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14-001 Andrew T Willyoung
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Willyoung FOR CONTRAC'r SERVICE'S V4.)q i This Agreement, for reference dated June 16, 2014 is by and between City of Cupertino, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Andrew T. Willyoung, Theater Arts class instructor whosE! address is (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant"), and is made with reference to the following: RECITALS: A. City is a municipal corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the State of California with the power to carry on its business as it is now being conducted under the Constitution and the statutes of the State of California and the Cupertino Municipal Code. B. Consultant is specially trained, Experienced and competent to perform the special services which will be required ,by this .Agreement; and C. Consultant possesses the skill, experience, ability, background, certification and knowledge to provide the services described in this Agreement on the terms and conditions described herein. - D. City and Consultant desire to eni-er into an agreement for services upon the terms and conditions herein. NOW, THEREFORE; it is mutually agreed by and between the undersigned parties as follows: 1. TERM: The term of this Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2014, and shall terminate on June 30, 2015, unless terminated earlier as, set forth herein. 2. SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED: Consultant shall perform each'and every service set forth in Exhibit "A" which is attached-hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 3. COMPENSATION TO CONSULTANT: Consultant shall be compensated for services performed pursuant to this Agreement in the amount set forth below. The total compensation under the Agreement is not to exceed $1,600 Compensation: 85% of revenue generated per each 8-week sE!ssion. One payment at the end of each session. P Ĉ× Ǭ= ɂ. ӿ:!ՉZ!ִ,!ߚÕ"ࢽ,"ँY"ĊÕ_ ŷÕ ċź.