TC 04-03-96 Telecommunications Commission
Regular Meeting
April 3, 1996
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chahman Mike Winch.
Present: L.T. Guttadauro, Bill Mannion, Ernest Tsui, Paul Rodwick, Mike Wincn
Staff: Donna Krey
De AnTa College: Ron Fish
TCI: Kathi Noe
Guests: Linda Grodt and Don Yaeger
Bill Mannion made a motion to approve the minutes as written; Paul Rodwick seconded and the
motion passed unanimously.
Oral: Linda Grodt informed the commission that for the first time in Silicon Kids history, she
would be missing her deadline for a new show. She apologized to the commission since this particular
show is one that received a grant from the commission. She said that it would be about a week late.
Written: Donna Krey told the commission that she had flyers and brochures from two
conferences sponsored by the Alliance for Community Media and suggested that any member
interested in attending give her a call. One conference is in Washington and the other is in Santa
Monica in October.
L.T. G-uttadauro said that he had reviewed written info~ir~ation from last meeting regarding a
particular service provider. He recommended that the commission keep the information on file but
said that no action was needed immediately.
Discussion of promotion for new public access channel location: Mannion info.,~ed the
commission that he had approached KKUP and was told that the radio station would be happy to run a
30-second PSA on thc public access channel. He also suggested to the commission that members
participate in producing their own television PSAs and said that taping could occur in the City Hall
conference room prior to each meeting. The commission agreed that they would become involved in
producing short PSAs that could be run on the public access channel. Mann]on volunteered to write a
script and Wincn will be the first member to be videotaped. That will occur at 6:30 p.m. before the
next regularly scheduled meeting.
On other items related to promotion, Krey passed around copies of two newspaper ads that she
created along with thc 30-second PSA for KKUP and a list of costs that would be needed to adequately
-- publicize the new channel location. She reminded commissioners that TCI had volunteered to help
fund costs relating to this promotion and said that she estimated about $2,100 would be needed to
cover items of a promotional nature, including the two newspaper ads, which would run for six weeks
in the Cupertino Courier, a re-design of the banner, which would be hung over Stevens Creek
Boulevard, and the purchase of about 72 T-shirts. That total is $2,121. She asked for Kathi Noe's
reaction to this funding proposal. Noe replied that since it is a non-budgeted item, she would have to
give it some thought and would come back to the commission with an answer. She also said that she
might return with a proposal to provide in-kind services rather than actual cash. In the meantime, the
commission approved the two newspaper ads with a change suggested by Rodwick, who said that the
channel number, Channel 26, should be given more presence in both ads. Noe also asked that TCI
Cablevision be mentioned in the ads. Krey said that she would make both of those changes. The
commission approved the newspaper ads with those changes and the PSA wording as well. Rodwick
made the motion; Guttadauro seconded and the motion passed ~m~nln~OUSly. The commission also
indicated in that motion that TCI should be asked to provide funding for those promotional
reimbursement costs.
Discussion of work plan/goals for 1996: Mannion told the commission that he and Tsui were
working on an article for the Cupertino Scene which would be given to Krey on the next day. He also
suggested that the commission look very seriously at putting together a panel of telecommunication
experts and televising that discussion. Commissioners agreed that the idea was worth looking into and
will continue discussion on the item in May.
Mannlon said he hoped to have the program ready by September and thought that it would be a
good idea to tape the show at the Quinlan Center. Krey cautioned the commissioners about proceeding
too quickly on this type of special event and said that there were many details that would have to be
looked at by ail commissioners before an event of this magnitude could be scheduled..
Also to be discussed in May is a list of questions put together by Mannion, as well as a list of
acronyms. These questions and acronyms are potential material for future Cupertino Scene articles.
Also related to work plan and goals, Winch showed commissioners a draft of a timeline for
certain projects and asked for feedback. Krey suggested the draft include dates and months rather than
- weeks. Wincn said that would not be hard to change. All in all, commissioners approved the calendar
and timeline with Rodwick saying that it was a wonderful planning tool for commissioners. In the
future, updated versions of this timeline will be in commissioners' packets for each meeting. Rodwick
also suggested that producer meetings be included among the entries in the calendar.
