E-338 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES,MCCLELLAN RD yY) ~ <6S -- . NO FEE IN Acd\~~lt GE 08 , 9 WITH 60V COD&: 6103 11453275 F-33? Return to: CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 !!2!~ 'fILEO f'OR Rt::GOfW AT REQUEST Cf Cfy~ CU/'t-:- JUL ZOo 8' 01 ~H 19Z Pm RW:H\Y ~ (yet ,;;At fL:~O~~)S SANT-~ '~i_/l.F.A COUNTY L,\UR:t ....A..E RfCOROFR Charles Gagliasso and Mildred Gagliasso as Trustees of the Charles and Mildrerl Gagliasso Living Trust dated April 12, 1988. grant (8) to the CI'lY OF aJPERrINO, for p.1b1ic roadway ~, together with the right to OOBStruct, repair, qJeIate, ani maintain any ani all p.1b1ic utilities ani inprovements whidl shall be or beoc:me necessary for preservation of the p.1b1ic safety, welfare or convenieme, the hereinafter described prqlerty whidl is situated in the City of OJpertioo, cnmty of Santa Clara, state of California, ani as described as follows: (Description attad1ed) m WI'lNESS WHEREOF, executed this I d- 1911- . day of ~~ OJ.( ft;JJ ill I J);t rtI~ J (Notary acknowledgment to be attad1ed) - * @. .'~ ...... OFFICIALNO.TARVSEA.l : < . ~ DONALD JOHN GAGlIASSO !r-. . Notary public.- CallforOla . ." SANTA CLARA COUNT\' , M~ Comm. Expires JUN 23,1995 .. 2 8 8 PI' Sf 0 8 2 t EXHIBIT A Roadway Dedication to the City of Cupertino All that certain real property situated in the County of Santa Clara, state of California, described as follows: Beginning at the southerly line of section 14, Township 7 south, Range 2 West, M.D.B.& M., at the Southeasterly corner of that certain 17.30 acre tract deeded to John Gagliasso et al, by Margherita Gag1iasso, a widow, by deed dated January 17, 1945, recorded May 7, 1945 in Book 1262 Official Records, page 110, Records of said County and State. Thence running along the Easterly line of said 17.30 acre tract N 0005'00" W 10.00 feet; thence running West 120.00 feet; thence running S 0005'00" E 10.00 feet to the Southerly line of said section 14; thence running along said Southerly line East 120.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. containing approximately 1200 square feet and being a portion of the Southeast 1/4 section 14, Township 7 South, Range 2 West, M.D.B.& M. APN: 357-20-017 BY: hb . \ M 2 8 8 PA GE 0 82 3 RESOWTICN 00. 8657 A RESOWTICN OF 'mE CITY CDJNCIL OF 'mE CITY OF aJPERI'INO Au.:&"rnc GRANT OF EASEMENT FCR ROAmAY PURPOSES FRaol mARIES Q\GLIASSO AND MIIDRED ~IASSO AS 'mIJS'lEES OF 'mE mARIES AND MIIDRED Q\GLIASSO LIVnC 'mUST DA'lED APRIL l2, 1988, <mSIS'l'IlC OF APPROXIMA'lELY 0.027 ACRES, IDCA'1ED CN }of"n'.F.T.r J\N RON> (APN 357-20-017) WHEREAS, Charles Gag1ias60 and Mildred Gaglias60 as Trustees of the Charles and Mildred Gagliasso Living Trust Dated April 12, 1988, have executed a Grant of Easement for Roadway Purposes which is in gxxi and sufficient fonn, granting to the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, ea.serrent over certain real property for roadway purposes, situate in the City of CUpertino, nore particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof, which is as follC7NS: All that certain real property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of california, cxmsisting of approxi- mately 0.027 acres on Md:lellan Road, (APN 357-20-017). lOi, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of CUpertino accept said grant so tendered; and IT IS FURIHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to reoord said dedication and this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPIED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this 18th day of May , 1992, by the following vote: AYES: Dean, Goldman, Koppel. Szabo, Sorensen NES: None ABSENT: None .ABSTAIN : None APPROVED: /s/ Lauralee Sorensen. Mayor, City of CUpertino ., '. ",,", ATIEST: ~ _: ' /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk - TH!G t~ ~'o, ~Eii1(~::';^"'tl';lAT THE WI" HII" lNSTRUME:,t{T\-15 A TRUE ANCr,t:OR.RECT COpy UF THE 01<1G1NAL gN FILE ~t;:-I: THJS OFFICE. . ....... ~~ - ~.' .' - / '. - ~ ~ ! - - ~,... 1 ' . q J- ATTE;:ST.'; :,..e. . . ',.19_ CITY ti:;E:~K 0; ':;r}ii~rl~~''t Of.: Ct:iPERTINO ',-.:(W't ~'~~J!-J ~: CITY,,~E:RK ny K 2 8 a PA GE 0 82 4 QW!! ~ BASIIIIIIl' IQt lQDIU Plact:u:ir.S Charles Gagliasso and Mildred Gagliasso as Trustees of the Charles and Mildre~ Gagliasso Living Trust dated April 12. 1988. grant(s) to the ClTY OF aJPml'IH), far pJblic roadway pnposes, together with the right to CD'aLL\JCt, repair, c:pa:-ate, am maintain ~ am all pJblic utillties am, i1tpravements liobic:b shall be ar ~ neoes~uy far ~eservatiCll of the pJblic safety, welfare ar c:x:rMIIlience, the hereinafter ~: cribed ~~ty Wich is situated in the City of Q.Jpertim, CCU1ty of santa Clara, state of California, am as descril;led as follows: (DescriptiCll attadled) ( IN WT'JW1i'C!~ ....--- WLEDOIIENT INDIVIDUAL ACKNO (}r 1-1 State of - ' C:;", f~ ~ P'l f?' County of- - )55, /1{Jr On this the .-L day of - n uf\l ,IL ,) t:f c' / ~ S J Q . ed Notary Public, personally appeared the undersign / F ~ /1r '- (),( r tl _ 19E, before me, ~ - "j _ (r /J1.. ~ ( c;?) /; #5-:1 d _, 11-IIS CERTlACATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO 11-IE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: ~ personally known to me . evidence the basis of satisfactory ....M~ to the o proved to me on _ subscnUt'U . to be the person(s) whose name(s) - _ executed It, knowledged that - within instrument.. and ac . WITNESS 4and and official se,a\. . /_ ~ j; r5J' N~t>fS'Signature / . ertficale 10 anolher dOCumenl . I fraud~1 attactllTle"1 of ttIIs C I .J-. , belOW is QPnOMAL, II cWd prll\l9f1 . cI /- /5/ /'1 h, / ~ the iflfQlTT18tio11 requesled (/ ;( /' /!. I tf 7 2 ATfEN110M NOTARY: Title Of Type of DoCument /- / I f ;-- I / - I _ Date of DoCument - _ Number of Pages _I Signer( s) Other Than Named AbOve - lI236 Romfllllt M . PO Box 7184' eanoga PaJl<, CA 91:l) c AATX)IIlAL NOTARY ASSCJClo'TO'l' ._tIo.~-- -1 ,,, '" __'T~FlY SEAL, ,< ,:&~cu"-SSO l ... .., ,. ." ~;a;llomia t ,.4~ COUNTY ':' ""/ ", .,'q . '(:$ JUN 23,199! ~ ;."....'&........... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... ~~.. = ..,.... ~.~~"", ~ "-....::~~, .~Ia,/~ ..~: .'. ..... ......-~~~O\" .... \~~ ....- - ~ M 2 8 8 PAGE 0 8 25 EXHIBIT A Roadway Dedication to the City of Cupertino All that certain real property situated in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at the Southerly line of section 14, Township 7 South, Range 2 West, M.D.B.& M., at the Southeasterly corner of that certain 17.30 acre tract deeded to John Gagliasso et al, by Margherita Gagliasso, a widow, by deed dated January 17, 1945, recorded May 7, 1945 in Book 1262 Official Records, page 110, Records of said County and state. Thence running along the Easterly line of said 17.30 acr. tract N 0005'00" W 10.00 feet; thence running West 120.00 feet; thence running S 0005'00" E 10.00 feet to the Southerly line of said section 14; thence running along said Southerly line East 120.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. containing approximately 1200 square feet and being a portion of the Southeast 1/4 Section 14, Township 7 South, Range 2 West, M.D.B.