#ƅź¿#ʇŸ@%̌źr%ώźŠ%վźſ%ܾźG%߉ź¯%ࢹźģ&ƃƻS3ǵƻó3̇ƻ,3͏ƻ3ЄƻÕ3ӷƻ<3Րƻl3יƻ3ڂƻ_3܀ƻ¤3߃ƻ3ࡵƻS3ࣵƻç&ƅȌĤˍȌøϜȌĥԦȌQ֏ȌsؗȌÌܜȀÉ&Ȁ)&࠼Ȁė&३Ȁr&ƃɂ %ȶɂ{%˄ɂ%̕Ʉ"͚Ʉo$ϝɄô$ӣɄ×$Ʉ $پɄ$ܕɄ,$ݓɄ$ݻɄØ$ࡣɄ,$࢟ɄC$ࣷɄ©$Ʉ,$ƅʅd&ȃʅS&ɾʅQ&˫ʅ&̜ʅø&Юʅ*&ѱʅC&ӎʅý&ײʅč&ܥʅR&ޒʅr&ࠝʅË&दʇZ%চʇA%ƃˈ5ȯˈ5˟ˈ«5ΠˈW5ЋˈD5ѣˈ05ҧˈQ5ԏˈÅ5קˈ5ڎˈ+5ۍˈ5ݪˈT5ߓˈ_5ࡇˈ5ࣵˈq5ॺˈT5ƅ̋ý'ʡ̋č'ώ̋R'д̋q'ҹ̋Ê'֣̋È'ٽ̋)'ں̋ė'ߣ̋t'ࡨ̋'घ̋{'দ̋'ƃ͍J%ǣ͍%ʨ͍"4ˠ͍T4͍͌F4Ω͍)4Ϫ͍E4ч͍4Ѷ͍4Ԩ͍4͍P4ض͍04ٹ͍Q4͍ۡ4ދ͍ë4ࢍ͍e4ऊ͍44ॖ͍*4গ͍C4ƃΐĤ3ʸΐ,3˰ΐ3Μΐ|3дΐR3ҖΐS3ӵΐ33Զΐ3זΐ3ٷΐj3ۯΐb3ݟΐā3ΐe3࣠ΐÌ3ĈЄÚ%DzЄ3%ɍЄń%ΠЄƄ%ԲЄ>%վЄe%ײЄµ%ڵЄ¹%ݻЄŠ%ĊѺ,"ƃѸŧ%˷ѸĖ%ЛѸń%ƃһQ3ǥһ3ʌһh3̂һ¦3ηһf3ЮһC3ҁһå3շһ+3ֲһÆ3ډһ¼3ݘһ*3ޒһZ3߽һ,3࠷һC3ࢊһ3णһ·3ƃӿ#ƨӿď#ˈӿQ#̧ӿ#ϑӿĝ#ĈհÚ%Ȏհ"$ʕհŅ%Іհƃ#ֶհ@#ءհe#ڳծ¯%ޏծ®%ࡪծÚ%॰հh#ĆֲŢ$Ċئ-#ƃإ¾%ɏإī%Ɓ٦U3Ƿ٦ċ3̡٦3χ٦Ø3Ӏ٦g3Շ٦¸3؟٦)3٩٦x3܂٦v3ޙ٦£3٦U3࣐٦Ċ3ƁڬÞ%Ĉܢ.#ƁܠĽ%ˍܠŀ%Лܠ¿%Ɓݡç5ɹݡñ5ͽݡ 5Вݡú5ԝݡg5֓ݡ35זݡÊ5ڵݡ*5۲ݡÂ5߅ݡ+5ࠁݡC5ࡕݡq5ࣗݡj5॒ݡ5ƁޥC&Ǡޥ{&ɩޥ°&̪ޥ.&Ͳޥc&Ćࡨ½4ǒࡨv4ɖࡨõ4͛ࡨP4μࡨI4ДࡨQ4ѵࡨ+4ҭࡨê4ֲࡨc4إࡨ'4ٛࡨ4ڀࡨ®4ܼࡨµ4߿ࡨ,4࠹ࡨC4ࢊࡨŎ4Ćࢫµ6ljࢫ¶6ʎࢫ,6ˆࢫC6̗ࢫ\6ࢫ,6μࢫá6ҷࢫj6ԯࢫ,6թࢫÛ6ٝࢫ76ڣࢫC6۴ࢫÕ6ߘࢫJ6࠰ࢫK6࢈ࢫ^6Ćऴc"ƫलï&ʨलÔ&Εलs&Ćॹm!ƪॷð$ʨॷÓ$Ćৼ¼$ց৻ē#Ƒૃ%ƶૃJ%Ȏૃ%شુ2ٙુm2ۖુr2ĆଆJ%Şଆ%ցl3s3Ć#Ɵ«#ցେ3؞େH3ڂେ,3ںେĊ3ߓେī3 • • or a i iona . n orma ion . ee i e _ _ v fees of counsel of City's choice, expert fees and all other costs and fees of litigation. 12. INSURANCE: On or before the commencement of the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall furnish City with certificates showing the type, amount, class of operations covered, effective dates and dates of expiration of insurance coverage in compliance with paragraphs 12 A, B, C, D and E. Such certificates, which do not limit Consultant's indemnification, shall also contain substantially the following statement: "Should any of the above insurance covered by this certificate be canceled or coverage reduced before the expiration date thereof, the insurer affording coverage shall provide thirty (30) days' advance written notice to the City of Cupertino by certified mail, Attention: City Manager." It is agreed that Consultant shall maintain in force at all times during the performance of this Agreement all appropriate coverage of insurance required by this Agreement with an insurance company that is acceptable to City and licensed to do insurance business in the State of California. Endorsements naming the City as