E-366 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES, MIRAMONTE STREET NO FEE IN ACCORDANCE E-3,~ (/) V'l .." N6 o 8 p~ GE 00 3 7 >-0 rn WITH 60V CODE 61 O~ -0 ~ >- :z:.." - -iM co......" ,...." ~ ~;;:O~- c..u ;::00 <J' /'T1 (") Return to: GRAHl' OF EASEMliNl' ~ ""'zo- 0 m..." (')or-"" o ;p.r- - .." 00 CITY C:, rr: ("" "<->- r:"DTU\!O far :::o~:::o;;o - C:;o , ,1 t\~!.1 ,...~.':' d ~ ~,.,;~ ,\...;. ~'; t.u t. ~,. ~ 00""", bI 1"tJ PUBLIC Ul'IL1TIES c:: './) :0 10 -"i~ 0 ~.;" or....0~ "~~vcnue ~ r'I'I""(')(") '"'CI -i rr-, ~v~ ~ ' ' ~ ,,- :O~C>i = rn og (l)Co :II Cuper'~'ino, CA 95014 FEE UJ ~tn - -I 'T1;:::) NO ~ - z: <:;I Q, PARVIZ Ie lmMVAR hereinafter called Grantor, hereby grant (s) to the CITY OF CUPERI'INO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter called Grantee, the right to excavate for, install, maintain and use POBLIC Ul'ILI'l.Y EASEMENl' as Grantee shall from time to time elect within the hereinafter described property of certain premises which are situate in the City of CUpertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and described as follows: (Description Attached) Grantor hereby further grants to Grantee the right and privilege to enter upon his lands contiguous to and along the line of said hereinabove described strip for the purpose of locating, constructing, repairing or maintaining said POBLIC UI'lLITY EASEMliNl' for the purpose of doing any necessary or lawful act in connection with the construction or maintenance of said EASEMFNrj there is also granted the right of the use of sufficient land contiguous to said strip on either or both sides thereof for the purposes of excavation of and deposit of earth and necessary Wilding materia during the time of constructing said EASEMENl' and any repair thereof. The foregoing is subject to the following express conditions: The Grantee agrees to restore the grourxl surface and any iInprovements thereon to its original grade or condition insofar as it is practicable and reasonable to do so. IN WI'INFSS WHEREDF, said parties this 4~- day of A ~ Cs have executed this Grant of Easement , 19 9 4:- . Q~ "'au. . " " ^--/- Parviz I. - (NOtary acknowledgment to be attached.) N 6 0 8 Pr, GE 0 0 3 8 All-Purpose Acknowledgement GRANT OF EASWENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES State of California } County of Santa Clara On 8/4/94 , before me, Brian C. Upton. Notarv Public personally appeared Parviz I. Namvar D personally known to me - or - Q proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. OFFICIAL SEAL BRIAN C. UPTON NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIfORNIA ~ PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN THE ~ o.,>}di COUNTY OF SANTA CLAR.o. -' My Commission Expire. Aug. 4, : 995 S-0260 (Rev. 4194) I Brian Kangas Foulk N 6 0 8 PA GE 0 0 3 9 August 19, 1993 BKF Job No, 910309.10 r~' r ~ ~ T ~ f~ 't, l,J ~ ,l~\ Consulting Engineers PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT OVER A PORTION OF LOTS 36, 37, 38, & 390PnceAvenue Redwood Cny. CA 94063 415/365-0412 FAX 415/365-1260 SITUATE in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: BEING a portion of Lots 36, 37, 38 and 39 as said lots are shown on the Record of Survey filed V?