E-322 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES, SCENIC BLVD '^' 'Returt. tblt I " . CITY OF ~'Uf>ERflNO 10300 TOfte Avenue Cupertinot CA 95014 L 8 I 7 PA GE 0 800 /=..-3'2- 11011151 FILED FOR REGORD ,~'!" REQUEST OF GY::;af- . /G "1~{';;o AUG B II 29 ~H '91 GP-ANT OF EASill-1ENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES NO FF.J;: IN ACCORDANCE '". <'_."',.' ~n'.1 ,'~""'n-'::: CH 03 llfl' . .. l -, 1:)0-" ......... R' - .~ c:<'\ --~~ ~ ~ ~\,;,\C ~J ~ '} f' '-- t~ "':~ - ,,} CARL BROWN AND MARTHA KANTF.R 1.:::- :-::Al. FECQFiDS SMa' (~!_:\ FA COUNTY L H,:i:;( KANE '-(Er.OROER grant(s) to the CITY OF CUPERTINO, for public roadway purposes, together with the right to construct. repair. operate, and maintain any and all public utilities and improvements which shall be or become necessary for preservation of the public safety, welfare or convenience. the hereinafter described property which is situated in the City of Cupertino. County of Santa Clara. State of California. and as described as follows: EXHIBIT A & B (Description attached) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, executed this I 0 f1--.- day of J.J,v C 19!1L. ~ A1~~ (Notary acknowledgment to be attached) ((,cnt'ral) L 8 J 7PllGE080 I ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF S A-~ G l,4 rZ A- t oLlfJ_::Iu,,; l'l~ } SS, Statt', P<'r.onally appearcd -- per,onally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) 10 be lhe pt'r'on ,..s.._ who,e name L 11-/2 e sub,cribed 10 the within imtmOlent and acknowledged that m.G V / ext'cntcd 'hc ,ame, ! WITNr"" my "m.d ~ fid,' ",,' I? Signattlre --;:{ ~ '" a: '" ----- I: W .J II. <( .... Ul flGlt,(..k r ?SRI!- SuELL aOle (Typed or Pnnted) OFC, 2056 ~ ., OFFICIAL SEAL PEAR'( T. BRASUELL ==-cc= .. a.1~"", __ 1.. 1991 (Thit ~. f<< ofnci.IIWII..... 1191) l 8 I 7 ,.-. ~ ,..- i') 1"\ 0 2 r H bt. U d ; ~ ~~~,,~~~t~'0'~ERING 26229 Eden Landing Road, Suite 2 Hayward. California 94545 Phone (415) 887-4086 FAX (415) 887-3019 LEGAL DESCRIPTION - DEDICATION TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY A dedication for purposes of public right-of-way situate in the CITY OF CUPERTINO, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. described as follows: The Westerly 10.00 feet. measured at right angles. of Lot 27 as shown on the map of "MONTA VISTA PARK". which map was recorded April 11. 1917 in Book "P" of Maps at Page 19. Santa Clara County Records. ~~::' '., Rr:r.r.:\\fEO M 1'''' j 0 lS31 I\fis.d..... ---.... EXHH1\ '" A 1 L 8 I 7 PA GE 0 8 0 I; "00 FEE" CUpertino Public Facilities Corporation CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPl'ANCE is hereby given in order to carply with the provisions of Section 27281 of the GoverIlIreIlt Code. This is. to certify that the interest in real property cx>nveyed by the deed or grant dated June 10, 1991, fran CARL BRaiN AND MAR'mA KANTER to CUpertino Public Facilities Corporation, a governnental agency, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council on July 15, 1991, and the grantee cx>nsents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: July 18, 1991 , I "\""1. .' ~J '-"1.-..:\:', - \.... " ~f / /, ')~:':"Y /, ":: j-'l By: )\,0.1;(;:X:;,'JJ\'~' d:,f~ DePutYeity, Cle:dt .. ..~.- i , City 'Q.f ~iho .,,~,' ,'.' I \ v - /L/, :' ~--..:. -, \_.. "-'" 1/'1\", \', .' \ .:: i.:J , , . . \ . , 8 I 7 ~" t"- F> ,.. !"" 