additional insured shall be submitted with the insurance certificates. A. COVERAGE: Consultant shall maintain the following insurance coverage: (1) Workers' Compensation: Statutory coverage as required by the State of California. (2) Liability: - Commercial general liability coverage in the following minimum limits: Bodily Injury: $500,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate - all other Property Damage: $100,000 each occurrence $250,000 aggregate If-submitted, combined single limit policy with aggregate limits in the amounts of$1,000,000 will be considered equivalent to the . required minimum limits shown above. (3) Automotive: Proof of.automobile insurance required at the California statutory minimums. B-. SUBROGATION WAIVER: Consultant-agrees-that in the event of loss due to any of the perils for which he/she has agreed to provide comprehensive general and automotive liability insurance, Consultant shall look solely to his/her insurance for recovery. Consultant hereby grants to City, on behalf of any insurer providing comprehensive general and automotive liability insurance to.either Consultant or City with respect to the services of Consultant herein, a waiver of any right to subrogation which any such insurer of said Consultant may acquire against City by virtue of the payment of any loss under such insurance. C. FAILURE TO SECURE: If Consultant at any time during the term hereof should fail to secure or maintain the foregoing insurance, City shall be permitted to obtain such insurance in the Consultant's name or as an agent of the Consultant and shall be compensated by the 瀁瀀̀䥉*੶ ��䌀ԀЃЄԃЄԄԅ܆ࠌ܇܇ଏऋᄌሏᄒᄏᰖᨔᄕ᠑ᠡᴚἝᜓ␢Ḣᰤ>Àࠋ瀀圀ā�ࠀā ?뺪ꞣ늣늪㊜钙紐툺橿齩ᇴᄈ뼀ﻋ缴楪댑ÿ쮿㓾橿뽩ᇴᄡ뼀ﻋ缴楪됑ÿ쮿㓾橿齩ᇴᄡ뼀ﻋ缴됐ÿ쮿㓾橿뽩ᇴᄡ뼀ﻋ遦േ볥�攕佒髡䖱텼䷻�锆ᷢ弦樑鵚릝痓뉏钭⺳꿻礸홅ଢ㸨﷽ꏫ鳽쇧䧛뻢馾囹츘䘆︆賓ᣣ뺮쁲㺰ꮩ剭遑ᢾ�쁊섈̙뼣嶭㵵졊㶛셨䏦䢪麍㤎㢃䟮宭ݭ㥜ꡁᕞ쏉歿鎺ڐ璜黩媿럔쥺밣뾽榼컦鿹⫍Ὀ ⠌ྦྷ椑惙嗆㋚챎펁躌㧸䷅넎켄舠ᥑ餛㡡㷧휳澧乑钹뙌Гを菓䖶쏚懥ꯈ埴殟ݞ쒃犗똖桷᎗䔈ᛃ輱霏䢀㷎櫽蟷◼ꅵ锧궦㚜뇠�뺳䅿嫩早ꚫ쌶⺥؆᠁ÿ櫇ꁈ⏗쇎⚧朤ÿꜝퟬÿꗧﶏ�䷼푕�v쬀俻寙㧊덝纺ᱸ掏᭕韃つȋ⑮鞝꽲鍓燐咚㗐섘Ꙙ臲쇻뤛丝�宬彙�貉뒐郠ܡ왩谋�퀵哑┬夑冒疛ꯔ쪌鿜ꩪ䄼堑诚荹ɰ쀡욏讦蹙饇씾꽺桥㣀ߎ篔吃ꖯ튘䘀璾ω㶷䍎煤嗺됷庣뿍撖籦묑ﰀ烼藹퍟ⲯ�琭쯛㭴쮟簠㆟㤇᷏깖衵䓠散ᦉ幕疚겶醓藾ṹ❜諎鸱竽ﱴứ巤�ࣜ讥쁽䣂渀ᤉ黠쾸듒겨䘍뗉ԍ雭ㄓ鈷ʶ燆徉澏돆蔎뉲㒶�䱙야な瀰ৃ鳘�⚭ꦙ��姕嬺�)圀㠀紝췪蚿瑶Ɲ�鳅调ᱣ伧籪ᶾ妆�⩵⓻ᠸ⼿邌鸳ᒵᗞ禶镥䠧䳚䔒ޜ缄⠗�牸氉럠ⅉ쮏猧㠋瀅렏켝뀔相謸릔묋�ࡩ苩✺ඨ˵떬뒰놷ྷ涿矆啬㯉䖏眀귴⬪턱苰�靭夞ₓ迹鱠공ꝩ趽䖠윷摲䬇쓂ᮞ㣸�ꊎ撉殾睐寪䲖韰₣㋹罏体眭嬆䪍퓕贅巂ྀ頥뢂㫆팑戴敓爵၇⽂Ԋ컜⨰忽䲿鿞휜끤疅�张쟞鵹憸�鰃ᴕퟌ�◖壔懹즾搤ᏲᲜ뿣곒춊僆輁뷤쨍鸗ﺜ굧婫�鱶◎휌蠛㢐习죣魿ﳳ씸公鍄Ⱪꞏ蝹릛ኳ莲뗾粒ᾈ厭歋䅈▇螜颉䜞३웯笽譒灛ᆱ᐀�퀁鈅汴㕋麕㝋⺅樟ꖍᱚ鶓ᄌ夀᳇㷽꯸叇ኼ⸲ꦁ䄰糗ἠ㍀㐧퓧啯먲ꈆ菭鋀䄏⟫엹㔹ꘋMሀ賐�難仏퍳ﰞ恓껔擤䄇揔㡖켬燏柦꧴榿ÿ͟䖷魤讛ᘽ譻㝛閼攮⣄Ⳙ㸎鎀囸繤혥鼨嫂䒂Ò雲䗈勇준笻䓱�笿㯡�Ͱ透㥇濧㪦ﷷ佤樑劾麼뼖멃쩀焛吁愕캁闣ꠃ俆佚䧸愵젃Ꮮ菔Ὃݎ竆ꊈ㻱좶뱙縣肥묨熺룑䣍䝼維碓鷰黷ɰ᠗럣榶灍漅䓸䠯砿爉ᅢᴀﳁÿ�䞞�䧂윐쬣㈛뾊摅䵻䤦榆픾न숬㼥沽�輵Ⰹㅧ䍟䖦鞷穱諬릾挑㾦聞齦ÿ欉⋻먄짎ꀎ⃘❣輺䚼ᕏǶ獽뜐銶处㜚蠗썑㠯쿉옹혱羡츟᪉쟛㑱摞휨ꮠ됃찯湉쀱缊讋﹖礶၌鮶圔�튈밦剘㡟쿫踋买㡸ួಉꊓ⬴礈൘翄岫銜H辑롮㧎蚶컨䪲䡑者朜귱襫硒⟬喒콵务幅늢㟣䴃浣숲ÿ魪棦倚顇淼དྷ䆥騄釠洚칂݄褬춤愙룩�⧽洞ﭳ쩄宒鏽�ኴ췏ﳩꢹ碳掷玃ឥ蓪屘㠀Ḽ딇驘၏憔씍邢냍겵⮧탆ໜᭆ挤猌�卡ѱ㹏㯜᳇Ꞩ૨ޒ櫢筃ア㸀ᆪ∀ֺ쟥养ÿ㾑�ﮖᄓ枂轓৸钫畖⮲닩壮囙盢㣞ﮑ屖ꙺᮘ쉤復磎᧣⌣綾춳㔹∍щ袁ധ좦町䳫孝㭃ⶱ쪧㽈ⷱ銓䠆봞呻ꢫ⳩ꯊꬥ侷ﺐ弟퍪ਸ਼앺」耀ﶿᾕÿ갼7꼀谑癹x꼀ⶽᑫᰰ༌�逕俲鐖淭楷⽭ꛚ峃ꎌ廾꾣劭嘆욀䵼㥹㧻仇䎽봞�跔䶪駽ꭰ梮�⊔唩ꓼ뚍䣰郎鿧궧㵥ÿ䆊暇�椗㇋⭥臲һ䄐逧纟ﮇ�坈펻봕윀멩Ꞇ⑯ⱻ촵�汤钹ꎬᱨꆂ䀹驳ꢫ㝪殏嘜븺랈�閼痢ୟ슖蹳�叠偏띛盻ꆧ㲖ᒑ姥鲘럧݀髓众ᦚ鄣瀞䙃铛跼佖껙ޚ隶㫐걈䲗芄쏬ޠq昀癡ᚋ煠뗷伉ݎ㓳产ࡲ㴶ÿ䭨焝仩笺涺ᑫꠀ⚟ṈᲧ槽䶣熑욶⼡ﭟ臦䢧栣쇾혖→ጀ猉悩骶�㯢ᕈ邶꿅慤붎䚵곺ᇯ軲겞�࿘롿盧篕퐗畮䰘皷䑳㈥薐傁渓滤ӧ㳷䇗ᑅ䕑儔ᑅw˙Ā W ā p Ă ă Ć đ ĕ Ė p ė ੭ Ě ର ě ସ Ĝ Ĩ śġ ୀ Ȓ ⢠ ⢠ ��䌀ԀЃЄԃЄԄԅ܆ࠌ܇܇ଏऋᄌሏᄒᄏᰖᨔᄕ᠑ᠡᴚἝᜓ␢Ḣᰤ>ÄĀąāā Ā̂Ԅ܆ईଊ쓿딀ẴЂԃЅĀŽ̂Ѐԑℒ䄱ጆ慑∇ᑱ脲ꆑ⌈녂ᗁ텒⓰戳色ਉᤘ┚✦⤨㐪㘵㠷㨹䑃䙅䡇䩉呓噕塗婙摣晥桧橩瑳癵硷穹蒃蚅袇誉鎒閔鞖馘ꊚ꒣ꚥꢧꪩ뎲떴랶릸슺쓃웅죇쫉폒헔ퟖ�笠Ῑᜓ␢Ḣᰤ>ÄĀąāā Ā̂Ԅ܆ईଊ쓿딀ẴЂԃЅĀŽ̂Ѐԑℒ䄱ጆ慑∇ᑱ脲ꆑ⌈녂ᗁ텒⓰戳色ਉᤘ┚✦⤨㐪㘵㠷㨹䑃䙅䡇䩉呓噕塗婙摣晥桧橩瑳癵硷穹蒃蚅袇誉鎒閔鞖馘ꊚ꒣ꚥꢧꪩ뎲떴랶릸슺쓃웅죇쫉폒헔ퟖ�笠站蒃蚅袇誉鎒閔鞖馘ꊚ꒣ꚥꢧꪩ뎲떴랶릸슺쓃웅죇쫉폒헔ퟖ�笠әԃЄԄԅ܆ࠌ܇܇ଏऋᄌሏᄒᄏᰖᨔᄕ᠑ᠡᴚἝᜓ␢Ḣᰤ>ÄĀąāā Ā̂Ԅ܆ईଊ쓿딀ẴЂԃЅĀŽ̂Ѐԑℒ䄱ጆ慑∇ᑱ脲ꆑ⌈녂ᗁ텒⓰戳色ਉᤘ┚✦⤨㐪㘵㠷㨹䑃䙅䡇䩉呓噕塗婙摣晥桧橩瑳癵硷穹蒃蚅袇誉鎒閔鞖馘ꊚ꒣ꚥꢧꪩ뎲떴랶릸슺쓃웅죇쫉폒헔ퟖ�笠ộḞḞḞḞḞḞḞḞḞḞ쓿ἀ ԁāāā ȁЃࠇਉ+ÄႵȀ́ȃ̄ԅЄ 紁ȁᄄህㄡف儓ݡ焢㈔醁ࢡ䈣솱刕㌤牢ংᘊ᠗ᨙ☥⠧⨩㔴㜶㤸䌺䕄䝆䥈半啔坖奘捚敤杦楨獪畴睶祸荺薄螆覈銊钓隕颗骙ꎢꖤꞦꦨ늪뒳뚵뢷몹쏂엄쟆질틊퓓훕��쓿ἀăāāāā ȁЃࠇਉ+ÄᆵȀȁЄЃԇЄĀ眂Ā̂Б℅ر䄒ݑ煡∓脲ᐈ酂놡ু㌣戕텲ᘊ㐤◡៱ᤘ☚⠧⨩㘵㠷㨹䑃䙅䡇䩉呓噕塗婙摣晥桧橩瑳癵硷穹莂薄螆覈銊钓隕颗骙ꎢꖤꞦꦨ늪뒳뚵뢷몹쏂엄쟆질틊퓓훕��� ῠ က ῠ က ῠ +ÄᆵȀȁЄЃԇЄĀ眂Ā̂Б℅ر䄒ݑ煡∓脲ᐈ酂놡ু㌣戕텲ᘊ㐤◡៱ᤘ☚⠧⨩㘵㠷㨹䑃䙅䡇䩉呓噕塗婙摣晥桧橩瑳癵硷穹莂薄螆覈銊钓隕颗骙ꎢꖤꞦꦨ늪뒳뚵뢷몹쏂엄쟆질틊퓓훕��� ῠ က ῠ က ῠ 穹莂薄螆覈銊钓隕颗骙ꎢꖤꞦꦨ늪뒳뚵뢷몹쏂엄쟆질틊퓓훕��� ῠ က ῠ က ῠ hereunder shall be subject to each provision of this Agreement. 16. PERMITS AND LICENSES: Consultant, at his/her sole expense, shall obtain and maintain during the term of this Agreement, all appropriate permits, certificates and.that may be required in connection with the performance of services hereunder. 17. REPORTS: A. Each and every report, draft, work product, map, record and other document, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Report", reproduced, prepared or caused to be prepared by Consultant pursuant to or in connection with this Agreement, shall be the exclusive property of City. Consultant shall not copyright any Report