TC 01-07-98 Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
· ~-- January 7, 1998
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Mannion at 7:02 p.m.
Commissioners present: Bill Mannion, Sai Algeri, Mike Wincn, and L.T. Guttadauro
Commissioners absent: Ernest Tsui
Staff: Donna Krey, Linda Lagergren
De Anza College: Ron Fish
TCI: Dave Walton
Guests: Linda Grodt
Guttadauro made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Algeri seconded and the motion
passed unanimously.
Oral: Grodt mentioned she had received four finalists in the WAVE Awards. The letter she
was sent referred to two finalists in the community event category but after looking at the program, she
noticed she had also received two finalists in the programming "for youth category." She received the
certificates in the mail on January 2. The commission congratulated Linda Grodt on her awards.
Written: Krey distributed the invitations for the commissioners' dinner. Mannion proposed
the Channel 26 magnets be available at the commissioners' dinner. Krey circulated the TCI community
newsletter and three articles that came in at~er packets were mailed.
1997 project timeline: Winch asked commissioners for updates to the timeline. Krey said
more would be added after the goals and work plans are reviewed. Krey mentioned the educational
grant deadlines needed to be updated. Applications are sent out in August and they are due in
November. The BACE date was changed to May 15. Jan~_~_ary producer meetings were scratched.
Production of videotapes: Mannion asked Guttadauro to report on the cultural richness
project in Tsui's absence. Guttadauro said the only thing that was outstanding was the prior producer
and the issues that evolved around her not being able to continue with that program. Krey mentioned
she had a voicemail exchange with Marquita Byrd and she will send the money at the end of January.
She is submitting a reimbursement claim to San Jose State. Kxey mentioned that Manrdon had
approached Nicol Lea about taking over the project. Mannion stated Ernest talked to Lea after the
holidays. She had been ill and didn't feel she would be able to produce the show. It was suggested
Mannlon produce the show, however, he declined. He asked if Fish knew of a producer interested in
the cultural richness program. Fish said he would put it in his newsletter that the commission is looking
for a producer and host for a cultural diversity show. Krey said that Michael Chang might be available
to help with this project if we have a specific request. Fish said he would be glad to help in the
production of the video.
Fish reported the bullet items had been videotaped for the annual report. Mannion said he had
video inserts from SnTa,ne Sanders and a video insert from the Better Part on their award. Krey said
she would summarize the script into a one-page hard copy and submit it to the city council. Marmion
requested she give commission a copy at the next meeting.
Krey mentioned that Mark Henderson was hired as the new I.M.S. Manager. He will begin next
Following discussion, commissioners developed a work plan for this year:
WORK PLAN FOR 1998 - Review 1998 Goals - Action Assignments
* Video on cultural diversity (Tsui)
* Scene article on new TCI services (Krey/Winch)
· Community Education Event- Nov
· Further implementation of web page information (Guttadauro)
· Promote Commission as a resource
· Library (Winch)
· Schools - survey - forum before May (Tsui/Algeri)
· Service clubs/organizations
· Integrate student programming in public access 0VIannion)
The eommissiun decided it would devote 1998 to Educational Programs in Technology. This is the
theme they will concentrate on.
Winen made a motion to accept the work plan list as commission goals for 1998, with a focus for the
year on educational programs in technology; Algeri seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Reports from:
De Anza College: Fish stated they have been working on the BACE awards, getting the tapes
ready to be sent off next week. They have 25 entries. The BACE awards will be held at the Santa Clam
Westin Hotel. Fish mentioned the producer meeting in December had a small agenda, but it was a great
opportunity for the producers to meet one another and talk to the commission. Fish said that De Anza
educational channel 30 is now fiber, however, it hasn't changed yet in the Cupertino area. Fish
requested Wincn's help on his web page. Mannion asked if a letter had been sent thanking De AnTa
college. Krey said that she would write a letter regarding the flooding problems and emergency lights
and she would include it in next month's packet.
City of Cupertino: Krey said council approved the educational grants for the two school
districts and they should be receiving their checks next Friday. Council continued the item on TCI's
extension for the rebuild. Two of the council members expressed an interest in being on a
subcommittee that will meet with TCI. The committee will consist of John Statton, Waily Dean, city
manager and Donna Krey. TCI will explain some of the services the city will be getting and let the
committee know all the reasons for the delay. One council member believes the city should be
compensated in some way for giving TCI the extension. This will be one issue the committee will
discuss with TCI. Krey commended the commissioners on their work with rebuild issues up to this
point. She also congratulated the commission on awarding its first COPA. Krey will talk to Chuck
Kilian on his view regarding the schools selling videotapes to parents and putting the money back into
the program.
TCI: Walton reviewed the company's report on phone stats and performance for the month of
November. TCI's goal is for 90% of the calls to be answered in 30 seconds. November it was at 89%.
The process is working, however, TCI is still recovering from the Pacific Bell problems they had.
Abandons are under 2% and installation completions are at 99.65%. The goal is 99.8%. Walton will
get back to commission after Jan. 16 on the question of whether the ~Home roll out will happen at the
same time as the rebuild.
Commissioners will think about a month where there is a short agenda to go to TCI and see the digital
and ~I-Iome displays. Guttadauro suggested April might be a good month. It was suggested that a
lunch meeting might be good. Krey will put on the February agenda to discuss a possible date to go to
Wincn made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.; Guttadauro seconded and the
motion passed unanimously.
City Cl~k~~~/~