TC 09-04-96 Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
S~pt~ml~r 4, 1996
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairman Mike Winch.
Present: L.T. Guttadauro, Paul Rodwick (arrived 7:09 p.m.), Bill Maunion, Ernest Tsui
(arrived 7:12 p.m.), Mike Winen
Staff: Donna Krey, Laura Newman
De An?a College: Ron Fish
Guests: Linda G-rodt, Gordon Hom
Bill Mannion made a motion to approve the minutes as written; L.T. Guttadanro seconded and
the motion passed unanimously.
Oral: Linda Grodt distributed a press release about the Silicon Kids show, which the
commission had provided a grant for her to produce.
Written: There was none.
Discussion of question/answer fact sheet: This item was postponed to a future date.
Discussion of telecommunication experts presentation: Krey referred to the snmmary of the
steering committee meeting in the commissioners' packet, and said there was a good chance that the
Cupertino Rotary Club would co-sponsor the event. Rotary Club members include community leaders,
businessmen, educators, residents, and people who are very involved in Cupertino. Attendance
averages approximately 100 people per meeting. John Statton, executive director of the Chamber of
Commerce, participatexi in the steering committee meeting. He is also in charge of putting together
programs for Rotary meetings. He will discuss the request with the Rotary board as well as the
Chamber board. Krey said the panel would consist of TCI, Pac Bell, Netscape and CityNet
representatives. The other component of the panel would include a vendors' fair, a marketplace for
telecommurdcation businesses. This would allow everyone in the local telecommunications field to
participate, even if they were not on the panel. Greg Berkin will still act as moderator of the event.
Once John Statton receives approval, a date will be picked for sometime in Febr~3_~_ry 1997.
Mnnnlon volunteered to be the logistics person for the day before and the day of the event. The event
will also be videotaped and made available in the Cupertino Library and will be shown on the access
channels. Rodwick made a motion that the steering committee continue working as outlined;
Guttadauro seconded and the motion passed unanlnlously.
Discussion of commission timeline for projects: Winch said the item about the
- question/answer fact sheet will be moved to February 1997. The Far West Regional conference is
scheduled for Oct. 17 and 18. Also, the annual report to council is scheduled to be discussed at the
November 6 commission meeting. Wiucn would like the commissioners to think about what they
would like to iuclude in the report. The timeline will reflect the presentation of the report to the
council following the telecommunication experts presentation.
Grants campaign: Rodwick recapped last year's procedures for the ann. A1 grants campaign--a
poster was created and was put in the access studio and he attended a producers' meeting to inform
them about the grants campaign. Rodwick said a PSA would be very helpful as well. Fish said he will
schedule a producers' meeting for Sept. 25 at 7 p.m. in the television center. Krey said she would
include an article in the October Cupertino Scene about the access channel grants. Fish suggested that
a sample grants application from a previous recipient be available to the producers. Mannion
suggested inviting prospective producers to thc Sept. 25 meeting. Guttadauro and Mannion
volunteered to attend the producers' meeting and will discuss the grants campaign. Guttadauro said he
will prepare the information to be presented at the meeting. Rodwick said it might be a good idea to let
thc producers know who received grant monies over thc past year, including The Better Part, Silicon
Kids, On the Move and Tony Kinkela. Fish informed the commission that Mr. Kinkela no longer lived
in Cupertino. Krey said she would write him a letter asking how he disbursed the grant money he
received. Guttadauro requested that a copy of the commission's budget be included in next month's
Telecommunications Ordinance: Krey told the commission that a draft of a new "umbrella"
telecommunications ordinance is in the process of being revised. As soon as it is finished, it will be
mailed to the commissioners for discussion at the next meeting. Also included in the ordinance will be
the radio and antenna ordinance as well as the cable franchise agreement. Krey distributed copies of
the most recent version of thc aerial ordinance that the city council will be looking at Sept. 16.
TCI: There was no report.
City of Cupertino: Krey told the commissioners that the city is working on a web site and that
the one Winch viewed a few months ago contained information that ABAG (Association of Bay Area
Government) compiled from ail the cities. The city's Economic Development Team is hoping to have
the content and site finished by Oct. 15. The agreement between the City and De AnTa College still
has not been signed. Also, The City Channel is a finalist in the upcoming NATOA contest. This is the
second year in a row that the government channel has received national honors. Last year it received
second place, behind the ~city of Milwaukee. This year's entry is the election coverage from 1995.
Mannion told the commissioners about his visit to TCI-Denver.
Winch said he could not attend the Mayor's breakfast meetings every month and asked if any of
the other commissioners would like to attend in his place. It was decided that each commissioner
would attend the meeting on a rotating basis. Mannion will attend for the month of September.
De Anza College: Fish said that Karen Bumett, from the Fremont Union High School District,
has some equipment she would like to donate. He will look into the offer.
Rodwick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 p.m.; Guttadanro seconded and the
motion passed unanimously. The next regular meeting is Oct. 2, 1996.