required by this Agreement and shall execute appropriate documents to assign to City the copyright to Reports created pursuant to this Agreement. Any Report, information and data acquired or required by this Agreement shall become the property of City, and all publication rights are reserved to City. Consultant may retain a copy of any report furnished to the City pursuant to this Agreement. B. All Reports prepared by Consultant may be used by City in execution or implementation of: (1). The original Project for which Consultant was hired;. (2) Completion of the original Project by others; (3) Subsequent additions to the original project; and/or (4)- Other City projects as appropriate. C. Consultant shall, at such time and in such form-as City may require, furnish reports concerning the status of services required under this Agreement. D. All Reports required to be provided by this Agreement shall be printed on recycled paper. All Reports shall be copied on both sides of the paper except for one original, which.shall be single sided. E. - No Report, information or other data given to or prepared or,assembled by, Consultant pursuant to this.Agreement shall be made available to any individual or organization by Consultant without prior approval by City. 18. RECORDS: Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate.records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. Consultant shall provide free access to such books and records to the representatives of City or its de-signees at all proper times, and gives City the right to examine and audit same, and to make transcripts therefrom as necessary,. and to allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be kept separate from other documents and records and shall-be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment: If supplemental examination or audit of the records is.necessary due to concerns raised by City's preliminary examination or audit of records, and the City's supplemental examination or audit of the records discloses a failure to adhere to appropriate internal 䥉* þ Ā ૈ ā Ă ă Ć đ Ȉ Ē ĕ Ė ė ṭĚ Â