('.e.lir i-> (r /~, 1993 in Book G 51- of Maps at Page /1 , Santa Clara County Records, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point distant South 390 12' 11" East 10.05 from the southeasterly line of said Lot 36 at the intersection thereof with a line that is parallel to and distant 15.00 feet northeasterly by perpendicular measurement from that certain line common to the southwesterly lines of said lots and the northeasterly line of Miramonte Road (a 40,OO-foot wide right-of-way); THENCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING, North 390 12' 11" West 50.22 feet along said parallel line to a point of non-tangent curvature; THENCE, leaving last said parallel line the following five (5 ) courses: (1) northeasterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears North 330 35' 19" West for 495.00 feet, along an arc length of 65.96 feet and through a central angle of or 38' 07" , to a point of compound curvature; thence, (2) northeasterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears North 410 13' 26" West for 20.00 feet, along an arc length of 12.33 feet and through a central angle of 350 19' 02" , to a point of reverse curvature; thence, (3) northeasterly, southeasterly and southwesterly along a curve to the right, whose radius point bears South 760 32' 28" East for 34,00 feet. along an arc length of 146.60 feet and through a central angle of 24r 02' 36" , to a point of reverse curvature; thence, EXHIBIT "A" 910309.7 Page 1 of 2 Professional Services Since 1915 N 6 0 8 PA GE 0 0 4 0 Public Utility Easement over a Portion of Lots 36, 37, 38 & 39 August 19, 1993 Page 2 (4) southwesterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears South 090 29' 52" East for 20.00 feet, along an arc length of 11.17 feet and through a central angle of 320 00' 44" , to a point of reverse curvature; and thence, (5) southwesterly along a curve to the right, whose radius point bears North 410 30' 36" West for 545.00 feet, along an arc length of 70.44 feet and through a central angle of or 24' 18" returning to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 7,013 square feet of land more or less. J.\lR c::Lc;V(~ I V\l\D~Z. Dr- \c".>1 A plat showing the above-described easement is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "B". This description was prepared by: By: Dated: PK:pw 910309.7 EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 2 N 5 0 8 PA GE 0 0 4 I ~\ I 1- 1 / 20' 20' / I / / ..- / 1- - - - - - - - - - --- I ./ EXISTING QT \- MERGER LOT LINE L \ \ \ FUTURE f ~ R.O.W. LINE""200 \0. R. \ I 5 .00 ' 4 1 / } 1'r-10.00' ,.,- I 40 1912 \~' /~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- , STEVENS CANYON ROAD ~ z w CD o - tv rn . 0_ . ..... tv "' tv :::IE: 36 / ? ~ .-t :D )> 3: o Z -t ml :0 o )> o / I I \ I \ \ ~ I I ~cc I I to- I I (') \ I ~ 6=35019'02" I ("r) R-20 .00 \ :z L=12.33\ I ~ 6,-70 38 ' 07" _ - R-495 .00 ~ / ..-- \_,_-c:6E:9-P----= ..- / . , , LOT LINE AD0USTMENT 37 P.O.B. 10.0C:; __ \ - - "'-- - - - ;...."'- \ L-70 .44 "--'\ R-545.00 I 6,-7024' 18" \ \ 6-32000' 44" \ I R-20 .00 \ I L-11 . 17 M 178 \0 R. I \ \ 38 --t - ___ ./..,..--- "- \--------- < '"'- '\ \ "' '" 6=247002' 36" , \...--- R-34. 00 \. L=146.60 I J (TOT AU / PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 7,013 S.F. 39 1494 \ \ \ / "ll.\\\'3\1 W' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT OVER PORTION OF LOTS 36,3~38&39 CITY OF CUPERTINO SANTA CLARA COUNTY CALIFORNIA EX H I BIT II B " BRIAN KANGAS FOULK CONSULTING ENGINEERS 540 PRICE AVENUE REDWOOD CITY. CALIF. 94063 TELEPHONE (415) 365-0412 Date: 6/14/93 Sea le: 1"-50' By: A . F . M . Sheet 1 Pro) .No. A-910309.10 "PLOT* PLAT FOR DESCRIPTIONS - 354 [0, 12] PF: 910309 5409 15-.Jun-93 08: 58 AM / 910309.10-8 N 6 0 8 PA GE 0 0 4 2 RESOLUTION NO. 9178 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES FROM P ARVIZ \. NAMV AR, LOCATED OVER PORTION OF LOTS 36, 37, 38, AND 39, MlRAMONTE STREET WHEREAS, parviz \. Namvar, Grantor, has executed a Grant of Easement which is in good and sufficient form, conveying to the City of Cupertino, Grantee, an easement for public Utility purposes over the property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly desCribed in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof: All certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, consisting of approximately 0.16 acre, located over portion of Lots 36, 37, 38, and 39, Miramonte Street. