TICC 09-03-2014 TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Regular Meeting September 3, 2014, 7:00 p.m. Conference Room A, City Hall MINUTES CALL MEETING TO ORDER Commissioner Friedland called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Peter Friedland, !�_)'Iiishir Chavan (Arrived at 7:35) Beverly Siegel, Wallace Iimura, I:od Livingood Commissioners.absent: None Staff Present: None Guests: Mike Jerbic APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Commissioner Iimura made a motion to approve the September 3rd minutes. Commissioner Chavan seconded the motion. Vote 5-0 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 2. This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes a person. In most cases, state law will prohibit the commission from making ,any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. Mike Jerbic, the new Public Safety Commissioner, came and updated the TICC on their most recent topics. This included an update on the Everbridge System Roll Out WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - 4/17/2014 Letter from AT&T regarding U-Verse TV programming changes - 06/13/2014 Letter from AT&T regarding possible U—verse TV Programming Changes - 07/09/2014 Letter from AT&T regarding possible U—verse TV Programming Changes - 7/23/14 Franchise and/or PEG In-Kind Fees, Sup lemental Revenue Reporting - 08/14/2014 Letter from AT&T regarding possible U—verse TV Programming Changes UNFINISHED BUSINESS 3. Commissioner Friedland provided information from Public Affairs Director, Rick Kitson, and City Planner, Colin Jung, on Civic Center Cell Tower:Proposal, SiFi, and Crown Castle Proposal. 4. There was further discussion_ regarding Crown Castle and how it was rejected by City Council. Commissioner Livingood discussed the fact that the proposed cellular coverage survey was still an excellent idea. All commissioners agreed that a complete study of both coverage and throughput both inside and outside businesses and residences (not just along roadways) should be commissioned by the city with an appropriate vendor. 5. Commissioner Iimura provided information on the AT&T announcement on gigabit fiber service to Cupertino. The TICC discussed the positives and negatives of the fact that the fiber service is only provided to existing AT&T coverage areas. Commissioner Friedland stated that Rick Kitson had already agreed to have an AT&T representative come to a TICC meeting as soon as possible to provide further details. After the representative comes the TICC will then debate recommendations that can be made to City Council and the potential incentives that can be provided to AT&T in order to expand coverage or subsidy areas of Cupertino that are not provided with"free" coverage by AT&T. OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: REPORTS: MISCELLANEOUS 6. 'Activities Calendar and Action Items list reviewed reviewed and updated. In Action Items, Items number 9 should be removed and replaced by the action item for Commissioner Friedland ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Livingood moved for adjournment. Commissioner Iimura seconded the motion. Vote 5-0 Meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Colleen L ttir , Recording Secretary Peter Friedland, Chair