lAP:3, PAGE 16, ':i,i:.,NT,'::;' CL);.F:A(:\)I..JNT\; RECl)R[J::;, THENC E ,':::',LOr.,k; 3,"::'JD E,L:.ST EF:L Y UNE (if MIFiM".i(.tf'.HE RCI.i:.[,l ':. ,::9" 12' 11" E , 1 (1,00 FEET TO THE TEi!'}!:_ E'.':JINT l::~F, BEGIU,NING; THENCE ,A,LO~,jl; '3,AJ[i E...::..3TERLY LINE f)F ~".11R.':::'j...1f:lr,JTE HLi .~, :,<;. i:2' 11" E, ;:; 57 FEET ;I:,A, POIHT OF ('1)R\".uTi)F:E TC' THE LEFT, THEt"j( E ,L:.,Lor.jG THE '::,F:( i:'F A ,:I)F:\o'E (,)r,IC,L.,'iED r',JOF:THE,L.,::iTEF:L'y'. H,.:':.,/iNG ,A, R.':::'DP)::, (IF 30 FEET THF:(:oI.,,:;H ,oJ. CH,iTF;,.:':..L6NGLE ;~'F :?6" ~S /:::" FC,F: .41 ,.:::.F:( ['15T6]-.1([ e,F 1:; 84 FEET V, 2., F'I:'I~,JT ,:,f FiE '!EP':,E: ':!)F:',',::.JI.'RE TriEr'Jt: E ;~"lt,JTlr.Jl,!!t',li'; V'/E '3T ERL\' ,11.LONG THE ,i:.R( OF ,2, f).IP\o' E TO n"i E FW~,Hr, ri.,s )"I~,JG ,!;' P I~L"(-':, ,~, i- :.' '.' u FEET THROI...h;H .L:.,I~ENTR,61 ,ANGLE ':'F 1 00"44' ,~r FOR ,I.~.N ,ARC [II':,T6J.jC E '~IF 6~~ (is FEE"; VI i:, pr:1!tJT ON THE (:E~.JTEF: LINE OF MIR/J.MONTE RO,i?[) THE~'K E AL':'hji; ':"~[! (EtHER UNE ;~!F ~,.1!t=:,bMONTE F:C',AD ':' 38') 12' 11" E, 10::(1 FEET TC' ,6, PCII"lT IN .L:., CI)RVED UNE ....\.1-l!CH 1:, P.AF:,L.,LLEL TO THE (:UF:","ED LINE L.A,SHY DES':RIBED ,AND OI:iTM<lT ;301,'Ti'iE,,:;,:;:;r,:8L.'( ;'HEr.:':: FRC'p",; 10 on FEET, ME"(;,::,I."iF:t[' ::::..:':.Di.,;;.,LL\'. THEHCE ,i>.L(.tNG 'E..AiD P,':::'F:":::''u,E: L:rJE Fr::(,r."i-- TM'KiENT "!\o1-iII::H BE,6F:2, N:i;:i" 30 ;ir E .':::'1,:.11'4(; THE ,6FIC (IF ..:::.,(UF:'....E ,.:,:,t.K"i:.,\o'E F.' THE U:::FT H,i:..VING ,.:.I, P,i\DII):i OF 47 FEET, THROIJGH .11, r::EHTRi:.,L ,i1.NGLE ('If 104" (I;:;' 12" F':'rR .t.N ,i:.,Fp: DISTNJCE ()F 8542 FEET TO ,:::., POINT (IF F:EVER~3E CUF:V,t..TURE, THENCE t..LONG THE ,~R(: ::IF ,.i:., I~;)F:VE Te THE RIGHT HA'iING,L:., R":::'DllY3 OF 20 FEET THF:OUGH ,t., ce,HF:Ai.. N,jGLE OF 26'\ 25' 2::;" FOF: ,6N ,L:.RC [)j::,T,6JKE ,.)F 9,'::':: FEET, THENCE t\!t::"F:THE,':::'.5TEF:LV AL()t,.jG A Ut,H:'o'/riICH )::J P,i!.R.A.LLEL ,.&.ND [1I':;T,i1.NT 1 I) FEET NCrRTHEASTEF:LV, t...jEA3i.,lF{E[: ,A,T FliGHT ,4JGLE:. F;:::,::r.,.; THE E.A,STERL",' LINE (iF MIR,A,t.,~I)NTE RO,AD t>), '39" 12' 11" \V, 8S7 FEET, THHieE ';:" ';(1"47' ,IT' '/,1 1 (1,0 (; FEET TO TH E TRU E POINT. ~J F. 8 EGU'JNIN(~_ j J7E Nortr: Fourth Str'eet l " ;:C'~H,':::'JNIt,jG I) 022 +l' ,i:.'cF:E:, ~.Y)F:E OR LES:3 Prepared by Civil & Construction Consultants, inc. San Jose, California 95112 ''',~ nr,'~. "'~ A'r:. t',]', ;; >>':r~ [1' , eXIII.8/ r ArG ~ -~Q .J\~ . ~ h-. ?-" ~\\\'^ \:... ~ <: t\rvO\~~.J\ ~l ~1~ \ I,";" 1 .: ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~'1(f.