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Cupertino accept said Grant so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said Grant of Easement and this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this ~ day of Sentember ' 1994, by the fonowing vote: ~ Members oUhe City CO\fficil A)1ES: Burnett, Dean, Sorensen, Koppel NOES: None pUBSENT: Bautista pUBSTAIN: None APPROVED: /s/ Barb Koppel Mayor, City of cupertino ATTEST: , ee'::';': ( -;. 'I'.T T'lF \";'ITHIN ~ C\ \h~."",~ h\,..I.) c~.- ..-.:~.,.ill_::r coP"( .. ..._'-. ~"r' . .L'... ,;.,; '.., .,"c. OFFICE, .1tfJ Q mJq k. (1 -, 'J,Jt.I ,::;, , ,~l :_." ,. ; ': .-.J~' ,_,I" Cl-~:EF..T:h:J u._..f!S! ,,)4'4lL\ll..- .;:Jcp . c: IT '( C. U. ,... K. . J: /s/ Roberta wolfe Deputy City Clerk N 6 0 8 PA GE 0043 QWIr OF ~ fer roBLIC tJ1'IL1'l'DS PARVIZ I. NNf1AR hereinafter called Grantor, herebY grant (s) to the CI'l"l OF aJPERI'INO, a nmUcipal corporation, hereinafter called Grantee, the right to excavate for, install, maintain ani use p(E[.IC ~ ~ as Grantee shall fran time to time elect within the hereinafter desCribrl prcpartY of c:::ertain premises which are situate in the city of 0Jpertin0, coontY of Santa Clara, state of California, ani desCribed as follOlli1S: (oescriptioo Attadled) Grantor herebY :further grants to Grantee the right ani privilege to enter upon his lards oontiguCAlS to ani alaq the line of said here:i.nabCJVe desCribrl strip far the pn:pose of locatin:J, canstruetin:J, repairin:J or maintai.nin:l said p(E[.IC urIUT! FASfJG!NE for the pn:pose of doin;J arrj neoec:--saTY or lawful act in (iilnectioo with the canstruetion or ~ of said ~; there is also gtanted the right of the use of sufficient lan1 oc:ntiguaJS to said strip en either or both sides t:hereof far the p.nposes of excavaticn of ani depOSit of earth ani ~ry 1:ui.ldin;J materia durin:J the time of ~ said ~ ani arrj repair thereOf. '!he faregoin:J is subject to the followin;J express carditicms: '!he Grantee agrees to restore the groom surface ani arrj ~ thereCX1 to its original grade or ocrditien insofar as it is practicable am reasonable to do so. m WI'lNES5 WHEmDF, said parties have executed this Grant of ~ this "0 "'- diri of A "~ ' 19 9 '\:-. 9~0~..~ ParV1Z I. .- ar (NotarY ackWW1~ to be attached.) N 6 0 8 PA GE 0 0 4 4 All-purpose Acknowledgement GRANT OF ~ FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES State of California } County of Santa Clara On 8/4/94 I before me, Brian C. tlnton, ~i-~rv Public personally appeared parviz I. NamVar o personally known to me _ or _ Q proved to me on the baSis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. .' OFFICIAL SEAL : ....... BRIAN C. UPTON .' NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORN1A . , ~ PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN THE ..,IJ COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA My Commission Expires Aug. 4, 1995 "1'\,)1:1'1 tR..v 4194\ I Brian Kangas Foulk N 6 0 8 p~ GE 0 0 4 5 August 19, 1993 BKF Job No. 910309.10 r\( L~ D'1 1\ ri,n U. Ii Consulung Engineers PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT OVER A PORTION OF LOTS 36, 37, 38, & 390PnceAvenue Reowood Cay. CA 94063 415/365.0412 fAX 415/365.1260 SITUATE in the City of cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: BEING a portion of Lots 36, 37, 38 and 39 as said lots are shown on the Record of Survey filed u.?(' ~II\- h (r I~. 