TICC 08-06-2014 TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Regular Meeting August 6, 2014, 7:00 p.m. Conference Room A, City Hall MINUTES CALL MEETING TO ORDER Commissioner Friedland called the meeting to order at '7:00 PM ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Peter Friedland, Shishir Chavan Beverly Siegel, Wallace Iimura Commissioners absent: Rod Livingood Staff Present: Mariyah Serratos Guests: Mike Jerbic APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Commissioner Iimura made a motion to approve the June 4th minutes. Commissioner Chavan seconded the motion. Vote 4-0 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 2. This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes a person. In most cases, state law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. Mike Jerbic, the new Public Safety Commissioner, came and updated the TICC on their most up to date topics. This included a discussion around the Dam Plan and potential rezoning request for downstream dam housing. There was also discussion about the Cupertino Alert System and its increased participation. Commissioner Friedland requested the percentage increase in number of participants. The Public Safety Commission is also liaison to Fire and Emergency Medical Services, and the Police Department. So they are constantly receiving updates from these sources. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - 4/17/2014 Letter from AT&T regarding U-Verse TV programming changes - 06/13/2014 Letter from AT&T regarding possible U—verse TV Programming Changes - 07/09/2014 Letter from AT&T regarding possible U —verse TV Programming Changes UNFINISHED BUSINESS 3. Still no follow up regarding the letter sent to the CPUC. Mariyah Serratos the IT Manager said that she will follow up with Rick Kitson, the Public Affairs Director, whether there has been a response or not. OLD BUSINESS 4. Commissioner Friedland has requested that the TICC receive updates from Rick Kitson on the Civic Center Cell tower proposal and SiFi fiber proposal. 5. Report from Mariyah Serratos, the IT Manager, regarding topics such as, VDI and PC turnover, email archiving, Wifi for Civic Center, and-Geographical Information System Asset Management. Ms. Serratos also discussed the remainder of the IT work plan which involved discussion of a potential refresh for the data-center and usage of digital signatures. Ms. Serratos is creating a Strategy Planning meeting and was interested in including two members of the TICC. In addition to the discussion of County wide connectivity, Commissioner limura mentioned the need for increased connectivity between the Sheriff's Department and City Hall, specifically the EOC. 6. Commissioner Chavan has requested that the TICC receive an update from Rick Kitson regarding the Crown Castle Contract. Commissioner Chavan also requested that Rick Kitson invite AT&T and Comcast to a meeting to discuss fiber. NEW BUSINESS: REPORTS 7. Commissioner limura attended the Mayors Meeting with the Commissioners Wednesday August 13. In the meeting they discussed that Recreation and Community Services is the new moniker for Parks and Recreation. They discussed the two Climate Action Plan meetings and the input that the public had. The Fine Arts Commission is getting more entries so they are considering splitting the award based on age so encourage more submissions. They also discussed fiber optic cables and AlertSCC. 8. Commissioner Siegel reported that she will be receiving a grant from PG&E for the No Spark No Fire Campaign. There will be an increased number of shows on the Public Access Channel. MISCELLANEOUS 9. Activities Calendar reviewed and updated. Commissioner limura will attend the August Mayors Meeting. Update Activities Calendar to reflect the change in time of Mayors Meeting with the Commissioners. In Action Items change the responsibility of the fiber inventory request to Mariyah Serratos instead of Rick Kitson. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Iimura moved for adjournment. Commissioner Chavan seconded the motion. Vote 4-0 Meeting adjourned at 8:21 pm SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Colleen Lettir R cording Secretary Peter Friedland, Chair