E-377 GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES, 11350 BUBB RD ~~._""'Of\'JrE. ~'() r-~r:" Kr.,l IJf.\'~K)1' ..U'~l"'~ ....,:Jin..;..~~.v '~;DE 6103 N 6 6 I p~ GE 0 0 3 6 Return to: CiTY Of CUPERTINO lfJ300 Torre Avenue C. u~i,~,I(~~'i';'!""'~ C.~ 95014 ~v~u. .ZIIIiV, GWf.r OF EASI!JHfl' fer PmLIC lJl'ILI'l'nS 11350 Buti:> Road Am 362-11-060 olaf INJ All) SUI DiU hereinafter called Grantor, hereby grant (s) to the CITY OF aJPERl'INO, a nmrlcipal ex>rp:>ration, hereinafter called Grantee, the right to excavate for, install, maintain am use IUJLIC u.rJLl'.l'Y F.AS9mn' as Grantee shall fran tiIre to tiIre elect within the hereinafter described property of certain premises which are situate in the City of CUpertino, county of Santa Clara, state of California, am described as follC7NS: (See Exhibit A & B) Grantor hereby further grants to Grantee the right am privilege to enter upon his lams contiguous to am alorg the line of said hereinabove described strip for the purpose of locating, cx:>nstructing, repairing or maintaining said roBLIC Ul'ILI'lY FASEMENr for the purpose of doing any necessary or lawful act in cx:>nnection with the cx:>nstruction or maintenance of said FASl!MENri there is also granted the right of the use of sufficient lam contiguous to said strip on either or 00th sides thereof for the p.1rposes of excavation of a:rxi deposit of earth am necessary l:uilding materia during the tiIre of constructing said FASI!MENr am any repair thereof. '!he foregoing is subject to the following express con:litions: '!he Grantee agrees to restore the grourd surface am any i.nprovements thereon to its original grade or cx:>n:lition insofar as it is practicable am reasonable to do so. IN WI'INESS WHEREOF, said parties have executed this Grant of Easement this 20th day of September 19 94 . ~rn~ JON !!Y ~.~ SUI HWU (Notary acknowledgment to be attached) StIJte of CaltjorttUJ ) CtnmfJ of s_u cft1m} (SS ~;JJ;7E-k~"Y'd:'~' ~ -Ai~ personallyappuwtf '\Ie:> L/~ ~ / , pe~U1UI{f!J ~~'R t" N) er-provui to me em tM oasis of satisfactory t'CIiifena) to k tfie personfs) wIiost namt(s) ilf4~ suosc:riDea to tfie wtt/i.in ~nt 41I-a acfJr.owktfaetf to me t/ia.t WMe/tIiey ~tta tIU sanu in fWI.Mr/wir autftorlu4 capacity(ies), a1Uf t/ia.t 6y liMIIie/tfieir spturt(s) on the. instrume1Jt tfie person(s), or tIi.e entity uptm oeM1f of wfUcft tM person(s) acutf, e~utta W instrument. WI~~~ Sp ~' - (Seal) N 6 6 I p~ GE 0 0 37 ?l9tary Pub~,n OFFICIAL SEAL Emma R, Decker NOTARY PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY My Comm, Expires Nov. 17. 1995 "E!.ji '~, N 6 6 , p~ GE 0 038 Legal Description Dedication for Public Utility Easement: The Land referred to herein is situated in the City of Cupertino, Santa Clara County, State of California, described as follows: , All that portion ofland 10.0 feet wide on the Northwestern portion ofthe property fronting Bubb Road and F olkestone Drive. APN: 362-11-060 ... r\ ~ ~ '" ~~, T ~ I ", j >1."; ; 'f,_..~ l> ~ l .....:7"...:..-:::;..~. /~; .:':\"~ ,'~~ .r./" ~ ,,,\' "'1.1,~,'f"'.'~ ~'/...~ ,.~,:....--._,:..,.rl~~." ,i/., :> .<.<:, ~'l ;'" >,,"-' ~ '/, :~.~/~ ~.~,..';"J ~~ . .'