Tsui presented a timeline for reviewing present and future requirements of the city's
educational groups. He said the commission had time to make well-info,hied decisions, since
competitive services most likely would not be available until 1997-1998. Members agreed that the
timeline should begin with the May meeting, when discussions with school ~dmkn_istrators will take
Discussion of grant guidelines: Educational grants were discussed with Krey informing the
commission that a proposal has already been received from Cupertino Union School District and
Fremont Union High School District. The proposal is a joint one that asks for a total of $20,000 for
both districts.. Krey reminded comnfissioners that thc city has $10,000 available this year for grants
and commissioners agreed that guidelines were needed prior to disbursing any money. Tsui
volunteered to come up with a draft of guidelines which will be discussed in ]Vlay. Also at that
meeting, special visitors will include Karen Burnett from the high school district and Harvey Barnett
from the elementary school district. Commissioners will ask those school administrators for input on
Among thc items conunissioners discussed which should be included in thc educational grant
guidelines were a del'tuition of the boundaries of the guidelines. In other words, who would be eligible
to apply, requirements of some kind for an application process, and a description of how the funds
would be used. Also needed according to commissioners, would be an accounting of how the money
was spent. Rodwick suggested that commissioners should include a philosophical statement on how
the funding should be balanced, as well as any activities that the commission would like to specifically
encourage. Members agreed that the process should be efficient and should not discourage applicants.
On public access producer grants, Krey gave a copy of the current grant application to Rodwick
with changes that Mannion had suggested and asked Rodwick to look over those changes and come
back to the commission with any feedback. Rodwick will try to get the computer disk from former
'member Donna Poggi so that making any changes would be facilitated.
De Anza College: Fish reported that the Monta Vista News program will begin live shows. He
said also that he has been working on Channel 26's web page and encouraged commissioners to take a
look at it. Channel 26 also videotaped its first little league game in March and Fish said it was very
successful with parents and staff members requesting tapes and programming times. He said that they
now have a spare edit suite as a back-up in case existing equipment is not able to be used, and he
indicated that there is a new show in the lineup called "Got It Got It Need It Got It." That show
highlights collectors of all sorts every Saturday at 7:30 p.m. He told Krey that he has been working on
quarterly budget reports that will be directed to her in the next couple of days. Cmttadauro asked Fish
to explain his usage report on programming and television shows. Fish went through the numbers and
explained what they meant. He also said he would try to revamp the report so that it was a little more
easily read.
TCI: Noe said that the management group in the San Jose office was changing and that the
company has just completed 67 transfers of cable systems in the Bay Area. These include acquisitions
from other cable companies. She said TCI would develop a South Bay Region from Sunnyvale to
Milpitas, which would include San Jose, Los Gatos, Saratoga, Cupertino, and that she would also be
responsible for the Santa Cruz and Monterey Peninsula areas. She said TCI is trying to get general
managers back to local systems. In addition, she said TCI in March celebrated its one year anniversary
of the company's on-time guarantee. This refers to installation appointments and she said that TCI hit
more than 99 percent of the ~mrantee time.
Tsul asked Noe to expand a bit on her report and questioned some of the numbers as they
related to penetration in Cupertino. Noe said that the report has been expanded and she would have to
get back to the commissioners on some of the questions raised. She also said the turnaround time was
very difficult to have the report available at the beginning of each month because she did not receive
figures and numbers until the end of the prior month. She suggested that the report would be mailed as
soon as it was ready and it could be included for the commission's next month packet. The
commission did not have a problem with receiving reports at a later time, as long as the reporting was
regular and consistent.
Ciiy of Cupertino: Krey told commissioners she has received a number of complaints from
the North Point Condominium development. This is as a result of having her name and phone number
in the homeowners' association newsletter. Most of the complaints dealt with installation problems
and technical problems. She said she has been in contact with TCI's customer service manager Bruce
Dinger and he is taking care of each individual problem as it arises. The major problem at North Point
is that installation was not done very well to begin with and TCI officials say that the entire system
will, of course, be ripped out when the new system is put in within the next 28 months. In the
meantime, residential problems are being taken care of as they are reported and commissioners should
be aware of that if they get any phone calls.
Krey also told members that The City Channel is working on a presentation station in the city
council chambers and this will include computer interface with video projectors, a telestrator, and
equipment that will allow staff and audience members to make visual presentations to the city council.
She said she and Don Brown attended a meeting at De Anza earlier in the week with President
Martha Kanter, and the new Dean of Telecommunications, Willie Pritchard, and the Director of
Marketing, Terri O'Conner. She indicated that the meeting was called to share information about the
public access channel and to update the De Anza officials about the history of the charmel and the
current requirements of the TCI franchise agreement.
Finally, Krey informed the commissioners that the city's annual CREST Awards ceremony
would be held May 16 at 7 p.m. and invited everyone to attend. She also said she would put on their
agenda in May consideration of canceling one of the meetings in the summer, noting that the July
meeting was scheduled for July 3.
Rodwick made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m.; Tsui seconded and the motion
passed unanimously. The next regular meeting is May 1, 1996.