1993 in Book 651- of Maps at Page 11 , Santa Clara County Records, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point distant South 390 12' 11" East 10.05 from the southeasterly line of said Lot 36 at the intersection thereof with a line that is parallel to and distant 15.00 feet northeasterly by perpendicular measurement from that certain line common to the southwesterly lines of said lots and the northeasterly line of Miramonte Road (a 40.00-foot wide right-of-way); THENCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING, North 390 12' 11" West 50.22 feet along said parallel line to a point of non-tangent curvature; THENCE, leaving last said parallel line the following five (5 ) courses: (1) northeasterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears North 330 35' 19" West for 495.00 feet, along an arc length of 65.96 feet and through a central angle of 070 38' 07" , to a point of compound curvature; thence, (2) northeasterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears North 410 13' 26" West for 20.00 feet, along an arc length of 12.33 feet and through a central angle of 350 19' 02" , to a point of reverse curvature; thence, (3) northeasterly, southeasterly and southwesterly along a curve to the right, whose radius point bears South 760 32' 28" East for 34.00 feet, along an arc length of 146.60 feet and through a central angle of 24r 02' 36" , to a point of reverse curvature; thence, EXHIBIT "A" 910309.7 Page 1 of 2 Professional Services Since 1915 N 6 0 8 PA GE 0 0 4 6 Public Utility Easement over a Portion of Lots 36, 37, 38 & 39 August 19, 1993 Page 2 (4) southwesterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears South 090 29' 52" East for 20,00 feet, along an arc length of 11.17 feet and through a central angle of 320 00' 44" , to a point of reverse curvature; and thence, (5) southwesterly along a curve to the right, whose radius point bears North 410 30' 36" West for 545.00 feet, along an arc length of 70.44 feet and through a central angle of or 24' 18" returning to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 7,013 square feet of land more or less. O,\~ a..r;vc~ ,\'\I\O~ 0,.. \t"'y! A plat showing the above-described easement is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "B". This description was prepared by: Dated: By: PK:pw 910309.7 EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 2 N 6 0 8 PA GE 0 0 4 7 )\ I ~ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - -1- STEVENS CANYON ROAD 1 / / I I \ \ I ' "!- z I I ~~ w I \ in- UlII('l ... \ ~ ~-35-19'02- 1JI ~ \ ('l R-20 .00 0'" \ I z L-12 . 33 \ .... I ~~ \ 6-7.38'07- ,,- \ R-495.00 .,. / .-- I .,. ~ ... ... ... ... ... '" ,_,_ ..1~~9...9 _ -" . , \' P.O.B. IO.O~ _ I \ ------l"'t~ L-70.44 \ \ R-545.00 ' \ \ 6-7-24'18- , \ ' ~-320 00 ' 440 \ 39 \ I R-20 .00 \ \ I L-U.17 M17S '0 R. 1494 \ ' 38 I \ I /-t -..... \ \--------- .;----....." \ \ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 37 /~ 36 I,:"~ ..~ ~ X H :0 > X o Z -i rTll :0 o > o "" ~-2470 02' 36- " \..-- R-34.00 \ t L-146.60 I I (TOT ALl I / PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT 7,013 S.F. 20' I I / I " / 1- - - - - - - - - ~....\ /' EXISTING OT ,- MERGER LOT LINE L I \ \ \ FUTURE \ o R.O."'. LINEM200 ,0. R. \ \ 5 .00 ' 4 1 / ) rr- 10.00' / r-_ _ _ - - - - I \ 40 1912 III "t1\\\~\1 Y) PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT OVER PORTION OF LOTS 36,3~38&39 CITY OF CUPERTINO SANTA CLARA COUNTY CALIFORNIA EX"I~'T /I~" SAIAN KANGAS FOULK Date: 6/14/93 Scale: 1".50 CONSlL lING ENGINEERS By: A . F . M Sheet 1 5.0 PRICE AVENUE REDWOOD CITY. CALIF. 9.063 TELEPHONE (.15) 365-0.12 Proj.No. A-910309.10 .PLOT. PLAT FOR DESCRIPTIONS_~ 354 [0, 12J PF: 910309 5409 15-,Jun-93 08: 58 AM / 910309.10- RESOLUTION NO. 9178 {:i'1 .~ "~>l ,i ,'I ,1 ,<fI1) ....... : t':', ',. ,.... ':~I"~V iii " ;': "< ," '" t.:. ~'..