E-345 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR OVERLAND STORM DRAIN PURPOSES, CHARSAN LN 1 1 6 2 2 5 0 4 E"- 3 if S M II 1 0 P^ GE 1 I 54 NO FEE IN AC(~":,:'LVi\....l::: WITH 60V CODi: 6103 Return to: {"T(V {"',t: Co r.11"H::,,""'"~IO '.....& ~ I Vlf \~. t",c"'~ u:'! l"')~,l~ T,'."'."'.':~,',',';;e ~:... ...,J' ,.,:1.: ~l.J II I,j,~. ~\ .. '<, ' GWfr OF FASEMENr arlERLMD SI{H{ OOAIN ~ Cu;:;crtic10, CA ':;:1~"..:i,~~~ CHARSAN PROPERrIES, a California Limited Partnership hereinafter called GRANroR, hereby grants to the CI'lY OF aJPmrINO, a municipal CX)rpt'.Jration, hereinafter called GlWU'EE, the right to excavate, naintain ard use for over lard stonn drain p.xrposes as Grantee shall fran time to time elect within the hereinafter described property of those certain premises which are situate in the City of CUpertino, county of Santa Clara, state of California, ard described as follCMS: (Description Attached) Grantor hereby further grants to Grantee the right arrl privilege to enter upon his lams CX)ntiguous to ani along the line of said hereinabove described strip for the purpose of locatllq, naintai.n.i.n:;J or dOllq aIrf necessary or lawful act in CX)nnection with the maintenance of said easement; there is also granted the right of the use of sufficient lard contiguous to said strip on either or both sides thereof for the p.trpose of excavation of am deposit of earth am necessary 1:ui.ldirq material durinJ the time of any repair of the said overlam drainage easement. 'Ihe foregoing is subject to the followllq express CX)n::litions: 'Ihe Grantee agrees to restore the grourrl surface arrl aIrf iIrprovem:mts thereon to its original grade or CX)n::lition insofar as it is practicable am reasonable to do so. IN WI'INFSS WHEREOF, said parties have this 7th day of October , 19...2L. ~~62250~ executed this Grant of Easement CHARSAN PROPERrIES, a California Limited Partnership li~ 8... WC/) O=w gg l.I..LlJ ca: ~~ iA: C"'-./ c:::n .. Charsan Develofl"'OOIlt me. a California Corporation, General P~ ce J-,~,--. Grace Lin, President By: ?- 'n t:: :::r.:: Cl:;; -=r:: n;: 0 w o ZC! M .0 Q < I. N L;;;: :L ~~ _ C.lJ-w'::. _ ,..q;_c <..JQ:c t." CJ :;l 4. Lt""'J "':'<<I"C t:t--I :> o~ ..9 .... -"' - ~ B w lU u.. o z t) '2- .t= ~ Q.. ::) U By: (Notary acknoWledgment to be attached) 9/92 , t w. I ,j I i v...; ~. v' .~ DESCRIPI'ION 0VERtAND DRAINAGE FASEMENI' Begi.nni.n;J at the Nort:l'l\o.'eSt corner of that certain parcel of laM as descri.l:lecl in the deed fran J.W. M:::Cann ani Pearl McCann, his wife, to oswald Davis ani Minnie R. DaVis, his wife reoarded September 24, 1953 in Book 2728 of Official Records at Page 268, santa Clara county Records: thence fran said Point of Begi.nni.rg alOIYJ the Westerly line of said parcel S. 0 26' 00" E. 218.00 feet; thence leavi.ng said Westerly line N. 89 34' 00" E. 110.87 feet to the Easterly line of said parcel; thence alOIYJ said line N. 19 35' 00" W. 230.88 feet to the Northeasterly corner thereof; thence alorg the Northerly line thereof S. 89 24' 00" W. 35.13 feet to the POINr OF BEGINNING. CO\.,)iA\~\~~ .. o ':?CO AC--\'<.5-S t M~ O~ LESS' 15 J~\4 .s~, ~, , ~O~ ~ \.E~5 L..c'_ . :\ ; 1 Gi 1t}~ / ~....'" ~ ~ . .. , . -, ---.-- ..." ---~... ...". po . L ~1470pnGE 1166 .. ... j 'v ...., . . .. l' ~ t... -:" . .. : .' i' I ' I ; . : : ii' SU BJECT......... ....'..~..~T~..~....~......:...,..~..-- ,..........., ... .... ........ .. ..... .......... ...1'........................,................ , SHEET NO. _......... OF........... JOB NO... .................-....... By................. ._._.. DATE. ..... ........ CHKD, By........ .. DATE............. ........... ...-...... .............. .......... ............ ......-.... .... ...._ ......_._.. .'.0..... ......... .... ...... ............. ..... .... ... ........ .-.--.. .......... .... .......... ..... ...... -........ .............--....... ............. , .~ .{ I . '(ION pofl1'A ~. 1R/4,JS ~"y '/)"'~ ~ "",. ~(J. II ~OtJ"l"l ;" . ~ ~ .~ ~ \\) \I) ,.5. .d .. . I 1 . ~ ~ .tI) ~_. l): < ~ I ~ (.) ~ .. r..~ .... .. .' : .. ;rlU '_ ~_,,_ ~~'~.., J, ;/ , 1'"; T B .' ~ ,~~i I EASEMENT ABANOONM6.Nr Pi-AT PROPOSeD /'RACT NO, 8.352 JeNNINGS- Me DeRMO rr. .4.:/S5. /1tIC. Q2S R~GeN7' ST- S.J. PH 28<;.4555 N 4 7 0 p~ GE , I 6 7 RESOllJTION NO, 8780 A RESOllJTION OF THE CITY axJNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCEPI'ING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR OVERIAND S'IORM DRAIN PURPOSES FRCM CHARSAN PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PAR'INERSHIP, IDCATED ON CHARSAN LANE WHEREAS, Charsan Properties, a California Limited partnership, Grantor, has executed a Grant of Easement which is in good and sufficient fonn, conveying to the City of CUpertino, Grantee" an easement for overland stonn drain purposes over the property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, IlDre particularly described in Exhiliit "A" and Exhiliit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof; All that certain real property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, consisting of approxi- mately 0.36 acre, located on Charsan Lane. NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of CUpertino accept said Grant so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said Grant of Easement and this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPI'ED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 19th day of October , 1992, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Dean, Goldman, Sorensen OOES: None ABSENT : Koppel, Szabo ABSTAIN: None ATI'EST: /s/ Lauralee Sorensen Mayor, City of Cupertino APPROVED: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk, Deputy : t +; :~J I ~'_i TU L L r~ ; i ;.. '( I t"~ i-.; , '. . I' . 'r~5TRUME.NT IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COP_' OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE. /)., / ..;J-Cf- 9" ATrEST ~ . 19~ ,,:TY c~ TH~T1NO ~. CITY CLI:cRK M L~ 7 0 Pft GE I I 68 "00 FEE" City of CUpertino CERTIFlCA'IE OF ACCEPI'ANCE is hereby given in order to cx:ttply with the provisions of Section 27281 of the Q:>vernrleIlt Code. 'Ibis is to certify that the interest in real property cx>nveyed by the deed or grant dated October 7, 1992, fran CHARSAN PROPERTIES, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PAR.'INERSHIP to City of CUpertino, a <pVernne1ta1 agency, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council on October 19, 1992, and the grantee oonsents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. Dated: October 21, 1992 By Carol Shepherd DepUty City Clerk City of CUpertino RESOllJTION NO. 8780 A RESOllJTION OF THE CITY CXXJNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCEPI'ING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR OVERIAND S'lORM DRAIN PURPOSES FRCM CHARSAN PROPERTmS, A CALIFORNIA LIMI'lED PAR'lNERSHIP, IOCATED ON CHARSAN