- ~ <'-:: \6~ ~ 'y' .'.". \ ".':.:}~,:..:; .~ '" I a~ -\~o~ Q..~o ;' \\0 ,-:" \\:," '1\) Q::: tt I '. ~~ PO.B. ,-, :;- ........ \; - -. . II C'Y) ~ '. - - - . ~~ ,'1 - ----_.-1-.____ , I ~ I 20. ~ N So. 47'49u C 1 .".,' I~ ,,,,,~ ' .- , , '."""!IO~~{;z') .t~ ,I. ,./_-::,:. " , ,.'.~ -"~[~) ot6'z,& t-,'\. l". .....',,' \ z,1.I, , , .~'. ~I .',. ',' -.. _ o.~ 0 ....,1.. ..-:, \ ~ ,'" "-, 'ft-' ~ .84- ':<'. .' ---- '~' 10'" . "") -, \3 ,."." '. ',', :2 a :-t:--", ~ \... ':':... ...... <:> 2. ~ ','", '-, . .'. ' .. ',' " '. ' !:::::::::;, 1>.\\ .,"."., ';'-"jO/!S.E. ,....... \ .,; ".. r-- ~ ",', ~"" / .>~... I ,.'\ ' ..( "1-...1 -;':'OI,~ '. '" .' .', ,. ~'\ \../.... . \ ," -, ,"', \ \ '.. ~~. \::" '"4:/00~tHe3" ,.,\.: I 0 , ...... '- _'l.\" /0' ~: 3 7 .. ...1 " \ '\ rl' ", I\-r- {(I L :{,5 05 ~ :', ' ,~ \' f.:Jv ............___1 to,~i ~A:=.o (1I)To40 ;' ~ l''Vt'vyl --- ,I ~ (,O/..~ ~ \ I 'I 0' . 1; -,1 ~ \'" t; . v:>. ~() ~~~p..(t~ '~ 10 \'2.. '\ ~ ~ Q I ~ ~/-'~\~~ ~ ~t I ~'<;0~ ~'<,~--<.O I ~/\V ~-4. 0 -<.0 0'v-<.~~f. I ~ :' ~\)'0- ~\ ~ ~ J, ~ ;.' 0 ,'U~' , / ~. I otP/' . ~ -- ~'I t;,1.I c(:' " .........~ ~,. ~ t ~~~ ~I,::',y' o 1,:,,\ . .,~ ...' ~/.",o o , 1fJ'6'. ":JCl -'~O LANDS OF TRUMAN RANSOM fJl?Arro/V onc/ G1.0RY liNN 8I?ATTON) ef- 1I~ A, I? N. 35~ - 0/ - 0/3 r , " i. .. ", . .-, .. '~ ~.... '....... --, ". . -, .. ,.... ,. . "- '. ....~..... :....;- '" " :~," .:.:. ...... --.:- " r-; .-....... " , ."': / / / ..... t'o..) ..... -0 ::r.::.. C") ", - f,-> o UI ~ , . \ '-.' .', . . " , - '\ ""-'"' I . . \ ... . .~ ..: \,,,~ \ ,'. ~ ' .-- '. ~- , -, '. \ I" . ' ,\,.<.....,.-.1 \....... "., , .,..'....,,' '. . '. . PUI3L.IC UTILI TY eASEMENT CURVE DATA .A R (J) 104.08 '12" 47/ o ?G.'ZZ.'ZI" 20' L 85.42' 9.221 " 7 / ~(t'~'\ i'f . .' 1 51; r: L," :1,>) l~ u \\~ Li,~ U 8" EXHibiT 8.5 ", ,-;. ,!,,~'" CIVIL & CONSTRUCTION CONSULTANTS. INt.: :.:" 1376 No. 4th St."'; San Jose. C~lifomi. 95112 (408) 437-'858 PLAT TO ACCOMP"tlNY PE5C,fIPr'jON OF PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMeNT ::,,::,~, TO BE GIeANTeO SCALE.: /"'10' DATE: OEC.1989 NO. 89/85-/ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ) COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA , 1991 before me, 1.e,'1-l-,,,-~ (name, title of officer),/pe onally/appeared r,LORY ANNE BRATTON , l)( personally known to me--OR-- 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature (s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. OFFICIAL SEAL MARILYN 1. SODERGREN NOTARY PUl3l1C . CALIFORNIA SANTA CLAP",' COUNTY My Comm, Expires ^:Jril 25. 