TC 12-03-97 Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
· '~ December 3, 1997
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ernest Tsui at 7:02 p.m.
Commissioners present: Bill Mannion, Sal Algeri, Mike Wincn, Ernest Tsui and
L.T. Guttachuro
Staff: Donna Krey, Linch Lagergren
De Anza College: Ron Fish
TCI: Dave Walton, Bruce Dinger
Guests: Linch G-rodt, Karen Burnett (FUHSD), Suzaune Sanders (CusD)
Mannion made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Algeri seconded and the motion
passed unanimously.
Oral: G-rodt mentioned to Ron Fish that she had not received her certificates from the WAVE
Awards and that it had been over a month. Fish said that he would give contest coordinators a call. He
said that none of the finalists had received certificates as of yet.
Written: None
Chair Tsui and the commission agreed to take the TCI report out of order because the TCI
representatives had to leave early for another commitment.
Report from TCI: Dinger reviewed the company's report for the month of October. He
explained that the 30-second answering time went up to 82 percent, from 78 percent last month and
that things were beginning to return to normal. They are still continuing to hire for customer service
reps. He mentioned TCI had quite a few sun outages that affected all of the Cupertino customers, but
only for a brief time. Elevated complaints went up from 3 percent to 5, but he said they are working on
Update on TCI rebuild issues: Walton reviewed a letter TCI faxed to the city that day stating
that TCI is agreeing to go with the requirements in the city's franchise agreement to complete a 750
MHz upgrade to its cable system. In order to incorporate interactive services and digital TV in the
system design, TCI is requesting that the deadline for completion of the upgrade be extended from
June 6, 1998 to Dec. 31, 1998. Krey said staff would take this request to the city council in January.
Algeri asked if, in regards to the upgrade, will ~Home require the full system to be in place before it
can be offered. Walton said he would ask the engineering staff and get back to the commission.
Outtadauro complemented the commissioners who were involved in the discussions with TCI on
taking an active and a participatory role in reviewing TCI's original proposal and developing
recommendations for the city.
1997 project timeline: Wincn asked commissioners to let him know when they had changes
or additions to the timeline. Guttadauro said he felt after reviewing the timeline that nothing needed to
- be added or deleted, just updated on a calendar basis. Krey agreed commissioners should keep it as
long as it is working and for commissioners to remember to keep Wincn informed of any changes.
Winch said he would change the grant deadlines.
Telecommunication Haison with other cities: There was no report.
Production of videotapes: Tsui reported that he and Mansion met with Nicol Lea and Mayor
Chang on Nov. 13 to go over the procedures for the cultural richness project. Mannion will guide Lea
in producing the project and Mayor Chang will provide professional review. Lea will get together
volunteers to produce the project. Fish gave Mannion a list of volunteers and he lined up a director and
camera people. Lea is filling out the producer proposal and turning it into Fish. Tsui said that Lea
wants to get input from the community on major diversity issues. Marmion said they wanted to use the
Scene to advertise and also get some publicity in the Courier. Tsui stated that Lea planned to tape four
shows per year. Krey reported that she would follow up on Marquita Byrd's $500 grant money check.
(Commission agreed to take this item out of order)
Educational grant requests from Cupertino Union School and Fremont Union High
School districts: Suzanne Sanders summarized Cupertino Union School District's grant proposal.
Guttadauro asked if there would be a conflict with the grant if parents were buying the tapes that the
students produced. Krey said she didn't think it would be a problem if they were returning all the
money back to the project. Wincn asked if Krey could check with the city attorney for his opinion on
this matter. Wincn commented that he thought the goals and deadlines were rather ambitious. Wincn
asked if Fish had reviewed the budget and Fish stated that the budget looked good. Krey said that the
school would give a mid-year status report and then a final report.
Karen Burnett summarized Fremont Union High School District's grant proposal. Burnett
mentioned that they were planning to do a voice over in Mandarin on the tapes they produce.
Guttadauro made a motion to accept both grants as submitted, with C.U.S.D. modifying its
budget to $5,000; Algeri seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Krey said this would go to city council on January 5, and the districts would receive their
checks approximately two weeks later.
Annual Report: Aider some discussion, commissioners agreed to simplify this project by
using a teleprompter and Powerpoint, if it works.
Community education event (1998): Krey suggested commissioners wait until January to
discuss this because it will be a new goal for the year. It was also suggested that TCI do a presentation
to the community in the spring. Krey said that the commission could start thinking of ideas for the next
meeting to promote this.
COPA (Cupertino Outstanding Producer Award) presentation: The presentation will be at
De Anza College on December 10, from 6 to 8 p.m. Krey showed the plaque to the commission and
said that the Courier and the Alliance newsletter received press releases on the presentation and that it
will be in the Mercury tomorrow.
Web Page Update: Krey said the city is in the process of biting an MIS person, after
conducting two recruitments. Interviews were held tbis week and, hopefully, the city will select
someone soon.
Discussion of funding maintenance requests for public access grants: Krey said that the
'-' .~ commission requested that this item be on the agenda because at thc last meeting Cupertino Senior TV
Productions came in with a grant proposal that included maintenance on their own equipment.
Commissioners wanted to look through the guidelines to see if there was a provision for that. Some of
the commissioners at the last meeting felt there should not be funding for maintenance of personal
equipment. Krey said she didn't see anything in the agreement that addressed that issue. Wincn felt
that philosophically it was a bad idea. Krey said from the city's point of view, it probably isn't a good
use of grant money. She said she would tell the Senior TV people that it doesn't include maintenance
of personal equipment.
Reports from:
De Anza College: Fish distributed the Program/Review Usage Report. He said November was
a slow month, December will be even lower in usage but then in January things will pick up. Fish said
this month they produced three music shows and the producers are getting ready for BACE awards. He
also said it rained pretty hard and the studio drain worked fine. He also said the live sports show,
"Sports Rap" is going off the air in Jan, ory. Tsui is going to draft a thank you letter for the drain and
emergency lights and forward the letter to Krey.
City of Cupertino: Krey said the Commissioner's Dinner will be on Friday, Feb. 6, and the
State of the City address will be on Tuesday, Jan. 27. Guttadanro said he would like to apply for
reappoirCmient on the commission. Krey said many cities are locked in a baffle with TCI over an issue
of franchise fees. She distributed an article that discusses this issue. TCI is telling cities that in
December it is planning to increase the franchise fee. The company is now asking for the maximum
permitted 5%. It wants to have on customer's bills 5.26%, which the cities are saying is illegal. By
federal law, TCI can only ask for 5% franchise fee, but TCI is saying it has to recoup this loss because
of the court decision and it is going to be charging 5.26%. TCI has told the city that customers will
receive notices in December explaining this.
Election of Chair and Vice Chair for 1998: Tsui nominated Mannion for Chair. Mannion
declined the nomination, however, after discussion by commission, Tsui again nominated Mannion for
Chair, Algeri seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.
Wincn nominated Algeri for Vice Chair; Tsui seconded the motion and the motion passed
Outtadauro made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 p.m.; Mannion seconded and the
motion passed unanimously.
City Clerk~g~~~