IANE WHEREAS, Charsan Properties, a California Limited. Partnership, Grantor, has executed. a Grant of Easement which is in <pad and sufficient fonn, conveying to the City of CUpertino, Grantee" an easement for overland stonn drain purposes over the property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, nore particularly described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof; All that certain real property situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, consisting of approxi- matel yO. 36 acre, located on Charsan Lane. NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Cupertino accept said Grant so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said Grant of Easement and this Resolution. PASSED AND AOOPl'ED at a regular neeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this 19th day of October , 1992, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Dean, Goldman, Sorensen NOES: None ABSENT: Koppel, Szabo ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: /s/ Lauralee Sorensen Mayor, City of CUpertino ATl'EST: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk \ GIWll' OF EASEMENl' 0VEmAND Sl'(D( OOAIN ~ CHARSAN PROPERrIES, a California Limited Partnership hereinafter called GRANroR, hereby grants to the CIT'i OF copERI']}K), a municipal corporation, hereinafter called GRANrEE, the right to excavate, maintain arrl use for overlan::l stonn drain purposes as Grantee shall fran t~ to ti.me elect within the hereinafter described property of those certain premises which are situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of california, an::l described as follC1NS: (Description Attached) Grantor hereby further grants to Grantee the right arrl privilege to enter upon his lards contiguous to ani aloN;J the line of said herei..naOOve descri.l:.€d strip for the purpose of locati.n;J, maintai.niN] or dOi.n;J any necessary or lawful act in connection with the maintenance of said easement; there is also granted the right of the use of sufficient lard. contiguous to said strip on either or both sides thereof for the p..lrposa of excavation of arrl deposit of earth ani necessary build.i.rr.1 material duri..nq the time of any repair of the said overlarrl drainage easerre.nt. 'Ihe foregoi..nq is subject to the follCJlioli.n:j express corrlitions: 'Ihe Grantee agrees to restore the groun:l surface arrl any inprovements thereon to its original grade or c:ordition insofar as it is practicable an::l reasonable to do so. ill WI'INESS WHEREOF, said parties have executed this Grant of F.a.senent this 7th day of October , 19..2.L. CHARSAN PROPERrIES, a California Limi ted Partnership 't::)w;.. ~~......_....._ "'--_, ____... T__ 1- :meral lSmgle form) Effeclive 1/1/91 STATE OF CALIFORNIA } S5. . --~- COUNTY OF Santa Clara \ On October 7, 1992 before me, lhe undersigned, a NOlary Public in and for said Slale, personally appeared GRACE Ln~, President of Charsa.n ~vp 1 npm=>nt-. Tnr J a California corroration,General Parrnpr of Charsan Properties, a California Limited Partnership personally k:nown 10 me loT1'lrtivrn-ns~-0I\-nreDiiSiriirSili~~r07ycvlOCnCC) 10 be lhe person(s) whose namels) is/ are 5ubscribed 10 lhe wIlhia inslrumenl lUld liCk:nowledged 10 me lhal hej shejlhey execuled Ihe same in hi5/ her/lheir aUlhorized capacltylles). and lhal by hi$/herjlheir signalure(s) on Ihe instrumenl lhe person(s), or Ihe enlily upon behalf of which ,he pc:rson(s) acled, execuled lhe inslrumenl. WITNESS my hand and ofLcial seal. t:; , .