1993 ~~'~P"::-'~. L 121 pn GE \ 206 CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER ~ INDIVIDUAL(S) SIGNING FOR ONESELF/THEMSELVES o CORPORATE OFFICER(S) Title(s) COMPANY 0 PARTNER(S) Partnership 0 ATTORNEY- IN-FACT Principal(s) 0 TRUSTEE(S) Trust 0 OTHER Title(s) Title(s) Entity(ies) Represented Entity(ies) Represented .? i;...', l.~ '/ii,"; "NO FEE" L 727 Pfi GE f 207 City of CUpertino CERrIFICATE OF ACCEPI'ANCE is hereby given in order to conp1y with the provisions of Section 27281 of the Govennnent COde. '!his is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated April 23, 1991, fram GIDRY ANNE BRATroN, AN UNMARRIED ~ to City of CUpertino, a govennnental agency, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council on May 6, 1991, ani the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: Mav 17. 1991 By . " ./, L ~ " "~I J , " ' 1 ' -1,. /) " '~' I'" 1\.. I.) ! )-;,. !;/ V " . ',' ":; - "" ',:, I.r~'- '^, ~~,jjJ~1J.~;,~~ Deputy Ci,1:y clerk - ~!.;:... ~ ,- , .......... '", '\ _A City of~ino, /:,' _j t"" ,-....;. ,1 /'/r ,....~ ,\ 4 ,',' \'\'YV'i"\! i'\ , , ; J r~- I I'" I . L 727 PA GE I 208 RESOIIJrION NO. 8392 A RESOIIJrION OF '!HE CITY CXXJNCIL OF THE CITY OF aJPERl'INO ACCEPl'ING A GRAN!' OF EASEMENT FOR RJBLIC UTILITIES F'RCJo1: GIDRY ANNE BRATroN, AN UNMARRIED ~, LOCATED MmAM:>NI'E ROAD AT rrs SCXJIHEASTERLY TERMINUS WHEREAS, Glory Anne Bratton, an unmarried woman, Grantor, has executed a Grant of Easement which is in good am sufficient fom, conveying to the city of CUpertino, Grantee, an easement for public utility purposes over the property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, state of California, lOOre particularly described in Exhibit "A" am Exhibit "B~', attached hereto am made a part hereof: All that certain real property situate in the City of CUpertino, COUnty of Santa Clara, state of California, consisting of approxi- mately .022 acre, located Miram:>nte Road at its southeasterly tenninus . NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of CUpertino accept said Grant so terrlered; am IT IS FURIHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to recoro. said Grant of Easement am this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPI'ED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this 6th day of Mav , 1991, by the following vote: vote Members of the city Council AYES: Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Koppel NOES: None ABSENT: Goldman ABSTAIN: None ATI'EST: APP1VJED: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk /s/ Barb Koppel Mayor, City of CUpertino . . ,. . ~ ,'-.:",' \.1" \/ \.'