& M. APN: 357-20-017 BY: hb . \ ;' M 2S8PA GE0821 "00 FEE" City of CUpertino CERTIFICATE OF AOCEPI'ANCE is hereby given in order to a:uply with the provisions of Section 27281 of the Goverrment Code. '!his is to certify that the interest in real property oonveyed by the deed or grant dated May 22, 1992, fran QJARIES GAGLIASSO AND MIIDRED GAGLIASSO AS TRIJS'IEES OF 'mE CHARLES AND MIIDRED GAGLIASSO LVJN; TRUST DA'lED APRIL l2, 1988 to City of CUpertino, a <FVernrceIltal agency, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council on May 18, 1992, and the grantee oonsents to reoordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: June l, 1992 By Carol Sheph~ Deputy 'Ciqf Clerk City Of. CUpertino., . fi . ',' '1 "/\' -. _~ 1'....... ._.. RESOWTICN 00. 8657 A RESOli1I'I~ OF 'mE CITY <XXJNCIL OF 'mE CITY OF aJPERI'IOO ACCEPT~ GRANT OF EASEMENl' lilE. RQAIMAY PURPOSES FR(M CHARIES GAGLIASSO AND MIIDRED GH;LIASSO AS 'mIJS'lEES OF 'mE CHARIES AND MIIDRED GAGLIASSO Lrvnt; '!RUST DA'lED APRIL l2, 1988, <mSISTIN; OF APPROXIMA'lELy 0.027 ACRES, IJJC'A'nID CN KnELIAN ROAD (APN 357-20-0l7) WHEREAS, Charles Gagliasso and Mildred Gagliasso as Trustees of the Charles and Mildred Gagliasso Living Trust Dated April l2, 1988, have executed a Grant of Easenent for Roadway Purposes which is in gxxi and sufficient fonn, granting to the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, easenent over certain real property for roadway purposes, situate in the City of CUpertino, nore particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof, which is as follC7NS: All that certain real property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, cxmsisting of approxi- mately 0.027 acres on MCClellan Road, (APN 357-20-017). lOi, 'lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of CUpertino accept said grant so tendered; and IT IS FURIHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to reoord said dedication and this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPIED at a regular IOOeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this 18th day of Mav , 1992, by the following vote : AYES: Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Szabo, Sorensen KES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: /s/ Laura1ee Sorensen. Mayor, City of CUpertino ATIEST: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius . City Clerk GR.1LJrr C6 BASIIUIfl FtR~~ Charles Gagliasso and Mildred Gagliasso as Trustees of the Charles and Mildred Gagliasso Living Trust dated April 12. 1988. grant(s) to the CITY OF aJPl!R1'IN:), far p.1blic roadway plIpcses, tcqether with the right to CDaLruct, repair, cperate, ani maintain arrj ani all p.1blic utilities ani. inp:awments Wich shall be ar l::JeoanA neoesury far. ~ esarvatial of the p.1blic safety, welfare ar cawenieme, the hereinafter described pt~ which is situated in the City of 0Jpertin0, Q:1D1ty of Santa Clara, state of Califamia, ani as described as follows: (Descriptial attadled) IN W'f'1W1l'C!C! ...--- IMDIVIDUAL ACIUIOYlLEDGIIENT t:J'2 /1tJ ( _ 19.1-, before me, On this the ~ day of - (Jr (. I -, -)ss n ) &c:t/~)rd State of - ' 0f\1 ilL I c;"'/~ ~P1~ - . d Notary Public, personally appeared cf1 /r psftl_, County of- the underslgne / ~ . 'J F ~ /It L V,( r/l _ {'I~.., ( ~ IIy known to me persona . f satisfactory evidence .- ......--' - - - Jl o proved to me on the baSIS 0 _ subSCribed to the ~'~. be the person{s) whose name{s) - . executed It. m ~ -. ~~..:~:,{.~" to nd knowledged that--- i:;~ ,,,, \!' -,TI>J:'Y SEAL within instrument. a ac , ;< ,:..l..CU:'l.SSO [ WITNESS ffi'l.-t'a~ and official se,a\. . ...."'