/", ~~.. ..:--:\ I, ......, ""l" Jj;.)'':;,''t- .~ t'I :;( J \ ::?,. 11....-. i' :-~': N 2C~~'~"' : ~'1.1 ~ F::~\ . . w~;' \',':',~. ~uJ , ". ':.: '.:?':. ;;.~'.~;>!! , . .... .. w 0 ..J f- c( o 0 o W f- <( U o W o w m o f- I C <( c( ~ :0 <( a: I ED ~ m <( ')I ::) I m (j\ M o o uJ t,;) ra: 0- )1 I \D \.0 Z I I~:B _ I~ o N "~ 2~} ,~~~;~-:. - -~~~~~~-------~~~--- 8 ~ ~ ~ ~/ _ ~ ~9.45]20:.o~ P.U.E. 98.Q..?~' _ _ _IS' ~~ - o W I _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. "".,r-'; ~ ~ 0:::: I roc.';' -,~ '" I /"'-.. LLJ :;;;;;;: ~~CX)I "--- R= 20.00' ~ :2 r ARC= 31.358' 3: ~ N 00 DELTA = 89.50'00" " LD ~ r;; ~ ~I I 0 l.f) 0) II II >1 ~ I g I ~ I- 0 ::> AREA GROSS = 12133,551 SQ. FT. ' I 0 0 L ~~ :1 ~(LI ~ ~ o--l~ ~ ~ _81 ~ I AREA NET = 8410.679' SQ, FT, ~ t _ AREA = 0.1931 ACRES v J <C ~I I I ~ o APJ\j: 352-11-050 1- ~ . 81 I ' - - - 1-1- - 118.00' 30.00' 1', I m I I \ I .. o C'I II >- .. f- .. ,... u $ TPOB w 1 "----- FOLKESTONE DRIVE GL S 89045'00" W ROS 373/52 1- o -1 N 6 6 I pn GE 0 0 4 0 "NO FEE" City of Cupertino CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE is hereby given in order to comply with the provisions of Section 27281 of the Government Code, This is to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the deed or grant dated September 20, 1994, from JON HWU AND SUI HWU to City of Cupertino, a governmental agency, is hereby accepted by order of the City Council on October 3, 1994, and the grantee consents to recordation thereof by its duly authorized officer. By: c.C -: . \'~ : ' I, / , ,.1"'.',,/, ' 'j ~\,J'''' "'~;' 'j'. " ",. , 7' '~/' - -;., L/ .;r:,'~'("'''').'. :', / ".I.','~"J',I,\., ~'~, i ~:\~~' ~O;.;} \ ::> /) -'i (~~ ,/ "":!=~~~) ,..,l0 \' ( :r__!.-I C '>:Jl<'j1lu LL~~,.;:-".' ,,' .1'1 I ' Deputy City Clei-k":I'i'<\l :~\ \:) ," \' , ,', II 'J ..-' " City of Cupertino ., ,: . j J ' , ' '-: Dated: October 10. 1994 , <: RESOLUTION NO. 9201 ',":-- ,."., "," "/ (\':'> ~.f r:./ , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERITNO ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES FROM JON HWU AND SUI HWU, LOCATED 11350 BUBB ROAD WHEREAS, Jon Hwu and Sui Hwu, Grantors, have executed a Grant of Easement which is in good and sufficient form, conveying to the City of Cupertino, Grantee, an easement for public utility purposes over the property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described in Exhibit" A" and Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof: All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of Califomia, located at 11350 Bubb Road. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Cupertino accept said grant so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said Grant of Easement and this resolution. ' PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 3rd day of October, 1994, by the following vote: Vote AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Members of the City COWlcil Bautista, Burnett, Dean, Sorensen, Koppel None None None APPROVED: /s/ Barb Koppel Mayor, City of Cupertino ATIEST: /s/ Kim Marie Smith City Clerk GWfr C6 FASFMENr fer PmLIC Ul'ILl.'l'll!S 11350 :BlJl:j) Road Am 362-11-060 .XII