\/\ f' ,,-. / r... '1..--1 .,.' ,\'0, 1\'\'\/\ /'<1 '-; ~ / "'-.. '\!'. ' ~ -1/;...., - "" -; " \ ,~-"" ,H:S i~ 'Q::),f;Ei'<.:[IFY TH:\ r7n-:~-WITHIN ''''5: F'UME4',*'('IS A ~'I3.I"I~AND ~Rt;.ECT copy OF THE .O~I?INAL.B:~ :F,t~~ .iN '?~I~ QFfICE. ~' .', ' . it. >I,!;:> .!L1 04'-.... C'r \~' 1 -. -".. 0' ~ : ATTE~;r:... -...]__~;:;' ,i ~'" 19 CiTY cce HE:.~Y DR'~C~ERTINO " - '.. . . ,..\'l. ' _'.~ N ny / . ~ [___,:RIPTION Of L,~DS TO 8E DEDICAT L 7 2 7 PAGE I 2 0 9 B" ',' GLORY M~NE BRATiON TO THE (.ITY () f CU P EFITINO FOR MIR.~t...IONT E RO,':::',Ct PUBLIC lJTILlT'Y' E,~SEMENT BEGlt~Nlr~G AT.1;., POINT AT THElrHERSECTIOr~ OF iHE EASTERLY LINE OF LOT 44AS S..:::.JDROFD PotJD LOT AAE SHO\o\N UPON THE "MAP OF ~nH FDDITIOr~ t...IONTA VISTA''', A t...1AP WHICH IS RECORDED IN BOOK "'P" OF tytAPS, P":::"-';E 1 b" ~:;":::'NT A CLAAACOUNTV RECORDS; THENCE ALONG S.AJD E.A,STERL Y LINE OF MIR.~y;ONTE R(',.:::.[',. S. ~9Y 12' 11" E" 1 0,00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE ,~,LONG S,~lD E,':::',STERLY LINE OF MIRAA10NTE RD" S, 39" 12' 11" E" 3,57 FEET TO,~ POINT OF CUR\i?,TIJRE TO THE LEFT; THE~~CE ~.LONG THE ,~RC OF ,A, CURVE.. CONCAVED NORTHEASTERLY" H,6,VING A R,':::'DII)':; I)F 30 FEET THF:OUGH ,A. CENTRAL ~NGLE OF 26" 25' 28" FOR .AN ..::.MC DI5T PoNCE Of 13,tH fEET TO ,~, F'(IINT Of REVERSE CURVATURE; THENCE CONTIt~UING WESTERLY ALONG THE .4:C OF ,iJ., CURVE TO THE RIGHT,HA~/ING .A.R~Il)'3 OF 37.00 FEET THROIJGH p.,CENTRAL ..!:.l>JGLE OF 100"44' 23" FOR ANAAC DIST.ANCE OF 65,05 FEET TO ,t., POINT ON THE CENTER LINE OF ~...'IRp.MONTE RO,.:l.O; THENCE ALONG SP-JD CENTER LINE Of MIR.AMONTE F:O,t.l) S, 39" 12' 11" E,. 10.30 FEET TO .A. POINT IN .A. CURVED LINE WHICH IS PAAALLEL TO THE CIJRVED LINE L~,STLY DESCRIBED ~D DIST.ANT SOIJTHE.A.STERLY THERE FROM 10,00 FEET, t...1EASURED F:":::'DI,~,LLY; THENCE ALONG SP-JD PAAALLEL LltJE FROM i-, T .ANGENT V\'HICH BE..::.flS N, 38" 30' j3" E, .L:..LONG THE ,~C OF ACURVE CONCAVE TO THE LEFT HAVING ,~, R..:::.[1IU5,Q.F 47 FEET, THROUGH A CENTRAL .ANGLE OF 104" 08' 12" FOR .AN MC DI5T .ANCE OF 85,42 FEET TO A POINT OF F:EVERSE CURVATl)RE; THENCE ALONG THE AAC OF .L:.. CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A R":::'DIUS OF ;;0 FEET THROUGH A CENTF:AL FNGLE OF 26-> 25' 28" FOR M~ Me DIST ":::'NCE OF 9,~2 FEET,; TrlHKE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG A LINE '...\'HICH IS PAAALLEL ,AND DI'3T.~T 10 FEET NORTHE..!l.,'3TERLV, ME.i1.SURED AT RIGHT NJGLES, FROM THE EASTERL'y' LINE OF t>,.URM"ONTE RO....D N. 39" 12' 11" W'" 8,57 FEET; THENCE S. 5u" 4 7' 49" W, 10.