TC 06-02-99 Cupertino Teleeommunications Commission
Regular Adjourned Meeting
~lune 2, 1999
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sal Alged at 7 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Algeri, David Eggleston, L.T, Guttadauro and Bill Mannion.
Absent: Ernest Tsul
Staff: Donna Krey
De ~nTa College: Bob Haber
Guests: Linda C-rodt, Shelby Reyes, Charles Chadwick, Jenny Purusholma
C-uttadauro made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Manulon seconded and the
motion passed unanimously.
Oral: C-rodt told the commission that her show, Silicon Kids, received a first-place award
in the recent BACE competition, for the sixth consecutive year. She passed around photographs
and the trophy itself. She also presented a thank-you note to commissioners for a grant request
they had approved.
Reyes info,reed the cowmission that he would be applying for a grant in July and asked if
he could videotape a meeting and interview commission members for a show oufllnlng the
differences between public access and public broadcasting. Krey said videotaping could be done
at any meeting, but the interviews should be scheduled before or after a meeting. Commissioners
asked Reyes to submit a copy of questions he would like to ask for his upcoming show. These
would be forwarded to commissioners in advance of the scheduled interview.
Written: Krey dishlbuted copies of articles from Mulfichannel News.
Activities Calendar: Algeri noted that he would attend the June Mayor's BreakfasC
Eggleston reported on the May breakfast, saying the library comnfission was involved in a major
project for the city a new library. He told commissioners that there may be a role for them to
play in this project relating to the idea of digital versus written content at the library.
He said the parks and recreation commission was working on the countywide trail system
project and wrestling with concepts for teen services, such as a teen center and skateboard park.
He referred to a survey by the Teen Task Force which indicated that some teens were unaware of
the many programs, including public access, that w.ere already available to them and suggested
more outreach f~)m the commission. Eggleston also touched on work being done by the other
commissions: fine arts, park murals; public safety, booth at the Art and Wine Festival; housing,
rezonins and housing availability issues.
Following a discussion about vacation plans, thc commi~qsion agreed to cancel the August
regular meeting. This item will be on the July agenda.
Review of grants program: Guttadauro told commissioners he re-formatted the original
grants application and guidelines so that it is now a Word document. In updating the document,
he removed references to the Oct. 15 date and tightened up the wording. Commissioners and
staff suggested the following changes:
· Remove TCI Cabletelevision System on page 2, first paragraph
· Remove second sentence ("Shows a creative use...") on s~me page, second paragraph
· Substitute the word "groups" for "merchants" in Supplemental Funding section, same page.
Second sentence in that section should read: "Efforts by an applicant to secure assistance
from other organizations will be considered in determining the amount of grant money to be
awarde& "
· Insert the words "at least" before 18 years of age in Eligibility section
· Con'ect spelling of"city's' on page 3, number 1 under Administration of the Grant Process
· In number 2, ~me section, change to read "...the _applicant shall have the a,,pplication turned
into the city's public information oj~cer by the l Yh day of the prior month. '
· Under Management of Awarded Crrants, page 4, remove reference to grants subcommiRee in
first sentence. Change to "The Commission may propose a payment schedule..."
· Change number 3 under Completion of the Project to read: "At its discretion, the
Commission may request a final report."
· ~sert the phrase "or Hi-Sram" after %" in number 3 of the.Equipment and Videotape section,
page 5.
Gu~a_~uro.will make the changes and e-mail a copy of the revised document to all
commissioners prior to the next meefin__g. Krey will include the new version in the July packet for
discussion and possible vote at that meeting.
(Grant requests were taken out of order for the convenience of applicants attending the
Grant request from SCs: Jenny Purushomm, producer of the 5Cs second video in a
series of programs, explained that a $250 grant was requested for the.creation of a new logo that
could be used for each of the upcoming 5Cs videos. She said the group wants an impressive,
professionally designed logo that would identify each of the videos. Also, part of the funding
would be used to offset costs for musicians representing different cultures who would play
themed music using various in.nffuments.
Algeri asked for a more specific breakdown of the funds, saying the commission needed
an actual accounting of how the money would be disbursed. Purushotma explained $100 would
be used for musician and other consultant fees and $150 would go toward the graphic design of a
new logo. Cruttadauro made a motion to approve the grant request, with the addition of the dollar
breakdown. Algeri seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Grant requast .from ,t, mbient Cable: Producer Chanties Chadwick told commissioners
his show spotlights the work of local film students and his grant request would cover expenses
for his next production. Gutt__~_~*_uro asked how he thought the show benefited the Cupertino
community, and Chadwick said it was unique to public access, and th_~ it was a good way to
reco?iTe the talents of local students. Haber agreed, saying the show also gave positive
exposure to De Ama College.
Eggleston msae a motion to approve the grant request from Ambient Cable; Mannion
seconded and the motion passed unanimously, ga'ey informed both grant applicants that their
requests would go to the City Council on June 7 and following council approval, checks would
Review educational grants program: Thi.q item was continued due to Tsui's absence.
Review and update of producer guidelines and agreement form with De Anza
College aeeess director: This item was continued to give subcommittee members Gu~_n_dauro
and Mannion additional time to amend the document.
Freshen commission page on city web site: ~uttadanro said he has taken all of the
commissioners' photos and will e-mall those to Linda Lagergren, to be put up on the site.
Report from TCI: A representative from TCI was not present. Commissioners asked
Krey if many complaints were coming to the city; she said phone calls have decreased
significantly. She said she has not yet received the most recent monthly report from TCI and will
request that it be sent as soon as possible.
Report from City of Cupertino: Krey said TCI was releasing De Anza College's
second educational access channel on June 30. Summer classes begin June 28. The new channel
will be located on Ch. 78. She also noted that the City Channel is working on a 30-mlnute Y2K
video that will air for the first time on July 19 at 6 p.m.
Krey also mentioned that the city council authorized staff and commissioners to continue
reviewing the FCC fol:,i,.q relflting to TCI's June 1 rate increase. Algeri is working with Krey and
fo~mer commissioner Mike Winch in checking TCI's compliance with FCC benchmarks. Krey
said TCI will present a demonstration of its (~l-Iome product at the June 7 city council meeting.
Commissioners said they would watch it during the Producers Meeting at the college. She also
noted that city business cards with an updated city logo would be available for commissioners.
Report from De Anza College: Haber told the commission that a new Macintosh G3,
purchased with city funds, had been installed and will be networked with all other computers in
the TV Center via the Ethemet. The Cupertino and Los Altos access channel picked up five,
first-place awards at the BACE ceremony, four of which were from Cupertino. Besides C-mdt,
other local winners were Don Yeager's On the Move and the Monta Vista High School film as
literature class, supervised by Deborah Vanni.
Haber also noted the remote can was used for another taping of the Indian Vegetarian
show and will be used June 13 at the Gay Pride Festival and June 25 at the De Anza College
graduation ceremony. On June 16, the TV Center will provide equipment and De Anza students
will provide labor for a shoot at Cupertino High School of an AIDS benefit perfo,.,,ance. Haber
also mentioned a demonstration by Apple Computer on a non-linear.editing system July 1.
Mannion mnde a motion to adjoum the meeting at 8:45 p.m.; C-uttadauro seconded and
the motion passed unanimously.