.t. . (J.1: It;.. .~ ~. ,. ~.~ (;ailcmia 1 ~l(. " " '-;..... ,.IA COUNTY /. ; (/ /; rs(." . '" . '(;$ JUN 23,19S~ ,: I PIt: ...,l'".;. :;...~.._--..... ..... .... .... ...... .....:;,., - ~t>fSSignature / . .. ano\tler cjQCUIIlllnt r,ment ot \hiS certll\c8te to t traudulent attac r , t>elOW IS ()P'TlClMAL, It c;auId preven d t /S ,,' /"1 h. - NOTARY: AI\tIOUQh \tie intormatiOO requested t (I;: 1'1'. I f ~ I /172 - A'fTSCTlO" Title or Type of [)oCumen I~/ If ( THIS CERTIFICATE I _ _ Date 01 ()OCument -- - _ Number of Pages - _I MUST BE ATTACHED Signer{s) Other Than Named AbOve - po Box 7184'eanogaP8M<,CA 91:pl TO THE oOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: 8236Flelftl"8\........ . . C No'j'()tW. NOTAA'l' ~TOl' ~ EXHmIT A Roadway Dedication to the City of Cupertino All that certain real property situated in-the County of Santa Clara, state of California, described as follows: Beginning at the southerly line of Section 14, Township 7 South, Range 2 West, M.D.B.& M., at the Southeasterly corner of that certain 17.30 acre tract deeded to John Gagliasso et al, by Margherita Gagliasso, a widow, by deed dated January 17, 1945, recorded May 7, 1945 in Book 1262 Official Records, page 110, Records of said County and State. Thence running along the Easterly line of said 17.30 acre tract N 0005'00" W 10.00 feet; thence running West 120.00 feet; thence running S 0005'00" E 10.00 feet to the Southerly line of said section 14; thence running along said Southerly line East 120.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. containing approximately 1200 square feet and being a portion of the Southeast 1/4 Section 14, TownShip 7 South, Range 2 West, M.D.B.& M. APN: 357-20-017 BY: hb . \ ALL. PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT "< y. ,- 1 State of C /~ L- !! ,": V /,' ;; (' County of / ,":-, !\I '; /-; C 1--"1.1 ,"l I' I {N' '1 On.!." DATE I, " II J before me, } M 3 0 I PAGE I 211 /..J,: /:;/1.- , ,,' "...-; /' J' .' / ,/, . r " .' i , rr /\ I' NAME. TITLE OF OFFICER, E.G., "JANE DOE, NOTARY PUBLIC' personally appeared )', 1-1.r: k c, 1/ f<,JJ ('~. (" ,1_ Y - , NAME(S) OF SIGNER(S) , o personally known to me - OR - ~ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evide~ce , to be the person~ whose name(~ is/~ subscribed to the Within instrumen( and ac- knowledged to me that h. e/sM/th~ executed the same in his/lJe'r/th~r authorized capacity(~s), and that by his/M'r/th.<!ir signature($?'on the instrument the person~, or the entify upon behalf of which the person,M' acted, executed the instrument. " Witness my hand and official seal. ATTENTION NOTARY: Although the information requested below is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to ungulhorized doc men. -- '" '::: r'/" I 1._ "I () / ,~v' . _OFFICIAL SEAL ,. DAN MASCHINO '" : NOT ARY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA SANT" CL"R" COUNTY If ' My Comm E lCf>lre!; Feb 2.. 1995 ~ U THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE DOCUMENT DESCRIBED AT RIGHT: .( l i\ / - 1 /-'1 , , , , ' If ;', / /1 [i SIGNATURE OF NOTARY Title or Type of Document Number of Pages ._) Signer(s) Other Than Named Above Date of Document /:./ ,,] \/ /.') NO 209 CAPACITY CLAIMED BY SIGNER -(9 INDIVI9IJAL($t /1 ft', , I ~ CO~PORA TE OFFICER(S) TITLE(S) o PARTNER(S) o ATTORNEY-IN-FACT o TRUSTEE(S) o SUBSCRIBING WITNESS o GUARDIAN/CONSERV A TOR o OTHER: SIGNER IS REPRESENTING: NAME OF PERSON(S) OR,ENTITY(IES) /,/ ,i'PI ! i-- / - / " @ 1991 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION' 8236 Remmel Ave,' P,O, Box 7184' Canoga Park, CA 91304.7184