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF 8E";IfJNlr~G Prepared by: Civil & Construction Consultants, Ine, 1376 North Fourth Street San Jose. California 95112 C'.-;1 A~ r. .} " ~ ~ CONT ,.:loJNING 0 022 +/- ,A.CRES MOF:E OR LES.s, ~XI-//13/ T A;G ~ .v ~ ~ h..~ ~^' J tx ,. ~ '< \I(,/I~~ ~~ ~ ,rv. \ .< ~,. ~ \:::) ~~ <I Q~ ~ ~c\} '. . ." ~ ,,~ ,.'" ~'I' "i" <i';;:' l"J :.". \ ..\i'~7. .:; 'c? ~ I C) ~ ,-\~o~ Q..~o ;' ,t ,.:>' \':':"~" '1\) r-.... tt I " '~~ pO.B. .., I:)- ........ \ ~ ~ ,.' - - - - -, ; \ co, ,'1 - ----_.-L____ ~ ,1 ~ , '20 .s ;v'SO.4749"'c \ , ". " . j~ Izl~ , ','. '. ~ ~~ r:il .t~ .' , , , .'."- ',~(R), ?'~& ,,'\ ......',' '" '\ II t ~ '.' l:;., o. " " _ ^~z., ,.. , I . ''''" . ~ 40 '..... ~ ~ ...' . - 0";) 84- ,'.'.. '...:..;.;....--:.-- '~. 10' '. " " ) I'" ..I~' .... ," ',:. ;;.. ~ g +--'. ~ I- ':.:..., ", .' r-- :z. ~ "... ". ". '. ., ..... " to.., ... 10 " .....:::: 1>\ \ ' ,,'. " , ,.,.., /0 ~S.E: " ..... .. " - '" ,I ..... '" '. '" '" ,\' ." '. . "'1 '-I ~.;:, \ . ..., " ' ' . .j_ " ..:~' '. '. ~-<. , ,-"W. \ . ',"., " ,.." \ \ " ~.' ~ ' ".1:/00.44 Z3" ,. '-. ,: t \, ......... -~\, . IOR:37' \)' -<,'\ v,f , 1\ -z.. {11 L: (, 5 0 5 ~":" ' , ~ \' 'J '-'__1'0,1.' ~~- (Tr)TAL) ~.~ f'Vj..Yt,,/' ---' I \'-:' ~O r..~ ~\" \ I 'I \0' . \ -.. ~ ,,,, t; ,,\'v-., ~() ~~~~(l~ '~ 10 \'i.. '\ ~ II 0 I ~ cl \~ 'r.Ff ~\ ~~ ~ ~ I ~y; VJ~ ~ tv~-<.O I ~tv \V~.J, 0 -<.0 0'v-<.~,?-~ I ~ :' ~V('.~\ .\ ~ ')\ ,~'f' ~ ) .~~' .'IJ" / ./ -.;, I 0 :)1"1 -:--9 - ~ I fJu c(:' , /~ l'\"). ~ t "'-'-. <' \.;' ....p::::;Z ~ I: : "~ o 1.::,\ , I I " . '1 " , " I 'l ! .. ,~ ....... 1" . . '" ~'" '...... -: .... . w.. .. ..... ,. . '"- .. -".:", :....... 1\~ :...... ". --. ........ :-. . . --:... ..,.... .' . -to.: .' ;' '.:/. ,~:/. , , . \ '-.' ,-, . . .' . _ "IIl..... , . . , .... . . .. . - ' \, ~ \ '-", .-.\ ~.' ", .~ ,-I, . ,~,\'..._J ,., ~...... .' \...........' ."\ 01 PU8t..IC UTILI TY ~AScMENr CURVE DATA A R (1)104'08'/2' 4-7' @ 'l~.2Z'21" 20' L B5.42' '7.22' '7 / \ . .' '{' ',.' ~/ ''lP o , 'fJ/b'. ":JCl _.~O I ....... N --3 -0 ;:::;p C') P1 N - o 'l:'....~ ~I' -. ", ,-:, J "t \! i; ", ;,,;~, B'" t} /' "'I "i 1 ' . gt~ L ~ JJ.ll EXH/8/ T 8.5 - "": ...;. ,...... CJVlL & CONSTRUCTlON CONSULTANTS. iHe.::~ '376 No. 4th St." "~ San Jose. C~lifomi. 95112 (408) 437-'858 LANDS OF TRUMAN RANSOM /JNArrON and G1.01? Y ANN 8~A rrON) er U~ A.I? N. 35~ - 0/ - 0/3 PLAT ra ACC'OMPANY ,oE5e{'IPTION Or PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT :,:,. ;.~ TO Be GJeAN Teo SCALf:: j". 1(}' DATE: DEC. 1989 NO. 89185-1