--_' . 7/.;-/ .---/i..../..' .. / ./t '. yJ .!'.!;f Signalure ./,~ I' / / /( { . ./ ./ fL.' / 9/92 Karen Cornett ~~....~.:::.:.~~..:u:,.....:;.;-::::::.~..:-~::,. :.' <;~.}\ O/~~:,;:/':':~'~':~"" ( r." -::;,' . ~ \ Kf.F\ -.. ','. . ., I. \~(:., . /,,' J.I I~OT:,,'" :-::;,'.:- " ...-,. _.~' rr1I.'IC,I'.~, '....~. '. I ,,'..R,;:" CC~:~lI(."-~/,.l.,.~ .., j hi, C",llllij',"iLO ,-,-:,.,'.', i.:. .:' ~ r"'T1"",I."'-"~~'""7"~:'--":':"':"""''':';'': .'~', -.:.."1 .: _...J (TlW &rC& {lI' <>Ir",i~ "",arial ,..II Name (lyped or primed) FTC,1I91 '. v '-( DESaUPl'IOO OVERIAND DRA.nu..GE FASEMENl' Beg:inn.in;J at the Northwest carner of that certain parcel of lard as described in the deed fran J.W. M::Cann ani Pearl McCann, his wife, to oswald Davis ani Minnie R. Davis, his wife recorded september 24, 1953 in Book 2728 of Official Recx1rds at Page 268, Santa Clara County Records: thence fran said Point of Beg:inn.in;J alarg the Westerly line of said parcel S. 0 26' 00" E. 218.00 feet; thence leavirq said Westerly line N. 89 34' 00" E. 110.87 feet to the Easterly line of said parcel; thence alorg said line N. 19 35' 00" W. 230.88 feet to the Northeasterly corner thereof; thence alo~ the Northerly line thereof S. 89 24' 00" W. 35.13 feet to the POrnT OF B:ffiINNrnG. COl-,:n-A\~l~~ '. o ,3C&> ^~..\'<.e:S f k~ O~ l...€-$S' l5 )~\4 SG<, ~, , ~O~ az.. \..E~5 " . "l ; 1 ,. I L'., . I, ~ :/ '..... M.i .__ ~ .4 1 ; \ ,j( ..i. Gi;l~()~ - - ---...-.--.... .~~. -~ ..~ I ...j..,...,....,..I..V I ; . . ' , I" I I ': I 'I I ~ , S U 8J ECT....,.... ...... ......,................:........... ,. .........., aV.............. .... .... 0" TE. ...,. ........ CHKO. a.... ....... .. OATf.:... ..,..... . .. ..........,.......... ........ ...r.......,........... ............... ,.,.... SHEET NO. .......... OF........... JOB NO... ................... .... . .. ......... .--......... ..............-........ ............... ....... ..... .... .. .... ........... ....... .. ...... ............. ... ...... ..... ..... ......-.. ....... .....-............ .... ... ...... .. .-........................--....... .\ '\ .1 I f,. (J. N ~OLr(H pit" FI& , 00" vJ 00 '-'q.Q !JtJ I 088 '2:3 ' -(ION poll"''' '.' 1R/4,J5 ,4"r( C()tIf.p ~ "> ? ,~ ~ .~ ~ ~ \I) \ / /' ~\-, ,Ja ~.. \ ~ ~ ~ / \~.. ~ \ ~ ~\ .... '~"OVcRLANO ORA/NAGe' \ CAseMCNr;''''''\ ~ ~~ ",.""~ , ' ~ ;< 23/ O,R. /SG7 I, ~ '.. 2/.9.00 \ \ ; .. ~/ . -- .~. SO -2(;'00 ';e t ,'. " .0 1 /I.W. COR.1R OCcO 2728 rR. 2,;;8 ..5. . ~ ~ ~ ~.. tI) ~ < ... ~ .'1( 'oJ -- - U E~.f -,:. . , ;~, , ~~~p ~r Q ui U EASeMENT ABA;VOONMcNr PL.AT PROPOSeD "/RACT NO. 8.:352 JeNNINGS- McoeRMO rr~ .4.:/S'$'. //vC, 92S R~GeN7' ST- $.";. PH 28t;,4SS6 County of California Santa Clara State of title of the officer), personally appeared before me, (here insert the name and Timothy F. Yuen and Phyllis H. Yuen ( ( r On April 26, 1993 , "'"- ..... ..A... ~ ""'-- "^'- "^- ..A.. "^'- ~ """- --^--~ ~ "<~"" Linda J, Bentson ~ o . :>- Comm. #966322 G) C)... :: 0 NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA" ~ "SANTA CLARA COUNt~ealJ.1 J 10 My Comm. Expires May 21. 1996~ --."-~.",--..r~~_......-.,---",,,,--.,---.r ~ ( r ( ( c r personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/shelthey executed the same in hislherltheir authorized capacity(ies) and that by hislherltheir signatures(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. E-47