TC 02-03-99 Telecommunications Commission Regular Meeting February 3, 1999 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman L.T. Outtadauro at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: L.T. Guttadauro, Bill Mannion, Ernest Tsui, David Eggleston Commissioners absent: Salvatore Algeri Staff: Donna grey, Linda Lagergren De Anza College: Bob Habcr TCI: Dave Walton, Eddie Garcia Guests:. Linda Grodt, Don Yaeger APPROVAL OF JANUARY 3 1999 MINUTES Mannion made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Tsui seconded and the motion passed. David Eggleston abstained. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: Don Yaeger, producer of"On the Move" commented that there were no updates on the status of the access channel that the Sunnyvale city council had agreed to pursue. As far as he knew, the date to air programm/ng was still April 1. Written: All written communication was included in the commissioner's packets. OLD BUSINESS Consideration of FUllS]) grant application - Commission agreed to delay discussion of this item until Barbara Nunes, principal of Cupertino High School, arrived. Calendar of important dates. Commission reviewed calendar and advised Linda Lagergren of changes and updates. Annual Report - projects - Mannion reported work had begun on the annual report video. The video will be appwximatcly six to seven minutes long and will be completed by the middle of February. Copies will be provided for city council. NEW BUSINESS Status of TCI upgrade project and checklist- Walton said at the last commission meeting he reported that the upgrade was 90% completed and TCI expected to be completely finished by Jan. 19. The expected completion date was now moved to Feb. 18. Walton displayed maps of the various nodes that were not completed. Node #12, which includes Honeywell-Measurex, will be done by Feb. 5. Node//4 would be completed by Feb. 18. Node//10 would be completed by Feb. 17 and Node #9 would be completed by Feb. 17. Walton said TCI's main problem was in getting good qualified contractors who would stay in the area. Guttadauro made a motion to recommend that the subcommittee, which consists of Ernest Tsui and Salvatore Algeri, review the results of the TCI testing documentation and provide a recommendation to the Commission. Mannion seconded and the motion passed. Tsui and Algeri agreed to report to the commission at the March meeting. A recommendation is planned to go to council on March 15. Eddie Garcia thanked Donna Krey for her patience and assistance during the TCI upgrade. OLD BUSINESS Consideration of FUItSD grant application - Commission restated the concerns that were expressed at the December meeting regarding the FUHSD grant application. Guttadauro requested more substantiation of the project. He felt that it was very course specific. Manninn said it appeared the project was geared to one select class. Tsui stated the district has a good technology vision for the schools but questioned whether this project fit into the big picture. Barbara Nunes said the district is trying to infuse technology into the curricul-m and provide workplace skills. She stated the project is limited to students that are taking the animation class, but there was a possibility an additional class could be added if more students were interested. She also mentioned the media class may have the ability to be involved in using the new equipment. Guttadauro said the commission would like to see a copy of the students' work when they were finished. Nunes said she would arrange for the commission to view the completed project. Guttadauro moved to accept the grant proposal from FUHSD as written and, upon completion of the production, get a copy of the tape for the commission to view. Mannion seconded and all were in favor. Krey reported the recommendation would go before council for its approval on Feb. 16 and a check would be released within two weeks. NEW BUSINESS Workplan for 1999 - Commission agreed to continue this item until the March meeting when Alger/returned. The commission will e-mail their workplan items to Donna Krey before the March meeting. Tsui shared his workplan ideas with the commission. 1. Monitor and help promote digital services. 2. Work with FUHSD on their technology plan- attend meetings and continue to act as a resource. 3. Freshen up Commission page on the website. 4. Bwaden scope of grants pwgram to include technology. Reports from: TCI: Walton reviewed with commission the TCI outage report of Dec. 1998. The outage times were high. The telephone answering time was down to 58%, which is not acceptable, according to Walton. The PG&E power outage contributed to the low percentage. City of Cupertino: Krey reported the Commissioner's dinner would be held on Feb. 5. The State of the City address aired once and would be airing again on Feb. 15. Krey reported she has begun work on the annual SWING pwgram and 400 students are invited to come to city hall the week of March 1 $ to March 19. A city informational fair is planned in April to welcome the Rancho Rinconada residents. De ?,nza CoHeRe: Haber reported their website is up and running. Hema Kundargi will have a new Vegetarian Indian Gourmet show completed shortly. The program schedule is rmked to their new website via www.tvguide.com. The Cupertino Access Pub show had a band called "Thc K/nd" come in for a session on Jan. 14. Two new pwducers have been added for the Winter Quarter of 1999. "Laugh Track," a new show produced by Brent Turner and Shn Barrett had a premiere at the ATC building on campus on Jan. 23. Nearly $500 was raised for Cupertino Community Services at this event. BACE award entries are nearly complete. ADJOURNMENT Marmion made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:03 p.m.; Eggleston seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ATTEST: APPROVED: