TC 06-05-96 Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
June 5, 1996
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Mike Wincn.
Present: L.T. Guttadauro, Bill Mannion, Paul Rodwick, Ernest Tsui, Mike Wincn
Staff: Donna Krey, Laura Newman
De Anza College: Ron Fish
Guests: Linda Orodt and Tony Kinkela
L.T. Guttadauro made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Ernest Tsui seconded and
the motion passed unanimously.
Oral: Linda C-rodt told the commission that she had completed the Silicon Kids show for
which she had received a grant from the commission. She also told the group that she won best
children's show and best community event at the recent BACE Awards ceremony and passed around
photographs of the event. The commission congratulated her for doing a good job.
Written: Donna Krey passed around a document which the City of San Jose put together about
the state of the information superhighway, as well as mail inserts from TCI which had to do with the
rate increase.
Review of public access grant guidelines: Paul Rodwick reviewed the grant guidelines using
Bill Mannion's suggested changes and concurred with them. Krey said the changes will be mode by
her office and brought to the August meeting for adoption.
Discussion of question/answer fact sheet: Mannion said he put together this list of questions
after having read various articles on telecommunications. He had previously suggested that these
questions could be used for in-depth articles in the Cupertino Scene. Rodwick said he thought a
brochure about freqUently asked questions was what the commission was going to work on. Krey said
she would be happy to choose a pertinent telecommunications issue and write about it in the Cupertino
Scene. She will do a story about Pac Bell's entrance into the cable market for the July Scene. Tsul
suggested she solicit questions from the public via the Scene Sound Off cards.
Discussion of telecommunication experts presentation: Mannion described his vision of the
experts presentation. He said a moderator would be helpful and had someone in mind for that position.
He also said it would be a good opportunity for Fish and the access channel to record the event for
broadcast on the access channel. Mannion said he would volunteer as producer and will put together a
timeline and budget to present to the commission at the August meeting. Krey suggested the focus be
a strictly local one, with input from service providers in the Cupertino area.
Discussion of commission timeline for projects: Wincn discussed the timeline he provided
for the commission's review. He said the Cupertino Scene article dates needed to be changed as well
as thc cable information program. Rodwick suggested thc Scene article be placed on the agenda every
month for discussion. Winch pointed out the Far West Regional conference to be held in October and
suggested that if anyone was interested in attending to let Krey know as soon as possible. Mannion
volunteered to attend.
Krey said the fact sheet schedule should be an agenda item for the September meeting. The
group concurred. Newman will update the commissioners on the city's web site. Rodwick and Tsui
expressed their belief that the web site would create an ideal opportunity to distribute inforliiation
about telecommunications in the city.
Consideration of public access grant proposal from Tony Kinkela: Rodwick said he looked
over this grant proposal and found it to be well produced, within the guidelines, and about the best
expressed grant proposal that has been seen up to this point. The grant amount was discussed. In the
past, no more than $250 has been granted. Krey said the current budget would allow for more than
that. Tony Kinkela explained that part of the funding would be used to build a desk that would then be
donated to the access studio. The desk would be provided and retrofitted by Channel 36 and would fit
four people and have holes for TV monitors. Mannion made a motion to approve the grant as
submitted for $300; Tsul seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Consideration of educational grant proposals: Two grant proposals were submitted--one
from thc Cupertino Union School District (CUSD) and one from thc Fremont Union High School
District (FUHSD)--for a total of $20,000 ($10,000 per distract). Guttadauro asked if private schools
were eligible for grants funding. Krey expressed doubt, but said she would check to make sure.
Guttadauro said he would be in favor of waiting to distribute some of the funds until the question had
been answered, and then giving private schools an opportunity to apply, if they were eligible.
Tsui mentioned concerns about the FUHSD proposal not being specific enough. Other
members said the districts were only making funding available to individx~ai schools applying for
grants, and once reviewed, those grants would have to contain specifics.
Krey reminded commissioners that one member would be involved in the districts' review
process. Rodwick made a motion to approve both grants as submitted end use funding from this fiscal
year (1995-96) and next fiscal year (1996-97) to satisfy the grant requests; Mannion seconded and the
motion passed 3 to 2 with commissioners Guttadauro and Tsui voting no.
Report on city ordinance for TV, radio aerials: Krey thanked Wincn and Tsui for their
review and report on this ordinance and said she has forwarded thc information on to the planner who
is working on the ordinance. She said the planning commission will look at the ordinance in
approximately six weeks.
De Anza College: Fish distributed copies of his monthly report, which included a copy of a
letter from CEEF thanking him for videotaping its recent Oil Baron's Ball fund-raiser. He also showed
the commissioners a clock he ordered for $1 as a promotional product. He also distributed new
Channel 26 T-shirts to each members. He reported Little League game videotaping is very successful.
TCI: The April report was distributed in the packet.
City of Cupertino: Krey reported back to the commission that handbill permits cost $75 and
allow someone to distribute flyers door-to-door. She also said that De Anza College has not signed the
agreement between the city and the college in which the college states it will continue to run the public
access channel, and until the agreement is signed, the city's annual payment of $83,000 will not be
The 1996 CREST awards will be re-broadcast beginning June 19 at 7 p.m. on The City
Rodwick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.; Tsui seconded and the motion
passed unanimously.