~;:J \~.. M [j fL... ~:I~ I~i 1:1 ,~f ~~:;JJ~. ."", ~ji . lj A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTiNO ACCEPTiNG A GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES FROM P ARVIZ I. NAMV AR, LOCATED OVER PORTION OF LOTS 36, 37, 38, AND 39, MlRAMONTE STREET WHEREAS, parviz J. Namvar, Grantor, has executed a Grant of Easement which is in good and sufficient fonn, conveying to the City of Cupertino, Grantee, an easement for Puhlic Utility purposes over the propertY situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly descrihed in Exhihit "A" and Exhibit '<B", attached hereto and made a part hereof: All certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, consisting of approximately 0.16 acre, located over portion of Lots 36,37,38, and 39, Miramonte Street. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Cupertino accept said Grant so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said Grant of Easement and this Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of September ' 1994, by the following vote: ~ Members of the City Council A)1ES: Burnett, Dean, Sorensen, Koppel NOES: None pJBSENT: Bautista pJBSTAIN: None APPROVED: /s/ Barb Koppel Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: /s/ Roberta Wolfe Deputy City Clerk QWlr OF ~ far POBLIC tJl'lLrI'IES PARYIZ I. NNIVAR hereinafter called Grantor, herebY grant (s) to the CITY OF aJPE:RrmO, a nmri.cipal UXJPl.-ation, hereinafter called Grantee, the right to excavate for, install, maintain an:i use p(J!LIC ~ FASI!MEIfE as Grantee shall fran tine to tine elect within the hereinafter deSCril:led prvparty of certain premi"'es which are situate in the City of cupertino, Q:::mlty of santa Clara, state of California, an:i deSCril:led as follOWS: (nescripticm Attached) Grantor herebY :further grants to Grantee the right am privilege to enter upon his lards contiguo.1S to am alaq the line of said }}ereinalxNe deSCril:led strip for the pn=pose of locatin;J, ~, repairi.n;J or maintai.nin:;J said PWGlC tJl'IIn'!' ~ for the pn=pose of doi.n;J arrj neoec:sarY or laWfUl act in (Ximecticm with the cxn;truction or ma,i.nt:.enal'l of said ~; there is alsO granted the right of the use of sufficient lard cxntiguo.1S to said strip at either or both sides t.hereOf for the ~ of excavatiat of am depOSit of earth am re::;espry l::l1ildin;J materia durin;J the time of ~ said ~ ani arrj repair thereOf. 'Ihe foregoin;J is subject to the followin;J express c:x:nlltioos: 'Ihe Grantee agrees to restore the grcurn surface an:i arrj ~ thereOIl to its original grade or c:x:nlltioo insofar as it is practicable ani reasonable to do so. m WI'INESS WHEREOF, said parties have exec::utsl this Grant of 'F-"~ this "\' "'- da:f of A "~ ' 19 9 " . 9~0~,.p~ ParV1Z I. -- in' (NotarY acknc::Ml~ to be attached.) All-purpose Acknowledgement GRAm' OF ~ FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES State of California County of Santa Clara } On 8/4/94 , before me, Brian C. upton. Nnt-~rv Public personally appeared parviz I. Namvar o personally known to me . or . Q proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon beha~ of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. .' OFFICIAL SEAL : ....... BRIAN C. UPTON .' NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA , . PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN THE " COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA My Commission Expires Alig. 4, 1995 ,... ^"'~" IDa.., AJQA\ I Brian Kangas Foulk August 19, 1993 BKF Job No. 910309.10 r~(url)rr ~ r.. I " n j D , Consulung Engineers PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT OVER A PORTION OF LOTS 36, 37, 38, & 390PnceAvenue Redwood CI\Y. CA 94063 415/365.0412 FAX 415/365-1260 SITUATE in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: BEING a portion of Lots 36, 37, 38 and 39 as said lots are shown on the Record of Survey filed ver "-.. ~ u 1,/. 