TICC 10-01-2014 I TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Regular Meeting October 1, 2014, 7:00 p.m. Conference Room A, City Hall MINUTES CALL MEETING TO ORDER Commissioner Friedland called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Peter Friedland, Shishir Chavan, Wallace Iimura Commissioners absent: Beverly Siegel, Rod Livingood Staff Present: Mariyah Serratos, Teri Gerhardt Guests: Mike Jerbic, Mark Blakeman, Angela D'Anna APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Commissioner limura made a motion to approve the September 3rd minutes. Commissioner Chavan seconded the motion. Vote 3-0 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 2. This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes a person. In most cases, state law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. a. Mike Jerbic from the Public Safety Commission discussed the fact that people attended the Public Safety Commission to express their opposition of the Cell Tower that would be going up at Cupertino High School. The concerns they expressed were as follows: i. Earthquake safety of such a large structure. ii. Fuel supply required for such a large generator. iii. Potential climbing hazard. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 08/14/2014 Letter from AT&T regarding possible U—verse TV Programming Changes ,UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 3. Mariyah Serratos the IT Manager gave an update on current City projects. Virtual Desktop usage has increased, but unfortunately will not reach one hundred percent usage because certain. applications require a desktop hard drive. The new ERP system will be going live at the end of the year. They have been working with CSI in going completely paperless. Meaning all documents for permitting could be submitted electronically. However there is a digital signature component that is still in the works. The Technology Strategy Meeting will be occurring and Ms. Serratos will be looking for both the TICC and public involvement. Ms. Serratos also said that she will provide a dam planning evacuation follow-up for the TICC. Ms. Serratos said that the Civic Center Cell Tower project has been placed on hold pending clarification from the Civic Center Master Plan. OLD BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: 4. AT&T representatives Regional Vice President of External Affairs, Mark Blakeman, and External Affairs Manager, Angela D'Anna, discussed their gigapower announcement. Cupertino is the first City in California to be getting city-wide fiber. They informed the TICC that construction of fiber and cabinets will be implemented within the next 3-4 weeks. They have submitted their permits to the BPW and they have been approved. No announced plan beyond the location of the cabinets has been provided to the public. Each cabinet will provide fiber to 400-500 surrounding houses. Each house will have a dedicated gig of upload and download speed. There is currently no installation cost. In order to receive the fiber you would have to contact your local provider and it would be provided in a bundle type package. Mr. Blakeman and Ms.D'Anna answered questions that the TICC posed and agreed to return to a TICC meeting in December to give an update on the status of the fiber implementation. a. The TICC had conducted a survey regarding bandwidth coverage for the City of Cupertino and with that they found certain areas that had coverage gaps. AT&T has requested to see this survey. 5. Teri Gerhardt, GIS Coordinator, gave an overview and a walk through of the GIS program. The purpose of the program is to link location and database information. It is accessible to all City Employees, it can be used by numerous departments. TICC requested that she send the Commissioners the statistics on usage for both citizens and employees. Commissioner Friedland suggested in order to increase visibility of the program that Mrs. Gerhardt write a blurb in the Cupertino Scene describing the program. Commissioner Friedland also suggested that they provide a presentation to Council to increase awareness and potentially lead to council putting more funding towards the Information Technology Department . REPORTS: - None MISCELLANEOUS 6. Activities Calendar and Action Items list reviewed and updated. In Action Items, Commissioner Friedland completed Action Item number nine. Item nine will be removed and replaced with the action for Rick and Mariyah to reach out to AT&T in December to receive an update on the gigapower installation. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Iimura moved for adjournment. Commissioner Chavan seconded the motion. Vote 3-0 Meeting adjourned at 9:25pm SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Colleen kLeW6�ecording Secretary Wallace Iimura, Vice Chair