IH1 1R) SOl INJ hereinafter called Grantor, hereby grant (s) to the CITY OF aJPER:I'lN>, a lII.U1i.cipal cx:n:pOl:atial, hereinafter called Grantee, the right to excavate for, install, maintain am use Plm.IC U1'ILl.'lY F.ASPMIMl' as Grantee shall fran time to time elect within the hereinafter described prqJerty of certain pt'Anio::es which are situate in the City of 0Jperti.n0, Ccmlty of Santa Clara, state of California, an:i described as follows: (See Exhibit A & B) Grantor hereby further grants to Grantee the right an:i privilege to enter upon his lan:1s cxmtiguous to an:i alCO) the line of said hereinabove described ,strip for the purpose of loca~, c:onst:J:ucti.r, repairilq or mai.nt.ai.ni.rq said Plm.IC Ul'lL'l'1Y FASI!MI!N.l" for the pnpose of doilq any neoessary or lawful act in connection with the ocmstructi.al or maintenance of said FAS!JBfl'; there is also granted the right of the use of sufficient lanj c:xnti.guoos to said strip al either or bath sides thereof for the pJZpOses of excavatial of and deposit of earth and necessary b]i Jd'irg materia durilq the time of oonst:ruct.in:J said EAS!JIEIf.r an:i any repair thereof. '!he foregoilq is subject to the foll~ express ocn:li.tia1S: '!he Grantee agrees to restore the grourxl surface an:i any .inprovements thereon to its original grade or condition insofar as it is practicable am reasonable to do so. m Wl'mESS WHE1m>F, said parties have executed this Grant of l;!::u:::~rr~J'1t this 20th day of SeDtember , 19 94 . ~.~ JCN~ ~~~ SUI HWU (Notary ac::koowl~J'1t to be attached) Stt* tif CII/iftmUIJ ) COfRttJ tif Sa" Cf.t1rtI} (SS ~L~~~~ &~~~ pers01Ullly appUlt'tli v~ d,/ , 'p'TlfM_ay ~Qfl'" tg ".,) <<'"prflVtJi to 1M em tk 6IUu tif -isfilaDtJ eviIIDIa} to 6e W perMmfs) wlio.se n~(s) ilf4t't suiscriDe4 to tM witliia i1cstt'IImDIt t111411d:p0'flJk"ae4 to 1M tli4t UHftt/tIieg ~u4 tIU SlIIIU in fWIIw/tlUir a.atIimird cap~iu), aJ tIUu 6y ~/tMir sifpuJture(s) em th, butnllnnu tM peTSOn(S), or tIit. entity "pon 6Uulif of wIiicn. tIit. persem(s) tU:U4, ~uu4 tIit. instnlmDJt. Wl~7~ SifpuJ ~. (St4I) ?(ptary tJ'ufJfk, OITICIJU. SEAL Emma R, Decker . NOTARY PtJ8UC . CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA CClUN1Y My Comm. EIIllftI Nov. 17, 1. 0 I- Ie <( c( W 0::: .0 <( tt I m u f- a2 <( oj) J I m , I "--- - o ~ II >- : I- .... U ~ .i:.:~1 ~ '.'.', ~. ~\ r:~: ~ :.~~" ...'..: ;.;~' ~;.. "." .' ~. ..... \., (_. . , ~ ~)o -". . ': ~'~.: ;.>~ :~. I 1:8 - I~ o N FOLKESTONE DRIVE Gl ), , .. w 0 ..J l- e( o 0 In W I- <( U o w o W OJ TPOB N 89-45'00" E 147.942 c\;j: '::..':-'. ' -------------------- g ~ t / - 2 ~9~5.:.<?O.:. ~ - ~.Q.?~' - - - -fS' . ~~.j- . (f) A.... 10.0 P,U.E. o=;~-. g ~ I >-~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, r~l ~ 4: Co '- R= 20.00' I W "!:g!D( r ARC= 31. 358' :s: o _ ~ ~ ~I I DELTA = 89'50'00" b :g ~ 00 OI~O lo ~ II II ~I ~ I 0 L{) t- 0 o N <( <( I a.. I AREA GROSS = 12133.551 SQ. FT. N I SJ 0 z o OJ w w ~ _ ,. f'.loO ----:1- o ~ ~ ~gl ~ I AREA NET = 8410.679' SQ. FT. (j) t - AREA = 0.1931 ACRES <l: ~, I I ~ _ APN: 362-11-060 t- ~ 0 8, I I ___~I__ __ 118.00' __ __ 30.00' . ~ I m I I ....... ~ S 89-45'00" W ROS 373/52 t- o _1