5 L !'t:t ut U ti U RESOWTICN W. 8439 A JlR9J[J1I'ICN OF 'mE CITY cnJNCIL OF 'mE CITY OF CUPERl'IW ACu!irl'nG GRAN!' OF EASEMENT FeR ROMMAY PURPOSES FRCM CARL BlOti AND MARIHA KANIER, <XNSISTnc OF APPROXIMA'IELY .023 ACRES, IDCA'lED SCENIC IOJIEVARD WHEREAS, Carl Brown and Martha Kanter have executed a Grant of Easement for Roadway PUl:poses which is in gxxi and sufficient fonn granting to the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, state of California, easement over certain real property for roadway purposes, situate in the City of Cupertino, lTDre particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof, which is as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, state of California, cx>nsisting of awraxi- mately .023 acres on Scenic Boulevard. JOtl, 'lHEREFtm:, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Cupertino accept said grant so tendered; and IT IS FURlEER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby au1:lx>rized to reex>rd said dedication and this Resolution. PASSED AND A1.Ol'~'&) at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 15th day of July , 1991, by the following vote: vote MsIiJers of the City Council AYES: Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo, Koppel l<<ES: None ABSENT: None ~: None A'1'IEST: APPROVED: /s/ Roberta A. Wolfe City Clerk, Deputy /s/ Barb KOPpel Mayor, City of ~/\"'i' 1 j' I " ., '" \ "__ ~ ", " . ,. i'l (' , "'/ v THiSde'TO CERTIFY n,AT THE' WITHfH' INSTRI.:J~ENT IS A TRUE Ai('D c~m't~ OF T~t,ORI, t,>JAL ON FfLE:IN THIS 'OF'ACE. ATTIii;r \ , ~:' 'j . 19E CITY E;U; 'Q iO crrl';'-OF: CUPERTINO 8Y ,./:t:;;~" 2 /~_ /J)~,1~ITY, CLERK /; ~~~,,~~9uL~!ERrNG t 8 , - pi'; r;; (1 {} f) r I ' ,~'" ""J' J 0- _ ! F..... ......._ ~~ ~ --= 26229 Eden Landing Road, Suite 2 Hayward. California 94545 Phone (415) 887-4086 FAX (415) 887-3019 LEGAL DESCRIPTION - DEDICATION TO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY A d~.:li..=:.itL'd r<>l" :_,u~'P(':'::",:3 .:.[ pub] ic right-of-way situate in the CITY OF ('.::;: El:::T:::1KI, l:::,=il1IJTY ,:iF SAlJTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, de~~Cl'- ii~\~\.i :t:..~ rrl~. ll:l"d~:: The Westel = '/ 1,)" l=J,J r e<::l. . . measured d. t right ang 1 es, of Lot 27 as 5nown (In tn,:. metp (.f "lVlClNTA VISTA PARK", which map was recorded April 11.. 1017 ::n SC"~I}.: "P" ,)f Maps at Page 19, Santa Clara County Records, RECORDEL~'S MEMO FAINT.. WRITING, TYPING, CARBON OQPIE;;< OR DOT I'll A TR MAl' ,: POO' ' IX PRlNTERS '- R PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD Cl - (' ,_. I \1(: 0 r 10. '. .... t 1 1_ " "'... of r - ,.("(',,.\ ~-' " ',' J, ' t-.t.:J ,'. .' J ... " , ~ hn~ u....___..... EXHHj\' A 1 CAT. NO. NNOO737 TO 21945 CA (1-83) (Corporation) l 84 7 P/i GE 0 4 0 7 ffD TICOR TITlE INSURANCE t STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF :2J4l1Jr/J ~L-A-/! a On -JL{ Ll / said State, perso ally appeared ..e J... '. personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument as the ,- President, and } S9. III I: III X 11/ t .( to . personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who executed the within instrument as the Secretary of the Corporation that executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instru- ment pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS m~d and offiei.heol. . . Signature ( M ~ {1, ~~~ ! and for ;-(') /;:<.9 (;:(9 (;:(9 (;:(9 ~ CX9C'-9 C.{C\ L;:~ (;:(9 CX9 (;:(9 C'-D (;:(9 ( G G:J>%;""" OFFICIAL SEATJ " 9'i~:.r~(~in~ LOn! A FRCO;ANl G 8 i\li~$}~ ~~~~~ ~~~~A ~~I~~;~A ~ .~ My Commission Expires Feb. 4, 1994 G I~GNlUXI~<>N<>N(')~G;';;Gl::JG)~G):':)G}';)('N('~(,~ (This area for official notarial seal)