1993 in Book {, 5' L of Maps at Page /1 . Santa Clara County Records, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point distant South 390 12' 11" East 10.05 from the southeasterly line of said Lot 36 at the intersection thereof with a line that is parallel to and distant 15.00 feet northeasterly by perpendicular measurement from that certain line common to the southwesterly lines of said lots and the northeasterly line of Miramonte Road (a 40.00-foot wide right-of-way); THENCE, leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING. North 390 12' 11" West 50.22 feet along said parallel line to a point of non-tangent curvature; THENCE, leaving last said parallel line the following five (5 ) courses: (1) northeasterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears North 330 35' 19" West for 495.00 feet, along an arc length of 65.96 feet and through a central angle of 070 38' 07" , to a point of compound curvature; thence, (2) northeasterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears North 410 13' 26" West for 20.00 feet, along an arc length of 12.33 feet and through a central angle of 350 19' 02" , to a point of reverse curvature; thence, (3) northeasterly, southeasterly and southwesterly along a curve to the right, whose radius point bears South 760 32' 28" East for 34.00 feet, along an arc length of 146,60 feet and through a central angle of 2470 02' 36" , to a point of reverse curvature; thence, EXHIBIT "A" 910309.7 Page 1 of 2 Professional Services Since 1915 Public Utility Easement over a Portion of Lots 36, 37, 38 & 39 August 19, 1993 Page 2 (4) southwesterly along a curve to the left, whose radius point bears South 090 29' 52" East for 20.00 feet, along an arc length of 11.17 feet and through a central angle of 320 00' 44" , to a point of reverse curvature; and thence, (5) southwesterly along a curve to the right, whose radius point bears North 410 30' 36" West for 545.00 feet, along an arc length of 70.44 feet and through a central angle of 070 24' 18" returning to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 7,013 square feet of land more or less. 0 ,\lI ~V(~ I ,^^D~ 0,.. \(">-1 A plat showing the above-described easement is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "B". This description was prepared by: Dated: By: PK:pw 910309.7 EXHIBIT "A" Page 2 of 2 I / /~ I) \ ).. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I' STEVENS CANYON ROAD ~ X H JJ )> X o Z -" rn, JJ o )> o I I I \ \ I ' "! z I I ~~ w I \ in- "lIlt') ... ,~A-35.19'02. U1~ \ t') R-20 .00 0'" \ \ z L-12.33 \ .... I ~s \ ~.7.38'07. ,- \ R.495.00 -'" / .....- \ .,. ~ ... ... ... ... / \_,_ J....95~9..P - - .... . , \' p.O.B. IO.D\., - \ \ - r-7~ 44 -,-'-""" \ \ R-545 ,00 \ \ 6-7.24' 18- \ \ \ A-32. 00 ' 44. \ 39 \ \ R-20 .00 ' \' L-11.17 M178 '0 R. 1494 \ ' 38 ' \' ......-t-.... \ r-------- ,r--," \ \ LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 37 36 ~ iii ",'" Jt " ~ A-247.02'36" " \...-' R-34.00 \, L-146..60 I I (TOT All I '7 PU8LIC UTILITY EASEMENT 7.013S.F. 20' I I / I .... / \ 1- - - - - - - - - ~ --, " EXISTING 01 ,- ~ERGER \ LOT LINE L \ ~ FUTURE , \; R,O."' LINE\v\200 ,0 \ I '5.00' 41 / ~_1~~~ _ - --/ \ I 40 R. 1912 \ / I' lltk\\\\\\ ~ PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT OVER PORTION OF LOTS 36,3~38&39 CITY OF CUPERTINO SANTA CLARA COUNTY CALIFORNIA EX\H ~ \1 "~- SRIAH KANGAS FOUL.l< Oat., 6/1'/93 scal.' "., C()NSlL TING ENGItEERS By: A . F . M . Sheet i 5.010 PRICE AvEHlf REDWOOD CITY. CALIf. 9.01063 TELEPHOtE (.0115) 365-00412 Pro,.No. A-910309.10 MPLOTM PLAT FOR DESCRIPTIONS..: 354 [0, 121 PF: 9i0309 5409 i5-.Jun-93 08: 58 AM / 9i0309.